The element with the highest content in nature. The most common chemical elements in the entire universe. How the most common substance is used

Scientists explain the emergence of chemical elements with the Big Bang theory. According to it, the Universe was formed after the Big Bang of a huge fireball, which scattered particles of matter and energy flows in all directions. Although, if in the Universe the most common chemical elements These are Hydrogen and Helium, then on planet Earth they are Oxygen and Silicon.

Of the total number of known chemical elements, 88 such elements have been found on Earth, among which the most common in earth's crust are Oxygen (49.4%), Silicon (25.8%), also Aluminum (7.5%), Iron, Potassium and other chemical elements found in nature. These elements account for 99% of the mass of the entire Earth's shell.

The composition of elements in the Earth's crust differs from those found in the mantle and core. So the Earth's core consists mainly of iron and nickel, and the Earth's surface is saturated with oxygen.

The most common chemical elements on Earth

(49.4% in the Earth's crust)

Almost all living organisms on Earth use oxygen for respiration. Tens of billions of tons of oxygen are consumed every year, but there is still no less of it in the air. Scientists believe that green plants on the planet emit oxygen almost six times more than it is consumed...

(25.8% in the Earth's crust)

The role of Silicon in the geochemistry of the Earth is enormous, approximately 12% of the lithosphere is silica SiO2 (all hard and durable rocks consist of a third of silicon), and the number of minerals that contain silica is more than 400. On Earth, Silicon is not found in free form, only in compounds ...

(7.5% in the Earth's crust)

Aluminum does not occur in nature in its pure form. Aluminum is part of granites, clay, basalts, feldspar, etc. and is found in many minerals...

(4.7% in the Earth's crust)

This chemical element is very important for living organisms, as it is a catalyst for the respiratory process, is involved in the delivery of oxygen to tissues, and is present in blood hemoglobin. In nature, Iron is found in ore (magnetite, hematite, limonite and pyrite) and in more than 300 minerals (sulfides, silicates, carbonates, etc.)...

(3.4% in the Earth's crust)

It is not found in nature in its pure form; it is found in compounds in the soil, in all inorganic binding substances, animals, plants and natural water. Calcium ions in the blood play an important role in regulating the functioning of the heart, and allow it to clot in air. When there is a lack of Calcium in plants, the root system suffers...

(2.6% in the Earth's crust)

Sodium is common in the upper part of the earth's crust and occurs naturally in the form of minerals: halite, mirabilite, cryolite and borax. It is part of the human body; human blood contains about 0.6% NaCl, due to which normal osmotic pressure of the blood is maintained. Animals contain more sodium than plants...

(2.4% in the Earth's crust)

It is not found in nature in pure form, only in compounds, and is found in many minerals: sylvite, sylvinite, carnallite, aluminosilicates, etc. Sea water contains approximately 0.04% potassium. Potassium quickly oxidizes in air and easily enters into chemical reactions. Is important element development of plants, with its deficiency they turn yellow and seeds lose their viability...

(1.9% in the Earth's crust)

In nature, Magnesium is not found in its pure form, but is part of many minerals: silicates, carbonates, sulfates, aluminosilicates, etc. In addition, there is a lot of Magnesium in sea water, groundwater, plants and natural brines...

(0.9% in the Earth's crust)

Hydrogen is part of the atmosphere, all organic substances and living cells. Its share in living cells by number of atoms is 63%. Hydrogen is found in petroleum, volcanic and natural combustible gases; some hydrogen is released by green plants. Formed during the decomposition of organic substances and during the coking of coal...

(0.6% in the Earth's crust)

It is not found in nature in free form, often in the form of TiO2 dioxide or its compounds (titanates). Contained in the soil, in animal and plant organisms and is part of more than 60 minerals. In the biosphere, Titan is resplendent, in sea water it is 10-7%. Titanium is also found in grains, fruits, plant stems, animal tissues, milk, chicken eggs and in the human body...

The rarest chemical elements on Earth

  • Lutetium(0.00008% in the Earth's crust by mass). To obtain it, it is isolated from minerals along with other heavy rare elements.
  • Ytterbium(3.310-5% in the Earth's crust by mass). Contained in bastensite, monazite, gadolinite, talenite and other minerals.
  • Thulium(2.7 .10−5 wt.% in the Earth's crust by mass). Just like other rare earth elements, they are found in minerals: xenotime, monazite, euxenite, loparite, etc.
  • Erbium(3.3 g/t in the Earth's crust by mass). It is mined from monazite and bastenizite, as well as some rare chemical elements.
  • Holmium(1.3.10−4% in the Earth's crust by mass). Along with other rare earth elements, it is found in the minerals monazite, euxenite, bastenizite, apatite and gadolinite.

Very rare chemical elements are used in radio electronics, nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and the chemical industry, etc.

What is the most abundant substance in the Universe? Let's approach this issue logically. It seems to be known that this is hydrogen. Hydrogen H makes up 74% of the mass of matter in the Universe.

Let’s not go into the wilds of the unknown here, we won’t count Dark Matter and Dark Energy, we’ll only talk about ordinary matter, about the usual chemical elements located in (at the moment) 118 cells of the periodic table.

Hydrogen as it is

Atomic hydrogen H 1 is what all stars in galaxies are made of, this is the bulk of our familiar matter, which scientists call baryonic. Baryonic matter consists of ordinary protons, neutrons and electrons and is synonymous with the word substance.

But monatomic hydrogen is not exactly a chemical substance in our native, earthly understanding. This is a chemical element. And by substance we usually mean some kind of chemical compound, i.e. combination of chemical elements. It is clear that the simplest chemical substance is a compound of hydrogen with hydrogen, i.e. ordinary hydrogen gas H 2, which we know and love and with which we fill zeppelin airships, from which they then explode beautifully.

Dihydrogen H2 fills most gas clouds and nebulae in space. When, under the influence of their own gravity, they gather into stars, the rising temperature tears apart chemical bond, turning it into atomic hydrogen H 1, and the ever-increasing temperature removes the electron e- from a hydrogen atom, turning into a hydrogen ion or just a proton p+ . In stars, all matter is in the form of such ions, which form the fourth state of matter - plasma.

Again, the chemical hydrogen is not a very interesting thing, it is too simple, let's look for something more complex. Compounds made up of different chemical elements.

The next most abundant chemical element in the Universe is helium. He, it is 24% of the total mass in the Universe. In theory, the most common complex chemical there should be a compound of hydrogen and helium, but the trouble is, helium - inert gas. Under ordinary and even not very ordinary conditions, helium will not combine with other substances or with itself. Through cunning tricks it can be forced to enter into chemical reactions, but such compounds are rare and usually do not last long.

This means we need to look for hydrogen compounds with the next most common chemical elements.
They account for only 2% of the mass of the Universe, when 98% is made up of the aforementioned hydrogen and helium.

The third most widely used product is not lithium. Li, as it might seem, looking at the periodic table. The next most abundant element in the universe is oxygen. O, which we all know, love and breathe in the form of a colorless and odorless diatomic gas, O 2. The amount of oxygen in space far outstrips all other elements from the 2% that remained minus hydrogen and helium, in fact half of the remainder, i.e. approximately 1%.

This means that the most common substance in the Universe turns out to be (we derived this postulate logically, but this is also confirmed by experimental observations) the most ordinary water H2O.

There is more water (mostly frozen in the form of ice) in the Universe than anything else. Minus hydrogen and helium, of course.

Everything is made of water, literally everything. Our Solar System also consists of water. Well, in the sense that the Sun, of course, consists mainly of hydrogen and helium, and giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn are assembled from them. But all the rest of the matter of the Solar System is not concentrated in rock-like planets with a metal core like Earth or Mars, and not in stone belt asteroids. The bulk of the Solar System is in the icy debris left over from its formation; comets, most of the asteroids of the second belt (Kuiper belt) and the Oort cloud, located even further, are made of ice.

For example, the famous former planet Pluto (now dwarf planet Pluto) consists of 4/5 parts ice.

It is clear that if water is far from the Sun or any star, it freezes and turns into ice. And if too close, it evaporates, becoming water vapor, which is carried away by the solar wind (a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun) to distant regions of the star system, where it freezes and again turns into ice.

But around any star (I repeat, around any star!) there is a zone where this water (which, again, is the most common substance in the Universe) is in the liquid phase of water itself.

The habitable zone around a star, surrounded by zones that are too hot and too cold.

There is a hell of a lot of liquid water in the Universe. Around any of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy there are zones called Habitability Zone, in which there is liquid water, if there are planets there, and they should be there, even if not at every star, then at every third, or even every tenth.

I'll say more. Ice can melt not only from the light of a star. In our Solar System there are a lot of satellite moons orbiting gas giants, where it is too cold from lack of sunlight, but which are affected by powerful tidal forces of the corresponding planets. It has been proven that liquid water exists on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, it is assumed that it exists on Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede, and probably many other places.

Water geysers on Enceladus captured by the Cassini probe

Even on Mars, scientists suggest that liquid water may exist in underground lakes and caverns.

Do you think I’m now going to start talking about the fact that since water is the most common substance in the Universe, that means hello to other life forms, hello to aliens? No, just the opposite. I find it funny when I hear the statements of some overly enthusiastic astrophysicists - “look for water, you will find life.” Or - “there is water on Enceladus/Europa/Ganymede, which means there must probably be life there.” Or - an exoplanet located in the habitable zone was discovered in the Gliese 581 system. There is water there, we urgently equip an expedition in search of life!”

There is a lot of water in the Universe. But life, according to modern scientific data, is still somehow not very good.

the most abundant substance on earth

Alternative descriptions

Melted Ice

The most common liquid on earth

Transparent colorless liquid

. "It's not beer that kills people, it's people..."

. "Off a duck's back..."

. "Don't spill..."

. "Under a lying stone... it doesn't flow"

. "ash two O"

. “It lives in seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky, and when it gets bored of flying, it falls to the ground again” (riddle)

. “quiet... the shores are washing away” (last)

. “subtle matter” that found itself on the first step of the “ladder of nature”, built in the 18th century by the Swiss naturalist Charles Bonnet

You are life

65% of the human body

Without her, “neither here nor here”

There is no life without her

Most vodka

They usually hide the ends in it

The most important inorganic substance for us

Vodka without alcohol

Vodka without alcohol

Hydrogen+ oxygen

Second to water and copper pipes


Hot and cold in the tap

Kills people, unlike beer

Destroyer of people (song)


Jewel in the Desert

Friends, don't spill...

They don’t pound it in a mortar

It waters the garden and vegetable garden

Liquid cradle of life


Liquid without taste, color or odor

Liquid in the bath

The liquid that flows in empty speeches

Liquid that has leaked a lot

Liquid necessary for the existence of all living things

What is a snowflake made of?

It was in this drop that the Roman sages advised to look “if you want to know the world.”

What coolant is usually used to cool a boiling reactor?

The stone sharpens

Painting by Russian artist S. Chuikov "Live..."


Concrete component

Vodka component

There is too much in vodka, according to drunkards

The best remedy for thirst

Flowing from the tap

An insignificant component of vodka


Mineral in a bottle

Mineral, carbonated

Muddy after ice drift

We drink it and bathe in it

We drink it and enjoy it

Pour into a bucket or glass

Pour into a kettle to boil

Filler for baths and seas

A prerequisite for life

One of the most common substances in nature

It turns out that you can get out of it dry

Deuterium oxide or heavy...

It flows in empty speeches

It can flow or it can drip

It does not flow under a lying stone

The basis of all life on Earth

The basis of life

Fresh milk in the night lake

Partner of fire and copper pipes

Drinking union of two gases

Rain Flesh

Flesh of the sea

According to the French chemist Leonel, the molecule of this substance resembles a peach with two apricots attached to its sides

The herbal liqueur "Danzig Gold...", popular in Germany, contains tiny particles of gold leaf.


Fresh in the lake

Fresh in the pond

Fresh liquid in a pond

A transparent, colorless liquid that is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen

Flow in Jacuzzi

Hide and seek for ends

Melted Ice

Fish habitat

Escaped from the bucket

Seventh liquid on jelly

Seventh on jelly

Liquefied ice

According to the Kazakh proverb, without flaw only God, without dirt - only she

Contents. sieve according to the saying

Contents of the clepsydra

Contents of the river and sea

Contents of the samovar

Salty in the sea

Salty moisture of the sea

Salty sea...

Rescue from thirst

This is the name for the linear part of the distance for one boat

Shower turnover

Faucet leaking

What fish “breathe”

Something that won't spoil true friendship

What they carry to the offended

What is poured from the tap

Outdated ancient constellation

Quenches thirst

Film by A. A. Rowe "Fire, ... and Copper Pipes"

A chemical substance without which neither a person nor an animal can survive long.

Chemical substance in the form of a clear liquid

Walks without legs, sleeves without arms, mouth without speech (riddle)

How to dilute alcohol

What in Taoism has become a symbol of the triumph of visible weakness over strength

What boils in a samovar

What measured time in the ancient clepsydra

Not boiling. tea without sugar and tea leaves

Partner of fire and copper pipes

Don't drink it off your face, as the saying goes.

Contents of the cistern

Of course, in our understanding this is something unified. But it has its own structure and composition. This includes everyone celestial bodies and objects, matter, energy, gas, dust and much more. All this was formed and exists, regardless of whether we see it or feel it.

Scientists have long been considering the following questions: What formed such a universe? And what elements fill it?

Today we will talk about which element is the most common in the universe.

It turns out that this chemical element is the lightest in the world. In addition, its monatomic form makes up approximately 87% of the total composition of the universe. In addition, it is found in most molecular compounds. Even in water, or, for example, it is part of organic matter. In addition, hydrogen is a particularly important component of acid-base reactions.
In addition, the element is soluble in most metals. Interestingly, hydrogen is odorless, colorless and tasteless.

In the process of studying, scientists called hydrogen a flammable gas.
As soon as they did not define it. At one time he bore the name of the one who gives birth to water, and then the water-making substance.
Only in 1824 was it given the name hydrogen.

Hydrogen makes up 88.6% of all atoms. The rest is mostly helium. And only a small part is other elements.
Consequently, stars and other gases contain mainly hydrogen.
By the way, again it is also present in stellar temperatures. However, in the form of plasma. And in outer space it is presented in the form of molecules, atoms and ions. Interestingly, hydrogen is capable of forming molecular clouds.

Characteristics of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a unique element because it does not have a neutron. It contains only one proton and an electron.
As stated, it is the lightest gas. It is important that the smaller the mass of the molecules, the higher their speed. Even temperature does not affect this.
The thermal conductivity of hydrogen is one of the highest among all gases.
Among other things, it is highly soluble in metals, which affects its ability to diffuse through them. Sometimes the process leads to destruction. For example, the interaction of hydrogen and carbon. In this case, decarbonization occurs.

The emergence of hydrogen

Appeared in the universe after big bang. Like all chemical elements. According to the theory, in the first microseconds after the explosion, the temperature of the universe was above 100 billion degrees. What formed the bond of three quarks. In turn, this interaction created a proton. Thus, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom emerged. During the expansion process, the temperature dropped and quarks formed protons and neutrons. This is how hydrogen actually came into being.

In the interval from 1 to 100 seconds after the formation of the universe, some protons and neutrons combined. Thus forming another element - helium.
Subsequent expansion of space and, as a consequence, a decrease in temperature stopped the connecting reactions. What's important is that they launched again inside the stars. This is how atoms of other chemical elements were formed.
As a result, it turns out that hydrogen and helium are the main engines for the formation of other elements.

Helium is generally the second most abundant element in the universe. Its share is 11.3% of all outer space.

Properties of helium

It, like hydrogen, is odorless, colorless and tasteless. In addition, it is the second lightest gas. But its boiling point is the lowest known.

Helium is an inert, non-toxic and monatomic gas. Its thermal conductivity is high. According to this characteristic, it again ranks second after hydrogen.
Helium is extracted using the separation method at low temperature.
Interestingly, helium was previously considered a metal. But during the study it was determined that it was gas. Moreover, the main one in the composition of the universe.

All the elements on Earth, with the exception of hydrogen and helium, were created billions of years ago by the alchemy of stars, some of which are now inconspicuous white dwarfs somewhere on the other side Milky Way. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies are created in the depths of collapsing stars.

We are created from star matter.
Carl Sagan

Applying elements

Humanity has learned to extract and use chemical elements for their benefit. Thus, hydrogen and helium are used in many fields of activity. For example, in:

  • Food Industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • oil refining;
  • electronics production;
  • cosmetic industry;
  • geology;
  • even in military sphere and etc.

As you can see, these elements play an important role in the life of the universe. Obviously, our very existence directly depends on them. We know that there is growth and movement happening every minute. And despite the fact that they are small individually, everything around is based on these elements.
Truly, hydrogen and helium, as well as other chemical elements, are unique and amazing. Perhaps it is impossible to argue with this.

According to most scientists, the emergence of chemical elements in the universe occurred after the Big Bang. At the same time, some substances were formed more, some less. Our top list contains a list of the most common chemical elements on Earth and in the universe.

Hydrogen becomes the leader of the rating. In the periodic table it is designated by the symbol H and atomic number 1. Discovered in 1766 by G. Cavendish. And 15 years later, the same scientist found out that hydrogen is involved in the formation of most substances on the planet.

Hydrogen is not only the most abundant, but also the most explosive and lightest chemical element in the universe in nature. In the earth's crust its volume is 1%, but the number of atoms is 16%. This element is found in many natural compounds, for example, oil, natural gas, coal.

Hydrogen is practically never found in the free state. On the Earth's surface it is present in some volcanic gases. It is present in the air, but in very small doses. Hydrogen occupies almost half of the structure of stars, most of the interstellar sphere and gases of nebulae.

The second most abundant element in the universe is helium. It is also considered the second easiest. In addition, helium has the lowest boiling point of any known substance.

Discovered in 1868 by the French astronomer P. Jansen, who discovered a bright yellow line in the circumsolar atmosphere. And in 1895, the English chemist W. Ramsay proved the existence of this element on Earth.

With the exception of extreme conditions, helium is present only in the form of a gas. In space it was formed in the first moments after the Big Bang. Today, helium appears through thermonuclear fusion with hydrogen in the depths of stars. On Earth it is formed after the decay of heavy elements.

The most abundant element in the earth's crust (49.4%) is oxygen. Represented by the symbol O and the number 8. Indispensable for human existence.

Oxygen is a chemically inactive non-metal. Under standard conditions it is in a colorless gaseous state, without taste or smell. The molecule contains two atoms. In liquid form it has a light blue tint; in solid form it looks like crystals with a bluish tint.

Oxygen is necessary for all living things on Earth. It has been involved in the cycle of substances for over 3 billion years. Plays a significant role in the economy and nature:

  • Participates in plant photosynthesis;
  • Absorbed by living organisms during respiration;
  • Acts as an oxidizing agent in the processes of fermentation, rotting, rusting;
  • Contained in organic molecules;
  • Necessary for obtaining valuable substances from organic synthesis.

In a liquefied state, oxygen is used for cutting and welding metals, underground and underwater work, and operations on high altitude in airless space. Oxygen pillows are indispensable when performing therapeutic procedures.

In 4th place is nitrogen - a diatomic, colorless and tasteless gas. It exists not only on ours, but also on several other planets. Almost 80% of the earth's atmosphere consists of it. Even the human body contains up to 3% of this element.

In addition to gaseous nitrogen, there is liquid nitrogen. It is widely used in construction, industry, medicine. It is used for cooling equipment, freezing organic matter, and getting rid of warts. In liquid form, nitrogen is neither explosive nor toxic.

The element blocks oxidation and decay. Widely used in mines to create an explosion-proof environment. In chemical production, it is used to create ammonia, fertilizers, dyes, and in cooking it is used as a refrigerant.

Neon is an inert, colorless, and odorless atomic gas. Discovered in 1989 by the Englishmen W. Ramsay and M. Travers. Derived from liquefied air by eliminating other elements.

The name of the gas is translated as “new”. It is distributed extremely unevenly in the Universe. The maximum concentration was detected on hot stars, in the air of the outer planets of our system and in gaseous nebulae.

On Earth, neon is mainly found in the atmosphere, in other parts it is negligible. Explaining the neon scarcity of our planet, scientists have hypothesized that once Earth lost its primary atmosphere, and with it the main volume of inert gases.

Carbon is in 6th place on the list of the most common chemical elements on Earth. In the periodic table it is designated by the letter C. It has extraordinary properties. It is the leading biogenic element of the planet.

Known since ancient times. Included in the structure of coal, graphite, diamonds. The content in the earth's terra firma is 0.15%. The concentration is not too high due to the fact that in nature carbon undergoes constant circulation.

There are several minerals containing this element:

  • Anthracite;
  • Oil;
  • Dolomite;
  • Limestone;
  • Oil shale;
  • Peat;
  • Brown and hard coal;
  • Natural gas;
  • Bitumen.

The repository of carbon groups is living beings, plants and air.

Silicon is a non-metal often found in the earth's crust. It was developed in a free form in 1811 by J. Tenard and J. Gay-Lussac. The content in the planetary shell is 27.6-29.5% by weight, in ocean water – 3 mg/l.

A variety of silicon compounds have been known since ancient times. But the pure element remained beyond human knowledge for a long time. The most popular compounds were semi-precious and precious stones based on silicon oxide:

  • Rhinestone;
  • Onyx;
  • Opal;
  • Chalcedony;
  • Chrysoprase, etc.

In nature, the element is found in:

  • Massive rocks and deposits;
  • Plants and marine inhabitants;
  • Deep in the soil;
  • In the organisms of living beings;
  • At the bottom of reservoirs.

Silicon plays a huge role in the formation of the human body. At least 1 gram of the element must be ingested daily, otherwise unpleasant ailments will begin to appear. The same can be said about plants and animals.

Magnesium is a malleable, lightweight metal with a silvery hue. In the periodic table it is marked with the symbol Mg. Obtained in 1808 by the Englishman G. Davy. It ranks 8th in volume in the earth's crust. Natural sources include mineral deposits, brines and sea water.

In the standard state, it is covered with a layer of magnesium oxide, which decomposes at a temperature of +600-650 0 C. When burned, it emits a bright white flame with the formation of nitride and oxide.

Magnesium metal is used in many fields:

  • When regenerating titanium;
  • In the production of light casting alloys;
  • In the creation of incendiary and illuminating rockets.

Magnesium alloys are the most important structural material in the transport and aviation industries.

Magnesium is not called the “metal of life” for nothing. Without it, most physiological processes are impossible. It plays a leading role in the functioning of nervous and muscle tissue, and is involved in lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Iron is a malleable silver-white metal with high level chemical reaction. Denoted by the letters Fe. Rusts quickly at elevated temperatures/humidity. Ignites in purified oxygen. Capable of spontaneous combustion in fine air.

In everyday life, iron is referred to as its alloys with a minimum amount of additives that preserve the pliability of pure metal:

  • Steel;
  • Cast iron;
  • Alloy steel.

It is believed that iron makes up the bulk of the earth's core. It has several levels of oxidation, which is the most important geochemical feature.

The tenth place on the list of the most common chemical elements on Earth is sulfur. Denoted by the letter S. Exhibits non-metallic characteristics. In its native state it looks like a light yellow powder with a characteristic aroma or shiny glass-yellow crystals. In regions of ancient and recent volcanism, crumbly deposits of sulfur are found.

Without sulfur it is impossible to carry out many industrial operations:

  • Production of drugs for agricultural needs;
  • Giving special characteristics to certain types of steel;
  • Formation of sulfuric acid;
  • Rubber production;
  • Production of sulfates and others.

Medical sulfur is contained in skin ointments, it is used to treat rheumatism and gout, and is included in cosmetic preparations for skin care. It is used in the manufacture of gypsum, laxatives and antihypertensive drugs.


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