Element of socialization structure. Theoretical foundations for studying the characteristics of the socialization process of adolescents with mental retardation. Questions and tasks

12.3. Pedagogical structure socialization process

The fundamental question of any science is the definition of phenomena and processes that fall into its “field of attraction” using its own categories. Pedagogy, including socialization in its subject, must also describe this process in its own way, in its conceptual interpretation. When characterizing socialization as a pedagogical process, one should consider its main components: goal, content, means, functions of the subject and object.
The content of the socialization process is determined by the culture and psychology of society, on the one hand, and the social experience of the child, on the other. For pedagogy, it is of paramount importance to study the relationship between these aspects of the content of socialization, to identify and justify the level of their significance for a child of a certain age, a member of a certain group, included in a specific society.
Socialization as a process that determines the formation of personality, essentially carries within itself two plans:
1) broad social influences, insufficiently organized and controlled (impacts of the media, traditions of the region, school, family);
2) spontaneous manifestations, perceptible only by their results in social development (changing relationships, changes in assessments, views, judgments, detection of their differences from the direction of official education).
It is no coincidence that the authoritarian educational system attributes all shortcomings of upbringing to spontaneous, external influences, to the pernicious influence of “bourgeois ideology,” “remnants of the past,” “the street.” There are many complaints now about the collapse of universal values, a unified education system, and strict state control in the media, book publishing, and the leisure industry. But a truly educated person is distinguished, first of all, by the fact that he actively strives to understand life circumstances himself, is able to resist unfavorable influences himself, that is, he is quite well socialized.
Analysis of the process of socialization as a pedagogical phenomenon allows us to present its content in the form of a structure that includes a number of interrelated components.
1. The communicative component includes all the variety of forms and methods of mastering language and speech, other types of communication (for example, computer language) and their use in various circumstances of activity and communication.
2. The cognitive component involves the development of a certain range of knowledge about the surrounding reality, the formation of a system of social ideas and generalized images. It is realized to a large extent in the process of training and education, including free communication, access to the media, and manifests itself primarily in situations of self-education, when a child seeks and assimilates information according to his own needs and initiative in order to expand, deepen, and clarify his idea of ​​the world.
3. The behavioral component is a broad and diverse area of ​​actions and behavior patterns that a child learns: from hygiene skills, everyday behavior to skills in various types of work activities. In addition, this component involves the development of various rules, norms, customs, taboos, which were developed in the process of social development and must be learned in the course of familiarization with the culture of a given society.
4. The value component is a system of manifestations of the motivational-need sphere of the individual. These are value orientations that determine the child’s selective attitude towards the values ​​of society. A human being, being included in the life of society, must not only correctly perceive objects, social phenomena and events, understand their meaning, but also “appropriate” them, make them personally significant, and fill them with meaning. Even V. Frankl argued that the meaning of human life cannot be given “from the outside,” but also cannot be “invented” by a person; it must be "found".
In the process of socialization, a child develops a certain model of the world, a system of social ideas and generalized images (for example, the image of the Motherland, the image of a good family, the image of a happy life). Social ideas and images are not simply acquired by a child at a cognitive level from the words of adults, but under the influence of social events they are appropriated and transformed into the content of his personality. In other words, in the process of socialization, the child masters the experience of how to behave in various life situations, how to react emotionally to what is happening, how to organize his life and work, how to effectively participate in interpersonal communication and joint activities with other people, what moral norms and rules adhere to your behavior. Pedagogy, first of all, is interested in the age-specific transformation of social ideas into the content of the individual and the dynamics of this process with the participation of upbringing, training and self-education.
The pedagogical essence of the socialization process involves consideration of the means of socialization. In the most general sense, these are elements of the environment that have a socializing effect and manifest themselves at different levels:
1. In some cases, the pedagogical means in the process of socialization are its factors: the socio-political life of society, ethnocultural conditions, demographic situation.
2. The pedagogical means of the second level should be considered institutions of socialization: family, school, peer society, religious organizations, the media.
3. At the third level, relationships are the pedagogical means of socialization.
A child’s relationship with other people begins with the “child-adult” dyad, and gradually, in the process of socialization and upbringing, the experience of relationships in the “child-child”, “person-person” dyad accumulates. Treating yourself as a subject social life appears later in relation to others. In the process of social interaction, social comparison of oneself with others at the interpersonal and intergroup level, the child develops a positive social identity.
Indispensable components of the socialization process, from the point of view pedagogical analysis, the subject and object of socialization act. The function of the subject in the process of socialization is performed, first of all, by factors, institutions and agents of socialization. In such a context, the person being socialized acts as an object of socialization. The “multifactorial” subject of socialization and the personality as its object are in a state of deep contradiction, since the personality not only enters the system of social connections and adapts to society, but to one degree or another, if it does not actively oppose society, always somehow resists life circumstances. In other words, the personality as an object of socialization is constantly in an acute situation of choice between identification with social influences and isolation from them or even the fight against some of them. Such a contradictory position of the individual simultaneously carries within itself the characteristics of a subject of socialization.
It is very significant that at the microsocial level (at the level of social influences of the family, peer group, communication in educational institutions and school), traditional characters of the pedagogical process - the teacher and the student - manifest themselves as the subject and object of socialization. The educator is the sacramental subject of the pedagogical process, the bearer pedagogical purpose and the organizer of educational activities - in the process of socialization appears as if in two “planes”.
1) Firstly, the teacher is perceived by the child as a representative of a certain community of adults, as a bearer of a specific way of life. Adults and educators, as a rule, do not control these features of their manifestations; they “work” at the level of parallel pedagogical action and often come into conflict with their own purposeful acts.
2) Secondly, the educator can act openly, purposefully through socializing channels of education. With this position, the decisive role will be played by direct, personal relationships with the child: the deeper and more humane they are, the softer and more natural the “social subjectivity” of the teacher is perceived by the child. But at the same time, the teacher himself does not cease to be an object of socialization in his adult interaction with society.
The main characteristic of a student in the process of socialization is the bearer of a certain social experience. In the early stages of childhood, the child does not yet distinguish himself from the socio-natural environment. But with the development of thinking and speech, he begins to become increasingly aware of himself in the context of a certain way of life.
The goal as a component of the socialization process does not exist on its own, but is, as it were, included in all means of socialization: it is declared in educational and communicative forms, expressed in normative patterns, stereotypes and traditions, presented as incentives and regulators of behavior. From a pedagogical point of view, understanding this feature of the goal of socialization helps to reach the personal level of socialization, the selective actions of the individual in the “goal-motive” system, which constitute the subject of education and self-education.
All the considered components of the socialization process are connected as components of a single pedagogical system.
What is the mechanism of interaction between the main components of the socialization process? The driving force of social development of the individual in modern science is recognized as the contradiction between two moments (two components) of the subject - potential and actual. These contradictions inevitably arise at the “collision point” of the objective system of social requirements presented to the subject and his real life activity. According to the convincing statement of L. I. Antsyferova, a personality is “a person who constantly tells himself about his relationships with the whole world and, in internal polemics with implied interlocutors, affirms, defends, condemns, changes, and improves himself.”
In other words, the mechanism of the socialization process is personal in nature and is realized through the activities of the individual. And, as is known, the organization of activity, its motivation, comprehension, experience, stimulation constitute the essence of education, which directly indicates the pedagogical nature of the socialization process. Education precisely contributes to the fact that the process of socialization from forms of direct influence, from joint acts of activity between adults and children, gradually moves towards self-control of behavior, towards the own initiative and responsibility of a growing child.




By subject: "Psychology and pedagogy"

on the topic of: “Human activity as a means of socialization of the individual”

Performed: Ermakovich M.V.

IV year student

correspondence department

Moscow region, Shchelkovo 2007

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

The concept of “Socialization” ……………………………………………………… 3

Socialization process……………………………………………………….… 4

Structure of personality socialization ………………………………………….…... 4

Institute of Socialization…………………………………………………….…..... 5

Structure of personality socialization………………………………………..…….. 8

Stages of personality socialization …………………………………………...……… 9

Mechanism of socialization…………………………………………………….…. eleven

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….………… 13

References………………………………………………………….…….. 15


The term “socialization” is widely used in sociology to reveal problems associated with the formation and development of personality, although it first appeared in economic sciences and meant “socialization of land, means of production, etc.”

One of the first attempts to give a detailed description of socialization in its modern understanding was carried out in his works by the French sociologist Gabriel Tarde. In 1892, a book was published in St. Petersburg in which he examines two interrelated social processes - denationalization and socialization. Socialization Tarde meant the inclusion of an individual in a nation, people, the achievement of similarities in language, education, upbringing with other individuals who make up society.

E. Durkheim and G. Simmel used this term in their studies. The problem of socialization was discussed by A. Vallon and J. Piaget. An extensive sociological theory describing the processes of integration of an individual into the social system is contained in the works of T. Parsons. The problem of socialization was quite widely represented in the works of M. Weber, E. Giddens, C. Cooley, L. Kohlberg, O. Linton, R. Merton, J. Mead, Smelser, Z. Freud, E. Fromm, T. Shibutani.
The term "socialization" does not have an unambiguous interpretation. Previously, two approaches to understanding it were common - psychoanalytic and interactionist. In the psychological tradition, socialization is understood as the entry of an initially asocial or antisocial individual into the social environment and adaptation to its conditions. In line with interactionism, it is interpreted as a process and consequence of interpersonal interaction between people.

The concept of "Socialization"

Recently, socialization has increasingly been defined as a two-way process. On the one hand, the individual acquires social experience by entering the social environment, into the system of social connections, and on the other hand, in the process of socialization, he actively reproduces the system of social connections through active entry into the environment. Thus, this approach focuses on the fact that in the process of socialization a person not only enriches himself with experience, but also realizes himself as an individual, influencing life circumstances and the people around him.

The process and result of socialization contain an internal, completely insoluble conflict between the identification of the individual with society and its isolation. That is, successful socialization presupposes the effective adaptation of a person to society, on the one hand, and his self-development, active interaction with society, on the other. This conflict is revealed in the phase theory of socialization, which assumes a phase of social adaptation, including the individual’s adaptation to socio-economic conditions, role functions, social norms that develop at various levels of society, to social groups, organizations, institutions, and the phase of internalization - the process of including social norms and values ​​in inner world person.

These contradictions are described in most detail by A.V. Petrovsky, considering the phases life path of a person: childhood as adaptation, adolescence as individualization and youth as integration, noting that the second phase is caused by the contradiction between the achieved result of adaptation and the need for maximum realization of one’s individual abilities (“the need for personalization”), and the third phase is caused by the contradiction between this individual need and the desire of a group to accept only part of its individual characteristics.

In general, the concept of “socialization” is revealed in both domestic and foreign sociological literature as the process of assimilation by an individual throughout his life of the social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs.

Socialization process

In the 20s of this century, Western sociology established an understanding of socialization as an integral part of the process of personality formation, during which its most common, stable traits are formed, manifested in socially organized activities regulated by the role structure of society.

A political science textbook for American colleges defines socialization as a process of education and improvement through which an individual assimilates the political culture of society, its basic political concepts, his rights and responsibilities in relation to the government, and acquires ideas about the structure and mechanisms of functioning of the political system.

This characteristic does not contradict the definition of the socialization process given by I.S. Kon: “This is the individual’s assimilation of social experience, a certain system social roles and culture, during which a specific personality is created." That is, the ambiguous term "socialization" denotes the totality of all social processes through which an individual masters and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society. Moreover, socialization includes includes not only conscious, controlled, targeted influences (in particular, education in the broad sense of the word), but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality.

The process of socialization expresses the interaction between the individual and society, the result of which is the coordination of mutual requirements and expectations. The personality adapts to the existing objective conditions of its existence. But the process of socialization is at the same time the identification of an individualized form of social essence, that is, the process of self-development of an individual possessing a certain self-sufficiency.

It seems legitimate to consider socialization as the process of becoming a person as a social being, including social cognition, that is, an individual’s awareness of his own “I” and relationships with other people, the acquisition of knowledge about social structures, including individual social institutions and their functions, the assimilation of values ​​and norms , significant in society, and the formation on their basis of a system of value orientations and social attitudes, the development of practical skills and their implementation in specific activities.

The structure of personality socialization. The most promising approach to determining the structure of personality socialization is to analyze it in 2 aspects: static and dynamic. Accordingly, we can conditionally distinguish between the static and dynamic structure of socialization. The elements of the structure are stable, relatively constant formations. This does not take into account the varying degrees of their own internal variability. These should include, first of all, the individual and society, as well as those social formations that contribute to the process of their interaction.

The concept of “personality” captures what is socially significant in a person, who is, on the one hand, a part of nature, and on the other, a social individual, a member of a particular society. This is its social essence, which develops only together with society or only on its basis.

Institute of Socialization

Institutions of socialization are considered as social entities that contribute to the process of interaction between the individual and society. The concept of “socialization institution” captures, first of all, the organizational design of human reproduction activities and corresponding relationships. Socialization institutions are understood as a system of specially created or naturally formed institutions and bodies, the functioning of which is aimed at the social development of a person, the formation of his essence. Although these processes are interrelated, they are not identical and can be implemented through different social institutions.

The most important institution of early childhood is the family. It lays the foundations of a person’s character, his attitude to work, moral, ideological, political and cultural values. In the family, the formation of the main features of the individual’s future social behavior occurs: elders convey to him certain views and patterns of behavior; from his parents he receives an example of participation or avoidance of participation in public life, the first rational and emotional assessments. This is direct socialization in the family, and indirect socialization lies in the fact that the authority of parents shapes the attitude towards other (greater) authorities. The atmosphere in the family forms the main personality traits: the ability to coordinate actions; the ability to discuss issues that do not coincide with one’s own position; manifestation or absence of aggressive tendencies.

However, the modern family clearly does not have the self-sufficient role that it claimed in the previous era. Both the development of public education (kindergartens, schools) and changes in the family itself (decrease in its stability, small number of children, weakening of the traditional role of the father, excessive employment of women, etc.) have an impact.

The author of the concept of generational conflict, J. Coleman, believes that if in the past the family prepared a young man to enter society, then in modern conditions it can no longer perform this function. Parents are unable to understand the enormous changes that have taken place in society since their own youth and therefore cannot put themselves in the shoes of their own children, and since young people tend to have a higher education, they actually have little in common with their parents.

M. Mead’s concept, which is revealed in the book “Culture and the World of Childhood,” is similar to J. Coleman’s concept of the relationship between generations. In particular, M. Mead characterizes the relationship between representatives of the older and younger generations as follows: “Quite recently, the elders could say: “Listen, I was young, and you were never old.” But today the young can answer them: “You have never been old.” was young in a world where I am young, and you will never be." Thus, the chain of relationships between generations breaks down. The power of parents over children (as the basis of influence), which was characteristic of previous societies (postfigurative and cofigurative, in the terminology) is replaced by M. Mead), the influence of authority must come.

According to the Polish political scientist E. Wyatra, a peer group is: the first forum in which a child compares the views learned in the family with the views of other individuals, that is, the formation of his own views outside the sphere of control of elders; a form of play interaction that has certain social features: the group has its own hierarchy of power, creates its own norms of solidarity and patterns of behavior, which are partly drawn from the life of adults, partly from autonomous patterns of behavior that are valuable in the group.

J. Coleman, denying the determining role of the family, also attaches great importance in the socialization of youth, a group of young people to which the subject of socialization himself belongs. Coleman refers to this group as a “peer group.” "Peer group" means more than "group of peers" or "homogeneous age group". "Peer" - from the Latin "par" - equal, so the equality it denotes refers not only to age, but also to social status. Coleman identifies three reasons for the emergence of the “peer group”: the increasing bureaucratization of society, socio-economic differentiation and the rapidly growing “teen industry”. He points out that a subculture is developing in the “peer group”, which is noticeably different from the culture of adults. It is characterized by internal uniformity and external protest against the established system of power. Due to the presence of their own culture, “peer groups” are marginal in relation to society, i.e. not officially integrated.

American psychologist and doctor D. Ausubel, who studied the youth subculture, notes that it performs a number of positive functions:

Adaptation to society;

Assigning primary status to a young person;

Facilitating emancipation from parental care;

Transferring value concepts and orientations specific to a given layer;

Satisfying needs for heterosexual contacts;

Acting as the most important social preparatory institution ("transitional field") for adolescence.

A similar position is taken by the German sociologist S. Eisenstadt, according to which small groups form an intermediate link in the transition of a young person from the intimate world of the family to the formally bureaucratic structures of society. Therefore, they are the most important instances of socialization, serving as an ideal field for training in the performance of future social roles, relieving stress after work and study, a place for the development of self-awareness, solidarity, etc. They have their own youth subculture, which is opposed to the traditional culture of adults and is characterized by increased uniformity in style of behavior, language, etc.

Considering the original developments of issues of socialization by J. Coleman, M. Mead, representatives of the German school, it is necessary to take into account that these concepts of relationships between generations were formed on the specific factual material of countries Western Europe and the USA, and therefore they should not be absolutized, since an attempt to extrapolate them to our country would lead to a certain one-sidedness. When analyzing the relationship between generations, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of our country: the influence of the political situation, traditions in the education system; financial dependence of children on their parents (until a fairly mature age); regional and national characteristics; contradictions and difficulties of the period of formation of market relations, etc.

An important institution of socialization is the school (both secondary and higher), although its role in the formation of personality changes significantly. Previously, when the teacher was the most educated, and sometimes the only literate person in the village, it was much easier for him. If then he “appropriated” part of the parental functions to himself, today some of his own functions have become problematic. The problem of individualization of upbringing and teaching at school is also very complex. If the level of learning is low, no other public institution can fill the gap. The nature of schooling, relationships with teachers and peers also shapes the general style of mental activity, the individual’s system of value orientations, attitude to work, punishment and rewards, group behavior skills, etc.

An extremely important institution of socialization is the media (television, radio, print). Their importance is constantly and quite rapidly growing, but they are also not omnipotent. First, there is a mechanism for individual and group selection, evaluation and interpretation of reported information. No matter how much time people spend in front of television screens, they do not watch everything, and their reaction to what they see and hear strongly depends on the attitudes prevailing in their primary groups (family, peer group, educational, labor or military team, etc. .). This significantly complicates the task of social control. Secondly, the very mass nature of the press and television makes them somewhat limited, causing rapid standardization and, as a consequence, emotional inflation of the forms in which the reported information is presented. Thirdly, there is a threat of excessive, omnivorous consumption of television and other popular culture, which negatively affects the development of creative potential, individuality and social activity of the individual.

In addition to those mentioned, socialization institutions include: preschool children's institutions, labor, production, military groups, various public associations, interest groups, etc.

The list of socialization institutions could be continued, but what is of interest, first of all, is the fact of their plurality and autonomy. To coordinate them, you need to know in what ways they are fundamentally replaceable, where a deficiency in one link can be made up for by another, and in what ways they are unique. However, no individual institution can be considered fully responsible for the final result of the socialization process, that is, for the social type of personality that is formed under their (but not only under their) influence.

In addition, the ratio of socialization institutions is historically variable. Habitually proud of the fact that our country is the most reading country in the world, we have not always taken into account that this fact is due to the insufficient development of other forms of leisure and cultural consumption. After all, it is now an undeniable fact that people have begun to read less. And this is caused by the improvement of television, the deployment of the “video revolution,” as well as the rise in price of printed products in market conditions.

Considerable attention is paid to the role of various institutions in the process of socialization by representatives of the American structural-functional school of sociology. T. Parsons in “General Theoretical Problems of Sociology” indicated “that the process of socialization goes through a number of stages, defined as preparation for participation in various levels of organization of society. There are three main stages of the socialization process. The first of them takes place in the family, the second is concentrated in the initial and high school and the third - in colleges, higher and professional schools.

The basic character of the structure of an individual personality is formed in the process of socialization on the basis of the structural systems of social objects with which he had connections during his life, including cultural values ​​and norms institutionalized in these systems."

In the structural-functional theory of T. Parsons, a young man is presented as a “marginal man”, that is, an outsider of society. The concept "marginal" comes from the Latin "margo" - edge. This concept in Western sociology is used to identify and analyze specific relations “social subject - social community” that are opposed to socially normal ones. T. Parsons and R. Merton, emphasizing the marginal status of youth, pointed out that in small groups the presence of youth subculture and youth-specific forms of behavior that are characterized as marginal.

In general, the theories of T. Parsons and other American sociologists of the 40-60s, who considered socialization primarily as a process of social adaptation, adaptation of the individual to the environment by assimilating norms, rules, etc., set by society, are essentially theories of conformity who underestimate their own activity and variability of personality behavior at all stages of its development. But in the real process of socialization, individuals not only adapt to the environment and assimilate the social roles and rules offered to them, but also comprehend the science of creating something new, transforming themselves and the world. Here another, “activity” model of personality appears.

But still, the main, determining factor in the process of socialization is the microenvironment - that objective reality, which is a set of economic, political, ideological and socio-political factors that directly interact with the individual in the process of life.

Structure of personality socialization

Thus, the static structure of socialization reflects certain social relations that shape a person as an individual. The static structure of personality socialization allows a specific historical approach to the analysis of relatively stable elements this process at a certain stage of development of society. However, as already noted, all of the above elements of a static structure are not once and for all given, unchangeable, devoid of certain changes and development. Therefore, analysis of the main elements of the static structure of personality socialization in their movement, change and interaction allows us to move on to the study of the dynamic structure of this process.

The dynamic structure of personality socialization is based on the recognition of the variability of those elements that form the static structure of this process, the main emphasis is on the connections and correlations of certain elements with each other. In the domestic socio-philosophical literature, a number of authors try to present the dynamics of the process of socialization of the individual through the sequence and stages of its course. Accordingly, there are different approaches to determining the stages of personal socialization. The problem of the sequence of the process of social formation of a person is considered in 2 aspects: how long the process of socialization of the individual lasts and into what periods it is divided.

According to some authors, the process of socialization of the individual is limited by the time required for the primary stable internalization of a set of norms, roles and the development of a stable system of social orientations, attitudes, etc., that is, the time necessary for the formation of the individual as a personality. Thus, this process begins from the moment the child is born and ends somewhere between 23 and 25 years of age.

This point of view was subjected to fair criticism, both in socio-psychological and philosophical literature, and a more correct solution to this aspect of the problem was comprehensively justified: the socialization of the individual is a process that lasts throughout a person’s life. It should be noted that the view of socialization of the individual as a process covering only a separate period in a person’s life has now been overcome.

Stages of personality socialization

As for the second aspect of the problem - into which periods the process of human social formation is divided, there is no unambiguous solution in the socio-philosophical literature. Thus, representatives of one point of view identify 3 main stages of personality socialization:

1) primary socialization or socialization of the child;

2) marginal (intermediate) or pseudo-stable socialization - socialization of a teenager;
3) sustainable, i.e. conceptual, holistic socialization that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Proponents of another point of view propose to add the following to the above stages of personal socialization: socialization of a mature individual as an active, able-bodied member of society and socialization of an elderly person (his transition to the position of the third generation in the family, in society, retirement). Thus, the number of stages of socialization is increased to 5.

Proponents of a less differentiated classification of the stages of personal socialization distinguish the stages of early socialization, learning, social maturity and completion of the life cycle. All of these stages are associated with certain time periods of human life. Thus, the stage of early socialization covers the period from birth to entry into school, the stage of education - from the moment of entering school until the end of full-time forms of general and vocational education, social maturity covers the period of labor activity, the end of the life cycle - from the moment of termination of work within the framework of official organizations.

The point of view of E.A. is very close to this approach. Dombrovsky, who identifies the preparatory stage of human life. At this stage, he distinguishes the stage of early socialization and the stage of learning. The first stage occurs in the preschool years, including the following social institutions: family, nursery, kindergarten. The second begins when the child arrives at school. This stage covers different age periods: childhood, adolescence, youth, but socially it is characterized by the unity of the main type of activity - study. Then comes the next stage of socialization, associated with a shift in types of activities. Labor becomes the main thing. Accordingly, the stage of social maturity and the stage of completion of the life cycle are distinguished.

It should be noted that all of the above-mentioned approaches to determining the stages and phases of personal socialization are associated with the ontogenetic development of a person, with certain age periods of his life (childhood, adolescence, adolescence, maturity, etc.), as a result of which there is a substitution of social parameters in the definition stages and stages of human social development by organic signs or signs of his biological maturation.

Understanding the lack of validity, the “weakness” of the periodization of the process of human social formation based on age-related changes in the individual, a number of authors are trying to find and justify other criteria. So, for example, L.A. Antipov proposes to periodize this process depending on which of the social institutions is dominant at one time or another in the formation of a personality - socialization of a schoolchild, student, etc.

An interesting approach to substantiating the sequence and periodization of the process of human socialization was proposed by the Czech researcher A.Yu. Yurovsky. He distinguishes three main stages in the process of human socialization, each of which is studied by a specific humanitarian discipline: sociology, social psychology, general psychology. The first stage is associated with the process of human development social relations and normal. It is realized as a person enters primary social groups: family; the group in which the games take place; school, etc. The second stage is characterized by interpersonal connections (position in the group, group roles, etc.). The third stage is associated with the process of spiritual enrichment of the individual, the development of his characteristics and individual experience, based on social experience and the entire system of social conditions and relationships.

Analyzing this point vision, B.D. Parygin quite rightly notes that an attempt to dissect in time the process of a person’s entry into a social structure, system interpersonal relationships, on the one hand, and the process of internal enrichment of the development and self-affirmation of the individual, on the other, does not seem sufficiently justified. In reality, all these processes occur more or less simultaneously, because they are not separate phenomena existing from each other, but only different aspects of the same process of human socialization.

It seems that the grounds for identifying the stages of socialization of a person should lie not only in the individual, in his age-related changes, and not even outside, not in society, but in activity, since a person becomes a person, acquires social qualities only in the process of objective- practical activities. This approach is most clearly expressed in the position of A.Ya. Kuznetsova, who believes that each stage of personal socialization is characterized by a certain type of activity, which is the main formative factor of all personal characteristics.

The content of the stages of socialization is historically specific, their significance and share vary depending on the level of socio-economic development of society. For example: childhood as one of the stages of ontogenetic development is the result of historical development. D.G. Elkonin argues that childhood is associated with the level of development of productive forces. IN primitive society children did not form a relatively separate group, since the simplicity of social production allowed them to be directly included in this process as full participants. In a society at a low stage of development, children quickly become independent (numerous examples can be found in fiction and journalistic literature). Thus, the leading activity determines the stage of ontogenetic development of the individual.

All of the above attempts to reflect the dynamics of the process of socialization of the individual through the sequence and periodicity of the stages of its occurrence are interesting and deserve close attention, since they have wonderful practical solutions, but are limited only by the ontogenetic development of the individual.

It is necessary to take into account that the dynamic structure of the socialization of the individual is intended to reflect not so much the various stages of development and formation of a person, but rather the connections between various social phenomena interacting in the process of his social formation, and, above all, the activity of both society and the individual himself in the implementation of this process . In the process of socialization, these connections seem to “double.” Firstly, a person who is included in the system of social relations appropriates social experience, and secondly, the “carrier” and “transmitter” of this social experience are the social group, class, and society. Both society and the individual are active participants in the socialization process. It should be noted that the leading factor of socialization is society.

Society participates in the accumulation and preservation of social experience and at the same time in its transmission to individuals, directs and controls this process. It strives to convey those components of social experience that are most significant for its functioning and further development.

The dialectical-materialist concept, which is still relevant today, is based on the recognition of the activity of the individual himself. Personality is not only a product of society, an object of its influence, but also a subject - a character in history. As a subject of social development, the individual himself actively influences historical process, fulfilling its role in the system of socio-historical practice. “Just as society itself produces man, as a person, so he produces society,” noted K. Marx.

In addition, it should be noted that the individual, being an active party in the process under study, i.e. its subject, at the same time is an object for itself, i.e. changes itself. The connection between the object and the subject of socialization is multifaceted. As K.N. rightly notes. Lyubutin, the individual as an object of social influence of a different nature and various subjects - family, other communities - as he develops on a personal level, becomes a subject of practical appropriation, an instrument of material activity and social relations. The object of influence and the subject of appropriation - the human individual - becomes a person, a bearer of specific types of activity, an active subject. In accordance with the above, it is necessary to distinguish between two main aspects of the dynamic structure of socialization - “internal”, associated directly with the activity of the individual himself, and “external” - due to the activities of society in the “production of man”, and the main elements of the dynamic structure of socialization of the individual are the subject and the object of the given process, as well as the forms of their interaction: adaptation, upbringing, training, education, etc., that is, processes that carry out the connection and correlation of elements of the static structure.

Socialization mechanism

To characterize the internal and external aspects of the socialization process, the concept of a socialization mechanism is used. In the most general form, the mechanism of socialization can be represented as a system of elements with a certain principle of their interaction. The elements of this system are, on the one hand, the human individual (the internal side of the system), and on the other, the factors that socialize him - the social environment, culture, social institutions, etc. Through the mechanism of socialization, the requirements of the external side of the system - society - are translated into elements of the internal side of the system - into the individual, that is, the process of internalization of these requirements takes place in the form of norms, roles, values, needs, etc. At the same time, the opposite process of internalization is observed - exteriorization - the transformation of personal experience into actions, into behavior. Thus, through the mechanism of socialization, there is a constant interaction between the elements of the “person - society (social environment)” system, which at each new stage of socialization generates a new quality, a new result, which in turn determines the relationship between the internal and external elements of the system.

The separation of internal and external sides in the socialization mechanism is conditional. However, as a first approximation to the problem, it makes sense. Since the main condition of the socialization process is the transfer of social experience of an individual from the surrounding social environment, then it is necessary to highlight the following four points:

1. What is transmitted and in what form (norms, roles, ideals, views, culture, lifestyle, social relations, etc.)?

2. Who transmits this information (individual, institution, etc.)?
3. In what form does the transfer take place (imitation, suggestion, instruction, coercion, etc.)?

4. How does an individual perceive this information, what changes in his body and personality accompany this process?

The first three of these elements characterize mainly the external side of the socialization mechanism, and the last - the internal one. The external side of the socialization mechanism for the individual determines the content of the personality as a result of this process.

The combination of external and internal elements of the socialization mechanism has specifics at each age stage. L.S. Vygotsky called this combination of internal development processes and external conditions a “social situation of development.” The influence of the same social factors has absolutely different effect depending on the level of personal development, its current and potential needs. This is one aspect of the problem. Another aspect is that in the process of socialization, as the personality matures, a “rearrangement” of its elements occurs. Those elements that were not previously contained in the structure of the personality, but were part of external control, pass directly into the personality and are interpreted by it. In order to imagine the process of interaction between internal and external elements of the socialization mechanism, their transitions and interpenetration, it is advisable to imagine this mechanism in the form of a continuum, at one pole of which external elements are concentrated, and at the other - internal ones. Considering these two sides in unity makes it possible to present any impact on a person and his reaction to this impact as points on a continuum where the transition from one state to another is not interrupted. Thus, it is difficult to determine the moment when the action of the social environment ends and the response activity of the individual begins, his creativity. It can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to find out what a person is oriented towards: mature, established beliefs or external control and fear of punishment. The unity of the external and internal aspects of the socialization mechanism is also manifested in the fact that it does not operate in a society without a person and in a person “taken out” of society. (As evidenced by the fates of children raised by animals.) True, not every socializing influence of the external side of the socialization mechanism - society - reaches its addressee. The result of such a misfire is antisocial behavior, the roots of which are seen in incomplete or distorted socialization of the individual. Conversely, a “well-socialized” person does not commit crimes not out of fear of threatened punishment, but as a result of successful socialization. Under the influence of the socialization mechanism, the “social”, i.e. social requirements for the developing personality undergoes development and becomes more complex, and at the same time the personality itself becomes more complex - it becomes more and more mature.

The mechanism of socialization regulates the relationship between the individual and the social environment, between a person and society, between a person and a person, and regulates both behavior in general and individual behavioral acts. Based on the specifics of regulating human behavior and the presence of certain patterns inherent in this process, we can distinguish two structural and functional levels of socialization of the individual. The meaning of these levels at different stages of socialization is different.

The first level is adaptation in the sphere of relations “organism - natural environment”. Although the adaptation process at this level is characterized by biological laws, it still takes place under the influence of social circumstances. Social influence manifests itself at this level in a specific form. It does not create regulation between natural environment and the human body, but somehow modifies the essential patterns of this impact.

The second, highest level is socialization itself, adaptation in the sphere of relationships “personality - social environment”. At this level, the interaction of two mutually adapting systems occurs: the individual and his social environment.

A personality is inherent in a qualitatively special type of adaptive activity, resulting from the specifics of social activity as highest form manifestations of activity in the material world. Activity at the level of the social form of the movement of matter is expressed in human, transformative objective activity: a person transforms the external environment, adapting it to his biosocial and specific social needs.

Based on this, the socialization of an individual in society should be considered as a two-pronged process in which a person is not only exposed to the environment, adapting to it, but also influences it, adapting to himself. In other words, the personality simultaneously acts as an object and subject of socialization, that is, socialization is carried out in a complex objective-subjective form - in the form of adaptation and accommodation. The logical basis for distinguishing these two forms is whether the individual primarily acts as an object or subject of socialization. Adaptation is associated with the predominantly passive position of a person who is the object of influence of the social environment, that is, adapts to a different situation.


The term “socialization” is polysemantic and denotes the totality of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full-blooded member of society. Socialization includes not only conscious, controlled, purposeful actions, but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality.

Socialization is carried out under the influence of many factors, which can be divided into three groups:

1. macro factors, which are the conditions for the socialization of all or very many people: space, planet, world as a whole, country, society, state;

2. mesofactors - ethnic group, type of population, city or village in which a person lives;

3. microfactors - institutions of socialization with which a person directly interacts: family, school, peer society, work or military collective.

The leading and determining principle of socialization is upbringing, the core of which is the process of transferring knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by past generations, that is, education. Education, in turn, includes, firstly, relatively specialized and more or less formalized training in its methods and, secondly, education, propaganda and dissemination of culture that is broader in its goals, implying, to one degree or another, independent and the individual's free choice of the information to be communicated.

The process of socialization is also influenced by the individual as a subject of socialization. Socialization is the result of his activity in a new microenvironment, conscious and creative assimilation of the requirements. The assimilation of elements of the new microenvironment is directly dependent on the level of the individual’s own activity. Through his activities, a person can influence the microenvironment, helping to create conditions in it for the realization of his social needs. Therefore, socialization is carried out as a process of mutual influence of the microenvironment and the individual, mutual coordination of their positions in relation to each other with the determining role of the microenvironment. On this basis, an optimal connection is achieved between them, which helps to reduce the conditions for the occurrence of conflicts between the team, group and individual, and the predominance of positive forms of resolving conflict situations.

Characterizing the socio-psychological nature of the process of socialization of the individual, it should be noted that any “entry”, then “growing into” a new environment of the immediate environment is a continuous communicative process in which people jointly overcome difficulties and, adapting to each other, develop new ways of interacting with various structural elements social environment. Consequently, any type of socialization (professional, everyday, political, etc.) includes not only a certain involvement in certain types of activities, but also adaptation to the socio-psychological atmosphere of a new team, group, that is, each type of socialization has two interrelated sides: subject and socio-psychological.

Thus, the socialization of the individual is the process of the formation of a person as a social being, characterized by a complex dialectical interaction between the individual and the social environment, which has a static and dynamic structure. It includes both the acquisition of skills, abilities, knowledge related to natural objects, and the formation of values, ideals, norms and principles of social behavior.


1. The material was prepared according to the site data


2. Shashunov N. N. “Socialization of personality”

3. Kravchenko A.I. General sociology: Textbook for universities. M.: Unity, 2002

4. Kravchenko A.I. Sociology: Dictionary. Textbook for universities. M.: Publishing house. center


5. General sociology: System. Course: Textbook/Yu.N. Aksenenko and others; Ed. G.V.

Dylnova. 2nd ed., revised, additional. Saratov: SyuI MIA of Russia, 1999

6. Sociology: Fundamentals general theory. Textbook for universities/Ans. ed. G.V. Osipov. M.:

Aspect Press, 1998

7. Toshchenko Zh.T. Sociology: General course. For universities. 2nd ed., additional, revised. M.: Prometheus,

Man is a social being. However, no person is born a ready member of society. Integration of an individual into society is a long and difficult process. It involves the internalization of social norms and values, as well as the process of learning roles. The process of integrating a person into society is called socialization. Socialization-This is the process of a person’s assimilation of cultural norms and the development of social roles.

The structure of socialization includes socializer And socializer, socializing influence, primary And secondary socialization. A socializer is an individual undergoing socialization. Socializer is an environment that has a socializing influence on a person. Usually this agents And agents of socialization. Agents of socialization are institutions that have a socializing influence on the individual: family, educational institutions, culture, the media, public organizations. Agents of socialization are persons directly surrounding the individual: relatives, friends, teachers, etc. Thus, for a student, an educational institution is an agent of socialization, and the dean of the faculty is an agent. The actions of socializers aimed at socializers are called socializing influence.

Socialization is a process that continues throughout life. However, on various stages its content and focus may change. In this regard, primary and secondary socialization are distinguished. Primary socialization refers to the process of formation of a mature personality. Secondary is the development of specific roles associated with the division of labor. The first begins in infancy and continues until the formation of a socially mature personality, the second - during the period of social maturity and continues throughout life. As a rule, processes are associated with secondary socialization desocialization And resocialization. Desocialization means a person’s rejection of previously acquired norms, values, and accepted roles. Resocialization comes down to the assimilation of new rules and norms to replace the lost old ones.

Institutions of socialization. The most important institution of primary socialization is family. By adopting the behavior patterns of their parents at a very early age, children master their first social roles and gain their first experience of social interactions. Studies of the processes of primary socialization have shown that the type of personality is influenced by the composition of the family (full-parent or with one parent), the nature of the relationships within it, the value orientations of family members and expectations towards the child.

As you get older, the importance increases peer groups and friends, their role in the socialization of a person is determined primarily by the fact that, unlike parents, they occupy an equal position in relation to him. It is in the circle of peers that a person gains experience interacting with his peers. In adolescence, when a person does not yet have an independent social status, voluntary participation in various youth associations helps to gain identity. So, to the question: “Who are you?” You can hear the answer from a young man that he (or she) considers himself a fan or admirer of a particular rock band, a musical genre or a football club, etc.

However, neither the family nor peers can ensure the child’s complete adaptation to diverse forms of social life. Therefore, a significant part of the functions of primary socialization is taken on by kindergartens and schools. The latter provides not only a systematic education, but also prepares the individual for life in society. At school, children learn not only role expectations, but also role requirements and behavior patterns in secondary groups. Relationships with teachers and school administration, unlike relationships with parents and peers, are formal.

Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions prepare the individual to perform professional roles. Therefore, they can play a role both in the process of primary socialization and resocialization. The more complex the role being mastered, the longer the learning process continues. In higher and secondary educational institutions, a specific language is mastered that is necessary to fulfill the role for which the student is preparing. Along with special knowledge, students must learn a code of professional ethics.

The most important institution of both primary and secondary socialization is mass media. Electronic media, newspapers, magazines, books have a significant influence on the formation of people's views and attitudes.

Other institutions of socialization are work collectives, interest associations, clubs, churches. A feature of the socializing impact of these organizations is selectivity, since membership in them is voluntary.

The theory of symbolic interactionism made a significant contribution to the development of the concept of socialization. According to its main provisions, the content of socialization is the internalization of social norms and values. Without it, understanding other people and the social world itself is impossible. Socialization ends when the basic social norms are mastered, accepted by a person and become part of his inner self.

The foundations of the interactionist approach to the analysis of socialization were laid by the American scientist C. Cooley in the theory of the “mirror self”. The process of socialization, in his opinion, is the result of inter-individual interactions, as a result of which self-awareness is formed in primary groups, which is the core of personality. I am largely what others see in him. The ideas of others (more precisely, the ideas of ideas) are the mirror in which I look. A child whom others consider a bully will actually become one, since in his “mirror” he sees a petty delinquent. A person has as many social selves as there are individuals and groups whose opinions are significant to him.

According to the postulates of J. Mead's theory, the social self of a person (Self) constitute I-myself (I), or “selfhood”, and I-me (Me) or "mine". I-me is the image of others’ ideas about themselves (I). Self is a specific individual reaction to the social environment. During the process of socialization, an individual forms ideas about how his actions are perceived by others. Therefore, for the socialization of a child, interaction with others or, as J. Mead puts it, with “generalized others” takes on special significance. The child’s mediators in his contacts with “generalized others” are “significant others” - parents, brothers and sisters, and relatives around him. Without such contacts, the formation of a social personality turns out to be impossible. The process of primary socialization for an individual is, as it were, given, since he does not have the freedom to choose “significant others” (“parents are not chosen”). According to J. Mead, the process of primary socialization consists of successive stages.

Initially, on imitation stage, the child becomes familiar with the roles of those around him and imitates them, arbitrarily imitating the actions of “significant others.” Perhaps you have seen how Small child, without correlation with the situation, depicts anger, joy, irritation. This is arbitrary “copying” of the role behavior of others. On stage of the game the child begins to correlate roles with their meaning. Awareness occurs; the content of the roles performed, and the norms are associated with a specific behavioral situation. Gradually, abstract thinking is formed, which manifests itself in the separation of roles in general from the roles of specific people and in the creation of a generalized image of another. Third stage - collective game- characterized by the formation of expectations of the behavior of others. Now the child learns to establish orderly relationships with other persons. The achieved generalization of actions can be applied to new situations. At the stage of primary socialization, the individual assimilates the norms and values ​​of the group, as a result of which his initial inner world is created. Each stage of socialization has its own specific methods of influencing the socializer and the requirements placed on him.

The content of primary socialization may vary depending on the sociocultural context. “The age in one society considered appropriate for a child to be able to drive a car,” P. Berger and T. Lukman note in this regard, “in another may be the age when he is supposed to kill his first enemy.” The same can be said about primary socialization in social groups. While upper-class children learn about the need to obey the law, their lower-class peers learn that breaking laws is a group-approved behavior. Primary socialization can be considered complete after the formation of a generalized image of others and one’s own image from the perspective of these others. The absence of stable ideas about the expectations of others and about oneself in the eyes of others indicates its incompleteness.

The purpose of secondary socialization is to master specific professional roles and new norms. The socializer here is no longer “significant”, but “generalized” others, or institutional functionaries: a teacher at school, a teacher at a university. Interaction with formal agents of socialization is reduced to the transfer and assimilation of certain social knowledge. Therefore, in secondary socialization, emotional contacts and connections play a much smaller role than in primary socialization: for a student, the professional abilities of a teacher are much more important than his personal qualities and degree of personal importance. The loss of norms acquired during the process of secondary socialization does not cause such a shock as in the case of the loss of norms acquired during primary socialization.

A person becomes a social being, mastering and internalizing social roles. As they are assimilated, the social world becomes the internal reality of the individual. According to role theory, any behavior can be considered as a result playing, building And accepting roles. The concept of “playing a role” involves following certain standards of behavior established by social norms. Individuals are different from each other role playing skills. Some people are better able to perceive and act on a variety of expectations, while others are worse. In the same way, behavior differs according to the degree of competence and style of playing roles. Role construction refers to the modeling and modification of expectations in the process of interaction. As the American sociologist R. Turner notes, role construction is “an experimental process during which roles are identified and filled with content in a coordinate system that changes as interaction occurs.” In the process of role construction, stable patterns of behavior are formed that persist during social changes. Figuratively speaking, the construction of a role is identical to its institutionalization. Role adoption refers to the process of modeling roles corresponding to statuses other than those occupied.

There is a difference between the role played by a person and his self. If the individual is not aware of this difference, we can talk about role identification. Thus, a prosecutor who plays the role of prosecutor in court and identifies himself with this role can continue to play it in interaction with relatives and friends, condemning any actions and thereby becoming unbearable. An extreme degree of role identification indicates social confusion of the individual, and in the most severe cases, mental pathology.

The opposite of role identification is role distancing. It is characterized by a consciousness that separates the Self from the role it plays. I. Hoffman, who introduced the concept of “role distance” into scientific use, likened social life to drama, drawing an analogy between performers of social roles and actors. Each person, trying to impress others, puts on a “mask” and becomes an “actor”. All “actors” are divided into honest and cynical. Such a division is not of a moral nature. The “honest actor” identifies himself with the role and is not aware of the differences between his role and his own self. The “cynical actor” is aware that he is playing a role to which he is not identical. He turns out to be able to look at himself from the outside. Such a person, remembering any delicate situation in which he found himself, blushes with shame, as he imagines how he looks in the eyes of others. Role distance is established as a person grows older. For the most part, children are “honest actors,” but as they leave childhood and gain maturity, they become “cynical actors.”

Characterizing socialization as a pedagogical process, one should consider its main components: goal, content, means, functions of the subject and object.

Socialization as a process that determines the formation of personality contains two contents:

– broad social influence, insufficiently organized and controlled influences of the media, traditions of the region, school, family;

– spontaneous manifestations, perceptible only by their results in social formation.

The main components of socialization as a pedagogical phenomenon:

1. Communication component absorbs all the variety of forms and methods of mastering language and speech, other types of communication (for example, computer language) and their use in various circumstances of activity and communication.

2. Cognitive component involves the development of a certain range of knowledge about the surrounding reality, the formation of a system of social ideas and generalized images. It is realized to a large extent in the process of training and education, including free communication, access to the media, and manifests itself primarily in situations of self-education, when a child seeks and assimilates information according to his own needs and initiative in order to expand, deepen, and clarify his idea of ​​the world.

3. Behavioral component- this is a vast and diverse area of ​​​​actions and behavior patterns that a child learns: from hygiene skills, everyday behavior to skills in various types of work activities. In addition, this component involves the development of various rules, norms, customs, taboos, which were developed in the process of social development and must be learned in the course of familiarization with the culture of a given society.

4. Value component is a system of manifestations of the motivational-need sphere of the individual. These are value orientations that determine the child’s selective attitude towards the values ​​of society. An individual, joining the life of society, must not only correctly perceive objects, social phenomena and events, understand their meaning, but also “appropriate” them, make them personally significant, and fill them with meaning. Even V. Frankl argued that the meaning of human life cannot be given “from the outside,” but also cannot be “invented” by a person; it must be "found".

The socialization process is schematically presented in Figure 1.

Social life
Purpose of socialization
Means of socialization
teacher child
Adult Society Community of children and multi-age communication
Contents of socialization
Communication component Cognitive component Behavioral component Value component

Rice. 2. Personal socialization process

The pedagogical essence of the socialization process involves consideration of the means of socialization. In the most general sense, these are elements of the environment that have a socializing effect and manifest themselves at different levels:

1. In some cases, the pedagogical means in the process of socialization are its factors: the socio-political life of society, ethnocultural conditions, demographic situation.

2. The pedagogical means of the second level should be considered institutions of socialization: family, school, peer society, religious organizations, the media.

3. At the third level, relationships are the pedagogical means of socialization.

A child’s relationship with other people begins with the “child-adult” dyad, and gradually, in the process of socialization and upbringing, the experience of relationships in the “child-child”, “person-person” dyad accumulates. The attitude towards oneself as a subject of social life appears later than the attitude towards others. In the process of social interaction, social comparison of oneself with others at the interpersonal and intergroup level, the child develops a positive social identity.

Indispensable components of the socialization process, from the point of view of pedagogical analysis, are subject and object of socialization. The function of the subject in the process of socialization is performed, first of all, by factors, institutions and agents of socialization. In such a context, the person being socialized acts as an object of socialization.

Educator- the sacramental subject of the pedagogical process, the bearer of the pedagogical goal and the organizer of educational activities - in the process of socialization appears in two “planes”.

Firstly, the teacher is perceived by the child as a representative of a certain community of adults, as a bearer of a specific way of life. Adults and educators, as a rule, do not control these features of their manifestations; they “work” at the level of parallel pedagogical action and often come into conflict with their own purposeful acts.

Secondly, the educator can act openly, purposefully through socializing channels of education. With this position, the decisive role will be played by direct, personal relationships with the child: the deeper and more humane they are, the softer and more natural the “social subjectivity” of the teacher is perceived by the child. But at the same time, the teacher himself does not cease to be an object of socialization in his adult interaction with society.

Main characteristics pupil in the process of socialization - a bearer of a certain social experience. In the early stages of childhood, the child does not yet distinguish himself from the socio-natural environment. But with the development of thinking and speech, he begins to become increasingly aware of himself in the context of a certain way of life.

The goal as a component of the socialization process does not exist on its own, but is, as it were, included in all means of socialization: it is declared in educational and communicative forms, expressed in normative patterns, stereotypes and traditions, presented as incentives and regulators of behavior. From a pedagogical point of view, understanding this feature of the goal of socialization helps to reach the personal level of socialization, the selective actions of the individual in the “goal-motive” system, which constitute the subject of education and self-education.

Socialization of personality represents the process of personality formation in certain social conditions, the process of a person’s assimilation of social experience, norms of behavior, moral standards, and beliefs of a person are determined by the norms that are accepted in a given society.
“Socialization is the process of becoming a social “I”. It covers all forms of introducing an individual to culture, training and education, with the help of which the individual acquires a social nature.”
Under socialization accepted understand “the process of a person mastering social values ​​and norms, social experience and knowledge, thanks to which he becomes a full member of society.” This is the path from a biological being to a social one. This process occurs both as a result of education, i.e. purposeful influence on the individual, and as a result of the teenager’s independent comprehension of reality.
The concept of “socialization” is associated with such concepts as “education”, “training”, “personal development”.
Random social influences take place in any social situation, i.e. when two or more individuals interact. For example, adults talking about their problems can have a strong impact on a child, but this can hardly be called an educational process.
The child is socializing, not passively accepting various influences (including educational ones), but gradually moving from the position of an object of social influence to the position of an active subject. A child is active because he has needs, and if upbringing takes into account these needs, this will contribute to the development of the child’s activity. If educators try to eliminate the child’s activity, forcing him to “sit quietly” while they carry out their “educational activities,” then they can achieve the formation of not an ideal and harmonious, but a flawed, deformed, passive personality. The child’s activity will either be completely suppressed, and then the personality will be formed as socially unadapted, anxious, or (in the presence of certain individual characteristics, such as a strong type nervous system etc.) activity will be realized through various compensatory outlets (for example, the child will try to do what is not allowed secretly).
Socialization is change psyche and personality formation. Although the development of the psyche is not limited to social processes, the development of personality cannot be reduced only to socialization. This development occurs through at least two processes:

  • socialization;
  • personal self-development.

Socialization begins with influences on the individual, since the child’s parents are already socialized, and the child can initially influence them only as a biological being, then he becomes able to interact with adults and, further, reproduce the social experience he has in his activities.
As the personality develops, it becomes a subject of social relations, capable of influencing another person, but, due to the dialogical nature of consciousness and reflection, a person can also influence himself as a social object. Such influences are not considered socialization, but may form the basis of personality development.
Let's consider the structure of socialization personalities:
The most promising approach to determining the structure of personality socialization is to analyze it in 2 aspects: static and dynamic. Accordingly, we can conditionally distinguish between the static and dynamic structure of socialization. The elements of the structure are stable, relatively constant formations. This does not take into account the varying degrees of their own internal variability. These should include, first of all, the individual and society, as well as those social formations that contribute to the process of their interaction.
The concept of "personality" captures socially significant in a person who is, on the one hand, a part of nature, and on the other, a social individual, a member of a particular society. This is its social essence, which develops only together with society or only on its basis. The determining factor in the process of socialization is the microenvironment - objective reality, which is a set of economic, political, ideological and socio-political factors that directly interact with the individual in the process of life.
Static structure of socialization personality allows a specific historical approach to the analysis of the relatively stable elements of this process at a certain stage of the development of society. However, as already noted, all of the above elements of a static structure are not once and for all given, unchangeable, devoid of certain changes and development. Therefore, analysis of the main elements of the static structure of personality socialization in their movement, change and interaction allows us to move on to the study of the dynamic structure of this process. The dynamic structure of personality socialization is based on the recognition of the variability of those elements that form the static structure of this process, the main emphasis is on the connections and correlations of certain elements with each other.
“Socialization is carried out under the influence of many factors, which can be divided into three groups:
Microfactors(family, microsociety, educational institutions, religious organizations).
Mesofactors(type, ethnic group, settlements, regional conditions, media).
Macro factors(culture, country, state, society).”
Thus, the concept of socialization includes the concepts of training, education, and personal development. However, there are phenomena, mechanisms and directions of socialization.
Socialization of personality at the individual level includes a number of processes:

  • people's personalities are formed by interacting with each other; the nature of these interactions is influenced by factors such as age, intellectual level, gender, etc.;
  • environment can also affect the child's personality;
  • personality is formed on the basis of one’s own individual experience;
  • An important aspect of personality formation is culture.

To the leading phenomena of socialization should include the assimilation of behavioral stereotypes, current social norms, customs, interests, value orientations, etc. Stereotypes of behavior are formed through signaling heredity, i.e. through imitation of adults in early childhood. They are very stable and can be the basis of mental incompatibility (for example, in a family, ethnic group).
There are several socio-psychological x mechanisms of socialization:
Identification- this is the identification of an individual with certain people or groups, which allows them to assimilate various norms of behavior that are characteristic of those around them. An example of identification is gender-role typing - the process of an individual acquiring mental characteristics and behavior characteristic of representatives of a certain gender;
Imitation is a conscious or unconscious reproduction by an individual of a model of behavior, the experience of other people (in particular, manners, movements, actions, etc.);
Suggestion- the process of unconscious reproduction by an individual internal experience, thoughts, feelings and mental states of those people with whom he communicates;
Social facilitation- the stimulating influence of the behavior of some people on the activities of others, as a result of which their activities proceed more freely and more intensely (“facilitation” means “relief”);
Conformity- awareness of differences of opinion with other people and external agreement with them, realized in behavior.
A number of authors, including Z. Freud, identify four psychological mechanisms of socialization, such as:
Imitation- a child’s conscious attempt to copy a certain model of behavior. Role models can be parents, relatives, friends, etc.
Identification- a way of realizing belonging to a particular community. Through identification, children accept the behavior of parents, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc., their values, norms, patterns of behavior as their own.
Shame is the experience of exposure and shame associated with the reactions of other people.
Guilt- the experience of exposure and shame associated with punishing oneself, regardless of other people.
Imitation and identification are positive mechanisms, since they are aimed at mastering a certain type of behavior. Shame and guilt are negative mechanisms because they suppress or inhibit certain behavior patterns.
Main directions of socialization correspond to the key spheres of human life: behavioral, emotional-sensual, cognitive, existential, moral and interpersonal. In other words, in the process of socialization, people learn how to behave, react emotionally to various situations, experience and express different feelings; how to understand the surrounding natural and social world; how to organize your life; what moral and ethical guidelines to adhere to; how to effectively participate in interpersonal communication and collaborative activities.
Thus, socialization- this is a natural process of a person growing up and developing his life position.

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