Is there life on the moon and other civilizations? Is there life on the Moon? Mysterious objects, phenomena on the Moon. So that the sensation does not become a shock

Probably, our distant ancestors also observed unusual glows and bright flashes on the Moon. On ancient symbols you can see a bright star between the horns of the crescent moon. Where there couldn't be a real star. This symbol is at least 2000 years old. And astronomers from Kharkov photographed flares on the Moon with an interval of 7 seconds. No less mysterious are the moving clouds above the Moon, where there is no atmosphere.

1958, November 3 - Professor of the Pulkovo Observatory Nikolai Kozyrev spent 2 hours observing a strange red cloud over the Alphonse crater, which completely covered its central part. What is this? Eruption? But nothing like this can exist on the Earth’s satellite. Volcanic activity on the Moon ended two billion years ago. And it didn’t happen the same way as on Earth.

Vladislav Shevchenko, head of the department of lunar and planetary research at the SAI MSU, says:

“I have in my hands a so-called volcanic bomb, brought by our employees, who at one time studied analogues of lunar soil on the Kamchatka Peninsula. They discovered it in the emission field of Kamchatka volcanoes. This is solidified lava, which has a drop-shaped shape. But there are no such formations on the Moon. Volcanism on the Moon was limited to the release of lava that formed the seas, flooding as if from within. Slowly, but very calmly, this substance spread across the surface of the Moon. There were no explosions, no emissions. That is, the interpretation of observations similar to those of N.A. Kozyrev is very difficult.”

But if this is not volcanism, then what is? As you can see, lunar glows have a different origin. It does not fit into today's scientific ideas. It is also impossible to explain the flights of unknown bodies over the lunar surface.

Our contemporaries are also observing mysterious movements on the Moon. One such observation was made in May 1955. A white streak rose from the north pole of the Moon. And, turning sharply to the right, she went down, skirting the lunar disk. After about 5 seconds, she ran into the Moon near the South Pole. She began to quickly turn pale and soon disappeared completely.

The second observation was made in the summer of the same year. This time the luminous object was flying in the other direction. In a few seconds, having flown a third of the circle, he descended along a steep trajectory to the surface of the Moon. The body was quite large and seemed to be controllable.

From time to time, against the background of our bright satellite, flights of huge dark objects are observed through a telescope. Moreover, along rather intricate trajectories. Here's an interesting observation that was made in 1992.

Astronomer Evgeny Arsyukhin spoke about it:

“Imagine that you see some kind of square object that moves quite slowly, while making zigzag movements. At first it flies a little up, then flies a little down. Then he makes a loop and hides in one of the craters. I cannot say for sure that he fell into this crater, that he landed in this crater. Of course, from the Earth, and the atmosphere is shaking, such details are not visible. It simply leveled with the Alphonse crater and disappeared.”

Something similar was observed in March 2000. For 12 minutes. A dark object was moving against the background of the lunar disk. At 120x magnification, it was clearly visible that the object was shaped like an orange slice and was rotating slowly. The astronomer managed to take several photographs.

There is a video recording that was made using a telescope by the world famous astronomer from Japan Yatsuo Mitsushima. The shadow of some object is clearly visible, quickly moving across the lunar surface. The enormous size of the shadow is impressive - about 20 km in diameter - and the speed of its movement: in two seconds the shadow traveled about 400 km. Facts are stubborn things. Was it not these mysterious objects that forced the Americans to suddenly stop the live broadcast of the moon landing and blame everything on the failure of television equipment?

Edwin Aldrin, the second crew member of the Apollo 11 mission, in 1999, speaking on a television program dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the lunar expedition, on the topic of whether there is life on the Moon, made a sensational statement: there is life on the Moon, and in NASA has known about this for a long time. Moreover, to confirm his words, the astronaut presented an audio recording. Those same two minutes of negotiations that disappeared from the air, which were conducted by the astronauts who landed on the lunar surface, with the Mission Control Center.

From these negotiations it is clear: a mysterious luminous object is watching the astronaut module. The astronauts are in a state close to panic. There's no time for posing in front of cameras. Here is a recording of these negotiations.

1969, July 21 - Moon. Sea of ​​Tranquility.
CPP: “Repeat your last message!”
Astronauts: “I say there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side of the crater.”

CPP: “Repeat... repeat!”
Astronauts: “Allow us to probe this sphere... The automatic relay has connected... My hands are shaking so much that I can’t do anything. Should I take it off? My God, if those damn cameras catch something, what then?”

CPP: “Can you film anything?”
Astronauts: “I don’t have any more film on hand. Three shots from the saucer, or whatever that thing is called, ruined the film.”

CPP: “Regain control! Are they in front of you? Are you hearing any noises from the UFO?”
Astronauts: “They landed here! They are here and they are watching us!

According to the astronaut, this audio recording is only a copy that he managed to make secretly from NASA employees. The original, he said, was destroyed. During all these years, fearing for its safety, Aldrin kept the film in a safe deposit box and did not make it public only because he signed a non-disclosure agreement for 30 years.

In addition, Edwin Aldrin captured amazing footage in lunar orbit. These photos, according to Aldrin, are not copies, but originals.
An unidentified luminous object is clearly visible in the image. It was this object that monitored the astronauts until they went back to Earth. According to Edwin, hundreds more of the same images are stored in NASA archives. But... all of them are still classified as “top secret”.

Hero of the Soviet Union Marina Popovich is one of the few who saw these strange photos. Here's what she says:

“One object that alerted me - 2 km long, as they explained to me - was long, long, like a cigar. They say that it wasn’t just them who filmed it, it was also filmed by a Japanese guy, an amateur. Do you know what this long object looks like? To the blast furnace! Here was one such object, round, and with holes for pipes, like knobs..."

I was unable to find out the fate of these photographs from Edwin Aldrin himself. After his scandalous statements, he lives as a hermit and avoids communicating with reporters. But I managed to find a person who worked in a NASA photo laboratory in those years. This is Sergeant Karl Wolf. This is what he told me in a conversation:

“Once my boss came to me. I was working at the time in an image processing laboratory as a technical specialist. He asked me to go to a secret compartment and said that photographs taken by astronauts on the Moon were brought there. But the equipment for developing photographs has broken down and needs to be urgently repaired. I then took my tools and went there.”

It was July 24th. Just on the day when the astronauts returned to Earth. The same films taken on the lunar surface were brought to a secret darkroom. Wolf argued: these photographs were taken by Edwin Aldrin. And these were still originals, not photomontages. He can confirm this even today. After all, he personally processed these photographs.

Wolf also claimed that while the photographs were being developed, high military officials were holding a meeting behind closed doors. And when it ended, Wolf had such a strange conversation with one of the military men. Karl Wolf recounted it to me almost verbatim:

“He tells me: “We discovered a base on the far side of the moon.” And I said to him: “Whose?” And then he takes out one of the developed photographs and shows me this base. There, you can’t imagine, there is something incredible in this photograph. Gigantic object. At that moment I was very scared. I understood that if someone else had been present, we wouldn’t get out alive... He’s showing me this, top-secret stuff..."

The photos Karl Wolf is talking about will most likely never be published. Meanwhile, Wolf claims: in the pictures that he processed, there were not only UFOs, bases, but also residential buildings and, possibly, even some creatures. These pictures, he said, when asked whether there is life on the Moon, prove that life probably exists on the Moon. There are traces of some unknown civilization, which in terms of development is much superior to the earthly one.

Karl Wolf testifies:

“I had the opportunity to process a large number of photographs. And in many of them one could see objects that were clearly not made by human hands. And there is a lot of such evidence. And I want to repeat once again that all these photographs were immediately classified, and, as you yourself understand, it was impossible to make copies of these negatives.”

Karl Wolf might be suspected of having a rich imagination. If not for one “but”. Also in 1969, another NASA employee from the parallel 8th Directorate was also processing and analyzing some photographs taken by astronauts on the Moon.

Aerospace agency veteran Donna Heer assures that these pictures almost cost her her life. Here's what Donna Heer told me:

“And then the military came to my office and, threatening me with their service weapons, forced me to burn all the copies of the photographs that I managed to take!”

1972 - Apollo 17 landed on the moon. This was the sixth and last expedition. By the end of 1972, 12 astronauts had walked on the Moon. They spent more than 80 hours there, traveled about 100 km on the surface and delivered 400 kg of lunar samples to earth. Apollo flights numbered 18, 19 and 20 were planned. And suddenly NASA announced the termination of the lunar program. The official reason is lack of funding.

It would seem that the explanation is clear. Americans didn't really have enough money at that time.

Historian Anton Pervushin says:

“Firstly, the war was going on in Vietnam, and it was just approaching the phase when, in general, it became clear that America would have to withdraw its troops from Vietnam in disgrace. Secondly, they had the famous oil economic crisis, when the dollar was devalued, almost 2.5 times devalued, when it ceased to be associated with gold for the first time in American history.”

Each new Apollo mission cost $2.5 billion—not a record cost these days. But if you recalculate at that rate plus take into account inflation, in today’s money it’s $10 billion.

However, historian Alexei Penzensky does not consider such expenses exorbitant:

“As for the high cost of the project, there is no need to tell us much about it. Because the project was able to pay off, and very quickly. What did flying to the Moon give us? Flights to the Moon gave us digital technology and mobile communications. “Everything we are doing now is actually eating away the technologies of that time.”

Another explanation for the sudden end of the lunar program is scientific. NASA said: The Moon has been studied and is no longer of interest for research. And this despite the fact that the US government allocated $25 billion from the country’s budget for the lunar program. In terms of the current dollar exchange rate, this is an astronomical amount - 135 billion! What is the reason for this inconsistency? Why did Americans suddenly lose interest in lunar exploration? There is still no answer to this question.

And yet the fact remains a fact. No one has gone to the moon for decades. Why? Is the project expensive? The futility of lunar exploration? Unlikely. There is another version that worries researchers most. The famous creator of the V-rocket, taken from Nazi Germany by the Americans, the head of the American lunar program, Wernher von Braun, once said:

“There are extraterrestrial forces that are much stronger than we can imagine. I have no right to say anything more about this.”

And this reason seems to many to be the main one. America was simply scared. They were afraid of something that they were not able to explain at that time.
At least, all the mysteries of the lunar program cannot be explained by the “lunar conspiracy” theory alone.

Candidate of Technical Sciences Gennady Zadneprovsky says:

“Why should the United States organize 7 expeditions to the Moon, just to mislead humanity? It would seem that one or two expeditions are enough. After all, a launch in those days cost about $25 million, if my memory serves me correctly, or about $120 million today, and for the sake of a hoax to do 7 launches? When it would be enough to make a couple, or three.”

It is known that these fabulous sums that were allocated for lunar exploration were not even fully spent. After all, it was assumed that the lunar program was designed for at least 15 years. And it only lasted three years! But if there was enough money to explore the Moon, then why was all research suddenly closed?

According to experts, the answer is very simple: this happened precisely because the astronauts encountered on the Moon not only something inexplicable, mysterious, but also probably even unsafe. Something that top officials are afraid to talk about to this day.

10 years before the flights to the Moon, NASA began to study mysterious lunar phenomena. Astronomer Jess Wilson took an amazing photo during this research. A chain of 34 objects stretches from the Moon to the Earth. All this is called short-term lunar phenomena.

Historian Alexey Penzensky commented on this photo:

“This can be a pulsation, a change in brightness, the appearance of lights of various colors: bluish, reddish, violet, white, dazzling white. The change in brightness is also a very interesting phenomenon. Albedo, as it is called, is when, over a fairly short period of time, even recorded by a person’s internal clock, it is possible to observe the darkening or, conversely, brightening of individual sections of the lunar surface. A separate story is moving lunar anomalies, when something crawls on the lunar surface or moves above its surface.”

Igor Prokopenko

Why is information about cities on the moon hidden?

There was a time when no one expected that Earth’s cosmic neighbor could puzzle scientists with so many secrets. Many imagined the Moon as a lifeless stone ball covered with craters, and on its surface there were ancient cities, mysterious huge mechanisms and UFO bases.

Why is information about the Moon hidden?

Photographs of UFOs taken by astronauts on lunar expeditions have long been published. Facts suggest that all American flights to the Moon took place under the complete control of aliens. What did the first man on the moon see? Let us recall the words of Neil Armstrong intercepted by American radio amateurs:

Armstrong: "What is this? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know the truth, what is it?”

NASA: "What's happening? Is something wrong?

Armstrong: “There are big objects here, sir! Huge! Oh my God! Here are other spaceships! They are standing on the other side of the crater. They are on the moon and watching us!”

Much later, quite interesting reports appeared in the press, which said that the Americans on the Moon were directly given to understand: the place was occupied, and earthlings had nothing to do here... Allegedly, there were even almost hostile actions on the part of the aliens.

Yes, astronauts Cernan And Schmitt observed a mysterious explosion of the lunar module antenna. One of them transmitted to the command module located in orbit: “Yes, she exploded. Something flew over her just before... it's still..." At this time, another astronaut enters the conversation: "God! I thought we were going to get hit by this... this... just look at this thing!”

After lunar expeditions Wernher von Braun said: “There are extraterrestrial forces that are much stronger than we imagined. I have no right to say anything more about this.”

Apparently, the inhabitants of the Moon did not greet the Earth’s envoys very warmly, since the Apollo program was terminated ahead of schedule, and the three completed ships remained unused. Apparently, the meeting was so cool that both the USA and the USSR forgot about the Moon for decades, as if there was nothing interesting on it.

After the famous panic in the United States in October 1938, the authorities of this country do not risk traumatizing their citizens with messages about the reality of aliens. After all, then, during the radio broadcast of H. Wells’ novel “The War of the Worlds,” thousands of people believed that the Martians had actually attacked the Earth. Some fled the cities in panic, others hid in basements, others built barricades and prepared to repel the invasion of terrible monsters with weapons in their hands...

It is not surprising that all information about aliens on the Moon was classified. As it turned out, not only the presence of aliens on the Earth’s satellite was hidden from the world community, but also the presence on it ruins of ancient cities, mysterious structures and mechanisms.

Ruins of grandiose buildings

October 30, 2007 former head of the NASA Lunar Laboratory Photography Service Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland organized a press conference in Washington, reports of which immediately appeared in all world news channels. And this is not surprising, because it was a sensation that caused the effect of a bomb exploding. Johnston and Hoagland stated that at one time American astronauts discovered on the Moon ruins of ancient cities And artifacts, speaking about the existence on it in the distant past of a certain highly developed civilization.

At the press conference, photographs of objects of clearly artificial origin present on the lunar surface were shown. As Johnston admitted, NASA From lunar photographic materials released into the public domain, all details that could raise suspicion about their artificial origin were removed.

“I saw with my own eyes how in the late 60s NASA employees were ordered to paint over the lunar sky on the negatives,” Johnston recalls. - When I asked: “Why?”, they explained to me: “So as not to mislead the astronauts, because the sky on the Moon is black!”

According to Ken, in a number of photographs, intricate configurations appeared in white stripes against the backdrop of a black sky, which were the ruins of grandiose buildings that once reached several kilometers high.

Of course, if such photographs were made publicly available, inconvenient questions would not be avoided. Richard Hoagland showed reporters a photograph of a grandiose structure - a glass tower, which the Americans called a “castle.” This may be one of the tallest structures discovered on the Moon.

Hoagland made a rather interesting statement: “Both NASA and the Soviet space program separately discovered that we are not alone in the universe. There are ruins on the moon, the legacy of a culture that was much more enlightened than we are now.".

So that the sensation does not become a shock

By the way, in the second half of the 90s a similar briefing on the topic was already held. The official press release then read: “On March 21, 1996, at a briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, NASA scientists and engineers involved in the Moon and Mars exploration programs reported the results of processing the information received. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon was announced.”

Of course, already at that briefing, journalists asked why such sensational facts were hidden for so long? Here is the response from one of the NASA employees at the time: “...20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the Moon in our time. In addition, there were other reasons not related to NASA.".

It's worth noting that NASA appears to have intentionally leaked information about extraterrestrial intelligence on the Moon. Otherwise it is difficult to explain the fact that George Leonard, who published his book There's Someone Else on Our Moon in 1970, wrote it based on numerous photographs he had access to at NASA. It is curious that the entire circulation of his book almost instantly disappeared from store shelves. It is believed that it could have been bought in bulk to prevent the book from becoming widely distributed.

Leonard writes in his book: “We were assured that the Moon was completely lifeless, but the data tells a different story. Decades before the space age, astronomers mapped hundreds of strange “domes,” observed “cities that grow,” and single lights, explosions, and geometric shadows were noticed by both professionals and amateurs.”.

He provides an analysis of numerous photographs in which he was able to distinguish both artificial structures and gigantic mechanisms of amazing size. There is a feeling that the Americans have developed some kind of plan to gradually prepare their population, and humanity as a whole, to the idea that an extraterrestrial civilization has settled on the Moon.

Most likely, this plan even included myth about the lunar scam: well, since the Americans did not fly to the moon, it means that all reports about aliens and cities on the earth’s satellite cannot be considered reliable.

So, first came George Leonard's book, which was not widely read, then the 1996 briefing, which attracted wider attention, and finally the 2007 press conference, which became a worldwide sensation. And this did not lead to any shocks, because there was never an official statement from the American authorities, or even from NASA itself.

Will earthly archaeologists be allowed on the Moon?

Richard Hoagland was lucky enough to obtain photographs taken by Apollo 10 and Apollo 16, in which the Sea of ​​Crisis is clearly visible city. The photographs show towers, spiers, bridges and viaducts. The city is located under a transparent dome, damaged in some places by large meteorites. This dome, like many structures on the Moon, is made of a material that looks like crystal or fiberglass.

Ufologists write that, according to secret research by NASA and the Pentagon, "crystal", from which lunar structures are made, its structure resembles steel, and in terms of strength and durability it has no earthly analogues.

Who created the transparent domes?, lunar cities, “crystal” castles and towers, pyramids, obelisks and other artificial structures, sometimes reaching dimensions of several kilometers?

Some researchers suggest that millions, and perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, the Moon served as a transit base for some extraterrestrial civilization that had its own goals on Earth.

There are other hypotheses. According to one of them, lunar cities were built by a powerful earthly civilization that died as a result of war or a global cataclysm.

Having lost support from Earth, the lunar colony withered away and ceased to exist. Of course, the ruins of lunar cities are of great interest to scientists. Their study could provide answers to many questions related to the ancient history of earthly civilization, and perhaps it would be possible to learn some high technologies.

17.09.11 The existence of aliens or extraterrestrials in general still remains in question, and there is no clear solution on this issue, which is the reason for the ongoing debate between those who believe and those who call all evidence of sightings of unidentified objects falsification. Time will tell which of them is right.

Supporters of the idea that aliens exist cite as evidence photographs and videos of UFO sightings taken in various parts of the globe, as well as testimonies of those people who became contactees against their will. Moreover, some say that photographs taken on the Moon show signs of alien life, and NASA is not showing this conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, perhaps because the public is not yet ready to accept the reality. Maybe aliens are watching humanity not from the depths of distant space, but from our natural satellite, which is actually very close?

Since 1947, which is considered the beginning of the countdown in the study of the UFO problem, the number of people on our planet dealing with this problem “on a voluntary basis” has been growing. The so-called amateur ufologists (enthusiasts), but not yet professional ufologists.

Unfortunately, among the people who consider themselves to be ufologists, many occupy a very distant position from any science and therefore are not at all experienced in matters of scientific methodology for conducting research and investigations! The so-called “Ufomaniacs” and amateurs are especially active, aggressive and therefore dangerous at meetings devoted to UFO problems. The main danger is that the speeches of Ufomans compromise the entire problem being discussed as a whole!

And if a Ufoman is also a correspondent for a newspaper and publishes materials on UFO sightings in his area, be doubly careful - the desire to pass off wishful thinking, to create a sensation and thereby make his name known, is put in the very first place for him. Don't believe a single word of his message and check everything! A real journalist who can be trusted is one who puts interest in his work first and foremost, the desire to collect and convey to the public the most truthful and objective information possible.

Ufology is a science that requires from its adherents not only encyclopedic knowledge on a wide variety of scientific issues, but also a careful attitude to factual material, the ability to analyze available data, treat them critically and draw careful conclusions from them.

Over the years, some researchers have pointed to evidence of the presence of some unknown civilization on the surface of the Moon and, as confirmation, cite video materials and photographs in which there are strange objects, both on the surface of the satellite and above it. These objects include unusual moving lights, pyramid-shaped structures, domes that have a glass-like structure, and much more.

One of the most vocal supporters of the existence of a mysterious alien civilization on the Moon is Richard K. Hoagland, who claims that NASA is hiding materials indicating an ancient lunar civilization from the public. He noted that the scale of ancient ruins on the Moon can be determined using orbital photographs. He also added that there are cases of anomalies that can only be explained if they are seen as ancient remnants of some extremely advanced alien or extraterrestrial technology that is present in photographs of the lunar surface taken by astronauts.

In his famous book "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA," he wrote that photographs taken by the Apollo astronauts show the huge glass towers and domes that can be found on the Moon. Richard K. Hoagland explained that the large domes and glass towers are not can appear out of nowhere and their artificial origin is evidenced by an unusual color that repeats the entire gamut of the rainbow.

In 2007 NASA consultant After the completion of the Apollo program, the founder and chief investigator of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, stated that traces of an ancient and clearly non-human civilization were allegedly found on the Moon 40 years ago. But NASA ordered the destruction of photographic evidence. Ken Johnston disobeyed and
I hid some.

I quarreled with NASA and was fired." NASA remains mysteriously silent in response to sensational statements.


Moon: Astronomical data Macca: 7.35*1022kg. (0.0123 mass
Earth) Diameter: 3476 km. (0.273 Earth's diameter) Density: 3.343 g/cm3
Surface temperature: minimum -150oC Distance from satellite to
planets: 384400 km. Speed ​​around the planet: 1.03 km/s
Gravity acceleration: 1.62 m/s2

The theorist primarily attributes the lack of evidence of the existence of intelligent life on the Moon to the fact that astronauts do not have the right to talk about what they discovered, in particular signs that aliens left behind some strange objects.

Hoagland is apparently referring to retired Captain Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon and who reported seeing ancient glass domes on the surface. However, in one of his interviews, Mitchell, who is a supporter of the existence of extraterrestrial life, called all of Hoagland’s theories as meaningless. He also stressed that there is no cover-up of facts about extraterrestrial life at NASA. He noted that the images provided by Hoagland were not of the best quality and were heavily altered, therefore they were not credible as evidence.

However, Mitchell said that he does not deny the possibility of an alien presence on the Moon, and that aliens may be using its surface for their own benefit or simply the aliens themselves, these are the inhabitants of the artificial satellite of the Earth.

Scientists have found evidence of alien life on Earth

Experts have found a life form at the bottom of a salt lake that was previously considered impossible on Earth.

The American aerospace agency NASA will announce a recent “astrobiological discovery” made on Earth at a press conference on Thursday evening.
Experts will talk about a bacterium discovered at the bottom of the salty Mono Lake in Yosemite National Park in California. The amazing fact is that this microorganism lives well in an environment rich in arsenic, while for living beings it is, in principle, poisonous, reports with reference to The Daily Telegraph.

This discovery suggests that organisms with similar, hitherto unknown abilities to survive in a toxic environment exist in abundance throughout the Universe, not just on Earth...

Are we descendants of aliens?!

There is a hypothesis according to which intelligent life on Earth is corrected by a Higher Mind. Humanoids not only introduce through our subconscious the religious, philosophical and scientific concepts that humanity needs, but also change the people themselves. This hypothesis received unexpected confirmation.

Having compared the genomes of representatives of different races and peoples, researchers came to the conclusion that a fifth of earthlings are descendants of aliens from other planets. The basis for this conclusion was that in the genomes of some people the same foreign genes were found that were not found in their fellow tribesmen.

In addition, the descendants of aliens differ in many ways from “ordinary earthlings”, for example:

They need more sleep than normal people;

They have mostly colored dreams, while the “indigenous” earthlings have mostly black and white dreams;

They cannot endure direct sunlight for long, which causes them a feeling of acute discomfort;

They have "third eye" abilities;

The descendants of aliens cannot stand fluorescent lamps, high-voltage power lines and dampness: be it air, terrain or premises;

They have low blood pressure, although it does not in any way affect their health and well-being, unlike ordinary earthlings who suffer from hypotension;

The descendants of the aliens, regardless of their level of education, are characterized by very high creative abilities.

However, it is possible that human “hybrids” are not the only “aliens” living on Earth. Japanese entomologist Fukurai, who studied scorpions for many years, made an astonishing discovery: this arthropod insect is fundamentally different from millions of representatives of other species of the invertebrate class in its fantastic ability to survive in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. For example, at the bottom of a jar of water, a scorpion remains alive after two days, and sometimes more. This insect lives in hot zones, but is viable even after freezing.

During the experiments, the entomologist created unusual conditions for scorpions, in which this insect could find itself on some other planet. For example, he was subjected to severe radioactive radiation. Scorpions remained alive even after a dose that was 130 times lethal for humans. I fed these arthropods with the most dangerous bacteria and viruses, but they turned out to be immune. His charges perfectly digested anything, including mold fungi, which kill other beetles and flies.

In the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, large planetary fragments and planetoids are discovered every year. The plates taken through the telescope were developed. One of the points discovered on them began to be suspected of being a small planet. The Japanese, Americans, and French began to follow her, spending many hundreds of records on filming the night sky. However, the point kept slipping away, changing its orbit contrary to the most accurate calculations.

A series of photographs taken through a powerful telescope proved that a fairly large celestial body was moving in a stream of small fragments. It received the number 4724 and the name "Brocken" in honor of one of the peaks in the Harz Mountains. The Brocken completes one revolution around the Sun in 3.92 Earth years. German astronomers determined its diameter to be approximately 10 km, which is consistent with the calculations of the Americans from the Oak Ridge Observatory.

Regarding the arbitrary movement of the Brocken in orbit, astronomers have put forward a sensational hypothesis: it is an artificial space object, something like an intergalactic cosmodrome, which serves as a permanent base for aliens. It is from here that UFOs fly, abducting earthlings and dugouts, and delivering them to the “mother” ship. And from there they bring “hybrid” people, who gradually change the gene pool of earthlings.

In addition, many who were previously abducted and returned back to Earth explain their absence by the fact that they spent all this time on the “alien” station, studying in a “closed lyceum”, which is located on a space object.

During 2007-2009, former NASA employees Richard S. Hoagland and Ken Johnston held a series of press conferences. According to them, the world's leading space organization has been hiding the truth for 40 years that astronauts of the Apollo mission discovered traces of an ancient civilization on the Moon.

Crystal Towers of the Moon

Richard Hoagland sets out his views on the problem of lunar architectural and man-made artifacts in the most detail on the pages of his book Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA,” which has also been translated into Russian. There is a whole chapter dedicated to artifacts - “Crystal Towers of the Moon”. Armed with the latest technology, Hoagland analyzed images of the satellite's surface. We are talking about photographs that were obtained by the American manned Apollo mission and automatic research vehicles. The results were interesting.

Hoagland noticed strange geometric formations in the Ukert crater area. Moreover, in the crater itself there is a certain dark triangular object against the background of a lighter circle. It is curious that earlier the NASA image AS10-32-4810 was studied by the American ufologist Fred Steckling, who saw the entrances to the sublunar bases of aliens in the dark spots, but did not pay any attention to the geometrically correct formations.

Photo of LO-III-84M

Meanwhile, in the image of LO-III-84M, taken by one of the Lunar Orbiter mission devices, Hoagland noticed a tower similar to a pin, a mile and a half high. On the surface of the Moon, which had been bombarded by asteroids and micrometeorites for millions of years, this fragment looked like a completely anomalous structure - with an irregularly shaped top, thickening in the middle and tapering downward. Computer enlargement produced some very impressive results. The unusual structure consisted of repeating, complex internal crystalline shapes visible throughout the object.

Using a computer, Hoagland enlarged the images taken from the LO-III-84M negative, revealing a remarkable internal structure of cubic or hexagonal cells that had been badly damaged by time but were still clearly visible. Probably the size of these cells is about seventy meters.

Dome over the sea

In the same photo, you can see the dimly lit top of a more massive cubic tower, most likely made of glass. The initial assumption that a comet passing behind the Moon was captured in the frame was rejected, since no such comets were observed in February 1967, when the picture was taken. Calculations showed that we are talking about a glass tower more than seven miles high. Computer processing of the photograph indicated the presence of another anomaly, conventionally called a “fire in the steppe.” We are talking about a multi-meter layer of material covering the surface of the Moon, which emits a reddish glow. Calculations showed that this material most likely consists of glass fragments and something else incomprehensible.

Photo AS 10-32-4822

Hoagland suggested that once upon a time there was a sea on the Moon, which was completely covered by a glass dome. About 100 miles southwest of the pin and the glass tower, Surveyor 6 captured something else interesting in November 1967. This something looked like sparkling beads. The Surveyor image shows sparkling chains stretching along the western horizon and intense light above a geometric structure visible against an airless lunar sky. Hoagland believes that this phenomenon can only be caused by the interaction of sunlight and a giant glass dome located directly above the surface of the Moon. The real treasure turned out to be NASA photograph AS 10-32-4822, taken by Apollo 10 in 1969. To the northwest of the Ukert crater we already know, an unusual area of ​​the lunar surface with clear geometric outlines is clearly visible. Because the area looks almost like a city, a geological consultant has even given it the nickname "Los Angeles on the Moon." The photograph shows a surprisingly regular three-dimensional pattern over an area of ​​hundreds of square miles, roughly the size of Los Angeles on Earth. Rows of lines, sometimes stretching across the surface for tens of kilometers, seem strikingly similar to the streets and avenues of earthly cities. But in some places the photograph clearly shows round craters a mile in diameter.

It looks like the lunar city was bombed. At the same time, it is quite possible to assume that meteorites have nothing to do with this bombing - most likely, we are talking about the use of nuclear weapons. Independent experts admitted: from a geological point of view, “lunar Los Angeles” is a relatively young “city”, it is at most several hundred million years old. In image AS 10-32-4822, researchers also discovered an object - a giant castle, extremely similar to Neuschwanstein, built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. But the height of the lunar “castle” reaches 11 miles. Studying the image, Hoagland came to an unexpected conclusion: the castle was hanging above the surface of the Moon, and a wire was holding it in the air.

But here, perhaps, one can argue with him: perhaps the castle is simply installed on a completely dark base or on a mirror-like and extremely flat surface. The optical effect, when islands or ships seem to float above the water, has been well known to sailors since ancient times. As is known, there is no water on the surface of the Moon, but there may well be a mirrored area around the supposed castle. Why not? As for the “wire,” given the gigantic size of the castle, its diameter clearly exceeds 10 meters. Entire communication nodes could easily pass inside such a “wire.” And not only, for example, fiber-optic lines, but also, say, a pneumatic railway.

Who built everything?

Of course, the question arises: who and when could build these structures? Here’s what Richard Hoagland himself says about this in an interview: “I believe that the Apollo project confirmed the existence of an ancient, but still human civilization on the Moon. It was laid down by our ancestors in what kind of tribe it’s scary to think. But we were able to make public only a small part of the information obtained by NASA that humans once inhabited the entire solar system."

Datings of hundreds of millions of years, proposed by independent experts, send us back to the age of dinosaurs, if not further. However, even in those days people could exist on Earth. This is evidenced by archaeological finds - for example, traces of human feet in geological layers corresponding to the Cambrian time (505-590 million years, Antelope Springs, Utah, USA, 1968), the Triassic period (213-248 million years, Nevada, USA, 1922) and the Carboniferous period (286-320 million years, Rocastle, Kentucky, 1938).


Now the Moon is an absolutely unfavorable place for the existence of life. The Earth's natural satellite is devoid of an atmosphere and magnetic field and is subject to meteorite "bombardment", daily significant temperature changes, as well as strong solar and cosmic radiation. In addition, the Moon is very dry: water on it exists only in the form of ancient ice at the bottom of the polar craters and, possibly, deep in the mantle.

However, according to researchers Dirk Schulze-Makuch from the University of Washington and Ian Crawford from the University of London, about four billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Moon, conditions on it could have been very different. . Thus, it is assumed that in those days (according to one hypothesis, the Moon could have been formed from matter ejected during the collision of the proto-Earth with a celestial body), water could have been present on the Moon in large quantities - approximately the same as on the early Earth. Later, after cooling, the Moon could form a primitive atmosphere, protected by a magnetic field that was "generated" by the liquid core.

Under such conditions, scientists suggest, the Moon could support some microbial life forms. This, however, would not last long - and after several million years the atmosphere and the necessary water would disappear. However, 500 million years after that, according to the researchers, volcanic activity on the Moon reached its peak, releasing billions of tons of gas that could form a second temporary atmosphere of the moon and aquatic habitat. The latter existed, presumably, for several more million years.

“It looks very likely that the Moon was habitable at that time,” says Schulze-Makuch. “Microorganisms could exist in its reservoirs until the surface of the Moon became dry and dead.”

However, the question of how microbes could appear on the Moon in such a short time remains open. According to Schulze-Makuch, their most likely source is the Earth: 3.8−3.5 billion years ago, cyanobacteria that did not require oxygen existed on our planet. It can be assumed that some of these bacteria were “transported” to the Moon from Earth by meteorites.

At this point, of course, this is just speculation. It's possible, as Schulze-Makuch notes, that future lunar missions could obtain samples from the right period to see if they contain water or other possible markers of pre-existing life. In addition, according to the researcher, in the future, experiments using simulated lunar environments will help test the assumption of the existence of life on the early Moon.

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