Evgeniy Lagrange crashed near the airport while meeting his daughter. VGTRG's own correspondent in Italy Asya Emelyanova

Having studied the meaning of the name Asya, it is easier to find the key to your own child or an unfamiliar woman. The little girl is very sensitive and takes any events too close to her heart. Parents must prepare their daughter for the harsh reality; they should not protect her from gray everyday life, even if the child grows up in a wealthy family. It is necessary at an early age to provide the girl with the opportunity to solve her own problems, for example, misunderstandings with peers.

For many, the meaning of the name Asya for a girl is associated with tenderness and romance, because of this, mothers and grandmothers try to protect their favorite from life’s difficulties. You shouldn’t pamper your baby too much; there is a high chance that she will grow up to be a capricious, selfish person, with whom it will be very difficult to communicate.

In addition, the meaning of the name Asya for a child is associated with uncontrollable fantasies that accompany a sophisticated person throughout her life. Classmates are looking forward to new ideas, the girl cannot come to terms with the gray everyday life, she needs to periodically immerse herself in a fairy tale.

The interpretation of the name reveals another trait that must either be reconciled or learn to fight - periodic whims. Education is of great importance, on which a girl’s behavior and ability to behave in society depends. Parents must teach the girl to love and care; the ideal option is a pet; the baby must understand that someone depends on her. It is important to periodically stay in a group: kindergarten, preparatory classes, this way it will be easier to adapt to school.

This female name gives true pleasure to its owner, excluding strict treatment. The girl is inventive; she simply needs to periodically give gifts, receiving a positive charge of energy from this. Endowed with creative abilities, she often makes gifts with her own hands. Fashion is an integral part of the life of a creative person; the ability to dress stylishly is of utmost importance. Always looks perfect.

A creative person cannot imagine life without a hobby; collections of original trinkets decorate her room. Loves to read, especially attracted to love stories that allow you to immerse yourself in your own world. Enjoys visiting exhibitions and museums. Reacts painfully to the problems of loved ones, tries to do everything possible to help. We trust her and often take advantage of her, thereby causing severe pain, especially in a new team. Own mistakes are the best lessons that make a girl stronger and teach her to understand people. Listens to the advice of elders and responds adequately to criticism.


Love in the life of a romantic person has a special meaning; for the sake of her chosen one, she is ready to do reckless things. This “means” that there are no obstacles that a girl cannot overcome for the sake of her chosen one. He does not tolerate monotony, because of this he often changes “objects of adoration” and breaks up painlessly. After breaking up, he falls in love again. What matters is the variety that the partner must provide, otherwise the relationship is doomed.

She gives the impression of a defenseless, vulnerable person in need of support, attracts wealthy adult men like a magnet, but before marriage she gives preference to peers.


A sensible and practical girl can get married quite early if she is really confident in her chosen one. The spouse may be much older and must provide a decent existence and a carefree life. A receptive woman will gladly give up her career and take up housekeeping, but this does not “mean” that she will allow herself to be used. Children and husband should help her in everything.

Creative abilities allow you to create an unusual home environment that will delight your guests. A good housewife never tires of delighting loved ones with culinary delights and organizes original celebrations that remain in the memory of those invited for a long time. The house is perfectly clean and has a special atmosphere in which you can truly relax and unwind. She is actively involved in raising children, does not spoil them, teaches them to save and enjoy life.

Cheating on a husband is a blow for a sensitive person; the indisputable dignity of a woman is boundless trust; undeniable facts can become the basis for jealousy.

Business and career

An active and sensible girl does not spend a day idle, which means she regularly finds new hobbies. Deciding on a career choice is quite problematic for her. He can become a teacher, psychologist, doctor, economist or lawyer; in a word, specialties that require regular communication with people attract attention. The atmosphere in the team matters; lack of mutual understanding with colleagues can cause dismissal.

To rapidly advance up the career ladder, he lacks confidence and courage and prefers the “golden mean”. There are the makings of a leader that are not used until a certain age. Thanks to creative ideas, he instantly finds non-standard solutions that deserve encouragement from management.

Origin of the name Asya

Before making a choice, parents are interested in where it came from and whose name the child will bear. The origin of the name Asya has ancient Greek roots. The etymology is ambiguous; there are two main versions: the diminutive form Asta or Anastasia. The story contains interesting facts about its owners. The secret of the name will allow you to decide on the choice of talisman.

Characteristics of the name Asya

It should be noted that the characteristics of the name Asya allow you to form a general idea of ​​​​a person; it must be taken into account that the personality is influenced by both upbringing and society; you should not make spontaneous decisions regarding choice. Everyone has pros and cons, perfect people do not exist. A serious attitude towards life and trust in people is a virtue thanks to which a two-room girl will confidently go through life and find true friends.

Several unpleasant situations will teach a girl to look at life realistically, to respond to insults with dignity, and to show character when necessary. He quickly gets along with people, becomes the life of the party, and lifts the mood with original stories. Values ​​children's friendship.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - emerald, rock crystal, porphyry.
  • Name day is a day corresponding to the name given at baptism, since it is not listed in the calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Gemini, Virgo.

Famous people

  • Asya Malberstein is an accessories designer.
  • Asya Emelyanova is a journalist.

Different languages

A laconic answer will be found by those who are interested in the translation of the name Asya - “city dweller” (Greek). Often there is a need for accurate information regarding how it is translated into a foreign language, in order to easily visit another country or simply out of curiosity - in Chinese - 阿斯卡爾. Ā Sī Kǎ Ěr; - in Japanese - Kaarizuka.

Name forms

  • Full name: Asya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Asechka, Asenka, Aska, Asyusha.
  • Declension of the name – Asey, Asyu.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not listed in the Orthodox calendar, in most cases it is Anastasia.

Quite often, television correspondents, quite often appearing with reports on the screen, call to their person. At the same time, it is not always possible to find interesting information about the biography or personal life of this category of journalists.

Asya Emelyanova, correspondent

In reports from sunny Italy, the viewer can see a pretty, cheerful young blonde, whose reports are interesting, dynamic and relevant.

We are talking about a journalist who currently patronizes the Rome bureau of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. This is Asya Emelyanova, whose biography was not even included in Wikipedia. She prefers to talk about other people's destinies and not talk about her own.

She told interesting information about herself. I described my favorite job in numbers as follows:

  • daily - 8 cups of espresso coffee;
  • weekly - 7 current stories;
  • monthly - 31 days on a business trip;
  • annually - up to three vacation weeks, under successful circumstances.

Asya Emelyanova opened up to a wide circle of viewers when she formed a tandem with such a rather bright and extraordinary personality as Evgeniy Vladimirovich Lagrange.

This talented VGTRK cameraman has a large number of documentaries and reports from the Vatican, Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Iraqi cities and villages. He visited the hot spots of Chechnya, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Among the employees of the television and radio company, an opinion was established about him as a “fearless, obsessed and spontaneous person.”

In 2006, VGTRK’s own correspondent in Italy, Asya Emelyanova, and the cameraman of the South European bureau of this company, E.V. Lagrange, teamed up into a duet, which was often called one of the most masterful on Rossiya television.

Results of the creative union

Among Russian journalists, they were the first to transmit material from France from the L'Aquila earthquake (April 2009), from the wreck site (January 2012), where the largest cruise passenger ship that was wrecked collided with reefs.

Based on reports about this collision near the Mediterranean island of Giglio, the documentary film “The Course of the Titanic” was subsequently edited, where many people remembered the emotional and exciting comments that Asya Emelyanova gave.

The viewer remembered the work of this tandem in covering the situation regarding the election of the new head of the Catholic Church in the Vatican (March 2013).

Death of a cameraman

The unexpected death of Eugene Lagrange in March 2013 came as a shock to many. Colleagues knew the talented operator as an avid motorcyclist.

On Friday the 22nd, he went to meet his fifteen-year-old daughter Nastya, who was supposed to fly to Italy by plane. His bike on the A91 highway from Rome to Fiumicino gained high speed and crashed into the fence near the last turn near the entrance to the Leonardo da Vinci airport terminal. The rainy Italian weather probably took its toll, making the road quite slippery.

Evgeniy Lagrange was buried in Moscow. After his death, Asya Emelyanova continued her fruitful work on one of our leading TV channels.

About gossip around a TV journalist

Having made such a lightning-fast career, Asya attracted increased attention to her person. The Internet was full of various dirty rumors, which various ill-wishers did not skimp on.

Some accused her of breaking up Lagrange's family, although the latter, without her participation, divorced his former wife, who was 14 years older.

According to the journalist, they were connected only by a creative union. The same idea was confirmed by Evgeniy’s father, the famous photojournalist Vladimir Rufinovich Lagrange.

After the death of his son, in an interview, he and his wife Nina Petrovna unanimously stated that the relationship between their son and Asya was purely creative. During the broadcast, Asya was just beginning to think about the need to film some angle, when she immediately saw that Evgeniy was already filming exactly that.

Recently, there has been a rumor circulating on the Internet that Asya became pregnant by an Italian, burdened with a family in order to stay in this country. Someone is trying to accuse her of sympathy for Ukrainian nationalists.

It is difficult to say how much truth there is in this gossip, however, Emelyanova continues to work with dignity on a respected Russian channel.

Dear Russians and Russian women, the association of Russian compatriots in Italy is contacting you through the website. We have long collected signatures for a collective letter against the presence in Italy of the Vologda journalist Asya Emelyanova, who works for the Rossiya channel.
Almost every one of us, like a true Patriot of Russia, associates this person with very unpleasant memories of the deceased Valeria Belogrudova “Piffari” from Ukraine and her threats against our Motherland - Russia and the entire Russian people. This makes Emelyanova’s reports even more deceitful and “perceived” with a feeling of disgust.
Since the majority of Russians living in Italy (and, as it turned out, in other European countries), even if rare, the appearance on the screen of the above-mentioned person evokes a feeling of disgust, we ask you to provide our association with assistance in collecting signatures for a request to stop journalistic activities on the territory of Italy - citizen Asya Valerievna Emelyanova.
We made the same request to Russian journalists: Italy, Germany, France. We found understanding and support among many.

For the uninformed, we would like to inform you that Asya Emelyanova’s closest relative, Valeria Belogrudova, spread threats on the Internet against Russia and Russians until her death, and threatened specific people with physical violence (see this blog, as one example. In Italy, she was also engaged in illegal immigration activities, posing as a lawyer and specialist in immigration law.Criminal cases were conducted against Belogrudova for fraud with a residence permit, threats of physical violence against specific people, and defamation on the Internet.
calls for reprisals against Russia and its citizens.
Here is an example of statements from Valeria Belogrudova:
“Russia, a country of cowardly slaves, drunks and cheap b*** for export, has become the successor of fascism! The greatest holiday will be on the day when Russia collapses, an aggressor country that only knows how to enslave, which is in first place in all terrible indicators, and in its place there will be many states, but spiritual, (and not religious) and dedicated people (and not with purchased diplomas), living according to the modern laws of civilization, and not monsters killing children, today to its population and bringing only grief and troubles to everyone , who comes into contact with them. You have to be an exceptional bastard to now be proud that you are Russian. Russia is a country of fascists, it attacked Ukraine, a brotherly country. And only scum can pretend that nothing happened. Damn you, fascist scumbags "Death to the fascist occupiers."

We would like to appeal to all Russians and the management of the Rossiya channel with a request
explain from whom such “vivid” images were described in accessible vocabulary.
Probably with Asya Emelyanova herself. Who loves to drink and doesn’t disdain other people’s husbands. Example: the broken family of Eugene Lagrange. After whose death, Emelyanova went from one hand to another and broke up another family, but this time an Italian one.
Children should be born from their husbands, and not “anchor” children from married men for the sake of a residence permit!

As a rule, we are extremely rarely interested in the personal lives or biography of correspondents and journalists, thanks to whom we learn the latest news. And they themselves are more accustomed to talking about details in other people’s destinies than in their own. However, the attractive blonde Asya Emelyanova attracted attention in the frame thanks to the sincere emotions that are always clearly visible on her face, as well as the fact that she fearlessly goes to even the most dangerous places on the planet to show the audience reliable information about what is happening. Personal life of Asya Emelyanova, needless to say, is not often made public.

The biography of Asya Emelyanova began on September 4, 1978. The TV journalist's hometown is called Vologda. What’s strange is that almost nowhere on the Internet is there a reliable and verified biography of Asya Emelyanova. Just some scraps. It is only known that the greatest popularity (so to speak) came to the journalist after she began working in tandem with the incredibly talented cameraman Evgeniy Lagrange, whose passion for work and the associated courage, which he repeatedly showed in numerous hot spots where he managed to visit, won he also receives the glory of a hero. Their cooperation began in 2006. Even now, Asya Emelyanova is VGTRK Russia-1’s own correspondent in Italy. Naturally, such an extraordinary rise in the career of the young correspondent did not leave indifferent many ill-wishers, whom she earned for herself with this most successful career. Information discrediting the girl often appears on the Internet, in the form of presentation of the material reminiscent of dirty rumors. We do not undertake to repeat them, much less analyze or understand their veracity. However, it is significant that despite them, Asya Emelyanova still represents one of the most respected Russian channels.

As for Asya Emelyanova’s personal life, joint collaboration with Evgeniy Lagrange gave rise to rumors about their romance. Such information is even contained in Wikipedia. It is quite possible that such rumors had some basis, but there will be no opportunity to find out for sure now. Unfortunately, in March 2013, the talented cameraman crashed his motorcycle. By the way, the father of the deceased operator denies any love affair between his son and the journalist, whom Eugene Lagrange’s parents knew personally. In their opinion, young people were connected only by work and friendship. Some time ago, information about the personal life of Asya Emelyanova reappeared on the network. This time she is pregnant by a married Italian. And all in order to stay in Italy. Well, as they say, we'll wait and see.

"The most significant in the "state of culture"I consider its complete absence"

“All that we have is the heritage of our ancestors, it was not created by us, these are spirits and inscriptions on centuries-old coffins”

“If there is no Zhivago God in a work of art, then it is pernicious and destructive”

Interview with philosopher and writer Dmitry Ogma

Ed.:There is nothing in the world that does not have a past. Today, the culture of Russian society carries much of the culture of the Soviet period. How do you assess this legacy?

Dogma: I would not like to evaluate anything at all, to give an assessment, I would like us to return, with our consciousness and worldview, attitude to that time, in our past, where we still understood and felt that not everything in the world can be assessed, assessed, assessed to the market and sell. When we still understood that not everything in the world is for sale, that there is something that has no price in principle, by its nature.
How do I feel about that Soviet “legacy”? That’s exactly how it is to heritage in quotation marks, and at the same time I feel an inexpressible bitterness and a feeling of loss, the loss of something inexpressibly important and life-giving. And the awareness of what happened to us, what happened, what we lost, is not there yet. There are timid attempts and searches, I observe them, and this cannot but rejoice, but a sustainable movement towards revival is not yet visible, and this is saddening. Now it is extremely difficult, without awareness and identification, to express one’s attitude towards the Soviet period; after all, everything happened. But, in the end, we came to what we came to, to chaos, to complete destruction and betrayal, betrayal of our past, and our ancestors, and our culture and ourselves. Is the Soviet of Deputies to blame for this? And so and no. Because the Bolsheviks came to power already when everything was going to hell. With incredible efforts, at the cost of unimaginable sacrifices, they were able to stop the chaos of decomposition, they were able to slow down this process, but they could not reverse it. And they laid, moreover, those destructive charges under our culture, national identity, which worked later. Now they have already been slandered, brazenly, boorishly and cynically. The question is, what were their actions and motives, and to what extent were they aware of what they were doing? I think that their motives were good, and little did they realize. They are victims and altar-givers and sacrificers. However, there were also positive aspects, how important these fragments and flashes were for our Russian culture, which by that time had died in God, all this proletarian galvanization of an almost fresh corpse, this remains to be explored by someone. There is no growth, no vital activity, no function, no enticing distances and prospects, we no longer have our Russian culture, and there is no future, not yet.
And this is not purely our tendency, remember what was happening all over the world in those years? A wave of revolutions, a wave of fascism swept across Europe, the entire world system collapsed, in terrible ulcers of degeneration, cynicism, decadence and other rot. Then the first and second world wars, as a reaction, the struggle of systems for survival, the struggle against degeneration. And that turned out to be not enough, the degeneration virus was only driven deep inside and froze, but did not die. A wave of thaws began, the Khrushchev Spring, the Prague Spring, etc. and all this rot burst to the surface like a fountain and bloomed in riotous colors, “the flowers of evil.” This is what we are seeing everywhere now. The fact is that the Bolsheviks tried, but were unable to cope and reverse this process, neither in our country, nor in the socialist camp in general. And why this happened, we have yet to understand.

Ed.: According to the laws of systems, today the new Russian society is going through a period of structuring. The initial phase of this period is chaos. Do you think this phase is already completed or is it still ongoing?

Dogma: In a global world, and Russia, having lost the Cold War, opened up as a system, completely collapsed, and as an independent system, a sovereign state, simply ceased to exist, became a colony of the “West”, with control in Washington and London, what kind of Russian structuring? can we talk now? These are illusions, a “golden dream”, these are technologies of “soft” control and technologies of “cold” conquest. Russia has a real chance only now, at the moment of reformatting the global system. Will we be able to defend for ourselves in these conditions at least some modicum of sovereignty, that is the question. All the political games and fuss are going on around this now. Global mafia, and small-town groups, cutting and redivision. What will we gain if our bandits, these children of the gateways, the street punks, are able to snatch something for their “common fund”? And no, as regrettable as it may be, there is no “new Russian society”, this is a colloidal something, this is a diffraction rabble, a chaotic, amorphous mass that has no structure, no prospects, no integrity, no systemic, national education, no order in souls and heads. This is a rabble, not a society, and until we honestly face reality, until we pluck up the spirit and courage to understand and accept “as it is,” and not as we dream, hope and imagine, until then we will not become a society, Alas. The desire for national revival is our desire and our need, and we must finally begin to tell the truth to ourselves, about ourselves and for ourselves. What can we change without awareness, without the truth, without the courage to know and see?
Our “society” is sick with ideas; they, like putrefactive worms, corrode and decompose everything and everyone, multiply, diffract and destroy, atomize. But you need to live not according to ideas, but according to commandments. And few people here understand the difference between these two. I’ve even heard somewhere before: “The Ideas of Christ,” that’s where the horror and chaos are, in all their monstrosity. An idea is something unreal, far-fetched and fantasized; an idea is the fruit of a wild imagination and a crazy mind. Ideas are empty, something ethereal. So they gathered, fantasized, invented it, believed in it, got excited and rushed to embody it into monstrous, unviable chimeras. Christ, for example, he did not invent anything, he simply was himself, this is a phenomenon, the embodied future, this is a reality revealed to us from the future. The commandments, the covenant, are something real, and from reality, it is impossible to bequeath ideas and fantasies, to bequeath emptiness. Christ is not a fantasy hologram, the fruit of a fevered mind, not Hollywood, this is a phenomenon, this is an incarnation, this is a reality, this is a witness to oneself. The development of a society aimed at the future is, first of all, the development of the person himself, and not the surroundings, technology, makeup, ritual and scenery.

Ed.: What do you consider the most significant in the state of culture of society today?

Dogma: I consider the most significant thing in the “state of culture” to be its complete absence, this very culture, ours, original, Russian, great. All that we have is the entire heritage of our ancestors, it was not created by us, these are cultural monuments, these are perfumes and inscriptions on the coffins of centuries-old people, no matter how painful and bitter it may be to admit. How long will we lie to ourselves? A lie always leads to murder, to destruction, these are biblical truths, as old as this world itself. All we have now is the entertainment industry, in the Russian language and in the Russian “format”. This is not culture, why do we lie and hope weakly? Entertainment, idleness, this is not culture or creation. This is consumption, absorption and destruction. Between us, from the point of view culture, and our past is a gap that we haven’t bothered to fill, why do we turn a blind eye to it? Why, hovering over the abyss, do we stubbornly refuse to notice this? We first need to stop lying to ourselves, come to our senses, and begin to recreate and revive our national culture. First we must build bridges over the abyss, and later we must fill it all. Culture is something holistic, and not fragments and scraps floating in the air. A legacy must have heirs, and these are continuers, devotees, creators, doers, and not consumers, “doers” and burners.

Ed.: The civilized world lived through the main part of the 20th century and this decade of the 21st century without any special achievements in the field of art compared to the 19th, 18th, 17th, 16th and 15th centuries. Is this true, or do you think differently?

Ed.: What, in your opinion, distinguishes the art of our period from past eras?

Dogma: The main difference is that we have already forgotten what “art” is, where it all began and why. We have already forgotten that if in a work of art there is no something life-giving, life-giving, there is no Living God, then it is neither a work nor art, it is a skill and a temptation, it is pernicious and destructive.
And fear. Some kind of unimaginable fear, falling like a leaden, gloomy cloud over everyone and everything. Fear of being ridiculed in one’s innermost and reverent self, fear of showing at least some light of the soul, showing at least something life-giving. Fear of going against public opinion built on habit and ritual. This is already some kind of black mass, with all the ensuing excrement.
There is probably something else, alive and real, the Surikovs and Kuindzhi must be, since we are still alive, but we do not observe it. It is already clear to everyone that in order to exhibit, you now need to be intoxicated and hunted (absorbed poison), scandalous, cynical and shocking.

Ed.: How would you like to see the development of Russian culture if we exclude all utopian options?

Dogma: Thank God, I still feel and understand what our Russian culture should be like. But, unfortunately, I can’t predict anything yet. Culture is created by society, this concept is holistic, it is not done by one person or a group of associates. So far, unfortunately, I don’t see anything holistic. So far I see only individual, heroic individuals and individual, small groups of semi-poor resisters and guardians. And nothing more. I see calls for the unification of everyone who still retains the will to resist and reason, I myself call for this, but there is no real progress yet. So far we only have partisanship and pockets of resistance, there is no united front.
It’s good, of course, that at least there is something and someone is doing something, fighting, but how long will all this last? "The worst thing is that we are apart..."
Our national, socio-cultural code, which was created and crystallized over centuries, was destroyed. Unfortunately, the Bolsheviks did not understand either the role of culture in society or how it is created. They believed that both culture and the Russian people are an inexhaustible resource that comes from God knows where. “The Russian people are great, powerful and inexhaustible...” I. Stalin often used to say with sincere admiration, what a bitter delusion! The Bolsheviks themselves, who grew up in a cultural environment and absorbed it intuitively, were struck by the virus of ideas and ideology; this is this kind of madness, albeit with good intentions. They became the saviors of the country, the state, and the destroyers of culture, national code and identity. And then the power collapsed... Everything is natural, everything repeats itself, alas.
Let's remember that we, Russians, are still “someone”. Who are we? Stupor and emptiness, no answer, an open abyss....
We are Slavs, we are Aryans, we are a distinctive people, we are a Slavic-Aryan civilization, we are farmers and creators, not predators, thieves, bandits and consumers, we are not barbarians. We are “Workers of God”, hard workers and cultivators, deeply and hopelessly in love with our mother earth, we are inseparable from it, our land. A Russian without Russia is no longer a Russian, a renegade, a cut-off piece, an unhappy and lonely person. We are not barbarian nomads, we are not cosmopolitans capable of living and being ourselves anywhere, where it is sweeter and warmer. Ariy, directly translated from Aryan, Proto-Slavic, means “plower”. Those. a cultured man, a farmer and inventor, who loosens his land not with a digging stick, but with a plow, in the sweat of his brow and the joy of his heart. And so our entire culture, our entire civilization is deeply rooted in our land, in love for ours, this very land, spring love, ringing with a crimson trill in these skies, reaches out to the Light. We are a deeply spiritual and peaceful people, this is reflected in everything, in our words, deeds, history, historical path, legends and songs, in our language. In our language, for example, the word “world” is also multifaceted and multi-valued and connected, like our soul. This is God’s world, as space, and peace, as a way of existence without war and conflict, and as an image of our sociality, we live “with the whole world”, a specific and original community based on love, respect, conscience, truth, justice, mutual assistance , participation and unity, this is the main thing, and it is in our soul and our genes. And this is not a “way of life”, this is being itself, beingness, our special originality, this is not from an image, fantasy and empty image, but from the soul, from existence. And we can be and live only this way, and no other way, otherwise we will not exist, we will disappear, we will cease to exist as a nation, as an identity, as a civilization and a people. We can only live the way we like. Not because it’s more satisfying, sweeter, more profitable and more comfortable, but as we like it.
What else can I say? We first need to remember this, our genetic code, so that it sounds in the soul, in the heart, stirs inside, bubbles with a life-giving current in the veins, shines in the eyes. Then there will be community, and everything will be, we will cope with everything only when we are united, when we are the whole world, when we are united. This is what I would like to see, the resurrection, admonition and revival of my Russian people, my country, my culture, and this is what I am doing, to the best of my ability.
The authorities don’t care about culture, they don’t even understand what it is, these are very primitive characters, they perceive culture as a behavioral ritual, which means they won’t help purposefully. This means we should start talking about this, pay attention to it, start looking for and pushing young, talented and gifted authors into print. And remember that an artist is nurtured by the cultural environment, and not by books, canvases and slogans on the walls. This means we need to create such an environment, centers of culture, invite young people there, invest in them, find the strength to do this. Pushkin, this is “our everything,” let’s remember, received a unique education at the Lyceum, it was the pinnacle of our education in general for all centuries, both before and after, and absorbed the spirit of the people and the life-giving spirit of the earth from his nanny, Arina Rodionovna. Who would Pushkin be without all this? Would there even be one? But, for some reason, it has already become a practice for us to believe that talent alone is enough, and education is a methodology and technology, and anyone can be a teacher, as long as they can graduate from a pedagogical institute. The Pushkin Lyceum is, first of all, people, a unique composition of teachers who have created a cultural environment. By recreating the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum without these people, we will not create Pushkins; education is not training. Our land and our civilization will still give birth to the greatest talents and talents, we need to preserve and protect them, let them grow and strengthen in a cultural environment, give them a proper education.

Ed.: What names, in your opinion, characterize the culture of our period and what periodicals?

Dogma: I won’t undertake to argue with publications; I don’t see anything coherent and definite, nothing systematic. My personal experience of communicating with publishing houses, with literary publishing houses, is a bitter experience. Again, so far I only see fighters, partisan and heroic, fighting with dedication to preserve the heritage, but I do not see producers, creators, creators, doers.
Alas, those who finished off, corrupted and destroyed our culture, perverts, moral monsters, psychopaths, sociopaths and degenerates, post-decadence, of the lowest order, who got into publishing houses “through cronyism”, flirting with the authorities, Jesuitically perverting both ideology and ideals, and the most life-giving thing is that they are still sitting there. These are half-corpses, decomposed people, moral and spiritual monsters and degenerates, who fiercely hate everything in any way living, joyful and reverent, everything that is original and light in our soul. Cynically and putridly poisonously ridiculing any bright flashes, any reverent and enthusiastic manifestation, spewing out its putrid poison into the very open soul, into the Russian, blessed birthright.
However, I don’t have much experience in this matter; fortunately, I have a wife who has taken on this onerous task of communicating with publishing houses. But they want to “Look the author in the eye”, this means savagely and subtly vomiting into his heart and soul with their rotten belch, and enjoying the effect. How then can young, trembling and living shoots break through this deadening slime? Print abroad? But they are there too, having partially moved out of here, and there they continue to spew out their decomposing rot on everything and everyone. There are also new publishing houses, but everything there is organized on a commercial basis, they are not called upon to create, they extract profit from what they have created, according to the laws of the market. Have you ever seen culture at the market? This is impossible, there is no place for culture in the market, there is farce, debauchery, sales and fun. A book with my fairy tales, for example, wonderfully designed by amazing, kind and talented artists, has already gone through five reprints, this is a miracle, and this is an insignificant drop in the sea of ​​market, farcical literature. One novel was published, and not in its entirety, and on the periphery, in periodicals, and for a long time. The author, a living author, a contemporary, exists in time, and writes for his contemporaries, for the sake of life, and not for the sake of a bronze statue on a grave. These are the problems; what is financed by the budget is still captured by “mushroom people”, “cultural figures”, decomposing everything and everyone and self-decomposing. Commerce and culture are incompatible. There are network structures, but they are more journalistic and historic, which is also important and pleasing. For example, Platonov and his center, they find the possibility of a paper publication, Prokhanov does a lot of things as he can, as he understands, but this is not fiction. Incl. if there are “names” and “phenomena,” we have not yet observed them, which is unfortunate. There is lubok and market, consumer obscenity, and boorishness, sluggishly stylized as something meaningful and forcedly grandiose, and nothing more, alas.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”...
There is a war going on, it hasn’t ended yet, and we didn’t start it, but “in war as in war,” it’s clear there’s no time for creation yet.

Ed.: Thank you!

Dogma: Thanks to you, your publishing house, the partisan detachment of enthusiasts and guardians for the fatherland, people and culture.

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