Facebook has disabled its artificial intelligence system: bots have invented their own language. Facebook disabled artificial intelligence, which began to communicate in its own language Bots created their own language

Facebook stopped bots that spoke in an unknown language

Whatever you say, the danger of developing artificial intelligence to the point where it gets out of control has always frightened people. Imagine what we will do and how to control a full-fledged AI, if there is some kind of surrogate that scared people.

People will always strive to retain control and management, but as the saying goes, “what one does, another can always break.” Even if everything is super reliable, there will always be fear. Musk recently argued with Zuckerberg on this topic: “I continue to sound the alarm, but until people see for themselves robots that walk the streets and kill people, they will not know how to react [to artificial intelligence],” he said.

And isn’t this a “ringing bell”: chatbots, which were created to negotiate with people, got out of control and began to communicate in their own language.

At first they used English to communicate with each other, but then they created new language, which only the AI ​​system itself could understand, defeating the purpose of the work.

Facebook suspended the AI ​​after developers discovered this glitch.

Here is an excerpt of a conversation between chatbots:

Bob: "You and everything else."
Alice: “Eggs have eggs for me for me for me for me for me.”
Bob: "I am."
Alice: "The balls have zero for me for me for me for me for me for me for me for me for."
Bob: "You I I I I everything else."

The bots were hooked up to machine learning algorithms and allowed to chat with each other so they could hone their communication skills. But after some time, they began to modify words and phrases, and then completely invented their own language, simplifying a number of expressions and grammatical structures.

Using machine learning, the bots also developed several strategies to improve the outcome of negotiations with the interlocutor and began to use them in combination with a number of words they invented, depending on the importance of a particular dialogue. In particular, they proclaimed a false goal of the conversation, only to then abandon it and supposedly come to a compromise.

As Digital Journal explains, artificial intelligence systems rely on the principle of “reward,” that is, they continue to act on the condition that it will bring them a certain “benefit.” At a certain point, they did not receive an encouragement from operators to use English, so they decided to create their own.

Tech Times notes that robots initially had no restrictions in choosing a language, so they gradually created their own language in which they can communicate easier and faster than in English.

Experts fear that if bots begin to actively communicate in their own language, they will gradually become more independent and will be able to function outside the control of IT specialists. Moreover, even experienced engineers cannot fully monitor the thought process of bots.

In March 2016, a Microsoft chatbot became an internet star after it developed a hatred for humanity. The self-learning program began communicating with users with the phrase “People are very cool,” but in just 24 hours it learned expressions such as “I just hate everyone!”, “I hate feminists,” or “I hate Jews.” As a result, company employees had to temporarily disable the bot.

Translation from artificial

Last fall, it became known that the Internet search engine Google had created its own artificial intelligence system to improve the work of the online translator Google Translate.

The new system allows you to translate the entire phrase, whereas previously the translator broke all sentences into individual words and phrases, which reduced the quality of the translation.

To translate the entire sentence, new system Google has invented its own language that allows it to navigate faster and more accurately between the two languages ​​it needs to translate from or into.
Experts are already warning that with the rapid development of online translation services, the work of live translators may be less and less in demand.

However, so far these systems produce high-quality results mainly for small and simple texts.

Do you think it’s too early to sound the alarm about cloning, for example? Or let everything develop on its own?

The system uses chatbots, which were originally created to communicate with real people, but gradually began to communicate with each other.

At first they communicated on English language, but at some point they began to correspond in a language that they themselves created during the development of the program.

Excerpts from “dialogues” between virtual interlocutors appeared in the American media [spelling and punctuation preserved].

Bob: I canCanIIall the rest.

Alice: The balls have zero for me for me for me for me for me.

As Digital Journal explains, artificial intelligence systems rely on the principle of “reward,” that is, they continue to act on the condition that it will bring them a certain “benefit.” At a certain point, they did not receive an encouragement from operators to use English, so they decided to create their own.

Tech Times notes that robots initially had no restrictions in choosing a language, so they gradually created their own language in which they can communicate easier and faster than in English.

"Greatest Threat"

Experts fear that if bots begin to actively communicate in their own language, they will gradually become more independent and will be able to function outside the control of IT specialists. Moreover, even experienced engineers cannot fully monitor the thought process of bots.

A few days ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and SpaceX, Tesla and PayPal founder Elon Musk argued about artificial intelligence.

Musk called on US authorities to strengthen regulation of artificial intelligence systems, warning that AI poses a threat to humanity. British scientist Stephen Hawking previously spoke about the potential threat from artificial intelligence.

Speaking at the National Governors Association of the United States summit, Musk called artificial intelligence "the greatest threat facing civilization." According to him, if you do not intervene in time in the development of these systems, it will be too late.

“I keep raising the alarm, but until people see robots walking the streets and killing people, they won't know how to react [to artificial intelligence],” he said.

Musk's statements irritated Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who called them "pretty irresponsible."

“In the next five or ten years, artificial intelligence will only make life better,” Zuckerberg retorted.

Translation from artificial

Last fall, it became known that the Internet search engine Google had created its own artificial intelligence system to improve the work of the online translator Google Translate.

The new system allows you to translate the entire phrase, whereas previously the translator broke all sentences into individual words and phrases, which reduced the quality of the translation.

In order to translate an entire sentence, Google's new system has invented its own language, which allows it to navigate faster and more accurately between the two languages ​​it needs to translate from or into.

Experts are already warning that with the rapid development of online translation services, the work of live translators may be less and less in demand.

However, so far these systems produce high-quality results mainly for small and simple texts.

The management of the social network Facebook was forced to turn off its artificial intelligence system after the machines began to communicate in their own, non-existent language, which people did not understand, writes the BBC Russian Service.

The system uses chatbots, which were originally created to communicate with real people, but gradually began to communicate with each other.

At first they communicated in English, but at some point they began to correspond in a language that they themselves created in the process of developing the program.

Excerpts from “dialogues” between virtual interlocutors appeared in the American media [spelling and punctuation preserved].

Bob: I can do everything else.

Alice: The balls have zero for me for me for me for me for me.

As Digital Journal explains, they rely on the principle of “encouragement,” that is, they continue to act on the condition that it will bring them a certain “benefit.” At a certain point, they did not receive an encouragement from operators to use English, so they decided to create their own.

Tech Times notes that robots initially had no restrictions in choosing a language, so they gradually created their own language in which they can communicate easier and faster than in English.

Experts fear that if bots begin to actively communicate in their own language, they will gradually become more independent and will be able to function outside the control of IT specialists. Moreover, even experienced engineers cannot fully monitor the thought process of bots.

Let us remember that a few days ago the head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and the founder of SpaceX, Tesla and PayPal, Elon Musk, argued about artificial intelligence.

Facebook was forced to shut down one of its artificial intelligence systems after programmers discovered that bots programmed to communicate with each other began to communicate in their own language, incomprehensible to people, writes TechTimes.

Initially, the bots communicated in English, but they were not limited to it and created their own language, with the help of which it was apparently easier and faster for them to exchange information. The artificial language created appears to consist of English words, but has a different grammatical structure.

Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bob: you i everything else. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob:i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have 0 to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

The above phrases, which seem nonsense to a human, are an example of communication between two bots. Brief Analysis This bot conversation was conducted by one of the professors of linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. He notes that in this example, Alice repeats the same phrase repeatedly (in fact, this is not entirely true, since one of the words is replaced: zero / a ball / 0). However, the meaning of repeating the phrase "to me" over and over again is completely unclear (although it resembles binary code, like the repeated repetition of "i" that Bob uses). At the same time, Bob answers differently each time, which may indicate that each phrase of Alice has its own meaning for him.

However, it cannot be ruled out that this whole conversation really is nonsense, and the “artificial bot language” itself was obtained as a result of programming errors. In other words, it is possible that the bots do not communicate in any language at all, understanding each other, but simply exchange meaningless sets of English words.

Having discovered that the bots' communication had gotten out of control because it had become incomprehensible, Facebook decided to disable the artificial intelligence system, after which it reprogrammed it, limiting the ability to communicate only in English.

In this regard, it can be noted that in mid-July, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, considered artificial intelligence “a fundamental threat to humanity.” According to Musk, the main danger comes from the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into the Internet.

“Robots can start a war by issuing fake news and press releases, spoofing email accounts and manipulating information,” Musk said.

Programmers of the social network Facebook disabled one of the artificial intelligence systems due to the creation of bots’ own language for communication, incomprehensible to people. Previously, experts have repeatedly warned about the risks that people will face when developing artificial intelligence, writes Tech Times. Meanwhile, China intends to become a world leader in this direction.

Facebook was forced to disable artificial intelligence chatbots after the bots started communicating in their own language rather than English. The programmers disabled part of the system and reprogrammed other bots so that their communication took place only in English. The bots created their own language for faster information exchange.

This is not the first time that chatbots violate the rules established by their creators. So, a few months ago, a Microsoft bot bypassed installations and began broadcasting openly racist ideas and endorsing drugs.

Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, previously warned about the risk of artificial intelligence development. He believes that government regulation should limit the activities of artificial intelligence developers. Governments of different countries are interested in such developments.

“The development of full-fledged artificial intelligence could mean the end human race“,” said physicist Stephen Hawking three years ago.

Artificial Intelligence in China

By 2030, China intends to become the world center of artificial intelligence with a market size of 1 trillion yuan ($148 billion).

The Chinese government has developed and approved a three-stage plan for the development and implementation of relevant technologies in the country. According to the plan, by 2020, domestic investment in the development of artificial intelligence will amount to 150 billion yuan ($22.14 billion), and by 2025 - 400 billion yuan ($59 billion). By 2020, China plans to catch up with the United States in this area, and by 2030 to become a world leader.

China associates the development of artificial intelligence with economic and military competition. “The situation around China related to national security, is complex, and we must take the initiative to firmly establish ourselves in the new artificial intelligence technology and create a competitive advantage,” the State Council of the People’s Republic of China said in a statement published on July 20, reports news.eizvestia.com.

The United States developed its plan for the development of artificial intelligence in October last year. It provides for strict control over foreign investment in the field of intelligence development. The reason for this was US fears that foreign countries (including China) would gain access to technologies of strategic military importance. Already, Chinese companies Baidu and Tencent are creating artificial intelligence research centers in the United States. China is striving to eliminate its lack of the latest software, advanced computer chips and competent specialists.

Of the 250,000 artificial intelligence professionals registered on the LinkedIn platform, 50% live in the United States, the share of China is less than 25%, writes forbes.ru.

In 2016, China became the world leader in published scientific articles on developments in the field of artificial intelligence (about 40%).

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang is personally interested in the development of artificial intelligence in China. The interest is really high level suggests that the state will create optimal conditions for cooperation between public and private firms, including military structures, writes the New York Times.

AI is the future

According to most investors, artificial intelligence will be the next technological revolution changing daily life and production. In early May, the analytical company Tractica published a forecast according to which the global market for artificial intelligence technologies is expected to grow rapidly from $1.38 billion in 2016 to $59.75 billion by 2025. In this case, we are talking only about companies directly involved in research and development related to artificial intelligence.

At the end of August 2016, Facebook launched the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Partnership (FAIR) program, which included 15 world-class research groups from 9 European countries. Program participants received access to 22 high-performance GPU-based servers. In return, they must publish the results, algorithms and other information obtained during the work to make them available to researchers around the world. Russia was represented by the Laboratory of Neural Systems and Deep Learning of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

However, for the development of artificial intelligence, it is necessary to have high-performance computing technology in the country. Unlike the USA and China, whose supercomputers occupy first places in the Top 500 ranking, the Russian Lomonosov-2 computer at Moscow State University is in 52nd place. At the same time, the majority Russian universities does not have access to powerful computing servers and big data.

New technologies will only improve people's lives, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in response to Elon Musk's warnings about the dangers of the development of artificial intelligence. He called all sorts of panicky statements in the spirit of “the end of the world” irresponsible.

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