Phil Schneider is lying or telling the truth. Reviews and comments. The mysterious death of Phil Schneider

Phil Schneider was an engineer who worked for the US government and was involved in building underground bases. He was a participant in a riot of people captured by representatives of alien civilizations with the connivance of American intelligence services at an underground base in Dulce / New Mexico / in 1979, who were used for genetic experiments, as well as for bloody rituals. During the confrontation, several aliens and many people died. Phil was one of three survivors of the shootout with the Big Greys. In his lectures, he often shows a scar received from a wound from a laser weapon.
Phil broke off relations with the American intelligence services, after which he gave revealing lectures about underground bases, about top-secret alien technologies, about the threat to the world and all of humanity that those who seek to establish a New World Order at the behest of aliens hostile to people carry with them.
...Phil had a friend, Ron Rummel, a former Air Force intelligence officer and publisher of Alien Digest. He died on August 6, 1993, he allegedly shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. Friends say, however, that there was no blood on the gun, and there were no fingerprints on the barrel and handle of the weapon. Also, the deceased's suicide note was written by a left-hander while Rummel was right-handed.

Phil himself was found dead in his apartment next to the piano. There were wires wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he was brutally tortured before being killed. This is his last, dying lecture.

Base Dulce (Dulce) is located in the state of New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, about forty kilometers west of Cham.
According to rumors, the Dulce base was built, like Area 51, in order to transfer alien technology to the US government. It is also known that genetic experiments and mind control experiments are being carried out at the Dulce base. They are allegedly carried out by representatives of the alien civilization Zeta Reticuli. Again, rumored to be with the knowledge of the US government.
The base is located under the mountain Archuleta Mesa, at a distance of about five kilometers from the small town of Dulce. Small houses with tile roofs are built on the surface, built to distract the attention of the curious.
All vehicles related to the base are parked underground on the first level.
The second level is designed to accommodate special equipment: trains, shuttles, tunnel machines. Through extensive tunnel systems, you can get to other bases: Area 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Edwards Air Force Base, etc.
The third level houses living quarters, complexes for base workers and testing laboratories. This level is the main control node.
The fourth level includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, telepathy and hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens can separate the astral body of a person from the physical one, for further placement in the physical body of an “alien object”.
Level 5 is home to the "Gray" and "Reptoid" alien varieties.
The sixth level is called the Nightmare Hall. It houses laboratories where experiments and experiments are carried out on animals and humans. They also do cloning.
The seventh level is a warehouse of embryos for experiments.
Rumor has it that in 1979, as a result of disagreements between the aliens and the Americans, an armed conflict occurred. During this incident, 72 people died (44 hostages taken by aliens, 22 members of the Delta squad, and six were missing). As if as a result of the use of unknown weapons by aliens, all the people who took part in the conflict spontaneously ignited and burned alive. The aliens had no casualties, so Schneider may be lying.
There are a lot of rumors around the Dulze Base. Some say with complete certainty that the base belongs to the Zetas, others claim that the Sirians. But both of them agree that barbaric experiments are being conducted on the base to create a hybrid of a human and an alien, with an unprecedented violation of human rights and the violent abduction of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.

American engineer Philip Schneider was born on April 23, 1947. He went down in history as a man who worked for many years in cooperation with the US special services, had access to information of the 3rd level of secrecy, but at some point decided that people should know that they were kept in the dark or grossly deceived about everything about UFOs and aliens. Phil Schneider's stories were not taken seriously until he was found dead. At the same time, the circumstances of death indicated that Phil was brutally dealt with.

Phil got higher education in an engineering school and later established himself as an engineer-geologist. He is also known as a civil engineer for the military and aerospace industries. Phil had his own family - a wife and a child. Oscar Schneider, Phil's father, was a medic and military officer who, according to some information, served on a submarine and at the same time managed to fight for both Germany and the United States.

Phil had a chance to take part in the construction of at least two underground bases for the so-called "secret government", as well as in the construction of 13 military bases deep underground. Seeing how such projects are financed, for whom they are built and that the basic rights of people, as well as the US constitution, are being violated, in 1994 Phil broke off relations with the American intelligence services and returned all the awards. After that, Phil began to work as an ordinary geologist, combining work with revealing speeches. He talked about underground bases, about top-secret alien technologies and the threat to all mankind that those who seek to establish a New World Order at the behest of aliens hostile to people carry with them.

“We need to pressure our government officials to reveal the truth,” said Phil Schneider. - "If the truth cannot come out, then how can you say that we live in a free society?"

In order to popularize the disclosed information, in the last two years of his life, Phil made a lot of public appearances, traveling around the United States and Canada, visited England and Japan. He was critical of a government that keeps its citizens in the dark. During his speeches, Phil Schneider constantly repeated: “I do not urge you to blindly believe me. Doubt, compare known facts, think.

In 1995, at a regular lecture, Schneider said that over the past 22 years, 11 of his best friends who knew something about the so-called government "conspiracy theory" had died. At the same time, eight episodes out of 11 were officially recognized as suicides. Including Phil mentioned, who previously served in the US Air Force and was found dead on August 6, 1993.

About himself, Phil said that he was one of three people who survived the shootout that occurred in 1979 at an underground military base in Dulce between representatives of the American intelligence services and aliens. As a result of exposure to alien weapons, Schneider was exposed to radiation and subsequently developed cancer.

Phil Schneider also claimed that there were repeated attempts on his life after he revealed what he knew. These were attacks with weapons, attempts to push a car onto the road, and even attacks disguised as "street fights."

On January 17, 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead at his home in Wilsonville, Oregon. He was lying on the floor next to the piano, with a tube from his own catheter wrapped around his neck. Although, according to the report, Schneider was shot dead by the police, who came to deal with a large number of unpaid taxes and fines, and during the dialogue, Phil began to act threateningly, grabbed a weapon, and thus left the law enforcement officers no choice. Whatever happened, but by the time of his death, Phil Schneider was in very poor health due to a serious illness (oncology). The official cause of death was suicide, although, according to some reports, there were signs of torture on the body. Many ufologists believe that representatives of the American intelligence services simply "removed" Schneider because he "knew too much."

Veterans Today editor-in-chief Gordon Duff called Phil Schneider a "UFO witness", believing that he was remarkably intimately aware of US government contacts with aliens.

Information disclosed by Phil Schneider

Phil Schneider worked as a demolition specialist helping build secret underground bases for the US government. From his speech:

The federal government currently has an earthquake-causing device. I'm a geologist and I know what I'm talking about. During the earthquake in Kobe (Japan) there was no pulse wave, as is usually the case in normal earthquakes. She wasn't there. In 1989 there was an earthquake in San Francisco, and there was no pulse wave or anything like that either. This is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes. Shadow budget programs distort the essence of science as we know it. Look at AIDS - it was created by government order in a laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, in 1972. It was a biological weapon that was used against the people of the United States. I know this because I have seen the documentation of the Office of Strategic Services, which, by the way, is still working to this day through the CDC in Atlanta. They used the glandular secretions of animals, humans and humanoids to create a virus. These humanoids have friendly relations with the government. There is absolutely no defense against what they create. It is a biological weapon with potentially dire consequences. Every alien on our planet must be isolated...

Phil Schneider openly accused the US government and intelligence agencies of covert acts, as well as direct crimes. Some of them deserve special attention:

  1. The American government entered into an agreement with the "Gray" aliens in 1954. This agreement of "mutually beneficial" cooperation is called the "Greada Agreement" ("Greada Treaty"). Aliens don't follow it.
  2. The shuttle produced special alloys in orbit. The vacuum is needed to create these special metals and thus justifies the mandate for continued support of the manned space station.
  3. Much of the technology behind the Stealth technology aircraft was developed through the study of an alien vessel that crashed in the US.
  4. AIDS was invented at the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois and developed as a virus to control the human population.
  5. It is kept secret that the US government has a device to cause earthquakes. The 1989 San Francisco earthquake and the 1995 Kobe earthquake did not have a pulse wave, which confirms their artificial origin.
  6. The World Trade Center bombing (9/11/2001) and the Oklahoma City bombing (4/19/1995) were carried out using miniature nuclear devices. This is indicated by the melting and pitting of the concrete, with the extrusion of metal rods that made up the frame of concrete structures to the surface (it is worth recalling that Phil was an engineer and explosives were one of his strengths).
  7. Bikini Island was destroyed by nuclear weapons due to the fact that there was an underwater base of aliens.
  8. Strategic Defense Initiative ("SDI" or Star Wars”) was actually intended as a defense against alien invasions.
  9. A large number of underground military bases (~130) have been built on the territory of the United States, up to 2 km deep, and they are similar in size to cities. Bases were built in case of a declaration of war. The bases are interconnected by high-speed monorail roads, along which trains move at a speed of Mach 2 (~ 2380 km / h) on a “magnetic cushion”, hovering 3/4 inch (~ 2 cm) above the rail.
  10. The secret plan of the high "Greys" to establish a New World Order on the planet, controlled by the UN, which they secretly control.

Phil Schneider also argued that the democratic order in the United States no longer exists: "From democracy, we have become a technocracy, run by a shadow government, doing everything according to their own idea of ​​us - whether we like it or not."

US government treaty with aliens

The problem of UFOs was dealt with by an organization specially created on the instructions of the US government back in 1933. According to the results of research by this organization, in 1935 the presence of aliens on Earth became a recognized fact. Over the next 20 years, employees tried to find out the intentions of space aliens and establish contact with them. And this happened in 1954: on February 20-21, President Dwight Eisenhower met with representatives of an alien civilization. The first meeting turned out to be fruitless - the aliens refused to transfer any advanced technologies to earthlings (in the person of the Americans), but demanded to stop the development of certain types of weapons. The US did not agree to stop its military projects and, of course, could not vouch for this for the rest of the world.

Contacts continued and, as a result, the so-called "Greadic Agreement" was concluded. What did the contracting parties agree on?

  • Aliens do not interfere in the affairs of earthlings.
  • Earthlings (represented by the US government) keep the fact of the presence of aliens on Earth a secret.
  • Aliens help in technical development. This applies only to the American nation.
  • Aliens can take people and animals for scientific purposes. People after research should come back, and memories of contacts with aliens should be deleted from their memory.

The result of this agreement was the creation of numerous underground bases, where earthlings mastered extraterrestrial technologies, and aliens conducted their experiments on "human material".

Of the 130 such bases built in the United States, Phil Schneider could name only two: the base "Dulce" (Nevada) and the base in "Area 51" (New Mexico).

As time went on, Phil became more and more convinced that the aliens had long ago abandoned the treaty. Yes, they continued to transfer technology, and many of the cutting-edge designs of the American defense industry were made with their help. But at the same time, more and more people began to disappear without a trace. And most importantly: Phil himself stopped believing that he was working for the good of the American nation and the whole world. In the future, he saw the establishment of a New World Order, in which aliens and a narrow layer of the earthly aristocracy will dominate. And the vast majority of earthlings were to become dumb slaves on their own planet.

Gray aliens are employees of a powerful extraterrestrial civilization, the existence of which the earthlings had to face in their historical past. The alleged basis of the aliens' ideology is the unification of intelligent species of the universe into united union, and regardless of the very form of life (biological, ethereal, or otherwise).

Judging by the events of the past, the political principles of the aliens imply a non-violent conversion of the planets to their ideology. The essence of the aliens' idea of ​​a single kind of intelligent life form is that the population of the planets loses the memory of the past and turns into creatures with specified characteristics. To implement this program, the aliens use advanced bioengineering technologies. The final stage of their mission comes down to the introduction of the necessary information, while information about the past of the subjugated culture no longer matters.

Battle with aliens

"Underground there was a war, and it continues to this day," said Phil Schneider. According to him, there are 1477 underground bases around the world, and approximately 130 of them are located in the United States. Each such base costs about 17 billion dollars. To accomplish such a massive task, there is a secret budget, hidden from the public and other departments of the American government. Its volume reaches 25% of GNP (Gross National Product). Military from other countries also encounter aliens, which forces them to take part in this war.

During the construction of one of these bases in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Dulce in 1979, an armed incident with alien invaders occurred, which is known as the "War in Dulce". The exact reason for this confrontation remains unclear. According to various testimonies, it actually took place and caused a significant number of deaths, including American personnel, base security guards and representatives of extraterrestrial races.

According to one version (Thomas Castello, base officer), the military conflict in Dulce is the result of a growing resistance movement, including both security personnel and representatives of extraterrestrial races who sympathize with them, who want to help people deprived of their liberty in the alien sectors of the base. Eventually, an elite 100-man Delta Force military unit was sent to the base to root out a resistance movement that had begun to threaten the base's security system. As a result, the victims of the conflict were both representatives of the Delta unit, as well as base security personnel and aliens.

According to another version, earthlings stole a “zero energy” device from a UFO and did not want to return it. Then the aliens took hostage 44 employees of the laboratory, putting forward their demands. In response, specialists from the Delta squad arrived, which ended in a deadly shootout.

However, Phil Schneider describes the cause of the 1979 military confrontation as a kind of "accident" that occurred as a result of planned work (drilling) to expand the Dulce base:

I was involved in the expansion of the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is possibly the deepest base. It descends seven levels and is over 2.5 miles deep. At this time we were drilling four different wells in the desert, intending to tie them together, but this required blasting. My job was to go deep into the wells, research the characteristics of the black rocks, and recommend the explosives that would be suitable in each case. However, as we made our way down, we found ourselves in a large cavern that was full of extraterrestrial aliens known as the "big Greys".

I killed two of them. At that time there were about 30 people there, and 40 more came there later, when it all started - they were all killed. We were surprised by the existence of an entire underground base filled with aliens. Later we learned that they have been living on our planet for a long time. In my opinion, this can explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.

An important difference between Schneider's version and Castello's is that Schneider does not view the base as a shared one. He describes it as a seven-level American structure that "accidentally" ended up on top of an ancient extraterrestrial base. He was convinced that his job was to expand the existing base, and not attack aliens for unknown purposes. The implausibility that the Dulce base was "accidentally" built on top of an ancient alien base suggests that Schneider was only partially informed of the true nature of his mission and what was going on in the lower levels. A more plausible scenario was that Schneider assisted the US military in reaching the deepest level of the Dulce base, level 7, which was closed and where true reason conflict.

According to Phil Schneider's description, his suspicions about something bad arose when he saw a lot of "Green Berets" from the special forces around the camp. Then the team drilled four big holes- this was the standard preparation for the start of construction. He descended underground for inspection and found a two-meter gray alien nearby.

“It smelled worse than the dirtiest dump. This creature looked absolutely terrible, ”Phil said. He fumbled for a gun, took it out and was able to kill two creatures, but before that one of them managed to radiate a strange and destructive energy. The alien made a circular motion with his hand in front of his chest. Schneider showed this movement in his public speech. “The next moment, a blue beam hit me and literally fried me like a fish,” Phil shared his memories. He showed his hand to those present - the beam burned several fingers on his left hand and hit his chest. His shoes and feet were burned. One of the Green Berets saved Schneider's life, but died himself: he dragged Phil into the elevator and pressed the button to take him upstairs to safety.

According to the testimony of Phil Schneider, more than 60 people died that day (according to other sources, 72 people died - 44 hostages taken by aliens, 22 members of the Delta squad and six were missing). As a result of the use of unknown weapons by aliens, people who took part in the conflict spontaneously ignited and burned alive. The two survivors of that incident later moved to live in Canada, where they settled in a nursing home - they are under the protection of the Canadian government. American citizens, including Phil Schneider, no longer have the right to communicate with them. This is due to the fear that the survivors might be kidnapped.

For Phil himself, the collision with the aliens did not pass without a trace - he was treated for burns for a long time (more than four hundred days in therapy) and got used to the injuries he received (in the photo with the child and his wife you can see what happened to his left hand). During his performances, he sometimes showed scars on his body, attributing their appearance to the effects of "electric waves", which also burned several fingers and fingernails and toenails. In the video footage of one of these performances (listed below), Phil talks about the incident and shows the scars from his injuries. In addition, Phil had to fight cancer, which appeared due to exposure to cobalt isotopes.

According to some reports, the base in Dulce was built in the same way as in Area 51 - in order to transfer alien technology to the US government. It is also known that genetic experiments and mind control experiments are carried out at the base. They are allegedly carried out by representatives of the alien civilization Zeta Reticuli with the knowledge of the US government. The base is located under the mountain Archuleta Mesa, at a distance of about five kilometers from the small town of Dulce. Small houses with tiled roofs were built on the surface, in order to divert the attention of the curious.

Base levels:

  • All vehicles related to the base are parked underground on the first level.
  • The second level is designed to accommodate special equipment: trains, shuttles, tunnel machines. Through extensive tunnel systems, you can get to other bases: Area 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Edwards Air Force Base, etc.
  • The third level houses living quarters, complexes for base workers and testing laboratories. This level is the main control node.
  • The fourth level includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, telepathy and hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens can separate the astral body of a person from the physical body for further placement in the physical body of an “alien object”.
  • The fifth level is housing for such varieties of aliens as "Greys" and "Reptoids".
  • The sixth level is called the “Nightmare Hall”, where laboratories are located where experiments and experiments are carried out on animals and humans. They also do cloning.
  • The seventh level is a warehouse of embryos for experiments.

There are a lot of rumors around the Dulze Base. Some say with complete certainty that the base belongs to the representatives of the Zeta Grid, and others - that the representatives of Sirius. But both of them agree that barbaric experiments are being conducted on the base to create a hybrid of a human and an alien, with an unprecedented violation of human rights and the violent abduction of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.

A visual reconstruction of the base with a description of the details is available at link(after clicking on the link, you need to click on the "Declassify" button).

Valiant Thor

In 1995, Phil Schneider released a photograph of an unknown man. According to Schneider, he met this man while on secret government assignments. His name was Valiant Tor (Val Thor) and in fact he was an alien from Venus who worked for the United States government. At least that's what Thor himself claimed.

The photo was shown by Phil Schneider during a lecture. He said the picture was taken in 1943. According to Schneider, Thor only looked like a man, but physiologically he was very different from ordinary people. So, he allegedly had six fingers on each hand, his heart was enlarged, his lung was only one and huge, and his blood contained copper oxide.

Phil claimed to have met Thor while building underground military bases. This creature had an IQ of 1200, which is not in line with human standards (the average human IQ is 100). Thor was fluent in about 100 languages, including alien ones, and his age was allegedly about 500 years old.

It would be possible to write off the stories about the "alien from Venus" to the paranoia that tormented Schneider, but it turned out that Schneider was not the only one who had information about Thor. So, Dr. Frank Stranges published the book "The Stranger in the Pentagon", in which he told about his meeting with Valiant Thor in 1959. Stranges described him as a man about 180 centimeters tall and weighing 84 kilograms, with curly brown hair and brown eyes. The book says that Thor met with US Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. By the way, former US government consultant Timothy Goode also speaks about Eisenhower's connection with aliens.

Was there really a man named Valiant Thor? It is possible that there was a certain subject who only appeared to be Valiant Thor. After all, there is evidence that the US government is deliberately "launching" disinformation about UFOs and contacts with aliens. It's hard to say what it's for. Either in order to hide real contacts, or to cover up a number of secret military developments with the “alien hypothesis”. What is the demand from aliens? Most likely, of course, the second. After all, there is still no evidence that at least one of the planets solar system there is life, including on Venus, from which Thor allegedly arrived. Therefore, it is much more difficult to believe in an “alien” version than in secret technologies invented by earthlings.

Phil Schneider video

Underground bases of the world (with Russian translation).
Taken May 8, 1995 in Post Falls, Idaho, USA.

Schneider about alien bases (with Russian translation).
For some time this video was considered lost, but was restored thanks to Phil's wife Cynthia Dreyer (Cynthia Dreyer) and their daughter.

Materials from websites are used for the article

In 1995, a certain Phil Schneider traveled around the United States with public lectures. In his speeches, he claimed that the US government has long established close contact with aliens and is carrying out joint projects with them. “I don’t suppose, I know, because I myself took part in one of these projects for a long time and had access to documents high degree secrecy."

Each employee, before gaining access to the secrets of the company, swears to keep everything he learns in secret. Proud of their trust, they open with trepidation the "dedicated" folders with secret documents. For many, this comes as a shock. The methods of the company's work do not always fit into the framework of moral and ethical standards, and sometimes they are frankly criminal in nature.

Not everyone is able to accept it. And then revealing interviews appear in the press, in which employees of firms tell all the truth that has become known to them about the dark affairs of their native corporation. In the US, they are called "truth seekers". “Truth-seeking” is often paid for with job loss, reputation, and economic security. There are federal and local laws in the United States that protect these people.

Phil Schneider was a typical truth seeker. But, unlike the others, he worked for the government, which means that no laws to protect the "truth seekers" applied to him.

Phil was a highly trained geologist and mining engineer, and in the late 70s was involved in the construction of secret underground bases, both in the United States and beyond. Gradually, his level of clearance to secret projects increased. In 1979, he was sent to the Dulce base in New Mexico.

Massacre at Dulce

It was necessary to deepen and expand the already existing underground base. "Dulce" had several levels and went 2.5 miles in depth. Schneider's group drilled holes, Phil descended into them, examined the rock and determined the amount and type of explosives needed to expand underground cavities. All work was carried out under the protection of the "green berets", which surprised Schneider a little: it is clear that the object is secret, but from whom to defend yourself underground? It turned out that it was from someone.

During one of the descents, Schneider and his group discovered a huge cavern (cavity) filled with humanoids. A shootout ensued, in which 66 commandos were killed. Schneider himself received a chest wound (burn) from an unknown weapon and lost several fingers on his left hand. Of the entire group, only two survived except for him.

After the incident at Dulce, Schneider's clearance to classified documents and projects was increased and he learned of the existence of a secret agreement between the US government and aliens.

"Greada Treaty" (Greada Agreement)

The organization specially created on the instructions of the US government has been dealing with the problem of UFOs since 1933. According to the results of research in 1935, the presence of aliens on Earth was recognized as a fact. Over the next 20 years, employees tried to find out the intentions of space aliens and establish contact with them. This happened in 1954, on February 20-21, President Dwight Eisenhower met with representatives of an alien civilization.

The first meeting was fruitless. The aliens refused to transfer any advanced technologies to earthlings in the person of the Americans, but demanded to stop the development of certain types of weapons. The US did not agree to stop its military projects and, of course, could not vouch for this for the whole world.

Contacts continued, and as a result, the so-called. "Greadic Agreement". What did the contracting parties agree on?

    Aliens do not interfere in the affairs of earthlings.

    Earthlings (US government) keep the fact of the presence of aliens on Earth a secret.

    Aliens help in technical development. This applies only to the American nation.

    Aliens can take people and animals for scientific purposes. After research, people return back, memories of contacts with aliens are deleted from their memory.

The result of this agreement was the creation of numerous underground bases, where earthlings mastered extraterrestrial technologies, and aliens conducted their experiments on "human material". According to Schneider, about 130 such bases were built in the United States. He himself could name only two in which he was personally: the Dulce base (Nevada) and the base in Area 51 (New Mexico).

The reasons for the "massacre in Dulce" remained unclear to him, the leadership explained the shootout as "an unfortunate misunderstanding."


As time went on, Phil became more and more convinced that the aliens had long ago abandoned the treaty. Yes, they continue to transfer technology. Many advanced developments in the American defense industry were made with their help.

But at the same time, more and more people began to disappear without a trace. And most importantly: Phil himself stopped not believing that he was working for the good of the American nation and the whole world. In the future, he saw the establishment of a New World Order, in which aliens and a narrow layer of the earthly aristocracy will dominate. And the vast majority of earthlings were to become dumb slaves on their planet.

In 1994, Schneider interrupted his cooperation with US government agencies and went "to free bread." He began to combine the work of a geologist with public lectures in the USA and Canada, and visited England and Japan. During his speeches, Phil Schneider constantly repeated: “I do not urge you to blindly believe me. Doubt, compare known facts, think.

Following Phil's advice, let's not blindly rely on his words. Is there anything other than his words? Hardly ever. At lectures, Schneider showed samples of some materials allegedly obtained using extraterrestrial technologies, but not a single document, not a single photograph, not a single meter of film. And yet there is something - the testimony of other witnesses. Phil wasn't the only one talking about Base Dulce, and he wasn't the only one who knew about the 1979 massacre.

Paul Bennewitz

In late 1979, electronics specialist Paul Bennewitz intercepted several obscure radio messages. After 15 months, he already had several dozen intercepted radio and television broadcasts. He tracked their direction and was able to locate the receiving point - Mount Archuleta Mesa near Dulce. Since there were no structures in the area, Bennewitz concluded that the site was underground.

He traveled around the state and found several people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens and taken to an underground base in Dulce, where they were experimented on.

Mirna Hansen, immersed in hypnosis, described the laboratory of aliens, containers filled with parts of human bodies and people immersed in liquid nitrogen.

In 1980, Paul provided all the materials he collected to officials, but the investigation resulted in a massive campaign of harassment against Bennewitz and discredit of the materials he collected. It all ended for the “truth seeker” with a nervous breakdown, after which he left the UFO problematic.

Thomas Castello

Thomas Castello worked at the underground base "Dulce" as a security specialist - he was in charge of video surveillance cameras. He also knew about the 1979 incident, but, unlike Schneider, he knew the background of what happened.

At the lowest - 6th and 7th levels of the base, aliens conducted large-scale medical experiments on people. In violation of the signed agreement, they stopped providing earthlings with the results of their research, which caused displeasure of the special services. It was decided to "teach presumptuous guests a lesson." The special detachment, with the help of Schneider, was supposed to penetrate the lower floors of the base, closed to earthlings. The fighters were supposed to be supported by the earthlings of the base. However, the "War in Dulce" did not end in favor of the special forces.

Silenced forever

During 1995, Schneider delivered over 30 lectures. What was it: a grandiose hoax or did Phil really lift the veil of secrecy? He promised to provide documents and evidence, but did not fulfill his intentions: on January 11, 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment, his neck was wrapped in wires. The police qualified the death as a suicide. He won't tell anyone else.

Phil Schneider was a geologist, engineer and perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the world of ufology and extraterrestrial events. Phil was born in 1947 and worked for the US government for many years. He worked in the field of nuclear medicine, worked on the Philadelphia Experiment, and also worked in the government building underground military bases. Phil was silent about his work and knowledge.

However, after the death of his father in 1993 and the assassination of his friend Ron Rummel, Phil decided to shed some light on some of the most controversial topics in history: aliens and conspiracy theories. Phil Schneider speech followed immediately after. There, he talked about what is probably the most popular and well-known conspiracy theory, the Alien Agenda. According to her, aliens should take over the world in 2029.

Alien Agenda Details

Schneider points out that between 1947 and 1952 there were 16 UFO crashes. Due to accidents, the US government recovered 117 foreign bodies, four of which were alive. The safety of aliens was carried out by a special unit in the army. Phil believed that there are currently seven benevolent alien species and four evil species on Earth.

The theory further suggests that the authorities signed four treaties with extraterrestrial beings in 1944, 1954, 1962, and 1979. Schneider believed that the purpose of the secret military establishments was to protect the Earth from a possible alien invasion.

Other conspiracy theories by Phil Schneider

The "New World Order" is a theory that has several supporters. According to his theory, the power of the elite from all over the world will enslave humanity into a dictatorship.

The idea is that the "New World Order" will bring a One Government that will rule over everything on Earth.

In such a world, citizens from all over the world will give up their freedoms in exchange for protection from terrorist threats. Phil stated that 107,200 prison cars have been built and they can store more than 15 million people in them.

Underground military bases

Phil Schneider worked to create underground government bases. It had a Level 3 (Rhyolite 38) security clearance for several underground military bases. In this way, Phil Schneider knew about the secret underground bases of aliens so many. He said he was one of three survivors of a battle with gray aliens in August 1979.

He died on January 17, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. Schneider, disturbed by what he saw while working, felt it was his duty to warn his compatriots about the insidious secret military program. gray alien for a new world order.

The mysterious death of Phil Schneider

Phil died in January 1996. The official cause of death was suicide. However, the events leading up to Phil Schneider's death make this claim moot. In May 1995, in his speech, Phil publicly stated many conspiracy theories.

After his death, neither the police nor the medical experts completed their investigation.

Many believe that he was a victim of his "freedom of speech". There were many secrets that I knew Phil Schneider Lectures show that he gradually began to reveal these secrets. After his death, his manuscripts, photographs and notes were stolen. Phil was found by his friend Al Pratt, who suspected something was wrong with Schneider. Five days later, he decided to call the police and the building manager to enter the apartment. Phil Schneider's body lay there.

After death

Are there alien bases on Earth? Do they cooperate with people? Find answers to these questions in Phil Schneider's documentary on US government collusion with alien civilizations(1995).

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