Phosphorus, atomic structure, allotropy, chemical properties of phosphorus. Phosphorus (V) oxide. Phosphorus: atomic structure, chemical and physical properties Phosphorus atomic structure chemistry

structure of the phosphorus atom and its properties and received the best answer

Answer from Helga[guru]

Allotropic modifications of phosphorus

White phosphorus has a molecular crystal lattice; This substance is yellowish in color with a garlicky odor. In vapor it has the composition P4. In air it ignites at 18ºС. When stored in light it turns red. Insoluble in water, but highly soluble in carbon disulfide, benzene and other organic solvents. It is very poisonous: 0.1 g of white phosphorus is a lethal dose for humans.

Red phosphorus is a powder with a weakly expressed crystalline structure and therefore called amorphous, dark red in color, has an atomic lattice, is very hygroscopic (easily absorbs water), but is insoluble in water; It is also insoluble in carbon disulfide.
Red phosphorus is obtained by prolonged heating of white phosphorus without air access at 450ºC. Unlike white, it is not toxic, has no odor, and ignites at 250 - 300ºС.

Violet and black phosphorus are also obtained from white phosphorus at high pressure and temperature. Black phosphorus has a metallic luster and conducts electricity and heat. Consequently, phosphorus exhibits metallic properties to a small extent

Chemical properties of phosphorus

Chemically, white phosphorus is very different from red phosphorus.
White phosphorus easily oxidizes and spontaneously ignites in air, so it is stored under water.
Red phosphorus does not ignite in air, but ignites when heated above 240ºC.
When oxidized, white phosphorus glows in the dark - a direct conversion of chemical energy into light occurs.

Phosphorus combines with many simple substances– oxygen, halogens, sulfur and some metals, exhibiting oxidizing and reducing properties.

1. With oxygen.
When phosphorus burns, it produces white
thick smoke. White phosphorus is self-igniting
in air, and red burns when ignited.
Phosphorus burns brilliantly in oxygen
bright flame.
4P + 3O2(deficiency) → 2P2O3 (P4O6)
4P + 5O2(excess) → 2P2O5 (P4O10)

2. With halogens.
Phosphorus reacts very vigorously with elements that have greater electronegativity than phosphorus.
If you add red phosphorus to a vessel with chlorine, then after a few seconds it
spontaneously ignites in chlorine. This usually produces phosphorus(III) chloride.
4P + 6Cl2(deficiency) → 4PCl3
4P + 10Cl2(excess) → 4PCl5

3. With sulfur when heated.
4P + 6S → 2P2S3
4P + 10S → 2P2S5

4. Phosphorus oxidizes almost all metals when heated, forming phosphides:
2P + 3Ca → Ca3P2
Metal phosphides are easily hydrolyzed by water.
Ca3P2 + 6H2O → 2PH3 + 3Ca(OH)2

5. Red phosphorus is oxidized by water at a temperature of about 800ºС in the presence of a catalyst - copper powder:
2P + 8H2O → 2H3PO4 + 5H2

6. Concentrated sulfuric acid oxidizes phosphorus when heated:

2P + 5H2SO4(k) → 5SO2 + 2H3PO4 + 2H2O

7. Nitric acid oxidizes phosphorus when heated

P + 5HNO3(k) → 5NO2 + H3PO4 + H2O
3P + 5HNO3(dil) + 2H2O → 5NO + 3H3PO4

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: the structure of the phosphorus atom and its properties

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2. Allotropy - the existence of two or more simple substances of the same chemical element, different in structure and properties - the so-called allotropic modifications or forms.
White phosphorus is a yellowish-white substance (due to impurities, it resembles wax in softness. Very active substance; and it glows because it is already oxidized at room temperature by oxygen from the air. Very poisonous and smelly substance.
Yellow frsfor is simply unrefined white fresfor. Color - from yellow to brown. Just as active as white phosphorus, it spontaneously ignites in air.
Red phosphorus is a less active substance than white or yellow phosphorus, less soluble in water, and does not spontaneously ignite or glow in air. Less poisonous.
Black phosphorus is a black substance with a metallic luster, feels greasy to the touch, and looks very similar to graphite. Black phosphorus even conducts electricity, which is usually the case with metals. At a certain pressure, it can transform into a modification that is called metallic phosphorus.
3. The most common is white phosphorus - it has a waxy structure and is highly toxic. The melting point of this substance is forty-four degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is two hundred and eighty degrees. By friction of this material it ignites very quickly, so they cut it only after placing it in an aquatic environment. If you heat it for a long time at a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, it turns into red phosphorus. This substance is presented in the form of a brown-red powder. Red phosphorus, unlike white phosphorus, is not poisonous. The most stable form of existence of this element can be called black phosphorus, which in some external characteristics is similar to metal: it has a peculiar shine, has high hardness, electrical and thermal conductivity.
4. The chemical properties of phosphorus are largely determined by its allotropic modification. White phosphorus is very active; in the process of transition to red and black phosphorus, the chemical activity decreases. White phosphorus in the air, when oxidized by air oxygen at room temperature, emits visible light; the glow is due to the photoemission reaction of phosphorus oxidation. 1) Phosphorus is easily oxidized by oxygen.
2) It interacts with many simple substances - halogens, sulfur, some metals, exhibiting oxidizing and reducing properties; with metals it is an oxidizing agent and forms phosphides.
3) Strong oxidizing agents convert phosphorus into phosphoric acid.
4) Interacts with water vapor at temperatures above 500 °C, a disproportionation reaction occurs with the formation of phosphine and phosphoric acid: 8P+12H2O➡5PH3+3H3PO4.
5. Phosphorus is obtained from apatites or phosphorites as a result of interaction with coke and silica at a temperature of about 1600 ° C:
6. Red phosphorus is the main modification produced and consumed by industry. It is used in the production of matches, explosives, incendiary compositions, various types of fuels, as well as extreme pressure lubricants, as a getter in the production of incandescent lamps.
7. Phosphorus is present in living cells in the form of ortho- and pyrophosphoric acids, it is part of nucleotides, nucleic acids, phosphoproteins, phospholipids, coenzymes, enzymes. Human bones consist of hydroxyapatite 3Ca3(PO4)3Ca(OH)2. The composition of tooth enamel includes fluoropate. The metabolism of phosphorus compounds is regulated by hormones and vitamin D. With a lack of phosphorus in the body, various bone diseases develop.


Phosphorus (lat. Phosphorus) P - chemical element Group V periodic table Mendeleev atomic number 15, atomic mass 30.973762(4). Let's consider the structure of the phosphorus atom. The outer energy level of the phosphorus atom contains five electrons. Graphically it looks like this:

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3 3d 0

In 1699, the Hamburg alchemist X. Brand, in search of a “philosopher’s stone” supposedly capable of turning base metals into gold, when evaporating urine with coal and sand, isolated a white waxy substance that could glow.

The name "phosphorus" comes from the Greek. “phos” - light and “phoros” - carrier. In Russia, the term “phosphorus” was introduced in 1746 by M.V. Lomonosov.

The main phosphorus compounds include oxides, acids and their salts (phosphates, dihydrogen phosphates, hydrogen phosphates, phosphides, phosphites).

A lot of phosphorus-containing substances are found in fertilizers. Such fertilizers are called phosphorus fertilizers.

Phosphorus as an element and as a simple substance

Phosphorus in nature

Phosphorus is one of the common elements. The total content in the earth's crust is about 0.08%. Due to its easy oxidation, phosphorus occurs in nature only in the form of compounds. The main phosphorus minerals are phosphorites and apatites, of the latter the most common is fluorapatite 3Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 * CaF 2. Phosphorites are widespread in the Urals, Volga region, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, and Belarus. The largest deposits of apatite are located on the Kola Peninsula.

Phosphorus is a necessary element of living organisms. It is present in bones, muscles, brain tissue and nerves. ATP molecules are built from phosphorus - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP is a collector and carrier of energy). The adult human body contains on average about 4.5 kg of phosphorus, mainly in combination with calcium.

Phosphorus is also found in plants.

Natural phosphorus consists of only one stable isotope 31 R. Today, six radioactive isotopes of phosphorus are known.

Physical properties

Phosphorus has several allotropic modifications - white, red, black, brown, violet phosphorus, etc. The first three of these are the most studied.

White phosphorus- a colorless, yellowish-tinged crystalline substance that glows in the dark. Its density is 1.83 g/cm3. Insoluble in water, soluble in carbon disulfide. Has a characteristic garlic smell. Melting point 44°C, auto-ignition temperature 40°C. To protect white phosphorus from oxidation, it is stored under water in the dark (in the light it transforms into red phosphorus). In the cold, white phosphorus is fragile; at temperatures above 15°C it becomes soft and can be cut with a knife.

White phosphorus molecules have crystal lattice, at the nodes of which there are P 4 molecules, having the shape of a tetrahedron.

Each phosphorus atom is connected by three?-bonds to the other three atoms.

White phosphorus is poisonous and causes hard-to-heal burns.

Red phosphorus- a powdery substance of a dark red color, odorless, insoluble in water and carbon disulfide, and does not glow. Ignition temperature 260°C, density 2.3 g/cm 3 . Red phosphorus is a mixture of several allotropic modifications that differ in color (from scarlet to violet). The properties of red phosphorus depend on the conditions of its production. Not poisonous.

Black phosphorus It looks like graphite, feels greasy to the touch, and has semiconductor properties. Density 2.7 g/cm3.

Red and black phosphorus have an atomic crystal lattice.

Chemical properties

Phosphorus is a non-metal. In compounds it usually exhibits an oxidation state of +5, less often - +3 and -3 (only in phosphides).

Reactions with white phosphorus are easier than with red phosphorus.

I. Interaction with simple substances.

1. Interaction with halogens:

2P + 3Cl 2 = 2PCl 3 (phosphorus (III) chloride),

PCl 3 + Cl 2 = PCl 5 (phosphorus (V) chloride).

2. Interaction with non-metals:

2P + 3S = P 2 S 3 (phosphorus (III) sulfide.

3. Interaction with metals:

2P + 3Ca = Ca 3 P 2 (calcium phosphide).

4. Interaction with oxygen:

4P + 5O 2 = 2P 2 O 5 (phosphorus (V) oxide, phosphoric anhydride).

II. Interaction with complex substances.

3P + 5HNO3 + 2H2O = 3H3PO4 + 5NO^.


Phosphorus is obtained from crushed phosphorites and apatites, the latter are mixed with coal and sand and calcined in furnaces at 1500°C:

2Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 + 10C + 6SiO 2 6CaSiO 3 + P 4 ^ + 10CO^.

Phosphorus is released in the form of vapor, which condenses in the receiver under water, forming white phosphorus.

When heated to 250-300°C without air access, white phosphorus turns into red.

Black phosphorus is obtained by prolonged heating of white phosphorus at very high pressure (200°C and 1200 MPa).


Red phosphorus is used in the manufacture of matches (see picture). It is part of the mixture applied to lateral surface matchbox. The main component of a match head is Berthollet's salt KClO3. Due to the friction of the match head against the lubricant, the phosphorus particles in the air ignite. As a result of the oxidation reaction of phosphorus, heat is released, leading to the decomposition of Berthollet salt.

The resulting oxygen helps ignite the match head.

Phosphorus is used in metallurgy. It is used to produce conductors and is a component of some metallic materials, such as tin bronzes.

Phosphorus is also used in the production of phosphoric acid and pesticides (dichlorvos, chlorophos, etc.).

White phosphorus is used to create smoke screens, since its combustion produces white smoke.

Phosphorus (P) is a typical nonmetal with a relative atomic mass of 31. The structure of the phosphorus atom determines its activity. Phosphorus easily reacts with other substances and elements.


The structure of the atom of the element phosphorus is reflected in the periodic table of Mendeleev. Phosphorus is located at number 15 in the fifth group, third period. Consequently, the phosphorus atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (+15) and three electron shells, which contain 15 electrons.

Rice. 1. Position in the periodic table.

Graphically, the structure of an atom looks like this:

  • +15 P) 2) 8) 5 ;
  • 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3 .

Phosphorus is a p-element. At the outer energy level, there are five electrons in an excited state, which determine the valence of the element. In the normal state, the outer level remains incomplete. Three unpaired electrons indicate the oxidation state (+3) and the third valency. Phosphorus easily passes from a normal state to an excited state.

Rice. 2. The structure of phosphorus.

The nucleus consists of 15 protons and 16 neurons. To count the number of neurons, you need to subtract from the relative atomic mass the serial number of the element is 31-15=16.


Phosphorus has several allotropic modifications, differing in the structure of the crystal lattice:

  • white- a poisonous wax-like substance that glows in the dark because... oxidizes at low temperatures;
  • yellow- unrefined white phosphorus (has impurities);
  • red- a less toxic substance than white or yellow phosphorus, does not ignite or glow;
  • black- a graphite-like substance with a metallic luster, conducts electric current, and can transform into metallic phosphorus.

Rice. 3. Types of phosphorus.

White phosphorus is the most active modification of the element, which quickly oxidizes in air, so white phosphorus is stored under water.


Phosphorus forms:

  • phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4);
  • oxides P 2 O 5 and P 2 O 3;
  • phosphine is a volatile toxic compound with hydrogen (PH 3).

Phosphorus reacts with simple substances - metals and non-metals, exhibiting redox properties. The main reactions with phosphorus are described in the table.

Phosphorus forms about 200 minerals, one of which is apatite. Phosphorus is part of vital compounds - phospholipids, which make up all cell membranes.

What have we learned?

We looked at the diagram of the structure of the phosphorus atom. The formula of the atom is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3. The element can go into an excited state with valence V. Several modifications of phosphorus are known - white, yellow, red, black. The most active - white phosphorus - is capable of spontaneous combustion in the presence of oxygen. The element reacts with many metals and non-metals, as well as acids, bases and water.

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