The gas burns with a blue flame. Why does gas burn with a red flame? Memo to Kiev residents - what does the orange flame of a gas stove mean?

Gas equipment is an unsafe device. Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs of various breakdowns in order to quickly eliminate them. The most common cause in gas equipment is a change in the color of the gas combustion. Normally it should be blue. But if you notice that the color has turned red, orange or yellow, and an unpleasant odor has appeared and black soot is falling, then most likely the fire is smoking. If injection is disrupted, orange or yellow colors appear on the flames. This indicates a lack of air.

In our article we will talk in detail about gas combustion and the signs of poor performance of gas equipment.

Gas lights up yellow or orange

An imbalance in the air-fuel mixture occurs for various reasons. The air intake holes may be clogged with dust particles. This creates an obstacle to the passage of air. Gas equipment is most susceptible to plaque in the first year of use. Since after stamping, the ignition group tube and the burner retain an oil film for some time. Therefore, dust sticks and prevents air from passing through, but gas passes through perfectly. There is a large supply of gas to the burner. And the balance is upset when mixing the fuel supply to the burner.

Consequently, the gas enters with dust and soot, which is why the yellow and orange color of gas combustion occurs.

Another main mistake is purchasing gas equipment for a different type of gas. After all, if you use one gas, and your equipment is designed for another, then the yellow color of gas combustion appears.

In order for propane and natural gas to burn properly, different proportions of air are needed. Therefore, before purchasing gas equipment, you need to find out what type of gas it is intended for.

In a gas stove, the air control valve may fall, jump off, or be closed. Thus, the required amount of air does not flow. If there is not enough oxygen, then not all stoves can burn with electric ignition and have Blue colour flame. Many people save and lose heat. In this case, it is necessary to repair the gas stove.

Gas burns red

Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of the combustion of absolutely any type of fuel. Gas equipment produces a safe level of gas if the gas produces a blue flame when burned. If the flame turns red or orange, this may indicate increased carbon monoxide emissions. If you experience nausea, headache, or dizziness, these may be signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide, as everyone knows, is colorless and odorless, so the color of the flame must be controlled. If the gas water heater begins to go out and the gas burns red, then it is necessary to clean the equipment. To do this, it is better to call a specialist.

In the past, when there was no gas control system, many people died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a carbon monoxide leak, you must urgently call the appropriate specialists.

The correct color of gas combustion is blue

In order for the gas to burn completely and release the maximum amount of heat, a sufficient amount of air is needed. It is mixed with gas in the burner in the required proportions. Thus, high intensity of heating and heat release will be ensured. If there are any obstacles to the flow of air, the gas does not burn completely and carbon monoxide is released. And the flame turns yellow.

The heating of the coolant and the color of the flame depend on the amount of air supplied. If the right amount of air is supplied, the color of the flame turns blue.

If the air-fuel mixture contains more gas than air, the flame may turn yellow. And after some time it may even turn red or white. This is due to the increased gas supply to the main burner. In this case, incorrect fuel consumption occurs and the burner begins to smoke. If the burner smokes, it will not heat the water, the boiler will not heat the coolant well, a black mark from the gas stove will be left on the dishes, and thus the food will be saturated with sulfur.

What to do in such a situation

Once the color of the flame turns orange, red or yellow, you should understand that this indicates danger. Therefore, it is necessary to find the problem and fix it. Once you notice a change in the color of the flame, you should contact a qualified specialist to diagnose and repair the gas device.

It may be necessary to clean the gas equipment, replace the burner nozzles and adjust the air seal in the boiler. You can adjust the air-fuel mixture yourself. This does not require the help of a specialist.

The main requirement before installing gas equipment is the installation of carbon monoxide detection sensors.

It will not be difficult for qualified specialists to eliminate flame smoke. This does not require special tools. If you have the slightest suspicion of a carbon monoxide leak, immediately contact a specialist.

A change in the color of the gas stove burner flame may indicate the presence of carbon monoxide.

The flame of a gas stove or water heater should be blue. The presence of orange, red or scarlet flashes in the fire indicates incomplete combustion and the formation of carbon monoxide, poisoning of which is fatal.

“The main condition for gas combustion in everyday life is the flow of air. During the combustion of gas, a chemical reaction occurs between the oxygen contained in the air and the carbon and hydrogen of the fuel. The reaction occurs with the release of heat, light, as well as carbon dioxide and water vapor. To burn 1 cubic meter of natural gas, about 10 cubic meters of air are required. With incomplete combustion of gas, a long, smoky, luminous, opaque, yellow torch is observed. A change in the color of natural gas combustion to yellow, orange, or reddish may indicate incomplete combustion of gas for a number of reasons. Something like: lack of air supply, excess air, gas burner clogging (dust, soot, etc.). The entire range of reasons in each specific case can be assessed by a specialist only during an on-site inspection,” Alexey Mizharev, head of the technical operation department of gas equipment at SVGK LLC, told AiF-Samara.

The blue color of the flame in a geyser is an indicator of the release of a safe level of carbon monoxide (CO) during combustion. An orange or red flame is an indicator of increased CO emissions. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, and the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning in mild cases are similar to the symptoms of the onset of influenza. Therefore, gas equipment should be treated carefully.

If the color of the flame in the gas burners of a stove or column (boiler) changes to yellow, red or orange, you must contact the gas service at your place of residence and call a specialist to determine the causes and eliminate them. In an emergency, you must contact the 24-hour emergency service for help by calling 04 (or 104 for cellular subscribers). And before their arrival, be sure to ensure a good flow of air into the room where the gas appliance operates.

Gas safety rules

Work on installing or moving gas equipment should only be entrusted to a specialized gas company.

It is unacceptable to install gas water heaters (boilers) without organizing proper removal of fuel combustion products. Experience shows that with poor ventilation of the room, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are common.

Install a carbon monoxide alarm.

Monitor the normal operation of gas-consuming appliances. Check the traction before turning them on and during operation. At the slightest suspicion of poor draft in the chimney, you must immediately stop using gas and contact a specialist to check the chimney and restore normal ventilation.

It is unacceptable to turn off the safety and regulation automatics or use a heating boiler with faulty automatics. It is necessary to invite a representative of a specialized service organization for repairs.

It is prohibited to use gas appliances with closed windows, ventilation duct grilles, no draft in the chimney and ventilation duct, or cracks under the bathroom doors where the gas water heater is installed.

The simultaneous operation of a gas water heater and an exhaust hood over a gas stove with the window closed is dangerous, even with a working chimney and ventilation duct! In this case, as a rule, there is a violation of the removal of combustion products. As a result, odorless carbon monoxide enters the living space and leads to severe poisoning of people.

With the onset of sub-zero temperatures, freezing of chimneys is dangerous, which can lead to disruption of ventilation in residential premises. Owners of houses (both private and departmental, as well as municipal) are required to check their chimneys for proper draft.

It is unacceptable to leave gas appliances unattended, except those designed for continuous operation and having appropriate automation.

It is dangerous to use gas and gas appliances for purposes other than their intended purpose, in particular for heating premises.

If you smell gas in your living room, you must: immediately stop using gas appliances, turn off the taps to and on gas-consuming appliances, open windows or vents for ventilation, and from a non-gas-free room, call the gas emergency service by calling 04 or 104 for cellular communications.

As a measure to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, you can install a gas control sensor in your apartment with a gas valve that stops the gas supply when a danger to human life is detected.

blue gas

Alternative descriptions

A colorless gas with a pungent odor used to disinfect water and air.

Oxygen option

A gas with a pungent odor, a compound of three oxygen atoms

Gas produced by a thunderstorm

A gas consisting of oxygen molecules with a modified structure

Gas used to purify air and water

Symbol of freshness, air after a thunderstorm

Triatomic oxygen

A poisonous gas with a pungent odor, formed during electrical discharges from oxygen (O3 molecules)

Smell of freshness

Director of the film "8 Women"

Allotropic modification of oxygen

French composer, director of the film "8 Women"

According to people who were present at nuclear tests, this smell accompanies all atomic explosions, but what does it smell like after an explosion, if this smell is also familiar to you?

What name was given to the gas, discovered in 1839 by the German chemist Christian Schönbein, for its characteristic odor, somewhat similar to that of bromine?

A gas in which humanity has made many holes

Oxygen is blue

Gas, which in Greek means "smelling"

. "leaky" atmospheric gas

Gas, a compound of three oxygen atoms

Directed the film "Eight Women"

Gas after lightning in the sky

Gas with a pungent odor

. "fresh air"

Gas and the Romanian trio

Gas used to clean water

Special form of oxygen

Gas in the atmosphere

Gas in a thunderstorm

Gas smelling fresh

. "leaky" gas

Triple oxygen

Gas purifying water

Triple oxygen

Air after a thunderstorm

Blue oxygen

Oxygen of three atoms

. "perforated" gas

Oxygen after a lightning discharge

. "aroma" of a thunderstorm

. "leaky" atmospheric gas

Gas with its holes in the atmosphere

. "smell" of a thunderstorm

Trivalent thunderstorm oxygen

What gas does it smell like during a thunderstorm?

Thunder gas


Stormy freshness

Gas born from a thunderstorm

Gas created by lightning

Filmed the film "Swimming Pool"

Three oxygen molecules

Defective thunderstorm oxygen

Gas piercing our atmosphere

Its layer is leaking holes in the atmosphere

Gas in the atmosphere

Earth shirt

Thunderous smell

Gas piercing the atmosphere

Odorous gas

Three oxygens at once

Blue gas

Adds scent to the air

. "material" for the hole

Three oxygen atoms

Thunder gas

Gas, a compound of three oxygen atoms

A gas consisting of oxygen molecules with a modified structure

Allotropic modification of oxygen, a gas with a pungent odor

French film director (“Raindrops on Hot Stones”, “Under the Sand”)

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