Where are the kozyrev mirrors. About Kozyrev's mirrors and mirror people. Mirrors of Kozyrev: a breakthrough into the future and an invisible danger

Mirrors Kozyrev little known, but this invention of the twentieth century can be called a kind of time machine, an attempt to penetrate into the past or the future. Effects that are obtained when shielding space using mirrors have not yet been studied and explained, however, fortune-telling on a narrowed one with the help of a mirror corridor has long been known. But today is not about fortune-telling, but about strange structures that change time - Kozyrev's mirrors.

Mirrors, these structures are called conditionally. These are mainly aluminum structures made in the form of a spiral, which, according to the scientist, are capable of reflecting physical time, and can also focus certain types of radiation, like lenses. These emitters can also be biological objects. The most common design with which it was carried out largest number experiments is a mirror sheet of polished aluminum, which is folded in a special way - in the form of a spiral of one and a half turns clockwise. A chair for a volunteer and special equipment are placed inside this structure. A “helmet” is put on the head, similar to a pan, with sensors.

Many experiments were carried out in the early nineties of the last century, in particular experiments on extrasensory perception. The experimental results are not entirely clear. For example, volunteers placed inside these spirals experienced a variety of anomalous sensations, such as "out of body", telekinesis, telepathy, thought transmission at a distance... All this is detailed in the research protocols. One of the goals was to study a person's clairvoyant abilities and train these abilities, predict the Future, the ability to look into the events of the Past.

These abilities, according to the study, increased dramatically inside the "room" of curved metal "mirrors". According to Kozyrev's theory, inside his mirrors Time changed its density, which was the reason for the increase in extrasensory perception. Interesting stories told those who stayed in the mirror chamber for several hours. They began to feel like they were directly involved historical events read about in school textbooks. Right in front of them unfolded certain events, familiar and unfamiliar actions and characters. All this they saw, as if on a big movie screen. How all this happens is still a mystery. The mechanism of action of Kozyrev's mirrors on human consciousness and time is not yet known and has just begun to be studied. It is difficult to say whether the subjects are transported in time or the events of those times are broadcast in front of them in the Present.

The experiments were interrupted because some danger of their continuation was discovered. But someday they will be renewed and we will be able to find out all the secrets that they keep Mirrors Kozyrev. And maybe even the first time machine will be designed to travel to the Past or the Future, like in science fiction films. After all, much that was previously considered fiction has become our ordinary reality.

By the way, the well-known doctor and researcher Ernst Muldashev, who has been on a scientific expedition to Tibet more than once, says that compared to the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, the Tibetan pyramids are much larger and most of them are associated with concave stone structures, which were figuratively called "mirrors" . These Tibetan "mirrors" of unknown origin have similarities with "Mirrors of Kozyrev". Kozyrev argued that time is an energy that can be concentrated, compressed or stretched.

In experiments carried out using his designs, the phenomenon of time compression was achieved.

That is why it can be assumed that stone mirrors in Tibet have the ability to compress time.. And because they are huge in size, then time is compressed there to a large extent. It is this action that can explain the strange incident with four climbers who visited the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of these mirrors. In just one year after the expedition, they all grew old and died. And perhaps for the same reason, lamas strongly recommend not to deviate from the "sacred path", and the valley lying in front of the stone mirror is called the "valley of death"

Time is one of the most inexplicable concepts in philosophy and physics. It is possible that further study of the phenomenon Kozyrev's mirrors bring us closer to understanding it.

Past, present and future...

The past, present and future exist simultaneously, but... only the river of the present has a material form that is in harmony with our own existence. We do not even think about how we swim from the past to the future through the present. Every moment of our present life becomes the past, and the future becomes the present. We inhale air from our future and exhale into our past. If this process is interrupted, our life will be interrupted! The air we exhale, saturated with carbon dioxide, is already in the past for us, but it does not disappear anywhere, while the air we inhale is in our future, but it already exists.

Even in such a simple example, it is clearly seen that the past, present and future exist simultaneously and are material, since the air inhaled from the future already exists, just as the air we exhale does not disappear anywhere. Only the air we inhale from the future and the air we exhale into the past differ from each other in their chemical composition.
In other words, matter from the future, passing through the present and getting into the past, changes, and already differs from the one that was in the future! And this change is taking place in the present. Of course, this understanding is only one moment of our life, but... this understanding reflects not only the process of breathing, but everything else happens according to the same principle, whether we understand it or not. But on the example of the inhaled and exhaled air, it is clear that the exhaled air differs in its chemical composition from the inhaled air.

The thing is that many other processes are not so obvious, but this does not mean that the past, present and future are not interconnected into a single whole and do not exist simultaneously. It's just that when the future passes through the present into the past, more cardinal changes in matter occur than when breathing. If there was no plant world, which restores the oxygen content in the atmosphere, while converting carbon dioxide into biomass, there would be no future for man (and not only for man). The oxygen absorbed during vital activity in the atmosphere would rather quickly end, and there would be no future for humans if the carbon dioxide from our past plants had not been turned into the oxygen of our future.
It turns out that plants in their present absorb carbon dioxide from our past and create oxygen for our future. No one notices this, and for many such reasoning will seem somewhat strange (for someone, quite possibly abnormal) and only because people have been taught to think in a stereotyped way and not think about what is being said. Because if any thinking person thinks about such reasoning, then, without a doubt, he will understand that what is described above is the truth.

The principle of operation of the "Mirrors of Kozyrev" (cylindrical shape)

To begin with, let's analyze the principle of operation of the "Mirrors of Kozyrev" of a cylindrical (or ovoid) shape, although the principle is similar for "mirrors" and other structures (for example, spiral "mirrors"), but each example has its own nuances.

If we try to explain the essence of this phenomenon in a "two words" using the generally accepted concepts of modern humanity, then we can say the following: "Kozyrev's Mirrors" concentrate "dark" matter in their volume. An increased concentration of this matter contributes to the saturation of the aura (otherwise the life force) of a person. Additional saturation of the aura allows (some) people to move to new levels of perception of reality: to see the past and the future, find answers to questions of interest, and also feel better.

Now let's see how this happens. But first, let's remember what "dark" matter is and why its existence can be considered a proven fact.

Based on modern calculations of celestial mechanics (a branch of astronomy that applies the laws of mechanics to study the motion celestial bodies) “It turned out that in order for all space objects (planets, stars, galaxies) to move in space as they do now, the universe must be filled with some kind of matter unknown to people (“dark” matter), the mass of which, according to approximate calculations is about ninety percent of total number masses in the universe. In other words, all physical matter that we can distinguish is just the tip of the iceberg, the vast majority of which is hidden outside the zone of perception of our senses and technical devices.- from the article.

"Dark" matter literally permeates our world and our bodies, but we do not notice this, just as we do not notice many other material processes, for example, radiation that is harmful to us.

To clarify the principle of operation of the “Mirrors of Kozyrev”, let us compare them with a pit on the road, and “dark” matter with water that flows into this pit. In the case of a real pit, the water flows into the volume of the depression because there is a certain difference in the levels of the hard surface between the road and the bottom of the pit. The difference in the levels of a solid surface is for water a difference in the qualities of the external environment, which make the water move in a certain way. A similar difference in the qualities of the external environment is also formed by the "Mirrors of Kozyrev", which makes the "dark" matter move in a certain way.

Nikolai Viktorovich explains exactly how "dark" matter moves under such conditions, revealing the nature of the planets' rotation. The difference in qualities in the curvature of the planet's space (let's temporarily accept this concept without explanation) creates conditions under which the "dark" matter begins to twist like a funnel, which rotates the planet, simultaneously filling the curvature of space. At the level of the microworld, this manifests itself in the rotation (redistribution) of electrons in their orbits. Similar processes take place in the oceans: the difference in water qualities (otherwise, the difference in its temperatures) gives rise to whirlpools. On land, the difference in air quality (again, the difference in its temperatures) creates whirlwinds and tornadoes.

I will add that I heard the same personally from other visitors of the "Miass center" when I was there earlier. From here, the nature of another interesting phenomenon associated with "mirrors" becomes clear: "if a disk is placed in such a structure, it starts to rotate."

Well, we figured out the movement of matter in the volume of "mirrors". Now let's go back a little and analyze such a mysterious concept as the curvature of space. In fact, there is nothing extraordinary in the phenomenon of space curvature. Any atom affects the surrounding space, bending it according to its own atomic mass. The larger the mass, the greater the curvature that the atom (object) creates. The curvature of the space of a physical object (the same planet) is the resulting curvature of the space of the atoms that make up this object.

Curvature of space by a hydrogen atom (Levashov N.V. "Inhomogeneous Universe" Fig. 3.3.2.).

To make sure that this is indeed the case, let's recall one very interesting phenomenon that can be observed during a total solar eclipse. At such moments, observers from the Earth can see objects, for example, stars located behind the Sun. In practice, this means that the paths of the sun's rays are bent, bending around the Sun and hitting the Earth. The curvature of the trajectories of the rays is only a visual consequence, the reason lies in the curvature of the space along which the trajectories that were straight before ran.

Now it's time to figure out how the "dark" matter in the volume of "mirrors" affects the human aura. Below are two GDV diagrams (gas-discharge visualization based on the Kirlian effect) taken from a person before and after an hour's stay in the "Kozyrev Mirror" of a cylindrical shape. The vector of change in the state of the aura is unambiguous. The so-called aura area increased from 21465 units to 28142 units, that is, by 30%.

Now let's talk about how saturating the aura in this way can affect people's ability, for example, to predict the future. But first you need to understand the very concept of prediction.

Can people predict the future? Of course, moreover, almost every one of us is capable of this, which he does every day. Let's look at a fairly simple example: we will not cross the road if we hear the sound of a car approaching from around the corner. Why? Because we predict (otherwise we predict the probability) that in the future, which will come in a couple of seconds, a car may jump out from around the corner. We make this forecast-prediction on the basis of the information received from only one (not the most informative) sense organ - hearing. Now let's imagine that the most informative - vision - will join the suppliers of information. In a spherical mirror (these are sometimes installed at difficult intersections), we saw how the car turned a little earlier, and in fact, only the echo of the departing car reaches us. The forecast has changed, you can safely cross the road because in the next minute there will be no cars at the intersection, as can be seen from the reflection of a straight street. This example clearly shows how the accuracy and long-term (increased from 2 seconds to a minute) of a forecast-prediction depend on the quality of information entering the brain.

Now let's take into account the ability of some people to feel "subtle" matter (essentially the same "dark" matter). We call people with such abilities psychics. Often they feel what the technique has already learned to register - the aura of a person (devices based on the Kirlian method). Based on the presence of breakdowns and cavities in the structure of a person's aura, a psychic (or an operator of the GDV device) can identify a diseased organ, or, long before the manifestation of a disease, make a prediction about the occurrence of such an organ in the future. This is very important point from awareness, which depends on the understanding of the nature of prediction for hundreds of years ahead. Think about it - the processes that have not yet manifested themselves on the physical plane are already underway, on the so-called "thin plane"! And the one who is able to see these processes is also able to predict (predict) their development on the physical plane in the future. I repeat, the accuracy and long-term prediction-forecast depends on the quality of the information received by the brain. I hope after this explanation, the nature of predicting the future will lose all mysticism for you.

Now about how the movement of "dark" matter in the volume of "mirrors" contributes to a person receiving better information about what is happening on the "subtle" plane, and as a result about events on the physical plane in the future.

The fact that the physical body is only part of a single system of soul and body, I wrote in detail in the articles "Soul" theorem. Or proof of the existence of the soul” and “Proof of the existence of the soul. Continuation" . For those who still doubt this fact, I would advise you to read them, as the articles are written in evidence-based form. Among other things, I prove in them that human consciousness does not function at all at the level of physically dense neurons of the brain. The whole thought process takes place at the level of the so-called soul, otherwise the essence of man. The quality of the information that our “fine-material” brain receives depends on the level of its evolutionary development. The higher the floor of the balcony from which we look at the courtyard, the farther we see this courtyard, the longer we can make a forecast (prediction) regarding visible impending events. The same principle is applied here as well. The higher the level of functioning of a person's consciousness, the earlier stages of the development of processes he can perceive, the further he can "look into the future".

From the works of Nikolai Viktorovich, we know that in order for the brain to overcome the qualitative barrier that separates it from a higher level of perception, the brain must increase the level of its own dimensionality (more on the concept below) of at least some of the neurons. We observe an example of overcoming such a perception barrier when a person becomes enlightened: the brain temporarily reaches a qualitatively new level of functioning, receives additional information, previously unrelated facts establish causal relationships among themselves, lining up in a harmonious structure and, as a result, the brain generates an idea. For clarity, let's take a trampoline, in the center of which lies an object of a certain mass, as such a barrier that separates us from a new level of information perception. In order to overcome the barrier (break through the trampoline), we must increase the mass of the object to a level where the tensile strength of the materials from which the trampoline is made will be exceeded. A similar process is also observed when overcoming the actual qualitative barrier of perception. An increased concentration of "dark" matter in the volume of "mirrors" saturates the aura (circulation of "dark" matter in the body, in particular in neurons). A larger volume of "dark" matter begins to flow through the neurons, the neurons begin to "become heavier" and, with a greater "mass", put pressure on the barrier of perception. And at a certain moment, the “strength limit” of the barrier of perception is exceeded. The principle of overcoming the barrier of perception during illumination differs only in that the increase in the "mass" (dimensionality level) of neurons occurs not due to external feeding of the "dark" matter (aura) circulation from the side of "mirrors", but due to the intensive splitting of nutrients into "dark "matter that occurs in the neurons themselves. A person concentrates his attention on solving a certain problem, thereby stimulating an increase in the supply of nutrients to the neurons of the brain, where some of them break up into the “dark” matter that forms them (for more details about the processes occurring at the level of essence, see the books by N.V. Levashov “The Essence and mind" 1st and 2nd volume).

Now about the "paradoxical flow of time above the 73rd parallel." With regard to the North Pole, we can say that the thickness of the qualitative barrier, "its strength limit" is less than the "strength limit" in other parts of the planet. The thickness of the qualitative barrier of perception is influenced by the polar night, here the effect of the illumination of the earth's surface by the sun affects. For my part, I can add that in the beliefs about the activation of the influence of otherworldly forces after midnight, there is a completely material basis: a daily change in the thickness of the qualitative barrier, depending on the degree of illumination of the earth's surface by the sun. There is an assumption that the pear-shaped shape of the planet also affects the thickness of the qualitative barrier, just as it affects the thickness of the atmosphere above north pole. The reason lies in the presence of heterogeneities in the deflection of space during the formation of the planet. (Forgive me, I won’t explain the process of formation of planetary systems, otherwise I’ll have to retell the book “The Inhomogeneous Universe.” For those who still don’t know, I advise you to stop “playing the fool” and start studying Levashov’s works. Everything is accessible and interesting there You will not find such information in any other closed or open source on the planet Earth.

Now let's talk about holograms. Another factor affecting the performance of mirrors is the use of holograms. “At the beginning of the movie “Beware of the Mirrors. All-seeing" is described mysterious phenomenon, which manifests itself with the symbol "trinity". When a symbol is introduced into the volume of the spiral “Mirror of Kozyrev”, an invisible “field of fear” is formed, and a “sparkling disk” is observed in the sky. This phenomenon is based on the ability of active (volumetric) holograms to influence the flow of primary matters and, as a consequence, the surrounding space. The symbol of the "trinity" (in the film it is depicted on a piece of paper) is a passive hologram, there is an assumption that not a piece of paper, but an active hologram was introduced into the volume of a spiral mirror (these researchers have patent No. 2239860 for “activating” holograms) . I would venture to suggest that the “field of fear” is a kind of “protection from a fool”, either initially contained in the symbol, or exhibited by the “guys” from the “sparkling disk”. Naturally, the UFO is not any manifestation of the information field, for the simple reason that this field, as such, does not exist.

“It is also understandable why such visions are far from visited by everyone and why the percentage of women among the“ sighted ”is much higher than men. The possibility of overcoming the planetary qualitative barrier by saturating the essence of a person in the "mirrors" depends on the evolutionary level of development of the essence and the qualities inherent in it. Due to genetic characteristics, the psyche of women is more mobile than the psyche of men, as a result of which entry into special states of consciousness is easier.

About the therapeutic effect, in my opinion, it was written quite intelligibly, therefore I will only repeat what has already been written in case the reader has not yet seen the first article.

“The action of the “mirrors” is similar to the work of an ordinary healer with extrasensory perception. Mirrors, like healers, allow you to fill the "hollows" in the human aura, after which some patients begin to feel significantly better. But only for a while. "Cavities" or "holes" in a person's aura usually correspond to certain human organs that are no longer able to maintain the "circulation" of vital force (primary matters) at the level of healthy organs in the rest of the body. Circulation of primary matters on the example of one cell (Levashov N.V. "Inhomogeneous Universe" Fig. 4.3.15.).

Filling the "circulation" of a diseased organ with additional matter, we make the cells of this organ work for more high level, which is noted by us as an improvement in well-being. The “circulation” of vital force in the body (the circulation of primary matters) is not a closed system; over time, additional potential inevitably “leaves” and everything returns to normal. A healthy cell of an organism differs from exactly the same, but a diseased cell, by morphological changes that have occurred in it, and a banal pumping of its matter does not affect its morphological structure for the better. "Mirrors" can help when a general strengthening of the body is required, for example, with exhaustion, or when the body is fighting infection. For those who decide to be treated in this way, please take into account the following: when a diseased cell works in a forced mode of functioning, the latter undergoes accelerated destruction! This is similar to how the human body works in critical situations, for example, when adrenaline enters the bloodstream. The cell beats all records of "productivity", but without the necessary recovery period, it begins to collapse. The nuance of a diseased cell is also a significantly lower margin of safety (possibility of recovery). Therefore, treatment in mirrors must be approached, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

And the difference in dimensionality created by the “mirrors”, like a magnetic field, can negatively affect the functioning of cells.

“You should not think that all the negative points that I pointed out at the end of the article are described by me in order to scare those interested from this topic. Just remembering the words of Nikolai Viktorovich that everything needs a measure of responsibility, I, giving certain knowledge, must warn about possible consequences their (knowledge of) application.

Humanity is developing faster and faster, and now you will not surprise anyone with such facts as telekinesis, mind reading and the impact on a person at a distance. The ideas described in science fiction novels are gradually becoming reality. For example, there is already a laser - an apparatus that emits a beam of thermal energy with destructive power, described in the novel by A. N. Tolstoy "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin". And the appearance of a time machine may not be far off, thanks to the development of an installation called Kozyrev's Mirror. With its own hands, humanity is trying to open the veil of another world and learn the unknown, and perhaps remember the forgotten old.

How did Kozyrev's mirror appear?

This installation was built by a group of Novosibirsk scientists under the direction of Academician V.P. Kaznacheev and Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Trofimov in the laboratory at the Moscow Research Institute for Space Anthropoecology. Scientists used the ideas and drawings of the famous Soviet astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev (1908-1983).

According to the theory of N. A. Kozyrev, it is temporary and is able to change its course, thicken and expand. He also believed that the earthly space is filled with information flows. In the course of experiments, he found that these flows are able to be absorbed, reflected and focused, and that the best element that collects this informational energy is aluminum. The scientist himself could not present his invention to the world community because of the stomach cancer that suddenly developed in him.

After his death, scientists picked up the idea of ​​the unity of the information field of the Earth and created a device that, in honor of the outstanding astrophysicist, was named the Kozyrev mirror. The design is concave. The name "mirror" is accepted conditionally because of the ability to reflect, but not visual series, but energy. The device itself has several forms: a round pipe (horizontal and vertical position) and spiral (with left and right twist).

Experiments with the device

Having created Kozyrev's mirror with their own hands, Novosibirsk experimenters conducted a series of world-scale scientific experiments that confirmed the existence of information energy flows in the Earth's field. The first experiment took place in the polar village of Dikson on December 24, 1990. Then strange phenomena were recorded, such as the northern lights over the building in which the experiments were carried out, and the appearance of a UFO when the ancient sign of the "Triple Unity - Present, Future and Past" was placed in the installation.

An experiment was also conducted on the mental transmission of symbols from Novosibirsk to Dikson. The results were successful - the operators received 95% of the correct information.

Device Application

People who have been in this installation confirm that their health has improved, some have the ability to foresee the future, and intuition has developed. With this device, you can accurately diagnose various diseases, improve the state of the human biofield. Therefore, many are trying to make Kozyrev's mirror with their own hands.

According to researchers - scientists, psychologists and other specialists - the human consciousness, when immersed in the focus of the installation, goes into a different state, in which the abilities of a mere mortal improve significantly. The use of the Kozyrev mirror is possible in the future on a large scale in medicine and seismology.

Historical prototypes

In history, cases of the existence of such samples are known. So, the scientist Barchenko A. V. (1881-1938) invented a telepathic helmet made of various metal alloys, with the help of which he transmitted information at a distance. The "egg" of Nostradamus is famous, which was a device made of metal concave plates, in the center of which there was an armchair. There is a version according to which the soothsayer received the drawings of this device from members of the Knights Templar.

The magical properties of a concave mirror have been known since ancient times. Egyptian priests and monks in Jesuit temples, as well as the Catholic clergy, used this knowledge for their own purposes. Also, the great scientist Roger Bacon was able to predict the invention of the microscope and the car, learn about the structure of the embryo and other facts, peering into a curved mirror surface.

How to make a Kozyrev mirror

Of course, every person, having learned about such an invention, asks the question: "Is it possible to make a Kozyrev mirror with your own hands?" Such a device can be built from a sheet of aluminum, bending it one and a half turns. Or, install several poles vertically and go around them with a suitable metal material. In this case, it is desirable to use materials of greater thickness so that the energy is better reflected. However, such a device differs from the laboratory one, since there are no exact drawings. In addition, a special laser device was used in the Kozyrev mirrors to enhance the concentration of flows.

You can use simply concave mirrors or natural structures in the form of rocky gorges, large hollow-shaped stones, and so on. However, such devices should be used with caution in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, since the influence of the concentration of information flows has not yet been well studied.

But it is safe to say that the invention of the outstanding astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev will serve all mankind for the good. Perhaps in the near future we will be able not only to restore our health, but also to travel through time and to other galaxies.

Mirrors Kozyrev- These are mirror devices, spiral-shaped, the focus of which is in the center. Directly, the mirror of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev is a kind of concave mirrors. By itself, the term "Kozyrev's mirrors" began to be used after the death of the scientist. On the basis of these mirrors, Russian scientists V. Kaznacheev and A. Trofimov developed a number of devices for medicine, as well as to test some scientific hypotheses. Experiments conducted with Kozyrev's mirrors showed that they are able to shield space and influence the course of time, causing paranormal manifestations, but the experiments had to be stopped due to an unknown danger.

Kozyrev's theory of time. concave mirrors

Time is a quantity that eludes human understanding. Only in the 20th century did theories begin to emerge that attempted to describe the essence of time. Therefore, work on the study of this physical quantity is always shrouded in a veil of mystery. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev is one of those people who are trying to penetrate the essence of this phenomenon. concave mirrors, created by him for the study of temporal processes, caused a heated discussion, and the effects obtained by shielding space with the help of these mirrors have not yet been explained. The scientist himself published his own theory, known as Kozyrev's theory of time, the essence of which is as follows. Time is not an abstract quantity, but has a direction and energy. At the same time, time affects our world and is an additional source of energy that prevents the thermal death of the Universe from occurring and ensures the observed harmony. Based on Kozyrev's theory of time, time can have the opposite direction, but in a world with such a flow of time, everything will have mirror-opposite properties (for example, the heart will be on the right). It should be said that this theory did not arise from scratch - it is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski. From their work it follows that gravity is a distortion of space, and time is one of the characteristics of the distortion of space. But Nikolai Kozyrev went further, from his ideas it turned out that it was possible to make time concentrators, which are Kozyrev's mirrors. The idea underlying the design of mirrors has many points of contact with the ideas of another brilliant scientist, Wilhelm Reich, a student of Sigmund Freud, who developed very interesting psychological techniques based on the pumping of sexual energy. He discovered that psychic energy is additionally affected by certain forces in space, which can be used to strengthen it with the help of designs developed by him. He called the vital energy he studied orgone, and the structures themselves - orgone generators. These generators affected not only the mental energy of people, they improved the growth of plants. Further work led Reich to the creation of devices with which you can influence the climate of the earth. These developments frightened the American government (in recent years, Wilhelm Reich lived and worked in the USA). He was arrested, many of his works were burned, and, according to the official version, he himself died of a heart attack in prison ... Similar to Wilhelm Reich's orgone generators, installations based on Kozyrev's development also affect biological objects.

Experiments based on Kozyrev mirrors: video, interviews with scientists

The authors of this film talk about inexplicable and terrible phenomena that occurred during the experiments. The accumulated data allow us to state that a concave mirror surface is much more than we used to think. All experiments with mirrors were stopped so as not to open Pandora's box, which is probably what the ancient civilization did.

Florentine academicians were among the first to encounter their unusual properties. In 1667, in a voluminous collective work - a kind of report on scientific research- they described an experiment: at a considerable distance from a 200-kilogram block of ice, a concave mirror was installed and, at the same time, they found that the air temperature in its focus decreased noticeably. It was concluded that cold, like heat, spreads by radiation. Today, relying on the laws of thermodynamics, we would talk about a slightly different mechanism: it is not cold that penetrates the focus of the mirror, but heat, as it were, is “pulled out” from it and rushes out. That is, a concave mirror has the properties of not only a receiving, but also a transmitting antenna.

The design of the Kozyrev mirror is a spiral cylindrical device made of a special aluminum alloy. The mirrors used in a number of experiments also included a laser setup. Aluminum in this case used to obtain a mirror surface. According to N. Kozyrev's hypothesis, such kind of mirrors are capable of screening and condensing space-time flows.

Some young researchers have a desire to repeat experiments with similar devices on their own by making similar equipment. Of course, researchers actually make prototypes on their own, having, as a rule, a laboratory and some equipment at their disposal. Despite the fact that the design is not complicated at first glance, however, it is possible to create a Kozyrev mirror with your own hands only if you have a machine capable of folding a metal sheet into a spiral. At the same time, it is necessary to comply set parameters. In other words, this requires high manufacturing precision, otherwise, the focus of such a mirror will not be where it was supposed to be. But even if this problem will be resolved, it must be remembered that the consequences of such studies can be very dangerous.

Nikolai Kozyrev and the mirrors of time City of the Gods

In the early 1990s, such mirrors, in particular, were used in experiments on supersensory perception conducted at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The experiments were supervised by Academician V. Kaznacheev. People placed in cylindrical spirals experienced a wide variety of anomalous, psychophysical sensations, which is recorded in the research protocols. In particular, the subjects inside Kozyrev's mirrors felt "out of their own bodies." Kaznacheev's employees recorded cases of manifestations of telekinesis, telepathy, and the translation of thoughts over a distance. These abilities, according to the data obtained, sharply intensified inside the chamber of 2-3-meter, slightly curved, metal mirrors. Nikolai Kozyrev believed that the density of time changed inside the mirror room. Perhaps this is what influenced the sharpening of supersensory perception. People who sat inside the chamber for several hours felt like participants in long-past historical events or saw the future.
The mechanism of interaction of Kozyrev's mirrors, time and human consciousness is just being studied, it is still impossible to say whether the subjects are transferred to real events of the past or the reflection of these events (chronomirage) is transferred to us in the present.

These studies received an unexpected continuation in the late 1990s after E. Muldashev's expedition to Tibet, where the researchers saw giant complex-shaped stone structures resembling concave mirrors. amazingly, the ancient legends of Tibet call one of them - "mirror of time". The mysterious analogy between Kozyrev's mirrors and the stone mirrors of time made it possible for scientists to understand that ancient civilizations knew the properties of concave mirrors and knew how to make them and control the energy of time and space with their help.
According to some scientists, the Tibetan complex of giant pyramids and stone mirrors, in the center of which is the legendary Mount Kailash, is interconnected with all the pyramidal complexes of the Earth, as well as structures similar to the Stonehenge complex. Ancient Tibetan legends speak of the Sons of the Gods who built this mysterious complex. They call it the City of the Gods

Mirrors of Kozyrev: a breakthrough into the future and an invisible danger

The scientist's confidence in the ability of mirrors to focus different kinds radiation were confirmed in the experiments of Novosibirsk scientists on distant interactions: clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. It was then for the first time in the history of science that two global multi-day experiments were carried out to transfer information between people thousands of kilometers apart and not using traditional technical means of communication . Here is what their leader academician says about one of these experiments Russian Academy Medical Sciences V. Kaznacheev: “An early, not declared in the program session of transferring images took place on December 18, 1991. Its participant K. Dolgopyatov "built in" a package of figurative information with the installation for its reception by other participants in the experiment on December 20 and 22. It was revealed that the elements of this program were consistently perceived at the appointed time and continued to be taken during the following sessions. An analysis of the numerical parameters of the sessions confirms the reality of the simultaneous perception in many points of Eurasia of information previously introduced into the information terrestrial space. We are closer to proving the interconnections of intellectual fields and to recognizing the ability of the human mind to receive information regardless of geography and time.

Researchers working with Kozyrev's mirrors have also identified other interesting patterns. Unexpectedly for the participants in the experiments, it turned out that, for example, luminous objects like UFOs or ball lightning often appear in the focus of mirrors.

One of the leaders of the experiments, Novosibirsk professor A. V. Trofimov, says: “We placed the researcher in the installation. And suddenly inside the installation there was a flash of a plasmoid. Then, before starting work in the mirrors - minute by minute - a luminous object in the form of a disk began to appear above our building. He disappeared as soon as we stopped working. This happened 7 times. And then miracles begin in general ... When, at the moment of preparation for the transmission of mental images, we brought the symbol of N. K. Roerich “Banner of Peace” into the mirrors, the tester was thrown back by a certain force field. It was scary. We were not ready for this, we did not even have instruments to measure everything. The only thing is that we fixed on the compass that the north turned out to be in the other direction. I am afraid to interpret the reason and still maintain some detachment.
At the same time, geophysical services on Dikson recorded a particularly strong disturbance of the magneto- and ionosphere, and bright colored northern lights were noted above the village. In 5 out of 7 experiments of this period, a "reaction" of the information field was noted in the form of a luminous object with a trail, which appeared and disappeared in the polar sky with an accuracy of up to a minute at the moments of the beginning and end of experimental work in Kozyrev's mirrors.
“The temptation for our researchers to enter, to approach the Kozyrev installation was very great,” admits Professor Trofimov. “But as you get closer, an animal feeling of fear arises. At 2 am on December 25, one of us approached. We smelled ozone, there was another flash, and after that the space opened up with unexpected inner content. Everyone who entered the mirrors of Kozyrev saw a huge stream of symbols - signs glowing like neon signs ... At first we thought that this was some kind of message to us. There are always many temptations in interpretations. Then we realized that most of the symbols we saw correlated with the Sumerian culture. It was a moment of history that broke into our zone.”

In 1997, Novosibirsk scientists conducted joint experiments with British colleagues. In England, in Stonehenge, more than 200 people received information from Novosibirsk remotely broadcast through Kozyrev's mirrors. “We,” Trofimov recalls, “used a program made up of signs of the Sumerian culture — symbols that have come down to us on clay tablets in cuneiform writing. And the British adopted these symbols. We were not surprised. We know how to make sure that the transmitted information is accepted. Surprised by something else. In addition to these symbols, about 70 more were received, which we did not transmit. And all of them turned out to be signs of the Sumerian culture. That is, somehow we entered that horizon of the information storage, on that shelf, which refers to the Sumerian stage in the development of our civilization.”
It should be noted that experiments with Kozyrev's mirrors at Dikson were also devoted to purely applied, medical problems - diagnostics and treatment at a distance (from France). Scientists are convinced that such a therapeutic effect is possible. The result of the experiments was the emergence of an amazing device - a mirror-laser system, designed on the basis of the ideas of N.A. Kozyrev. Today, these facilities are actually used to treat people. Moreover, some forms of psychosomatic diseases are treated with great effect. People are just transforming.
Scientists briefly explain the essence of the method as follows. During treatment, they seem to refer to the personal time of each patient. Each person is a source of time, but constantly loses, disperses these streams, and doctors with the help of special screens collect them for a short time. To do this, patients are placed in a special chamber equipped with a system of Kozyrev mirrors, which shield the internal fields of a person, preventing them from scattering.
Academician Kaznacheev believes that the phenomena described above are the reaction of the information field of the Earth to the "introduction" into it with the help of mirrors of human thought forms. It is possible that this is the case. But then the question arises: what kind of power does information have if it is capable of causing such physical phenomena? What happens in the focus of concave mirrors, if the thought of a person placed in it begins to respond to the planet, and, possibly, to another mind?

I would like to dwell on the last thought. There is no doubt that Kozyrev's mirrors are a breakthrough into the future, the edge of knowledge that is not yet available to us, however, like the mirrors of the time of the City of the Gods, they carry properties that without necessary knowledge can cause irreparable harm. The experiments showed the presence of an inexplicable danger emanating from the use of an incomprehensible effect, which is why the experiments were interrupted in all cases. Obviously, concave mirrors, configured in a special way, can not only influence the passage of time, but also open the door to a parallel world that is clearly not friendly. The feeling of fear that arose in people during the experiment may indicate the presence of some intelligent entities that affect the human mind. Therefore, research in this direction should be accompanied by extreme caution, with an understanding of what we are dealing with.

little known, but this invention of the twentieth century can be called a kind of time machine, an attempt to penetrate into the past or the future. Effects that are obtained when shielding space using mirrors have not yet been studied and explained, however, fortune-telling on a narrowed one with the help of a mirror corridor has long been known. But today is not about fortune-telling (by the way, they are dangerous), but about strange structures that change time - Kozyrev's mirrors.

What are Kozyrev's mirrors?

Mirrors, these structures are called conditionally. These are mainly aluminum structures made in the form of a spiral, which, according to the scientist, are capable of reflecting physical time, and can also focus certain types of radiation, like lenses. These emitters can also be biological objects. The most common design, with which the greatest number of experiments were carried out, is a mirror sheet of polished aluminum, which is folded in a special way - in the form of a spiral of one and a half turns clockwise. A chair for a volunteer and special equipment are placed inside this structure. A “helmet” is put on the head, similar to a pan, with sensors.

Many experiments were carried out in the early nineties of the last century, in particular experiments on extrasensory perception. The experimental results are not entirely clear. For example, volunteers placed inside these spirals experienced a variety of anomalous sensations, such as "out of body", telekinesis, telepathy, thought transmission at a distance... All this is detailed in the research protocols. One of the goals was to study a person's clairvoyant abilities and train these abilities, predict the Future, the ability to look into the events of the Past.

These abilities, according to the study, increased dramatically inside the "room" of curved metal "mirrors". According to Kozyrev's theory, inside his mirrors Time changed its density, which was the reason for the increase in extrasensory perception. Interesting stories were told by those who stayed in the mirror chamber for several hours. They began to feel like they were direct participants in the historical events they read about in school textbooks. Right in front of them unfolded certain events, familiar and unfamiliar actions and characters. All this they saw, as if on a big movie screen. How all this happens is still a mystery. The mechanism of action of Kozyrev's mirrors on human consciousness and time is not yet known and has just begun to be studied. It is difficult to say whether the subjects are transported in time or the events of those times are broadcast in front of them in the Present.

The experiments were interrupted because some danger of their continuation was discovered. But they will someday be renewed and we will be able to find out all the secrets that they keep. And maybe even the first time machine will be designed to travel to the Past or the Future, like in science fiction films. After all, much that was previously considered fiction has become our ordinary reality.

By the way, the well-known doctor and researcher Ernst Muldashev, who has been on a scientific expedition to Tibet more than once, says that compared to the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, the Tibetan pyramids are much larger and most of them are associated with concave stone structures, which were figuratively called "mirrors" . These Tibetan "mirrors" of unknown origin have similarities with "Mirrors of Kozyrev". Kozyrev argued that time is an energy that can be concentrated, compressed or stretched. In experiments carried out using his designs, the phenomenon of time compression was achieved.

That is why it can be assumed that stone mirrors in Tibet have the ability to compress time.. And because they are huge in size, then time is compressed there to a large extent. It is this action that can explain the strange incident with four climbers who visited the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of these mirrors. In just one year after the expedition, they all grew old and died. And perhaps for the same reason, lamas strongly recommend not to deviate from the "sacred path", and the valley lying in front of the stone mirror is called the "valley of death"

Time is one of the most inexplicable concepts in philosophy and physics. It is possible that further study of the phenomenon Kozyrev's mirrors bring us closer to understanding it.

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Past, present and future...

The past, present and future exist simultaneously, but... only the river of the present has a material form that is in harmony with our own existence. We do not even think about how we swim from the past to the future through the present. Every moment of our present life becomes the past, and the future becomes the present. We inhale air from our future and exhale into our past. If this process is interrupted, our life will be interrupted! The air we exhale, saturated with carbon dioxide, is already in the past for us, but it does not disappear anywhere, while the air we inhale is in our future, but it already exists. Even in such a simple example, it is clearly seen that the past, present and future exist simultaneously and are material, since the air inhaled from the future already exists, just as the air we exhale does not disappear anywhere. Only the air we inhale from the future and the air we exhale into the past differ from each other in their chemical composition. In other words, matter from the future, passing through the present and getting into the past, changes, and already differs from the one that was in the future! And this change is taking place in the present. Of course, this understanding is only one moment of our life, but... this understanding reflects not only the process of breathing, but everything else happens according to the same principle, whether we understand it or not. But on the example of the inhaled and exhaled air, it is clear that the exhaled air differs in its chemical composition from the inhaled air.

The thing is that many other processes are not so obvious, but this does not mean that the past, present and future are not interconnected into a single whole and do not exist simultaneously. It's just that when the future passes through the present into the past, more cardinal changes in matter occur than when breathing. If there was no plant world, which restores the oxygen content in the atmosphere, while converting carbon dioxide into biomass, there would be no future for man (and not only for man). The oxygen absorbed during vital activity in the atmosphere would rather quickly end, and there would be no future for humans if the carbon dioxide from our past plants had not been turned into the oxygen of our future. It turns out that plants in their present absorb carbon dioxide from our past and create oxygen for our future. No one notices this, and for many such reasoning will seem somewhat strange (for someone, quite possibly abnormal) and only because people have been taught to think in a stereotyped way and not think about what is being said. Because if any thinking person thinks about such reasoning, then, without a doubt, he will understand that what is described above is the truth. It's just that all these small and imperceptible processes are closely interconnected in continuous interaction, and we do not pay attention to all this, but in vain! If a person were not so blind and at least occasionally looked at the natural world around us with the unblinkered eyes of a child, then such things would be obvious to a person. But ... due to the fact that everyone forgot that time is a conventional unit introduced for the convenience of interaction between people, but in reality it does not exist, but there are processes of chains of matter change, for most people even such a simple example of simultaneous existence past, present and future is difficult to understand. One way or another, even these simplest examples show how closely everything is intertwined in nature.

About Kozyrev's mirrors and a little about mirror people

Mirrors have many unusual properties, especially concave mirrors. Experiments with the latter, in the main, will be discussed.

Information from scientific sources

At the origins of experiments with Kozyrev's mirrors are two Novosibirsk scientists - Academician Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev and Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Trofimov. We will use their comments on the ongoing research in the future.

Allegedly, it all started with the work of the outstanding Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev. In the 50s of the last century, while conducting experiments with time, he came to the conclusion that time is energy and all processes in the universe go with the absorption or release of time. He believed that if you create an installation that will affect time, a person will be able to travel to the past and the future.

A. Trofimov: According to Kozyrev, any process, for example, the transformation of water into ice, is accompanied by the absorption of time energy. And the ice, as it were, stores this energy of time. When the ice begins to melt, the reverse process of energy release of time begins. Many of these processes take place in a living organism. And if we find the system of our organism in the phase of energy release of time and put a screen on the way of this flow, which condenses the energy of time, then from this point access to any point of the universe is opened.

Kozyrev found a universal reflective material. He discovered that special grades of aluminum coatings could, like a mirror and a concave lens, concentrate, focus, and reflect not only light, but also the energy flowing from a star, a plant, a person, and any other object. But he did not have time to complete the research. In 1983, he was gone.

According to the surviving drawings, Novosibirsk scientists assembled an experimental setup. Outwardly, it was an aluminum spiral, rolled clockwise one and a half turns. It was called Kozyrev's mirrors. The test chair and measuring equipment were placed inside the setup. The space inside the mirrors was called the Kozyrev space. It was assumed that the design reflects physical time and, like a lens, focuses different types of radiation, including the human biofield.

Different versions of mirrors were developed: vertical, horizontal, spiral with right or left twist.

The method of experiments was simple: the operator, being in Kozyrev's mirror, had to mentally send some information into space, for example, a graphic symbol, and other people at long distances had to receive this message.

V. Kaznacheev: Based on Kozyrev, we came up with devices in the form of large aluminum cylinders in Novosibirsk, believing that the energy-information space is reflected and somehow concentrated in them. And we conditionally called such mirrors Kozyrev's mirrors. One series of mirrors was made in Novosibirsk, and the second series was moved to Dixon.

Of course, the polar village of Dikson in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was not chosen by chance for the experiments. First, there is permafrost.

A. Trofimov: We tested Kozyrev's mirrors in the permafrost zone, which stores information for many tens and hundreds of thousands of years.

This has already been mentioned above: when the ice melts, the information once stored by it is emitted. The researchers hoped that with the help of Kozyrev's mirrors it would be possible to reveal the distant past.

Secondly, Dikson is located in the region of the seventy-third parallel, along which, as Kozyrev believed, the zone of "paradoxical flow of time" passes. In this zone, time can change its density and direction. Kozyrev believed that the future is present in the present and access to information from the future opens above 73 degrees north latitude. This hypothesis was also tested in the Far North.

So, on December 24, 1990, at seven o'clock in the evening local time, an ancient symbol of the trinity, also known as the symbol of the Banner of Peace, drawn on paper, was brought into the mirror installation located on Dikson - a circle containing three smaller circles inside. Unexpectedly for everyone around the mirror installation, a force field of fear formed.

A. Trofimov: We placed the researcher in the facility. And suddenly inside the installation there was a flash of a plasmoid. Then, before starting work in the mirrors, - minute by minute - a luminous object in the form of a disk began to appear above our building. He disappeared as soon as we stopped working. This happened seven times. And then miracles begin in general ... When, at the moment of preparation for the transfer of mental images, we brought the symbol of N.K. Roerich's "Banner of Peace", the tester was thrown back by a certain force field. It was scary. We were not ready for this. We didn't even have instruments to measure everything. The only thing is that we fixed on the compass that the north turned out to be in the other direction.

At the same time, geophysical services on Dikson recorded a particularly strong disturbance of the Earth's magneto- and ionosphere, and bright colored northern lights were noted above the village. In the fifth of the seven experiments of this period, the reaction of the information field was noted in the form of a luminous object with a trail that appeared and disappeared in the polar sky with an accuracy of up to a minute at the moments of the beginning and end of experimental work in Kozyrev's mirrors.

A. Trofimov: Our researchers were very tempted to enter, to approach Kozyrev's installation. But, approaching - there is an animal feeling of fear. At two o'clock in the morning on December 25, one of us approached. We smelled ozone, there was another flash, and after that the space opened up with unexpected inner content. Everyone who entered Kozyrev's mirrors saw a huge stream of symbols - signs glowing like neon signs.

One after another, researchers entered the mirrors, who did not communicate with each other and did not know anything about the experience of their predecessors. Each of them sketched the symbols that he saw in the space of mirrors. Amazingly, different people saw the same symbols.

Over the next six months, the appearance of more than one thousand two hundred such signs and symbols was recorded. They were observed independently by different people. So, it was some kind of objective reality.

Linguists from the Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences identified about eighty percent of these characters. It turned out that they belong to various ancient civilizations. They are met on primitive utensils, on megaliths, in rock art.

A. Trofimov: At first we thought that this was some kind of message to us. There are always many temptations in interpretations. Then we realized that most of the symbols we saw correlated with the Sumerian culture. It was a moment of history that broke into our zone.

For experiments in mirrors, a so-called figurative designer of seventy-seven signs and symbols of various cultures and peoples was prepared in advance. Five minutes before the start of the transmission, the computer randomly selected three or five characters from this figurative constructor. These characters were given to the operator, who was inside the mirror installation. From there, he had to mentally introduce them into the information field of the planet. Before that, he did not know what he was to transmit. Moreover, the participants who successfully received this information in various parts of the Soviet Union did not know about it.

A. Trofimov: We threw the symbol, like navigators throw a bottle with a note into the sea, and tried to find where it would be accepted, by whom and under what conditions.

A year and a half later, the task was complicated. Thought images were already broadcast from two places: from Dikson and Novosibirsk. And they were accepted in various places in Europe, Asia and America. About five thousand participants from twelve countries of the world were involved.

The results were impressive. In most cases, mental images were accepted absolutely correctly. And that's thousands of miles away. The number of correctly received characters sometimes reached ninety-five percent. Coincidences were out of the question.

A few years later, in 1997, Novosibirsk scientists conducted joint experiments with English colleagues. Near the famous Stonehenge, more than two hundred people tried to receive information that was mentally transmitted from Kozyrev's Novosibirsk mirrors. These were Sumerian symbols that have come down to us on cuneiform clay tablets. All characters were carefully recorded by the receiving party. But the most surprising thing is that the British adopted about seventy more signs that were not transmitted by the Russians. These signs also turned out to be symbols of the Sumerian culture.

In fact, all experiments carried out with Kozyrev's mirrors confirmed that the parallel space described by Kozyrev exists. It is through him that information is transmitted. And the course of time in unknown space is different from ours.

It would seem that what is special about concave mirrors? Just like flat ones, they reflect visible and invisible radiation. However, concave mirrors have a fundamental and important feature: their focus is the intersection of the reflected rays in space. Experiments have proved the special stability of information reception if the subjects are in the focus of Kozyrev's concave mirrors. And if the focuses of the mirrors are combined with great accuracy, then under certain conditions, small objects placed in this common focus hang in the air, as if they were not affected by the force of gravity.

And some diseases are treated with great effect in Kozyrev's mirrors. Novosibirsk people explain the main idea of ​​their methodology in this way: although each person is a source of temporary flows, he constantly loses, scatters them; when he is placed in a special chamber equipped with a system of Kozyrev mirrors, the internal fields of a person are shielded, they are not allowed to scatter; and the fact that for a short time these fields can be collected can be healing for a person.

The configuration of concave mirrors affects the human consciousness in a special way. People placed in the focus of these mirrors, and in fact, in the focus of their own reflected radiation, experience a wide variety of abnormal, psychophysical sensations, which is recorded in the research protocols. In particular, the subjects feel a change in the geometric dimensions of their body, movement in space, cases of manifestations of telekinesis and telepathy were recorded. The consciousness of a person in the space of mirrors manages to break out of the boundaries of the familiar world, to see what is not accessible to ordinary vision. Man acquires knowledge of a special kind. For example, about the past.

V. Kaznacheev: A person is confronted with his subjective time. It turns out to be possible to see oneself in childhood or to experience a state called reincarnation in esotericism.

A. Trofimov: When a person, on his own initiative, was in the mirrors for several hours, he saw himself as a participant in the events that took place in the Roman Empire. He described the course of events in which he participated.

But it turned out that in the space of Kozyrev's mirrors it is possible to see not only the past, but also the future. The next experiment confirmed the words of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev that: "The future already exists, and therefore it is not surprising that it can be observed now." During the transmission of mental images between the island of Dixon and the village of the same name on the mainland, both groups of operators, transmitting images and receiving, were located in Kozyrev's mirrors.

V. Kaznacheev: There has not been a transfer yet. Even the experimenters did not yet know what images would be transmitted in the upcoming session. And at the reception point, these images have already been perceived. The statistics are as follows: out of one hundred and five cases, more than a third of the transmitted images were taken a few hours before the session. It turned out that future events were read in the mirrors - those that had not yet occurred.

A. Trofimov: What happened? Only one third of the information is received synchronously with the transmission. We lose two-thirds somewhere. One third were late. For unknown reasons, the character set was received many hours late. It seemed that the mental message had been stored somewhere all the time. But where? There is no reasonable explanation for this phenomenon yet. But even this is not enough. The real sensation was ahead. There was not another third. But we found this third. She walks ahead

So, it turns out that people can receive information about the event even before it happens. Or, conversely, they can travel into the past.

V. Kaznacheev: We have come across an effect that physicists today, based on the quantum-atomic version of the structure of the world, cannot explain. And physicists say that this is pseudoscience, that this cannot be. We have carried out these experiments many times, and they continue to this day…

We have not yet discovered the mystery of these mirrors - if you like, their prospects. We just got to them...

However, working with the information space also carries many threats. They are connected not only with immersion in the unknown. A huge danger lies in the remote influence on the minds of unsuspecting people. And such studies are underway. All over the world they are considered as the highest priority.

V. Kaznacheev: Psi-weapons are very close to this problem...

I think that there are firms that do not disclose these works. And you have to be very careful, because these companies do not work for the improvement of the population ...

If science does not deal with the Kozyrev space and the development of tools, we will lose a lot ... This is a very big threat if we miss this direction.

Information from scientific sources of the first third of the last century

In 1937, Dr. Buttersack's book Psychic Rays and Resonance was published in Göttingen, Germany. A review about her, published in the English press, was translated into Russian by Helena Ivanovna Roerich. Here are some excerpts from it so that you can compare them with what was said above. It is amazing to see how great ideas come back again and again, in order to once again infiltrate the best minds of mankind at the next turn.

A person is a psychoelectric field that sends out rays of various orders, available for measurement. By concentration, these rays can be brought to a high voltage. The amazing effect of these rays depends on the strength of their concentration and on the resonance, that is, the response vibration, in the object to which they are directed.

High voltage psychic beams can detect and control the great latent forces in cosmic magnetic fields. Psychic rays form waves through which we can communicate with other spheres. Psychic rays can materialize and dematerialize matter. The possibilities of these rays are beyond human imagination.

Psychoelectric waves run faster than all other waves. They return to their starting point and follow in spirals. Along the way, these spirals absorb uniform waves. This explains the fact that these rays, returning to their starting point, are amplified in their radiations. Instead of wasting power, they gather it along the way...

Humanity and matter are included in the most extensive psychoelectric field. Individual magnetic fields send and receive entire streams of rays. The Universe is a huge area of ​​psychic energies that are available to anyone who can resonate with them or set themselves up to receive them (intuition, inspiration). So, resonation governs the world, and resonance is the world law...

Human concentration by itself can achieve the necessary tension of these rays only to a limited extent, but since these rays are of the same nature as the radio wave, science should not experience difficulties in developing this psychoelectric wave. Undoubtedly, this discovery will be the greatest of all, so far made by mankind.

Information from subtle sources

The properties of concave mirrors are described not only in scientific sources, but also in thin sources. Rather, one should call them metascientific, since in their research they cover not only the phenomena of the physical world, but the entire complex as a whole, in its visibility and invisibility.

So, information from subtle sources.

The experiments of Academician Kaznacheev with Kozyrev's mirrors proved that humanity has come very close to a conscious transition into the Subtle World, whether it concerns electronic systems or the latest devices for bringing consciousness into another plane of mind.

Kozyrev's mirrors led a person into a conscious astral plane. One and a half turns of the aluminum sheet created the phenomenon of expanded consciousness and the attraction of the knowledge of the Akashic Records1.

The combination of Kozyrev's mirrors in a certain geometric sequence can give the ability to easily fly from one world to another without tedious long-term flights. Everything great is amazing in its simplicity. An ordinary sheet of aluminum, folded into one and a half turns, gives the attraction of an astral tube, through which the spirit easily travels through the worlds.

Concave mirrors and Kozyrev's devices can serve not only to enter the layers of the Akashic Record, but, for the most part, will be intended in the future as a means of communication with Orion's Belt and other centers of Light.

Experiments with concave mirrors in the pyramid can give stunning results that can lead science to a new frontier of comprehension of subtle wisdom. The nonfading lamp of life and the glow of metals can be in the rays of concave mirrors a new source of light when the system of energy communications is disrupted. The heated substance placed in Kozyrev's mirror will practically not cool down and will give warmth to the entire hearth. But for the spirit, the benefits can be even more significant.

Experiments with Kozyrev's mirrors can be carried out not only in pyramids, but also in holy places, where the natural strength and power of the prayerful aspirations of many people create a special structure of the fire of space. In such places the consciousness is already prepared for changes and touches the bare wire of the Fiery World, therefore Kozyrev's mirrors can only be a detonator for the vision of the past and the future.

The symbolism of the signs of the Akashic Chronicle can be different. But you can see it only by entering the focus of the mirrors, where time is extremely concentrated and its color highlights the fragrance in the form of precious Akashic records. Adjusting the mental field can open not only the sign side, but also the ability to decipher. Awakening the original abilities and saturating them with the energy of implementation can serve as the basis for psychoprograms in this laboratory.

Deciphering the signs, diagrams and diagrams, yantras and runes that will flow into the mirrors during the experiments, will give a shift in scientific thinking in all branches of knowledge. Science will acquire spirituality, which will only help it to overcome the barrier of materialistic perception of the world. From this synthesis, an expansion of consciousness will be born, slightly opening the veil of the fullness of world perceptions.

Mirrors, mirror auras and mirror people

And in conclusion, let's turn once again to subtle sources in order to get additional information related to the topic of mirrors from there.

The scientific world has faced the problem of mirror people quite recently. Until that time, this topic was considered the lot of psychiatrists and science fiction writers. But the number of substituted shells began to increase catastrophically, and this could not pass by the official science.

According to many scientists, the concentration of reflection energies, especially in crystal mirrors, can reach such a degree of density, intensity and vitality that the energy of a living person, completely absorbed by the vampire mirror, can be replaced by reflected ones. The liberated antipode inhabits the human body, while the soul remains imprisoned in the depths of reflection. It looks like a lie. But what is fantasy if not embellished reality?

Entire institutions are examining mirror people, finding many strange deviations in them, including complete insensitivity and isolation from outside world. They hardly speak, prone to prostration, inactive and unemotional. Their body temperature is below normal. And there are plenty of other oddities. Such a substitution of a living soul for a mirror one is determined immediately. Not just another person is announced, but dramatically changed.

The problem of mirror people was described by V.Ya. Bryusov in one of his fantastic stories. Its plot is quite simple. The beloved crystal mirror, in front of which the young woman constantly flaunted, pulled her consciousness inside, and instead of it, a reflection entered the body. From this prison, she could not get out and constantly ran into a mirror wall, suffering and begging her soulless double to return to her place.

The instant transformation of a beauty into an animal or a frog with the help of a mirror in which she must look is the oldest method of violent werewolf magic. If the mirror is very ancient and is tuned to negative actions, it accumulates thoughts of the worst quality, sucks in diseases and images of seriously ill people to cleanse the space. At some point, under an aggravating astrological situation, the mirror can splash out the impulse of the crowded space beyond the mirror, putting on a person a mask of the burden of many people. You have to be afraid of old mirrors. They are the source of mental infections.

Crystal, like a sponge, absorbs negative energies. That is why mirrors made of crystal are dangerous.

Copper, silver, and gold mirrors can even be helpful in healing ailments and boosting the immune system. But there is a condition: they must be entirely made of metal, that is, cast, ground and polished. Only in this case the space behind the looking-glass is self-purifying, and does not accumulate charges of subtle negative electricity, as in crystal and glass.

The helmets of ancient warriors were polished to a mirror shine, which nullified all witchcraft and psychokinetic signals that affect the will. The gold and silver hoops on the heads of the initiates and the crowns of monarchs and princes served the same purposes. A thin hair thread or a leather lace woven from three others is enough to cover the head from psychotronic effects.

Recently, mirrors have been used not only to reflect evil or hostile thoughts, but also as a remedy for paralyzed limbs. The energy of healthy arms and legs flows through the mirror to the diseased members, bringing them an improvement in their condition. Such experiments are carried out in Japanese clinics.

There is also an aura mirror. A person's aura rotates, and this rotation can intensify so much that it becomes silver and mirror. Reaching the level of a silver aura of mirror quality makes our spirit invulnerable and invisible. After all, attackers see only distorted faces of themselves in the mirror currents of our calmness. And is it possible for the enemy to capture the fortress, in the walls of which he saw only his own reflections?


1. Documentary film “Mirrors of Kozyrev. Experiments in Siberia. Author and director Vitaly Pravdivtsev, VTGRK, 2011.
2. Documentary films on the topic "Mirrors of Kozyrev" from the YouTube Internet project.
3. Letters to E.I. Roerich. V. 6, No. 163. ICR Publishing House, 2006
4. Books by K. Ustinov from the Call of the White Mountain series.

1 The Akashic Records are a repository of cosmic knowledge. All the accumulated experience of mankind, all the events of past eras, all mental images, research, inventions and discoveries, all information collected in books and on its other media, the whole history solar system from its formation are recorded in the spatial chronicle. And this chronicle is able to bestow knowledge on anyone to the extent that he shows his genuine interest in knowledge.

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