Gamers as a subculture presentation. Presentation "youth subculture". About the benefits and harms of computer games

Gamers People who play video games, although gamers were originally those who only played role-playing or war games. Although the term includes people who do not consider themselves full-fledged gamers, they are often used to describe those who spend a lot of time playing or are interested in gaming. Related to games: role-players, Tolkienists, gamers.

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Social studies 7th grade

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“Orders and medals of Russia” - Participants in the defense of the Arctic. Order of Victory. Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus". Medal "For the Capture of Budapest". Medal "For the Defense of Kyiv". Medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol". Medal "For the Liberation of Belgrade". Order of Ushakov, II degree. Medal of Honor". Medals and orders. Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Medal "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic". Medals. Highest degree differences in the USSR.

“List of subcultures” - Gamers. Rappers. Youth movements. Youth subculture. Goths. Satanists. Bikers. Emo. Punks. Hippie. Parkourers. Graffitiers. The danger of becoming a captive of a subculture. Rastafarians.

“Dictionary of Social Studies” - Adolescence. Emotions. Personality. Age. Stress. Choleric. Inferiority complex. Age periodization. Dynamism. Dictionary of Social Studies. Melancholic. Sanguine. Leader. Altruism. Feelings. Intelligence. Human abilities. Mood. Temperament. Affect. Phlegmatic person. Self-esteem. Character.

“My family’s budget” - Expenses. My costs. Family income. Balance of income and expenses. Study. Other income. Our family's expenses. My family's budget. Needs outweigh capabilities. Family expenses. Income exceeds my expenses. Find out my own budget. Budget balance. Budget. Project evaluation. Tables. Family budget income. Work algorithm.

"Ecologist" - Without higher education a Russian ecologist cannot do without. In Russia, specialists have their own peculiarities in building a career. For example, to find out the true causes of pollution, an inspector needs to be not only an environmental specialist, but also a good engineer. The concept of “profession” comes from the Latin professio, meaning “public speaking.” The word "ecology" comes from the Greek words oicos - house and logos - science.

“Gothic youth subculture” - Goths are representatives of the Gothic subculture. Bracelets. The characteristic appearance is ready. Goth and goth strife. Earrings. Gothic fetishists can be recognized by their flashy makeup. Representatives of the movement appeared in 1979 on the wave of post-punk. Standard set of clothes and jewelry. Rings. Subculture – goths. Gloves. Pagan Goths prefer robes and cloaks. Romantic gothic.

Gamers are people who play computer games. But now these are no longer those harmless schoolchildren who shoot each other with toy pistols; Gamers have a whole culture, they organize championships with multimillion-dollar prize pools, speak in a special argot and do not consider their hobby to be “just games.”

Dota2 World Championship. Last year the prize fund was $18 million

1. Dictionary

Gamer jargon is one of the most interesting and rich among modern subcultures. Some words have already gone beyond the argot proper and are familiar even to those Internet users who have never played computer games - for example, many know what “,” “bug,” or “account” are. But there are also those that sound wild to an uninitiated person.

Parody of gamer jargon

For example, fans of tank simulators call tank tracks “gusalmi”. “Gun” – break the caterpillars. Gamers also know and use a whole host of different acronyms: from MMO (massively multiplayer online game) and RPG (role-playing game) to the cumbersome MMOFPS (massively multiplayer first-person shooter) and BBMMOG (browser-based massively multiplayer online game).

2. Classifications

Gamers themselves don't like to be typecast, but Internet users like to divide enigmatic gamers into various categories based on the type of games they play or, more often, the nature of their relationships with their hobby and other gamers. Let’s immediately make a reservation that all the given classifications are conditional - in their pure form, types are almost never found, and, as gamers themselves write, “... sometimes you want to mindlessly show off, and at times, for the thousandth time, you will plunge headlong into some already painfully familiar game world "

According to the degree of passion for games, the website identifies eight types. Casuals are “lightweight” gamers who, although they spend most of their time playing games, can calmly interrupt the game to do something important. A “social activist” gamer hangs out in the company of other players and loves to play with friends – not only in computer games, but also in regular board games. An “advanced” gamer buys two or three games a month and can spend the night with the console, but does not follow the news of the gaming industry. A “passionate” gamer may prefer gaming to other important matters; he spends most of his income on games, purchasing not only the games themselves, but also all kinds of modifications, as well as gaming magazines and literature. Hardcore gamers are even more involved in the gaming world. They participate in all kinds of competitions and championships, thoroughly study one or more games and are focused only on winning. There are several more categories: old gamers (prefer old games with a fascinating plot), IRL (combines the features of all previous types - he is most often called the “typical gamer”), eSportsman (a professional in his field who has devoted his life to endless training and making a profit from a gaming hobby).

Some also divide gamers into “true” and “non-true”. The latter include, in particular, cheaters (scammers) and noobs (newbies).

IRL gamers are most often portrayed as "typical"

3. About the benefits and harms of computer games

About the harm of the harmful influence of cruel computer games There are endless debates about the fragile mind of a teenager. Bloody shooters are firmly associated in the minds of the average person with mass murderers and maniacs. For example, Izvestia writes in connection with the news about the massacre in Tokyo: “The Tokyo Assassin was obsessed with comic books and video games. As it turned out, the attacker shared his plans with visitors to Internet portals even before the bloody denouement. In addition, the young man was literally obsessed with video games, reports AFP.”And the publication reports the following comment: “Miami prosecutor Jack Thompson has threatened legal action against the developers of the tactical shooter America's Army.” “I myself am the father of a ten-year-old son, and every time I drop him off at the school gate, I know that he is in serious danger because some of his classmates are playing these "shooting games" to the point of insanity."

In Russia, there have also been attempts to blame computer games for the cruelty of teenagers. For example, the publication characterizes the man who staged a shooting in a Moscow synagogue as follows: “... throughout the first half of Wednesday, the defendant, who had not yet worked anywhere, sat at home andplayed the computer game Postal.The main character of this game is an inhabitant of a crazy city, all the inhabitants of which are thirsty for his blood. In the morning he leaves the house and starts killing everyone with special cynicism.”

Research on violence in video games says different things. Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl K. Olson concluded that playing violent video games increases the risk of aggressive behavior.But American cultural scientist Gerard Jones believes that for a modern teenager, computer games are the same as a heroic epic for a person in the Middle Ages. In complex and dangerous situations the child needs a lifeline in the form of an invincible cruel hero. When you imagine yourself as Beowulf or Gordon Freman, the fear of danger recedes - therefore such identification is a necessary stage of development.

Subcultures... What do we know about them? © Based on materials from the article “Subcultures” by Vernaya Anastasia, 2006 Review-presentation prepared by teacher Korzunova Zh. V. Target audience: high school students, teachers, parents

The word informal (informal) denotes unusualness, brightness and originality. An informal person is an attempt to show his individuality, to say to the gray masses: “I am a person,” to challenge the world with its endless everyday life. Subculture is a system of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and life styles, which is inherent in a smaller social community, spatially and socially more or less isolated.

Music-related: rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture; Distinguished by a certain worldview and way of life: goths, hippies, emo, Indianists, punks, Rastafarians; Sports related: sports fans, roller skaters, skaters, street bikers, bikers; Associated with games, escape into another reality: role-players, Tolkienists, gamers; Related to computer technology: hackers, users, gamers; Youth movements can be divided into the following groups:

Hostile or antisocial groups: punks, skinheads, RNE, gopniks, lubers; Religious associations: Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists; Contemporary art groups: graffiti artists, break dancers; Elite: majors, ravers; Subculture of the masses or counterculture: gopniks, rednecks; Socially active: societies for the protection of history and environment, pacifists. And also...

In fact, subcultures are a huge, bright world that reveals to us all the shades of life. Informals try to stand out from the crowd and find like-minded people in non-standard ways. Many ignorant people reproach all informals. treat subcultures with hostility...

Goths Keywords: Gothic music, post-punk, Depressive, dark, decadent; Aesthetics of death; Mystical symbols; Ideology: no...Don't be scared, this is not a gang of Satanists. These are goths. The meaning of life for Goths is Gothic itself - the angle of perception of life, and not the cult of death. Gothic is an aesthetic phenomenon, and dark images are nothing more than shocking. It is foolish to look for the meaning of life in death. Death is a reminder, a reason to strive for life.

Goth - vamps The most modern and fashionable variety of goths. Closed, offended by the whole world. Pastime - stories about a newly invented method of suicide or about their sores. Goth - vamps The most modern and fashionable variety of goths. Closed, offended by the whole world. Pastime - stories about a newly invented method of suicide or about their sores. Punk Goth Veteran goth style. Mohawks, safety pins, ripped jeans, leather jackets. Almost one hundred percent punks Punk Goth Style of ready-veterans. Mohawks, safety pins, ripped jeans, leather jackets. Almost one hundred percent punks Classic goths. These are goth aesthetes, people of creative professions. Gothic is not a cult for them, but a source of inspiration. They are prone to extravagant behavior and non-standard perception of the world. Classic goths. These are goth aesthetes, people of creative professions. Gothic is not a cult for them, but a source of inspiration. They are prone to extravagant behavior and non-standard perception of the world. And there are more... Victorian Goth, Androgyn Goth, Hippie Goth, Corporate Goth, Cyber ​​Goth...

Graffiti (Italian) - scrawled. Street artists are called writers, grafflers or graffitters. Graffiti Graffiti first appeared in America in the late 60s, as part of street culture. taggers (tag – “mark”) “vandalizers” subway art. grafflers have their own styles of “writing.” Writers also draw various characters - their own, or from comics and cartoons

External signs: - Provocative hairstyles (cockscomb, forelock), - Clothing - a leather jacket on a naked body, canvas fabric on a thin shirt with a frill, earrings on the face and ears. - Cult of uncleanliness. - Rough jargon, close to the jargon of the “zone”. Indecent behavior. - Many people use drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances. - Fights, robberies, violence with the aim of desecrating a person. Punky punk (English) - an inexperienced youth, a simpleton, a worthless person, a bad person. The current is antisocial, anarchic, against power, regime, order.

Straight edge, hardcore Straight edge (English) – a straight path, a more philosophical branch of punk culture. Characteristic features of the movement. - Refusal of drugs, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, psychoactive substances) - Restraint in sex (discriminating sexual relations, one partner, against porn) - Anti-fascism - Vegetarianism, protection of animal rights - Non-imposition of your lifestyle (only the symbols “X” and “ sXe"): In the late seventies, minors who came to clubs for concerts had a cross drawn on their hands so that they would not be sold alcohol in the bar. - Three crosses, a symbol of three NOTs: no drinking, no smoking, no sex. - Inscriptions on clothing: DRUG FREE (“drug free”) or POISON FREE (“poison free”).

Rastafarians (Rastafari) Ideology: - Jesus Christ was black; everything valuable on earth originated in Africa; - you can: love people, smoke weed, sit back, understand the meaning of life, philosophize, play the drums, wear dreadlocks and listen to reggae; - you cannot: eat pork, shellfish, salt, vinegar, fish without scales, cow's milk, smoke tobacco, drink rum and wine, carry things from someone else's shoulder, eat food prepared by others, gamble, touch the dead. Ideology: - Jesus Christ was black; everything valuable on earth originated in Africa; - you can: love people, smoke weed, sit back, understand the meaning of life, philosophize, play the drums, wear dreadlocks and listen to reggae; - you cannot: eat pork, shellfish, salt, vinegar, fish without scales, cow's milk, smoke tobacco, drink rum and wine, carry things from someone else's shoulder, eat food prepared by others, gamble, touch the dead. Named after the Prince of Ethiopia Tafari Makonnen (or Ras Tafari) Appearance: - Knitted robes and hats (homemade, red-yellow-green (colors of the Ethiopian flag), - Borings (several long hairs with threads, pebbles, balls woven into them), - Dreadlocks (long locks of hair in braids, waxed and twisted)

Role-playing games, amateur role-players role playing games, imitating any historical or fictional (fantasy) era) Principle: - Modular game; the plot lasts from several hours to several years. - Different goals: gradually develop your character, win at any cost or kill everything that moves. - Passion for reading fantasy, sometimes problems with the ability to distinguish reality from unreality. Outwardly: they look and live like all other people, without being particularly different from them. Principle: - Modulo game; the plot lasts from several hours to several years. - Different goals: gradually develop your character, win at any cost or kill everything that moves. - Passion for reading fantasy, sometimes problems with the ability to distinguish reality from unreality. Outwardly: they look and live like all other people, without being particularly different from them. Tolkienists, gamers

Rappers Priorities of rap culture, besides rap: - breakdancing as a form of dance and body plasticity, - graffiti as a type of special wall painting, - extreme sports, c - tritball (street basketball), etc. - democracy, direct connection with the “youth of the street” Priorities of rap culture, besides rap: - breakdancing as a form of dance and body plasticity, - graffiti as a type of special wall painting, - extreme sports, with - tritball (street basketball), etc. - democracy, direct connection with the “youth of the street” rap (English rap - light blow, knock). The manner of performance (“reading”) and behavior are from teenagers in the black neighborhoods of America. Appearance. Ideology: - Wide, several sizes larger clothes, - Sporty. Favorite sport is basketball.; - Hair is cut short. Jewelry: badges and earrings. - Many rappers do not drink alcohol, not even beer, but prefer hard drugs. They write their own rap. - Non-aggressive, except for those who consider themselves to be part of the “Gangsta” movement. Appearance. Ideology: - Wide, several sizes larger clothes, - Sporty. Favorite sport is basketball.; - Hair is cut short. Jewelry: badges and earrings. - Many rappers do not drink alcohol, not even beer, but prefer hard drugs. They write their own rap. - Non-aggressive, except for those who consider themselves to be part of the “Gangsta” movement.

Skinheads From English. skin head - “shaved head”. An analogue of the movement is RNE (Russian National Unity). Neo-fascist closed-type youth groups. Military-style organization. Average age years. Ideology: - cult of a strong personality, racism, chauvinism, cult of black magic - all the weak and infirm have no right to life. - ideas of national socialism and anti-Semitism. The main ideologist is Adolf Hitler. - They hate rappers, hippies, people of a different skin color. Slogan: Russia is for Russians. - Greeting – arm extended forward. Neo-fascist closed-type youth groups. Military-style organization. Average age years. Ideology: - cult of a strong personality, racism, chauvinism, cult of black magic - all the weak and infirm have no right to life. - ideas of national socialism and anti-Semitism. The main ideologist is Adolf Hitler. - They hate rappers, hippies, people of a different skin color. Slogan: Russia is for Russians. - Greeting – arm extended forward. Appearance (suitable for fighting): - cut collars so that the enemy has nothing to grab onto, - thick black jeans, cheap, on which dirt and blood are not visible, - heavy army boots with thick soles, comfortable for running and a weapon in a fight , - a shaved or closely cropped head - so that the enemy cannot grab the hair.

Trans culture Key words: trance music, India, psychedelic, “open your mind”, experience Signs: - Open-air, open-air parties, in an abandoned pioneer camp or in a forest, in a clearing; - They are held only in summer. It is difficult to get to them; the location of the open-air is kept secret and announced an hour before it starts. Signs: - Open-air, open-air parties, in an abandoned pioneer camp or in a forest, in a clearing; - They are held only in summer. It is difficult to get to them; the location of the open-air is kept secret and announced an hour before it starts. Admirers: people from 15 to 30 years old, intellectually developed, with diverse interests, relaxing to trance and dancing in jeans rolled up to the knees and with glowing bracelets on their hands. Admirers: people from 15 to 30 years old, intellectually developed, with diverse interests, relaxing to trance and dancing in jeans rolled up to the knees and with glowing bracelets on their hands. Positive: fresh air, night sky, forest and a feeling of unity with nature. Negative: often use drugs for a complete “trance” or are interested in shamanism and paganism

Hackers and Crackers Basic principle: technical competence and pleasure derived from solving problems and overcoming obstacles. Hackers are experienced programmers and network wizards. Hackers created the Internet, made operating system Unix is ​​modern, supports Usenet, and powers the World Wide Web. Crackers call themselves hackers, but they are not. Their business is hacking computer and telephone systems, security systems. crackers are lazy, irresponsible, not particularly smart people. The main difference: hackers create things, and crackers break them. Subculture of delinquents: Informal organizations of hackers. Own closed computer network, communication with Western Europe and the USA. Activities: creation and distribution of malware, data theft in government agencies, commercial firms; theft of funds through electronic systems payments and settlement systems for bank and credit cards.

Appearance: - long flowing hair (khayr), - a thin bandage on the head (hairatnik), - Jeans, a denim jacket, a hoodie, with bright patches on them, inscriptions on them English language, - on the neck - “xivnik” (leather handbag), with beads or embroidery, - on the hands - “fenki” (from the English thing - thing), bracelets or beads made of beads, wood or leather, - men have a beard: 1 ) it is more natural, closer to nature; 2) Jesus Christ wore long hair and a beard; 3) long hair (like antennas) allows you to capture radiation from the cosmic mind. Appearance: - long flowing hair (khayr), - a thin bandage on the head (hairatnik), - Jeans, denim jacket, hoodie, with bright patches on them, inscriptions in English, - on the neck - “xivnik” (leather handbag) , with beads or embroidery, - on the hands - “fenki” (from the English thing - thing), bracelets or beads made of beads, wood or leather, - men have a beard: 1) it is more natural, closer to nature; 2) Jesus Christ wore long hair and a beard; 3) long hair (like antennas) allows you to capture radiation from the cosmic mind. Hippie Ideology: - a person is free (internally, in love, etc.), - pacifism: do not respond to violence with violence, against military service, - interest in religion, creative activity, - naturalness of being: do not cut your hair, do not produce purposeful actions, inaction, ability to endure hardships and hardships, unpretentiousness in everyday life, - smoking hashish, - Eastern philosophy, soft rock, ethnic music different nations. Ideology: - a person is free (internally, in love, etc.), - pacifism: do not respond to violence with violence, against military service, - interest in religion, creative activity, - naturalness of being: do not cut your hair, do not make targeted actions, inaction, the ability to endure hardships and hardships, unpretentiousness in everyday life, - smoking hashish, - the philosophy of the East, soft rock, ethnic music of different nations.

Freaks “Freak” translated from slang English means “crazy”, “mad.” Freaks are exalted, extroverted characters. They are loved for their extraordinary brightness and colorfulness, and for their special fun. Frick is a designer himself. A freak is not a victim of fashion, it is fashion that is a victim of a freak. What makes a freak stand out? Courage, a sense of taste in relation to clothes and accessories, in order to be unique, bright and not look funny and tacky. Freaks don't cause trouble, don't organize rallies, and aren't aggressive. These guys can be respected for their optimism, for the fact that they create a holiday for those around them with their mere presence, for their courage and unusualness. They do not fall into depression, but try to cheer themselves and others up with their in a special way. Freaks are exalted, extroverted characters. They are loved for their extraordinary brightness and colorfulness, and for their special fun. Frick is a designer himself. A freak is not a victim of fashion, it is fashion that is a victim of a freak. What makes a freak stand out? Courage, a sense of taste in relation to clothes and accessories, in order to be unique, bright and not look funny and tacky. Freaks don't cause trouble, don't organize rallies, and aren't aggressive. These guys can be respected for their optimism, for the fact that they create a holiday for those around them with their mere presence, for their courage and unusualness. They do not become depressed, but try to cheer themselves and others up in their own special way.

Appearance: - Tracksuit, cheap; less often - black trousers, larger than necessary; purse; -In spring and summer – a synthetic “duck” cap and a “mesh” T-shirt; - A short jacket made of leather, leatherette or fabric, tucked into pants; -On the head in winter and autumn - a winter hat - “Chechen”, does not take off indoors, is worn on the top of the head; - On your feet are shoes with long toes or cheap sneakers; - Haircut – bald or very short, sometimes with bangs; Appearance: - Tracksuit, cheap; less often - black trousers, larger than necessary; purse; -In spring and summer – a synthetic “duck” cap and a “mesh” T-shirt; - A short jacket made of leather, leatherette or fabric, tucked into pants; -On the head in winter and autumn - a winter hat - “Chechen”, does not take off indoors, is worn on the top of the head; - On your feet are shoes with long toes or cheap sneakers; - Haircut – bald or very short, sometimes with bangs; Gopnik (Gopota, Gop) in criminal jargon is “ragamuffin”, “robber”, swindler, raider, pogromist, hooligan, degenerate person, tramp. Gopniks are primitive, intellectually undeveloped, poorly educated young people. Gopnik (Gopota, Gop) in criminal jargon is “ragamuffin”, “robber”, swindler, raider, pogromist, hooligan, degenerate person, tramp. Gopniks are primitive, intellectually undeveloped, poorly educated young people. From the word “gop” from the slang of beggars, it meant “staying in a shelter” Gopniks

Other distinctive features Gopnik: the habit of squatting in imitation of former prisoners; a cheeky (“wrestling”) gait and an aggressive manner of behavior: staring at passers-by point-blank, familiar address, provoking conflicts (for example, “Why are you so impudent?”), extorting money (for example, “Hey, do you have any spare change?”) and other values ​​(for example, “Do you have a mobile phone? I need to call” from passers-by; Tendency to smoke, use cheap alcohol and drugs, “semAchek”, constantly spitting on the sidewalk; Love for thieves’ music, Russian chanson, pop music; Active use of profanity vocabulary. Other distinctive features of a gopnik: the habit of squatting in imitation of former prisoners; a cheeky (“wrestling”) gait and an aggressive manner of behavior: looking at passers-by point-blank, familiar address, provoking conflicts (for example, “Why are you so impudent?”) , extortion of money (for example, “Hey, can you find some change?”) and other valuables (for example, “Do you have a mobile phone? I need to call” from passers-by; Tendency to smoke, use cheap alcohol and drugs, “semAchek”, constant spitting on the sidewalk; Love for criminal music, Russian chanson, pop music; Active use of profanity.

Ne4ormalka Ne4ormalka. Wrote on January 18, 2009. The ancestor of informalism was nihilism (from the Latin nihil - nothing), the denial of generally accepted values: ideals, moral standards, culture. Informals observe (or pretend to observe) moral norms and do not reject all generally accepted values ​​(“the black square” by Malevich and “Gioconda” by Leonard da Vinci they respect). Informal clothing is not only wide pants, it varies: from “torn pants” to a formal business suit. Informals listen not only to rap, but to everything: from classics to acid; They have no clear boundaries of music. The informal has two names: the one according to the passport and aka. Aki is usually given according to a person's character, appearance or behavior. It is not true that: 1. The informal does not recognize any authorities. 2. An informal person never listens to what they say about him behind his back. 3. The informal respects the opinion of the informal. The ancestor of informalism was nihilism (from the Latin nihil - nothing), the denial of generally accepted values: ideals, moral standards, culture. Informals observe (or pretend to observe) moral norms and do not reject all generally accepted values ​​(“the black square” by Malevich and “Gioconda” by Leonard da Vinci they respect). Informal clothing is not only wide pants, it varies: from “torn pants” to a formal business suit. Informals listen not only to rap, but to everything: from classics to acid; They have no clear boundaries of music. The informal has two names: the one according to the passport and aka. Aki is usually given according to a person's character, appearance or behavior. It is not true that: 1. The informal does not recognize any authorities. 2. An informal person never listens to what they say about him behind his back. 3. The informal respects the opinion of the informal.

IN modern world Each of us is surrounded by a lot of technology. We teenagers have already grown up with gadgets in our hands, so it’s not surprising that each of us
one way or another played in his life in
computer games.

Subculture is a system of norms and values,
distinguishing a group from the majority of society.
Gamers can be considered a subculture. They have
its norms and values, which are very
distinguish them from other subcultures.

People play games from 1952 to the present day

Who are gamers?

Gamer - a person who plays video games
although at first gamers were called those who
plays only role-playing or war games.

Are all gamers the same? Or not?

Ordinary players
Hardcore gamers

eSports as a separate world

E-sports, also referred to as computer sports or
electronic sports - team or individual
competition based on video games. Recognized as a species in Russia

In order to conduct research I need
was to survey teenage gamers who have
experience more than 3 months. There are such people in my surroundings
not so much. I was able to interview 7 teenage gamers.


Please tell me, how long have you been playing computer games?
Please tell me, what do you play most often?
Why are you interested? Is this a vacation for you?
What is a game for you?
Who are the other players for you?
Please tell me how old are you?

Survey results

Everyone answered the first question differently.
To the second question, most of my friends answered that they play this
game like counter-strike
To the third question, many of my friends said that it relaxes them
when they play games.
Almost everyone wrote that the game is entertainment for them
To the fourth question, almost all my friends answered that “ordinary
people like me"


Everyone starts playing games at different ages, some from early childhood and others not so long ago.
Most of my friends play this game because they like the competitive part of it
game, and because we all played this game together.
Many people find the gaming process relaxing due to the fact that you are playing some games together with
your friend and relax from a busy day, or you can calmly listen to good music
play some game.
This means that people have fun when they play games, it brings them happiness and
become good: from a new level that you have been striving for a long time or defeated
boss in the game.
Most people do not treat other players with hatred because they understand that it is
exactly the same person as you who sits at the computer and plays the same game, but
not all people think so

Presentation on the topic: The main and most interesting youth subcultures

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Subcultures A subculture is a group of people with similar views on the world that differ from the worldview imposed on the majority! Being influenced by parents, teachers, friends, the media, music, and social phenomena, each of us has formed our own idea of ​​the world. Almost always, it is very different from what is imposed on us by those in power. If many people simultaneously form similar views on life and they gather in a group that grows to a certain size, then a subculture is formed. Which has its own world, its own rules, its own value system, slang, behavior, clothes, etc. Representatives of different subcultures can be distinguished from each other mainly by appearance and behavior.

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The first and, in our opinion, the most interesting subculture is Skinheads. Skinheads are called fascists, Nazis, but in fact they are racists. Racism is love for one's own race. No more no less. Let’s say we don’t understand what’s wrong with this?! Because it’s human nature to love his mother more than, let’s say, his mother’s neighbor or friend, he loves his family more than some ordinary people on the street! So why should he love his race less than some blacks, etc.?! No, of course he will love his race more, but if he says that he loves his race more, then according to society he is already a criminal! No! He just loves his race more! The word racist sounds proud! So skinheads are white internationalists.

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They, and we too, believe that all white people are, in principle, equal! Who cares! Here's an example: If a little German is born in Russia, he will be Russian, he will not even know that he is German, if a black man is born in Russia, he will still be a black man! No one will deny that blacks have not invented anything in their entire lives. No one can name a single Negro poet, scientist, philosopher. No! As skinheads say, only the white Aryan race should live in Russia. Now there are fewer and fewer skinheads, since departments to combat extremism have begun to be created and skinheads are afraid to be imprisoned under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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Glamor is perhaps one of the newest and most controversial subcultures. This subculture took shape quite recently, although it was present in everything connected with social and club life. The word glamor itself comes from either English word glamor (translated as charm) or from the French word glamor (“bright, brilliant”). A glamorous person should look beautiful, or even better, chic. Everything that a glamorous person wears should be branded, or even better, from the name of a famous couturier, but the main thing is that these things should be fashionable! Glamor is called positive because almost all of its representatives live in an artificial world in which everything is wonderful and chic, in which there are continuous parties one after another and many friends. And the most the main objective, representatives of this trend - to follow the ideals that are presented on the pages of glossy magazines

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Goths. Goths appeared in the late 70s, when the wave of punk rock began to decline. The worldview of the Goths is characterized by a gloomy, depressive outlook on life. It manifests itself in behavior in the form of isolation, frequent depression, melancholy and increased vulnerability. Also, isolation from society, as well as rejection of stereotypes and addiction to the supernatural. Another characteristic feature of the majority of Goths is a kind of “artistry” and a desire for creativity, which is mainly manifested in working on their appearance. Appearance of the Goths: It is by their appearance that the Goths are most often distinguished from other subcultures. In most cases, we can say that Goths wear black clothes, have black hair, paint their nails and lips black and also apply eyeliner.

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Punks are a subculture that arose at the same time when they began to draw on walls in America, that is, in the late 60s - early 70s. The main task punks became an opportunity to draw people's attention to their protest and think about life and their future. Punks express their protest with their entire appearance and attitude towards life. They simply broke all the rules, did not care about the law and did what they saw fit! Protest manifested itself in absolutely all aspects of life - provocative hairstyles, leather jackets, earrings on the face and ears, rocker jackets, skinny jeans with pipes, shoes, ranging from sneakers to titanium boots with iron inserts, as well as T-shirts and sweatshirts with skulls and non-standard images. Hair was styled mostly in a mohawk. Torn clothes were kept intact by pins, ordinary items were “decorated” with balloons or taggers, a black trash bag became a dress, blouse or skirt, and safety pins and razor blades were used as jewelry. Crude slang and obscene behavior have become the norm! Drinking alcohol, drugs, toxic substances and illegal drugs has become commonplace. Robberies, fights, violence with the aim of desecrating a person, and banditry has become a means of livelihood and entertainment.

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Rockers: Rockers were the name given to British youth who lived in the 1960s and rode motorcycles along the highways of surrounding cities at speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour. Rockers became a subculture in the fifties and early sixties of the last century during the era of rock and roll, but unlike other subcultures that appeared at the same time, the basis of which was music, the first rockers were united by only one principle - the manner of riding a motorcycle, and then all other accompanying attributes appeared. When it comes to clothing, the rockers chose practical items. They wore leather motorcycle jackets decorated with metal spikes and badges. When they rode motorcycles, they usually did not wear a helmet, or wore a classic open-face helmet and aviator goggles. And also T-shirts, leather hats, jeans, leather pants, high combat boots.

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Rappers Rap is a form of popular music that consists of pronouncing phrases or "reciting" lyrics over a rhythmic musical basis. Nowadays, rappers are often those who simply listen to rap, even if he or she is not involved in its creation. But the real rappers are those who are directly related to him! Initially, rap was formed as a protest subculture. As for clothing, rappers mostly wear high-top, white sneakers with some kind of Velcro on top, Timberlands or basketball sneakers. On the head there are mostly baseball caps, leather jackets or bandanas. The most fashionable thing is jeans; they should be worn at the waist or even lower, so that there are many folds in the back. It definitely needs to be white. You can wear a white T-shirt under a black T-shirt so that the edges of the white are exposed. If you get a haircut, cut your hair short, or even completely cut. If you have hair, it is better to braid it.

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Hippies are a subculture that emerged in the summer of 1967 in Berkeley (California) and New York and quickly spread beyond the United States and almost disappeared by the mid-seventies. Representatives of the hippie subculture have their own rules of behavior and their own philosophy. At the very beginning, hippies were people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five who... They had a bad attitude towards customs and traditions, generally accepted concepts in society, and also criticized almost all the values ​​of the middle class. Hippies mostly wore long flowing hair, jeans, sometimes a hoodie of an unknown color, sweaters, T-shirts, and out-of-fashion coats. Around the neck is a small leather bag decorated with embroidery or beads. On the hands there are “fenki”, most often made of wood, beads or leather. Many men grow a beard.

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Emo Emo comes from the word “emotional”. This subculture, just like the goth subculture, originated from punks. At the very beginning in 1985, when this subculture was just emerging, some groups began to play strange music, somewhat different from the usual punk of that time. The basis of their tracks was melodic vocals. These emotional and lyrical vocals became the basis of the musical direction. Emo, like any other musical style, has changed and evolved. At this stage there were different kinds emo style and this is the first wave of emo. Just like any other subculture based on music, representatives of the emo subculture differ in ideological standards and appearance. Representatives of the emo subculture are often associated with tearful teenagers who constantly cry. This association appeared due to their appearance and behavior, hairstyles, clothes, makeup and statements. Emo clothes, things in black and pink, which include various armbands, belts with metal studs, as well as various badges and skater sneakers. Emos have a wide variety of hairstyles - but mostly thick bangs dyed black and pink that cover one eye and half of the forehead.

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Gamers The gamer subculture is perhaps the largest existing and most invisible subculture in the world. But those who belong to it sometimes don’t even realize it. Gamers are capable of sitting alone at the computer for many hours in a row without food or sleep while playing a new game. The average age of a gamer is from thirteen to twenty years. Mostly boys become gamers, and there are much fewer girls in the gaming community because programmers who write games in C++ are mostly men and games are mostly made for boys and men. Gamers, unlike other subcultures, are not distinguished by any special ideological standards like goths or do not oppress those who are different from them, like skinheads do. All that unites them is some kind of game or game genre. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from others by their appearance, and their passion for gaming can only be determined by their pale skin, because they are rarely exposed to the sun, and bruises under their eyes because gamers often lack sleep. But this can be said about almost everyone, and it is impossible to assume that only gamers have these signs.

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