Hero Samantha Young. Samantha Young is a new name in the romance novel genre. All books by Samantha Young

Samantha Young

On the street of our love

Publisher's Note

The story told in the book is fictional.

All names, characters, places and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events and incidents is purely coincidental.

County of Surrey. Virginia

I was terribly bored.

Kyle Ramsey banged on the back of my chair, trying to get my attention. But yesterday he was banging on the back of my best friend Drew Troler’s chair in exactly the same way, and I didn’t want to get in her way. The poor girl is head over heels for Kyle. Sitting next to me, she drew the thousandth heart in the corner of her notebook, without looking at Mr. Evans, who was scratching another equation on the board. I tried to concentrate. I'm a total mess with math. Mom and Dad, to put it mildly, will not be happy if I drop out of the new school in the first year.

Mr. Ramsey, would you be kind enough to come to the board and answer my question? Or would you rather stay put and bang on the back of Jocelyn's chair?

Everyone chuckled and Drew shot me an accusing look. I wrinkled my nose and, in turn, tried to glare at Mr. Evans.

If you don't mind, Mr. Evans, I'd rather stay put,” Kyle replied with a cheeky grin.

I firmly decided not to turn around, although his impudent eyes almost burned into the back of my head.

The question I asked you, Kyle, was purely rhetorical,” said Mr. Evans. - Please come to the board.

Kyle sighed heavily, and then there was a knock on the door. When the headmistress of the school, Mrs. Shaw, appeared, everyone immediately became quiet. I wonder why she dragged herself into our class? Oh, this is not good.

Wow,” Drew breathed out, barely audible.

I turned to her.

The cops are close,” she nodded toward the door.

I glanced through the doorway, over the head of Mrs. Shaw, who was saying something in a low voice to Mr. Evans, and was surprised to see two sheriff's deputies looming in the corridor.

Miss Butler.

Mrs. Shaw's sharp voice made me flinch and turn my head. She took a step towards me, and my heart fluttered somewhere in my throat. The headmistress's eyes looked at me with some strange expression - either with suspicion, or with sympathy. In any case, I wanted one thing - to be as far away from her as possible. From her and from the news she brought.

Please pack your things and come with me.

At this point, the whole class should have burst into idiotic oohs and sighs about the mess I managed to get myself into. But it seems that my classmates, like me, had no time for jokes now. Everyone felt that the news that awaited me was not one to laugh at.

Miss Butler.

I was shaking from excess adrenaline, and the blood was pounding in my ears so loudly that I could barely hear Mrs. Shaw's voice. Has something really happened to mom? Or with dad? Or my little sister Beth? This week my parents took a vacation - they decided to recover a little after a crazy summer. Today he and Beth were going on a picnic.

Drew nudged me lightly with her elbow, I jumped up abruptly, the chair creaked shrilly. Without looking at anyone, she threw the notebooks into her bag. Like a cold wind that penetrated the crack of a window frame, an alarming whisper swept through the classroom. More than anything else, I didn’t want to find out what I had to find out. If only I could disappear. Fall through the floor. Or disappear into thin air.

Having difficulty remembering how to move my legs when walking, I followed the headmistress into the corridor. The door slammed behind him. I silently looked at Mrs. Shaw and the two sheriff's deputies. They, too, looked at me with detached sympathy. There was a woman standing against the wall whom I had not noticed before. She looked gloomy, but calm.

Mrs. Shaw touched my shoulder and I stared at her hand on top of my sweater. Until now I have not said a few words to the headmistress. Why did she want to paw me?

Jocelyn...this is Deputies Wilson and Mike. And this is Alicia Nugent from DSS.

I looked at her questioningly.

From the Department of Social Services.

Fear squeezed my chest so hard that it took my breath away.

“Jocelyn, it’s very difficult for me to tell you this,” the headmistress continued. - But your parents and sister Elizabeth were in a car accident.

I waited, feeling how everything inside was filled with stone heaviness.

All three died instantly. I'm so sorry, Jocelyn.

The woman from the DSS stepped forward and began to say something. I looked at her, but instead of a face I saw a blurry spot, and instead of a voice I heard a muffled noise, similar to the splash of water pouring from a tap.

I couldn't breathe.

Numb with horror, I looked around in search of something that would help me breathe. Someone's hands were touching me. I could hear gentle, soothing words. My cheeks suddenly became wet and my tongue salty. And my heart... It was pounding so much that it seemed like it was about to burst.

I realized that I was dying.

Breathe, Jocelyn.

These words rang in my ears over and over again. Finally their meaning dawned on me. The heart calmed down a little, the lungs filled with air. The fog before my eyes began to dissipate.

That’s it, that’s it,” Mrs. Shaw muttered, stroking my back. - Like this.

We have to go,” the voice of a woman from the DSS broke through the fog.

Fine. Are you ready, Jocelyn? - Mrs. Shaw asked quietly.

“They all died,” I muttered instead of answering.

I wanted to see how these words would sound. They sounded completely unreal.

I'm so sorry, honey.

I suddenly felt like I was covered in cold sweat. The skin was covered with goosebumps, the whole body was shaking. My head began to spin, a spasm of nausea twisted my insides. I bent over and vomited everything I had eaten at breakfast onto the shoes of the DSS woman.

“She’s in shock,” I heard.

Maybe in shock.

Or maybe I got carsick.

In the car where I was sitting a minute ago. It was warm and cozy there. And then a blow, the roar of twisted metal...

...I didn’t understand where I was now.


Eight years later

A great day to find a new apartment. And a new neighbor.

I walked down the old, dark and damp stairs of the Georgian house where I had lived until that day, and found myself in the surprisingly hot sun for Edinburgh. I looked with pleasure at my denim shorts with white and green stripes that I bought at Top Shop a few weeks ago. Since then it has been raining incessantly, and I have already despaired of ever putting on new clothes. But today the sun finally appeared and was now shining with all its might over the spire of Bruntsfield Evangelical Church. Under its hot rays, melancholy melted, and sprouts of hope appeared in the soul. For someone who has spent his entire life in the United States and first visited his mother's homeland when he turned eighteen, I adapt well to change. Of course, not to everyone. I will miss our huge apartment terribly, in which I always had to fight mice. I miss my best friend Ryan, who I lived with since my first year at Edinburgh University. As soon as we met, we immediately realized that we were suitable for each other. We both jealously guarded our internal territory and, according to an unspoken mutual agreement, never started talking about the past. During our first year at university, we became so close that during our second year we decided to rent an apartment together—our own abode, as Ryan put it. Now that her university years are behind her, Ryan has gone to London to do her PhD there, leaving me without a roommate. To top it all off, I also lost my second close friend - James, Ryan's boyfriend. He followed her to London, which, by the way, he hates. Do you think this is the end of my misfortunes? No matter how it is. My landlord was planning to get a divorce and warned me that I needed to vacate the apartment very soon.

I spent two weeks answering advertisements from young women looking for roommates. Soon this activity turned into a real nightmare. The first potential neighbor said that she did not want to live with an American. The question written all over my face was “what the hell?” remained unanswered. The next three apartments were... well, disgusting. Another girl gave the impression of being a complete fraud. The last place I looked at looked like a brothel. We could only hope that the meeting scheduled for today with a certain Ellie Carmichael would not end so badly. Of all the apartments on my list, this was the most expensive. On the other hand, it was located in the city center.

I hardly touch the money that came to me after the death of my parents, as if using it means admitting that it has alleviated the bitterness of the loss. But now I have no other choice.

If I want to become a writer, I need a good apartment and a good neighbor.

Of course, there is another option - to live alone. I can afford it. But, to be honest, the prospect of complete loneliness does not appeal to me too much.

Despite my tendency to give eighty percent of myself to myself, I like to be surrounded by people. Listening to them talk about something I have absolutely no understanding of helps me see things from their point of view. I think this is very important for a writer. A writer, even the best one, needs, so to speak, a telescope with a wide field of view. It's for this reason that I work in a bar on George Street on Thursday and Friday evenings. Although there is no material need for this. Oddly enough, the cliche that bartenders sometimes get to hear exciting stories turned out to be true.

I have friendly relations with two colleagues, Joe and Craig, but we communicate mainly at work. If I want life to constantly be in full swing next to me, I need a neighbor. Besides, the apartment where I’m going now is close to my work. This is an important plus.

I tried to push down the anxiety that was nagging at me and looked around the street, looking for a taxi with a green light on. My gaze caught the tray of ice cream, and I regretted that now there was no time to pamper myself a little. Regretting the lost pleasure, I almost missed the free car that was moving on the opposite side. Fortunately, the driver managed to notice my raised hand and slowed down. I rushed across the street, every second risking running into the hood of some car and repeating the sad fate of insects hitting the windshield. Finally, I found myself near the coveted taxi and prepared to grab the door handle.

Instead of the coldness of iron, I felt the warmth of a human hand.

My confused gaze slid over my tanned palm, the sleeve of my suit and broad shoulders. His face prevented me from seeing the sun shining above his head. It was only clear that the guy was tall - more than six feet tall. Next to him, with my measly five feet five inches, I felt very small.

The suit he’s wearing, by the way, is expensive. But that doesn't explain at all why he put his paw on my taxi.

A heavy sigh reached me from somewhere above.

Although I have lived here for four years, the slight Scottish accent still makes my heart skip a beat. At least his accent had that effect. Despite the brevity of the question.

To Dublin Street,” I muttered automatically, hoping that I should drive further and on this basis he would yield.

Great. - He jerked the door open. - I'm in the same direction. Since I’m already late, I suggest you not waste time trying to figure out which of us needs a taxi more, and use one car.

A warm hand gently pushed me lower on the back, urging me to get into the car. All I could do was obey. Sliding into the seat and fastening my seat belt, I tried to remember if I nodded in agreement. It seems not. But he didn’t need my consent.

Plopping down next to me, Suit - as I mentally dubbed him - said to the driver:

To Dublin Street.

I frowned and muttered:

Thank you. You are very kind.

Are you American?

The quiet question made me turn my head. Wow.

Is he clairvoyant?

He looked to be about thirty, maybe a little younger. You probably can’t call him handsome in the full sense, I decided. But there were sparkles in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up in a damn sensual way, and he radiated sexuality all over. The beautifully tailored silver-gray suit fit like a glove. It was immediately obvious that its owner was a regular at the gym. Only a person in good athletic shape could take such a relaxed pose. Under the white shirt one could discern a muscular, flat stomach. Light blue eyes, shaded by long eyelashes, looked embarrassed. But his hair is dark, and nothing can be done about it.

The thing is, I prefer blondes.

True, I cannot remember that at first glance at the blondest blond himself, desire stirred in the lower abdomen. In front of me was a real man's face - sharply defined cheekbones, a dimpled chin, a Roman nose. Stubble shaded his cheeks, his thick hair was slightly disheveled. Combined with an elegant designer suit, this apparent casualness made an irresistible impression.

In response to my blatantly curious look, the Suit raised an eyebrow. The desire that gripped me immediately increased at least fourfold. I didn't even know I was capable of this. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Ever since I passed the hectic time of adolescence, I have been convinced that fleeting relationships are not for me.

I wonder what would happen if this guy asked me to have sex. I'm not sure I could refuse.

As soon as this thought flashed through my head, I instantly tensed, amazed at the tricks of my own body.

Thank God, the protective instinct kicked in, and I managed to give my face an expression of impenetrable politeness.

Yes, I’m American,” I muttered, finally remembering that the Suit had asked me a question.

He grinned knowingly, and I looked away with a bored expression, mentally thanking heaven that my olive-dark skin did not have the habit of turning into a telltale blush.

How long to go to Scotland? - he asked curiously.

Terribly annoyed that this guy had inflamed me so much, I decided to keep the conversation to a minimum. Otherwise, look no further, you’ll say some utter nonsense.

For a long time,” I muttered.

And that means you are a student.

He said this phrase with obvious subtext. And at the same time he meaningfully rolled his eyes. Apparently, he wanted to show that he considers all students to be slackers and idiots whose only concern is to look for boyfriends. I raised my head, intending to give him a worthy rebuke. But the Suit looked at my legs with such interest that he did not pay any attention to the withering gaze. Then I raised an eyebrow, exactly as he had done a few minutes ago, and began to wait for him to deign to tear himself away from my bare thighs. Sensing my gaze, the Suit finally looked me in the face. Of course, he could not help but notice the contemptuously surprised expression that I so diligently portrayed on that face. I expected that in response he would look down in embarrassment or pretend that he didn’t and couldn’t care about my feet. But he, contrary to all expectations, shrugged his shoulders and gave me the sexiest, lazy and vicious smile I had ever seen.

I stared in bewilderment, feeling how hot it was getting between my legs. It was beyond my capabilities to stop this disgrace.

Yes, I was a student,” I answered, trying to make my voice sound as indifferent as possible. - I've been living here for several years. Double citizenship.

With what joy did I launch into explanations?

So you have Scottish blood in your veins?

I nodded silently, secretly enjoying how firmly he pronounced the “t” in “Scottish.”

If you're not studying already, what are you doing here?

The question is, what does he care? I glanced at him with a puzzled look. This crappy suit costs about the same as Ryan and I spent on food during our entire four years of college.

And what are you doing? I mean, at a time when you don't push women into taxis.

His grin was a completely appropriate reaction to my sarcasm.

And what do you think?

I'm sure you're a lawyer. This can be seen in your demeanor - you answer a question with a question, you grin smugly, you get your way by any means necessary...

He laughed, and his deep, low laugh echoed in my chest. The sparkles in his eyes flashed even brighter.

No, I'm not a lawyer. But you could very well be one. You also answer a question with a question. And in terms of grins,” he gestured towards my mouth, while his eyes darkened slightly and his lips curved, apparently repeating my movement, “you will give anyone a hundred points ahead.”

His voice became a little more hoarse. Our gazes met. We looked into each other's eyes a little longer than is appropriate for well-mannered strangers, and at the same time my heart was pounding like crazy. Blood rushed to the cheeks... and to other parts of the body too. This guy and the silent conversation that our bodies were having between each other inflamed me more and more. Feeling my nipples tense under my T-shirt bra, I made another attempt to take control of my body. She looked away, stared at the cars outside the window and mentally prayed that this trip would end as quickly as possible.

When we got to Prince Street, it turned out that we would have to take a detour, since the city council had decided to lay tram tracks here. I was determined not to resume the conversation if possible.

Do you suffer from shyness? - asked the Suit, and all hopes of spending the rest of the journey in silence went to waste.

I had no choice but to turn to him and mutter with a confused smile:


He tilted his head back slightly and narrowed his eyes. Now he was like a lazy tiger looking at a timid gazelle, deciding whether it was worth moving its paw for.

Do you suffer from shyness? - he repeated, and I involuntarily shuddered.

Am I really shy? No. Of course no. But usually I am in a state of blissful dispassion. I like it. It's calmer this way.

What makes you think that I'm shy?

Are waves of shyness emanating from me, I mentally asked myself and mentally winced.

The suit shrugged.

Most women, when they find themselves in the same car with me, take advantage of the lucky chance - they chew my ear, put their phone number in my pocket... or something like that.

His gaze slid over my chest and back up to my face. I think I was blushing after all. I don’t remember the last time someone managed to put me in such wild confusion. We need to pull ourselves together.

Joanna Walker, like no one else, loved to take full responsibility...
But, be that as it may, she did it very well... But meeting him changed her mind...
And now Joanna Walker is completely different...
Is it really so easy to change your rule and give it your own beliefs?

All her life, the girl did what she did was worry, wrapping her beloved family in care. But most of all her concern was directed towards her younger brother, whose name is Cole.
It so happened that the father of the family abandoned them...
And their mother was not a role model...
Is it possible to describe differently a woman who has nothing to do with raising her children, but at the same time has the greatest love for alcohol...

And all her life Joanna Walker tried to do something incredible, good for her brother. She always tried to please him. She even chose the guys that her younger brother would definitely like...

And it seemed that the girl always knew what her soul wanted, but, alas, everything is absolutely wrong...
And even Joanna Walker herself could not have guessed about this if it weren’t for him...


The book “City of Our Hope” is a modern novel about love, incredible, unearthly love...

Confessions, engagement, luxurious wedding, warm, romantic honeymoon...

So, the amazing, fascinating book “The City of Our Hope” is in a hurry to tell you, our dear readers, the story that a wedding is the first stage of a new life, family life.
She will tell you that, be that as it may, every married couple, without exception, expects not only an inexhaustible, incredible amount of love, but also disappointment, everyday problems, quarrels, scandals and...

After all, the grinding of characters never went smoothly...
But you can truly love a person only when you love him with all his shortcomings...
This story is about how loving hearts, despite all the problems, all the vicissitudes of fate, have love and common hopes...


She lives in captivity of difficult childhood memories, when her entire family died. He, too, is burdened by his past. Both are afraid of new connections and attachments, because they are sure that if they allow this to happen, they will definitely lose a loved one again. But fate brings them together; their incredible physical attraction to each other haunts them. And they decide to make a deal, to be together without obligations, just like that. But will this help two lonely souls?


“Our Incomprehensible Infinity” is a modern novel about love that has occupied a special place in the world of literature.
So, the main character of this modern romance novel is India Maxwell...
And she didn’t just decide to move across the country to be here now...
The fact is that she slipped very sharply...
Somehow the social steps turned out to be too fragile.
Oh, how insulting this is...
After all, it was so difficult for her to achieve popularity...
From now on, she lives in one of the richest, no, the richest neighborhoods in Boston with her mother's lover and his daughter Eloise. And it was thanks to the last person that she again felt what she wanted to forget.
But, fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, India is not the only one who hides so many secrets of the past behind its shoulders...

“Our Incomprehensible Infinity” - a vibrant love story modern world literature.

Samantha Young was at one time known as a teen writer. Her fantasy stories were quite interesting, but not particularly popular. The girl's real fame came from a novel written in a completely different genre and for a different audience.

"On the Street of Our Love"

Samantha Young decided to write not the usual fairy tale story, but a kind of fairy tale for adults - a love story. And quite unexpectedly it became a world bestseller.

The main character of the book is the young and attractive Jocelyn Butler. She is only 22, but she is already quite wealthy and can live the way she wants. But she fails to enjoy life. Eight years ago, her parents and younger sister were killed in an accident, and Joss cannot let go of the past. Or she's not ready to let him go.

Due to painful memories, the girl develops a phobia: she is afraid of any close relationships. Not only love ones, even friendly ones. After all, if you let someone too close, then losing will become too painful. And Josselyn decides to simply not allow this to happen and not to cross the boundaries she has set for herself.

When a friend moves to England, the girl looks for a new neighbor to fill the void and brighten up her loneliness. Ellie fully meets her expectations and even more: thanks to her, Joss meets an incredibly attractive guy. The plot is not original, but Samantha Young managed to play it out in an interesting way.

Braden is 30, rich, handsome and, of course, sexy. Few can resist the charm of this heartthrob. But Joss seems up to it. “No serious relationship,” the girl insists. And Braden agrees. He himself has unpleasant memories that poison the present. But if not a serious romance, then what? An affair? No, the relationship is almost contractual. No obligations or attachments, just sex. Joscelyn agrees. But will they be able to play by the established rules or will they try to cross the line?

Samantha Young. "City of my love"

The writer's second novel aroused great interest. Readers hoped that this was a continuation of the first story. However, it is not. Samantha Young introduces new characters, and their story is no less interesting than the previous one.

Since childhood, Joanna Walker was accustomed to taking care of her family, whom she considered her younger brother. After the father left home, the mother began to absolutely not care about the children, and the girl had to take everything upon herself. She tried her best, often putting her own desires on the backburner to please her brother. Jo even chose boyfriends who were attractive to Cole. And, of course, wealthy people so that they could help her.

And Joanna didn't think it was wrong. Everyone survives as best they can. And this was her way to stay afloat.

Meeting Cameron turns Joe's whole world upside down. He's handsome, sexy, smart, and he seems to like her. But... Is it worth the risk and giving up your usual way of life for the sake of some kind of romance? Even if it’s with the man of your dreams.

Samantha Young presented her fans with a pleasant bonus in this book: they will again meet old acquaintances on the pages - Joss and Braden.

"On the way to our love"

Another charming story, as light and sparkling as the previous ones. Samantha Young writes her books in such a way that each subsequent one tells about minor characters already familiar to the reader. So it is here.

Olivia is smart and beautiful, but very shy. All her novels end before they even begin, due to the fact that the girl simply cannot give them a chance and overcome her complexes.

Having moved to a new place of residence, she decides to try again and overcome her own shyness. Moreover, she meets the man of her dreams. All that remains is to start offensive tactics. This is the whole rub: how?!

The girl decides to turn to a friend for help. He is also a libertine and is well versed in the rules of flirting. Of course, Nate agrees to help, but instead of innocent training, he becomes an insidious seducer who breaks Olivia's heart.

Fortunately, the guy comes to his senses in time and realizes that he has made the greatest mistake, and Olivia is the girl of his life. Now he has to win the beauty’s heart again and convince her that he is serious. After all, the time for games is over when the time for love has come.

Instead of an afterword

In addition to these books, Samantha Young also wrote short stories “The City of Our Hope”, “Christmas on Dublin Street”, “Halloween on Dublin Street”, which return readers to the very first book and the Joss-Braeden couple.

Brief sketches show what awaits the heroes after the treasured ring is put on their finger.

If you liked Samantha Young's writing, the books can be found at electronic libraries, however, some of them are presented only in amateur translation.

Books by Young Samantha

Joscelyn Butler is young, pretty and very wealthy, but she is tormented by memories of her past: when Joscelyn was only 14 years old, her beloved parents and adored little sister died in a car accident. Now Josselyn avoids strong connections, is afraid to get close to people, because she believes that then she will still lose a loved one and will suffer. But one day she meets a man to whom she experiences an irresistible physical attraction. However, Braden Carmichael is also burdened by memories of the past, so he offers her a deal: no responsibilities and no attachments, just physiological intimacy. But will this supposedly non-binding connection help them escape from the captivity of memories?

Joanna Walker is used to always taking responsibility. But one day she met a man who made her change this rule... All her life, Joanna took care of her family, especially her younger brother Cole. Their father abandoned them, and their alcoholic mother did not care about the children. The girl tried to do what was best for her brother. She even chose as her gentlemen those who were sympathetic to her brother and, moreover, could support them financially. Joanna knew exactly what she wanted until she met a person who opened her eyes to what she really needed... For the first time in Russian!

One simple lesson in seduction between two friends can turn into something more... Despite her sociability, Olivia is extremely complex in relationships with the opposite sex. Her main problem is that she cannot muster the courage to approach the guy who interests her. Moving to Edinburgh gave her the opportunity to start from scratch. After falling in love with a sexy graduate student, she decides it's time to overcome her fears and start achieving what she wants. Nate Sawyer is a superb libertine who has no commitment but is devoted to his close friends and is always ready to help them. So when Olivia comes to him about her problem with guys, he offers to teach her the art of flirting and help her gain sexual confidence. A friendly training in seduction soon develops into a strong and hot romance. Nate's past and commitment issues prevent the romance from developing into anything more, and Olivia is left heartbroken. When Nate realizes that he has made the biggest mistake of his life, he will try his best to make his best friend fall in love with him again, otherwise he will lose her forever...

Novella from the series “On Dublin Street” / “On the Street of Our Love” 2.5 (Castle-Hill) Confessions, engagement, wedding, honeymoon... The book is about how a wedding is only the beginning of life together, that there is more to come for any couple passion and love. The grinding of characters, the need to accept a partner with all the shortcomings and prejudices, the ability to forgive, the desire to understand... But one thing is unchanged, if our heroes are united by love, then common hopes lie ahead. In the city that united them forever. A novella about Joss and Braden.

When eighteen-year-old Ari Johnson is transported from her bedroom to the cold kingdom of Mount Kaf, where terrible and fickle genies live, she discovers a truth that turns her whole world upside down. And suddenly her worries about college and her problems with her friendship with Charlie seem trivial compared to the war she finds herself in. It is not easier because of the ardent guard Jay, who pursues her everywhere, and whose loyalty Ari does not want to doubt, but must. She doesn't know who to trust. The truth is burning through her life, trying to turn her into ashes. Ari will have to fight against ancient dangerous creatures, family problems and heartbreaking romantic relationships.

The White King crossed the line and unleashed the wolves. Blood is spilled, and Ahri begins to realize her place as hunter and prey. It seems like nothing will stop her father from forcing her to submit to his will. Distracted by Charlie's mistake and her attraction to Jay, Ari finds it difficult to fear the king of the genies. But she is attacked, and she realizes that another side has entered the battle. The dark sorcerer thinks he knows a way to take the power of the Seal for himself, and he has less patience than the White King. The War for the Seal has just begun... and it's time for Ari to make a choice. It's time for her to stop acting like a victim. It's time for her to become a hunter.

India Maxwell didn't just move across the country. She has slipped to the bottom rung of the social ladder - after spending years trying to gain popularity and cover it up with a gloss over her family's mess. She now lives in the wealthiest area of ​​Boston with her mother's fiancé and his daughter Eloise. Thanks to the efforts of her soon-to-be half-sister's friends—including Finn, Eloise's gorgeous, arrogant boyfriend—India is once again feeling like what she hoped she would never be again: trash. But India is not alone in struggling to control the secrets of the past. Eloise and Finn - the school's golden couple - are not at all what they seem at first glance. In fact, their lives are much more complicated. What happens if India gets close to Finn and becomes friends with Eloise? The masks that kept them together will fall away, and only the truth will remain. Fierce, beautiful and big enough to change their lives forever.

Everything in Ari's life up to this point had been borrowed. Her human life with not her real father. Love for a guy who couldn't be strong anyway. Kisses with a genie who agreed only for moments of weakness. Even her resolve failed her when she needed it most. But Ari got tired of it. She has found the strength in herself and wants to make hunting genies not just a hobby to distract herself, but also her important work. Her friendship with Charlie will be stronger if she can save him from the trial on Mount Kaf. And her love for Jay can be eternal if she masters the darkness of the Seal within herself. Ari believes that this is possible, that she can control her life and influence her future. But everything depends not only on her... Sultan Azazil hides a lot. Even from the genie kings. And these secrets will change everything... and make Ari realize that she has once again borrowed something that was never hers. And it demands freedom. And it could destroy everyone. No one knows what the consequences of a small act will be.

Ari Johnson wants her only source of anxiety and problems to be her life with her boyfriend. She actually has a lot of desires. Ari chose the life of a Guild hunter. She wanted to hunt dangerous genies, destroy them, preventing them from harming innocent people. But now Ari is in the Guild, and she has to hunt her former best friend, the man turned sorcerer, Charlie Craig. Ari tries to come to terms with this responsibility, and the ancient genie and his companion want to take revenge on her for using the Seal against them. White King is not going to give up his goal of reviving Lilif, and Asmodeus is still playing with her. Ari can no longer stand it and demands repayment of his debt from Sultan Azaziel. This becomes the beginning of events that will not only change everyone's lives, but also ignite a darkness that will shake the kingdoms.

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