Hyperactivity help esoteric. Meditation helps with ADHD. When signals are not received

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue into adolescence and into adulthood. Symptoms include: hyperactivity (excessive activity), difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, and controlling behavior.

There are 3 subtypes of ADHD:

  1. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
    Most of the symptoms (six or more) belong to the categories of hyperactivity and impulsivity.
    There are fewer than six symptoms of inattention, although some degree of inattention may also be present.
  2. Predominantly inattentive
    Most of the symptoms are in the category of inattention, and less than six symptoms are classified as hyperactivity and impulsivity, although the latter may also be present to some extent.

    Children with this subtype of the syndrome are rarely impulsive and in most cases get along well with other children. They can sit still, but not focus on their actions. The child does not attract attention, so parents and teachers may not recognize the ADHD syndrome.

  3. Combined ADHD
    Six or more symptoms of inattention and six or more symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity are present.
    Most children with ADHD have a combined type of syndrome.

Currently, scientists are developing more effective treatments for the syndrome and using modern tools, such as brain imaging, to better understand ADHD and find effective methods for its treatment and prevention.

Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are key behavioral characteristics in ADHD. It's normal for children to occasionally be inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive, but with ADHD, these symptoms occur more frequently and are more severe. Children are diagnosed with the syndrome if their symptoms last more than 6 months and are more pronounced than in other children of the same age.

Children with symptoms inattention may:

  1. It is easy to get distracted, miss details, forget something and often switch from one subject to another;
  2. Having difficulty concentrating on one thing;
  3. Have difficulty concentrating on organizing and completing tasks or learning something new;
  4. Have difficulty completing and submitting homework, often lose things (pencils, toys, tasks) necessary for classes;
  5. Show excessive daydreaming, move slowly, they are easily confused;
  6. They find it difficult to absorb information as quickly and accurately as other children;
  7. They find it difficult to follow instructions;
  8. They become bored with a task after a few minutes unless it brings them pleasure;
  9. They don't seem to listen when spoken to.

Children with symptoms hyperactivity can::

  1. Restlessly move and fidget in their places;
  2. Talk non-stop;
  3. To rush around, moving and playing with everything that catches your eye;
  4. Constantly be on the move;
  5. It is difficult for them to sit still during lunch, study, and also when they are told stories;
  6. They find it difficult to perform calm activities and tasks.

Children with symptoms impulsiveness may:

  1. Be very impatient;
  2. Giving out inappropriate comments, not holding back your emotions and doing something without thinking about the consequences;
  3. Frequently interfere in conversations and other activities;
  4. It is difficult for them to wait for something they want or to wait their turn in the game.

Benefits of Meditation for ADHD

A study conducted jointly by the Department of Natural Therapy at the Royal Women's Hospital in Sydney (Australia) and the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London (UK) showed that meditation according to the Sahaja Yoga method alleviates the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a disorder that develops in childhood and is characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

The preferred treatment for ADHD is the use of stimulants. However, this causes side effects, and doctors are concerned about the long-term effect of stimulants on brain development, and the effectiveness of such treatment decreases after a few years. For these reasons, parents choose non-pharmacological treatments, and such alternatives are now being sought.

Sahaja Yoga, and then the results were compared with a control group of children on the waiting list for treatment who received no treatment.

Children with ADHD who learned to meditate showed marked improvements in the main symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention compared to controls.

The children also had better relationships with their parents and increased self-esteem.

In addition, 50% of children treated with stimulants reduced the dose of the drug or stopped taking it altogether, while their condition improved.

This first-of-its-kind study suggests what is clearly a promising non-pharmacological treatment for children with ADHD that needs to be further explored.

Harrison, L., Rubia, K., Manocha, R. (2003) Sahaja Yoga Meditation as a Family Treatment Program for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 9(4), 479-497.

What is the most commonly confused diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Can the lack of treatment of hyperactivity in childhood really ruin a person's life? And what is the benefit - or harm from "Indigo children"?

The child was diagnosed with ADHD and treated. The mother is trying to figure out how to live now and how to build relationships with him. Share new information with others. But each of those around him has his own view of the situation. There are many points of view, and they are incompatible with each other. Let's try to deal with each group of beliefs separately.

This point of view is more common than others, and its bearer is best left alone. It's almost impossible to convince him. You can bring him special literature, show him diagrams, talk about the frontal lobes, about control dysfunction, even about the reuptake of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft ... But for one picture of the world to change in the mind of a person, a long time must pass, he must do some then observe and come to certain conclusions.

The problem with spoiled children is that adults have not put limits on acceptable behavior for them. As soon as these boundaries are set with the proper measure of seriousness, the behavior of children is normalized. In the case of ADHD, the problem is different: even if the child knows very well how to behave and really wants to behave well, he still fails because of his impulsiveness. This does not mean that he does not need to set boundaries - he definitely needs to!

Hyperactivity is a newfangled fiction

"Where were these kids before?" - ask people who are sure that ADHD was invented a few years ago. But even before these children were in the same place where they are now: in every class. Everyone, perhaps, can remember one or two hooligans and losers, cool jesters, brawlers and ugly people. With a high degree of probability, this is exactly what they were.

Moreover, a loser and a bully is a very popular figure in children's literature, described in detail in many works in all its glory. If we analyze favorite children's books, taking into account modern scientific ideas about the nature of school difficulties, we will see there an attention deficit, a reduced level of brain activation, and hyperactivity, and specific learning difficulties, classified, however, as laziness and hooliganism.

The problem of overdiagnosis does exist: the diagnosis of hyperactivity in children is sometimes made not very carefully, and sometimes completely unprofessional. One often hears something like "the doctor made the diagnosis during the school medical examination" or "psychologists came to the school, tested, diagnosed."

This is a violation of the normal diagnostic procedure, which requires filling out multi-page questionnaires, a thorough history taking, and a conversation with a teacher. Doctors who are serious about diagnosing spend several hours just talking to parents.

A psychologist cannot "diagnose" anything. The teacher, even more so. A psychologist can describe the problem to the parent, suggest what it may be related to, and advise them to see a doctor.

The doctor does not diagnose "ADHD" on the basis of a five-minute examination of the child during the school medical examination, and in the fifteen minutes allotted for an appointment at the clinic, he cannot diagnose it either.

In addition, there is no officially accepted protocol for diagnosing ADHD in the country. In the meantime, the problem of overdiagnosis will not go anywhere. However, if someone is diagnosed with ADHD illiterately, this does not mean that such a disorder does not exist.

The question of who is more bothered by ADHD - the child or others - is not as simple as it seems. Indeed, such manifestations of a child exhaust adults, bring them to exhaustion, especially if it is hyperactivity in younger preschoolers.

But the kids have a hard time too. A study published in the journal Advances in Medical Sciences in 2009 shows that children with ADHD are almost twice as likely to injury rate(sprains, open wounds of the head, neck, body and limbs, as well as fractures of the limbs are especially frequent). The risk of serious injury (fracture of the skull, neck, spine, skull fractures and brain damage, nerve and spinal cord damage) is three times higher with ADHD.

In severe forms of hyperactivity and inattention, some children even develop pedagogical neglect- this is with normal intelligence and loving, attentive parents! Just in order for a child to sit down to listen to a book, learn colors, begin to understand letters and numbers, he must concentrate. But he cannot do this under normal conditions, and it’s also good if parents or teachers can come up with methods to capture his unstable attention and use the few minutes that they have to the maximum.

Common in ADHD problems with social skills: children understand the rules of behavior with peers worse, jokes, it is more difficult to understand gestures and facial expressions, they react too impulsively, they are too impatient, they do not follow the queue, they like to command not on business. Sooner or later, many of these children find themselves without friends, and this already prevents them from living personally, and not adults at all.

Inattention, randomness, disorganization also create problems for them: it is very difficult to study, it is impossible to cope with such simple things as maintaining a minimum order in one's things and affairs without outside help. Even harder - when these features lead to conflicts with others. By themselves, the manifestations of ADHD are not as severe as their consequence - social maladaptation.

Many studies show that the social cost of ADHD if a child does not get help in time is very high. In most grown children, the disorder persists into adulthood.(Researcher Russell Barkley believes that only 20-35% of adults "outgrow" their ADHD in reality.)

Many children with ADHD develop more serious problems (antisocial behavior, learning disorders, low self-esteem, depression), and in 5-10% of cases more severe diagnoses (bipolar affective disorder, antisocial conduct disorder).

10-25% abuse alcohol and psychoactive substances. 25-36% do not finish school. People with ADHD have difficulty adjusting to new jobs, and the jobs they find often do not match their level of education and qualifications. They change jobs more often, usually because they are bored or because of conflicts. They have more problems in relationships with friends and lovers, a higher level of family conflicts and divorces. Higher levels of traffic violations, more accidents - and these accidents are more serious.

Some radical parents demand that society adapt itself to children. Ideally, of course, the movement should be two-way. But if society does not move towards the child, it is necessary not only to work on changing society, but also to help the child survive in the society that exists.

In the middle of the 2000s, the concept of "Indigo Children", which is set out in the book of the same name by Americans Jen Tober and Lee Carroll, became widespread among parents of difficult children. Its supporters are convinced that children with ADHD are in fact a new stage in the development of mankind: children are especially gifted, brilliant, they are simply bored at school, and they need a different, non-repressive pedagogy.

This concept is entirely religious, esoteric, adjoining the ideas of the New Age occult movement (New Era). To accept it on faith or not is a matter of personal worldview. The scientific value of the concept is zero; the main ideas are mainly of religious interest.

The history of the emergence of "Indigo children" is something like this: Lee Carroll, a businessman selling radio equipment, in 1989, according to him, came into contact with an alien entity called Krion. Krion began to dictate messages to him. Then Carroll's followers, who call themselves "lightworkers," began to gather for dictation sessions. Krion dictated to Carroll a lot of various information on the salvation of mankind, including mentioning that shifts are expected in human DNA, and humanity will evolve further. Indigo children, according to the beliefs of "light workers", are the next link in human evolution: the book says that their DNA is arranged differently (which is completely absurd from the point of view of genetics).

The book announced that a new generation of children had come into the world. Now 90% of them are born (that is, 10% remain standard). Indigo they are named because the clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tepp saw a bright blue color (indigo) in their aura. For some, this is already enough to put the book aside forever - usually these are people with rational, scientific thinking.

But if a person loves the unusual, occult, esoteric and at the same time has an inattentive hyperactive child, the book sinks deep into his soul. It specifically points out that often wise souls are misdiagnosed with ADHD and treated instead of educated as kings, gods, and geniuses should be raised. As one mother of a child with ADHD told me, "I would rather consider his actions a manifestation of genius than the antics of an idiot."

The book "Indigo Children" contains the idea that children do not need to be brought up, they already know and understand everything; they just need to be directed. For confused parents who find themselves in difficult educational situations, this sounds like a message about salvation: you don’t have to invent anything, you need to trust the child, he knows everything.

But in the end, this turns into shifting the choice and responsibility for the choice to the child, who is not yet ready to make it. So the authors had to make an amendment - set boundaries, do not allow permissiveness. Someone himself has known this old law of pedagogy for a long time, but someone, in order for simple thoughts to penetrate into consciousness, needs news from outer space, aura vision and the promise of a ready-made genius at the exit.

The sound idea of ​​the concept is that a child is a unique individual, talented and deserving of respect; the child has great potential that needs to be developed; treating a child as "sick", "defective" can ruin a lot.

Who is this child who gives everyone so much trouble? He is in constant motion, distracting other students and does not participate, like everyone else, in any school event. When he appears in the classroom, he breaks the whole learning process. One such child is enough, and the work of a teacher turns into a continuous struggle.

Such children are called hyperactive and treat this definition as a medical diagnosis. There is only one cardinal way out of this situation today - to suppress the child's activity with a sedative.

Anyone who decides to prescribe Ritalin or another similar medicine to a child, thereby admits not only to a misunderstanding of the situation, but also to their complete indifference, unwillingness to understand and help the little person. The medicine helps only teachers and school administration, calming the restless student, it makes him quiet and indifferent, but does not solve the problems of the child himself.

Forcing a child to take tranquilizers, driving the problem inside, we simply turn him off from life, preventing the processes taking place in him from developing and ending in their natural way. We hinder its development, and this will definitely manifest itself later in a predisposition to drugs, mental illness, problems in the sexual sphere.

There have always been quiet kids and restless kids in every class, but hyperactivity is something else. This is some unconscious internal restlessness, which the body tries to drown out with constant physical movement. Therefore, it is difficult for the child to maintain attention, he cannot concentrate on the speech addressed to him, and it seems that he ignores our words and remarks. He is impatient and finds it difficult to see things through to the end. He often refuses to complete tasks and participate in common activities, not because he does not like them, but because they require patience and attention, which he is not capable of.

Any person can remember being in a state of anxiety and understand that he would have behaved the same way. He would rush from corner to corner, could not concentrate on anything, would be absent-minded, inattentive to the words addressed to him, and would always return in thought to the subject of his concern. Only the anxiety and discomfort of a hyperactive child does not have a clear reason that is understandable to him and those around him.

An adult can also be hyperactive, but it is easier for him to find an occupation suitable for his properties. It can be a profession that requires physical activity, quick switching of attention and the ability to make unexpected decisions. It can be extreme sports or even a frequent change of sexual partners.

If you think about it, our entire civilization today is hyperactive. For thousands of years, people lived a very leisurely life, adopted the profession and lifestyle of their parents, married the daughter of a neighbor and died in the same village as they were born. Today, people easily change their place of residence, profession and family. Today I have to go somewhere a couple of times a year, and the further the better, - someone who has not traveled somewhere to Africa, to India or the Far East, simply has nothing to talk about with him.

Today, our lives are changing very quickly, and the gap between generations is growing. Our children are different. They grow up quickly, have a different outlook on life, different desires and abilities than we do. They have other problems. They lose interest in everything and do not find something to fill themselves with, despite all the huge amount of entertainment that they have compared to previous generations. They appear to be more self-centered, have difficulty understanding others, and have difficulty communicating.

This is how the evolution of mankind manifests itself, this is how nature works, and not recognizing this, trying to fight its laws, is a vain attempt. If you force a child to be like everyone else, then this will cause protest and conflict, but if you direct his energy in the right direction, this will give him additional opportunities in life. These children have a lot of energy, they can do many things at the same time and get more done during the day. There are professions in which it is hyperactivity that becomes the key to success.

We must help children understand themselves and in no case blame them for something that does not depend on them. They should be explained what is happening to them, why they are so "explosive" and how their hyperactivity looks from the outside - so that they, in turn, do not accuse others of misunderstanding and close themselves off from them.

A hyperactive child, as a rule, is more developed - he comprehends the world around him more actively than ordinary children. He can achieve more in life than others, but he needs to learn how to control his qualities. He is like an ugly duckling that can become a beautiful swan if we do not clip his wings.

Continuation of a series of publications about Indigo children, some of their characteristics and features. Read also previous articles.

Indigo Predisposition to Spirituality

Some children from birth show a predisposition to everything spiritual. There are frequent cases of special awareness of such children in esotericism. How they know this is unknown. This is probably a karmic memory from a past life. It is known that esotericism is the essence of all religions. Maybe these children are born on this earth to bring new knowledge and ideology?

Maybe they are here to make a spiritual revolution? Whatever it was, these children in the future will bring a qualitatively new belief integrated from all religions. In fact, Indigo children are our spiritual teachers, who point directly to our spiritual and psychological mistakes. They are indicators of the correctness of our behavior and their behavior requires us to change!


Indigo children are often unstable and impulsive. Such behavior is contagious in itself, so parents need to set a worthy example for their children. It has been found that hyperactive parents have the same children. From this follows the conclusion that a person with hyperactive behavior must constantly work on himself so that the next generation is more mentally balanced. It has been proven that hyperactivity is inherited, but this does not mean at all that this diagnosis should be treated with pills. There is also a method of alternative medicine that gives positive results.

Sensitivity Indigo Children

Being very sensitive and vulnerable, Indigo children are often closed, unsociable and at the same time aggressive. They often do not develop relationships with their peers and often such people remain unclaimed until the end of their days. In the 80s, such people were mistakenly diagnosed with autism and prescribed a whole course of treatment, which certainly traumatized the psyche of people of this type. Often such people commit crimes, trying to be like everyone else, and as a result, they end up in prison.

In fact, Indigo children always know what they want and who they are, and are not at all shy about telling you about it, but it is the stereotypes of this world that prevent such personalities from developing. There are times when Indigo children communicate with angels, saints, etc. - and this does not bother the people of the new generation at all, only stubborn conservatives who are accustomed to "treating" such cases with psychotropic drugs and correctional colonies do not understand this phenomenon. The main problem for those around these children is their hyperactivity. Indigo children are not able to learn from a conventional pattern, their visual and auditory nerves do not conduct information in a way that allows them to learn, they sense information rather than perceive it.

The question remains: what will the world of Indigo look like when all people on earth represent a new race?

Will all people on earth have unusual abilities? Apparently, a new dimension will come on our earth, where people will be able to speak without uttering a word, where everyone will have access to all the knowledge about our earth and the universe, where every person will lead a Divine existence, without darkening his life with a single negative thought. Is it possible that what is predicted in the great Tibetan book Abhidharma will come? "And mortal people will turn into celestials, where they will live indefinitely ..." So ... we will someday in the near future we will have divine abilities!

Transition to a new dimension

Now, in our time, there is a painful transition from one dimension to another. All more people in the world take antidepressants, tk. in their inner world the elements of envy, greed, fear, rivalry still prevail. People instinctively cling to the old, not realizing that the eternally restless competitive world is being replaced by a world of warm, sincere, good neighborly relations. Psychics all over the world foretell that soon the telepathic abilities of people will develop so much that lies will become simply impossible, and new rules and concepts will reign in the new world, the foundations of which will be laid by the Indigo people.

Past Life Memories of the Indigo Children

It has been proven that all children under the age of four have memories of a past life. In Indigo children, these memories are especially clear. The child claims to have made up a story he has just made up, but at the same time he is talking about specific historical events, places, people. How else can these children know such exact facts if no one has ever told them about it?

I recently read a story about how a two-year-old girl, waking up early in the morning, threw a tantrum that she had to go to New York and that she had a daughter there and she herself was an actress. This went on for 3 days until a psychic was invited, who established that the girl in her past life was indeed an actress who died in a fire. This phenomenon was explained to the girl in an adult way and, oddly enough, the girl stopped mentioning it.

Indigo children often awaken to extraordinary abilities such as auric vision, mind reading, communication with entities, etc. This fact, of course, surprises scientists a lot, but now people treat this phenomenon with understanding.

Does your child have trouble sitting still or paying attention? You may have been told that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) could be the cause. This article will help you understand what ADHD is and how to help your child.

What is ADHD?

Why ADHD is a problem

It is difficult for a child with ADHD to stay focused for a long time ( attention deficit). In addition, it may be difficult for him to control his urges ( hyperactivity). A child who has one or both of these problems struggles with them daily and tries to behave well. There is no one's fault in ADHD. But left alone, ADHD can lower his self-esteem and limit his success.

How can you help

You want your child to be happy and healthy. In your power to contribute to this. Work with your child's doctor and other professionals. With appropriate assistance, the child will be able to better control himself. (For example, pediatrician + child psychologist http://www.indigo-papa.ru/).

Common Symptoms

Each person with ADHD has a different set of symptoms. In most cases, some of the characteristic symptoms of ADHD occur before age 7. Most of the symptoms associated with ADHD occur in a variety of settings, such as at home and at school.

Which of the following describes your child?

The following is a partial list of symptoms that are specific to ADHD. Your child may have signs from one or both groups.

attention deficit
- Can't stay focused for long periods of time
- Has difficulty following tasks consistently
- Easily distracted
- Difficulty switching to other activities
- Disorganized or losing things
- Forgetful

- It is difficult for him to control his urges; talkative, interrupts others, or has difficulty waiting his turn
- Easily upset or irritated
- Constantly in motion (sometimes aimless)
- Doesn't learn from his mistakes

New Features Registered in Recent Years

- "The phenomenon of a broken mirror" the child writes letters mirrored upside down

- "The phenomenon of slipping eyes" - the loss of the line. Lost reading comprehension.

Brief interruptions of attention. The child is not here. Gaps in the perception of the lesson. "I do not remember".

Remember your child's strengths

It is difficult to raise children with ADHD. That is why it is so easy to overlook their good qualities. What is special about your child? Do your best to rate and support it unique abilities, strengths and interests.

What is going on in the brain?

The brain controls the body, thoughts and feelings. It does this with the help of neurotransmitters. These chemicals help the brain send and receive signals. In ADHD, the levels of these substances often fluctuate. This causes ADHD symptoms to come and go.

When signals are not received

With ADHD in certain parts the brain may be missing some chemical substances. Therefore, some signals are not transmitted by nerve cells. Signals that "tell" a person to control behavior or pay attention do not go through. As a result, symptoms characteristic of ADHD may appear.

With low levels of chemicals in the brain, signals cannot travel the distance between nerve cells.

At normal level chemicals in the brain signals can bridge the distance between nerve cells.

Impact on brain function

Each part of the brain controls certain behavioral and thought processes. It is believed that ADHD affects more than one area of ​​the brain. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, the child may show more signs of attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

Color-stained areas of the brain may be affected by ADHD.

Problems associated with ADHD

Any child can experience depression, fears, or learning difficulties. These problems may accompany ADHD or exist on their own. Only a thorough examination can determine their true cause.


A child with depression is sad most of the time. He may have low self-esteem and may show little interest in life. The child may eat or sleep more or less than before. He can shut himself off from the whole world. As a rule, if a child has depression, then one of the lines of ancestors (mom-dad, grandparents, uncles-aunts) has or had severe depression. Here is what is written about depression in the Bible http://www.indigo-papa.ru/depressiya_bible


It is normal if the child is afraid of something. But excessive fear can make a child fearful and vulnerable. He may be haunted by disturbing thoughts. He may be restless, too active or withdrawn.

The child's depression and fears may be related to ADHD or may be due to other causes.

Learning problems

A child with learning problems cannot fully process certain types of information. Some people don't understand what they see. Others are what they hear. For example, even if the teacher gives clear verbal instructions, this message does not register in the child's brain. As a result, the child may have difficulty learning one or more school subjects.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

There are many methods used to diagnose ADHD. Parents and teachers describe the behavior of the child. Health workers and educators may also observe the child. This process can help rule out other problems.

Adults describe the child

Specialists examine the child

A specialist can check your child's attention. He may also observe your child in class. ADHD seems to run in families. Tell your doctor if another family member shows signs of ADHD. The doctor will get all the information. If ADHD is diagnosed, treatment may be indicated.

Treatment is often complex.

Although ADHD is not completely curable, it can be treated. The goal is to help the child realize their potential. Treatment may combine educational, pharmacological, and behavioral therapies. Each type of treatment is selected individually.


Your child and the people they spend time with need to know about ADHD. It is desirable that your child's school environment be adapted to it. These activities can help your child learn better and improve their social skills.

Medical treatment

Medications often help manage the levels of chemicals in the brain of a child with ADHD. Some medications help such a child stay focused. As a result, it is easier for the child to learn. It also contributes to the success of behavioral correction.

Behavioral correction

Behavioral intervention helps the child act on what he knows instead of responding to the impulse he feels. Over time, the child may develop good skills and improve behavior.

Education is the first step

Before you can help your child, you must understand what ADHD is. Although ADHD is not an educational problem, it can interfere with learning. With the right help, your child will find it easier to learn both at school and at home.

Exploring ADHD

One of the best ways to help your child is to learn about ADHD. You can start by believing that your child is not lazy or stupid. Once you understand the special needs caused by your child's ADHD, share your knowledge with others. Some people may resist the diagnosis or deny the problem. Even so, let them know how they can help your child.

Studying with ADHD

With rare exceptions, the mental abilities of a child with ADHD are not impaired. To make learning easier for him, work with his teacher. Remember, federal law affirms your child's right to get the help they need.

What can parents do

Here are some ways you can help your child:

    Be informed. Read about ADHD. Join local group support for parents of ADHD children.

    Reassure your child that ADHD is not their fault.

    Make sure your child has a teacher who can help him. Keep in touch with him.

    Create a neat and quiet workplace for your child at home.

What can a teacher do

Here are some tips for teachers:

    Find the best way to teach your child. Use a tape recorder, computers, or games if they help you learn.

    Encourage your child to do things they love. Offer him special projects to increase his self-esteem.

What can a child do

    Tell your parents and teachers when you need their help.

    Designate a place at home and at school to store your textbooks, folders and projects.

    Make a list of your tasks with due dates. You can also mark dates on the calendar.

    If it helps, take short breaks between homework assignments. Use a timer to remind you when to finish your break and get back to your homework.

How medicines can help

In many cases, drug treatment is part of the child's treatment plan. Medications provide a steady supply of chemicals needed to send and receive signals in the brain.


Some stimulants act on certain areas of the brain so that they send out stronger signals. With stronger signals, the child has better control over his attention and activities. Stimulants act quickly for several hours.

Receiving Signals

Some antidepressants help the brain receive signals better. These medicines are used to treat depression and inattention and are taken daily.

For your information

It may take time to find the best medicine for your child. The dose and time of administration should also be verified. In some cases, you need to check if your child has any side effects. If the medicine does not help, consider re-examining the child.

What can parents do

If your child is prescribed medication, you will need to:

    Know about the medicines your child is taking. Ask what results to expect and how soon they might appear.

    Talk to your doctor about any side effects.

    Get a second opinion if you have questions about your child's treatment.

    Follow your doctor's instructions for taking your medications.

    Watch for positive changes in your child at home and at school. Watch for any side effects. Tell your doctor about anything you notice.

What can a child do

Here are some tips for a child:

    How do you feel after taking the medicine? Tell your parents and doctor about your feelings.

    Your medicine is a pill. If you can't swallow a whole pill, ask your parents how to make it easier for you to take your medicine.

    Know when you need to take your pill. Remind your parents about this.

    If someone teases you about taking medicine, tell your parents or teacher. They can help you with what to say to this person.

Behavior change

A child with ADHD often misbehaves and does not pay attention to others. But you can show your child other ways to react to what is happening. This process takes time and practice. This is where a psychologist can help.

Self-control skills

Consolidation of success

Children with ADHD do not learn well from past events. Positive feedback helps reinforce positive behavior. Praise your child for a job well done. This will help him remember this behavior for a long time. Celebrate each success with a sticker in the rewards table.

What can parents do

Here are some ways you can help:

    Teach your child self-control skills after he has taken the medicine. At this time, training is likely to be more successful.

    Praise your child for success. Smile at him, give him a hug, give him a positive remark, or give him a small reward.

    Set clear rules. Explain what the child will lose if they do not follow these rules. Stick to this policy to the end.

    Try to stick to the routine. Prepare your child for any change in this order.

    Help your child stay focused. For example, avoid crowded noisy places if they piss your child off. Also, limit your choices.

What can a child do

Here are some tips for a child:

    Try new ways of reacting to people and places that piss you off. When you're upset, you can talk, draw, write, throw a ball, or be alone for a while.

    Do this: stop, think, do, and then think again if you did the right thing.

ADHD is a family story

Caring for a child with ADHD can create relationship problems between households. It should not be. Each family member can help build strong relationships. That way everyone will be better off.

What can you feel

If you have a child with ADHD, you may feel guilty, anxious, and tired. Try to relax more and do what gives you pleasure. Seek support from family and friends.

You and your spouse

It's easy to blame each other. You may disagree about the child's diagnosis, treatment, or discipline. Finding solutions isn't easy, but try to talk daily. This is the time to rebuild your relationship.

Raising other children

You probably give a lot of time and attention to a child with ADHD. As a result, other children may feel left out. Make every effort to spend time with your other children. Perhaps you will see that such moments not only do not waste your strength, but, on the contrary, replenish them.

What can parents do

Try the following to take care of yourself and your family:

    For you personally: Relax and replenish your strength. Free up some time for yourself by finding a babysitter who understands ADHD. Ask a counselor or your support group to recommend people who can look after your child.

    For your marriage: Try to respect other opinions. Also, spend time together. Talk not only about ADHD and your child, but also on other topics.

    For other children: Take care of them. Ask about their favorite activities, desires and fears. Let them know that you love them. Help them build a relationship with a child with ADHD.

    Encourage everyone to try to act as a member of the whole - the family.

    Professional counseling can help you manage your mental health. They will help strengthen your marriage and resolve family conflicts.

There is a future perspective

As your child gets older, their ADHD symptoms will likely change. But over time and with the right help, your child can learn to manage their features. There are many happy and successful adults with ADHD.

According to the article:
Translation: ADHD Mom

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