The main characters of the story are a white poodle. The image and characteristics of the grandfather of the main character of the story, white poodle Kuprin, essay. Several interesting essays

Art is rarely connected to the lives of ordinary people. However, there are writers who can create a great work based on the events that happen to us in Everyday life. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin traveled a lot around Russia. He loved to communicate with ordinary people, memorizing their stories, which later became the basis literary works. This article will present a brief summary of the “White Poodle” - very famous work Kuprin, telling us how love, courage and devotion can defeat the power of power and money.

Meet the main characters

In search of income, a troupe with an old barrel organ wanders through the streets of Crimea: the boy Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin, a beautiful white poodle. This is how the work begins, which Kuprin called “ White poodle" The summary of this story, of course, is not able to convey the beauty of the writer’s language, telling about the splendor of this amazing island, the richness of whose nature delighted the boy Seryozha. He admired magnolias, waterfalls, streams, roses. Grandfather, who had already been here, did not react to this beauty.

In search of income

It was a hot summer day. A troupe of traveling performers were driven away or paid with fake money for their performance. True, they were paid twice, but so little that they could barely afford to pay for lodging and dinner, so continues the story, which Kuprin called “The White Poodle.” The summary of this work further tells that a company of artists approached a dacha with the promising name “Friendship”, which forced the grandfather to make the assumption of inevitable luck. They walked along the garden paths and stopped under the balcony.

Next, the summary of “The White Poodle” tells us about a boy of about ten years old who ran out onto the terrace. He made a scandal. Nannies and footmen ran out after the little barchuk, trying their best to console him. The little brawler fell to the floor and began punching and kicking, trying to hit one of the servants.

The artists did not immediately come to their senses, but nevertheless began the performance. Barchuk, his name was Trilly, ordered that the actors be left behind. The summary of the book “The White Poodle” has reached the beginning of its climax.

Caprice Trilly

The boy Seryozha showed all the acrobatic performances that he was capable of. It was the turn of the white poodle. Artaud said hello, turned over, and at the end of the performance, according to tradition, he took his cap and approached Trilly to receive the money.

Barchuk suddenly screamed, the artists were dumbfounded. Artaud hurried back to the boy and grandfather. The summary of “The White Poodle” tells that Trilly wanted to get this dog at any cost. The story goes on to describe the vileness that rich people were able to resort to. Grandfather and Seryozha did not agree to sell Artaud, because this is not only their companion, but also a true friend! The artists did not receive payment for the performance and left Druzhba: they were simply kicked out of there.

Theft of Artaud

Having opened their eyes, the artists simply did not believe what had happened. The summary of “The White Poodle” cannot convey how upset grandfather and Seryozha were. They looked for the dog for a long time, called him, but could not find their favorite, Artoshenka, anywhere, because there was simply no other dog like him.


The boy Seryozha decided that he must return Artaud. The next night the boy went to that very dacha “Druzhba”. He was able to get over the gate without any difficulty, because he was a very good acrobat. This episode shows how courageous Seryozha was, who on a dark night tried to find the place where Artaud was kept. Seryozha understood that the dog was not taken into the house; such people are not capable of treating animals kindly. He searched for his friend for a very long time and almost reached despair. Suddenly Seryozha heard Artaud’s quiet howl. He called the dog and his friend, hearing the voice of the little owner, was able to gnaw the rope and break out to meet the boy. They ran for a long time along the garden wall, hearing that they were being chased. Finally, jumping over the fence, the fugitives rushed with all their might, trying to escape as quickly as possible. When it became clear that those who were catching up with them were left far behind, Seryozha and the poodle were able to catch their breath and walk. When they approached the sleeping grandfather, Artaud, of course, licked his face. This ending suggests that justice can prevail if you act fearlessly, but wisely.

The story “White Poodle” is based on a real story that Kuprin heard from traveling artists in Crimea. The author became interested in this case and, having learned all the smallest details, wrote a story.


Some of the characters in this story make us feel with them, while others cause us contempt. Artists love a dog, it is their best friend. The inhabitants of the Friendship villa treat Artaud as a toy that can get boring or boring.

In the story we see two boys. Being almost the same age, they are completely different from each other. The boy Seryozha is hardy, dexterous, strong, he is capable of real masculine actions, and Trilly is a demanding, capricious egoist who can only demand something from others. This makes us realize that financial wealth is not a prerequisite for developing a strong personality. You can be rich inner world and a pure soul, having no money or servants.

Kuprin wrote the story “The White Poodle” in 1903. In the work, the author touched on the themes of care, selfless friendship, social inequality. The conflict of the story is based on the contrast between how wandering artists and rich people treat a trained dog. The old man and the boy perceive Artaud as a close friend, while for the lady’s son this is just a toy, which he will probably forget about tomorrow.

Main characters

Martyn Lodyzhkin- old man, organ grinder.

Sergey- twelve year old boy, acrobat. Five years ago Lodyzhkin “rented” it from a drunkard shoemaker.

Artaud- a white poodle, “cut like a lion.”

Other characters

Trilly- the son of the owners of the “Druzhba” dacha, a capricious boy of eight to ten years old.

Lady- owner of the “Friendship” dacha.

Street cleaner– served with Trilly’s parents.

Chapter 1

“A small traveling troupe was making its way along the southern coast of Crimea.” The poodle Artaud ran ahead, Sergei walked behind him, and grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin “with a barrel organ on his crooked back” trudged behind. The barrel organ barely worked, and only the long-obsolete waltz and gallop could be played on it.

Chapter 2

The troupe went to the old count's park, “in the dense greenery of which beautiful dachas were scattered.” Sergei and Martyn began to walk around the dachas, but “it turned out to be a bad day for them.”

Almost everywhere they were turned away or refused; they paid only in two. And although Lodyzhkin was glad to have at least some income, he was greatly outraged by one lady: the woman watched the performance for a long time and questioned them, and then gave them only a ten-kopeck piece of paper.

They walked around the entire dacha village. There was one last dacha left behind a high fence, on which was written “Dacha Druzhba”.

Chapter 3

The troupe entered the garden, and Seryozha laid out a rug in front of the balcony. Just as they were about to start the performance, a boy ran out onto the terrace, making shrill sounds. The servants, a young lady and a fat bald gentleman hurried after him. They tried in every possible way to calm the child, but he did not let up.

Lodyzhkin said to begin the performance. Hearing the sounds of the barrel organ, “everyone on the balcony perked up at once.” They wanted to drive the artists away, but Trilli began to act up so that they would be returned. Lodyzhkin played the barrel organ, Sergei performed acrobatic stunts. After this, Martin took out a thin whip, and Artaud obediently followed his orders.

Seeing the trained dog, Trilly immediately demanded the poodle for himself. The lady asked how much Lodyzhkin wanted for Artaud. Martyn replied that the poodle is not for sale, because he feeds them. The boy screamed even louder. The angry lady was ready to pay whatever she wanted, but Lodyzhkin did not yield. Then the janitor drove the artists out of the dacha.

Chapter 4

Already at the sea, the janitor caught up with the artists. Feeding the poodle sausage, he explained that he had come on behalf of a lady who was offering 300 rubles for the dog. The old man resolutely refused to sell Artaud.

Chapter 5

Lodyzhkin and Seryozha stopped for breakfast in the “corner between Miskhor and Alupka” near the spring. After breakfast they decided to get some sleep. Half asleep, grandfather talked to himself: discussing how he would buy a pink leotard with gold and pink satin shoes.

While Sergei and Martyn were sleeping, Artaud disappeared. Seeing a piece of sausage lying on the road, the old man realized that the janitor had taken the dog. Martin was very upset.

The indignant Sergei said that he would come back now and force him to give up the dog, otherwise he would have to turn to the peace officer. Lodyzhkin replied that they could not appeal to the peace officer: he lives on someone else’s passport, and in fact is a peasant Ivan Dudkin.

Chapter 6

“Silently they walked to Alupka” and stopped in a dirty Turkish coffee shop called “Yldyz” - “Star”. Late at night, Sergei quietly got ready and left. The boy went to the Druzhba dacha. Having climbed through the patterned cast-iron gate, he decided to go around the dacha.

From the stone basement, Sergei heard a groaning squeal. The boy called the dog and “a frantic, intermittent barking immediately filled the entire garden.” A bass scream was heard in the basement and something banged. The indignant Sergei shouted that they should not dare to hit the dog.

The janitor and Artaud ran out of the basement with a piece of rope around their neck. Seryozha, followed by the poodle, ran away. Having found a place where the fence wall was low enough, the boy picked up the dog, jumped in himself, and they quickly ran away.

Although the janitor did not pursue them anymore, the dog and the boy ran for a long time. After resting at the source, Sergei and Artaud returned to the coffee shop. Artaud, in joy, ran up to Lodyzhkin with a squeal and woke him up. The old man wanted to turn to the boy for an explanation, but he had already fallen asleep.


In the story “The White Poodle,” Kuprin contrasts two boys – the acrobat Seryozha and the lord’s son Trilly. Seryozha is not much older than his antipode, but at the same time he perceives the world. The little acrobat admires the Crimean nature, treats Lodyzhnik with understanding, and without hesitation rushes to return his friend Artaud. Trilly, on the other hand, treats everything as a consumer; for him, only the immediate fulfillment of his whims is important, regardless of what it would cost his parents.

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White poodle (A.I. Kuprin)

1. Characteristics of the main characters:

  • Artaud - cheerful, dexterous, loyal, kind, trusting
  • Sergey - kind, brave, inquisitive, patient, desperate
  • Martyn Lodyzhkin is old, wise, sensible, experienced, modest.

2. Names of heroes..

  • I want to be like Sergei, because he is very brave and dexterous, he was not afraid to take his dog from the masters.
  • I would advise Trilly to improve, because otherwise he will grow up to be a very bad, spoiled person.

3. If you had a brother.. how much would you sell him for?

  • Sergey - I would never sell my brother or friend for anything.
  • Ladies from the "Friendship" dacha - depending on the circumstances.

4. Characteristics of heroes:

  • Sergey - courage, kindness, dexterity, courage, devotion, responsibility
  • Trilly - greed, tearfulness, heartlessness, disrespect for elders.

5. The story “The White Poodle” teaches mercy and compassion. I would give my clothes to these poor people. The story evokes a feeling of pity for the poor and teaches that even the poorest person is worthy of respect.

Wonderful doctor(A.I. Kuprin)

1. Round diagram - PIROGOV, the name belonged to the professor.

2. Episodes

  • Grishka Mertsalov - 2
  • Professor Pirogov - 1, 3
  • Mertsalov -

3. Aphorism:

  • Miracles are beautiful, and to console a brother, to help a friend rise from the depths of suffering - these are the greatest miracles in the world.

4. The story is called “The Wonderful Doctor” because the doctor miraculously appeared at the right time in a suffering family and saved them by performing a miraculous act.

Yaroshenko Zhenya, 6th grade

A.I. Kuprin wrote the story “White Poodle”, in which the main character was the boy Seryozha.
Seryozha was a kind boy, he treated his grandfather and Artaud well. He wore frayed tights and had no shoes. The tights were blue and white striped.
After lunch in the fresh air, Seryozha and grandfather went to bed with Artaud, but when Seryozha woke up, he saw that Artaud was nowhere to be found, and decided to call him, but Artaud did not respond. Artaud stole a janitor for a rich lady and her capricious son...
Grandfather understood that Artaud would not return, although he called him. He knew that he could not compete with this lady, because he did not have a passport or money. If grandfather had gone to the police, he could have been fined a lot of money, and, most importantly, he would have lost Seryozha. And Seryozha was very afraid that he would never see Artaud again. There was despair in his soul, concern for Artaud, although his grandfather consoled him, he said that Artaud would return, but this did not help Seryozha.
At night, when grandfather was sleeping, Seryozha got up and went to look for Artaud. He walked for a very long time.
Finally, he reached this house. There were several moments during which Sergei experienced hesitation in his soul, almost fear. Seryozha climbed over the fence.
-Artaud! Artaud! - Seryozha called him. Artaud responded and barked. But at that moment the janitor Vora woke up! They're robbing! - the janitor shouted.
But Seryozha managed to escape from the janitor along with Artaud.
It was Seryozha who saved Artaud, because no one else could have saved him.
Grandfather could not save him because he did not have a passport and he did not want to lose Seryozha. So who, if not Seryozha, would save Artaud? Nobody! Because besides grandfather and Seryozha, Artaud had no one.

Tarasova Kristina, 4th grade

The dog Artaud is one of the heroes of the story “White Poodle” by A.I. Kuprin.
Artaud is white, has a lion-like haircut, with a cheerful tassel on his tail, and is a poodle breed.
The poodle is very playful, kind and calm. He never lashed out at anyone.
The artists were walking around Crimea and came across the Druzhba dacha. Rich gentlemen lived at this dacha. The lady had a son, Trilly, a spoiled boy and hysterical, like his mother.
And when he saw the dog, he immediately wanted it. His mother could not refuse him, because he is her only son. The lady wanted to buy a dog, but her grandfather always refused her. She offered him 100, 200, 300 rubles, but grandfather refused to sell the dog and left.
The lady considered the dog to be a toy, a thing, that is, nothing at all. She thought the dog could be bought and sold. But she was wrong. For grandfather and Seryozha, the dog was a friend, or maybe for Seryozha - a brother, and for grandfather - a son.
I believe that everything that breathes should not be sold.

Novikov Sasha, 6th grade

I read Kuprin's story "White Poodle". This story is about an incident with Seryozha, Artaud and the old man.
Seryozha was a boy of twelve years old. He was dressed in old clothes, walked barefoot, and was of average height. Seryozha was curious and very sensitive.
Seryozha had a friend - the dog Artaud. And in the morning the janitor stole it for a rich lady. Seryozha could have stopped the janitor, but he was so tired that sleep overcame him.
When they woke up, it was evening. Grandfather did not want to believe that the janitor stole the dog.
And when he believed, he tried to calm Seryozha, saying that the dog would return, although he knew that this was impossible. Seryozha could not put up with the theft of his dog. At night, when it was dark, he tried to get his dog back, taking risks. He was successful in his attempt: he saved the dog, despite the fact that he was very scared.
Seryozha saved Artaud because he loved his dog very much and treated him as a friend.

Levilen Danya, 4th grade

I read A.I. Kuprin’s story “The White Poodle”, and there is Artaud’s poodle. White in color, cut like a lion, trained. He wandered along with his comrades around the Crimea, earning a living from this, like traveling artists. They were once at the Druzhba dacha, where a lady lived. She was nervous, and her son was even worse. He wanted to have Artaud with him. The lady offered from 10 to 300 rubles for him, but even so the artists did not agree to sell Artaud. The lady thought that he was a thing, because she was rich and could buy anything.
And Seryozha thought that he was a friend, because with his help they could earn money for food with grandfather Lodyzhkin. Seryozha even risked himself for Artaud!
Artaud is not for sale, because friendship cannot be bought, and this is probably why the saying was invented: “Not everything that is sold can be bought.” I think that Artaud is a friend after all, and, probably, the lady did not know such a saying.

Yura Zaitsev, 6th grade

I read the book "White Poodle". The main characters are Seryozha with his grandfather Martyn Ladyshkin and their beloved dog Arto.
Seryozha is a young man of twelve years old, of average height, flexible build. Dressed in old tights. The artists went around the villages and gave performances, thereby earning a living. Seryozha was brave, courageous, inquisitive, hardworking, courageous.
Seryozha had a dog, Artaud, whom he loved. When the dog was stolen, Seryozha rushed to look for it.
Martyn Lodyzhkin, Seryozha’s grandfather, understood everything and did not want to go look for the dog, since he did not have a passport, and it was unprofitable to contact the police. Seryozha has already decided everything for himself: to take a decisive step towards fear and risk.
And then night came, Seryozha left the Zvezda coffee shop and rushed to the lady’s house, where they had recently given a performance, at which the lady’s son wanted a dog and began to make trouble. Seryozha climbed over the fence with fear and dexterity and went into the basement with fear and uncertainty. He said: “Artaud!” The dog began to bark and whine and soon broke free from the chain. She rushed to Seryozha. They ran away from this house together to their grandfather.
Seryozha loved the dog and could not remain indifferent, like his grandfather.

Larionova Dasha, 4th grade

I really liked the story by A.I. Kuprin “The White Poodle”, there was a dog whose name was Artaud. Arto with Seryozha and grandfather Lodyzhkin walked around the Crimea and earned money. Artaud was white in color. They cut him like a lion because it suited him so well. Artaud had a very friendly character. Artaud was calm, did not bark and was a loyal friend. One day this group of artists went to a dacha called “Friendship”. A lady lived there, and she had a son who really wanted this dog. The lady offered a heap, a huge heap of money, but grandfather Lodyzhkin and Seryozha could not sell Artaud. The lady believed, or rather, her views were as follows: she thought that Artaud was a toy. And Sergei and grandfather thought like this: they thought that dogs were the best friends, especially Artaud. You can’t part with him, he’s still friends. And friends, as you know, cannot be sold or bought.

I was recruiting work Yaroshenko Zhenya, 6th grade

From the site administration

The lady is a minor character in the story; a wealthy landowner spending the summer at her dacha in Crimea; mother of the capricious and wayward boy Trilly. By nature, this woman is soulless and unkind.

A janitor working at the Druzhba dacha; the man who lured Martyn Lodyzhkin’s dog. In fact, this is a forced man, since he obeys the orders of his mistress, but even this does not justify his vile act.

Grandfather is the main character of the story; an elderly and poor organ grinder named Martyn Lodyzhkin, who is forced to earn his living by touring small villages. His faithful friend, the white poodle Artaud, and the twelve-year-old orphan Seryozha are on tour with him.

Poodle Artaud – main character story; a mischievous dog touring with grandfather Lodyzhkin and Seryozha. Everyone knows that the poodle is a breed of decorative dog, which is characterized by such qualities as loyalty, kindness, intelligence and trainability.

Seryozha is one of the main characters of the story; a twelve-year-old orphan boy whom Martyn Lodyzhkin took from some drunkard about five years ago; faithful comrade Lodyzhkin and poodle Artaud. It is no coincidence that the character of Seryozha is shown in this story.

Trilly is a minor character in the story; a spoiled boy of about eight years old; representative of the wealthy class. Trilly lives in a luxurious dacha in the south of Crimea. His entourage consists of his mother - a rich and soulless lady, as well as a whole regiment of servants - a janitor, a cook, a nanny, etc.


The doctor is a fat and bald gentleman with gold glasses. He is constantly present with the boy Trill, as the lady is afraid that something might happen to him.


The footman is an episodic character in the story, old and fat. He wears long sideburns, but no mustache or beard. Dressed in a tailcoat. Fulfills any whims of the lady and Trilly.

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