The main characters of the story are Turgenev's singers. Characteristics of the main characters of the work Singers, Turgenev. Their images and descriptions Characteristics of the main characters singers

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is an outstanding classicist who made a huge contribution to Russian and world literature. Until now, many of his works are included in the school curriculum, and children study them in schools.

A special place in his work is occupied by a cycle of stories called “Records of a Hunter.” These stories are devoted mainly to peasants, or rather, to a description of their life, way of life, and problems. The works are based on true stories and incidents.

One of these works from this cycle is the story “Singers”, the action of which takes place in the small village of Kolotovka, which lies on the slope of a mountain hill, which is crossed by several hills and ravines. In this village, in a small quadrangular hut, all the events take place.

Short description

The hut itself is the “Prytynny” tavern, a popular and in-demand place. It is held by Nikolai Ivanovich, a respected man in the area. Despite the fact that the owner is not particularly polite or talkative, his establishment is chosen more often than others. The whole point is that Nikolai Ivanovich knows the needs of the Russian people and offers what is requested in a timely manner. In addition, the owner of the establishment does not have the habit of chatting about other people's secrets, although he knows everything that is happening in the area.

Tavern visitors

One day, in this very tavern, an unexpected event occurs, which the patrons of this establishment came to gawk at. The best local singer under the name Turok-Yashka came here and together with a soldier from Zhizdra they decided to start a competition to see who sings better. The guests of the tavern have gathered around and are expecting spectacles; they need to somehow brighten up these gloomy days. Evgraf Ivanov also came here; he was also nicknamed Obolduy, because not a single drinking party would be complete without this specimen. There is also a broad-shouldered Tatar here, his name is Wild Master, he looks very formidable.

How many times did he come here and he always had money. True, no one knew exactly what he did for a living, and everyone was afraid to ask. However, he was respected everywhere, although he looked angry, but he was fond of singing, which made him a little kinder. Morgach also came to this eatery; he was a small, plump man with cunning eyes. Of course, there were still many people in this establishment, but they took less part in these battles. Everyone was completely different, but they had one thing in common, namely a love of singing and music, which is what the writer wanted to emphasize in this story.


And so the competition began.

The rower was the first to show his skills. He was a small man, about thirty years old, with a small beard and a thick build. His voice gave off a slight hoarseness, but this did not spoil his pronunciation at all and was liked by the listeners. During the performance, he performed a cheerful live song, where there were many modulations and transitions, the audience liked it all, and they smiled. After the performance, looking at the reaction of the audience, the rower was already confident of his victory.

But Yashka the Turk was also supposed to speak. Yashka was a young guy, he was 23 years old, he was handsome and slender, he had big gray eyes and brown hair, in general, he was a pretty handsome young man. He worked nearby at a local factory. This performance was so strong that even the opponent admitted defeat. Everyone who heard the performer was amazed by the power of the singer’s voice; everyone felt “sweet” and “creepy” at the same time. Yakov himself forgot that he was competing, completely surrendering to his own emotions.

In the work, everything is described quite accurately and vividly, all the experiences of the performers and listeners are very well conveyed, so the reader immediately has a feeling of personal presence.


Before the performance, Yashka was a little embarrassed. He tried to shield himself from the audience with his hand. And when someone removed his hand, he seemed completely pale. The young man felt such great excitement.

But the love for the song did its job! With each note, Yashka’s voice grew stronger. The sound, which at first seemed weak, gained strength with each note, became louder every second. The performer put his whole soul into his song. Yashka was able to express everything that is in the soul of a Russian person. It was pain, sorrow, youth, passion, strength. The song was performed so well that the author himself forgot that there were spectators there.

When the song was over, he saw that many spectators had tears in their eyes. Some even cried, turning away from everyone. The victory was unconditional!

Story Analysis

As you know, the story “The Singers” is part of the whole cycle of “Notes of a Hunter,” which was created over the course of four years, but ten years later the author decided to add three works there. This entire collection began with a story about peasants, “Khor and Kalinich,” which Turgenev wrote under the impression of a walk around the outskirts of the Oryol province. Perhaps the collection was named this way because the writer himself was fond of hunting.

In 1850, the story “The Singers” was written, which, like other works, described the life of ordinary people, and the plot itself was dictated by what they saw and heard. The story “The Singers,” like the rest of the texts, was published in the Sovremennik magazine and was a great success. Readers were already familiar with Turgenev's work and were waiting for his new publications. The reader liked that each Turgenev character was described in detail, all his manners, habits, and preferences were shown.

At the same time that the author talked about the difficult fate and difficult conditions of existence of his heroes, he tried to convey the poetry and talent of the people. For him, the main thing is that it comes out of nowhere and without unnecessary sentimentality. Although many characters are shown with a degree of humor or irony, however, everyone had something individual.

In this work you can see images of the entire village of Kolotovka. At the beginning of the story, the soul of the company stands out, the owner of the local pub. Also noted is a man nicknamed Stupid, based on whose nickname you can understand what he is like, a buffoon and a bungler. An interesting character, Wild Master, he seems to be formidable and scary, everyone is afraid of him, however, at the same time, he commands respect from society. Individuality and the rower himself with a good voice and funny songs, and of course the winner named Yashka.

The narration comes from the name of the master, who seemed to be watching what was happening from the sidelines. It is not difficult to recognize the author himself - Turgenev. This plot takes place in Prytynnaya, a local drinking establishment. In the work, a fairly large part is devoted to the description of the people present in this eatery. Celebrations take place in this place and, as a result, a large number of people come here to spend time, participants also arrive here for a singing competition, in this case it is Yashka and the rower from Zhizdra. To begin, the participants cast lots, which falls to the rower.

The entire competition is described by the author with special love and respect for all the heroes. The first performer deserves the highest praise, not only because he has songwriting talent, but also because he is able to honestly admit defeat and express his delight to his competitor.

Yashka’s performance is completely disarming. It did not leave a single person indifferent. The performance touched everyone to the core. Even the Wild Master, whom no one saw with emotions, never cried or laughed, here shed a tear. Yashka with his song turned every soul, touched a nerve, showed from the outside their gloomy and difficult life.

The ending of the work deserves special attention. The author conveyed the feelings that he experienced upon witnessing this amazing phenomenon in the outbacks of Russia. He described in detail what the effect was. But it was not Turgenev’s rules to embellish reality. After the described song triumph, the narrator left the drinking establishment, and looking there very soon, he saw how again all the people were drunk and stupid.

The end of the work was left open. Some boy nearby was looking for Antropka, who was supposed to be flogged for wrongdoing, and the reader can only guess about further events in this village.


In his story, Turgenev showed that against the backdrop of the wretched life of the common people, despondency and despair, a miracle of creativity and beauty can be traced.

The writer is pleased that people accustomed to persecution and poverty are able to discern talent in a person, sympathize with him and make even gloomy men cry.

Ivan Sergeevich spoke about art in the best possible way, which he confirmed more than once with his wonderful works.

Yashka the Turk (Yakov) is one of the heroes of I. S. Turgenev’s story “The Singers” from the series “Notes of a Hunter.” Yakov's mother was a captive Turkish woman, which is why he got his nickname. Everyone in the area knew that he was the best singer in the area. He looked to be 23 years old, slender, thin, with large gray eyes and light brown curls. His face was impressionable and passionate. An artist at heart, in fact, he worked as a scooper in a paper mill for a merchant. One July day, in the “Prytynny” tavern in the village of Kotlovka, he competed in singing with a clerk and Zhizdra. Yashka put on his blue caftan and looked like a dashing factory fellow in it. He was very worried.

The rower sang first. His song was a dance song with endless decorations and transitions. His voice was sweet and pleasant. He tried his best to please the assembled audience. When he finished singing, everyone was sure that victory belonged to the dodgy rower. It was Jacob's turn. He first covered himself with his hand, then took a deep breath and began to sing. Everyone around froze. The narrator was amazed by his voice, so ringing, hysterical and full of sad sorrow. His voice touched everyone's soul. Many had tears rolling down their eyes. Even the Wild Master could not resist and shed a stingy tear. Unlike the clerk, Yakov did not try to please everyone. He simply sang with all his soul, giving himself entirely to his happiness. When he finished singing, the rower himself realized that he had lost. And in the evening in the tavern everyone celebrated Yashkin’s victory.

I. S. Turgenev is an outstanding classicist who made a huge contribution to the development of culture at the end of the 19th century. Many of his works are included in the compulsory curriculum for the study of literature in secondary schools. His series of stories “Notes of a Hunter” is mainly devoted to the theme of impoverishment and impoverishment of the Russian countryside and the difficult situation and lack of rights of peasants in the countryside. One of these stories is the author’s work “The Singers”. In it, the writer spends a lot of time describing the village of Kotlovki, where all the main events take place. The main characters are the scooper Yakov Turka and the contractor from Zhizdra. Here is a summary of Turgenev's “Singers”.

Meet the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich

The setting of the work is the small village of Kotlovka, lying on the slope of a hill, which is dissected by a deep ravine. Not far from the beginning of this large depression there is a thatched hut. This is the local tavern “Prytynny”, which is run by the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich. He is a heavyset, graying man with a full face and small eyes. He has lived in this area for more than 20 years. He knows everything that happens here, but he never tells anyone. Interestingly, the owner of the tavern is neither friendly nor talkative. However, he has a remarkable talent for attracting guests to his establishment. Nikolai Ivanovich is married and has children. He is respected by his neighbors. Summary of Turgenev's “Singers” begins with an episode of meeting a man who runs an establishment where an unusual singing competition is taking place.

Meeting the visitors of the zucchini

One day, an event took place in the tavern, and all the local drinkers gathered to watch it. The best singer in Kotlovka, Yashka Turok, decided to compete in singing with a soldier from Zhizdra. The guests of the tavern were impatiently awaiting the competition. Evgraf Ivanov, who was popularly called Obolduy, was also here. Not a single drinking party is complete without it. And the Wild Master is a broad-shouldered Tatar with black hair and a fierce Nobody knew what he was doing and where he got the money from. However, he was highly respected in the local community. This strange man with evil eyes was a big fan of singing. Morgach, a small fat man with sly eyes, also came here. A brief summary of “The Singers” will not allow us to include a full description of the audience. Turgenev in this work paints images of people who are completely different, but united by one common passion - the love of music and singing.

Singing competition

The competitors - Yashka the Turk and the rower - were also here. The first of them was a slender young man of 23 years old. His large gray eyes and light brown curls were attractive to the assembled spectators. Yashka was a scooper at a local factory. His opponent, a soldier from Zhizdra, is a short, stocky man of about thirty with a pockmarked face and a thin beard. He sang first. His voice was pleasant, sweet, with a slight hoarseness. The rower sang a cheerful dance song with modulations and transitions, which brought a smile to the listeners. They really liked his singing. The rower was confident of his victory. After him, Yashka began to sing. The summary of Turgenev’s “Singers” evokes in readers a feeling of curiosity about the results of the singing competition.

Jacob's victory

Before singing, Yashka shielded himself from everyone with his hand. And when he opened, his face was pale. The first sound that escaped from his chest was weak and muffled. But the second one was already louder and louder. The song was sad, mournful. His voice seemed a little cracked, painful. He had everything: youth, sadness, passion, strength, and sorrow, in a word, everything that is so familiar and dear to the Russian soul. Yashka sang with excitement, completely surrendering to the song and forgetting about the audience. When he finished, he saw tears in the eyes of many of the listeners. And someone, for example the kisser’s wife, even cried, turning away from everyone. It was clear that Yashka won. The rower himself admitted defeat. On this day, the victory of the singer Yashka was celebrated for a long time in the tavern. Turgenev ended his story with this episode. “The Singers” is a work in which the wretchedness of life is juxtaposed with the miracle of creativity and the desire to see beauty in this world. The good news is that people, seemingly tired of everyday life and poverty, are able to discern real talent in a person. This singing gift makes the hearts of those around you tremble and cry.

Here is only a brief summary of Turgenev’s “Singers”. I recommend reading the work in its entirety.

Turgenev’s “Singers” is included in the middle of the cycle of stories “Notes of a Hunter” (“a cycle” this work is called on the basis that the personality of the narrator, in many ways identical to the author himself, is present in all the stories, and also because the writer composed these works, perceiving them as a single whole). It embodies the features of the author’s style that are characteristic of the entire collection, the main of which are rightfully considered to be descriptions of landscapes, the figure of the narrator, psychologism (a way of revealing the characters’ characters) and, of course, close attention to the ordinary Russian man and his fate.

Having become familiar with this work, the reader will undoubtedly be able to form an impression both of the entire cycle of stories and of the prose of Turgenev, the great master of Russian literature, in general. It was thanks to his skill in writing stories that he became famous not only in Russia, but throughout Europe during his lifetime.

“Singers” was written by Turgenev in the midst of work on the collection - in 1850, when the author was already clearly aware of the social and aesthetic significance of the future cycle, within the framework of which he created the stories. This means that each work reflects, to one degree or another, the specifics of “Notes of a Hunter” as a whole, and they must be perceived as a whole, as Turgenev himself did.

This story was created at a time when the majority of peasants existed under the yoke of serfdom (abolished only in 1861 by decree of Alexander II, who, by the way, read “Notes of a Hunter”), in a destructive social and natural environment (remember the ravine around which the village of Kotlotovka is located from "The Singers") The prerequisites for the disintegration of the landlord system of land tenure already existed, echoes of which are also found in this collection.

Genre and direction

“The Singers” by Turgenev is a story. It is characterized by everything that is typical of other examples of the genre: a small number of storylines (in this case, one), characters (in this case, nine), solvable problems (in this case, two, not counting varieties).

Turgenev in “Notes of a Hunter” sought to plausibly and realistically portray the life of the Russian people, first of all, ordinary people. This intention is consistent with what the natural school did.


  1. The work begins with an extensive exposition (a part that introduces the reader to the main characters and their surroundings before the plot unfolds). It tells about the landscape specifics of the location of the village of Kolotovka (it is located on a hill divided by a ravine, it divides the village in half), about the heart of the village - a drinking establishment, the owner of which is one of the main characters - Nikolai Ivanovich.
  2. Then the author moves on to the plot: the narrator comes to the village and finds out that in the tavern there will be a competition between the row singers (this is a profession; employer of workers) and Yashka the Turk, and this piques his interest, so he goes to listen.
  3. The main part, which consists only of preparations for the competition and the performance of the rower, is expanded by the narrator due to the characteristics of the characters anticipating the performance of the singers in the tavern.
  4. The climax is Yashka’s amazing performance and victory.
  5. At the denouement, the narrator leaves the tavern and leaves the village of Kolotovka.
  6. The composition of Turgenev’s story “The Singers” is mirrored: at the beginning the main character comes to the village on a scorching day, in the end he leaves the village on a cool night (images of day - night, weather conditions of heat - cool, the very actions of the hero at the beginning and at the end of the work are opposite). As with many of the stories in Notes of a Hunter, the writer does not concentrate on the plot; its development occupies a small part of the volume of the work. Most of it is occupied by landscapes and personal characteristics of the characters.

    The main characters and their characteristics

    The images of singers in Turgenev's story play a key role in the plot plan.

    The description of the rower given by the narrator himself is as follows:

    As for the clerk, whose fate, I admit, remained unknown to me, he seemed to me a resourceful and lively city tradesman.

    Turgenev also reveals his character through his cool and self-confident behavior before the competition.

    The narrator reports the following about another singer:

    Yakov, nicknamed the Turk because he actually descended from a captive Turkish woman, was like him - an artist in every sense of the word, and by rank - a scooper at a merchant's paper mill.

    He, unlike the rower, is exhausted from excitement before the competition and shows uncertainty.

    These heroes are contrasted by social status (the rower is rich, Yashka is poor), by their behavior before the performance, one has a name, and the other does not. But the most important difference between them is their singing. The rower sings in such a way that it is interesting to listen to him, but Yakov’s magnificent singing makes the men cry and touches the soul. The line between performers lies in the same place as the line between entertainment and art.

    However, in comparison with other characters (Obalduy, Morgach, Nikolai Ivanovich, Wild Master), the narrator reports very little about these two, without delving into their biography. Turgenev in “Notes of a Hunter” wanted, first of all, to show the nobles (only they read him) that simple Russian peasants also have complex, sometimes unusual characters, have a soul, that they are the same people as Turgenev’s readers, who make up a single Russian people.

    Topics and issues

    The most significant theme of the story is the theme of music or, more broadly, the theme of art, revealed by a plot collision. Accordingly, the following issues are associated with it:

  • The influence of music on a person- when Yakov sings, he touches the subtlest strings of the souls of his listeners, gives them the opportunity to feel, experience beauty (this problem can be reformulated: the influence of art on a person, the influence of beauty on others);
  • The problem of genius— Yakov is poor, has a low social status, but has something more significant - the ability to influence people’s emotions by singing (the role of talent in the life of society).
  • the main idea

    The idea of ​​Turgenev’s story “The Singers”: there is a clear line separating beauty from ordinary entertainment. Yakov’s performance not only surpassed that of the rower, it was fundamentally different in that it directly affected the souls of those around him, it was not just a pleasant sight, it was truly beautiful.

    The meaning of Turgenev’s story “The Singers”: beauty is a light flicker in the darkness of everyday life, and after contact with beauty it is painful for a person to return to the stuffy darkness of life. This is exactly what the narrator feels after the performance, so he leaves the tavern before Yakov and other men begin to celebrate and get drunk, that is, before Yakov turns from a translator of the inexpressible back into a scooper, Yashka the Turk.

    Means of artistic expression

    Turgenev's skill as a storyteller lies in depicting refined landscapes and psychologism (revealing the inner world of characters through speech and behavior). The author seeks to understand the essence of the described phenomenon. It was this desire to display the smallest details of the life depicted that made him a great writer.

    Turgenev's style in The Singers is characterized by an abundance of epithets and comparisons.

    The landscape, the landscape of a village divided in half by a ravine, seems to symbolize the wound that the narrator felt when returning from the depths of his soul to everyday existence.

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>Characteristics of heroes

Characteristics of the main characters

One of the main characters of the story, a city tradesman from Zhizdra, Yashka’s rival, appears to be about thirty years old. He is short with lively brown eyes and a thin beard. His face is pockmarked and his hair is curly. It was no accident that he ended up in Nikolai Ivanovich’s tavern. The rower competed in singing with Yashka the Turk, the best singer in the area.

One of the main characters of the story. Yakov's mother was a captive Turkish woman, which is why he got his nickname. Everyone in the area knew that he was the best singer in the area. He looked to be 23 years old, slender, thin, with large gray eyes and light brown curls. His face was impressionable and passionate.

Nikolai Ivanovich

The owner of the tavern Pritynny, where the singing competition took place. He is a rather fat and gray-haired man, married with children. He has enormous influence in the area, knows all the secrets and news. He knows how to win over a visitor, which is why people visit him more often than others.

Nikolai Ivanovich's wife

A plump and lively woman, respected by her husband. Doesn't like noisy people, likes quiet people. Keeps family money under his key.


A short and fat man, lame. Once he was a serf, but then he received freedom and even became rich. One of the spectators of the duel between the singers, whose conversation with Stupid was overheard by the author before entering the tavern.

Stupid (Evgraf Ivanov)

One of the spectators of the duel between the singers, whose conversation with Morgach was overheard by the author. Local drunkard, from the street. Having absolutely no money of his own, he nevertheless managed to drink every day at someone else’s expense.

Wild Master (Perevlesov)

A man of about forty years old, strongly built and with a fierce look. One of the spectators of the duel between the singers. He hardly drank wine, did not hang out with women, and was very fond of singing. He had enormous influence in the area.

A man in a tattered retinue

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