The main principles of the methods of “Reality Transurfing. Principles of Transurfing Reality Transurfing in a nutshell

Winning rules

  • Mirror Rule. All the personalities around me are figurative mirrors. Society is capable of displaying all kinds of my personal and emotional manifestations. The negative emotions I have poured out are always ready to return. The emotions poured out by someone, in turn, find a symmetrical reflection in me.
  • Rule of Selection. Everything that happens to me, no matter what I do, no matter how I act, is the result of my choice. Conscious or unconscious, but mine. Only I am the master of my own destiny. There are no complaints against anyone, and there cannot be any.
  • Rule of Responsibility. In any of the options for the development of reality, I am completely ready to be responsible for the consequences of my choice.
  • Rule of Error. Anyone living today should not forget about the errors of their judgments and opinions. The feeling of absolute self-righteousness, sooner or later, can lead to the most tragic consequences.
  • Matching Rule. In the existing reality, I have exactly what I deserve and what I correspond to. Only I am the root cause and consequence of existing reality. If I still haven’t received something, I only have myself to blame.
  • Rule of Presence. The past no longer exists - it has sunk into oblivion. The future does not exist yet, the time of the future has not come. A connection with the past is futile and even dangerous; the future can give rise to anxiety. I am here, I am now, I am immortal.

Rules of defeat

  • I get angry at those around me, and even very often judge them; I blame mirrors for everything, and this is completely wrong.
  • I am embittered at the whole world, not understanding that I am the only one to blame for everything that is happening. What a delusion to believe: anyone is to blame, but not my Majesty!
  • I reject responsibility for the events happening in my life and shift it to others.
  • I am absolutely convinced that I am exclusively right and believe only in my truth, and in no other!
  • I want what I don’t deserve and what I don’t reach.
  • I am tightly tied to the past, I constantly look back at it, forgetting to look at the existing reality.

One of the greatest bestsellers of modern esoteric thought was the work of Vadim Zeland - Reality Transurfing. According to Vadim Zeland, this information came to him by channeling. Many ideas of Transurfing were already known before it was written, and yet this book is amazing, makes you think and look at our world from a completely different angle. In this article I will briefly summarize all the ideas presented in Reality Transurfing and highlight the 12 golden rules of Transurfing.

1. Space of options.

According to the concept of the world set forth in Transurfing, reality potentially has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. This means that there is an information structure containing an infinite number of potential possibilities - options for the implementation of the material world and its structure, with its own scenarios and decorations. The space of options can be represented as a tree with countless branches and their intertwining, where each branch (sector) means a certain possible option.

Zeland proposes the idea that it is not time, but our consciousness that moves and slides along lines in the Space of options as an energy potential, realizing in the material world the option to which it is “tuned.”

This is where the first golden rule of Reality Transurfing appears:

“The emission of mental energy induces the material realization of the option.”

This means that the thoughts we broadcast, unnoticed by us, transfer us (our material reality, our destiny) to those lines and sectors of the Space of options that literally correspond to our thoughts. According to Transurfing, we cannot change the scenario (i.e., remake at will the sector of the Space of options along which we move), but we are able to choose another scenario and move to other lines of options, simply by changing the parameters of our radiation ( changing your thoughts).

There is no need to fight for a happy destiny, you just need to calmly choose it to your liking.

2. Pendulums

According to Transurfing, in the part of our world that is invisible to us, there are energy-informational structures created by the energy of people thinking in the same direction. They are called “pendulums” or “egregors”. Pendulums represent a “mental condensate” or, in other words, the soul of a certain thing, idea, organization, teaching or anything where there are admirers, followers, ardent supporters, adherents.

There are a huge variety of pendulums. Pendulums can be religious, political, family, national, corporate. A pendulum can appear during an event, such as a football match. Many significant material things have pendulums, such as an iPhone or money.

Having appeared, pendulums live their own lives and subject the people involved in their creation to their laws. They have no intelligence. Their goal is to gain the energy of adherents.

The more adherents of the pendulum who feed it with their mental energy, the stronger and more powerful the pendulum. If the number of adherents of a pendulum decreases, its oscillations fade and it disappears.

Most pendulums are destructive in nature, since they take away energy from their adherents and establish their power over them. Pronounced destructive pendulums are the pendulums of war, economic crisis, and gangsterism.

The pendulum contrasts a group of its adherents with all other groups. (This is who we are, and they are different, bad). The pendulum aggressively accuses anyone who does not want to become a follower, and tries to either win the person over to its side, or neutralize or eliminate him.

It doesn't matter whether you love or hate something, whether you fight for or against it. In both cases, you swing the pendulum and it intensifies, feeding on the energy of your thoughts and aspirations, because both positive and negative energy are suitable for it.

Therefore, the main task of the pendulum is to hook and touch a person to the quick, no matter how, as long as the person’s thoughts are occupied with the pendulum. One of the pendulum's favorite ways to access your energy is to throw you off balance. Having deviated from balance, you begin to “swing” at the frequency of the pendulum and thereby swing it. The strongest threads by which a pendulum can pull you are fear, complexes, guilt, importance.

The pendulum captures mental energy (attention) into its loop and the person tunes into the resonant frequency - he gets angry, annoyed, indignant. Thus, a person gives his energy to the pendulum, and he himself is transferred to those lines of life where what he wants to avoid is in abundance. A person begins to be pursued everywhere by what he actively does not want, that is, he fears, hates, despises.

There are two ways to get out of the influence of a destructive pendulum: fail it or extinguish it. There is no use fighting him.

Therefore, the second golden rule of Transurfing sounds like this:

“To get rid of the pendulum, it is necessary to recognize the right to its existence, calm down and become indifferent to it, i.e. just ignore it."

By calming down in relation to the pendulum and becoming indifferent to it, you will save your energy and be able to move onto favorable lines of life. If something annoys you, just “rent yourself out”, be an outside observer, not an active participant.

Another way to escape from the pendulum is to extinguish it, i.e. extraordinary actions that disrupt the pendulum script and enter into dissonance with it.

In addition to destructive pendulums, there are also quite harmless ones, for example, such as the pendulum of sports or a healthy lifestyle.

3. Wave of luck.

Transurfing describes the Wave of Luck as an accumulation of favorable lines in the space of options. A cascade of success follows only if you are imbued with the first success.

Destructive pendulums are trying to lead you away from the wave of good luck. But by throwing off your dependence on pendulums, you gain freedom of choice.

The third golden rule of Transurfing:

“By accepting and transmitting negative energy, you create your own hell.

By accepting and transmitting positive energy, you create your own paradise.”

It is not enough to keep negative energy out. You still need to not emit it yourself. Close yourself to bad news and open to good news. The slightest positive changes, the slightest success must be noticed and carefully cherished. These are harbingers of a wave of good fortune.

4. Excess potentials

According to Transurfing, excess potential is created by mental energy when an object is given too much meaning and excessive importance. An assessment appears that distorts reality and endows the object with either excessively negative qualities or excessively positive ones.

Excess potentials, being invisible and intangible, nevertheless play a significant and, moreover, insidious role in people's lives. Equilibrium forces come into play to eliminate these potentials, which give rise to a lot of problems, since their action is often opposite to the intention that created the potential.

Excess potential

The action of equilibrium forces and the way to solve the problem

Dissatisfaction with yourself and your shortcomings, qualities, appearance. Self-flagellation, self-resentment.

Worsening disadvantages
Solution: Developing your own strengths to compensate for your weaknesses

Condemnation and dissatisfaction with the outside world

Reducing your impact on the environment
Solution: accepting the world as it is

Idealization, revaluation, creation of an idol, dependence on the object of love

Debunking myths, disappointment
Solution: unconditional love without the right of possession and dependence on the object

Contempt, judgment of someone, pride, feeling of superiority

“Flick on the nose” and transfer a person to negative life lines
Solution: Develop without assessing your situation or judging anyone

Excessive desire to have something and at the same time lack of action; dependence on the object of desire

“The more you want, the less you will get” - the motto of the balancing forces
Solution: a strong desire to translate into a pure intention to “have and act”

Feelings of guilt and anticipation of punishment

Implementation of punishment in life
Solution: rejection of guilt, courage, acceptance and forgiveness of oneself

Fear of losing money, poverty; deification of money

Transition to the “lack of money” life line
Solution: Understand that money is not a goal, but an accompanying attribute that comes along the way to your goal. Meet them with love and leave them carefree

An obsession with striving for ideals and perfection in everything, intolerance

Resistance of equilibrium forces, troubles due to fate
Solution: refusal to fight, acceptance of people and situations as they are.

All types of excess potentials can be summarized in one word – importance. Importance represents excess potential in its pure form, the elimination of which causes equilibrium forces to create problems for the one who creates this potential.
From here we get the fourth golden rule of Transurfing:

“To get into balance with the world around you, to gain freedom from pendulums and freely fulfill your desires, you need to reduce your importance.”

By reducing the importance, you will immediately enter an equilibrium state, and the pendulums will not be able to establish control over you, because there is nothing to hook the emptiness to. You shouldn’t turn into an insensitive idol, you just need to change your attitude and stop fighting anything, remembering that you have the right to simply choose.

5. Induced transition.

The concept of Transurfing implies that each person, with his thoughts, creates a separate layer of the world in which he lives. An emotional response to a negative event induces a transition to negative life lines (being pulled into the pendulum funnel). Being actively interested in any negative information, emotionally responding to negative news, a person subconsciously attracts this negativity into his life and at some point turns from an outside observer into a participant in the “nightmare”. The most common funnels of destructive pendulums are war; a crisis; unemployment; epidemic; panic; disaster and others.

The fifth golden rule of Transurfing will help prevent the pendulum from being pulled into the funnel:
“Do not let any negative information into the layer of your world, deliberately ignore it, do not be interested.”

You don’t need to be afraid or try your best to avoid negativity, and certainly you shouldn’t fight it, you just need to be indifferent to it, “empty.”

6. The rustle of morning stars

According to the theory of Transurfing, material realization moves in the space of options, resulting in what we call our life. Depending on our thoughts and actions, certain sectors are implemented. The soul has access to the field of information and sees what lies ahead, in sectors that have not yet been realized, but are approaching. The soul knows what awaits it ahead - good or bad, and the mind perceives its feelings as vague sensations of spiritual comfort or discomfort (“the rustling of the morning stars”). We call this knowledge intuitive and it can greatly help us in life. From here we get the sixth golden rule of Transurfing:

“You need to listen to the state of mental discomfort. If you have to persuade yourself, it means the Soul says “no.”

When making a choice or making any decision, listen to the quiet inner voice of your Soul. It will help you avoid falling into the negative lines of the Space of Options and will suggest the right choice.

7. Current options

V. Zeland in his book identifies two extremes of behavior in life situations: sailing like a weak-willed paper boat, or rowing against the tide, stubbornly insisting on one’s own.

Moving along the first path, a person asks for alms for his destiny, turning his requests either to pendulums or to some higher powers. In this case, a person abdicates responsibility and flounders aimlessly in inner importance. If a person is not satisfied with the role of the Petitioner, he can choose the second path: accept the role of the Offended, that is, express dissatisfaction and demand what is supposedly due to him. Or accept the role of the Warrior and turn your life into a continuous struggle with pendulums and equilibrium forces, trying to change the whole world.

From the point of view of Transurfing, both paths look completely ridiculous. Transurfing offers a completely new way: don’t ask, don’t demand and don’t fight, but just go and take it. Those. express your pure intention, identify your goal and begin to move your feet towards the goal (act).

The flow of options usually follows the path of least resistance. There is everything in the space of options, but it is the optimal and least energy-intensive options that are most likely to be implemented.

Therefore, the seventh golden rule of Transurfing answers the question of increasing the efficiency of energy consumption in our daily lives and reducing the resistance of the outside world. It can be formulated like this:

“In accordance with the principle of going with the flow, you should try to do everything the way it is done in the easiest and simplest way.”

When you make a decision, the mind makes a choice based on logical conclusions. However, the mind, under pressure from stress, worries, depression or increased importance and activity, does not always choose the best course of action. Often he is inclined to complicate the solution of the problem. But the right solution always lies on the surface; as a rule, it is the simplest solution. In confusing and uncertain situations, the best thing to do is to come into harmony with the world around you and give in to the flow of options. This is not about turning into a weak-willed paper boat on the waves, but about not hitting the water with your hands when it is enough to make smooth, easy and simple movements for you.

Sliding along the flow of options, you need to calmly accept possible deviations from the “scenario”, but you should pay attention to the “signs”. Life lines are qualitatively different from each other. And the signs warn us because they appear when we move to another line. The signs are different in that they create a feeling as if something is wrong. A state of mental discomfort is a clear sign.

8. Intent

Transurfing, i.e., the transition to the desired sector of the Space of options is carried out not by the desire itself and not by thoughts about what is desired, but by a firm focus on what is desired - our intention. Intention is the determination to have and act. Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. Intention implies that the goal has been defined, the decision to implement it has already been made, so all that remains is to act.

Zealand divides the concept of intention into two types:

Internal intention is the intention to do something on your own, to influence the world around you, i.e. concentrating on the process of one’s movement towards the goal (“I insist that...”);

External intention is the choice of a life line in the space of options, it is the green light for the independent implementation of an option, i.e. focusing on how the goal itself is realized (“circumstances themselves develop in such a way that ....”).

If internal intention is the determination to act, then external intention is rather the determination to have.

External intention does not arise as a result of volitional effort, but as a consequence of the unity of soul and mind, which is why it is also called Pure intention. In order for an external intention to be realized, it is necessary to clear it of excess potentials and conduct conscious observation of your life, not allowing pendulums to hook you.

The eighth golden rule of Reality Transurfing can be formulated as follows:

“The inner intention (our effort) should be aimed at achieving the unity of the Soul and mind in desire. The desire is realized by external intention, i.e. intention to have, our conviction and concentration on how the goal itself is realized.”

It only remains to add that the state of unity of soul and mind regarding a goal (desire) is a feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation.

9. Slides

One of the key concepts in Transurfing is Slide. A slide is a product of the imagination, a distorted picture of reality. Our idea of ​​ourselves and the world around us is often formed through slides that are in our heads but not in others. Slides occur when you place excessive emphasis on what others think of you. They appear as a magnifying glass of our shortcomings. If the slide is negative and filled with importance, it takes a person to the sector of the Space of Options, where negativity manifests itself in full force and turns a person’s life into hell. To get rid of a negative slide, you need to reduce its importance and get rid of complexes.

The ninth golden rule of Transurfing says:

“Create yourself a positive slide that is pleasing to your soul and mind. Don’t look at the slide as if it were a painting, but live in it, at least virtually. Review your slide often and add new details.”

Your slide should be yours, not someone else's copy. Place in a positive slide everything that will bring you happiness - love, beautiful appearance, a successful career, health, abundance, excellent relationships with others. Positive slides help you bring the incredible into your comfort zone. Allow yourself the luxury of being worthy of the best. Let in any information from the world of your dreams.

A type of slides are sound slides or affirmations, when a person repeats a specific goal several times in his thoughts and ears.

When pronouncing affirmations, it is most effective to feel and strive to simultaneously experience what you are repeating. A separate affirmation should be narrowly focused and positive. You need to set up your radiation settings as if you already had what you ordered.

10. Visualization

According to Transurfing, focusing on the goal, on the final result, expands our comfort zone (the zone of what we can at least mentally afford). Concentration of attention on the move towards the goal there is intention. What moves you towards a goal is not the contemplation of the goal itself, but the visualization of the process of moving towards the goal.

If the path to the goal is known, it can be conditionally divided into separate stages and concentrate your attention on the current stage.

The tenth golden rule can be formulated as follows:

“Visualization in Transurfing is a mental representation of the process of implementing the current stage on the path to the goal.”

That is, it is necessary to direct thoughts in a certain way: think about the current stage, imagine how it is already happening, enjoy it, be interested in everything connected with it.

If you do not yet know how your goal can be realized, do not worry and continue to calmly and systematically visualize the slide. When the goal completely enters your comfort zone (no longer seems inaccessible), external intention will present you with a suitable option.

11. Fraile Soul

Each soul has its own individual “star” sectors (its path, the opportunity for complete self-realization). To get there, you need to stop useless attempts to be like someone else or repeat someone else's script, and recognize the magnificence of your individuality. Have the courage to turn your mind to your unique and unrepeatable soul. Don’t be afraid to break the stereotypes of pendulums shouting: “do as I do” and “be like everyone else.”

The soul of each person has a unique individual set of parameters that characterize it - this is the frame of the soul. Freule manifests itself implicitly - it is hidden under the masks of the mind. When the mind is tuned in to the heart of the soul, a person is satisfied with himself, loves himself, lives with pleasure, does what he loves, is satisfied with himself, then an inner light seems to emanate from him.

This is the secret of a person’s charming beauty, charisma and attractiveness - in the harmony of the relationship between soul and mind.

Pendulums are trying to lead us away from this harmony, setting their own standards of prestige and success, since their favorite dishes are the energy of “discontent, envy, fear, resentment.”

Therefore, the eleventh golden rule of Transurfing sounds like this:

“The Fraule of your soul is the Holy Grail that lies within you. To tune the mind to the soul’s soul, it is necessary to convince it that the soul is worthy of love in the first place.”

Take good care of yourself, treat yourself with compassion and attention. Allow yourself the audacity to not care about pendulum stereotypes and have the right to your magnificent individuality.

12. Goals and doors

One of the biggest misconceptions imposed by pendulums is that you have to fight for happiness, show perseverance, perseverance, overcome many obstacles, in general, win your place in the sun.

According to Transurfing, happiness either exists here and now, on the current line of life, or it does not exist at all. This leads to the twelfth golden rule of Transurfing:

“Happiness comes from moving towards Your goal through Your door.

There is only one way to find Your goal: to shed your importance, turn away from the pendulums and turn to your soul. When thinking about a goal, you should not think about its prestige, inaccessibility and means of achieving it - pay attention only to the state of mental comfort. Answer yourself the question: what is your soul, what will turn your life into a holiday?

Achieving one main goal will lead to the fulfillment of all other desires, and the results will exceed all expectations.

Transurfing warns us against the danger of choosing someone else's goal. Someone else's goal is always violence against oneself, coercion, obligation. Someone else's target appears under the guise of fashion and prestige; it attracts with its inaccessibility. The path to someone else's goal is always a struggle. Movement towards someone else's goal always leaves the holiday in an illusory future. Achieving someone else's goal brings disappointment and devastation, but not happiness.

Other people's goals are imposed on us by stereotypes of pendulums. It is necessary to break stereotypes and free your mind from them.

If by achieving a goal you want to prove something to yourself and everyone, then this is not your goal. If you feel discomfort in your soul in response to an already made decision of the mind, then the goal is not yours. Mental discomfort is a painful feeling of oppression or burden, which manifests itself weakly against the background of optimistic reasoning of the mind.

So, the basic principles that Transurfing offers to guide you: live according to the dictates of your soul, bring your soul and mind into harmony; do not succumb to outside influences that impose other people’s goals; do not fight with anyone or anything (including yourself), but use what life offers; Don’t be afraid of anything, choose your path and act consistently - and everything will work out.

Ushakova Natalya

12 Golden Rules of Reality Transurfing

1. “The emission of mental energy induces the material realization of the option.” 2. “To get rid of the pendulum, it is necessary to recognize the right to its existence, calm down and become indifferent to it, i.e. just ignore it." 3. “By accepting and transmitting negative energy, you create your own hell.
By accepting and transmitting positive energy, you create your own paradise.” 4. “In order to enter into balance with the world around you, to gain freedom from pendulums and to freely fulfill your desires, you need to reduce your importance.” 5. “Do not let any negative information into the layer of your world, deliberately ignore it, do not be interested.” 6. “In accordance with the principle of going with the flow, you should try to do everything the way it is done in the easiest and simplest way.” 7. “Inner intention (our effort) should be aimed at achieving the unity of the Soul and mind in desire. The desire is realized by external intention, i.e. intention to have, our conviction and concentration on how the goal itself is realized.” 8. “You need to listen to the state of mental discomfort. If you have to persuade yourself, it means the Soul says “no.” 9. “Create a positive slide for yourself that is pleasing to your soul and mind. Don’t look at the slide as if it were a painting, but live in it, at least virtually. Review your slide often and add new details.” 10, “Visualization in Transurfing is a mental representation of the process of implementing the current stage on the path to the goal.” 11. “The Fraule of your soul is the Holy Grail that lies within you. To tune the mind to the soul’s soul, it is necessary to convince it that the soul is worthy of love in the first place.” 12. “Happiness comes by moving towards Your goal through Your door.
Your goal is what gives you true pleasure, what gives you a feeling of joy, a celebration of life. Your door is a path towards your goal, where you experience passion and inspiration.”

1. Let us formulate the first mirror principle: the world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it.

The world literally agrees with what you think about it. But why, as a rule, the worst expectations are met, but hopes and dreams do not come true?

2. There are reasons for this - the second mirror principle: the reflection is formed in .

3. Third mirror principle: reacts with a delay. If the second principle cannot be fulfilled, the fortress must be taken by a long siege.

The dual mirror works with a delay, only the delay time there is incomparably longer, and therefore changes cannot be perceived. Material realization is inert, like resin. Nevertheless, a mental image, or, as it is called in Transurfing, a slide, may well be materialized. And for this, only one elementary condition is required: the slide must be rotated in thoughts systematically, for quite a long time.

As you can see, the secret is simple, but that's really all that is needed. I can’t even believe that everything is so trivial. Ordinary, routine work and no magic. But it really works. People just generally don't have the patience. They get excited about an idea, but then quickly cool down and put it away in a distant drawer. So, to materialize a thought form, it is necessary to perform specific work with the slide. Otherwise, you shouldn’t count on a miracle.

4. Fourth mirror principle: the mirror simply states the content of the relationship, ignoring its direction.

What does a person do when he sees that something he does not want is being realized? Instead of looking at the image, he directs all his attention to the reflection and tries to change it. Reflection is a physical reality, and one has to act here only within the framework of internal intention. That is, if the world does not listen and is moving completely in the wrong direction, you need to take it by the throat and drag it with all your might to where you want it. A difficult task, to say the least. And in many cases it is completely impossible. And all because the situation is completely ridiculous: a person, standing in front of a mirror, tries to grab his reflection with his hands and do something with it.

5. So, to start the mechanism, the fifth mirror principle must be fulfilled: it is necessary to switch attention from reflection to image. In other words, you need to take control of your thoughts. Think not about what you don’t want and are trying to avoid, but about what you want and are trying to achieve.

Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction with what I see in the mirror, I turn away from it and begin to form in my thoughts the image that I would like to see. This is the exit from the mirror maze. I only purposefully form the desired image in my thoughts, and the dual mirror itself embodies the corresponding sector of the space of options into reality.

6. So the sixth mirror principle says: let go of your grip and let the world move on. Internal intention changes its direction to the opposite, which leads to a paradox: by giving up control, you gain real control over the situation.

Whatever you do, do what is easiest. When faced with a choice, give preference to the option that is easier.

This does not mean that you need to completely agree with everything. It’s one thing to close your eyes and surrender to the power of the flow that carries you away, and quite another to intentionally and consciously move with the flow. You yourself will understand where to tighten the reins and where to consciously give up slack. Let go of the world and watch it move. Follow him like a wise mentor, leaving the boy freedom of choice, only occasionally pushing him in the right direction. You will see the world spin around you.

Remember: the world just perfectly reflects your attitude to reality. No matter how gloomy a reflection may seem, it will become even worse if you treat it as negative. In the same way, a negative will turn into a positive if you declare it as such with your will.

7. Under any, even the most unfavorable circumstances, you will always win in the end if you follow the seventh mirror principle: perceive every reflection as positive, this will help you. Whatever it is, you cannot know for sure whether it is good or bad for you.

You are, if you know how to “move yourself,” also giving the world freedom of movement. Moving yourself means following the last three mirror principles. The performer is not so much an active figure as an observer. Not to subjugate, but to allow - that is what distinguishes his will.

The man is tied to the mirror by threads of importance. After all, everything that happens there is, in fact, his life, and it is of great importance. A person either likes what he sees or he doesn't. But in any case, his thoughts coincide in content with the reflection and thereby further strengthen the existing situation. Since the image is in the power of reflection, a person becomes completely dependent on the reality around him. That is why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer - they all look in the mirror of the world, and each in his own way states the appearance of the reality around him. This reality sucks in like a swamp. More precisely, we live the way we imagine our existence. The mirror confirms and increasingly strengthens the content of the way of thinking. To change the course of things, you need to switch your attention from reflection to image. In other words, you need to take control of your thoughts. Think not about what you don’t want and are trying to avoid, but about what you want and are trying to achieve. Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction with what I see in the mirror, I turn away from it and begin to form in my thoughts the image that I would like to see. This is the exit from the mirror maze. I only purposefully form the desired image in my thoughts, and the dual mirror itself embodies the corresponding sector of the space of options into reality.

In all manifestations of reality (people, objects, situations), see a mirror, look at everything as if it were a mirror and understand that by changing your appearance (i.e. thoughts, attitudes, and after them emotions and actions) you change the reflection (the world that surrounds you, but don’t forget about inertia (fluidity of resin). And also, look at everything the way you want to see it and in no case the way you don’t want it to be.

You need to see yourself in life as you want to be and what you want to have, but as if you are already like that and you have it.

Mirror correction

Untamed reality exists independently and behaves like a mirror, which reflects a person’s attitude to the surrounding reality. But this mirror is unusual. Suppose a person needs the reflection in the mirror of the world to turn to the right. Acting within the framework of internal intention, he tries to turn the reflection itself. As a result, excess potential is created and equilibrium forces turn the reflection in the opposite direction. The world does not obey because the mirror has become crooked.

The mirror of the world is distorted by polarization. As you know, polarization occurs for two reasons:

First reason- These are dependency relationships based on comparison, juxtaposition or certain conditions. For example: “I am good because you are bad,” or “You are good if you recognize my superiority.”

The second reason the occurrence of polarization can be defined as “tightening the screws.” When a person tries to put pressure on a reflection with his inner intention, nothing comes of it. He thinks that he needs to push further, and with stupid zeal he continues to stick to his line.

Equilibrium forces eliminate polarization through the collision of opposites. As a result, a person gets a result completely opposite to the direction of internal intention.

The mirror can be straightened if the polarization is eliminated. This is done quite simply, similar to how a bicycle wheel is aligned. Curvature occurs where the spokes are too tight. If the world does not listen and behaves out of spite, it is necessary to understand what causes the polarization and weaken the corresponding potential.

Indigo children will help us figure out how this is done, since they are very sensitive to excess potentials. Distinctive features of Indigo are: awareness, desire for independence, intuition, individuality.

First, it is necessary to determine where the opposite poles of polarization are. If the spokes on one side of the wheel are too tight, on the other they should be loose. The desire for independence and uncontrollability of Indigo children are “loose spokes.” How are the spokes tightened on the opposite side? Pressure from others in their desire to subjugate children to their will.

Obviously, in order to reduce polarization, it is necessary to loosen the overtightened spokes. How to do it? Orderliness should be diluted with a dose of reasonable disorder. There are many ways: jumping on the bed, hitting each other with pillows, screaming heart-rendingly or making inarticulate sounds, pushing, running on all fours, and finally, figuring out how else to misbehave.

Why should the soul have fun? Well, probably because it's good when it's fun. Why is it good? Yes, because humor and fun reduce importance. Controlling reality is impossible in the presence of excess potentials that block the energy of intention and distort the mirror of the world. When fun relieves tension, the soul is freed. That’s why it’s good when it’s fun - it’s a feeling of mental comfort, and it’s as real as any physical one. But in principle, mirror correction can be done without humor. If you are not inclined to playful and mischievous pranks, then you just need to think about where you can loosen the steering wheel.

Coercion, where it is inevitable, should be diluted with freedom of choice. For example: “Will you wash the dishes or go to the store?” Even discipline turns into free will if it is based on a conscious need.

If an adult dictates the rule “you can’t, that’s all,” backing it up with the argument “because because,” then this is not an adult at all, but a stupid child with power. Isn’t it better to discuss and model the situation on equal terms according to the principle “what will happen if...” Coercion distorts the mirror, and therefore gives the opposite result. In order to remove polarization, it is necessary to reconsider your policies and move from demonstrating power to gaining respect, and replace authoritarianism with trusting relationships.

Indigo children (and these are the majority now) have wonderful qualities, the most important of which is individuality. In the world of pendulums, it is very difficult for children to maintain this quality in themselves. Therefore, you must always remember the basic rule of Transurfing: “Allow yourself to be yourself, and allow others to be different.”

Now you know how to handle this amazing dual mirror. You no longer have anything to fear in a world that others perceive as hostile, problematic, and uncooperative. He is yours! Take him by the hand and tell yourself: “My world and I are going for a toy!”

Transurfing reality changed my whole life a few years ago. If you don't control reality, it controls you. This phrase began my acquaintance with this reality control technique. As a rule, a person thinks that he is a follower in this huge world. But is this really so? And when you get acquainted with Transurfing, you realize that everything is just the opposite. Reality is just a reflection that can be controlled. But for this you need to “wake up”.

What is Transurfing?

Transurfing reality is a new model of perceiving the world, a fundamentally different way of acting and thinking in such a way as to achieve what you want. This is a powerful technique that gives the opportunity to create incredible things, in the opinion of the average person, namely, to control your reality...

Transurfing is based on the concept of the duality of our world - that it consists of two parts - the physical and metaphysical sides of reality.

The physical world is understandable to everyone - we live in it, move, see it.

The metaphysical world is our energy, feelings, thoughts.

And Reality Transurfing teaches us how to control the metaphysical world or our inner world, because the physical or outer world is just a dual mirror.

Indeed, we are constantly on the outside. We have taken some action and can clearly see its consequences. Everything is logical. But we often do not realize what allows us to carry out these very actions. Those. the action itself, by nature, is already a consequence, and the root cause is our thoughts on this or that occasion, the sensations of what is happening and the direction of energy towards something. And the trouble for many is that no one teaches us internal control. Therefore, we are accustomed to thinking that it happens by itself.

But remember that in life nothing happens, but is created. And you are the creator of your reality.

You just need to “wake up from your sleep” and become more aware. If at every moment of your life you are aware of where you are, what you are doing and why, then you will learn to really manage your life. And if you are “sleeping,” then any external influence will influence you and lead you off the right path. It was Vadim Zeland’s books that helped me “wake up” and realize my power as a creator.

Books by Vadim Zeland: review and my opinion

Vadim Zeland is the author of the term Reality Transurfing and a series of books of the same name. However, Zeland clarifies that he does not consider himself the author of transurfing as such, the knowledge was transferred to him in a transcendental way. Vadim Zeland began writing his books back in 2002, when he was working as an IT specialist at work. After writing his first book, he contacted many publishing houses, but no one wanted to publish the book. And then he decided to try to test Reality Transurfing in his life.

According to all the rules of Transurfing, Zeland created the intention for himself to become a famous writer and begin to move his legs towards his goal. He created a newsletter on the Subscribe service, where he posted excerpts from his first books in the form of articles. Reality Transurfing quickly aroused the interest of a large number of people. The number of subscribers increased every day. Soon publishing houses paid attention to him and in 2004 his first book was published. Now Vadim Zeland’s books are read all over the world, and reality transurfing has become a philosophy of life for many, including me.

But it didn’t happen right away. I started reading Reality Transurfing several times and gave up on the first or second book, completely not understanding what the story was about. Somehow it didn’t work and that’s it. My mind was simply not yet ready to perceive such information. And only after 3 times I was able to read all of Zealand’s books. Of course, there were a lot of insights after reading it. And with an inner feeling I realized that this vision of the world suits me very much.

Firstly, you need to read Vadim Zeland's books in order. Otherwise, nothing will be clear at all. Set yourself a goal for a month, three or even a year. Take and read all of Zealand's books slowly. This is a large series of sequential books. After reading them, I am sure you will get answers to many of your questions in all of them. Believe me! It's worth it. I personally came to a large number of interesting insights. And I still reread it from time to time and find something new for myself.

Here are Vadim Zeland's books in order:

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 1. Space of options" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 2. The rustle of morning stars" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 3. Forward to the past" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 4. Reality Management" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 5. Apples fall into the sky" (2005)

"Reality Maker" (2006)

"Forum of Dreams" (2006)

“Practical transurfing course in 78 days” (2008)

"Tarot of the Space of Options" (2009)

Train your brain with fun

Develop memory, attention and thinking with online trainers


"Apocryphal Transurfing" (2010)

“Hacking a Technogenic System” (2012)

“Clip-Transurfing. Principles of reality management" (2013)

“CLIBE. The end of the illusion of herd safety" (2013)

"Projector of a Separate Reality" (2014)

"clean food. A book about clean, simple and strong food" (2015)

“Tafti priestess. Walking Live in a Movie" (2017)

“Priestess Itfat” (2018)

“What Tufte Didn’t Tell” (2019)

Secondly, Reality Transurfing is esoteric knowledge. And, unfortunately or fortunately, it is not for everyone. You need to have at least some interest in esotericism. Personally, I discovered a lot for myself: the space of options, quantum consciousness, the influence of internal energy on matter, some of the laws by which the Universe works, the power of intention, and so on. For all this you need to be a person with an open mind, which absorbs new knowledge like a sponge. Otherwise, we can say that everything written in these books is complete nonsense. That's how it was for me in the beginning. But everything has its time. If you need this at this stage of your self-development, then you will definitely read everything.

Thirdly, I recommend reading Vadim Zeland’s books only to “people of action.” Those. there is certain knowledge. It works, it has already been 100% tested from my own experience. But everything works if you follow all the principles of Transurfing. And these principles are not just advice like meditate in the morning or set goals for the year. No. These are some laws by which it is possible to control your reality. And for them to work, their awareness is necessary, which is only possible through practice. Reality Transurfing is not just another “magic pill” that will help you with everything at once. It needs to be constantly practiced. Only then will changes begin to occur.


Pavel Bagryantsev about Reality Transurfing! Razvodilovo or there is some truth!

Principles of Transurfing in 78 days

So, in order to become a Reality Maker, you will first need to study all 78 principles of transurfing. There is no consistency in them. Each principle does not need to be practiced every day, but only when the life situation requires it. Let’s say that in one situation you will need to “extinguish the pendulum”, and in another you need to trust your intuition or reduce the degree of importance of your attitude towards something.

Over time, the principles of Transurfing will begin to integrate into you and you will naturally apply them. Soon you will have your favorite ones who will help you the most. I have 10 of these.


Your world is what you think about it. The world is just a mirror. It reflects your attitude towards him. The world always agrees with you, no matter what you do. If we want love, then we need to fill ourselves with love. If we want recognition and rewards, then we must respect and value ourselves first. Therefore, work more with your inner world. Don't try to change the external, always change the internal. Only by changing our inner state, directing our thoughts and inner sensations to what we really want, can we change our “mirror image”.


As has been said long ago and more than once, “let it be done to you according to your faith.” And indeed it is. But how to believe in yourself? Convincing yourself is useless. You just need to start practicing according to the principles of Reality Transurfing and get the first results. External intention will open the doors to a world where the impossible becomes possible. When you see that Transurfing works, you will no longer need faith - you will have Knowledge. Never give in to other people's influence. Believe in yourself. Start taking action and you will see how what seemed incredible comes true.


You should not take a path that “has no heart.” On this path, a complete discord arises between the soul and the mind. You will constantly feel some kind of internal discomfort, uncertainty, depression. If the path “has a heart,” you can feel it in your gut. You are always full of inspiration and energy. Many, unfortunately, do not follow their own path all their lives and do not understand why there is no happiness, no success, no wealth. When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world comes up to match. Look for Your path, on which the Soul will rejoice every day, and life will simply turn into one big holiday.


We often overestimate the importance of certain things. And importance causes unbalanced feelings and reactions: dissatisfaction, anxiety, excitement, affection, and so on. It throws you off balance. Let me give you a simple example. It is always important for us to please the opposite sex on the first date. And because of this importance, we are constantly worried not to ruin everything. And, as a rule, we end up ruining everything. Everything goes wrong. Reduce the level of importance and everything will be 5+. And there are a lot of such situations in life. We artificially inflate the importance of many things. When you begin to understand the illusory nature of many problems, you can deliberately reduce their importance.


Make it a habit to repeat in any situation: “My world takes care of me.” When faced with any, even the most insignificant circumstances, repeat this phrase to yourself. If you encounter luck, do not forget to confirm it. State this in every detail. When you are faced with an annoying situation, still say that the world cares about you. In life, you need to understand that the Universe is your friend. You need to learn to trust, they only wish you good things. Be grateful for everything. Thank your world for helping you at every step of your amazing life.


It is necessary to enter into balance with the world around you and trust the flow of options. Learn to let go of the situation, become not a participant, but an observer. Make it a rule to do everything in the easiest way. If something in life does not happen as expected, then you need to let go of your grip and accept the unforeseen scenario of your life. Man is accustomed to overcoming obstacles - rowing against the current, and this habit forces him to look for complex solutions to simple problems. If you do not resist, but simply observe, then the solution will come on its own, and the most optimal one.


Why do many wishes not come true? Because many people act only within the framework of physical reality, guided by common sense. This is ineffective. It is also necessary to work with the metaphysical world. In order for your thought form to be fixed in material reality, you need to systematically reproduce it, i.e. play a slide in your mind where the goal has already been achieved. Therefore, practice this principle of Transurfing every day by doing visualization. Don't think about how the goal will be achieved. In due time, outer intention will give you opportunities that you may not even suspect.


When you need to solve a dilemma and you don’t know what to do, then feel free to trust your intuition. Yes, by trusting your intuition, you will also make mistakes, but much less than by trusting your reason. If you need to make a decision, then no one knows better than your soul what to do. The mind thinks, but the Soul knows. She has access to a field of information and can find answers to many questions. The rustling of the morning stars is a voice without words, thoughts without thoughts, sound without volume.


Realize that you are truly a unique individual. In your uniqueness you have no competitors. Follow your own path and you will gain a great advantage over those who follow the already trodden path. Be yourself. Allow yourself this luxury already. Yes, it's very scary. We think what others will think of us. We are afraid to stand out from the crowd and do what others are not doing. But you don’t want to be a parody all your life, take off the mask. When you stop being like someone else, everything will work out for you. Never compare yourself to others and their achievements. Everyone can create their own masterpieces of art, achieve outstanding results in sports, business or any other professional activity.


First of all, you need to move towards your goal, then money will be added automatically as an accompanying attribute. First your goal, and then the opportunity to have money. But many just want money. This does not work. Money is not attracted to money. They only serve a purpose. Therefore, you must have your own Ambitious Goal in life. If you don’t have one yet, then remember at least one rule: think not about the fact that you don’t have enough money, but about the fact that you have it. There is money. How many is not important, the main thing is that they exist. And there will be even more. Receive money with love and joy, and part with carelessness. Create money flow. Be their guide. Funds flow through a pipe and not through a reservoir.


Vadim Zeland. How to become a millionaire! Allow yourself to HAVE!

20 best quotes from books by Vadim Zeland

If you don't control reality, it begins to control you.

If you stubbornly and adamantly spin Your movie in your thoughts and step towards the Goal, reality will sooner or later come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - this is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it also depends on you. The question is who owns the Initiative.

Don't think - act. If you can't act, don't think.

The higher the significance of the goal, the less likely it is to achieve it.

What does it mean to reduce the importance of a goal? Go to her like going to a kiosk to get a newspaper.

Your choice is always implemented. What you choose is what you get.

The secret of fulfilling a desire is that you need to give up the desire, and in return take intention, that is, the determination to have and act.

Pure intention is the unity of desire and action in the absence of significance.

Let yourself be yourself... Let others be different...

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away from you. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes to meet you halfway.

In order to achieve true success, you must stop following conventional standards and go your own way.

It is not conventional beauty that makes a strong impression, but successfully emphasized individuality.

There is no need to rush, you will manage everything in due time.

Unconditional love is a feeling without ownership, admiration without worship. In other words, it does not create a relationship of dependence between the one who loves and the object of his love.

We are all guests in this world. No one has the right to condemn something that was not created by them.

For most people, the soul has turned into a frightened, powerless creature that huddles in a corner and sadly watches what the rabid mind gets up to.

The only obstacle to the fulfillment of desire is artificially created importance.

When Solomon was faced with trouble or a difficult problem, he would turn the ring and read the following words: “This too shall pass.”

Don't think about money - think only about what you want to get.

Meet your money with love and attention, and part with it carefree.

Read Zeland's books! Practice Transurfing! Control Reality!

Good luck! All the best!

One of the greatest bestsellers of modern esoteric thought was the work of Vadim Zeland - Reality Transurfing. According to Vadim Zeland, this information came to him by channeling. Many ideas of Transurfing were already known before it was written, and yet this book is amazing, makes you think and look at our world from a completely different angle. In this article I will briefly summarize all the ideas presented in Reality Transurfing and highlight the 12 golden rules of Transurfing.

1. Space of options.

According to the concept of the world set forth in Transurfing, reality potentially has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. This means that there is an information structure containing an infinite number of potential possibilities - options for the implementation of the material world and its structure, with its own scenarios and decorations. The space of options can be represented as a tree with countless branches and their intertwining, where each branch (sector) means a certain possible option.

Zeland proposes the idea that it is not time, but our consciousness that moves and slides along lines in the Space of options as an energy potential, realizing in the material world the option to which it is “tuned.”

This is where the first golden rule of Reality Transurfing appears:

“The emission of mental energy induces the material realization of the option.”

This means that the thoughts we broadcast, unnoticed by us, transfer us (our material reality, our destiny) to those lines and sectors of the Space of options that literally correspond to our thoughts. According to Transurfing, we cannot change the scenario (i.e., alter at will the sector of the Space of options along which we move), but we are able to choose another scenario and move to other lines of options, simply by changing the parameters of our radiation ().

There is no need to fight for a happy destiny, you just need to calmly choose it to your liking.

2. Pendulums

According to Transurfing, in the part of our world that is invisible to us, there are energy-informational structures created by the energy of people thinking in the same direction. They are called “pendulums” or “egregors”. Pendulums represent a “mental condensate” or, in other words, the soul of a certain thing, idea, organization, teaching or anything where there are admirers, followers, ardent supporters, adherents.

There are a huge variety of pendulums. Pendulums can be religious, political, family, national, corporate. A pendulum can appear during an event, such as a football match. Many significant material things have pendulums, such as an iPhone or money.

Having appeared, pendulums live their own lives and subject the people involved in their creation to their laws. They have no intelligence. Their goal is to gain the energy of followers.

The more adherents of the pendulum who feed it with their mental energy, the stronger and more powerful the pendulum. If the number of adherents of a pendulum decreases, its oscillations fade and it disappears.

Most pendulums are destructive in nature, since they take away energy from their adherents and establish their power over them. Pronounced destructive pendulums are the pendulums of war, economic crisis, and gangsterism.

The pendulum contrasts a group of its adherents with all other groups. (This is who we are, and they are different, bad). The pendulum aggressively accuses anyone who does not want to become a follower, and tries to either win the person over to its side, or neutralize or eliminate him.

It doesn't matter whether you love or hate something, whether you fight for or against it. In both cases, you swing the pendulum and it intensifies, feeding on the energy of your thoughts and aspirations, because both positive and negative energy are suitable for it.

Therefore, the main task of the pendulum is to hook and touch a person to the quick, no matter how, as long as the person’s thoughts are occupied with the pendulum. One of the pendulum's favorite ways to access your energy is to throw you off balance. Having deviated from balance, you begin to “swing” at the frequency of the pendulum and thereby swing it. The strongest threads by which a pendulum can pull you are fear, complexes, guilt, importance.

The pendulum captures mental energy (attention) into its loop and the person tunes into the resonant frequency - he becomes angry, irritated, indignant. Thus, a person gives his energy to the pendulum, and he himself is transferred to those lines of life where what he wants to avoid is in abundance. A person begins to be pursued everywhere by what he actively does not want, that is, he fears, hates, despises.

There are two ways to get out of the influence of a destructive pendulum: fail it or extinguish it. There is no use fighting him.

Therefore, the second golden rule of Transurfing sounds like this:

“To get rid of the pendulum, it is necessary to recognize the right to its existence, calm down and become indifferent to it, i.e. just ignore it."

By calming down in relation to the pendulum and becoming indifferent to it, you will save your energy and be able to move onto favorable lines of life. If something annoys you, just “rent yourself out”, be an outside observer, not an active participant.

Another way to escape from the pendulum is to extinguish it, i.e. extraordinary actions that disrupt the pendulum script and enter into dissonance with it.

In addition to destructive pendulums, there are also quite harmless ones, for example, such as the pendulum of sports or a healthy lifestyle.

3. Wave of luck.

Transurfing describes the Wave of Luck as an accumulation of favorable lines in the space of options. A cascade of success follows only if you are imbued with the first success.

Destructive pendulums are trying to lead you away from the wave of good luck. But by throwing off your dependence on pendulums, you gain freedom of choice.

The third golden rule of Transurfing:

“By accepting and transmitting negative energy, you create your own hell.

By accepting and transmitting positive energy, you create your own paradise.”

It is not enough to keep negative energy out. You still need to not emit it yourself. Close yourself to bad news and open to good news. The slightest positive changes, the slightest success must be noticed and carefully cherished. These are harbingers of a wave of good fortune.

4. Excess potentials

According to Transurfing, excess potential is created by mental energy when an object is given too much meaning and excessive importance. An assessment appears that distorts reality and endows the object with either excessively negative qualities or excessively positive ones.

All types of excess potentials can be summarized in one word - importance. Importance represents excess potential in its pure form, the elimination of which causes equilibrium forces to create problems for the one who creates this potential.
From here we get the fourth golden rule of Transurfing:

“To get into balance with the world around you, to gain freedom from pendulums and freely fulfill your desires, you need to reduce your importance.”

By reducing the importance, you will immediately enter an equilibrium state, and the pendulums will not be able to establish control over you, because there is nothing to hook the emptiness to. You shouldn’t turn into an insensitive idol, you just need to change your attitude and stop fighting anything, remembering that you have the right to simply choose.

5. Induced transition.

The concept of Transurfing implies that each person, with his thoughts, creates a separate layer of the world in which he lives. An emotional response to a negative event induces a transition to negative life lines (being pulled into the pendulum funnel). Being actively interested in any negative information, emotionally responding to negative news, a person subconsciously attracts this negativity into his life and at some point turns from an outside observer into a participant in the “nightmare”. The most common funnels of destructive pendulums are war; a crisis; unemployment; epidemic; panic; disaster and others.

The fifth golden rule of Transurfing will help prevent the pendulum from being pulled into the funnel:
“Do not let any negative information into the layer of your world, deliberately ignore it, do not be interested.”

You don’t need to be afraid or try your best to avoid negativity, and certainly you shouldn’t fight it, you just need to be indifferent to it, “empty.”

6. The rustle of morning stars

According to the theory of Transurfing, material realization moves in the space of options, resulting in what we call our life. Depending on our thoughts and actions, certain sectors are implemented. The soul has access to the field of information and sees what lies ahead, in sectors that have not yet been realized, but are approaching. The soul knows what awaits it ahead - good or bad, and the mind perceives its feelings as vague sensations of spiritual comfort or discomfort (“the rustling of the morning stars”). We call this knowledge intuitive and it can greatly help us in life. From here we get the sixth golden rule of Transurfing:

“You need to listen to the state of mental discomfort. If you have to persuade yourself, it means the Soul says “no.”

When making a choice or making any decision, listen to the quiet inner voice of your Soul. It will help you avoid falling into the negative lines of the Space of Options and will suggest the right choice.

7. Current options

V. Zeland in his book identifies two extremes of behavior in life situations: sailing like a weak-willed paper boat, or rowing against the tide, stubbornly insisting on one’s own.

Moving along the first path, a person asks for alms for his destiny, turning his requests either to pendulums or to some higher powers. In this case, a person abdicates responsibility and flounders aimlessly in inner importance. If a person is not satisfied with the role of the Petitioner, he can choose the second path: accept the role of the Offended, that is, express dissatisfaction and demand what is supposedly due to him. Or accept the role of the Warrior and turn your life into a continuous struggle with pendulums and equilibrium forces, trying to change the whole world.

From the point of view of Transurfing, both paths look completely ridiculous. Transurfing offers a completely new way: don’t ask, don’t demand and don’t fight, but just go and take it. Those. express your pure intention, identify your goal and begin to move your feet towards the goal (act).

The flow of options usually follows the path of least resistance. There is everything in the space of options, but it is the optimal and least energy-intensive options that are most likely to be implemented.

Therefore, the seventh golden rule of Transurfing answers the question of increasing the efficiency of energy consumption in our daily lives and reducing the resistance of the outside world. It can be formulated like this:

“In accordance with the principle of going with the flow, you should try to do everything the way it is done in the easiest and simplest way.”

When you make a decision, the mind makes a choice based on logical conclusions. However, the mind, under pressure from stress, worries, depression or increased importance and activity, does not always choose the best course of action. Often he is inclined to complicate the solution of the problem. But the right solution always lies on the surface; as a rule, it is the simplest solution. In confusing and uncertain situations, the best thing to do is to come into harmony with the world around you and give in to the flow of options. This is not about turning into a weak-willed paper boat on the waves, but about not hitting the water with your hands when it is enough to make smooth, easy and simple movements for you.

Sliding along the flow of options, you need to calmly accept possible deviations from the “scenario”, but you should pay attention to the “signs”. Life lines are qualitatively different from each other. And the signs warn us because they appear when we move to another line. The signs are different in that they create a feeling as if something is wrong. A state of mental discomfort is a clear sign.

8. Intent

Transurfing, i.e., the transition to the desired sector of the Space of options is carried out not by the desire itself and not by thoughts about what is desired, but by a firm focus on what is desired - our intention. Intention is the determination to have and act. Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. Intention implies that the goal has been defined, the decision to implement it has already been made, so all that remains is to act.

Zealand divides the concept of intention into two types:

Internal intention is the intention to do something on your own, to influence the world around you, i.e. concentrating on the process of one’s movement towards the goal (“I insist that...”);

External intention is the choice of a life line in the space of options, it is the green light for the independent implementation of an option, i.e. focusing on how the goal itself is realized (“circumstances themselves develop in such a way that ....”).

If internal intention is the determination to act, then external intention is rather the determination to have.

External intention does not arise as a result of volitional effort, but as a consequence of the unity of soul and mind, which is why it is also called Pure intention. In order for an external intention to be realized, it is necessary to clear it of excess potentials and conduct conscious observation of your life, not allowing pendulums to hook you.

The eighth golden rule of Reality Transurfing can be formulated as follows:

“The inner intention (our effort) should be aimed at achieving the unity of the Soul and mind in desire. The desire is realized by external intention, i.e. intention to have, our conviction and concentration on how the goal itself is realized.”

It only remains to add that the state of unity of soul and mind regarding a goal (desire) is a feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation.

9. Slides

One of the key concepts in Transurfing is Slide. A slide is a product of the imagination, a distorted picture of reality. Our idea of ​​ourselves and the world around us is often formed through slides that are in our heads but not in others. Slides occur when you place excessive emphasis on what others think of you. They appear as a magnifying glass of our shortcomings. If the slide is negative and filled with importance, it takes a person to the sector of the Space of Options, where negativity manifests itself in full force and turns a person’s life into hell. To get rid of a negative slide, you need to reduce its importance and get rid of complexes.

The ninth golden rule of Transurfing says:

“Create yourself a positive slide that is pleasing to your soul and mind. Don’t look at the slide as if it were a painting, but live in it, at least virtually. Review your slide often and add new details.”

Your slide should be yours, not someone else's copy. Place in a positive slide everything that will bring you happiness - love, beautiful appearance, a successful career, health, abundance, excellent relationships with others. Positive slides help you bring the incredible into your comfort zone. Allow yourself the luxury of being worthy of the best. Let in any information from the world of your dreams.

A type of slides are sound slides or affirmations, when a person repeats a specific goal several times in his thoughts and ears.

When pronouncing affirmations, it is most effective to feel and strive to simultaneously experience what you are repeating. A separate affirmation should be narrowly focused and positive. You need to set up your radiation settings as if you already had what you ordered.

10. Visualization

According to Transurfing, focusing on the goal, on the final result, expands our comfort zone (the zone of what we can at least mentally afford). Concentration of attention on the move towards the goal there is intention. What moves you towards a goal is not the contemplation of the goal itself, but the visualization of the process of moving towards the goal.

If the path to the goal is known, it can be conditionally divided into separate stages and concentrate your attention on the current stage.

The tenth golden rule can be formulated as follows:

“Visualization in Transurfing is a mental representation of the process of implementing the current stage on the path to the goal.”

That is, it is necessary to direct thoughts in a certain way: think about the current stage, imagine how it is already happening, enjoy it, be interested in everything connected with it.

If you do not yet know how your goal can be realized, do not worry and continue to calmly and systematically visualize the slide. When the goal completely enters your comfort zone (no longer seems inaccessible), external intention will present you with a suitable option.

11. Fraile Soul

Each soul has its own individual “star” sectors (its path, the opportunity for complete self-realization). To get there, you need to stop useless attempts to be like someone else or repeat someone else's script, and recognize the magnificence of your individuality. Have the courage to turn your mind to your unique and unrepeatable soul. Don’t be afraid to break the stereotypes of pendulums shouting: “do as I do” and “be like everyone else.”

The soul of each person has a unique individual set of parameters that characterize it - this is the frame of the soul. Freule manifests itself implicitly - it is hidden under the masks of the mind. When the mind is tuned in to the heart of the soul, a person is satisfied with himself, loves himself, lives with pleasure, does what he loves, is satisfied with himself, then an inner light seems to emanate from him.

This is the secret of a person’s charming beauty, charisma and attractiveness - in the harmony of the relationship between soul and mind.

Pendulums are trying to lead us away from this harmony, setting their own standards of prestige and success, since their favorite dishes are the energy of “discontent, envy, fear, resentment.”

Therefore, the eleventh golden rule of Transurfing sounds like this:

“The Frayle of your soul is the Holy Grail that lies within you. To tune the mind to the soul’s soul, it is necessary to convince it that the soul is worthy of love in the first place.”

Take good care of yourself, treat yourself with compassion and attention. Allow yourself the audacity to not care about pendulum stereotypes and have the right to your magnificent individuality.

12. Goals and doors

One of the biggest misconceptions imposed by pendulums is that you have to fight for happiness, show perseverance, perseverance, overcome many obstacles, in general, win your place in the sun.

According to Transurfing, happiness either exists here and now, on the current line of life, or it does not exist at all. This leads to the twelfth golden rule of Transurfing:

“Happiness comes from moving towards Your goal through Your door.

Your goal is what gives you true pleasure, what gives you a feeling of joy, a celebration of life. Your door is a path towards your goal, where you experience passion and inspiration.”

There is only one way: to lose importance, turn away from the pendulums and turn to your soul. When thinking about a goal, you should not think about its prestige, inaccessibility and means of achieving it - pay attention only to the state of mental comfort. Answer yourself the question: what is your soul, what will turn your life into a holiday?

Achieving one main goal will lead to the fulfillment of all other desires, and the results will exceed all expectations.

Transurfing warns us against the danger of choosing someone else's goal. Someone else's goal is always violence against oneself, coercion, obligation. Someone else's target appears under the guise of fashion and prestige; it attracts with its inaccessibility. The path to someone else's goal is always a struggle. Movement towards someone else's goal always leaves the holiday in an illusory future. Achieving someone else's goal brings disappointment and devastation, but not happiness.


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