The main principles of transurfing. The main principles of the methods of “Reality Transurfing” What principle does transurfing work on?


Each of us has a piece of God. You are his child, and your life is God’s dream. By controlling reality with the power of your intention, you fulfill His Will. Your intention is God's intention. How can you doubt that it will be fulfilled? To do this, you just need to take this right for yourself. When you ask God, it is the same as if God asked himself. Can God ask of himself? Is there anyone from whom God can demand something for himself? He will take whatever he wants anyway. Don't ask, don't demand, don't achieve. Shape your reality with conscious intention.


Our world is a theater of dreams, where God acts as a spectator, screenwriter, director and actor at the same time. As a spectator, He watches the play unfold on the stage of the world. Being an actor, He experiences and feels everything the same as the being whose role is performed. God creates and controls reality through the intention of all things. Together with the soul, He put part of His intention into every living creature and sent it into a dream - life. God has given every living being the freedom and power to shape their reality to the extent of their awareness. Almost all living beings do not use intention consciously and purposefully. While in an unconscious dream, they seem to vaguely want something, without really understanding what exactly. The intention turns out to be vague, unclear, unaccountable. Man in this sense has advanced no further than animals. Pendulums managed to deprive people of awareness of their abilities, but even pervert the meaning of life itself, replacing service to God with worship. In fact, the purpose of life, as well as service to God itself, lies in co-creation - creation with Him.



In order to achieve true success, you must stop following conventional standards and go your own way. The one who has left the general order creates a new standard of success. Pendulums do not tolerate individuality, they see a rising star, and they have no choice but to make her their favorite. When a new rule is established, the formation turns around and begins to follow the new star. In order to set your own rules, you need to allow yourself to be yourself. You can do it. You just need to take this privilege for yourself. Only you yourself give away and take away your privileges.


Throughout life, they try to convince a person that he is far from perfect, that success, wealth, fame are the lot of the chosen few. Pendulums do not deny that everyone can achieve success, but they carefully hide the fact that every person has unique abilities and qualities. Individuality for death pendulums is similar. If all adherents become free individuals and get out of control, the pendulum will simply fall apart. Stars are born independently, but their pendulums light them. A role model - a standard of success - is created intentionally so that the aspirations of everyone else are directed in the same direction. In other words, the task of the pendulums is to drive everyone into a single system and force them to obey the general rule. You will not achieve anything until you understand that you just need to get out of the general order. There is no point in playing someone else's game where the rules are not set by you. Whatever you do, always strive to initiate Your game. This is the secret of success.



Your world is what you think about it. The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. Life is a game in which the world constantly asks its inhabitants the same riddle: “Well, guess what I am?” And everyone answers in accordance with their ideas: “you are aggressive,” or “you are cozy,” or “cheerful, gloomy, friendly, hostile, happy, unhappy.” But here's the kicker: everyone wins in this quiz! The world agrees and appears before everyone in the guise that was ordered. What do you think about your world?


If a person is convinced that all the best in this world has already been sold out, then for him, in fact, only empty shelves remain. If he thinks that for a good product you need to stand in a huge line and pay dearly, that’s what happens. If expectations are pessimistic and filled with doubts, they will certainly be justified. And if a person expects to encounter an unfriendly environment, his premonitions come true. However, as soon as a person is imbued with the innocent thought that the world has reserved all the best for him, this too works. An eccentric, unaware that everything is very difficult, one day inexplicably finds himself at a counter to which goods have just been delivered, as if especially for him. And suddenly, the first buyer gets everything for free. And behind them there is already a long line of those who are convinced: the realities of life are much darker, and fools are simply lucky. And if a lucky eccentric someday, faced with the “realities of life,” changes his attitude towards the world, reality will change accordingly, throwing the “one who has seen the light” to the very end of the line.



Whatever thoughts you send out into the world, they will come back to you like a boomerang. What happens when a person hates something? He puts into this feeling the unity of soul and mind. A distinct image, reflected in the mirror, fills the entire layer of the world. As a result, a person becomes even more irritated, thereby increasing the strength of his feelings. Mentally he sends everything to hell: “Fuck you all!..” And the mirror returns this boomerang back. You sent, and you were sent there too. Beware of radiating negativity into the mirror of the world. you will inevitably receive a similar response from a completely unexpected quarter. You know, love is also a boomerang!


The mirror of the world materializes thoughts. For example, if you are not satisfied with your appearance, you look in the mirror without pleasure. all your attention is directed to the unsightly features that you don’t like about yourself, which you state. You need to understand that you are reflected in the mirror in accordance with your attitude towards yourself. Make yourself a rule - not to look, but to peek into the mirror of the world. Look for the good and ignore the bad - pass everything through this filter. Focus on what you want to get. What did you do before? They stated the fact: “I don’t like myself. I don’t like my world.” And the mirror reinforced this fact more and more: “That’s right, that’s how it is.” Now you have a different task - to look for only those features that you like, and at the same time imagine the desired image in your thoughts. From this moment on, all you do is look for and find more and more evidence of positive changes: every day everything gets better and better. If you practice this technique regularly, soon you will only have time to open your mouth in surprise.



A person is like a kitten who, standing in front of a mirror, does not understand that he sees himself there. It seems to you that you are under the power of circumstances that you cannot change. In fact, this is an illusion - a prop, which can be easily destroyed if desired. You unconsciously walk in a vicious circle: you observe reality - you express an attitude - the mirror fixes the content of the attitude in reality. The result is a closed feedback loop: reality is formed as a reflection of the image of your thoughts, and the image, in turn, is largely determined by the reflection itself. The principle of managing reality is to turn this circle in the opposite direction: look first at yourself and only then at the mirror.


A person tied to the mirror by his attitude - a primitive reaction to reality - just as simply tries to catch up with the reflection in an effort to change something in it. Now let’s try to reverse the mirror circle: we express the attitude - the mirror fixes the content of the attitude in reality - we observe reality. What happens with this? The primitive and helpless ascertainment of the reflection ceases, and in its place comes the intentional and purposeful ascertainment of the image. Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction with what I see in the mirror, I turn away from it and begin to form in my thoughts the image that I would like to see. This is the exit from the mirror maze. The world stops and begins to move towards me. When you take control of your attitude towards reality, external intention will begin to work, and nothing is impossible for it. You just need to switch your attention from the reflection to the image itself. In other words, take control of your thoughts. Think not about what you don’t want and are trying to avoid, but about what you want and are trying to achieve.



There are many paradises on Earth where “pink twins” live. If you want to be there, put on your rose-colored glasses and ignore people who tell you to take them off. Echoes of heavenly life rarely penetrate into the everyday world. Greedily catch these “sunbeams”, keep your attention on them, and then you will see them more often. You will see for yourself how a layer of your world will begin to amazingly transform.


Have you ever seen rain on a sunny day? And two rainbows in the sky? Have you come across twins in pink on your way? You need to understand one simple thing: you yourself, with your attitude, paint your world in rainbow or black colors. If a significant part of your thoughts relates to negative experiences, life will become worse every day. And vice versa, even if the weather is disgusting, but if your soul sings in the rain and happily splashes through the puddles, the layer of your world will be filled with celebration. Both heaven and hell exist not somewhere in other dimensions, but here on Earth. There are, for example, prisons, but you are not there - this is not your layer of the world. However, it can become yours if you pay attention to criminal information. There are also accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters - and this can become part of your reality if you begin to let news reports into you. Intentionally fix your attention only on what you want to see in your world, turn away from everything else, let it pass by your eyes and ears. Evil will not disappear from reality - it will disappear from your layer. You will simply stop dealing with negativity.



Transurfing is, in principle, impossible without a sufficiently high level of energy. As a rule, most of a person’s energy is directed towards a number of unrealized plans that only burden him. The goal activates the energy of intention, but only on the condition that it is realized and does not hang in the project. It is necessary to either throw away some of the potential intentions or start their implementation. Let yourself go, give yourself more freedom. Make a list of the restrictions that oppress you and throw them off your shoulders. Then the reserves of energy of intention will immediately be released, which will allow you to move on.


Many people go through life, weighed down on all sides by all sorts of responsibilities, unfinished business, strict conditions, planned plans and numerous goals. Pay attention: what is weighing you down? If you think about it, you can refuse many of these weights without regret. What's the point if you carry them with you all the time, but can't implement them? For example: I must certainly be the best; I will prove to everyone and myself what I am worth; I only need victory, otherwise I will stop respecting myself; I have no right to make mistakes. Well, and so on, like, quit smoking, learn a foreign language and, in general, start a new life on Monday. Everything that is endlessly put off for later is a useless burden. It needs to either be implemented or thrown away, because it takes away energy that is simply stupid to waste. Or maybe there is one huge weight that you have been secretly thinking about getting rid of for a long time, but just can’t decide? Imagine the lightness that will appear if you throw it off...



You will receive everything you intend to have if you are convinced that it is yours, without any conditions or reservations. Your choice is the law, subject to unconditional execution. Freedom of choice - the determination to have - is formed by the energy of intention. If excess potentials of internal and external importance take up a significant part of the energy, the intention will not be valid. In order to reset the importance of things, you need to act consciously and be aware of what you attach excessive importance to and what follows. The energy of excess potentials is dissipated in action. Rotate the target slide in your thoughts and calmly move your feet in the direction of the goal - this will be your action.


How not to be afraid? – find insurance, an alternate route.

How not to worry and not worry? - Act. The potentials of anxiety and worry are dissipated in action.

How not to wait and not to wish? – Accept defeat and act. Dissolve desire and expectation into action.

How to give up your importance? – Accept your importance as an axiom, refuse actions aimed at increasing your importance.

How not to get irritated? – Play with the pendulum, violating the rules of its game. By reacting inadequately, you knock the pendulum out of rhythm, and it is left with nothing.

How to get rid of guilt? - stop making excuses.

How to deal with resentment and indignation? – stop your battle and move with the flow of options.

What to do if it is impossible to cope with resentment and indignation? – Just allow yourself this weakness. Don't force yourself to always win.

How not to bend under the weight of problems? – Observe the principle of coordination of intentions.

So, instead of struggling with your excess potentials, you need to act within the framework of purified intention. The intention is purified in the process of movement.



To gain confidence, you need to give it up. The nature of uncertainty lies in the over-importance of things. I don’t need confidence as a support, because if I don’t have importance, I have nothing to protect and nothing to conquer. I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. If nothing is overly important to me, the layer of my world is pure and transparent. I give up the fight and move with the flow of options. I'm empty, so there's nothing to grab onto. I don't need to fight. I just calmly go and take mine. This is no longer shaky confidence, but calm and conscious coordination.


Uncertainty creates a vicious circle. The higher the importance of the goal and the desire to achieve it, the sooner they are justified. The struggle for self-worth takes away energy. Feelings of guilt generally turn life into a miserable existence for a loser. How to escape from this tangled labyrinth? No way - there is no way out of it. The secret of the labyrinth is that its walls will collapse when you stop looking for a way out and lose the importance of things. Give up the struggle for your importance, and you will receive it unconditionally. Stop making excuses to others and you will end the feeling of guilt. In the same way, if you reduce the importance of external objects, they will cease to dominate you with their significance. And finally, complete coordination will be achieved with the consent of soul and mind. To do this, it is necessary and sufficient to listen to the dictates of your heart and live in accordance with your credo.



When you are in harmonious balance with the world around you, your life flows easily and pleasantly. You achieve your goal without much difficulty. If you are engaged in building a wall of excess potentials, life turns into a struggle with equilibrium forces. When faced with a problematic situation, try to determine where you are going too far, what you are focusing on, what you are giving excessive importance to. Determine your importance and then abandon it. The wall will collapse, the obstacle will remove itself, the problem will solve itself. Don't overcome obstacles - reduce importance.


Everything in the world strives for balance. Where excess energy potential appears, equilibrium forces arise aimed at eliminating it. By giving too much importance to something, you will get the exact opposite of your intention. For example, if you are dissatisfied with yourself, you come into conflict with your soul, the balancing forces force you to fight your shortcomings and try to hide them, as a result of which they come out to an even greater extent. If you are dissatisfied with the world, you enter into confrontation with a large number of pendulums. The action of equilibrium forces will be aimed at besieging you, pushing you far away. When reducing importance, also do not go too far. Decreasing external importance has nothing to do with neglect and underestimation. You need to approach life more simply. Don't neglect it, but don't embellish it either. Accept the world as it is. Decreasing inner importance has nothing to do with humility and self-abasement. Do not extol or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself.



What is the secret of charming personalities? They threw out the negative slides and put in the positive ones. Charm is the mutual love of soul and mind. A charming person is in a state of celebration of the soul, enjoys life, bathes in his love, without a smack of narcissism. This feeling of celebration is felt by those around you. There are very few such people, but you can be one of them. To do this, you need to turn to your soul, love yourself and take the path to your goal. At the same time, not only will personal qualities change, but even the body will become more attractive, the face will become more attractive, and the smile will become charming.


The secret of attractiveness lies in the unity of soul and mind. When a person is satisfied with himself, loves himself, does what he loves, then an inner light seems to emanate from him - he lives in accordance with his credo. This is exactly what people lack, so they are drawn to such a person like moths to light. On the energetic plane, charm manifests itself as a pure radiation of the unity of soul and mind. By training your energy, you develop extraordinary abilities to influence people and evoke their sympathy. A person with an excess of free energy generates interest and affection from others. If it is still difficult for you to love yourself unconditionally, do energy gymnastics, while affirming the thought form: “I am overflowing with energy. My energy intensity is increasing. I have powerful energy, and it is becoming more powerful every day. I glow with the energy of love and charm. I am pure energy spring. People feel my energy and feel sympathy for me." When you see that people really like you, don’t forget to acknowledge to yourself that the technique actually works. Such a statement is necessary for the mind, because it always doubts: am I really capable of this?



If you don't love yourself, then they won't love you either. Moreover, you will never be happy. Any conflict between soul and mind negatively affects appearance and character. Accordingly, the layer of your world takes on increasingly darker shades. First of all, you need to love yourself, and only then pay attention to the merits of others. You need to understand and feel this fact: pendulums force you to change yourself - to turn away from your soul and follow the rule: “They are better than you, so do as they do, become a passerby on them, sit in the matrix, be a cog.” In fact, you are unique. Turn to yourself, accept yourself as you are, allow yourself to be yourself, take your right to be first. Then you will have something to be proud of and respect yourself for.


If a person has gone far in pursuit of other people's standards, it will be difficult for him to simply love himself. “How can I love myself if I don’t like myself!” This is pure excess potential, born of inflated internal and external importance. The external importance is that the standard established by someone seems to me the height of perfection. Do I value other people's virtues too highly? The inner importance is that I force myself to follow other people's standards. And who said that I am worse than them? Is my self-esteem too low? To love yourself, push external importance off its pedestal and stop worshiping idols. Who's stopping you from creating your own standards? It's better to let others chase after yours. Shed your inner self-importance and let yourself go. Allow yourself to have flaws, switch the focus to your strengths.



Whether you have been dumped and are suffering from unrequited love, or are looking for love, you need to love yourself. If you are not yet able to love yourself as you are, take care of yourself, your improvement. Join a fitness club. Start studying a foreign language seriously. Try dressing differently than usual. Give yourself a magical tattoo. Get yourself a magical talisman - a pendant or ring. By taking care of yourself, you gain a new meaning in life. Self-care may well become your goal if another goal has not yet been found. This is truly a worthy goal and will bring you good luck and prosperity. You deserve the best.


Man is designed in such a way that he is satisfied with himself only on the condition that others value him; and he loves himself, again, only if they love him. But the world is a mirror. Where will love come from in the reflection if the image itself does not contain it? It turns out to be a closed mirror circle. How to break out of it? Very simple. Firstly, as we know, we always love those we care about. This means you need to pay more attention to yourself, take care of yourself, and take care of yourself. Secondly, love is like a boomerang: if you send it out into the world, it comes back to you. Love, including for yourself, can be found if, instead of fear, distrust, disapproval, you glow with love. The reflection will move towards you only when you take the first step. The result is a feedback chain: I send love into the world - it, reflected, returns to me - the world reciprocates me - I am loved - therefore, I am also satisfied with myself and begin to love myself.



As has been said long ago and more than once, “let it be done to you according to your faith.” And indeed it is. But how to believe? Convincing and persuading yourself is useless. Get busy with a specific task: managing reality according to the principles of Transurfing and visualizing the target slide. Put the principles into practice and see what happens. External intention will open the doors to a world where the impossible becomes possible. If the mind is faced with a fact, it allows the incredible into the pattern of its worldview and allows the miracle to happen. When you see that Transurfing works, you will no longer need faith - you will have Knowledge.


Transurfing gives you a map of the area and the rules of the game. What to do with it is up to you. You are the king (queen) of your world. Don't be influenced by others. Believe in yourself. Don't trust other people's decisions. You yourself know and can do everything. But even now that you have Knowledge, you are not immune from mistakes. True success grows from the ruins of your failures. Most outstanding personalities have gone through difficult times. It’s just that this side of their life is not very publicized. So, if you fail, rejoice: you are on the path to success. Sometimes you will feel like circumstances are stacked against you. But how do you know which road leads to your goal? The keepers of ancient Knowledge opened Transurfing to you not in order to make you believe in the reality of metaphysics, but in order to instill hope. Where there is faith, there is room for doubt. Hope is needed in order to take action. Take action and you will see how what seemed incredible comes true. When hope has worked out, awareness will come to you. Then you will say to yourself: I don’t want, I don’t believe and I don’t hope - I intend and know.



The feeling of guilt necessarily gives rise to a scenario of punishment, and without the knowledge of your consciousness. This is how the template of a person’s worldview works: punishment must follow an offense. As soon as you notice the slightest signs of guilt, urgently get rid of this garbage so as not to spoil your life. Live in accordance with your credo, and there will be no guilt. No one will dare to judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. By being free from guilt, you will never find yourself in a situation where someone threatens you with violence. There is no guilt - and there will be no punishment.


If you cannot get rid of the feeling of guilt, you need to stop making excuses. This is a special case where treating a disease as a consequence eliminates its cause. You don't need to convince yourself that you don't owe anything to anyone. Just watch your normal actions, which will require mindfulness. If you used to have the habit of apologizing for the slightest reason, now get into another habit: explaining your actions only when it is really necessary. There is no need to convince yourself that you don’t owe anyone anything. Even if the sense of duty remains, you should not show it outwardly. Manipulators, not receiving the same return from you, will gradually fall behind. At the same time, the soul and mind will gradually get used to the new feeling: you are not making excuses, which means that this is how it should be, and therefore your guilt simply does not exist. As a result, fewer and fewer reasons for “redemption” will appear. This is how, along the feedback chain, the external form will little by little put the internal content in order: the feeling of guilt will disappear, and after it, the corresponding problems.



When a person, feeling deficient in some way, strives to increase his importance in every possible way, everything turns out the other way around. The significance becomes less the more one tries to emphasize it. Conversely, a person who does not care about his importance has it unconditionally. A sense of self-importance is a very insidious excess potential. The balancing forces will do everything to knock you off your pedestal. By giving up your significance, you will gain it. At the same time, never, under any circumstances, hurt people’s sense of importance. Let it become taboo for you. By doing so, you will save yourself from a lot of problems and troubles, the reasons for which will not be clear to you.


The desire to strengthen one’s position, to emphasize one’s virtues is an illusion – the pursuit of a reflection in a circle of mirrors. But how can you convince yourself that you are worth a lot and there is no need to prove it? There is one feedback chain in which the effect eliminates the cause. It requires a conscious reorientation of intention: instead of trying to show off, you need to stop trying to increase your importance altogether. If a person does not do this (and you know that almost everyone does this, each in his own way), those around him intuitively feel that his importance does not need confirmation. And if so, the person begins to be treated with more sympathy and respect. As a result, the soul and mind are gradually imbued with the conviction that I am “really worth something.” The mirror circle freezes at some point, then turns around and begins to move towards you. As a result, self-esteem increases - and the inferiority complex is gone.



Always remain yourself, under no circumstances change yourself, live in accordance with your credo. By violating your creed, or, worse, by not having it, you destroy yourself as a person, which is why everything in life goes awry. A crooked image means a crooked reflection in the mirror. It is necessary to bring thoughts and actions to one denominator - do not lie to yourself. Then no annoying distortions will appear in the dual mirror. You are the Master of your reality, and you have nothing to be ashamed of or fear. Remember: you are not alone, the Force is with you, and your world cares about you.


When you live in accordance with your creed, the soul and mind become one. This means you act as you see fit, without looking at public opinion. Under no circumstances should you cheat on yourself. If you have to do something that your soul actively resists, everything goes to waste. Conversely, when you live in accordance with your creed, even if some actions go against common sense, everything ultimately turns out okay. You don't need to analyze exactly how a creed corrects reality. Simply the absence of distortion in the image brings the reflection back to normal. The unity of soul and mind forms a clear image, which is immediately materialized by the mirror of the world. All your true desires must be fulfilled. This is the law.



You should not take a path that “has no heart.” On this path, a strong discord arises between the soul and the mind. You feel internal discomfort, uncertainty, depression. On the one hand, it seems that everything is being done correctly, but on the other, the subconscious tells you that this is not at all the case. If the path “has a heart,” you will feel it in your gut. When you move along your path, you have an incomparable feeling: everything will be the way I want - such a characteristic calm confidence. Look for your path, where your soul rejoices and your mind rubs its hands with satisfaction. You will definitely find it if you set your mind to it.


When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world comes up to match. Everything is very simple: if the soul and mind are in harmony, the rest will work out automatically. But if there is no such agreement, for example, when the soul asks but the mind is afraid, you need to act carefully and prudently. Listen to your heart, but do not forget that you live in a material world that is not able to instantly adapt to your desires. Of course, it’s not difficult to leave a job you hate, but if you’re afraid of being left without a livelihood, it’s better not to count on a miracle. With the help of the slide technique, you can find any job you want, in another city, or another country, but without reliable support now you are unlikely to be able to calmly practice this technique. Never burn bridges behind you.



All your life you have been taught and continue to be taught what you should be, how to act, what to honor, what to strive for. Now take the legal right to establish your own canons. It is up to you to decide what is right and what is wrong for you, since you yourself form the layer of your world. You have the right to determine as true what others consider wrong, as long as it does not harm anyone. By enjoying the privilege of rendering your verdict, you live in accordance with your creed. The right to make a verdict from the arbiter is freedom from oppressive circumstances, from everything that darkens your life and creates obstacles on the way to your goal. This will help you gain calm confidence.


There are so many people in our lives, so many opinions. Some say “black”, others say “white”. Who to believe? And you remember, the world is a mirror, it agrees with everyone who dares to make their verdict. But you are not a mirror! You are either the one who accepts other people’s verdicts, or the Arbiter who makes your own. Therefore, the question of which truth is considered the only true one, which side to go to – to the “blacks” or “whites” – disappears. Now you can determine your truth for yourself: I decided this because I am the Arbiter of my reality. And it will work, because at your disposal is the space of options and a dual mirror - everything that is necessary to translate your plans into reality. There is only one condition: you really must have the audacity to exercise your right. If you experience doubts or remorse, then your verdict loses its force, and you turn from a lawmaker into a defendant. If you doubt, you will act incorrectly anyway. The point is not how correctly you think and act, but how confident you are that you are right. We must not allow the will of the Executor to turn into the dictates of reason. The verdict is valid only if the soul and mind are one. He who does not listen to the voice of his heart does not commit, but makes mistakes.


To effectively manage reality, you need to strive to keep your thoughts under control and not let it take its course. At first it’s a little annoying, but then it becomes a habit. Don’t do anything just like that, thoughtlessly, floating in the amorphous jelly of uncontrollable thoughts. Make a declaration of intent – ​​stay focused on the goal. This doesn't mean you have to be number one at all times. Let your thoughts drift as much as you like, but do it intentionally, according to the principle: if my mind wanders, it is only because I allow it. And just as intentionally return to a focused state if necessary.


Usually the thought stirrer works on its own. Ideas are born and extinguished uncontrollably, thoughts jump from one topic to another. The mind “kicks its feet” like a baby. But what good is this? If you want to shape your reality quickly and effectively, train yourself to pronounce thought forms to yourself from time to time throughout the day - settings for what you want to achieve. (In general, it is advisable to keep the main goal in the background, in the background). By pronouncing a declaration, you fix the vector of intention. For example, you might want to get into the habit of spending a few minutes a day affirming the following thought form:

"My brain has a program for self-development. The brain itself develops and improves. New connections are formed between the hemispheres. Both hemispheres work clearly, harmoniously, synchronously. I have a brilliant brain. Brilliant ideas come to my mind. I think outside the box. Brain reserves are included in work. My brain is ninety percent active. I have a powerful intellect and it’s becoming more powerful every day. I easily solve any problems. My mind becomes clearer. For me, everything is transparent and simple. I understand everything clearly and express it clearly." You can create several similar declarations for yourself and repeat them at set times, for example, after a shower, gymnastics, etc. Imagine, all this will be realized!



If you need something, don't waste energy hesitating. Just go and pick up yours as if you received a parcel notification. One should not think, but intend. If at the moment you need a bus, parking for a car, shopping, a piece of paper, an exam, an interview, a meeting - whatever - don’t think, just go and get it. Give up worries like: is it possible, how, where will it come from, etc. Drop worry, desire and hope. Leave only calm confidence. Feel this state of intention to get what you want, without any conditions or reasoning. For example, I don’t think about whether I’ll make it in time, whether the bus will come, how long I’ll have to wait... - I just go to the stop and know that the bus will come now. Let this state accompany you everywhere.


Usually, when any momentary desire arises, the analyzer turns on in your head: will it work out or not? So: you need to get rid of this bad habit. Wishes are not fulfilled, dreams do not come true - only pure intentions are realized. It is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude toward what is desired. Intention is not diligence, but calm focus and determination. If you doubt or are afraid, the world, like a mirror, will reflect this state of yours, and as a result, nothing really will come of it. Whatever you do, do it with confidence. Of course, the possibility of failure always exists. However, the chances of success increase many times over if there is no hesitation. What do you have to lose by giving up doubt? If it works out, it’s good; if it doesn’t work out, it’s not a big deal. The support is the principle of coordination of intention: if you consider an event that seems negative as positive, then that is exactly what will happen. When you consciously control your determination to act, consider yourself to be in control of your luck.



When there is not a shadow of doubt in your thoughts, but only a calm determination to have, then the impossible becomes possible. You can take an exam without knowing the subject, easily pass a difficult interview, enter into an extremely profitable contract, win a hopeless case, charm those you never dared to dream of. Give up the desire to achieve the goal. Act dispassionately, like a samurai who lives as if he had already died. Accept defeat in advance, but think as if you already have the goal in your pocket. Give up hope - the destiny and salvation of the weak. Leave only one readiness to receive what you have in mind. Is this what you want? So what's the matter - you will have it.


Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of moving towards a goal. External intention is focusing on how the goal itself is realized. By internal intention, the goal is achieved in the physical world, and by external intention, it is selected from the space of options. Internal intention tries to directly influence the world around us, and external intention allows the goal to be realized in accordance with the intention. Unconditional, unconditional belief in success triggers the mechanism of external intention. Usually the mind desires, but the soul resists, or the soul strives, but the mind does not allow, as a result, the image in front of the mirror of the world becomes unclear, blurred. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, a clear image arises, which is immediately materialized by a mirror from the space of options. Decide to have what you set your mind to, you have nothing to lose. Your possibilities are discovered only by your intention.



If you feel a painful feeling of emptiness, start cleaning up your home or workplace. Arrange the furniture in a new way, get rid of old and unnecessary things, accumulated rubbish, and arrange and arrange useful and dear items with care and taste. You will immediately feel a surge of strength and joy in life. In the same way, it is necessary to decisively and firmly throw away all negative thoughts so that they do not spoil your world. Fear, anxiety, doubt, worst expectations, dissatisfaction, condemnation, hostility, guilt, inferiority - all this rubbish needs to be thrown out of your planet.


The best cure for depression is creative activity, the results of which are not long in coming. So, in the process of creating something, no matter what, the soul again regains its lost taste for life. A particularly effective remedy is basic house cleaning and trash removal. You can cleanse your entire world in the same way. Each person, with his thoughts and actions, creates his own layer of the world and lives in it. Moreover, the way of thinking plays a primary role here. Your world becomes the way you imagine it. If you think that this is an aggressive, unfriendly environment, then it will be so – for you. If you are convinced that all the benefits in this world are obtained with great difficulty, you will have to work a lot and persistently. If you think that wealth and success are the companions of the chosen few, you will always stand at the end of the line. The more negativity you have in your head, the darker the reality. Having gotten rid of negative trash, you will be surprised to find that reality is taking on warmer and more comfortable shades.



Sometimes you are visited by a state of satisfaction and inspiration. But then the everyday routine drags on again. How to maintain a state of holiday? First of all, we must remember him. You need to maintain the spark of celebration within yourself, cherish this feeling. Watch how life changes for the better, grasp at any straw of joy, look for good signs in everything. It is necessary to remember every minute that you are engaged in Transurfing, consciously moving towards your dream, which means you control your destiny. This alone instills calm, confidence and joy, which means the holiday is always with you. When the feeling of celebration becomes a habit, then you will constantly be on the crest of a wave of good luck.


Be happy with everything you have at the moment. This is not an empty call to be happy by definition. Sometimes circumstances are such that it is very difficult to be satisfied. But from a purely practical point of view, expressing dissatisfaction is completely unprofitable. Don't let bad news into your heart, and therefore into your life. Close yourself to bad news and open to good news. The slightest positive changes must be noticed and carefully cherished. When you are in a good relationship with yourself and the world around you, an area of ​​harmonious vibrations is created around you, where everything works out well. A positive attitude always leads to success and creativity.



What does a person do when he sees that what he wants is not being realized? The ordinary mind unsuccessfully tries to influence the reflection in the mirror, when it is necessary to change the image itself. The image is the direction and nature of thoughts. The situation is completely ridiculous: a person, standing in front of a mirror, tries to grab the reflection with his hands and do something with it. It is necessary to take your eyes off the mirror and abandon the narrow-minded intention to turn the world in the right direction. Now, if you yourself purposefully send your thought forms into the world and, despite everything, express a positive attitude, everything will be your way.


You should take an inventory of your thoughts and remove all the “not” particles from there. Dissatisfaction, reluctance, rejection, disapproval, hatred, disbelief in success, and so on - push all this garbage into a bag and throw it in the trash. Your thoughts should be directed towards what you want and like. Then only pleasant things will be reflected in the mirror. On the other hand, be prepared for the fact that there will be no changes in your world layer for some time. Or, on the contrary, all sorts of troubles will arise. Well, so what? These are all temporary inconveniences associated with “moving” to a new level of relationship with reality. After all, you know that the mirror works with a delay. You need to stick to your line no matter what. Calmly hold a pause during which nothing happens. It should be literally like in that fairy tale: “If you look around, you’ll turn to stone!” Even if the devil knows what’s going on in the mirror, I know: it won’t go anywhere - sooner or later it will reflect the image that I create in my thoughts. If I resist the temptation to look back and stand firm, My reality will form in the mirror. Everything will be my way.



In order for a thought form to be fixed in material reality, it must be reproduced systematically. You may not believe that everything is so trivial. Ordinary, routine work and no magic. But it really works. People just generally don't have the patience. They get excited about an idea and then quickly cool down. So, in order to materialize the intended target slide, you need to spin it in your thoughts for quite a long time. Miracles don’t actually happen – there is specific work to manage reality.


If the mind does not conflict with the dictates of the heart, an incomprehensible force arises - an external intention that materializes a sector of the space of options corresponding to the way of thinking. In the unity of soul and mind, this image acquires clear contours, and therefore immediately becomes reality. The world literally agrees with what you think about it. But why, as a rule, the worst expectations are met, but hopes and dreams do not come true? In life, it most often happens that the soul strives, but the mind doubts and does not allow, or, conversely, the mind provides convincing arguments, but the heart remains indifferent. When unity is broken, the image turns out to be blurry - it seems to split into two: the soul wants one thing, and the mind repeats another. And there is only one thing they definitely agree on – hostility and fears. What to do? Material realization is inert, like resin. This fortress can be taken by a long siege. If you really want to achieve your goal, slide visualization should be done regularly.



When you want something from the world, don't force it to give it to you. What can a mirror reflect if a capricious child is jumping in front of it: “I want it! Give it!”?

- Yes, you want and demand.

Just the fact itself: no more, no less. The principle is very simple: if you need the reflection in the mirror of the world to move towards you, take the first step forward yourself. Give up the intention to receive, replace it with the intention to give, and you will receive what you gave up.


Do you want to achieve recognition and respect from a person? Don't demand it. Respect the person yourself, make him feel significant in your eyes. Do you need sympathy and gratitude? Don't look for them. Take genuine care and concern for the person's problems. Are you trying to achieve sympathy? You won't get it for your beautiful eyes. Show sympathy for the person yourself, then he will like you by definition. Do you need help and support? Help yourself. In this way, you will increase your importance, and the person will not want to be less significant than you, and will not remain in debt. Finally, do you want to achieve mutual love? Give up the right of possession and relationships of dependence. You will succeed if you just love without expecting anything. Such love is very rare, and no one can resist it. In all these cases, you will certainly get what you refused.



A person, as a rule, is completely absorbed in thoughts about what he wants to achieve from others, but does not try to determine what they want. By switching your attention to people's desires and motives, you can easily get what you want for yourself. To do this, you just need to determine what the partner’s internal intention is aimed at. Whenever you need to get something from another person, win sympathy or motivate him to do something, ask yourself: what does he want to achieve, what motivates him, what interests him? Direct your actions towards realizing your partner's intentions, and he will willingly repay you in kind.


All problems, one way or another, are born as a result of contradictions between the internal intentions of people. One, guided by his own interests, wants to achieve something from the other. The other, in turn, thinks differently and wants to get his way. Use people's inner intention to achieve your goals. The basis of a person's inner intention is his sense of self-worth. After life itself, there is nothing more important for a person than significance. Shift your attention from yourself to people. Stop playing the game of increasing your importance. Play the game of increasing the importance of others. In order to attract attention to yourself, you just need to show attention to others. Talk to people not about what interests you, but about what interests them, including themselves. Your partner is least interested in your strengths and weaknesses. First of all, he is interested in the feeling of self-worth that he gets from communicating with you. How to motivate a person to do something? Present a task to a person in the light of increasing his importance, and he will want to do it himself.



A person willingly expresses his attitude in the form of dissatisfaction when there is a reason for this, and he takes everything good almost indifferently, for granted. He does this unconsciously, reacting like an oyster out of habit. Now step up a notch above the oyster, wake up and take advantage of your privilege to express your attitude consciously. With my intention, I choose the colors for my reality. Regardless of the circumstances, I put myself in a positive mood. I do this consciously, and do not react primitively to an external stimulus. By controlling the course of your thoughts, you control reality. Otherwise reality controls you.


The tendency towards negativism gives rise to more and more unsightly features in the mirror. The individual layer of the world is painted in dark tones and filled with events that are unpleasant for its owner. When a person becomes despondent, in the mirror, accordingly, the clouds thicken more strongly. And as soon as he sets himself up aggressively, the world immediately bristles in response. Please note: if you quarrel with someone and sharply express your dissatisfaction, then some other trouble will definitely follow. And the more irritated you are, the more persistently new misfortunes cling - everyone around you begins to annoy you with something. What you think is not important, the main thing is what. Whether you like this reflection or not, you still think about it: “Get off the hook!” or: “How tired of all this!” Only the content of thoughts matters. As a result, everything that corresponds to the content of the image begins to predominate in the reflection. However, by taking control of the feelings that bind you to the reflection, you gain freedom from the mirror. One should not just suppress emotions; they are only a consequence of attitude. It is necessary to change the attitude itself - the way of reacting and perceiving reality. Having gained freedom, you gain the ability to form the reflection you need.



By your will, you declare any event or circumstance favorable, playing in your favor. It is not relying on the good will of the world to care out of love for you. This is not a confidence that circumstances can shake at any moment. This is not arrogance based on blind faith in success. And not even optimism as a character trait. This is the intention of the Executor. You yourself form a layer of your world - you create your reality. You are the Maker of reality if you know how to “move yourself,” also giving the world freedom of movement.


The performer is not so much an active figure as an observer. Not to subjugate, but to allow - that is his intention. When you look in the mirror, you need to move not the reflection, but the image itself - your attitude and direction of thoughts. In other words, “move yourself” rather than trying to capture the reflection. If you think that intention is a determined attitude to demand from the world what is supposedly due to you, you will get nothing. And if you ask the world for what you want, you will again be left with nothing. All you need to do is place an order and let the world fulfill it. After all, you simply don’t let him do it, because you demand, ask, fear and doubt. In this case, the world also asks for something, is afraid and doubts, that is, it completely impeccably reflects your attitude. After all, he is just a mirror. You need to feel it. Let go of the world, let it be comfortable for you, right now. This is a fragile, fleeting sensation, it passes quickly, but you have to catch it. Imagine for a moment an incredible thing: a hostile, problematic, difficult, inconvenient world suddenly becomes joyful and comfortable for you. You let him do it. You decide. The secret to strength is to let go of your grip.



The rule of the pendulum is: “Do as I do.” This means change yourself, change yourself, follow generally accepted stereotypes. In an effort to meet the standard of someone else's success, a person loses himself and becomes deeply unhappy, since it is simply impossible to keep up with all the standards. And you don't need to do this. Don't be afraid to break the pendulum rule. Set your standards. Those who break the rule of the pendulum become either leaders or renegades. Some become stars, others turn into outcasts. The difference between the two is that the former are confident that they have every right to break the rule of the pendulum, while the latter doubt this. Take your right.


The pendulum rule establishes standards of behavior and thinking, that is, standards of “normality.” A person does not understand that he is being offered an ersatz, a surrogate for success. Someone else's success cannot serve as an example or role model. True success is achieved only by those who dare to break the rule and follow their own path. Following in the footsteps of others, a person is forever doomed to catch up with the setting sun. The standards of success are a mirage, but a person does not know or does not want to know that the rule of the pendulum keeps him in a web of illusions. Illusion is often sweeter, more convenient, more understandable than the unknown reality. However, if you occupy a certain position in the structure, you should keep in mind that you cannot simply mindlessly oppose yourself to it. We are not talking about completely freeing ourselves from all pendulums - this is hardly possible. The main thing is not to be a puppet and act consciously in order to use the structure to your advantage. Strive to establish your new rules without violating the old rules of the structure.



Give up the rule of the pendulum - “do as I do”, and replace it with the rule of Transurfing: “Allow yourself to be yourself, and allow others to be different.” Allowing yourself to be yourself means accepting yourself with all your imperfections. Allowing another to be different means removing the projection of your expectations from him. This universal rule makes it possible to gain inner freedom and get rid of a lot of all kinds of problems from your life.


You don’t have to think about why the Transurfing rule works. Just follow it. Whenever you encounter a problem situation, ask yourself: what should I do so as not to break the rule? This will allow you to solve a whole range of issues at once: find your inner core (credo), get rid of feelings of guilt and inferiority, feel confident, avoid many conflicts and disappointments, untie the tangled tangles of interpersonal contradictions and, finally, find your path. The rule of Transurfing is the dignity of kings.


All unbalanced feelings and reactions: indignation, dissatisfaction, irritation, anxiety, excitement, depression, confusion, despair, fear, pity, affection, lust, tenderness, idealization, admiration, delight, disappointment, pride, conceit, contempt, disgust, resentment and so on - a consequence of overestimating the importance of things. Pendulums grab you by these strings and turn you into a puppet. Downplaying your importance does not mean fighting your feelings and trying to suppress them. The cause should be eliminated – attitude. It is necessary to realize that importance will bring nothing but problems with it, and then deliberately reduce this importance.


There are no problems as such - there is only an artificially inflated importance of things. When a person realizes this illusory nature of problems, he can deliberately reduce the importance of everything that haunts him. Please note: not to diminish the significance, but to reduce the significance. Look at the game from the outside, soberly and impartially. By reducing the importance, you will immediately enter a balanced state, and the pendulums will not be able to establish control over you, because there is nothing to cling to the emptiness. This does not mean that you have to turn into an idol. Emotions are generated by attitude, so attitude must change. Feelings and emotions are just consequences. There is only one reason: importance. Let's say someone was born, died, or a wedding, or some other important event. It's important for me? No. Do I care? Also no. Do you notice the difference? I just don’t make a big deal out of it and don’t harass myself and those around me about it. A strong deviation towards external importance gives rise to fanatics, a deviation towards internal importance - cretins.



The world, like a mirror, reflects our attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away from you. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes to meet you halfway. If you simply allow yourself to have what you intend, outer intention will find a way to give it to you. And then one fine day something will happen that people will call a miracle. Are you desperate to achieve your goal? Stop wishing, you will get what you want. Just think about what you are taking. Take it calmly, without demanding or insisting. After all, I want this, so what’s the matter? I will have it.


Pendulums impose a completely different scenario on you. They force you to fight to achieve your goal. To do this, you must declare war on yourself and the world. You are told that you are imperfect, and therefore you will not achieve your goal until you change yourself. Having changed yourself, you must join the fight for your place in the sun. This whole scenario has only one single goal - to take away your energy and drive you into a matrix cell. By fighting with yourself, you give your energy to the pendulum. When you join the battle with the world, you do the same thing. No one can force you to fight. But you have no other choice if you are filled with internal and external importance. If you can’t take it and afford it now, you can put it off until later. However, procrastination leads to the fact that life in each current moment is viewed as preparation for a better future. A person is always dissatisfied with the present and consoles himself with the hope of a quick improvement. With this attitude, the future never comes and always looms somewhere ahead. You might as well try to catch up with the setting sun. Allow yourself to be here and now.



If you set out to view an event that seems negative as positive, then that's exactly what will happen. Remember: no matter how bad it is now, there is some very pleasant surprise ahead of you, provided that you maintain coordination at the moment. Before any test, tell yourself: if it works out, it’s good, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s even better. After all, you know that your world cares about you, and if something failed, it means that you have avoided other unknown problems. With this light mood, calmly go on a date with the destiny that you create. From now on, no matter what happens, everything goes as it should!


Human life, like any other movement of matter, is a chain of causes and effects. An effect in the space of options is always located close to its cause. Just as one follows from the other, so nearby sectors of space line up in lines of life. Each event on the life line has two branches - in a favorable and unfavorable direction. Every time you encounter an event, you make a choice about how to approach it. If you view an event as positive, you find yourself on a favorable branch of the life line. However, the tendency towards negativism causes you to express dissatisfaction and choose an unfavorable branch. As soon as something annoys you, a new nuisance follows. This is how it turns out that “trouble never comes alone.” But a series of troubles does not follow the trouble itself, but your attitude towards it. The pattern is formed by the choices you make at the fork. The principle of intention coordination gives you the opportunity to always fall on a successful life line.



Take a firm attitude: “My world takes care of me.” When faced with any, even the most insignificant circumstances, repeat this formula to yourself - in any case, no matter what happens - good or bad. If you encounter luck, don’t forget to confirm to yourself that the world really cares. Notice this confirmation in every detail. When you encounter an unfortunate circumstance, still repeat that everything is going as it should. Your world knows best how to take care of you. When you look in the mirror, it will be so.


If gold is added to the amalgam of a mirror, as the Venetian masters did, the reflection will begin to acquire increasingly warmer shades. Since the world is a mirror, it can be adjusted in a similar way - to form your own amalgam. As a dominant, you can choose, for example, this formula: “My world takes care of me.” Take this as an axiom. Adjust your perception of the world purposefully, in accordance with the dominant, and then you will see how the mirror will react. The amalgam technique, despite all its simplicity, has such power that you may not even suspect. If you have the patience to make this technique a habit, after a while you will literally be amazed at the real impact your thoughts have on the reality around you.



Observe, at least for one day, how your mind tries to row against the current. They offer you something, but you refuse. They are trying to tell you something, but you brush it off. Someone expresses their point of view, and you argue. Someone does it their own way, and you guide him on the right path. They offer you a solution, but you object. You expect one thing, but get another and express dissatisfaction. Someone disturbs you and you become furious. Something goes against your script, and you rush into a frontal attack to direct the flow in the right direction. Change tactics: shift your focus from control to observation. No need to splash the water with your hands. Let your life go with the flow and you will see how much easier it becomes for you.


The human mind works like a computing machine; it tries to calculate all moves in advance and draw up its own plan of action. The mind is rarely able to find the optimal solution because there are too many unknowns in the problem, and the situation changes along the way. But he stubbornly insists on his script, in other words, he rows against the tide. As a result, a lot of energy is wasted, and the number of problems and obstacles increases. The mind strives to control not its movement with the flow, but the flow itself. This is one of the main problems and troubles. Strive to observe rather than control. Do not rush to dismiss, object, argue, prove your point, interfere, manage, criticize. Give the situation a chance without your active intervention or opposition. By giving up control, you will gain even more control over the situation than you had before. The only control worth paying attention to is control over the level of internal and external importance.



Get into a state of balance with the world around you and trust the flow of options. Let go of the situation, become not a participant, but an outside observer. Make it a rule to try to do everything in the easiest way. Before you start solving a problem, ask yourself: how can I make this easier? If something doesn't happen the way you expected, let go and accept the unexpected change in your script. They offer you something - don’t rush to refuse. If you receive advice, try to think about it. If you hear someone else’s opinion, don’t rush into a discussion. It seems to you that someone is doing something wrong, so be it. People take the initiative - let them realize their intention. The flow of options is a luxurious gift for the mind.


The mind is constantly developing a plan for further action. It seems to him that he is able to calculate everything in the best possible way. But the plan already exists in the space of options. The structure of information is organized into chains of cause-and-effect relationships. Cause-and-effect relationships give rise to a flow of options that arranges events simply and optimally. Man is accustomed to overcoming obstacles - rowing against the current, and this habit forces him to look for complex solutions to simple problems. Nature, on the contrary, always follows the path of least resistance and does not waste energy. For example, why does it often happen that you spend a long time searching for the necessary purchase throughout the area, and in the end it is right under your nose? If you don’t get into the weeds and don’t resist the flow of options, the solution will come on its own, and the most optimal one at that.



In order to find a way out of a problematic situation, you must first remember and realize that it arose due to its importance. An unconscious dream completely controls you and happens independently of you only because you are not aware that it is just a dream. In the same way, in reality, until you realize that you are immersed in a problem headlong, circumstances will control you. Stop, shake off the obsession and remember that reality is the same dream that can be controlled. And when you wake up, start Transurfing your waking dream.


The main difficulty is to remember that you are floundering in inner or outer importance. For this purpose, a Watcher is required - an inner observer who constantly monitors your awareness. Of course, it’s difficult to control yourself when you literally want to tear and throw. The pendulum, like a vampire, uses a kind of anesthesia - your habit of falling asleep when you react negatively to a stimulus. Even now, after reading these lines, you may be distracted within minutes and irritably answer an unwanted phone call. Try to “wake up” several times during the day - look around and realize that everything that is happening is a dream, but you are not sleeping and are aware of your actions. The habit of remembering is developed through systematic practice. Until awareness becomes a habit, pendulums will try in every possible way to get you. Don't despair, these will mostly be minor troubles. If you don't give up and learn to remember, your victory will be very impressive, you'll see.



If you are told that you are obligated to work for the benefit of something or someone, do not believe it. If they prove to you that everything in this world comes with hard work, don’t believe it. If they try to force you into a fierce struggle for a place in the sun, don’t believe it. If they show you your place, don’t believe it. If they try to lure you into a sect or society where “your contribution to the common cause” is needed, do not believe it. If they tell you that you were born into poverty and therefore have to live your life that way, don’t believe it. If you are told that your capabilities are limited, do not believe it.


In Transurfing, from the point of view of common sense, everything is turned upside down. However, the same can be said about common sense from the perspective of Transurfing. If you don’t want to be content with mediocre achievements, if you strive in this one life of yours to get everything “to the fullest,” then you are a Wanderer. The Transurfing wanderer is not the chosen one of fate - she is his chosen one. You will achieve everything you want if you manage to shake the monolith of your common sense. A person mistakenly perceives a rational worldview as an immutable law. However, this law is “false” and can be hacked. Inexplicable “miracles” happen in our lives. So why not let one of the miracles into your life? You just need to allow yourself to have what your soul wants. If you throw off the web of prejudices and limitations that pendulums have entangled you with, sincerely believe that you are worthy of your dreams, and allow yourself to have what you want with all your soul, you will get it.



Whatever you do, your effectiveness will increase many times over if you not only do your job well, but consciously and enthusiastically admire your work and constantly recognize its perfection. It is very important! The principle here is this: everything works out just fine for me, today I do everything better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. When you keep a target slide in mind, all circumstances work toward achieving the goal, even if it doesn't seem that way. But if at the same time you are still visualizing the process, the layer of your world rushes towards the dream at cruising speed.


Let's say you are working on some project, creating something. In the process of work, as well as after it, imagine how the object of your creativity is becoming more and more improved. Today you have completed some details, and tomorrow you are going to add new touches. Imagine how your creation becomes more and more transformed. You give it more and more new qualities, and before your eyes it turns into a masterpiece. You are happy, you are captivated by the creative process, your brainchild grows with you. You need to not just contemplate your subject, but imagine the process of birth and growth of perfection. Create and admire at the same time. Feel free to call yourself a genius. Affirm your thought form: More and more brilliant ideas come into your head. If you work on your body, similarly, raise it like a mother does. Imagine how your body gradually takes on perfect shape. Take care of it, train it and imagine how muscles grow in some places and tighten in others. You will be surprised to discover how quickly and effectively this mindset of excellence can be implemented.



People, as a rule, act only within the framework of physical reality, guided by so-called common sense. This is ineffective. Now you have a huge advantage: using the metaphysical properties of reality, you are able to materialize what you have in mind. In order for a thought form to be fixed in material reality, it is necessary to reproduce it systematically - to rotate the target slide in your thoughts - a picture where the goal has already been achieved, as it were. Unlike useless daydreaming, which happens from time to time, this is concrete work. Do the work and get results.


When you visualize, the layer of your world moves in the space of options to those sectors where the goal is achieved. Don't think about how this can happen. The target slide must be present in your thoughts. In due time, outer intention will open doors - real opportunities that you did not suspect before, and that would not have appeared if you had worked with the slide. When you see that the goal is really approaching, fears and doubts will disappear by themselves. Don’t look at the slide from the outside, like in a movie, but live in it, at least virtually. Pretend as if everything is really happening. Imagine all the new details. Don't make working with slides a burdensome task. Just give yourself pleasure with a picture where the desired goal has already been achieved. And of course, don’t try too hard if the visualization isn’t very clear. Do everything as it suits you, as it turns out. The main thing is that if you study systematically and with pleasure, consider that the goal is in your pocket.



Drop the importance of the goal, give up lust and leave only the determination to have. You must go towards your goal as if you were following correspondence from a mailbox. The only thing that can ruin everything on the way to your goal is excessive responsibility, excessive zeal and fear of failure. Play the target slide in your mind without including any scenarios. You already have it. Don't think about the means to achieve the goal. If you focus on the goal as if it has already been achieved, after a while the outer intention will open doors for you, opportunities, and then the means will find themselves.


If your goal seems difficult to achieve, your entire holiday will be spoiled by doubts and painful thoughts about possible failure. How can you still believe in the impossible so that it becomes possible? No way! There is no way you can persuade yourself, convince yourself, or make you believe. Leave these empty worries and do something better - turn the target slide in your thoughts and don’t forget to move your feet towards the goal. You shouldn't be worried about the fact that the target is still far beyond the clouds. It's hard for you to imagine how this could become yours. But that's not your concern. All you need to do is place an order, leave the rest to the waiter. When the mind sees that doors are opening, doubts will disappear. Many people who achieved dizzying success later said that they would never have believed that they were capable of such a thing. Just one piece of advice: don’t put your goal on one card, find an alternate route, insurance, don’t slam the same doors and don’t burn bridges prematurely.

46. ​​DOORS


Your door is the path that will lead you to your goal. Rotate the target slide in your thoughts, and then sooner or later your external intention will open various possibilities—doors—to you. If on the way to your goal you get tired, lose energy, and become exhausted, then this is not your door. This is not to say that everything will be easy. But if in business you experience elation and inspiration, you can safely consider this business your door. Everything that you can do easily, naturally, and willingly has meaning and value. Any stupidity that is characteristic of you, even though it has no value within the framework of stereotypes, can serve as the key to your door. Try to project your characteristic "frivolous" quality onto serious doors.


Pendulums have taught people to do what is necessary and to take it for granted. A person becomes so accustomed to necessity that the true inclinations of the soul are pushed into the farthest corner of consciousness until better times. But life ends, and better times never come. Happiness is always looming somewhere in the future. A false stereotype states: for this future to come, it must be conquered, earned, achieved. People often give up what they love for financial reasons. Businesses are divided into hobbies and work itself, which should generate income. In fact, you can make good money even from a hobby if that is your goal. In this world, everything that is made with soul is very expensive. However, the false stereotype of forced necessity does not allow a person to fully devote himself to his goal. He spends most of his life working as a laborer for some guy - they say this is necessary to maintain his existence. And the soul receives the crumbs left over from the main working hours. So for whom does a person live? For that uncle?



If it seems to you that the world is acting out of spite for you, think: what object or property do you attach excessive importance to? Everything that causes hostility is attracted. Everything that annoys you haunts you. Everything that is extremely undesirable happens. This happens because you hold the world by the throat, and it resists, trying to free itself. The more you insist on your desires and claims, the stronger the magnet that attracts everything opposite. Loosen your grip. Let go of the world in all four directions. Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Don't get attached to anything. Take it easy and let it go easily.


When any qualities are given excessive importance, excess potential is created, which introduces distortion into the surrounding energy picture. Excess potential in itself is not so terrible as long as the distorted picture exists independently, on its own. But as soon as the artificially inflated valuation of one object is placed in a comparative relationship with another, polarization arises, which acts like a magnet for trouble. Relationships of dependence develop between people if they begin to compare themselves with each other, contrast them and put forward conditions like: “If you are like this, then I am like this.” That is why troubles creep into life so insistently, as if on purpose. For example, in married couples, seemingly incompatible personalities unite, as if to punish each other. In various teams there will always be at least one person who will annoy you with something. Murphy's laws, or, in our opinion, “meanness,” are of the same nature. All conflicts are based on comparison and contrast. Draw your own conclusions.



There is no need to look for love, it will find you on its own. In order to meet your soul mate, you need to systematically rotate the target slide in which you imagine your life with a certain abstract personality - your ideal. At a certain moment the door will open and He (She) will appear. Then it’s up to you. You need to enter this door, take the first step, throwing away arrogant pride and all prejudices. This step must be taken simply and sincerely, without affectation and masquerade. Spontaneity always captivates. And one more thing: always remain yourself, under no circumstances change yourself, live in accordance with your credo. Then no annoying distortions will appear in the dual mirror.


The love slide should contain an abstract personality - your ideal. You can include a specific person there only as a last resort, if there are practically no other chances to achieve reciprocity. In principle, of course, you can play a slide in which you are together and love each other. This is a scenario, and therefore it also exists in the space of options. But another person is not a passive object, but a living being who actively realizes his intention. Maybe you can do something with the slide, but it will be ineffective, because the person does not stand stationary in the space of options, but moves all the time. While you are “sliding” him, he will quickly find himself a more “earthly” partner. Moreover, the soul of the person being slide feels it. And if she doesn’t like it, the person may feel an unconscious dislike for you. So it’s better not to take risks, but to adopt the principles of frailing - the best way. Interpersonal relationships are the case when you need to communicate with a living person, and not soar in dreams and clouds.



Be prepared for provocations from pendulums. When you find yourself in an unwanted situation or receive bad news, you lose your balance. According to the standard scenario, you should be worried, scared, depressed, discouraged, show dissatisfaction, irritation. Do the opposite: react inadequately, break the script. Make a change: replace fear with confidence, despondency with enthusiasm, indignation with indifference, irritation with joy. The essence of the pendulum game is to throw you off balance. You need to deliberately break the rules of the game - do anything but what is expected of you. Victory will be yours.


Pendulums feed on people's energy. For example, when you are annoyed by something and express violent indignation, you give energy to the pendulum. Anything that can potentially cause strong negative emotions in you is provoked by pendulums. When you come across some annoying circumstance and react with irritation or dissatisfaction, the negative situation immediately continues and develops in the same spirit, or new troubles appear. This is how the pendulum swings. You rock it yourself because you accept the imposed game. Do it differently: either do not react at all, or respond with a completely opposite reaction - extinguish the pendulum. Your task is to impose another, your game, reacting inadequately. The principle here is the same: by swinging with a frequency different from the resonant one, you enter into dissonance with the pendulum, which is why it is extinguished in relation to you and leaves you alone.



If you are bothered by thoughts of what you don’t like, it will be in your life. To give up what you don't want, you need to accept it. In this case, to accept does not mean to let you in, but to recognize the right to exist and pass by indifferently. Accept and let go - in other words, let it pass through you and wave goodbye. Always respond with agreement to the first swing of the pendulum, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively direct the movement in the direction you want. Learn to “not cling” - to ignore what annoys you, and then it will disappear from your world. When the pendulum has nothing to catch you on, it falls into the void.


Pendulums are the rulers of dreams. When a person succumbs to their provocation, he seems to fall asleep, because he is completely immersed in the imposed game - his mind turns out to be “zombified” by what is happening. If something annoys you or causes you dislike, consider that you are walking around with a hook in your head. The pendulum, catching you on this hook, will immediately find a suitable stimulus, and more than one. You will continue to hang around as long as there is “enough evil.” In order to “get the hook out of your head,” you need to change your attitude towards the stimulus, distract your attention - come to terms with the situation, turn a tragedy into a comedy, switch to something else. Changing your attitude does not mean holding back your emotions. Emotions driven deep into oneself are the same “evil” that, having accumulated, will definitely break out and go to “feed” the pendulums. It is better to first give vent to your feelings, and then consciously adjust your attitude. There is no point in fighting pendulums. They must be ignored.



Why does TRANSURFING “work”? Who “put” everything that is there into the Space of Variants? Nobody created the Space of Options - it has always existed. The human mind is structured in such a way that it seems to it that everything in this world is created by something or someone and has its own beginning and end. But there are questions in the world that lie far beyond the capabilities of reason. After all, the mind is just a logical automaton, although it has the ability to think abstractly. TS does not explain the structure of the world, but offers a utilitarian model that allows us to understand why controlling reality is possible and how to do it. In the same way, you can successfully drive a car without having any idea about its structure.


Throughout the history of mankind, scientists have been doing nothing but trying to explain the structure of the world. This process will continue as long as humanity exists. Following the next model, more and more new ones will appear. If you stand in front of one mirror while holding another in your hands, you will understand why the world has an infinite number of models. When one of the manifestations of reality is taken as a basis, a separate version is obtained - a piece of a mirror. Standing with him in front of the main mirror of the world, we will see a new aspect in the reflection. Taking one of the manifestations of this aspect, we again get a separate version of reality. And again, a new one will emerge from the next mirror, reflected in the image of the previous one. What is the world really like? You can try to imagine this (if you can) using the example of two mirrors installed close to each other. In both mirrors there is nothing reflected from itself countless times. Black infinity of images in which nothing is reflected from nothing. Is the resulting picture amenable to some kind of description within the framework of the concepts that the mind has? Hardly …



There is everything in the space of options - and everything you desire with your soul and mind is yours. But you should know that on the threshold of Eternity stands the Gatekeeper - an absolute law that guards access to everything that is there. This inexorable guard allows in only those who have the audacity to exercise their right as Executor. Your verdict will serve as a pass: I can and am worthy because I decided so. I don't want or hope - I intend. Take your right, and the Gatekeeper will open the doors to eternity for you.


What separates a provincial girl and a show business star, a timid student and a scientific luminary, the ordinary and the elite? Just one step. Some dared to take their right, while others still do not dare, and do not believe that they are capable and worthy. In the minds of the timid, the conviction is firmly established that in this world the chosen ones exist insofar as they were chosen by everyone else for their exceptionally outstanding qualities. In fact, this is a false stereotype. The chosen ones elected themselves. And only after that, and that’s why, the others paid attention to them. Take the right to be chosen. Say: from now on I chose myself. You don’t have a right because you are worthy and capable, you just have it – it’s a right. In the space of options there is everything, and there is something there that is intended for you personally - a verdict on your right. This is your pass to Eternity, a sanction for the privilege of creating your reality.



When a person takes control into his own hands, his life ceases to depend on circumstances. The ship can be directed in any direction from the “fate” that is supposedly destined. It's very simple: life is like a river. If you row yourself, you have the opportunity to choose the direction, but if you simply surrender to the flow, you are forced to swim in the channel of the stream in which you find yourself. If you want karma, you will have karma. Thinking that your fate depends on some inexorable circumstances or mistakes of past lives, you thereby implement the appropriate option. Your will, because you are the son of God. Well, if you want to be the Executor, then this is in your power. The dual mirror agrees to everything.


Let's say a certain goal has been set, which from an ordinary point of view seems difficult to achieve or even impossible to achieve. A person strives for this goal with all his soul, but a skeptical mind brings him down to the ground and asks the same question: “How?” So, in accordance with the principles of Transurfing, at the stage when the means of achieving the goal are still unknown, it is necessary to take a non-trivial step - stop thinking about the means and focus on the final goal, as if it has already been achieved. When you scroll through the target slide in your thoughts, the layer of your world moves in the space of options to the sector where the goal is realized. This movement is subtle, but it is there. Let the mind doubt as much as it wants - the main thing is that it regularly turns the target slide in its thoughts. It's like flying at night: the movement is imperceptible, but the engine is running, which means there is movement. In the same way, a visualization of the goal (motor) is spinning in your head, and outside the lifting force - external intention - pulls the layer of your world (airplane) to its destination. The helm of intention is in your hands. Everything will be the way you want.



If a person believes in predictions of his fate or takes dreams seriously, he unwittingly launches a thought form, which - for him - may well be implemented as a program. Realization only happens because a person really believes in all this nonsense. We always get in reality what we believe in. But how childishly stupid and naive it is to turn to all sorts of uncles and aunts who are supposedly able to predict the future, instead of creating your own destiny, at your own discretion. You are the true Master of your destiny if you intend to be one. Don't give your destiny to mirror makers!


Only infantile individuals, for whom life is an unconscious dream, believe in horoscopes. If you intend to control your destiny, the services of mirrors do not make sense for you. Well, who are astrologers, interpreters, predictors, if not mirror-makers? After all, they represent not just a harmless forecast, but a surrogate part of your destiny - a piece of the mirror into which you will be forced to look. You have taken a kind of installation for the future, and it will remain sitting in the subconscious, programming your future destiny. Even if we don't talk about money, do you really think that you can get a piece of the future just like that? You cannot look into the Book of Fate without consequences. And the price for this product is always the same: you will have to take it with you and make it a part of your life, whether you like it or not. Interested in the forecast, you buy a mirror and ask the mirror maker if you can smile there today. But you already have a mirror - a layer of your world with which you can do whatever you want. With my mirror I am free: if I want, I can, with the will of the Executor, turn any defeat into victory - and so it will be. And I don't care about forecasts.



A person, with his negative attitude, paints the layer of his world in black tones. The mirror simply states the content of the relationship, ignoring its direction. What you think doesn't matter. The main thing is what it’s about. Whether you like the reflection or not, you still think about it. Only the content of thoughts matters. From now on, make it a point to keep your thought patterns and attitudes under control. Whatever happens, turn it into a positive. Focus on what you ultimately want to have. Over time, you will create a very comfortable reality for yourself. Get ready - a magnificent cascade of pleasant events awaits you.


Usually negative experiences completely capture a person’s attention. He is preoccupied with what does not suit him. He thinks about what he doesn’t want, and doesn’t want what he thinks about. But the mirror does not take into account the desire or reluctance of a person - it simply accurately conveys the content of the image - no more and no less. A completely ridiculous situation arises: a person always carries with him something that he does not accept. That is why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer - they all look in the mirror of the world, and each in his own way states the appearance of the reality around him. This reality sucks in like a swamp. An old woman in line for a pension. Tired woman with heavy bags in a crowded bus. A patient wandering around medical institutions. With all their thoughts they remain in this gloomy reality. And at the same time, someone is enjoying life: the sea, yachts, travel, luxury hotels, expensive restaurants - whatever your heart desires. In all cases, regardless of the nature of the situation, a statement of fact is made: “This is how we live.” More precisely, we live as we imagine our existence. The mirror confirms and increasingly strengthens the content of the way of thinking.



If you really want to improve your life, replace reflexive negativism with a positive dominant, for example: “My world chooses the best for me. I move with the flow of options, and the world meets me halfway. I myself, with my intention, form a layer of my world. Mine the world protects me. My world saves me from problems. My world makes sure that my life is easy and comfortable. I place an order, and my world fulfills it. I may not know, but my world knows how to take care of me. Mine the intention is realized, everything goes as it should, and everything goes as it should.” Remember: either you control reality, or it controls you.


Why do all the colors of life fade over time, and slight serenity gives way to anxious concern? Because the number of problems increases with age? No, because as a person grows up, he or she tends to express negative attitudes. Dissatisfaction is a stronger feeling than just satisfaction from comfort and tranquility. Not understanding that now, despite everything, he is happy, a person demands more and more from the world. The pet's demands are growing, he is becoming more and more spoiled and ungrateful. The world, of course, does not have time to satisfy the rapidly growing needs, and the darling is already beginning to make claims with might and main. He changes his attitude towards the world: “You are bad! You don’t give me everything I want! You don’t care!” And this negative attitude puts all the power of the unity of a dissatisfied soul and a capricious mind. But the world is a mirror, and he has no choice but to sadly throw up his hands and answer: “As you wish, my dear. Be it your way.” As a result, reality – as a reflection of a person’s thoughts – changes for the worse.



When a person realizes that he does not fit into established standards, he experiences a feeling of inferiority. Compared to whom? Ask yourself: do you want to be like everyone else or still be yourself? Trying to hide your shortcomings will not achieve this. By developing your strengths, you will achieve this. Any inferiority is balanced by your inherent strengths. The lack of beauty can be compensated for by charm. Physical deficiencies are compensated by self-confidence. The inability to communicate freely can be replaced by the ability to listen. But I can advise shy people one thing: take care of this quality of yours like a treasure. Shyness has a hidden charm if you allow yourself the luxury of not being "cool."


The feeling of inferiority is based on comparison: I don’t just have an unattractive appearance, I have no abilities and talents, I don’t have enough intelligence or wit, I don’t know how to communicate with people, I’m not worthy... No, in fact, everything is much more serious: the fact is that I worse than them! This is a dependency relationship in its purest form. Polarization is created: they are good - I am bad. Polarization generates a wind of equilibrium forces that force a person to try in every possible way to raise his artificially low dignity. Therefore, it turns out that the person behaves unnaturally, thereby further emphasizing what he is trying to hide. The fight against the complex brings even more unpleasant consequences than the complex itself. There is only one way to eliminate the complex: stop comparing yourself with others and switch the vector of attention from shortcomings to advantages. Give yourself a positive slide in which your strengths flourish so that your weaknesses fade into the background. Live this slide virtually and it will soon turn into reality.



You have tremendous potential, even if you think you don't. You are capable of anything, but no one has ever told you about it. Just take it as an axiom that your soul can do everything, and then allow yourself to take advantage of it. Stop looking for the truth in other people's sources, look inside yourself and there you will find answers to all your questions. “Looking into yourself” is not an abstraction. Just ask yourself a question and dare to answer it yourself. Thus, by connecting to the appropriate sector of the space of options, you can make discoveries, create new things, and create masterpieces. Turn away from the established authorities - they turned to the same source. Now it's your turn.


Do you like the works of geniuses of art, science, business, sports, pop, cinema? You can become one of them. You like the works of a genius precisely because they were born from his soul. Your creation will only please others the same way if it comes from your unique soul. Everything that is ordinary, mediocre, is created by the mind. The creations of the mind, like the mind itself, are not unique. Only your soul is unique. You own a real treasure. Any of your brilliant creations can only be born from your soul. Let your mind allow her to do this. You just need to stop looking back at other people's experiences and stereotypical standards. Start creating your own standards. Literally, when faced with any problem, you need to formulate a question and give yourself time to solve it. You will see - the answer will come on its own - it is already in the space of options - your task is to intend to get it yourself. The only requirement: in order to “tune in” to the desired sector, you need to obtain basic knowledge and skills in this area. And then just listen sensitively to the voice of the heart, which speaks the language of intuition.


When you are thinking about what to do, only your mind is working. He analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, builds his concept so that it is rational and convincing, and at the same time listens to the opinions of others. Premonitions of the soul, as a rule, are not taken into account. In this sense, the mind is fast asleep. So let him, don’t interfere with him until he makes a decision. But the decision has been made. At this moment, don’t listen to anyone, wake up and realize: what feelings did you experience when the decision was made? The state of mental comfort will show the attitude of the soul towards the decision of the mind.


Whenever you need to make a decision, listen first to the voice of reason, and then to the feelings of the soul. Once the mind has made a decision, the soul reacts to that decision either positively or negatively. In the latter case, you will experience a vague feeling of mental discomfort. When the decision was made, a fleeting feeling came over you. At this moment, the mind was so absorbed in its analysis that it had no time for feelings. Now remember what that very first fleeting feeling was like. If it was a feeling of some kind of fleeting oppression against the backdrop of optimistic reasoning of the mind, then the soul clearly said “no”. If your soul says “no” and your mind says “yes”, feel free to refuse, if possible. The soul always knows exactly what it does not want. There is one simple and reliable algorithm for determining the spiritual “no”: if you have to convince yourself and persuade yourself to say “yes,” then the soul says “no.” Remember: when your soul says yes, you don't need to convince yourself.



When you are faced with a dilemma and don't know the exact answer, feel free to trust your intuition. If you rely on hunches, you will also make mistakes. But you will make incomparably more mistakes if you listen only to the voice of reason. If you need to make a decision, no one knows better than your soul what to do. It is often very difficult to understand what exactly your soul is telling you. But you can quite unambiguously determine whether she likes the decision of reason or not. Mental discomfort in response to a decision made by the mind is a reliable criterion of truth.


The mind thinks using established designations: symbols, words, concepts, diagrams, rules, and so on. The soul does not use these categories. She does not think or speak, but feels or knows. In addition, the mind is constantly busy with its chatter. He believes that everything can be reasonably explained and maintains constant control over all information. When mind control weakens, intuitive feelings and knowledge break through to consciousness. The mind was distracted and at that moment you felt the feelings or knowledge of the soul. This is the rustling of the morning stars - a voice without words, thoughts without thoughts, sound without volume. You understand something, but vaguely. Don’t think, but feel intuitively or just know. The soul has access to the field of information and can find answers to many questions, as well as protect you from wrong and dangerous steps if you listen to its voice. For example, if you are unusually anxious before a flight, it may be best to skip the flight. Or, when, when you first meet a person of the opposite sex, you have to convince yourself that he (she) is right for you, you can be sure that, with a high degree of probability, nothing good will come of the future relationship.



When defining your goal, ask yourself the question: do I really want this with all my soul, or do I just want to want it? If you have to persuade yourself, it means the goal is someone else’s. If the goal is yours, you won't have to convince yourself. Movement towards someone else's goal always leaves the holiday in an illusory future. Moving towards your goal, you are happy now. Someone else's goal is always violence against oneself, coercion, obligation. Someone else's goal appears under the guise of fashion and prestige, beckons with its inaccessibility, and forces you to prove something to yourself and everyone. Someone else’s goal is imposed on you by others, serves to improve someone else’s well-being. Look for Your purpose.


Someone else's goal causes mental discomfort. Decoys are usually very attractive. Your mind will enthusiastically describe in all colors the various advantages of the goal. But if, despite all the attractiveness of your goals, something oppresses you, you need to be honest with yourself. Of course, the mind doesn’t even want to listen to anything: everything is fine and wonderful. Then where does the gloomy shadow come from? When thinking about a goal, do not think about its prestige, inaccessibility and means of achieving it - pay attention only to the state of mental comfort. Imagine that you have reached your goal and everything is behind you. Are you feeling good or bad? Do not confuse mental constraint (or shyness: “Is this all for me?”) with discomfort. Mental discomfort is a painful feeling of oppression or burden, which manifests itself weakly against the background of optimistic reasoning of the mind. Mental constraint can be eliminated with the help of slides, discomfort - never.



Everyone owns a precious treasure - the uniqueness of their soul. Each soul has its own goal, on the path to which a person finds happiness. There is no happiness ahead - in the future. It is either here and now, or it is not there at all. The secret of true success is to free yourself from pendulums or choose your own path. Answer yourself the question: what is your soul, what will turn your life into a holiday? You should not be interested in any restrictions. Don't hesitate and order to the fullest. If the goal is yours, then at the thought of it the soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands with satisfaction.


The human soul can only vaguely guess what it wants. Reason must help her determine her goal. But the mind, in its characteristic manner, tries to seek the goal in a logical way. This is mistake. The task of the mind is not to look for a goal, but to recognize it in time. In the right place, at the right time, the soul itself will guess its own, and you will feel it. The main thing is to give the soul the opportunity to meet the goal. You need to expand your horizons: go somewhere you haven’t been before, see something you haven’t seen, let in new information, break out of the circle of everyday life. And then - maintain awareness and listen more carefully to the voice of the heart. Give yourself an indefinite period, do not squeeze yourself into a time frame and do not turn the search for a goal into a duty. Just keep this mindset in your mind: I’m looking for something that will turn my life into a holiday. The goal will come as an insight. When, faced with some information, you feel that your soul is on fire, and your mind is pondering it with pleasure and from all sides, then you can assume that you have found the very thing.



If you want to achieve your goal, you need to turn desire into strong intention. Dreams don't come true. Stop lusting after your target. It is already yours if you have the intention. Lust is part of failure: I want it so much, I just don’t have the strength, and at the same time I’m afraid that it won’t work out. Why am I afraid? Because I think not about the goal, but about the means to achieve it. Stop thinking about the means to achieve it. Your task is to think of the goal as a fait accompli - to spin the target slide in your thoughts. On the way to your goal, things will not happen as you expect, or nothing will happen at all. This should not discourage you. No matter how events unfold, keep a firm course towards the goal. Your motto: “I don’t want and I don’t hope – I intend.”


Your position in the space of options relative to the goal is the same as if you were in a boat on the open sea. In order to get to land, you need to swim all the time to the north, where the compass arrow points - the direction of your thoughts. While you imagine a picture of how you swim up to the ground and go ashore, your “arrow” is directed in the right direction. All that is required is to think about arrival and row. Only this and nothing more. But then the unhurried mind begins to fidget and disturb the rower: “Are we going there? And soon? What if we don’t have enough strength? What if the land is not there? Well, of course, we have to go in a completely different direction!” As a result, the compass needle begins to rush, and the boat constantly changes course. The mind does not see movement in the space of options, and therefore doubts and worries. He is used to being in control of the situation. The mind will calm down only if you give it a task during which it will understand what it is doing. So tell him not to rock the boat, but to keep the rudder on course. Controlling the train of thought is what the mind should do.



Each person has his own goal, on the path to which he reveals his talents and finds true happiness. If he does not realize his uniqueness, his divine power of the Creator and falls into an unconscious dream, the pendulums immediately take the dreamer into rotation, impose false goals and indicate a place in the matrix so that he becomes a cog working in the interests of the system. When a person moves towards someone else's goals, his life turns into serving a prison sentence. On the path to your goal, you find true happiness in this life. Your goal will turn your life into a holiday. Achieving your goal will attract the fulfillment of all other desires, and the results will exceed all your expectations. Look for the target. You will find her.


Do you even need to look for your goal? Indeed, many people don’t think about it - they just live, that’s all. More precisely, they do not live, but serve their sentence. Every day of such a life is similar to the other: routine work, the same faces, streets, walls, a very meager range of entertainment, the constant burden of worries and responsibilities, holidays - only on certain days (not by you). But there are people whose lives are bright and colorful, like at a carnival. Such lucky people, in essence, do not have everyday life, and “they work at work”, like playing a game, and every day for them is filled with a fireworks display of interesting events, joyful experiences, and meetings. Why is it like this for them, but not for me? Because these chosen ones of fate have found their path. There are only a few of these, but the rest have become prisoners of the matrix, ordinary elements of the system. The unique and omnipotent children of God, without realizing it, renounced their right to free choice and allowed the pendulums to turn their lives into an unconscious dream. Therefore, now the system decides for them what they want, how to live and what to strive for.



Seeing some unpleasant features in the reflection of the mirror, a person focuses on them and reflexively expresses his negative attitude, as a result of which everything becomes even worse than before. Reality in the reflection gradually fades after the image. This is how the layer of an individual’s world loses its former freshness of colors and becomes increasingly gloomy and uncomfortable. Stop picking on irritants and they will stop annoying you. Stop looking for problems - look for solutions. Finally, stop whining. After you change your attitude towards life, you will have a strong feeling that everything is going great, and it will be even better. Everything will simply be as it should be.


The tendency to have pessimistic expectations from the outside looks unattractive. The mood is like: “Oh, nothing will work out anyway!” - similar to sadomasochism. The pessimist gets perverted pleasure by reveling in his hard lot: “The world is so bad that there is nowhere else to go. That serves him right, and I along with him!” With the same fatal doom, the loser states his unenviable position: “All life is complete darkness, and there is no brightness in sight.” He does not want such a fate with all his might and therefore devotes all his mental energy to complaints and lamentations. But what can a mirror reflect if the image is full of dissatisfaction? What is the image: “I’m unhappy! I don’t want to!” – such is the reflection: “Yes, you are not happy, and you don’t want to.” Just the fact itself – no more, no less. And if this is the case, there are more reasons for discontent, which, in turn, further worsens a person’s relationship with the world. And so the former favorite and darling turns into a grouch deprived of fate, who always complains that the world, they say, owes him. Sad picture. The person does not understand that he himself ruined everything.



If it’s difficult for you now, you can always find support within yourself if you wake up and realize where the problematic situation came from. The danger comes not from the problem itself, but from your attitude towards it. Imbued with the importance of the problem, you give your energy to the pendulum. You need to realize that in any problematic situation, the pendulum requires you to either strain your strength and fight, or give up and succumb to despondency. You can't do either one or the other. But there is no support, the core of confidence is lost, what can we do? Confidence will come when you wake up and realize what the game is being played. You will grin to yourself: “Oh, is that you, pendulum? Hey, now you won’t catch me so easily.” You are no longer a puppet. You are free.


When a person is not familiar with the rules of the game, the world around him begins to seem frightening and hostile. And then the overwhelming feeling of loneliness and depression forces a person to fall asleep and submit to the will of circumstances. When faced with an annoying nuisance or a difficult problem, people give energy to the pendulum and feel anxiety, loss of strength, and the oppression of the situation. A person is either in a state of combat readiness, or his hands give up. Both are abnormal and lead to stress and depression. To gain support, people seize situations with cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, or other means. But as a result, they end up in the bondage of new pendulums. You just need to wake up and look at the game through the eyes of the viewer, without leaving the stage. All the pitfalls will immediately become visible, as if the sea had suddenly evaporated. Then you can find a fulcrum within yourself. Understanding what is happening around is already a lot. This knowledge alone brings reliable and calm self-confidence, because uncertainty stems from fear of the unknown. Now, knowing all this, you are able to turn life into a lucid dream in reality, and therefore gain control over the situation.



Look at everything around you through the eyes of an observer. You are a participant in the play and at the same time you play detachedly, noticing any movement in the environment. Don't insist on your script, let the world flow with the flow of options. This does not mean that you need to completely agree with everything. It’s one thing to close your eyes and surrender to the power of the flow that carries you away, and quite another to intentionally and consciously move with the flow. You yourself will understand where you should tighten the reins and where you need to give slack. Let go of the world and watch it move. Follow him like a wise mentor, leaving the youth freedom of choice, only occasionally pushing him in the right direction. You will see the world spin around you.


A person feels insecure when he is driven around with his eyes closed. The mind cannot come to terms with the fact that nothing is happening or events are not unfolding as planned. The mind is designed like a cybernetic machine: if the operating algorithm is disrupted, a red light comes on. The primitivism of the so-called common sense lies in the fact that it not only sets a stereotypical program of action, but also insists on it. In most cases, there is no need to take active action at all - it is quite enough to flexibly and gently follow what is happening. The flow of options, if not interfered with, directs the course of events along the most optimal course. It is necessary to turn the narrow-minded intention of the mind in the opposite direction - let it dynamically adjust its scenario, including everything unforeseen. This task is unusual for him, but it is the only effective means of getting out of the role of a kitten playing with a mirror. By consciously giving up control, you will gain real control over the situation.



Your soul did not come into the material world to suffer. But it is beneficial for pendulums that the struggle for a place in the sun be the norm. The soul came into this world as if it were a holiday - so allow yourself to do so. Only you can decide whether you will spend your whole life working in favor of a pendulum that is alien to you or whether you will live for yourself, for your own pleasure. If you choose a holiday, it means that you need to free yourself from the pendulums that bind you and find your goal and your door. Connect your mind with your soul and you will get everything your soul desires, literally and figuratively. Allow yourself the luxury of being worthy of the best.


We can't change this world. We have to put up with things that are beyond our control. Many restrictions and conventions literally lock the soul in a case. The mind, captured by pendulums, becomes the jailer of the soul and does not allow it to realize its abilities. A person is forced to behave as the world of pendulums requires: to express dissatisfaction, be irritated, fear, compete, fight. Be aware that this is just a game of pendulums. It is a game, and not a battle, because in essence, pendulums are like clay dummies. In this game, your options are limited only by your intention. The capabilities of pendulums are limited only by the level of your importance and awareness. If the importance is zero, the pendulums fall into the void. You will draw strength from the knowledge that you understand the rules of the game. As soon as you notice that the pendulum is trying to hook you and throw you off balance, grin to yourself and adamantly drop your importance. Then you will feel your strength and realize that you can determine the game scenario yourself. Having won the game with pendulums, you will gain freedom of choice.



When a person creates myths for himself, sooner or later they are debunked. If you don't want to be disappointed, follow the "rule of three don'ts." Don't overestimate the importance of anything - everything is not as important as it wants to seem. Don’t create idols for yourself - in fact, they are much more down-to-earth than they look. Don't embellish reality - everything is much more prosaic. Always strive to soberly assess reality.


When it seems that there is something somewhere that actually is not, excess potential arises, which distorts the surrounding energy picture. Equilibrium forces strive to eliminate the heterogeneity that has arisen, and their action in most cases is aimed at “debunking myths.” For example, a romantic and dreamy young man imagines his beloved as an “angel of pure beauty.” But in reality it turns out that she is a completely down-to-earth person, loves fun and is not at all inclined to share the tragic dreams of a young man in love. Or a woman paints a portrait of an ideal husband in her imagination. The stronger her conviction that he should be exactly this way, the stronger the excess potential created. Well, it can only be extinguished by a subject with qualities that are completely opposite. And vice versa: if a woman actively hates drunkenness and rudeness, she seems to fall into a trap and find herself an alcoholic or a rude person. A person receives something that he actively does not accept, and vice versa, if he begins to overly idealize something, equilibrium forces confront him with harsh reality.



If someone loves you, consider it a miracle. Even if you don’t have a reciprocal feeling, don’t neglect it, value this love very dearly, treat it with care. Think: this is truly a miracle! What if this person is the last one to love you? In the same way, value your love for another person, do not turn it into a relationship of dependence. Unconditional love - love without pretensions - is the only chance to evoke a reciprocal feeling. Give up the desire to receive and appropriate something, love just like that, without expecting anything, and then, perhaps, a miracle will happen - they will love you.


Imagine that you are standing in front of the mirror of the world. If your image is love, you will get the same thing in the reflection. But if the image contains a desire to achieve reciprocity, you should not hope to see a reciprocal feeling in the reflection - the mirror will only reflect your attempts to become loved. When love turns into a relationship of dependence, excess potential arises - an energetic “pressure drop”. Dependent relationships are determined by setting a condition like: “If you don’t marry me (don’t marry me), then you don’t love me. If you love me, then you’re good. If you don’t love me, you’re bad.” The stronger the desire for possession, that is, reciprocal love, the stronger the action of equilibrium forces that will do everything “out of spite.” Love without conditions, without the right of possession, does not create relationships of dependence and generates creative, positive energy. Only unconditional love can create a miracle - reciprocal love.



Comparing yourself with others creates an inferiority complex if you underestimate your merits, or a superiority complex if you overestimate. Both the first and the second are ugly. Realize: you are forced to compare yourself with a certain standard by pendulums, which benefit from everyone walking in step in the same formation. Turn your “failure to meet standards” into self-sufficiency. Take the right to be different from everyone else. Break the pendulum rule: “Be like me, do like me.” Always follow the Transurfing rule: “Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different.” When you leave the formation, he will follow you as the new standard.


Don't imagine that everyone around you attaches the same importance to your shortcomings or strengths as you do. In reality, everyone is concerned only with their own person, so you can calmly throw off this titanic burden. The far-fetched need to “be cool” very often pushes people to imitate others who have achieved the title of “cool”. Mindlessly copying someone else's script will create nothing more than a parody. Everyone has their own script. You just need to choose your credo and live in accordance with it. For example, leaders in any group are those who live in accordance with their creed. The leader became such because he freed himself from the obligation to consult with others about what to do. He does not need to imitate anyone, he simply set his own worthy assessment, he knows what to do, does not curry favor with anyone and does not try to prove anything to anyone. When you give yourself a decent rating, everyone around you will automatically agree.



You are truly a unique person. In your uniqueness you have no competitors. Give yourself the right to your uniqueness, and you will gain a huge advantage over those who follow the beaten path. If you strive to become the same as him (her), you will not succeed. Be yourself. Allow yourself this luxury. If you put on the mask of an existing star, it will either be a copy or a parody. You don't become a star by imitating others. When you stop trying to be like someone else, you will succeed. When you stop repeating the miracle experience, you will succeed. When you yourself recognize the magnificence of your individuality, everything will work out for you - others will have no choice but to agree with it.


The fact that you deserve the best and are capable of anything is hidden from you very carefully. You are told that you will be naive if you believe in your unlimited capabilities. but quite the opposite is the case. You are capable of creating magnificent masterpieces, making brilliant discoveries, achieving outstanding results in sports, business, and any professional activity. To do this, you just need to turn to your soul. She has access to any knowledge, creations and achievements. The challenge is to allow yourself to be yourself. Have the masks you wear every day helped you achieve success, prosperity, happiness? You don't need to change yourself, it will just be another mask. If you throw off the masks imposed by pendulums, the treasure hidden in your soul will be revealed. you truly deserve all the best, because you are truly a wonderful, amazing, unique creature. Just allow yourself to be like that.

73. Stinginess of Mind.


A person whose mind is captured by pendulums is forced to put up with many restrictions and fulfill his assigned role in the imposed game. Do not believe the arguments of the mind, which is trying to convince you of the unreality of the desired goal, remember - it is enclosed within the framework of stereotypes. After all, life ends, but the dream remains lying in a dusty box. A mind without a soul can do very little in this world. Together they are capable of anything, because the merging of soul and mind gives birth to magical power - external intention. Don't give up on your dreams just because some phony authorities have taken the right to determine what is real and what is not. Take your right to have a personal miracle.


The mind treats the soul like a child who asks for a toy in a store. The answers of the mind are usually standard, for example: “We don’t have the money for this. Nonsense! I know better what you need. But where are we, we are simple people. This is unrealistic. This is not given to everyone. You do not have the data and abilities. "What do you care about her (him)? You have to live like everyone else, within your means!"

The mind has its own logic, imposed by pendulums, which benefit from keeping adherents on a leash and not even giving them the freedom to choose a dream. The soul has no logic at all; it understands everything literally. The mind insists that there is no money. But the soul asks not for money, but for a toy! The mind, citing the fact that there is no money, puts a ban on the toy (this is unrealistic, difficult to achieve), and the soul can only doomedly withdraw into itself, and not remind anyone else about the toy. The funeral of my dreams took place. The mind cannot imagine how this dream can be realized, so it does not let it into the layer of its world - after all, everything in life should be logical and understandable. But you just need to agree to have it, then the external intention will take care of the means.



What makes a person chosen? A unique path, unique to him. As soon as you go your own way, all the treasures of the world will be revealed to you. And then others will look at you and wonder how you managed it. Allow yourself the audacity to not care about the stereotypes of pendulums. Allow yourself the audacity to believe in the limitless possibilities of your soul. Allow yourself the boldness to have the right to your magnificent individuality. If the mind allows, the soul will find a way to realize the dream. Feel free to order "to the fullest." Be realistic - demand the impossible.


Whatever goal you set for yourself, achieving it will be difficult to achieve within the framework of a rational worldview. The stereotype of a goal being difficult to reach is the most persistent. The mind will try to answer the question: "How to achieve this?" Let your soul say to your mind: “Shut up, this is not your concern, we are choosing a toy!” At the threshold of choice, you should not be interested in any restrictions. Do you want to have a boat? What about your own yacht? Do you want an apartment? What about your mansion? Do you want to become a department head? What about the position of president of a corporation? Did you want to buy an inexpensive plot of land and build a summer house? What about your island in the Mediterranean Sea? Do you want to work hard to get a lot of money? What about not working at all and living for your own pleasure? They're like, "What about...?" we can continue ad infinitum. You can't even imagine how small your needs are compared to what you can get if you walk through your door towards your goal.

75. MONEY.


First of all, you need to move towards your goal, then money will be added automatically as an accompanying attribute. Well, while you are not on Your path, remember one rule: think not about the fact that there is not enough money, but about the fact that there is money. We need to focus on this fact. There is money. How many is not important, the main thing is that they exist. And there will be even more. Receive money with love and joy, and part with carelessness. Don't "hustle." The more you squeeze, the less you will get. Do not accumulate large sums without a specific purpose, otherwise you will lose everything. Create a movement. Funds flow through a pipe and not through a reservoir.


A poor person at store counters counts every penny, figures out how to save money, spends very sparingly and constantly complains about high prices. My thoughts are fixed on one thing: there is not enough money. This is his mental template that is realized in reality. How could it be otherwise? After all, he is standing in front of the mirror. You need to think not about the fact that there is not enough money, but about the fact that there is money. After all, there is always at least something in your wallet. If you don’t have enough money for the purchase yet, don’t regret it, just put it off for later. You know the funds will be available soon. This way you form an appropriate image, which will gradually be reflected in reality.

There is also one very powerful ritual. Pick up all the abandoned small coins that no one needs, especially rusty ones that no one will pick up again. carefully put them in the box, repeating the thought form: “You are at home, my dear coins, I will take care of you, and you call money to me. I take care of money, and money loves me and comes to me.” Try it and see



Everyone is free to choose whatever they want, but not everyone believes that this is allowed to them. If you feel insecure, trying on dizzying success, wealth, fame, then this is not part of your comfort zone. And what is not part of your comfort zone will not become yours. And yet the zone can be expanded. Create your dream slide in your head and keep it in your mind at all times. Return to the picture you painted again and again. Savor the details, draw new details, learn to see yourself in a new guise. You deserve the best. everything is real. There are no limits. Boundaries only exist in your head.


Positive slides help you bring the incredible into your comfort zone. When you stop experiencing mental discomfort from the thought that your dream is available to you, doubts will disappear and faith will turn into knowledge. The soul will come into agreement with the mind, and you will have the determination to have. It is useless to convince the soul of anything. She does not reason, but knows. It can only be taught. She must get used to her new comfort zone. If you still feel unsure and do not know how your goal can be realized, do not worry and continue to calmly and systematically visualize the slide. When the goal is completely within your comfort zone, your outer intention will open the door to your dream world. This fortress is taken by a long siege.



You are as alone as you want to be. Any inanimate object turns into an entity and becomes your ally if you treat it as if it were alive. So, you can get yourself a talisman - some kind of toy - and seriously believe that it is alive and helps you. Everything that surrounds you: houses, trees, furniture, dishes, household appliances, cars, computers - will help you and take care of you if you decide so. Don't ask for anything from your allies, but treat them as a mirror of the world - be sure that they care about you - know this and repeat from time to time.


Just as the physical body can give birth to its own kind, so can the soul. When you think of an object as a living being, your thought form turns into a kind of energetic entity - a phantom endowed with a “virtual soul”. Phantoms are invisible and intangible because they are in metaphysical space. Nevertheless, after birth they exist objectively and are capable, like any thought forms, of influencing material reality. So, if you want, you can safely animate the objects around you and communicate with them as with living beings. Treat them kindly, look after them with love, and they will repay you in kind. For example, if you treat your car as if it were an animate and dear entity, its “soul” will protect you from an accident. And when you have to throw away something, don’t be too lazy to thank it. Don't worry: as soon as you forget about the abandoned item, its "virtual soul" will cease to exist.



Perhaps you are having a hard time and have no one to lean on? Then you can create yourself a guardian angel. If you believe in an angel, he exists for you, and vice versa, if you do not believe, then he does not exist for you. Just knowing that there is an entity that cares about you gives an additional balance of confidence. Never be offended by your angel, and certainly don’t get angry. You have no idea what troubles he is trying to protect you from to the best of his ability. As you rejoice at your success, do not forget to thank the angel and remind him that you love him. He will become stronger and will repay you handsomely.


From personal experience I realized that this book is not for the lazy, it is not enough to just read it, you need to work on it. Otherwise everything will be a waste of time. “Reality Transurfing” fell into my hands 6 years ago, first in an audio version and then in printed form. To better understand this esoteric teaching, both options are needed. Vadim Zeland in his book encourages you to allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be different. The author suggests a way to achieve the goal - by constantly scrolling through the “target slide” in your head. At the same time, one must not be afraid of defeat, discard the importance of the goal, and leave only the intention - the determination to have and act.

This book came to me during a difficult period of my life - nothing was going well with my job, and they didn’t hire me where I wanted to work. I began to use the visualization technique described in the book, followed the principle of coordination, scrolled through the target slide in my head, and not just scrolled, but imagined as if I already had the job I wanted, how comfortable and good I felt. I stopped being afraid whether it would work out or not. As a result, the circumstances turned out favorably - they hired me to work there! I can’t give other examples yet, because I’m too lazy to work on other goals.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the condensed content of the book, which I worked on, removing all the “water” and leaving the most key points of the book. This is kind of my cheat sheet, because over time everything is forgotten, and in order not to read the entire book again, I simply look through the condensed text and refresh forgotten knowledge.

Transurfing reality changed my whole life a few years ago. If you don't control reality, it controls you. This phrase began my acquaintance with this reality control technique. As a rule, a person thinks that he is a follower in this huge world. But is this really so? And when you get acquainted with Transurfing, you realize that everything is just the opposite. Reality is just a reflection that can be controlled. But for this you need to “wake up”.

What is Transurfing?

Transurfing reality is a new model of perceiving the world, a fundamentally different way of acting and thinking in such a way as to achieve what you want. This is a powerful technique that gives the opportunity to create incredible things, in the opinion of the average person, namely, to control your reality...

Transurfing is based on the concept of the duality of our world - that it consists of two parts - the physical and metaphysical sides of reality.

The physical world is understandable to everyone - we live in it, move, see it.

The metaphysical world is our energy, feelings, thoughts.

And Reality Transurfing teaches us how to control the metaphysical world or our inner world, because the physical or outer world is just a dual mirror.

Indeed, we are constantly on the outside. We have taken some action and can clearly see its consequences. Everything is logical. But we often do not realize what allows us to carry out these very actions. Those. the action itself, by nature, is already a consequence, and the root cause is our thoughts on this or that occasion, the sensations of what is happening and the direction of energy towards something. And the trouble for many is that no one teaches us internal control. Therefore, we are accustomed to thinking that it happens by itself.

But remember that in life nothing happens, but is created. And you are the creator of your reality.

You just need to “wake up from your sleep” and become more aware. If at every moment of your life you are aware of where you are, what you are doing and why, then you will learn to really manage your life. And if you are “sleeping,” then any external influence will influence you and lead you off the right path. It was Vadim Zeland’s books that helped me “wake up” and realize my power as a creator.

Books by Vadim Zeland: review and my opinion

Vadim Zeland is the author of the term Reality Transurfing and a series of books of the same name. However, Zeland clarifies that he does not consider himself the author of transurfing as such, the knowledge was transferred to him in a transcendental way. Vadim Zeland began writing his books back in 2002, when he was working as an IT specialist at work. After writing his first book, he contacted many publishing houses, but no one wanted to publish the book. And then he decided to try to test Reality Transurfing in his life.

According to all the rules of Transurfing, Zeland created the intention for himself to become a famous writer and begin to move his legs towards his goal. He created a newsletter on the Subscribe service, where he posted excerpts from his first books in the form of articles. Reality Transurfing quickly aroused the interest of a large number of people. The number of subscribers increased every day. Soon publishing houses paid attention to him and in 2004 his first book was published. Now Vadim Zeland’s books are read all over the world, and reality transurfing has become a philosophy of life for many, including me.

But it didn’t happen right away. I started reading Reality Transurfing several times and gave up on the first or second book, completely not understanding what the story was about. Somehow it didn’t work and that’s it. My mind was simply not yet ready to perceive such information. And only after 3 times I was able to read all of Zealand’s books. Of course, there were a lot of insights after reading it. And with an inner feeling I realized that this vision of the world suits me very much.

Firstly, you need to read Vadim Zeland's books in order. Otherwise, nothing will be clear at all. Set yourself a goal for a month, three or even a year. Take and read all of Zealand's books slowly. This is a large series of sequential books. After reading them, I am sure you will get answers to many of your questions in all of them. Believe me! It's worth it. I personally came to a large number of interesting insights. And I still reread it from time to time and find something new for myself.

Here are Vadim Zeland's books in order:

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 1. Space of options" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 2. The rustle of morning stars" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 3. Forward to the past" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 4. Reality Management" (2004)

“Transurfing of reality. Stage 5. Apples fall into the sky" (2005)

"Reality Maker" (2006)

"Forum of Dreams" (2006)

“Practical transurfing course in 78 days” (2008)

"Tarot of the Space of Options" (2009)

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"Apocryphal Transurfing" (2010)

“Hacking a Technogenic System” (2012)

“Clip-Transurfing. Principles of reality management" (2013)

“CLIBE. The end of the illusion of herd safety" (2013)

"Projector of a Separate Reality" (2014)

"clean food. A book about clean, simple and strong food" (2015)

“Tafti priestess. Walking Live in a Movie" (2017)

“Priestess Itfat” (2018)

“What Tufte Didn’t Tell” (2019)

Secondly, Reality Transurfing is esoteric knowledge. And, unfortunately or fortunately, it is not for everyone. You need to have at least some interest in esotericism. Personally, I discovered a lot for myself: the space of options, quantum consciousness, the influence of internal energy on matter, some of the laws by which the Universe works, the power of intention, and so on. For all this you need to be a person with an open mind, which absorbs new knowledge like a sponge. Otherwise, we can say that everything written in these books is complete nonsense. That's how it was for me in the beginning. But everything has its time. If you need this at this stage of your self-development, then you will definitely read everything.

Thirdly, I recommend reading Vadim Zeland’s books only to “people of action.” Those. there is certain knowledge. It works, it has already been 100% tested from my own experience. But everything works if you follow all the principles of Transurfing. And these principles are not just advice like meditate in the morning or set goals for the year. No. These are some laws by which it is possible to control your reality. And for them to work, their awareness is necessary, which is only possible through practice. Reality Transurfing is not just another “magic pill” that will help you with everything at once. It needs to be constantly practiced. Only then will changes begin to occur.


Pavel Bagryantsev about Reality Transurfing! Razvodilovo or there is some truth!

Principles of Transurfing in 78 days

So, in order to become a Reality Maker, you will first need to study all 78 principles of transurfing. There is no consistency in them. Each principle does not need to be practiced every day, but only when the life situation requires it. Let’s say that in one situation you will need to “extinguish the pendulum”, and in another you need to trust your intuition or reduce the degree of importance of your attitude towards something.

Over time, the principles of Transurfing will begin to integrate into you and you will naturally apply them. Soon you will have your favorite ones who will help you the most. I have 10 of these.


Your world is what you think about it. The world is just a mirror. It reflects your attitude towards him. The world always agrees with you, no matter what you do. If we want love, then we need to fill ourselves with love. If we want recognition and rewards, then we must respect and value ourselves first. Therefore, work more with your inner world. Don't try to change the external, always change the internal. Only by changing our inner state, directing our thoughts and inner sensations to what we really want, can we change our “mirror image”.


As has been said long ago and more than once, “let it be done to you according to your faith.” And indeed it is. But how to believe in yourself? Convincing yourself is useless. You just need to start practicing according to the principles of Reality Transurfing and get the first results. External intention will open the doors to a world where the impossible becomes possible. When you see that Transurfing works, you will no longer need faith - you will have Knowledge. Never give in to other people's influence. Believe in yourself. Start taking action and you will see how what seemed incredible comes true.


You should not take a path that “has no heart.” On this path, a complete discord arises between the soul and the mind. You will constantly feel some kind of internal discomfort, uncertainty, depression. If the path “has a heart,” you can feel it in your gut. You are always full of inspiration and energy. Many, unfortunately, do not follow their own path all their lives and do not understand why there is no happiness, no success, no wealth. When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world comes up to match. Look for Your path, on which the Soul will rejoice every day, and life will simply turn into one big holiday.


We often overestimate the importance of certain things. And importance causes unbalanced feelings and reactions: dissatisfaction, anxiety, excitement, affection, and so on. It throws you off balance. Let me give you a simple example. It is always important for us to please the opposite sex on the first date. And because of this importance, we are constantly worried not to ruin everything. And, as a rule, we end up ruining everything. Everything goes wrong. Reduce the level of importance and everything will be 5+. And there are a lot of such situations in life. We artificially inflate the importance of many things. When you begin to understand the illusory nature of many problems, you can deliberately reduce their importance.


Make it a habit to repeat in any situation: “My world takes care of me.” When faced with any, even the most insignificant circumstances, repeat this phrase to yourself. If you encounter luck, do not forget to confirm it. State this in every detail. When you are faced with an annoying situation, still say that the world cares about you. In life, you need to understand that the Universe is your friend. You need to learn to trust, they only wish you good things. Be grateful for everything. Thank your world for helping you at every step of your amazing life.


It is necessary to enter into balance with the world around you and trust the flow of options. Learn to let go of the situation, become not a participant, but an observer. Make it a rule to do everything in the easiest way. If something in life does not happen as expected, then you need to let go of your grip and accept the unforeseen scenario of your life. Man is accustomed to overcoming obstacles - rowing against the current, and this habit forces him to look for complex solutions to simple problems. If you do not resist, but simply observe, then the solution will come on its own, and the most optimal one.


Why do many wishes not come true? Because many people act only within the framework of physical reality, guided by common sense. This is ineffective. It is also necessary to work with the metaphysical world. In order for your thought form to be fixed in material reality, you need to systematically reproduce it, i.e. play a slide in your mind where the goal has already been achieved. Therefore, practice this principle of Transurfing every day by doing visualization. Don't think about how the goal will be achieved. In due time, outer intention will give you opportunities that you may not even suspect.


When you need to solve a dilemma and you don’t know what to do, then feel free to trust your intuition. Yes, by trusting your intuition, you will also make mistakes, but much less than by trusting your reason. If you need to make a decision, then no one knows better than your soul what to do. The mind thinks, but the Soul knows. She has access to a field of information and can find answers to many questions. The rustling of the morning stars is a voice without words, thoughts without thoughts, sound without volume.


Realize that you are truly a unique individual. In your uniqueness you have no competitors. Follow your own path and you will gain a great advantage over those who follow the already trodden path. Be yourself. Allow yourself this luxury already. Yes, it's very scary. We think what others will think of us. We are afraid to stand out from the crowd and do what others are not doing. But you don’t want to be a parody all your life, take off the mask. When you stop being like someone else, everything will work out for you. Never compare yourself to others and their achievements. Everyone can create their own masterpieces of art, achieve outstanding results in sports, business or any other professional activity.


First of all, you need to move towards your goal, then money will be added automatically as an accompanying attribute. First your goal, and then the opportunity to have money. But many just want money. This does not work. Money is not attracted to money. They only serve a purpose. Therefore, you must have your own Ambitious Goal in life. If you don’t have one yet, then remember at least one rule: think not about the fact that you don’t have enough money, but about the fact that you have it. There is money. How many is not important, the main thing is that they exist. And there will be even more. Receive money with love and joy, and part with carelessness. Create money flow. Be their guide. Funds flow through a pipe and not through a reservoir.


Vadim Zeland. How to become a millionaire! Allow yourself to HAVE!

20 best quotes from books by Vadim Zeland

If you don't control reality, it begins to control you.

If you stubbornly and adamantly spin Your movie in your thoughts and step towards the Goal, reality will sooner or later come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - this is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it also depends on you. The question is who owns the Initiative.

Don't think - act. If you can't act, don't think.

The higher the significance of the goal, the less likely it is to achieve it.

What does it mean to reduce the importance of a goal? Go to her like going to a kiosk to get a newspaper.

Your choice is always implemented. What you choose is what you get.

The secret of fulfilling a desire is that you need to give up the desire, and in return take intention, that is, the determination to have and act.

Pure intention is the unity of desire and action in the absence of significance.

Let yourself be yourself... Let others be different...

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away from you. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes to meet you halfway.

In order to achieve true success, you must stop following conventional standards and go your own way.

It is not conventional beauty that makes a strong impression, but successfully emphasized individuality.

There is no need to rush, you will manage everything in due time.

Unconditional love is a feeling without ownership, admiration without worship. In other words, it does not create a relationship of dependence between the one who loves and the object of his love.

We are all guests in this world. No one has the right to condemn something that was not created by them.

For most people, the soul has turned into a frightened, powerless creature that huddles in a corner and sadly watches what the rabid mind gets up to.

The only obstacle to the fulfillment of desire is artificially created importance.

When Solomon was faced with trouble or a difficult problem, he would turn the ring and read the following words: “This too shall pass.”

Don't think about money - think only about what you want to get.

Meet your money with love and attention, and part with it carefree.

Read Zeland's books! Practice Transurfing! Control Reality!

Good luck! All the best!

Today I have prepared bomb material for you aboutreality transurfing. This information will help not only fulfill desires one after another, but also understand how it works in practice. I recommend reading this article to skeptics and those who still doubt the power of thought.

And if you know that with the help of thoughts you can change the future, but you lack practical knowledge of exactly how to do this correctly and safely,

Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing- are you familiar with this system?

You agree that our world exists according to certain laws and principles. According to them, absolutely every person can change their life and make their desires come true. The world ceases to exist as something invariably external and material. Reality has the ability to adapt to human will.

Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zelandis an amazing, powerful life management system. According to him, we are able to customize our thoughts and get the future that we imagine in our heads.

Transurfing is a way of shaping individual reality according to your desire and taste.

The problem is that for manyreality transurfingis something complex and incomprehensible.

If you want to understand the basics of transurfing, I recommend that you study Vadim Zeland’s book “Practical transurfing course in 78 days.” It will not only help you understand the intricacies of the powerful system of materializing desires, but will also introduce you to the basic principles of transurfing.

In this article I will share with you 10 key rules that I have learned fromreality transurfing by Vadim Zeland.

1. Awaken awareness- the first rule of reality transurfing

Wake up here and now! Realize and remember: all people are dreamers, and everything that happens around is nothing more than a dream. Only this dream no longer has power over you. You woke up in a dream, which means you have gained the ability to influence the course of events. Your advantage is awareness.

Remember, your strength lies in awareness. In other words, in order to change the world, you need to be aware of yourself and your ability to change this world.

The important rule of transurfing is not to get involved in the illusion of reality, being nervous and experiencing the ups and downs of harsh reality, but to understand that this is a rather illusory world, and only in your ability to change it in accordance with your desires.

Awareness is a necessary condition for external intention to work for you. Mindfulness helps us hear our inner voice, our intuition.

Many people confuse awareness and total control over everything. On the contrary, awareness is the ability to become an observer (Watcher) and look at the situation from the outside. The ability to “wake up”, free yourself from the influence of systems and start playing by your own rules.

Mindfulness is not control, but observation.

How to engage and maintain a state of mindfulness:

1. Look at those around you who are caught up in reality and are not self-aware.

2. Listen to the noise of the city, look around the place where you are.

3. Remind yourself that you are “woke”, become aware of yourself.

2. Use the illusion of reflection - the second rule of reality transurfing

It seems to you that you are under the power of circumstances that you cannot change. In fact, this is an illusion - a prop, which can be easily destroyed if desired. You are unconsciously walking in a vicious circle.

Remember the mirror principle. The fact is that reality is formed as a reflection of your thoughts. What happens is something like this: you observe reality - you create a thought - you see confirmation of the thought in reality.

It turns out to be a vicious circle from which it is quite difficult to get out. The principle is to break this system: “what I see is what I sing” and begin to generate absolutely creative thoughts.

What does it mean? Let me explain.

According to reality transurfing, it is necessary to change the course of events. Look first into yourself, see your desires, choose your thoughts and intend to get what you want, only then look at reality. And no matter what happens around you, be unshakable in your choice to ignore the unwanted reality for now.


You just need to switch your attention from the reflection to the image itself.

In other words, you need to start completely controlling your thoughts and ignoring reality. Think not about what you see every day and try to avoid, but about what you want to get and what you want to see tomorrow.

3. Cultivate self-love - the third rule of reality transurfing

If you don't love yourself, then they won't love you either. Moreover, you will never be happy. Any conflict between soul and mind negatively affects appearance and character. Accordingly, the layer of your world takes on increasingly darker shades.

Indeed, not only Zeland speaks about self-love in reality transurfing, but also many other famous people. Self-love is key in our mirror world. If there is no self-love, the world has nothing to reflect to you.

Very often, the main obstacle to “how to love yourself” is such a concept as appearance, external beauty or its flaws. The world has its own standards of beauty, which we may not meet, and any deviation from the standard/norm always gives rise to complexes.

But believe me, these are just imposed standards of the illusory world. Ask yourself questions:

1. Do you value other people’s views/other people’s opinions/other people’s merits too highly?

2. Do you often force yourself to follow other people's standards?

3. Who told you that you are worse? Why did you decide so?

I suggest you push off the pedestal the idols of beauty that you are used to worshiping and trying to imitate. Create your own standards!

You are the ideal of beauty, it is your parameters, your clothing style and your face type that are the ideal. Let the whole world and other women chase your beauty standards to emulate.

The next step is to shift attention to your strengths and forgive yourself for your shortcomings (you are allowed to turn them into advantages).

4. Hack stereotypes - the fourth rule of reality transurfing

If they tell you that you were born into poverty and therefore have to live your life that way, don’t believe it. If you are told that your capabilities are limited, do not believe it.

He suggests turning everything “upside down” and thinking the other way around.

Your “common sense” beliefs, the attitudes that were instilled in you since childhood, ultimately shape your reality today. If you want to live life to the fullest, if you want to get the most out of life, you need to get rid of limiting beliefs and attitudes.

AND reality transurfing Zealandwill help you with this. Using transurfing, you become a true creator who denies your predetermined fate and denies all limiting and destructive beliefs.

You can achieve whatever you want if you can destroy the boundaries and prejudices that are imposed by society and have become the core of your common sense.

5. Form the desired images - the fifth rule of reality transurfing

In order for a thought form to be fixed in material reality, it must be reproduced systematically. You may not believe that everything is so trivial. Ordinary, routine work and no magic. But it really works.

First, determine what desired reality you dream of? Create an image. Once the desired image has been formed, you can visualize it.

But remember, visualizing your desired reality is a job that must be done regularly. Visualizations done several times will not work.

The fact is that materializing what you want is really real work; it’s not enough to get excited and dream a couple of times; if you really want to make your dream come true, you need to constantly visualize.

Zealand in reality transurfing speaks:

If the mind does not conflict with the dictates of the heart, an incomprehensible force arises - an external intention that materializes a sector of the space of options corresponding to the way of thinking.

But regular visualizations are sometimes not enough. Why? You ask. The fact is that you must be completely and completely in harmony with yourself and with your desire, be on the same vibrational wavelength with what you want in order to pull it out of the many options - into reality.

How do you know if there are inconsistencies?

If there is disharmony with yourself, fears, doubts, negative thoughts - know that what you want is very far from you, even if you visualize regularly.

It is necessary to train your mind to think correctly in accordance with your desires and control your thoughts.

Before we move on to the next 5 rules, I want you to take a close look at this.

6. Create and Maintain a Target Slide - The sixth rule of reality transurfing

When you visualize, the layer of your world moves in the space of options to those sectors where the goal is achieved. Don't think about how this can happen. The target slide must be present in your thoughts.

Be sure to maintain intention, be clear about your thoughts, do not allow your mind to build scenarios, think: “How will I get this?”

You need to completely trust the world, the Universe - your intention is heard, work on yourself is underway. And now create complete calm.

Your intention to get what you want will attract many opportunities and events that will lead you to the final, desired goal, therefore, you should not doubt and worry “how will I achieve what I want?”

Another quote fromReality Transurfing Zealand:

Pretend as if everything is really happening. Imagine all the new details.

Another important point: experience emotions in visualization, daily experience feelings of joy and delight as if what you want has already been achieved, as if you are already living in the reality you dream of.

7. Remember about destructive pendulums - the seventh rule of reality transurfing

Groups of people thinking in the same direction create energy-informational structures - pendulums. These structures begin to develop independently and subject people to their laws. People do not realize that they are unwittingly acting in the interests of pendulums.

Pendulums - confrontation, conflicts and aggression - the release of negative energy.

When equal Forces come into conflict, pendulums inevitably appear in order to recreate a surge of negative energy.

The job of pendulums is to drive you crazy. To lead you astray from your intended path, because when you get involved in negative emotions and the illusion of the world, you enter into the game of the pendulum, forgetting about your intention.

You send negative emotions into the world, which in turn attract even more negative situations into your life, the pendulum swings and thus, you move further and further from the goal, from the intention.

When you find yourself in an unwanted situation or receive bad news, you lose your balance.

How to prevent pendulums from swinging and creating more and more negative situations?

To get rid of the pendulum, you need to recognize the right to its existence, calm down and become indifferent to it, i.e. just ignore it.

There are several ways to avoid the influence of pendulums.

Method number 1. Failure

Method number 2. Cancellation

Let's look at each of them.

To fail the action of the pendulum, you need to stop giving your energy to it. It will help you with thiscomplete indifference. If some situation annoys you, try to “turn off your head” and become an outside observer, and not a participant in the battles.

The main rule of extinguishing a pendulum is not to play with it. Change your behavior in a stressful situation. Take control of your emotions.

Let's look at an example. A negative situation has already happened. Change your standard reaction to the opposite reaction, react differently. Use actions that are in dissonance with the pendulum.

Instead of fear - confidence;

Instead of despondency - enthusiasm;

Instead of indignation - indifference;

Instead of irritation - joy.

The fact is that if you do not resist the pendulums and throw out negative emotions and get involved in the illusion of the world, you attract even more negative situations and even more problems into your life.

8. Control your destiny, don’t go with the flow - the eighth rule of reality transurfing

When a person takes control into his own hands, his life ceases to depend on circumstances.

Take responsibility for your life, give up the idea that you depend on circumstances and situations. Realize that life does not happen to you and there is no predetermined one single path - called fate.

There is only you and the content of your consciousness. What you believe in happens to you.

You yourself have the right to decide exactly how your life will turn out, it all depends on your content and your thinking.

Any of your attitudes, beliefs in which you sacredly believe, inevitably already exist in your reality. Hoping for fate and the fact that it is predetermined by someone, you leave your life to chance.

And it’s difficult to predict what will happen to you in this case...

If you are a positive person and are able to attract positive situations and moments into your life, on an intuitive level - great. What if you are a pessimist and are used to being sad, drowning in sadness? What then are you able to attract into your life?


Wake up here and now! Realize and remember: all people are dreamers, and everything that happens around is nothing more than a dream. Only this dream no longer has power over you. You woke up in a dream, which means you have gained the ability to influence the course of events. Your advantage is awareness. Feel your power. The power is always with you if you remember it. Now everything will be the way you want.


Your birth in this life was a new awakening after a series of past incarnations - dreams of reality. From the moment you were born, you had amazing abilities. You knew how to listen to the rustling of the morning stars, distinguish an aura, communicate with animals and birds; the whole world seemed to you as a wonderful extravaganza of luminous energy, and you were a wizard - you could control this energy. But soon you again, succumbing to the influence of others, plunged into a dream. Dreamers constantly and purposefully fixed your attention on only one physical aspect of reality. As a result, all magical abilities were lost. Don't you think so? that life passes as if in a dream, where it is not you who control reality, but it controls you? It's time to regain your former strength.

2. Dream hacking.


Realize that your life is a game that has been imposed on you. As long as you are immersed in this game, you are not able to objectively assess the situation and influence the course of events in any significant way. First, go down to the auditorium, look around with a clear gaze and say to yourself: at the moment I am awake and aware of where I am, what is happening, what I am doing and why. And then get up on stage and continue playing, remaining a spectator. Now you have a huge advantage - awareness. You have hacked this game and gained the ability to control it.


In a dream, you are at the mercy of circumstances, because the mind is dormant and resignedly accepts everything as it is, as if everything is going as it should. In reality, approximately the same thing happens. It seems to you that reality exists independently of you, and you are unable to influence it. You have almost come to terms with your lot - the set of abilities given to you and the environmental conditions in which you have to exist. All that remains is to go with the flow of fate, from time to time making weak attempts to declare your rights. Is it really impossible to change anything? As much as possible! And you will do it. Until now, you have been aware of reality the way you were taught to do so. Now realize reality as a dream. Only in a lucid dream are you able to truly control the situation. On stage, everyone has their own role and everyone interacts with you in some way: expects something from you, imposes something, asks or demands, helps or hinders, loves or hates. Look at this game consciously, from the outside, and then you yourself will understand everything.

3. Child of God


Each of us has a piece of God. You are his child, and your life is God’s dream. By controlling reality with the power of your intention, you fulfill His Will. Your intention is God's intention. How can you doubt that it will be fulfilled? To do this, you just need to take this right for yourself. When you ask God, it is the same as if God asked himself. Can God ask of himself? Is there anyone from whom God can demand something for himself? He will take whatever he wants anyway. Don't ask, don't demand, don't achieve. Shape your reality with conscious intention.


Our world is a theater of dreams, where God acts as a spectator, screenwriter, director and actor at the same time. As a spectator, He watches the play unfold on the stage of the world. Being an actor, He experiences and feels everything the same as the being whose role is performed. God creates and controls reality through the intention of all things. Together with the soul, He put part of His intention into every living creature and sent it into a dream - life. God has given every living being the freedom and power to shape their reality to the extent of their awareness. Almost all living beings do not use intention consciously and purposefully. While in an unconscious dream, they seem to vaguely want something, without really understanding what exactly. The intention turns out to be vague, unclear, unaccountable. Man in this sense has advanced no further than animals. Pendulums managed to deprive people of awareness of their abilities, but even pervert the meaning of life itself, replacing service to God with worship. In fact, the purpose of life, as well as service to God itself, lies in co-creation - creation with Him.

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