State program for the development of education in the coming years. State program for the development of education in the coming years Senator Liliya Gumerova spoke about the initiative at the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper

To improve the quality and accessibility of education, as well as the comfort and safety of schoolchildren’s education, in 2016, within the framework of the Education Development project, the state program “School 2025” began to operate.

Current problems of the education system

Currently in many schools Russian Federation Training is carried out in two or three shifts. Schools are overcrowded. Some of them are insufficiently equipped and are in disrepair. The shortage of teachers also plays a role.

According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2014, training was conducted in 2-3 shifts in 24.8% of the country’s schools. According to the demographic forecast, the number of second-shift students will grow in the coming years, and in some regions a transition to three-shift training is possible. More than 15,000 school buildings have deterioration levels above 50%.

The total need for new training places until 2025 is estimated at almost 7,389,869 places, taking into account the transition to a single-shift training mode and the decommissioning of buildings with a high rate of wear and tear.

The program involves the construction of new schools according to modern standard designs, the return to the education system of buildings that are currently being used for other purposes, the refurbishment and modernization of premises, and the equipping of classrooms with modern teaching aids.

The School 2025 program is a way out of this situation

As part of the program, subsidies will be allocated to individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement the planned plan to create new educational places and equip schools in accordance with modern educational conditions.

Regional programs highlight goals, objectives, justifications and deadlines for the implementation of specific activities in municipal areas, contains work schedules, volumes and terms of financing. These programs are approved by the highest executive bodies of state power.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that main goal“School 2025” program – “reach” new modern schools, working according to advanced standards, comfortably and naturally, without multi-shift work. For this purpose it is planned to attract federal and regional resources.

Main goals of the program:

  • By 2018, the third shift of training will be abandoned.
  • By 2021, primary schools and grades 10–11 will switch to single-shift teaching.
  • by 2024 – transition to single-shift education for grades 5–9.
  • Construction of new schools, reconstruction and repair of old buildings, equipping classrooms with new equipment.
Studying in one shift is convenient and correct; this mode allows schoolchildren to study extracurricular activities, visit children's libraries, museums, cultural centers, theaters, tourism and other clubs. And equipping classrooms according to modern requirements will help improve the quality of education and bring it to a high level.

The program is designed for 10 years. The total amount of its financing is 2,835,863.2 million rubles. It will be provided through:

  • funds state budget;
  • funds from local budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • extrabudgetary sources.

The responsible executor is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

To become a participant in the program you need:

  • collect documents and submit an application;
  • obtain approval of the application and financial resources for the implementation of the planned activities;
  • carry out reconstruction, repair, re-equipment.

As part of the program, a coordination commission has been created, the purpose of which is to provide expert and analytical support for the implementation of measures to create new educational places and modernize schools in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The commission is engaged in:

  • consideration and admission of applications from subjects to participate in the selection for subsidies from the state budget;
  • assessing applications for compliance;
  • selection of regional programs for subsidies;
  • monitoring the progress and effectiveness of regional programs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the use of subsidies;
  • initiation of inspections by the Ministry of Education.

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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2015 No. 2145-r approved the program “Promoting the creation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (based on projected needs) of new places in general education organizations” for 2016–2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The program was developed in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of December 4, 2014. As noted in the document, “the need to implement the Program is due to the high social significance of the tasks being solved in creating conditions for obtaining high-quality general education.”

According to Rosstat data, which are given in the document, as of January 1, 2014, 10.8 thousand schools (24.8% of the total number of schools) were teaching in two and three shifts, in which over 1.862 million people studied (14% total number students). As of January 1, 2015, 13.27 thousand people were studying in the third shift.

In 482 schools, 633 buildings are in disrepair, in 6,192 schools, 8,261 buildings require major repairs, 4,896 schools (11.2% of the total number of schools) do not have all types of amenities. In total, in 2015, over 9 thousand school buildings are in use with a level of wear and tear of 50–70%, 6 thousand - over 70%.

In addition, by 2025, according to the demographic forecast, the number of students in schools will increase by 3.5 million people.

In order to achieve the goal set in the Program - “the creation in the constituent entities of the Federation of new places in general education organizations in accordance with the forecasted need and modern requirements for educational conditions”, it is necessary to solve such tasks as ensuring a single-shift mode of education in grades 1–11 ( 12th) classes of general education organizations and the transfer of students to new buildings of general education organizations from buildings with wear and tear of 50% or more.

It is planned at stage I (2016–2020) to eliminate the third shift by 2018, transfer grades 1 - 4 and grades 10 - 11 (12) to one shift training by 2021 and maintain the existing single shift teaching mode, as well as begin creating new ones places for transferring students from buildings with a high degree of wear and tear.

At stage II (2021–2025), by 2025 it is planned to transfer 100 percent of students from school buildings with 50 percent or more wear and tear to new schools and provide one-shift education for students in grades 5–9, maintaining the existing one-shift education mode.

According to the approved Program, in order to achieve the set objectives, it is planned to create: at stage I - 2816.513 thousand new places in schools (1897.267 thousand places in urban schools and 919.246 thousand places in rural schools), including 2511, 717 thousand new places to provide training in the first shift and 304.796 thousand new places to transfer students from buildings with a high degree of wear and tear; at stage II - 3761.351 thousand new places in schools (2533.93 places in urban schools and 1227.421 places in rural schools), including 2041.502 thousand new places to provide training in the first shift and 1719, 849 thousand new places for transferring students from buildings with a high degree of wear and tear.

Thus, the implementation of the Program will make it possible to create 6.6 million new places, including 4.6 million places for teaching children in one shift, 2.0 million places for students who will move from school buildings with high degree wear and tear to new schools.

“The construction of new schools is planned using standard designs that meet modern requirements for the organization of the educational process, with the possibility of transforming premises for different types training,” says the Program.

All this will require considerable funds. And they are provided for by the Program. These are the means federal budget, funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (local budgets) and attraction of extra-budgetary sources.

The total amount of funding for the Program for 2016 - 2025 will be 2835863.2 million rubles, including: from the federal budget - 1985104.2 million rubles; at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (local budgets) - 708,965.7 million rubles; from extra-budgetary sources - 141,793.3 million rubles.

The effectiveness of the Program will be assessed annually by comparing the actual achieved values ​​of target indicators (indicators) with their planned values.

The responsible executor - coordinator of the Program is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is the head of the Program and is responsible for its implementation and final results, rational use funds allocated for implementation.

In November 2017 famous writer, journalist and school teacher Dmitry Bykov spoke at the Federation Council as part of the “Expert Hour” project with a lecture on what it should be like modern education. Later he gave his speech like this: “I teach not in a “good” school, but in a rather difficult one, where talented and at the same time unbearable people flock. But I happen to teach in very different schools, including provincial ones. I say with complete confidence: we are today We see a qualitative increase in intelligence, talent and education in the average school."

At the same time, the difference in the opportunities that the “average” school in the capital and in the Russian outback gives children is sometimes colossal. In October 2017, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at the “government hour” in the Federation Council, which today is 3400 Russian schools toilets are located on the streets. Last December on XVII Congress To United Russia, the same Vasilyeva cited data according to which only 16% of teachers throughout Russia know how to use a computer. In the article "School of Survival. What is it like to work as a teacher in Russia?" , published in November 2017 in the Sobesednik magazine, described in detail how it happened that the real salaries of teachers in Russia are significantly lower than those recorded by Rosstat. Finally, I will give one more figure: according to a study by the Levada Center, the proportion of teachers satisfied with their working conditions in 2016/17 academic year decreased from 42 to 22%.

All this suggests that the current system school education is in the deepest crisis. I agree with the assessment of MGIMO professor Valery Solovy, such as the recent outbreaks of violence in schools in Perm, Ulan-Ude and Chelyabinsk: “The school is a cast of our society. If you live in a society where there is a lot of poverty and poverty... Russia is now a country of the poor where there is lack of rights and where people are in very bad mental shape... Then you should not be surprised at outbreaks of unmotivated aggression. This will inevitably happen, unfortunately, with increasing frequency. And school is a very favorable place, because students also have no rights. and teachers. They are socially oppressed (teachers), we know this very well. There are, of course, good schools, but in general the school system is defective."

About the fact that Russian high school needs changes, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his Address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018. According to him, “we need to move to fundamentally new ones, including individual learning technologies, to instill from an early age a readiness for change, for creative search, to teach teamwork, which is very important in modern world, life skills in the digital age."

Naturally, the fastest digitalization of schools and the introduction of new teaching technologies occurs in the capital. However, not everything is so rosy here either. The famous historian and school teacher Leonid Katsva, in particular, on the following problems: “Let's look at what teachers are concerned about. If we talk about Moscow, it will most often not be salaries, but rapidly increasing bureaucratization. These will be endless reports, this is the notorious electronic journal- which, on top of everything else, also works poorly, especially the one to which most Moscow schools were forced to switch; these are tasks that are not at all related to pedagogical activity. For example, I recently read to my amazement that in one of the regions of our homeland teachers are required to monitor children’s activities on social networks..."

Today it is obvious that even the best Moscow schools are doomed to constant change. Some of them are related to the basic correction and elimination of what prevents teachers from working normally and students from learning and makes their work meaningless, and some are related to completely new challenges of the time (the emergence of not only new technologies, but also the so-called generation Z, whose representatives perceive the world fundamentally differently).

The other day, Sergei Sobyanin’s personal website published an interesting material entitled “ Moscow education. Strategy 2025." In it, the mayor of the capital writes that the main thing now is to properly organize the work on the new education strategy and notes: "There is an easy way to ruin a good job - to entrust it to officials and experts. They will write a brilliant but initially stillborn paper. It is important that this work involves, first of all, those who will bring all this to life. Therefore, I asked an initiative group of school directors to develop the first draft of an education development strategy. We will then publish it so that every teacher and parent can discuss the strategy and make suggestions. What is needed is the widest possible discussion, debate, and mass, large-scale crowdsourcing—searching for and selecting the most interesting and implementable ideas.”

Judging by the comments to this entry on the website, it is clear that the discussion around the mayor’s proposals has already developed by no means formal, and a variety of teachers from Moscow schools have seriously joined in, not afraid to call a spade a spade and deeply interested in ensuring that the 2025 strategy does not gloss over the problems , but contributed to a genuine improvement in the educational process in the capital.

Today Moscow is a driver for other Russian regions in the field of education. According to Sobyanin, “the quality of knowledge of Moscow school graduates in all respects has become 2 times better than it was at the start in 2010. This is confirmed by Unified State Exam results, and Olympiads, and international studies." He also adds: "Today Moscow schools are among the top ten best schools peace. So tomorrow we must strive to be in the top three."

Is what is said in Strategy 2025 real? With the budget that Moscow has, a lot can be implemented - if only there is a desire. The following thesis is also significant: “Start with supporting teachers. Free teachers from undergoing certification, hours of checking notebooks and other routine. Help them master new roles as mentors and guides of children through the boundless sea of ​​educational opportunities that the modern city offers. And, of course, with dignity pay teachers' work."

These suggestions correlate well with what teachers themselves complain about. I will cite just some of their comments left on Sobyanin’s website: “Lord, is checking notebooks finally becoming a thing of the past...”; “I agree with previous speakers. Teachers must be given “freedom”, not driven into the framework of only people who provide services and always “defend themselves” in front of parents and their own kind”; “I have been in education for 25 years. And no one ever thought about the teacher!” etc.

Now we are thinking about the situation of teachers, because there can be no breakthrough in education if those who teach children experience constant anxiety, irritation and stress. Another thing is how all this will be implemented in practice. After all, how many different strategies have already been developed by both federal and metropolitan experts, however, rarely did any of them lead to exactly the results that were initially declared in it.

However, I can judge from Veliky Novgorod that the most ambitious and modern-minded heads of regions began to pay more attention to education. Novgorod Governor Andrey Nikitin recently published on his Facebook page a link to the professional development program for teachers in the Novgorod region “Transformation”. It also states that it will "enable educators to implement best practices project activities in their work, to become recognized leaders in this field in their educational organizations."

It is clear that the assessment of Sobyanin, Nikitin, and other governors introducing new approaches to educational environment, V in this case teachers and graduates themselves must put it together. Otherwise, despite all the good wishes, staff training, development of strategies and programs, even increased funding, etc., harsh reality can manifest itself in the most unexpected way. As the same Dmitry Bykov says in the interview I already mentioned: “Russia regularly continues to give birth to geniuses, but there is nothing to adapt them to.”

Senator Liliya Gumerova spoke about the initiative at the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper.

Russian legislation concerning children needs further improvement, the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture is sure. The senator spoke about the upcoming changes at round table in the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper.

Funding for the new school construction program needs to be increased

One of the most important “children’s issues” that is in the field of view of the Chamber of Regions is the program for the construction of new schools.

15 million schoolchildren are studying today in educational institutions Russia.

“Today, 15 million schoolchildren study in general education institutions, of which 1.8 million study in the second shift, about 80 thousand in the third. At the same time, we have 4.5 thousand wooden schools, and 7,860 educational institutions require major repairs,” Lilia Gumerova recalled. - And the number of schoolchildren continues to increase. Based on these figures, according to our calculations, the 25 billion rubles allocated for the program per year is not enough. We are actively taking the initiative to allocate an additional 10.2 billion rubles for this program.”

Members of the Chamber of Regions Committee on Science, Education and Culture have experience in such matters, Lilia Gumerova recalled: “When the program for creating places in kindergartens was being implemented, it was our committee that voiced the alarm that at some stage the subjects were not allocated the necessary funds, “We were supported by the Chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, and as a result, the money was brought to the regions.”

However, this time it will not be easy to achieve an immediate increase in funding for the project, the parliamentarian admitted.

“Our budget is difficult, we understand that,” she said. - Therefore, our committee came up with the initiative that the program for the construction of new schools be extended until 2030 (currently it is designed until 2025 - editor's note). But not at the expense of funding. That is, this does not mean that the money already included in the program can be extended over more years.”

Senators are also ready to support some proposals from the constituent entities of the Federation regarding the conditions for participation in the program.

“One of these proposals concerns schools in rural areas,” explained Lilia Gumerova. “For example, today the terms of the program do not allow the use of money from the federal budget for the construction of the complex.” kindergarten - primary school" This is now being recorded as misuse of funds.”

New rules will be written for children's camps

The law they developed on children's recreation, which allowed all camps in Russia to operate under the new rules this year, did not disappear from the senators' agenda.

“However, problem areas that will need to be regulated, including through legislation, remain in this area,” admitted Lilia Gumerova. - First of all, we lack the variability of children's recreation. The rules of operation of all types of camps - suburban, round-the-clock, day stay - must be clearly stated. A clear regulatory framework is needed for each category of such institutions.”

The idea that the “Accessible Environment” program should also include issues of summer recreational recreation is being actively discussed.

At the same time, the standards and requirements put forward for the camps must be uniform, the parliamentarian added.

“When each municipality or region puts forward its own demands for children’s camps, this is wrong,” the senator said.

According to Liliya Gumerova, an equally pressing problem remains the availability of children's recreation.

“One of the main questions here is where to relax for children with disabilities health,” she explained. “Not all of our camps can accommodate such students.”

As the legislator noted, the Federation Council realizes that it will not be possible to reformat all the country’s camps for the convenience of children with disabilities in the near future.

“But in each region it would be logical to create at least a number of institutions where such children could relax,” said Liliya Gumerova. “In this regard, society is actively discussing the idea that the “Accessible Environment” program should include issues of summer recreational recreation.”

The Federation Council also considers the creation of a unified federal register of health-improving institutions logical.

“Being included in this register would be a guarantee that the camp provides high-quality, interesting and safe recreation,” the senator explained. - Now similar registers are filled out in every subject of the Federation, but this is not entirely correct. When choosing a camp for their child, parents don't have to sift through a ton of resources. They need to be able to log into the federal registry portal and get all the information they need there - quickly and in one place.”

Spring session - intense and fruitful

Summing up the results of the spring session, Liliya Gumerova called it “very intense and quite fruitful.”

“During 15 meetings, about 300 laws were approved. Moreover, the legislative activity of the senators themselves has noticeably increased - Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko also spoke about this, said a member of the upper house. “About 80 bills were submitted to the State Duma, of which we were authors and co-authors, 19 of which became laws.”

One of the important priorities in the work of the Chamber of Regions, according to the parliamentarian, was the protection of the interests of the subjects of the Federation.

“A lot has been done in terms of rulemaking in this direction,” she explained. - For example, it is on the initiative of the upper chamber that today the powers of the constituent entities of the Federation and their financial security are being monitored. Based on the results of this monitoring, we will come to decisions that will significantly improve the situation of the subjects. The fact is that at present the regions are very worried that they have a lot of powers, but not enough financial support.”

As Liliya Gumerova noted, a lot has been done to create a regulatory framework that allows entities to reduce the share of commercial loans and increase the share of budget loans.

“I would also like to especially note the law on foundlings developed in the Federation Council, according to which children whose parents are unknown will receive a social pension similar to what other orphans receive in the event of the loss of a breadwinner,” the senator said.

The parliamentarian recognized the package that tightens responsibility for inducing children to commit suicide as an “important and needed time.”

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