Readiness of military troops mass effect 3

Most ardent fans of the Mass Effect series of games are disappointed and dissatisfied with the final game scene. The players, who for five years had been expecting an exciting, spectacular and impressive ending, were “satisfied” with a set of incomprehensible, bright, but without semantic and logical load of episodes.

This situation provoked a number of events; fans of the series insisted on changing the plot of the finale (by collecting signatures). This was not ignored by the developers, who, in turn, solved the problem by creating an alternative ending called “DLC Extended Cut”. The theme of the galaxy and its further existence after the decisive conversation with the Catalyst and all the decisive moves is developed here. The basic ending becomes more meaningful and vivid by adding new colorful frames and plot points that reveal the essence of the game. With the extended version, the epilogue tells in detail about all the satellites, all the little things that influence the further development of events in the galaxy. Thus, it reveals the main goal of the “DLC Extended Cut”, to provide all the answers that excite the imagination and minds of fans of the series. This is not a completely new ending, but only a competent and logical addition.

In total, Mass Effect 3 has as many as 16 ending scenarios, however, since their differences are practically invisible (just a couple of nuances), they can easily be characterized as 8 full-fledged ones, that is, half as many as the official one. The choice of a certain path (red, blue, green) has a direct impact. Also important and, whatever one may say, will influence the choice of the final scene is the combat readiness of the troops and the so-called “galaxy readiness index.” We will tell you what endings there are in Mass Effect 3 below, including the green ending.

The main character and his reputation play absolutely no role here. The choice of ending scenes is designed in such a way that if the player does not complete any tasks during the game, then this failure will block a certain number of beams (depending on certain conditions), which leads to a noticeable reduction in choice and reduces the chance for curious fans to get answers to your questions.

The correct ending, as conceived by the developers, is the combination of organics and synthetics (reaching the top of the evolutionary chain, which is described during the game by the Catalyst). But the intrigue remains, such a solution does not bring a clear answer and the course of subsequent events remains unknown.

  • The final scene option in blue (path on the left) is control of the Reapers and Shepard's heroic demise.
  • A variant of the final scene in green (the path in the center) is the joining together (by crossing DNA) of organics and synthetics and the heroic death of Shepard.
  • A variant of the final scene under red (the path on the right side) is the complete and total extermination of all synthetics (including Geth, Reapers, EDI), with the possibility of survival of some organics (here it is possible that Shepard will remain alive).
  • The ability to refuse a choice or destroy the Catalyst prolongs the cyclical nature of the game. Available in the "Extended Cut" DLC.

Possible endings for Mass Effect 3:

  1. If the combat readiness of the troops is less than 1750, the Earth is destroyed a priori.
  2. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 1751 to 2050 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the Reapers. The earth is destroyed.
  3. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2051 to 2350 - provided that Shepard takes control of the actions of the Reapers. The Earth is saved.
  4. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2351 to 2650 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the reapers. The Earth will suffer total collapse and destruction, but will not be completely destroyed.
  5. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2651 to 2800 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the reapers. The earth is completely saved.
  6. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2801 to 4000 - in the event of Shepard's self-sacrifice, it will be possible to combine synthetics with organics.
  7. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 4001 to 5000 - if Shepard destroys all the Reapers and saves Anderson from death, then he will live.
  8. The best and correct ending in which Shepard will be alive is if the combat readiness of the troops is over 5000 - Shepard only needs to destroy all the Reapers.

To see the scene in the ruins of London (with a sigh from Shepard), you should immediately after the events of “Normandy”, opt for the total extermination of synthetics - this is the right path from the main beam (red ending option). The combat readiness of the troops must be no less than 4000.

It’s worth after the final decisive conversation (conversation with the Catalyst), find and open the folder with the game files, there find a file called AutoSave.pcsav
and make a copy of it.

Then, after viewing a certain ending, the original file must be replaced with a copy and the game restarted from the required point. This way you can play through all the available options and not listen to long and repetitive speeches from the characters. The highlight and idea of ​​the developers is that when the game is completely completed, the actions return to the starting point (the Cerberus base and its assault).

The "Master and Commander" achievement in Mass Effect 3 is unlocked after acquiring more than 3,500 military resources before the final battle with the Reapers. Military resources include units, squads and useful technologies of allied races. Military resources are obtained by completing various tasks and scanning star clusters. Military resources from missions are given to Shepard in gratitude for resolving conflicts or performing services. The remaining part of the military resources is sent to the galactic army after being found in the bowels of the planets using probes. New galaxies open up as you progress through the main story.

Location of military resources up to Tuchanka

  • Gamma Hades, Plutos, Nonuel— Special Forces Detachment Zeta and the 103rd Marine Division.
  • Gamma Hades, Farinata, Yuntauma— Alliance frigate Agincourt and the Alliance First Fleet.
  • Sigurd's Cradle, Skepticism, Watson- Dartik missiles.
  • Apian cross, Gemmei, Feiros- 79th Turian Fleet.
  • Exodus Cluster, Utopia, Zion— Prothean data.
  • Exodus Cluster, Asgard, Shooting Range— Alliance Exploration Fleet.
  • Exodus Cluster, Asgard, Terra Nova— Alliance cruiser Shanghai.
  • Exodus Cluster, Asgard, Loki- Special squad appointment of the Delta Alliance.
  • Sigma Gemini, Min, Parag— Alliance cruiser Nairobi and the Alliance Third Fleet.
  • Krogan DMZ, Dranek, Rotla- Mercenaries of the Shadow Broker.
  • Aethon Cluster, Aru, Cherk Sub— Volus fabrication modules.
  • Aethon Cluster, Esori, Solu Paolis— Volus dreadnought Kwunu.
  • Aethon Cluster, Satu Arrd, Nalisin—Volus engineering squad.
  • Beta Attica, Hercules, Eletania— Array of interferometers.
  • Beta Attica, Theseus, Feros— ExoGeni scientists.

Location of military resources before Rannoch

  • Athena Nebula, Parnita, Tevura- Azarian cruiser Kiben.
  • Athena Nebula, Tomaros, Pronoia- Azarian cruiser "Nefrana".
  • Athena Nebula, Ialessa, Trikalon- Asari engineers.
  • Athena Nebula, Orisoni, Egalik— Asari research ships.
  • Threshold of Valhalla, Mika, Eloi— Spare fuel tanks.
  • Threshold of Valhalla, Mika, Farlas— Zero element converter.
  • Rho Argos, Hydra, Kanrum— Tactile optical complex.
  • Rho Argos, Gorgon, Camaron— Improved energy repeaters.
  • Rho Argos, Phoenix, Vershina station- Turian special forces unit.
  • Silean Nebula, Kipladon, Hanalei— Doctor Jeliz.

Location of military resources to Horizon

  • Aida Center, Hecate, Asteria- Alliance frigate Hong Kong.
  • Aida Center, Memory, Dobrovolski- Alliance frigate Leipzig.
  • Silean Nebula, Loropi, Yasilium-Armali sniper unit.
  • Silean Nebula, Nahuala, Gietiana- Serrai Guardsman.
  • Silean Nebula, Fontes, Oltan— Elcor flotilla.
  • Nebula Clock, Fariar, Alingon- The Shadow Broker's ship system.
  • Nebula Clock, Sowilo, Hagalaz- Team of the Shadow Broker.
  • Nebula Clock, Ploitary, Zanetu— Terminus cargo ships.
  • Nubian expanse, Kalabsha, Yamm- Alliance Marine Reconnaissance Unit and 103rd Marine Unit.
  • Nubian expanse, Kertassi, Nores- Alliance frigate Trafalgar and the Alliance Third Fleet.

Readiness index in Mass Effect 3 greatly influences the balance of power in the galactic war against the Reapers and significantly increases the chances of a good ending. By default, without the network mode, it is impossible to change the standard value of the readiness index, that is, the overall combat readiness of all troops will be two times lower than expected. Thus, the developers tried to kill two birds with one stone - to unite fans of the game and reduce the camp of pirates who do not want to pay for the product. Although they claim that without a network mode in a single-player campaign it is possible to gather enough forces for, however, doing this turns out to be an impossible task for many, since reputation is of great importance. You can independently increase the strength of your troops in several ways, for example, by editing the Coalesced.bin settings file or saves. You should increase the parameters within reasonable limits, take pity on the Reapers and their knees.

Increasing troop strength by editing the Coalesced.bin file in Mass Effect 3:

  • To work with the Coalesced.bin file you will need the ME3 Coalesced Utility (26Kb) program. Let's launch the program. Go to options File > Open. Open the file Coalesced.bin located in the folder CookedPCConsole with the game installed (Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole). A backup copy of the file will be placed in the same folder as the original. In the settings tree, go through the items bioui.ini > sfxgame > sfxgawassetshandler > allassets (multiple). All military resources that affect the overall strength of the troops will appear on the right side of the program. The strength of each resource is specified in a variable StartingStrength. We change the default values ​​for several resources and save the file. For example, we find Jack ( ID=30), with her appearance, the strength of troops increases by default by 25 points, if you change StartingStrength=25 to something more, then the specified value will be counted when she appears in the game. All changes must be made before the start of the campaign. Once a resource appears in the galaxy readiness data table, the power cannot be changed.

Increasing troop strength by editing a save file in Mass Effect 3:

  • To work with saves, you will need Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor (~337Kb,). Open the game save file in the program ( Open > Choose a save...). Go to the tab RAW(Table). Finding the point Squad(Squad), select the item Player(Player) by pressing the left mouse button. A list of parameters will appear on the right side of the window. We find GAW Assets(Military resources), click the “...” button at the end of the line. All collected military resources are designated with digital IDs. To find out the name of the resource, you need to start the game and look at the amount of contribution of the desired combat unit to the total strength of the troops (all numbers are stored in the combat terminal in the Normandy command room).

    For example, the contribution of the 79th Turian Fleet (ID11, Turian Flotilla) is 40 points, look in the program window, in the line for editing the Strength parameter, for the value 40. Replace it with any other and save the file. You can greatly simplify the search, without starting the game, just open the Coalesced.bin file with the ME3 Coalesced Utility program and follow the instructions above. Having reached the branch allassets (multiple), from it we immediately find out the ID and name of each resource. And then we make changes to the save using Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor. Edits must be made before completing the mission on the Cerberus base "Kronos", otherwise the rating will be corrected, but will not affect the ending.

For those who do not want to bother with editing, there is another option - a ready-made file, in which the strength of the troops is doubled. That is, when you receive a resource, you will be given not 50 points, but 100 points. In this case, you must start the game from the very beginning. The modified Coalesced.bin file is placed in the CookedPCConsole folder with the game installed (\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole).

Increase readiness index to 100%(without playing multiplayer) you can replace the file Local_Profile.sav, which is located in the save folder (\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\Save). Download the file from here or , replace the original and rejoice that the galaxy is 100% ready. The method of replacing the profile file has a disadvantage - most of the achievements earned are lost, although they can be reopened as the game progresses. Also in the game settings you need to enable subtitles and check other options. After this, all points earned will be counted as one to one, and not divided by 50%.

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