A ready-made psychological portrait of a personality example. Psychological characteristics of a person sample. Negative trends in the psychological portrait of a person

The tips and descriptions of psychotypes below will help you understand how to create a psychological portrait. All people have the ability to adapt to certain life situations, but each person adapts differently. Someone is focused on specific moments, therefore, easily adapts to any situation. Someone is focused on the past and can only act within strict limits - permissions, prohibitions, rules and responsibilities. Still others are focused on the future with non-standard situations, which is why they are the main generators of ideas.

Knowing yourself, others, determining your temperament, personality orientation, character is important for any person to be able to do. This is required in order to fully unleash your creative potential and understand how to draw up a psychological portrait of a person. Find out the details of the methods for drawing up a psychological portrait.

Psychological portrait of personality

One of the personality features is temperament. Temperament - thanks to it, people differ so significantly from each other - some are slow and calm, others are fast and active.

Temperament is the basis of a person’s personality, which is based on the structure of the person’s body, the characteristics of his nervous system, metabolism in the body. Temperament traits cannot be changed; they are usually inherited. In order to effectively draw up a psychological portrait of a personality, you need to understand its characteristics. There is a special approach to each type of temperament.

  • Sanguine people require constant monitoring and verification.
  • Choleric people must constantly be engaged in some activity, otherwise their activity will be a burden to others.
  • Phlegmatic people cannot stand being pushed on, because they are accustomed to relying only on their own strengths, and will definitely finish the job.
  • Melancholic people cannot stand pressure, screams, sharp instructions, because they are vulnerable and sensitive. Test to determine your temperament modern methods you can pass .

Another important personality trait is character. Character is the stable characteristics of human behavior. The character structure is divided into 4 groups, expressing the individual’s attitude to activity.

  • To work.
  • To the team.
  • To yourself.
  • To things.

Knowledge of such a structure will also help in the question of how to draw up your psychological portrait. Character formation occurs on the basis of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual. It is customary to distinguish 4 types of character:

  1. Demonstrative type – strongly expresses emotions and experiences them. These are artistic people who play with their feelings in public. They understand other people well, but all decisions are made impulsively.
  2. The pedantic type is the antipode to the demonstrative type. They are indecisive and testing constant fear for your life. Decisions take a long time to take.
  3. Stuck type. He holds on to his negative feelings, but also focuses on his successes for a long time. They are touchy and vindictive, never forgetting insults.
  4. Exciting type. The normal state for them is irritability and dissatisfaction. They cannot control themselves and provoke conflicts.

Abilities can be distinguished separately as a feature. Personal abilities are the solution to certain problems. They come in two types: general - their formation occurs with the development of intelligence. In particular, these are adaptation, mental flexibility, composure, attentiveness, and efficiency. Special abilities are something that is developed for a specific type of activity. But we shouldn’t forget about other personality traits that help create psychological portraits:

  • Direction is the vector where human activity is directed - towards communication, towards oneself, towards tasks.
  • Intellectuality is the basis of intelligence, its core.
  • Emotionality – divided into emotions and mind. Mind and will, that which is subordinate to a person, and emotions can arise in addition to his desires.
  • Communication skills – verbal and non-verbal communication.

Now you know how you can create a psychological portrait of any person. In the future, this will help you build correct relationships with the people around you.

The most important points that influence the success and duration of work of the client and his psychologist are not only the specialist’s skills in determining the type and character traits of the visitor in the first minutes of communication and acquaintance, but also the ability to quickly and accurately draw up a psychological portrait of the individual. This will help establish contacts with clients and avoid unplanned provocative moments. But most importantly, a psychological portrait of a person allows us to speak more accurately about a person’s habits and inclinations, his possible fears and complexes. It also helps to gain the visitor’s trust and overcome the client’s barriers of indecision and constraint.

How to quickly and efficiently draw up a psychological portrait of a personality?

A psychologist must have this skill. His responsibilities include drawing up a psychological portrait of a person whom he sees for the first time and knows absolutely nothing about her. However, in daily practice, this skill will be useful for any person. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to “draw” a fairly accurate portrait in a matter of minutes, especially at first glance. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the person for some time and find out some specific necessary initial data and details.

Psychological portrait personality and classification of its details

For convenience, all moments of observing a person can be sorted into groups according to the principles of significance and the brightness of the perception of the object of observation by the observer. This classification is very convenient. The first group includes age, gender, posture and physique. The second includes general appearance (clothing style, accessories, details of the image and neatness). In the third, you can highlight facial expressions, gait, gestures and manner of speaking. And finally, the fourth, largest group includes the following features and characteristics:

Shape and features of the face, lips, gaze and eyes;

Certain sexual characteristics and their characteristics (for example, the absence or presence of hair on open areas of the body);

Arms and hands (joints, shape, skin, movements).

Psychological portrait of personality and its characteristics

After considering the features of appearance in detail according to the first three points, you can immediately determine the type of character to which they are inherent. And you can immediately begin to draw a socio-psychological portrait of the individual and identify typical moments. For example, drooping shoulders, a corpulent physique, a cautious gait, black and gray colors in clothes, lack of gestures and laconicism, pronounced folds in the corners of the lips and on the bridge of the nose - all this suggests that this person is melancholic. But the fourth group will already talk about more hidden character traits. For example, pursed lips, a sideways glance, deep-set eyes indicate that the psychological portrait of a person will contain information about the presence of phobias and fears in such a person. As can be seen from simple examples, this technique for determining the type of character and temperament is not so difficult, but very useful. To master it, you only need attentiveness, a penchant for analysis and practice.

Results of psychological analysis of the text:

Dear L.L.!

The text of your friend (acquaintance) or patient O is highly focused on a specific reader, who is either you or the person who is trying to influence her, perhaps conducting psychotherapeutic sessions with her.

O is a suggestible person; she tends not to impose her own, but to adapt to her interlocutor, in particular, to use the words he said in her answers. Its text, for example, begins with a repetition of the wording of the assigned task ( The most important thing about me as a person is...). The combination of one’s own and other people’s fragments creates the impression or image of a “half-nun, half-harlot,” which, like any image, has a distant relationship to reality.

And later in the text, especially at the beginning of phrases, O uses other people’s words. Other people's words are usually terminology and scientific expressions, often from the vocabulary of a psychologist ( I am prone to constant introspection... But outwardly I show emotions... Pathologically I cannot...). Her own speech, on the contrary, is colloquial, contains spelling errors that appear under the influence of vernacular, and contains childish expressions ( from the father And Nya, s samo l th childhood /small/, in general her with people, accepting myself in this form, being... in yourself I ).

He confuses the spiritual and the spiritual (spirit and soul). Her problems are indeed related to mental movements and belong to the care of a soul specialist (psychologist). Faith and spirituality are understood incorrectly ( state of spiritual search and concentration on oneself) and illiterate ( My spiritual search is associated with “God-seeking”). Apparently, religion attracts her as an opportunity for communication and submission to authority. And she may well fall under the influence of more or less persistent sectarians (which you, L.L., apparently rightly fear).

Apparently, her main problem is loneliness, lack of communication and emotional contacts ( I try to enjoy everything that comes my way). There may be some delay in the development of the emotional sphere. At the very least, O is prone to purely childish manifestations ( I love getting involved in everything new..., with pleasure I...understand the whole gamut of sensations from despair to insane joy).

Most likely, O is concentrating too much on his experiences ( Being constantly inside myself, I am not attentive to others). Like a child, comes under excessive influence from a source of emotion ( I act not according to a thought-out decision, but spontaneously and based on momentary sensations and intuition) and is incapable of sober assessments of him ( Sensitive, but not touchy. Moderately irresponsible and unprincipled). The above examples mainly contain not O’s self-assessments, but assessments of those around her (other people’s speech), who, apparently, are trying to educate her, and whose words she obediently repeats (in the form of repentance).

The trouble is that the assessments of others for O - as for a child - are more important and significant than his own ideas:
Pathologically I cannot (or I am afraid that it looks like this from the outside) “pressure” (influence) those around me.

But their educational influence does not bring solutions to problems. It does not lead to success or “correction”, but to repentance, apologies and unjustified low self-esteem ( I'm a completely aimless creature). The need for emotional contact appears to be stronger.

Dear L.L.! Apparently, you should not reproach your friend for her frivolity and unwillingness (ability) to defend her interests. Most likely, she is no less touchy than others, but she is more embarrassed than others to demonstrate and discuss her grievances. It is in this case that she probably withdraws into herself and refuses to communicate ( Since childhood I have preferred a “hermit” lifestyle... I need a lot of time to be with myself).

You are right when you say that she gives the impression of a closed, strange and unexpected person in her manifestations, but, most likely, you are mistaken when you assume that she is closer to “spiritual practice” than living other people, and you are afraid of “going into your inner world". Most likely, your friend is no more “focused on deeply internal criteria” than a 10-15 year old child - rather, on the contrary. Agree that for a woman 33 years old (and with higher education) a child’s view of the world creates certain problems, in particular, as you rightly write, problems of (equal) communication. And the greatest danger for your friend is “bad company.”

Apparently, it is not worth focusing it on reflection and moral issues. It will be more useful to help establish more productive and regular contacts with others, especially with peers of the opposite sex, perhaps at first even with psychological peers, boys 17-18 years old, to try to remove unjustified emotional extremism caused by a lack of communication and healthy emotional release. Moreover, as you rightly note, “social and conventional norms are not the motivating beginning of the behavior and life” of your friend, “although she knows about them, knows that she often violates them, but considers herself right and is not going to do anything change".

If you plan to involve a specialist in solving your friend’s problems, then, apparently, a specialist in family therapy and/or a sexologist would be more suitable. In Samara, where you live, you can contact...

Psychological A correctly compiled psychological assessment necessarily takes into account temperament, character, interests and abilities, the orientation of the individual, her intellectuality and emotionality. An important role is played by self-esteem, strong-willedness, the ability to control oneself, communicate and interact with a group. To correctly assess all these personality traits, a number of special techniques have been developed. The application of each of them depends on the purpose pursued by the researcher.

What you need to rely on to correctly draw up a psychological portrait.

The most complete portrait is obtained if the researcher has a complete set of data. Among them may be biographical data (social status, friends, information about childhood, adolescence and adulthood, hobbies and interests), various works(written and books, various surveys and interviews, communication with neighbors, etc.), opinions of others. At the same time, in order to correctly draw up a psychological portrait, knowledge and methods from such sciences as physiognomy, graphology, etc. are used. Of course, a complete and professional drawing up of a portrait requires time and effort. However, the first and, in most cases, quite correct impression can be made by having basic knowledge. Then you should analyze the facial features and the name of the person being studied (each name has its own emotional characteristic and leaves a certain imprint on the wearer), what clothes and colors he prefers, how he behaves in a group and on his own. Based on this, it is possible to determine the possibility of committing or not committing certain actions, and the characteristics of behavior in various situations.

Try profiling someone you don't know: who is this person? Consider appearance, style and behavior to ensure your definition is complete.

How does the subject talk to other people? A soft tone of voice may indicate shyness, but can also be the result of other factors, such as fatigue. A loud tone of voice may be the result of a need for self-affirmation or a desire to lead others.

  • Does his voice change when he needs to defend his opinion or does he remain balanced?
  • How does he behave in communication with you: mature and balanced, or, on the contrary, irresponsible? Responsible behavior is also an indicator of educational level and vocabulary.
  • It is important to be able to recognize sarcasm, exaggeration, profanity and other expressions of speech. It is also important in what context the conversation takes place in order to understand how educated the subject is and whether he is trying to seem smarter than he really is.
  • Analyze his behavior at home and at work: is there a difference in how he acts at home compared to how he acts in public?

    • What area does he live in? Living in a cheap area affects a person differently than living in an affluent area; People living in low-income areas often think that they are unable to achieve anything on their own.
    • Organizational skills speak volumes, but don't jump to conclusions. If he is very busy with work, an untidy house may be the result of the fact that he simply does not have time to tidy up, while someone who has plenty of free time may simply be a classic lazy person. As a rule, the more organized a person is and the more he demonstrates this trait in his interactions with others, the more confident he is and is able to remain calm in any situation.
    • How openly does he share his private life with others? Many of us don’t really like to do this in public, but you can look at a person’s workplace, their “comfort zone” at work. Many office workers (even doctors and psychologists) have a photo of their family on their desk. This suggests that the person loves his family and happily looks at their photos several times a day.
  • Take into account how he dresses, his apartment, house and car (if he has one). You can draw many conclusions from the way a person dresses and looks.

    • Are his clothes hung in places or hanging in random places? Is he dressed neatly or casually? How professional does it look? Or, conversely, how careless?
    • What about the hairstyle? Do you get the impression that the person spent time on his hair or, conversely, just looked in the mirror and happily moved on? Those who prefer the look-and-move style probably extend this philosophy to all other aspects of life: if it's not a complete nightmare, it'll do - and don't even try to pretend to be anything more.
    • Look at his shoes. What do you see in front of you: polished shoes or something of an unknown color that is about to fall apart?
  • Pay attention to his behavior in society. If he burps, does he try to do it as discreetly as possible or is he not embarrassed? The way a person coughs and sneezes distinguishes those who adhere to strict etiquette from those who do not care.

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