Khakass Polytechnic College specialty acceptance of documents. State assignment of the Khakass Polytechnic College. Name of profession, specialty



by order of the Ministry

education and science

Republic of Khakassia

from " "____2014 No. _____


State budgetary educational institution of the Republic of Khakassia of secondary vocational education "Khakass Polytechnic College"

for 2015 and the planning period 2016 and 2017

(training programs for skilled workers, employees)

1. Name of public service: provision of secondary vocational education (training programs for qualified workers and employees).




A source of information
about the value of the indicator
(initial data for
its calculation)

fiscal year

fiscal year

fiscal year

1st year
planning period

2nd year
planning period

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

Final certification sheet

/number of dropouts

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

Final certification sheet

alumni of the organization

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

the federal law




Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia;


Providing secondary vocational education

(training programs for mid-level specialists)

1. Name of the public service: provision of secondary vocational education (training programs for mid-level specialists).

2. Consumers of public services: individuals and legal entities.

3. The amount of funds for the implementation of the state task for the performance of public services, in total thousands of rubles:

4. Indicators characterizing the volume and (or) quality of public services.

4.1. Indicators characterizing the quality of public services.




Values ​​of public service quality indicators

A source of information
about the value of the indicator
(initial data for
its calculation)

fiscal year

fiscal year

fiscal year

1st year
planning period

2nd year
planning period

1. The number of consumers of public services per 1 teaching employee (teachers and industrial training masters)

Number of service consumers/number of teaching staff

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

at least 11.6 consumers per 1 teaching worker

2. Number of consumers of public services per 1 PC

Number of service consumers/number of PCs

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

no more than 8 service consumers per 1 PC

3. The number of teaching staff (teachers and industrial training masters) with the highest and first qualification categories

Number of teaching staff with the highest and first qualification categories/number of teaching staff

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

at least 45%

4. The number of recipients of public services who received a document on education and (or) qualifications

Number of recipients of public services who received a document on education and (or) qualifications

/number of students enrolled in the first year of study

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

at least 80%

Final certification sheet

5. Number of recipients of public services expelled due to academic debt

Number of recipients of public services expelled due to academic debt

/number of dropouts

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

no more than 25%

Order from the head of the organization

6. The number of graduates who completed their final qualifying work as “good” and “excellent”

Number of graduates who completed their final qualifying work with “good” and “excellent” / number of graduates

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

at least 50%

Final certification sheet

7. The share of graduates employed in their profession in the first year in the total number of graduates of the organization

Proportion of graduates employed in their profession in the first year/number
alumni of the organization

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

not less than 46.6%

4.2. Volume of public services (in physical terms).

5. The procedure for providing public services.

5.1. Regulatory legal acts governing the provision of public services:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (with subsequent amendments);

Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights” (with subsequent amendments);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education” (with subsequent amendments);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 “On approval of the Lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education”;

Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia;

Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated 06/05/2013 No. 60-ЗРХ “On education in the Republic of Khakassia” (with subsequent amendments);

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia dated September 11, 2007 No. 283 “On improving the budget process in the Republic of Khakassia” (with subsequent amendments);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia dated July 10, 2014 No. 100-780 “On approval of the Quality Standards of Public Services and the Procedure for Assessing the Need and Quality of Public Services in the Field of Education.”

6. Grounds for early termination of execution of a state task: liquidation, reorganization of an educational institution.

7. Limit prices (tariffs) for payment of public services in cases where the law of the Russian Federation provides for their provision on a paid basis.

7.1. A normative legal act establishing prices (tariffs) or

the order of their establishment is not.

7.2. The body that sets prices (tariffs) – no.

7.3. Values ​​of maximum prices (tariffs).

8. The procedure for monitoring the execution of state assignments.

9. Requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

9.1. Form of a report on the execution of a state task.

9.2. Deadlines for submitting reports on the execution of government assignments: monthly, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month.

9.3. There are no other requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

10. Other information necessary for the execution (monitoring of execution) of the state task - no.

orphans and children left without parental care

1. Name of the public service: maintenance and upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care.

4. Indicators characterizing the volume and (or) quality of public services.

4.1. Indicators characterizing the quality of public services.




Values ​​of public service quality indicators

A source of information
about the value of the indicator
(initial data for
its calculation)

fiscal year

fiscal year

fiscal year

1st year
planning period

2nd year
planning period

1. Number of places in an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, per 1 consumer of the service

Number of places in an educational institution/number of service consumers

at least 1 place

at least 1 place

at least 1 place

at least 1 place

at least 1 place

2. The presence of medical and social conditions, which include the improvement of pupils’ health, the prevention of diseases (except chronic ones), the correspondence of the psychophysical and neuropsychic development of pupils to the age category

reduction in injury and illness rates compared to last year

reduction in injury and illness rates compared to last year

reduction in injury and illness rates compared to last year

reduction in injury and illness rates compared to last year

4.2. Volume of public services (in physical terms).

5. The procedure for providing public services.

5.1. Regulatory legal acts governing the provision of public services:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia dated July 10, 2014 No. 100-780 “On approval of the Quality Standards of Public Services and the Procedure for Assessing the Need and Quality of Public Services in the Field of Education.”

7. Limit prices (tariffs) for payment of public services in cases where the law of the Russian Federation provides for their provision on a paid basis.

7.1. There is no normative legal act establishing prices (tariffs) or the procedure for their establishment.

7.2. The body that sets prices (tariffs) – no.

7.3. Values ​​of maximum prices (tariffs).

8. The procedure for monitoring the execution of state assignments.

9. Requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

9.1. Form of a report on the execution of a state task.

9.2. Deadlines for submitting reports on the execution of government assignments: monthly, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month.

9.3. There are no other requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

10. Other information necessary for the execution (monitoring of execution) of the state task - no.

Organization and holding of cultural events in the field of education

1. Name of the public service: organization and holding of cultural events in the field of education.

2. Consumers of public services: individuals.

3. The amount of funds for the implementation of the state task for the implementation of the state service(s), thousand rubles in total:

4. Indicators characterizing the volume and (or) quality of public services.

4.1. Indicators characterizing the quality of public services.

4.2. Volume of public services (in physical terms).

5. The procedure for providing public services.

5.1. Regulatory legal acts governing the provision of public services:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (with subsequent amendments and additions);

Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” (with subsequent amendments);

Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights” (with subsequent amendments);

Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia;

Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated July 5, 2013 No. 60-ЗРХ “On education in the Republic of Khakassia”;

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia dated September 11, 2007 No. 283 “On improving the budget process in the Republic of Khakassia”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia dated July 10, 2014 No. 100-780 “On approval of the Quality Standards of Public Services and the Procedure for Assessing the Need and Quality of Public Services in the Field of Education.”

6. Grounds for early termination of the execution of a state task: liquidation of an educational institution.

7. Limit prices (tariffs) for payment of public services in cases where the law of the Russian Federation provides for their provision on a paid basis.

7.1. A normative legal act establishing prices (tariffs) or

the order of their establishment is not.

7.2. The body that sets prices (tariffs) – no.

7.3. Values ​​of maximum prices (tariffs).

8. The procedure for monitoring the execution of state assignments.

9. Requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

9.1. Form of a report on the execution of a state task.



approved in
task on
reporting period

value for

deviations from
numeric values


1. No complaints from service recipients

departmental reporting

2. Number of events held

3. Participation in the All-Russian Olympiads of professional skills

9.2. Deadlines for submitting reports on the execution of government assignments: once every six months.

9.3. There are no other requirements for reporting on the execution of government assignments.

10. Other information necessary for the execution (monitoring of execution) of the state task - no.

Conditions for admission to study in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education under agreements for the provision of paid educational services at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan KhKPTES

Acceptance of documents in electronic form

Information on the acceptance of applications and necessary documents through public postal operators (by mail) and in electronic digital form (by e-mail) by the admissions committee of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education and Science of the Russian Federation KHKPTES in 2019
Applicants for trainingeducational programssecondary vocational education has the right to send an application for admission, as well as copies of the necessary documents through public postal operators (by mail).

To do this you need:

2. Attach photocopies of documents to the applicant’s application:
- document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications and annex to it;
- statement of consent to the processing of personal data.

3. Send a package of documents by registered mail with a list of attachments to the address: 655004, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, st. Sovetskaya, 173, marked "To the admissions committee" . The second copy of the inventory and the receipt remain with the applicant.

Applicants to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education have the opportunity to submit documents in electronic digital form (by email)

To do this you need:
1. Print out the applicant’s application form posted on the website (in the Applicant section; Applicant Documents; Application for vocational training programs), fill out the application, put the necessary signatures and the date of completion.

2. Scan (in jpg format):
- completed and signed application;
- completed and signed statement of consent to the processing of personal data;
- passport (page spread with photo and registration);
- document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications and annex to it.

4. Send a letter indicating the list of documents to be sent by email to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. , attaching files with scanned applications and documents. The subject line of the letter should indicate: “ Documents for the admissions committee. Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant.”


The Admissions Committee does not accept applications through public postal operators (by mail) and in electronic digital form from citizens applying for specialties 02/43/13. Technology of hairdressing and 02/29/04 Design, modeling and technology of garments, in connection with the conduct of entrance tests for applicants in these areas.

If there are unfilled details, or if there are no required signatures in the application or attachments, documents will not be accepted for consideration.

The deadlines for receipt of documents by the admissions committee must correspond to the deadlines for submitting documents established by paragraph 18 of the Rules for admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan KhKPTES for the 2019 - 2020 academic year.

Documents are considered accepted for consideration if they are received by the admissions committee within the established time frame and meet the requirements for the list of documents.

When submitting documents by mail or in electronic digital form, you must remember that if an applicant is among those recommended for admission, then you must provide the admissions committee with the originals of those documents, copies of which were sent to them, as well as the required number of photographs.

A necessary condition for enrollment in college is the presence of the original document of education. The deadline for submitting the original document is August 16, 2019.

The Admissions Committee reserves the right not to accept documents sent by applicants if they do not meet the requirements established by the Admission Rules and/or the inability to read the text of the documents.


Class schedule for 1st year students

8.30 – Solemn assembly “Hello, college!”
9.00 – 9.40 – class hour “I am a student”

Class schedule for 2-4 year students

10.00 -10.30 – class hour “Roll Call”
10.35 – 11.35 – 1st, 2nd lesson
11.45 – 12.45 – 3rd, 4th lesson

Admission Application Screen

for the 2019/2020 academic year
as of 08/15/2019

Name of profession, specialty

Reception plan


01/43/09 Cook, confectioner


01/29/05 Cutter


01/35/19 Master of gardening and landscape construction


02.29.04 Design, modeling and technology of garments


02/43/13 Hairdressing technology


02/29/09 Printing


02/38/07 Banking


46.02.01 Documentation support for management and archiving


02/38/01 Economics and accounting (by industry)


17531 Green farm worker


17544 Worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings


Entrepreneurship Basics


Date of entry of the operator into the register: 02.07.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 412

Operator name: State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Khakass Polytechnic College"

Operator location address: Abakan, st. Pushkina 30

Start date of personal data processing: 23.01.1996

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: The Republic of Khakassia

Purpose of processing personal data: provision of educational services, processing of personal data of college employees related to work activities in accordance with the Labor Code, processing of personal data of students and their parents related to educational activities. payroll for employees, scholarships for students, tax deductions, and pension accruals.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: K3, access to data in accordance with access rights, access control using operating system means, access control at the level of programs related to data processing. Access to personal data in accordance with the college’s regulations on working with personal data of employees and students

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, military registration, passport data, biographical data

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Subjects (individuals) who are in an employment relationship with a legal entity, students accepted to study at the college, immediate relatives of employees and students.

List of actions with personal data: actions related to the processing of personal data, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, dissemination (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of data

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: The Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Khakassia of Secondary Vocational Education "Khakass Polytechnic College" was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia dated January 18, 2012. No.04. The charter was registered with the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service No. 1 for the Republic of Khakassia on 02/06/2012. The Charter of the GBOU RH SPO KhPK was amended: - dated 08/15/2012. , registered with the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service No. 1 for the Republic of Khakassia on August 23, 2012. - dated December 25, 2012, registered with the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service No. 1 for the Republic of Khakassia on January 9, 2013. License for the right to conduct educational activities dated March 12, 2012, unlimited, series 19A No. 0000773, registration No. 1441. Objectives of activity: Providing educational services in the field of secondary vocational education, including paid ones, implementation of programs of additional education, professional training and advanced training. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 85-90, Federal Law-152 dated July 27, 2006, Regulations on confidential information of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Federation SPO KhPK, List of confidential information in the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Federation SPO KhPK.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

Reception of documents from applicants

4.1. Admission to an educational organization for educational programs is carried out for the first year on the personal application of citizens. Documents are accepted for the first year of full-time education from June 20, 2016 to August 15, 2016. If there are free places in the educational organization, the acceptance of documents is extended until November 25, 2016. Acceptance of documents for the first year of correspondence education is carried out from March 1, 2016 to September 25, 2016. If there are free places in the educational organization, the acceptance of documents is extended until November 25, 2016.

4.2. When submitting an application for admission to an educational organization, the applicant presents the following documents: 4.2.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation: original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship; original or photocopy of a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications; 4 photos

4.2.2. Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad: 5 - a copy of the applicant’s identity document, or an identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”; - the original document (documents) of a foreign state on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications (hereinafter - a document of a foreign state on education), if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 of the Federal Law (in the case established by Federal Law, also a certificate of recognition of a foreign education); - a duly certified translation into Russian of a foreign state’s document on the level of education and its annexes (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document was issued); - copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of Law No. 99-FZ of May 24, 1999 “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”; - 4 photographs; The last name, first name and patronymic (last if available) of the applicant, indicated in the translations of the submitted documents, must correspond to the last name, first name and patronymic (last if available) indicated in the identity document of the foreign citizen in the Russian Federation

4.3. In the application, applicants indicate the following mandatory information: last name, first name and patronymic (the latter - if available); Date of Birth; details of his identity document, when and by whom it was issued; information about the previous level of education and the document on education and (or) the document on education and the qualifications confirming it; the specialty/profession for which he plans to enroll in an educational organization, indicating the conditions of study and the form of education (within the admission target numbers, places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services); need for hostel accommodation. The application also records the fact of familiarization (including through public information systems) with copies of the license to carry out educational activities, the certificate of state accreditation and appendices thereto. The fact of familiarization is certified by the personal signature of the applicant. The applicant’s signature also certifies the following: receiving secondary vocational education for the first time; familiarization (including through public information systems) with the date of provision of the original document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications. If an applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information provided for in this paragraph and (or) information that does not correspond to reality, the admissions committee returns the documents to the applicant. 6

4.4. When applying for training in specialties included in the list of specialties, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 N 697, applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position, profession or specialty.

4.5. Applicants have the right to send an application for admission, as well as the necessary documents, through public postal operators (hereinafter - by mail), as well as in electronic form, in accordance with Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature” , Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications, as well as other documents provided for by these Admission Rules. Documents sent by mail are accepted upon their receipt by the educational organization no later than the deadlines established by clause 4.1 of these Admission Rules. When submitting the original documents in person, applicants are allowed to have their photocopies certified by the educational organization.

4.6. It is not allowed to charge a fee to applicants when submitting documents specified in clause 4.2 of these Admission Rules.

4.7. A personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all submitted documents are stored. 4.8. Upon written application, applicants have the right to pick up the original document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications and other documents submitted to the admissions committee. Documents must be returned by the educational organization within the next working day after submitting the application. 5. Enrollment in an educational organization

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