Kherson National Technical University. Kherson State Technical University Chemical and Bioengineering

Kherson National Technical University is one of the most authoritative universities in Ukraine. Kherson National Technical University trains highly qualified engineers, economists, managers, accountants, financiers, programmers, personnel for the civil service and local governments, carries out research work for mechanical engineering enterprises and organizations , textile, food and light industries, technical and economic cybernetics, electronics, management, economics, computer science, computer engineering, etc. Now Kherson National Technical University is fully accredited at the IV (highest) level of accreditation. The total number of employees of Kherson National Technical University is 1148 people. 38 departments employ: 42 doctors of science, professors, more than 250 candidates of science, associate professors, 18 academicians and corresponding members of branch academies of sciences, honored workers of science and technology. The total student population exceeds 10 thousand people. These are future specialists in mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical, textile, food and other industries, as well as economics and entrepreneurship, management, design, information technology, control systems, etc. Kherson National Technical University carries out training of specialists under government orders, on a contract basis and at the expense of preferential loans in full-time, part-time (distance) forms of education and in external studies at the following educational and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist, master. Providing the educational process at the Kherson National Technical University Educational process at the Kherson National Technical University The university is provided by seven basic faculties: economics, cybernetics, technology and design, mechanical engineering, international economic relations, correspondence and distance learning and retraining, regional faculties. More than 5,000 students study at the regional faculties of the Kherson National Technical University. These are Feodosia, Perekop, Kerch, Genichesk, Tauride regional faculties and the Yalta educational and consulting center. Areas of training at the Kherson National Technical University: design; philology; economic cybernetics; enterprise economy; finance and credit; Accounting and Auditing; management; computer engineering; software engineering; systems engineering; automation and computer integrated technologies; engineering mechanics; mechanical engineering; electrical engineering and electrical technology; electromechanics; micro- and nanoelectronics; metrology and information-measuring technologies; chemical Technology; technology and design of textile materials; technology of light industry products; food technology and engineering. The introduction of the latest technologies is one of the priority areas of activity of the Kherson National Technical University. In recent years, the main achievements in this area have been the creation of a modern computer data processing center and the construction of a high-speed fiber-optic communication network, which, thanks to the use of the latest client-server technologies, has made it possible to connect all buildings, departments and dormitories of the university to a single powerful computer system of the Kherson National Technical University. To train students at the Kherson National Technical University, computer classes have been created, equipped with the most modern equipment and licensed software. The material and technical base of the Kherson National Technical University consists of 7 educational buildings, a scientific and technical library, a computer center, three dormitories, canteens, buffets, a sports complex, recreation center on the Dnieper, student clinic.

Kherson National Technical University (KNTU) - One of the best universities in the south of Ukraine, whose history dates back to 1957. This is an institution of IV level of accreditation Certificate of accreditation series RD-IV No. 222350 dated 02/10/2010 not valid until July 1, 2015 , license number 270 188 AE series 07/02/2013r.

President: YuriyBardachov, Candidate of Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 254 on the basis of the Kherson Industrial Institute March 24, 1997 on the basis of the Kherson State Technical University. Based on the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1403/2004 of November 15, 2004, the Kherson State Technical University received national status.

The educational and scientific structure of KhNTU covers pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education. Pre Education: Center for students (courses, preparatory courses), physical and technical secondary school (9-11 grades of secondary school.) Higher education: Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Design, cybernetics, economics, international economic relations, 6 regional departments (Armians"k, Yalta, Feodosia, KakhovkaHenichesk Kerch), Economic and technological education College. Postgraduate: faculty of advanced training and retraining of specialists, graduate students and doctoral studies. KHNTU trains specialists in 29 specialties in educational qualification levels: Bachelor, Specialist and Master. The College of Economics and Technology trains young specialists in four specialties.

Faculties of Kherson National Technical University:

  • Department of Economics
  • Faculty of Cybernetics
  • Faculty of Technology and Design
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Department of International Economic Relations
  • Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning

general information

Kherson National Technical University (KNTU) - additional information about the higher education institution

general information

Kherson National Technical University is one of the most authoritative universities in Ukraine.

Kherson National Technical University trains highly qualified engineers, economists, managers, accountants, financiers, programmers, personnel for the civil service and local governments, carries out research work for enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering, textile, food and light industries, technical and economic cybernetics , Electronics, Management, Economics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, etc.

Now Kherson National Technical University is fully accredited at the IV (highest) level of accreditation.

The total number of employees of Kherson National Technical University is 1148 people. 38 departments employ: 42 doctors of science, professors, more than 250 candidates of science, associate professors, 18 academicians and corresponding members of branch academies of sciences, honored workers of science and technology. The total student population exceeds 10 thousand people.

These are future specialists in mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical, textile, food and other industries, as well as economics and entrepreneurship, management, design, information technology, control systems, etc.

Kherson National Technical University trains specialists under government orders, on a contract basis and through preferential loans, in full-time, part-time (distance) forms of education and in external studies at the following educational and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist, master.

Ensuring the educational process of Kherson National Technical University

The educational process at Kherson National Technical University is provided by seven basic faculties:

Economics, cybernetics, technology and design, mechanical engineering, international economic relations, correspondence and distance learning and retraining, regional faculties.

More than 5,000 students study at the regional faculties of the Kherson National Technical University. These are Feodosia, Perekop, Kerch, Genichesk, Tauride regional faculties and the Yalta educational and consulting center.

Areas of training at Kherson National Technical University:

Design; philology; economic cybernetics; enterprise economy; finance and credit; Accounting and Auditing; management; computer engineering; software engineering; systems engineering; automation and computer integrated technologies; engineering mechanics; mechanical engineering; electrical engineering and electrical technology; electromechanics; micro- and nanoelectronics; metrology and information-measuring technologies; chemical Technology; technology and design of textile materials; technology of light industry products; food technology and engineering.

The introduction of the latest technologies is one of the priority areas of activity of the Kherson National Technical University. In recent years, the main achievements in this area have been the creation of a modern computer data processing center and the construction of a high-speed fiber-optic communication network, which, thanks to the use of the latest client-server technologies, has made it possible to connect all buildings, departments and dormitories of the university to a single powerful computer system of the Kherson National Technical University.

To train students, computer classes equipped with the most modern equipment and licensed software have been created at the Kherson National Technical University.

The material and technical base of the Kherson National Technical University consists of 7 educational buildings, a scientific and technical library, a computer center, three dormitories, canteens, buffets, a sports complex, a recreation center on the Dnieper, and a student clinic.

Kherson National Technical University
original name

Kherson National Technical University


Per aspera ad astra

Year of foundation

Bardachev Yuri Nikolaevich

The doctors
Legal address

73008 Kherson, Berislavskoe highway, 24

K:Educational institutions founded in 1959

Kherson National Technical University carries out training of specialists in mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical, textile and other industries and is the only university in Ukraine that trains personnel for the textile industry. Much effort is being made in the area of ​​improving and expanding the range of training in economics, electronics, computer science and automation.

general information

Kherson National Technical University (KNTU) is one of the best higher educational institutions in the south of Ukraine, whose history dates back to 1959. This is a higher educational institution of the IV level of accreditation: accreditation certificate series RD-IV No. 222350 dated October 20, 2009, valid until July 1, 2015; license series AB No. 498231 dated October 20, 2009. Rector: Bardachev Yuriy Nikolaevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. By Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 254, Kherson State Technical University was founded on the basis of the Kherson Industrial Institute on March 24, 1997. Based on Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1403/2004 dated November 15, 2004, Kherson State Technical University was granted national status. The educational and scientific structure of KhNTU covers pre-university, university and postgraduate education. Pre-university education: Center for pre-university training (preparatory courses, preparatory department), physical and technical lyceum (grades 9-11 of secondary school). University education: faculties of mechanical engineering, technology and design, cybernetics, economics, international economic relations; 6 regional faculties (Armensk, Yalta, Feodosia, Kakhovka, Genichesk, Kerch); Economics and Technology College. Postgraduate education: faculty of advanced training and retraining of specialists, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies. KhNTU trains specialists in 29 specialties at the educational qualification levels of bachelor, specialist, master. The Economic and Technological College trains junior specialists in four specialties. In recent years, training has begun for specialists with the following specialties: “Design”; “Non-traditional energy sources”; "Translation". The university has two specialized academic councils that accept dissertations from 3 specialties for defense. Magazines are issued: “Bulletin of KhNTU”, “Automation. Automation. Electrical complexes and systems", "Problems of light and textile industry". The university infrastructure includes the following main facilities: a complex of educational and laboratory complexes of the university and the economics and technology college; complexes of educational and laboratory buildings of regional subdivisions of the university; branches of departments in production; campus; sports complex; houses for teachers; Family doctor student outpatient clinic. Students have a library, 13 computer classes, and specialized laboratories at their disposal.


1959 - on the initiative of a group of correspondence students who worked at the Kherson Cotton Mill, a training and consultation center (UCP) of the Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry was organized in the city.

1960 - a general technical faculty (TFF) was created on the basis of the UKP.

1961 - according to the Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR, the Kherson OTF was transferred to the Odessa Technological Institute of Food Industry named after. M.V. Lomonosov (OTIPP).

1962 - the evening textile technical school was attached to the Kherson OTF and transformed into a branch of the Odessa Technological Institute with two faculties: mechanical-technological and general technical. From that time on, the Kherson branch began to develop extremely rapidly.

In the 70s, the training of engineers was carried out at five faculties in eight specialties. In addition, there was a graduate school at the branch.

In December 1980, the Kherson Industrial Institute was opened on the basis of the OTIPP branch. At that time, the Industrial Institute was the only university in Ukraine that trained process engineers in the primary processing of flax, weaving, and spinning.

1997 - Kherson State Technical University was created on the basis of the Kherson Industrial Institute (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 24, 1997 No. 254). By Decree of the President of Ukraine dated November 15, 2004 No. 1403/2004, Kherson State Technical University was awarded national status.


  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Cybernetics and Systems Engineering
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Technology and Design
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations
  • Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning

Buildings and campuses

The material and technical base of KhNTU consists of 7 educational buildings, a scientific and technical library, a computer center, three dormitories, a canteen, a cafeteria, sports complexes, a recreation center on the Dnieper, and a student clinic.

Student government

The university has an active student government body - the student council (Head - Anton Lutsenko, 3rd year student). On the campus there is a student council of the campus (Head - Markevich Igor, senior 3rd year). The main goal of the student council is to protect and uphold the rights of students and organize student leisure. For example, at the end of April 2010, the head of the student council of the campus, Igor Markevich, organized the installation of benches on the territory of hostel No. 2.

  • In 2009, during the election of the head of the university student council, candidate Svetlana Ushaneva promised to achieve the installation of a monument to the student record book on the territory of KhNTU, but this has not happened so far.
  • In 2010, Anton Lutsenko, a third-year student at the Faculty of Cybernetics, won the election for the Head of the KhNTU Student Council. The student council of KhNTU held an anti-smoking campaign “Exchange a cigarette for candy.” During this action, 48 cigarettes were exchanged for delicious candies, and 58 balls were given to students who expressed their opinion against smoking and wrote wishes to students who smoke.
  • At the same time, a photo exhibition “Life through the eyes of a student” was held. More than 40 compositions made by students were exhibited.
  • The University Student Council, together with the trade union committee of students and graduate students of KhNTU, at the beginning of the 2010 academic year, jointly achieved a reduction in prices for accommodation in dormitories. Note that the price increase did not come from the administration of the university, but from the thermal power plant itself.
  • Although KhNTU has the status of “national”, its dormitories are in a deplorable state. The head of the campus student council, Igor Markevich, mentioned this to the administration more than once, but his attempts to achieve at least some repairs in the dormitories were in vain, due to the refusal of the university administration. Most likely, the rector simply has no idea about the state of the KhNTU dormitories.

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An excerpt characterizing Kherson National Technical University

Ordering some punch to be served and calling Bosset, he began a conversation with him about Paris, about some changes that he intended to make in the maison de l'imperatrice [in the court staff of the Empress], surprising the prefect with his memorability for all the small details of court relations.
He was interested in trifles, joked about Bosse's love of travel and chatted casually in the way a famous, confident and knowledgeable operator does, while he rolls up his sleeves and puts on an apron and the patient is tied to a bed: “The matter is all in my hands.” and in my head, clearly and definitely. When it’s time to get down to business, I’ll do it like no one else, and now I can joke, and the more I joke and am calm, the more you should be confident, calm and surprised at my genius.”
Having finished his second glass of punch, Napoleon went to rest before the serious business that, as it seemed to him, lay ahead of him the next day.
He was so interested in this task ahead of him that he could not sleep and, despite the runny nose that had worsened from the evening dampness, at three o'clock in the morning, blowing his nose loudly, he went out into the large compartment of the tent. He asked if the Russians had left? He was told that the enemy fires were still in the same places. He nodded his head approvingly.
The adjutant on duty entered the tent.
“Eh bien, Rapp, croyez vous, que nous ferons do bonnes affaires aujourd"hui? [Well, Rapp, what do you think: will our affairs be good today?] - he turned to him.
“Sans aucun doute, sire, [Without any doubt, sir,” answered Rapp.
Napoleon looked at him.
“Vous rappelez vous, Sire, ce que vous m"avez fait l"honneur de dire a Smolensk,” said Rapp, “le vin est tire, il faut le boire.” [Do you remember, sir, those words that you deigned to say to me in Smolensk, the wine is uncorked, I must drink it.]
Napoleon frowned and sat silently for a long time, his head resting on his hand.
“Cette pauvre armee,” he said suddenly, “elle a bien diminue depuis Smolensk.” La fortune est une franche courtisane, Rapp; je le disais toujours, et je commence a l "eprouver. Mais la garde, Rapp, la garde est intacte? [Poor army! It has greatly diminished since Smolensk. Fortune is a real harlot, Rapp. I have always said this and am beginning to experience it. But the guard, Rapp, are the guards intact?] – he said questioningly.
“Oui, Sire, [Yes, sir.],” answered Rapp.
Napoleon took the lozenge, put it in his mouth and looked at his watch. He didn’t want to sleep; morning was still far away; and in order to kill time, no orders could be made anymore, because everything had been done and was now being carried out.
– A t on distribue les biscuits et le riz aux regiments de la garde? [Did they distribute crackers and rice to the guards?] - Napoleon asked sternly.
– Oui, Sire. [Yes, sir.]
– Mais le riz? [But rice?]
Rapp replied that he had conveyed the sovereign’s orders about rice, but Napoleon shook his head with displeasure, as if he did not believe that his order would be carried out. The servant came in with punch. Napoleon ordered another glass to be brought to Rapp and silently took sips from his own.
“I have neither taste nor smell,” he said, sniffing the glass. “I’m tired of this runny nose.” They talk about medicine. What kind of medicine is there when they cannot cure a runny nose? Corvisar gave me these lozenges, but they don't help. What can they treat? It cannot be treated. Notre corps est une machine a vivre. Il est organise pour cela, c"est sa nature; laissez y la vie a son aise, qu"elle s"y defende elle meme: elle fera plus que si vous la paralysiez en l"encombrant de remedes. Notre corps est comme une montre parfaite qui doit aller un certain temps; l"horloger n"a pas la faculte de l"ouvrir, il ne peut la manier qu"a tatons et les yeux bandes. Notre corps est une machine a vivre, voila tout. [Our body is a machine for life. This is what it is designed for. Leave the life in him alone, let her defend herself, she will do more on her own than when you interfere with her with medications. Our body is like a clock that must run for a certain time; The watchmaker cannot open them and can only operate them by touch and blindfolded. Our body is a machine for life. That's all.] - And as if having embarked on the path of definitions, definitions that Napoleon loved, he suddenly made a new definition. – Do you know, Rapp, what the art of war is? - he asked. – The art of being stronger than the enemy at a certain moment. Voila tout. [That's all.]
Rapp said nothing.
– Demainnous allons avoir affaire a Koutouzoff! [Tomorrow we will deal with Kutuzov!] - said Napoleon. - Let's see! Remember, at Braunau he commanded the army and not once in three weeks did he mount a horse to inspect the fortifications. Let's see!
He looked at his watch. It was still only four o'clock. I didn’t want to sleep, I had finished the punch, and there was still nothing to do. He got up, walked back and forth, put on a warm frock coat and hat and left the tent. The night was dark and damp; a barely audible dampness fell from above. The fires did not burn brightly nearby, in the French guard, and glittered far through the smoke along the Russian line. Everywhere it was quiet, and the rustling and trampling of the French troops, which had already begun to move to occupy a position, could clearly be heard.
Napoleon walked in front of the tent, looked at the lights, listened to the stomping and, passing by a tall guardsman in a shaggy hat, who stood sentry at his tent and, like a black pillar, stretched out when the emperor appeared, stopped opposite him.
- Since what year have you been in the service? - he asked with that usual affectation of rough and gentle belligerence with which he always treated the soldiers. The soldier answered him.
- Ah! un des vieux! [A! of the old people!] Did you receive rice for the regiment?
- We got it, Your Majesty.
Napoleon nodded his head and walked away from him.

At half past five Napoleon rode on horseback to the village of Shevardin.
It was beginning to get light, the sky cleared, only one cloud lay in the east. Abandoned fires burned out in the weak morning light.
A thick, lonely cannon shot rang out to the right, rushed past and froze in the midst of general silence. Several minutes passed. A second, third shot rang out, the air began to vibrate; the fourth and fifth sounded close and solemnly somewhere to the right.
The first shots had not yet sounded when others were heard, again and again, merging and interrupting one another.
Napoleon rode up with his retinue to the Shevardinsky redoubt and dismounted from his horse. The game has begun.

Returning from Prince Andrei to Gorki, Pierre, having ordered the horseman to prepare the horses and wake him up early in the morning, immediately fell asleep behind the partition, in the corner that Boris had given him.
When Pierre fully woke up the next morning, there was no one in the hut. Glass rattled in the small windows. The bereitor stood pushing him aside.
“Your Excellency, your Excellency, your Excellency...” the bereitor said stubbornly, without looking at Pierre and, apparently, having lost hope of waking him up, swinging him by the shoulder.
- What? Began? Is it time? - Pierre spoke, waking up.
“If you please hear the firing,” said the bereitor, a retired soldier, “all the gentlemen have already left, the most illustrious ones themselves have passed a long time ago.”
Pierre quickly got dressed and ran out onto the porch. It was clear, fresh, dewy and cheerful outside. The sun, having just broken out from behind the cloud that was obscuring it, splashed half-broken rays through the roofs of the opposite street, onto the dew-covered dust of the road, onto the walls of the houses, onto the windows of the fence and onto Pierre’s horses standing at the hut. The roar of the guns could be heard more clearly in the yard. An adjutant with a Cossack trotted down the street.
- It's time, Count, it's time! - shouted the adjutant.
Having ordered his horse to be led, Pierre walked down the street to the mound from which he had looked at the battlefield yesterday. On this mound there was a crowd of military men, and the French conversation of the staff could be heard, and the gray head of Kutuzov could be seen with his white cap with a red band and the gray back of his head, sunk into his shoulders. Kutuzov looked through the pipe ahead along the main road.

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