Khrushchev Sergei Nikitich: biography, family life and political views. Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev Sergei Khrushchev

Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev was born on July 2, 1935 in Moscow. At the age of 6 he suffered from tuberculosis of the hip joint and spent a year in a cast. In 1952 he graduated from Moscow school No. 110 with a gold medal. In 1958 he graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Vacuum Engineering and Special Instrumentation of Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

In 1958-1968, he worked at the Chelomey Design Bureau as deputy head of a department, developed projects for cruise and ballistic missiles, and participated in the creation of spacecraft landing systems and the Proton launch vehicle. Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, became a laureate of the Lenin Prize, the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Member of a number of international academies.

Subsequently, he worked as Deputy Director of the Institute of Electronic Control Machines (INEUM), Deputy General Director of NPO Elektronmash. In Moscow he lived in Starokonyushenny Lane, then in a mansion on the Lenin Hills.

In 1991, S. N. Khrushchev was invited to Brown University (USA) to lecture on the history of the Cold War. Remained a permanent resident in the United States, currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island, and has Russian and American (since 1999) citizenship. He is a professor at the Thomas Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University.

He is divorced from his first wife, Galina Shumova. The second wife, Valentina Nikolaevna Golenko, lives with Sergei Nikitich in the USA. The eldest son Nikita died on February 22, 2007 in Moscow. The youngest son Sergei lives in Moscow.

Publicistic activity

After the resignation of N.S. Khrushchev, he edited the book of his father’s memoirs and sent it for publication abroad. He was under surveillance by the special services.

Subsequently, he published a number of his own books with memories of historical events that he witnessed, and with his own balanced assessment of what happened: “Pensioner of Union Significance”, “Birth of a Superpower”, “Son for Father”. In his works he adheres to a clear anti-Stalinist position. Currently working on books about Khrushchev's reforms. The books have been translated into 12 foreign languages. One of the screenwriters of the film "Gray Wolves" (Mosfilm, 1993).

Major works

  • Khrushchev S.N. Pensioner of Union significance. Publishing house "News", 1991. 416 pp. ISBN 5-7020-0095-1
  • Khrushchev S.N. The Birth of a Superpower: A Book about the Father. Ed. "Time", 2003. 672 pp. ISBN 5-94117-097-1.
  • Sergei Khrushchev, Khrushchev on Khrushchev - An Inside Account of the Man and His Era, by His Son, Sergei Khrushchev, Verlag Little, Brown and Company, 1990, ISBN 0-316-49194-2
  • Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-271-01927-1
  • Sergei Khrushchev, Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Reformer, 1945-1964, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-271-02861-0

The world of famous people is unique. Information technologies allow us to learn a lot of new and interesting things about them. Here you can even meet the descendants of world leaders of the last century, talented people who left a huge mark on the history of mankind. These are the children of famous politicians, doctors, athletes and other public figures.


The son of the famous political figure Nikita Khrushchev, Sergei, was born and raised in Moscow. At the age of 6 he suffered an injury: a fracture of the hip joint, as a result of which a plaster cast was applied. I survived such a terrible disease as tuberculosis. His parents raised him well, but strictly, so it is not surprising that the boy grew up obedient and disciplined. From childhood, he was taught to honor and respect his elders and, no matter what, in any situation, “remain human.”

The long years of upbringing did not pass without a trace; all the good things that were invested in the development of his personality had a favorable effect on his education, future profession and the attitude of people towards him in general. Sergei Khrushchev has several higher educations, he is a great, honored person, the pride of his parents.

Currently, Khrushchev's son, Sergei, is a Soviet and American scientist, publicist, and professor. Defended his doctoral dissertation (Doctor of Technical Sciences). Works as a lecturer at the Brown Institute in the USA. Despite the fact that he lives most of his life in America, he is an ardent supporter and patriot of Russia.

Personal life

It is difficult to find a large amount of information about the personal life of Sergei Nikitich. But we still managed to find out something. Sergei Khrushchev had three wives. He divorced his first one, named Galina, long ago; there were no children. Immediately after the divorce, he announced that he had a beloved woman in Dushanbe. Her name is Olga. After several dates, the man moved Olga to Moscow and invited her to live in a civil marriage. The woman gave birth to two children - a boy and a girl. But after several years of living together, the couple divorced, and Sergei Nikitich married again, this time officially, to a friend of his ex-wife, Valentina Nikolaevna, with whom he now lives in the USA. Valentina gave her husband two sons. The wife loves to cook, bakes, and in her free time reprints articles by Sergei Nikitich.

His eldest son, Nikita, a journalist and editor of Moscow News, unfortunately died. The youngest son, Sergei, lives in Moscow. Nothing is said about his personal life in the biography of Sergei Khrushchev.

Reviews about Stalin

From an interview with Sergei Khrushchev, we learned that he loved his father very much, always respected and listened to his opinion. Even now, when we talk about Nikita Sergeevich, my son always remembers him with warmth. In one of the television programs, Sergei Nikitich spoke in defense of his father, sharing his thoughts and reviews about Joseph Stalin and his activities.

He also shared with the audience a story about how Sergei’s father, Nikita Khrushchev, relaxed while on vacation visiting Stalin. Sergei himself saw the “leader of the peoples” only once, at a demonstration.

My father was given his first vacation, and then Stalin called him and invited him to his place in Sochi to talk, socialize, and have a good time. Nikita Sergeevich wanted to take his wife, Sergei’s mother, with him, but Stalin did not want to hear about it. Khrushchev and Stalin lived together, and my mother lived separately. So this could be called a purely specific, official vacation. Stalin wanted to see only those close to him.

Son about father

Sergei Khrushchev is a wonderful, bright-hearted person, very open and trouble-free. His views on life are practical. He studies history, collects facts and analyzes them. In many ways, he justifies and supports his father and his political activities. Sometimes, however, there were cases when he criticized him and even argued with him on certain issues.

Sergei Nikitich wrote a trilogy book “The Reformer” about his father. It tells about the reforms taking place year after year in the country, about radical economic restructuring, about changes in education, science and culture, about bright victories and defeats, about the return of tens of thousands of exiled people from camps to their homeland - this is the merit of Nikita Khrushchev. All eleven years that he was in power are described in this interesting book. Since it was not easy for Sergei Khrushchev to find access to reliable information of the last century, he combined writing an essay with his memories, thoughts, and views on life.

Khrushchev on Putin

Sergei Nikitich has his own view on the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It cannot be said that he supports his policies and the peculiarities of governing the country. Quite the contrary.

He believes that his term of power expired back in 2008. And if he had left on time, he would have been considered a normal leader. Sergei Nikitich does not know what the future holds for Ukraine, Russia and America. He's just making assumptions.

He greatly regrets the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, as he says, everything could have turned out completely differently and, most likely, for the better. Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev is a great man; his father could now admire and be proud of him.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev

Khrushchev in 2010
Scientific field:

space systems designer, political scientist

Place of work:

Brown University Thomas Watson Institute for International Studies

Academic degree:
Academic title:
Alma mater:
Awards and prizes:

Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev(born July 2) - Soviet and Russian scientist, publicist. Son of the former First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Hero of Socialist Labor ().


Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev was born on July 2, 1935 in Moscow. At the age of 6 he suffered a fracture of the hip joint and spent a year in a cast. In 1952 he graduated from Moscow school No. 110 with a gold medal.

In the summer of 1952, he entered the Faculty of Electro-Vacuum Engineering and Special Instrument Making at Moscow Power Engineering Institute, majoring in Automatic Control Systems. He recalled that the main role in his decision to go to study at MPEI was played by his former rector, Malenkov’s wife Valeria Golubtsova.

He is divorced from his first wife, Galina Shumova. The second wife, Valentina Nikolaevna Golenko, lives with Sergei Nikitich in the USA. The eldest son Nikita, journalist and editor of Moscow News, died on February 22, 2007 in Moscow. The youngest son Sergei lives in Moscow.

Publicistic activity

After the resignation of N.S. Khrushchev, he edited the book of his father’s memoirs and sent it for publication abroad. Was under surveillance by the special services.

Subsequently, he published a number of his own books with memoirs about the historical events that he witnessed, and with his own balanced assessment of what happened: “Pensioner of Union Significance”, “The Birth of a Superpower”. In his works he adheres to a clear anti-Stalinist position. Currently working on books about “Khrushchev’s reforms.” The books have been translated into 12 foreign languages. One of the screenwriters of the film "Gray Wolves" (Mosfilm, 1993).

In 2010, the book of the Ukrainian writer and journalist Dmitry Gordon “Son for Father” was published, which collected all the author’s interviews with Sergei Khrushchev.

Major works

  • Khrushchev S. N. Pensioner of Union significance. - M.: News, 1991. - 416 pp. - ISBN 5-7020-0095-1
  • Khrushchev S. N. The Birth of a Superpower: A Book about a Father. - M.: Time, 2003. - 672 pp. - ISBN 5-94117-097-1
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Khrushchev on Khrushchev - An Inside Account of the Man and His Era, by His Son, Sergei Khrushchev, Verlag Little, Brown and Company, 1990, ISBN 0-316-49194-2
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-271-01927-1
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Reformer, 1945-1964, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-271-02861-0

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  • Vladimir Skachko. Payment for Sovietism. The children and grandchildren of the leaders ignored the work of their fathers and grandfathers. // "Kyiv Telegraph". No. 27-29.
  • Dmitry Gordon. Son for father. Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev about his father, Stalin, time and himself. - Kyiv: Skhili Dnipra, 2010. - ISBN 978-966-8881-13-8



  • Interview with the news agency TPP-INFORM 09/12/2013
  • Interview with the news agency CCI-INFORM 09/11/2013
  • Interview with the news agency TPP-INFORM 09.10.2013
  • Interview with the newspaper “Segodnya”, Ukraine, 06/18/2009
  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Khrushchev, Sergei Nikitich

Sonya, red as red, also held his hand and was all beaming in the blissful gaze fixed on his eyes, which she was waiting for. Sonya was already 16 years old, and she was very beautiful, especially at this moment of happy, enthusiastic animation. She looked at him without taking her eyes off, smiling and holding her breath. He looked at her gratefully; but still waited and looked for someone. The old countess had not come out yet. And then steps were heard at the door. The steps are so fast that they couldn't be his mother's.
But it was she in a new dress, still unfamiliar to him, sewn without him. Everyone left him and he ran to her. When they came together, she fell on his chest, sobbing. She could not raise her face and only pressed it to the cold strings of his Hungarian. Denisov, unnoticed by anyone, entered the room, stood right there and, looking at them, rubbed his eyes.
“Vasily Denisov, a friend of your son,” he said, introducing himself to the count, who was looking at him questioningly.
- Welcome. I know, I know,” said the count, kissing and hugging Denisov. - Nikolushka wrote... Natasha, Vera, here he is Denisov.
The same happy, enthusiastic faces turned to the shaggy figure of Denisov and surrounded him.
- Darling, Denisov! - Natasha squealed, not remembering herself with delight, jumped up to him, hugged and kissed him. Everyone was embarrassed by Natasha's action. Denisov also blushed, but smiled and took Natasha’s hand and kissed it.
Denisov was taken to the room prepared for him, and the Rostovs all gathered in the sofa near Nikolushka.
The old countess, without letting go of his hand, which she kissed every minute, sat next to him; the rest, crowding around them, caught his every movement, word, glance, and did not take their rapturously loving eyes off him. The brother and sisters argued and grabbed each other's places closer to him, and fought over who should bring him tea, a scarf, a pipe.
Rostov was very happy with the love that was shown to him; but the first minute of his meeting was so blissful that his present happiness seemed not enough to him, and he kept waiting for something else, and more, and more.
The next morning, the visitors slept from the road until 10 o'clock.
In the previous room there were scattered sabers, bags, tanks, open suitcases, and dirty boots. The cleaned two pairs with spurs had just been placed against the wall. Servants brought washbasins, hot water for shaving, and cleaned dresses. It smelled of tobacco and men.
- Hey, G"ishka, t"ubku! – Vaska Denisov’s hoarse voice shouted. - Rostov, get up!
Rostov, rubbing his drooping eyes, raised his confused head from the hot pillow.
- Why is it late? “It’s late, it’s 10 o’clock,” Natasha’s voice answered, and in the next room the rustling of starched dresses, the whispering and laughter of girls’ voices was heard, and something blue, ribbons, black hair and cheerful faces flashed through the slightly open door. It was Natasha with Sonya and Petya, who came to see if he was up.
- Nikolenka, get up! – Natasha’s voice was heard again at the door.
- Now!
At this time, Petya, in the first room, saw and grabbed the sabers, and experiencing the delight that boys experience at the sight of a warlike older brother, and forgetting that it was indecent for sisters to see undressed men, opened the door.
- Is this your saber? - he shouted. The girls jumped back. Denisov, with frightened eyes, hid his furry legs in a blanket, looking back at his comrade for help. The door let Petya through and closed again. Laughter was heard from behind the door.
“Nikolenka, come out in your dressing gown,” said Natasha’s voice.
- Is this your saber? - Petya asked, - or is it yours? - He addressed the mustachioed, black Denisov with obsequious respect.
Rostov hastily put on his shoes, put on his robe and went out. Natasha put on one boot with a spur and climbed into the other. Sonya was spinning and was just about to puff up her dress and sit down when he came out. Both were wearing the same brand new blue dresses - fresh, rosy, cheerful. Sonya ran away, and Natasha, taking her brother by the arm, led him to the sofa, and they began to talk. They did not have time to ask each other and answer questions about thousands of little things that could only interest them alone. Natasha laughed at every word that he said and that she said, not because what they said was funny, but because she was having fun and was unable to contain her joy, which was expressed by laughter.
- Oh, how good, great! – she condemned everything. Rostov felt how, under the influence of the hot rays of love, for the first time in a year and a half, that childish smile blossomed on his soul and face, which he had never smiled since he left home.
“No, listen,” she said, “are you completely a man now?” I'm terribly glad that you are my brother. “She touched his mustache. - I want to know what kind of men you are? Are they like us? No?
- Why did Sonya run away? - Rostov asked.
- Yes. That's another whole story! How will you talk to Sonya? You or you?
“As it will happen,” said Rostov.
– Tell her, please, I’ll tell you later.
- So what?
- Well, I’ll tell you now. You know that Sonya is my friend, such a friend that I would burn my hand for her. Look at this. - She rolled up her muslin sleeve and showed a red mark on her long, thin and delicate arm under the shoulder, much above the elbow (in a place that is sometimes covered by ball gowns).
“I burned this to prove my love to her.” I just lit the ruler on fire and pressed it down.
Sitting in his former classroom, on the sofa with cushions on his arms, and looking into those desperately animated eyes of Natasha, Rostov again entered that family, children's world, which had no meaning for anyone except for him, but which gave him some of the best pleasures in life; and burning his hand with a ruler to show love did not seem useless to him: he understood and was not surprised by it.
- So what? only? - he asked.
- Well, so friendly, so friendly! Is this nonsense - with a ruler; but we are forever friends. She will love anyone, forever; but I don’t understand this, I’ll forget now.
- Well, what then?
- Yes, that’s how she loves me and you. - Natasha suddenly blushed, - well, you remember, before leaving... So she says that you forget all this... She said: I will always love him, and let him be free. It’s true that this is excellent, noble! - Yes Yes? very noble? Yes? - Natasha asked so seriously and excitedly that it was clear that what she was saying now, she had previously said with tears.
Rostov thought about it.
“I don’t take back my word on anything,” he said. - And then, Sonya is such a charm that what fool would refuse his happiness?

Former First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the 50-60s of the twentieth century. Scientist and publicist, areas of scientific interest are the design of space systems and political science. Professor at Brown University, USA, works there at the Institute of International Studies.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Khrushchev was born in Moscow on July 2, 1935. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev’s third wife, Nina Kukharchuk, became Sergei’s mother. She was known for being the first among the spouses of Soviet leaders to officially accompany her husband at receptions and on trips abroad.

Nikita Khrushchev and Nina Kukharchuk, parents of Sergei Khrushchev in his youth

In addition to his son Sergei, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev had three daughters from this marriage. The first died in early childhood, the second daughter named Rada worked at the magazine “Science and Life” and was married to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Izvestia” Alexei Adzhubey. Sergei Khrushchev's third sister's name was Elena, and she, like her brother, was engaged in science.

The Khrushchev family lived mainly in Moscow - on the Lenin Hills (now Vorobyovy Gory) and in the Government House on Granovsky, as well as for some time in Kyiv and in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara). After the resignation of Nikita Sergeevich, the family moved to a dacha in Zhukovka.

At the age of six, Sergei was hospitalized with a hip fracture and wore a cast for a year. The boy studied in Moscow at school No. 110, from which he graduated in 1952 with a gold medal. In the same year, Sergei entered the Moscow Energy Institute at the Faculty of Electrical Vacuum Engineering and Special Instrument Engineering, from which he graduated in 1958.


In the 1960s, Sergei Khrushchev worked in the rocket and space industry. He developed landing systems for launch vehicles and spacecraft, and created designs for ballistic and cruise missiles. He held the post of deputy director of the Elektromash scientific and production association in Moscow and the position of professor at the Bauman Higher Technical School.

In the early 1990s, the state stopped funding scientific projects, which is why Sergei decided to leave rocket science and change his field of activity. His new area of ​​interest was teaching history. In search of a place in life, Khrushchev turned his gaze towards the United States.

Sergei was invited to the United States in 1991. There he was scheduled to lecture on Cold War history at Brown University. It was assumed that Khrushchev would spend a year in the United States and return, but he chose to stay there forever. Sergei received a permanent residence permit in 1993, with the support of the presidents and.

In 1999 he received US citizenship. He gave lectures on the political and economic reforms carried out in Russia at that time, on Soviet-American relations in the 50-60s of the twentieth century, and on his father’s reforms in the field of politics, economics and international security.

Sergei Khrushchev was supposed to travel to Havana as part of the American delegation to participate in a conference on the Cuban missile crisis. But as a result, he was the only one of all the delegation participants who was denied a Cuban visa, which Sergei mentioned in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper in 2003.

Sergei Khrushchev is also known as one of the authors of the script for the political detective story "Grey Wolves", which was released in 1993. The film tells about a conspiracy against Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, organized with the aim of removing him from the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. While working on the script, real dialogues were used, records of which were preserved in the KGB archives.

According to the memoirs of one of the organizers of the conspiracy, Vladimir Semichastny, Sergei Khrushchev was directly involved in what was happening. It was he who was approached by the security guard of one of the participants in the conspiracy, who overheard the conversation of his boss and tried to convey information about what was happening to Khrushchev’s entourage. At first, the guard tried to contact Khrushchev’s daughter and her husband, Soviet journalist Alexei Adzhubey, but they considered this story a provocation.

Sergei Khrushchev, son of Nikita Khrushchev

In contrast, Sergei Khrushchev took the report of the conspiracy seriously and passed it on to his father. However, Nikita Sergeevich did not believe that his position as the leader of the state was in danger, and did not consider the conspiracy participants named by Sergei to be opponents who were really worth paying attention to.

During his life, Sergei Khrushchev gave several interviews to various publications, including the Ukrainian journalist and writer, editor-in-chief of the Gordon Boulevard newspaper. In 2010, these interviews were published under one cover in Dmitry’s book “Son for Father.”

Personal life

Sergei Khrushchev was married three times. In his youth, he married Galina Shumova, who bore him two sons. The eldest, Nikita Khrushchev, was born in 1959, and the youngest Sergei - in 1974. Nikita worked at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

After the collapse of the Union, he became a journalist and editor of the Moscow News newspaper. He had a tense relationship with his father and became even more distant from him after Sergei moved to the USA with his new wife. Nikita himself lived in Moscow, where he died in 2007. The youngest son Sergei also lives in the capital. From him, the publicist had a grandson, Dmitry, in 1994.

Sergei Khrushchev divorced his first wife when his eldest son was 17 years old, and his youngest was only two years old. Immediately after the official separation from Galina Shumova, the scientist admitted that he had a mistress - a certain Olga Kreydik from Dushanbe. This woman, along with her two children, moved to Khrushchev in Moscow and lived with him for some time, but then they divorced. Sergei had an affair with his second wife’s best friend, Valentina Golenko. Khrushchev married her for the third time, and later the couple moved together to the United States.

Sergei Khrushchev now

Now Khrushchev’s son continues to live in Providence, USA, and work at Brown University. Sergei writes books about his father’s reforms, about historical events of the Soviet era, which he himself witnessed. In books, the author gives his own assessment of the events described.

In 2018, Sergei Khrushchev starred in the program “Visiting Dmitry Gordon,” where he talked about his immediate circle, the life of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and his impressions of modern Kyiv. In 2017, in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel, Sergei Khrushchev shared his thoughts on the reasons for the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine:

“My father gave Crimea to Ukraine, because if you look at the map, then Crimea is “attached” to Ukraine, and when they began to work on the economy there and, most importantly, to build that canal, which has now, unfortunately, been buried, the State Planning Committee said that It’s better if it’s built under one legal entity, and it’s transferred to Ukraine, just like it was transferred to many regions.”


  • 1990 - Sergei Khrushchev. Khrushchev on Khrushchev - An Inside Account of the Man and His Era, by His Son, Sergei Khrushchev
  • 1991 - Khrushchev S. N. Pensioner of Union significance
  • 2000 - Sergei Khrushchev. Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower
  • 2003 - Khrushchev S.N. The Birth of a Superpower: A Book about the Father
  • 2006 - Sergei Khrushchev. Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Reformer, 1945-1964
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