Games with children in Russian. Extracurricular activity "entertaining games in the Russian language." Lesson-KVN in Russian language

School No. 3, Borisoglebsk

Game tasks in Russian language lessons

It has long been known that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. The use of game moments in Russian language and literature lessons awakens interest in the subject, makes it exciting, loved and necessary. The more interesting a child is, the stronger his knowledge.
Preparing and conducting non-standard lessons is a troublesome task, but this form deserves attention if the teacher is creative in his work.


Exercise 1 . Which sounds are more important - vowels or consonants - for understanding speech? Draw a conclusion. Try to read these words.


Oooh (cow)
-o-a- (school)
-o-o-a (girlfriend)
-o-i-a (capital)

Task 2. Choose paired words that differ only in the deafness/voicing of one of the two consonants. Who is faster?

1st option

bark, shine, live, house, pity, pass, dew, steam, plump, daughter.

2nd option

goat, ear, prank, stake, yours, drink, evil, fishing rod, tower, guest.

Task 3. Choose words that differ only in the softness/hardness of the consonants. The teacher calls the hard version, and the students call the soft one.

Small - ..., nose - ..., current - ..., onion - ..., soap - ..., bald - ..., cart - ..., was - ..., howled - ..., ardor - ..., angle - ... .

Task 4. Arrange the words in three columns like this:

1. letters > sounds;
2. letters< звуков;
3. letters = sounds.

Yula, sewing, coal, her, nightingales, line, entrance, thawed, story, stump, bridge, family.

Task 5. From the names of which letters can you cook food?

To ka;
w– sha.

The names of which two letters make up an entire era?

R– er and A.

Task 6. Phonetic relay race.

Each child receives a task card. There is a table with card numbers on the board. Everyone, having solved their problem, enters the number of the correct answer in the required column. The row that finishes first and has no errors wins.

Task 7. Collect a bouquet.

1st option

Collect flowers in a bouquet whose names contain only hard sounds.

2nd option

Collect flowers in a bouquet that have at least one soft sound in their name.

Chicory, rose, chamomile, lilac, lily of the valley, aster, narcissus, nasturtium, rosehip, bellflower, honeysuckle, ranunculus.



Do you know the proverbs?

1. The word is ... and silence is golden (silver).
2. Maybe something won’t go well... (they will bring it).
3. Kind... and the cat is pleased (word).
4. Business..., time for fun (time).
5. Where it is thin, there... (tears).
6. Kopek... protects (ruble).
7. One with a bipod, and... with a spoon (seven).

Crossword puzzle for the lesson based on the story “Vasyutkino Lake” by Viktor Astafiev

1. “We have no luck today,” grumbled Vasyutkin’s grandfather... (Athanasius).
2. The fishermen went far into the lower reaches... and finally stopped (Yenisei).
3. “..., our nurse, doesn’t like flimsy people!” - he remembered the words of his father and grandfather (taiga).
4. “Vasyutka recognized the bot’s foreman by his voice and funny Ukrainian accent... ("Igarets").
5. Last name of the author of the story (Astafiev).
6. He immediately saw a large black bird rising from the ground - ... (grouse).
7. Vasyutka decided to spend the night on the shore... (lakes).
8. Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw... (nutcracker).

Lotto game

Such games can be used in final lessons on the topics: “Synonyms”, “Antonyms”, “Phraseological units”, “ Foreign words", "One-part sentences". Each pair of students receives one card, which they fill in with tokens. Each child, listening to the proposed options, automatically remembers a huge number of synonyms, antonyms, and phraseological units, which are stored in the corners of their memory in order to come to the rescue at the right time.


Travel lessons, fairy tale lessons

Exercise 1. The class goes on a trip. The teacher tells an interesting story, including tasks in the story.

On our way there is a marshy swamp, here and there we can see bumpy words, but not everything can be stepped on. Words in which it is written b , – traps. You only need to write out the bump words without b . If you make a mistake, you will drown. Be careful.

Jumble_, hot_, backhand_, baked_, trifle_, cut off_, back_, admiring_, viscous_, odorous_, lily of the valley_, galloping_, settling down, hut_.

Ahead is a dense forest, teeming with wild animals and snakes. If you insert the doubled consonants correctly, we will overcome this obstacle.

Ka(s,ss)eta, ba(l,ll)ans, mi(s,ss)iya, ga(l,ll)reya, pa(s,ss)ivny, pa(s,ss)azhir, e( f,ff)ekt, go(l,ll)iya, ba(s,ss)ein, a(p,pp)etit, a(p,pp)atiya, te(r,rr)itoria, te(r, rr)a(s,ss)a, ko(r,rr)respondent, ka(r,rr)icature.

Task 2

We are at the labyrinth, but the path will be opened by the one who collects all the rings lost here by the princess.

Write down the words with a missing letter O.

Rosy-cheeked, clear, well-spoken, major, sh_v, sh_lk, groom, condensed, canvas, cheap, conductor, hand burn, more, glutton, shoulder, hot, gooseberry.

Task 3. The one who completes the table correctly will pass the maze..

Where A?
1. R_stov
2. water_sli
3. r_stock
4. age

Where e?
1. burn
2. Tuesday
3. pick up
4. shit

Where O?
1. in vain
2. look at
3. z_rnitsa
4. rage

Where And?
1. lock up
2. age
3. die
4. bl_stet

Where O?
1. float_wok
2. emission
3. swimmer
4. spl_vnoy

I often conduct similar quick surveys to determine the degree of mastery of the material. Such work is completed and checked within 5–7 minutes, and the teacher sees which of the spellings is poorly understood and requires additional work.

Ball game

While working on topics such as “Declination of nouns”, “Conjugation of verbs”, “Classes of adjectives, pronouns”, I use a ball in the lesson. I throw a ball to someone in the class and name the verb, the student catches the ball and names the conjugation or aspect of this verb. Such a game activates the entire class, arouses interest, and makes even those who are used to sitting behind their friends perk up, because the children do not know to whom the ball will fly and what verb the teacher will pronounce.

Task 4. Third wheel.

Find the word that doesn't match a certain rule, part of speech, meaning, form, etc.

Lemon, pocket, straw;
hot, powerful, crying;
wet, damp, dry;
cut, backhand, hide.

Vocabulary relay races

They are carried out only after repeated work on vocabulary words. It's kind of vocabulary dictation. Children write down difficult words in their workbook. In addition, each child writes three words on a common card, passing it along the row. Children try not to make mistakes so as not to let their friends down, because... The score for the card is given to the entire row.


Exercise 1. Codebreaker Competition, or Restorer Competition.

Make up phrases with the given words so that the meaning of the words becomes clear.

TO A company... – to O company,
subscriber - subscription,
hang up A nal – finished e ny,
mislaid - mislaid.

Task 2 . Restore the page Explanatory dictionary. Write down the terms correctly, based on the explanatory article.

1. ... – steel frame of reinforced concrete structures (rebar).
2. ... shows that the railway track is clear (semaphore).
3. ... – internal phone number of the institution (switch).

Task 3. Determine the meaning of these words. If you have any difficulties, you can refer to the reference material, which is located on the additional board.

Argument –
attribute –
absolute –
current –
hypothesis –

Reference: argument, proof; sign, affiliation, scientific assumption; important for this moment; unconditional, not dependent on anything.

Tests in the form of a game

Literacy competition

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. The game involves two teams simultaneously who must answer 10 questions. You are given 1 minute to think about your answer. If the teams fail to complete the task, the audience responds and receives an incentive token. Such tests are carried out after completing work on a large topic: “ Noun”, “Gerundial”, “Verb”, “Numeral”, “Pronoun”, etc.


Children love such games very much, because the correct answer is also rewarded with a prize. The last person to give the correct answer gets it.

1. Name all the morphological features of the word carrot.
2. Name words starting with a syllable boo .
3. Name all the categories of pronouns.


The class must answer questions proposed by the teacher, but all answers must begin with a specific, pre-agreed letter, for example, ts .

-Where were you?
– How is gasoline transported?
– What did you write out of the book?
– What string instrument do you know?
– What dish do you like?

Entertaining games

Let off some steam

Come up with 5 words starting with a syllable steam .

steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -

(Greenhouse, stalls, password, party, guy.)

Game "The Letter Got Lost"

Target: learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters by ear and when writing, develop attention, wit, and resourcefulness.

Description. Before the teacher begins to read the poem, he asks the children to listen carefully to all the words and, where an error is made, pronounce the correct word in unison.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But I barely got there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen.

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

D Believe me, they’re chasing me!”

In front of the kids

Kry With The painters are painting.

Throwing the doll out of my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There's green creeping there l uk

With a long mustache!

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

Got hooked d ohm

Look at this, guys:

R they grew up in the garden!

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are full V crabs.

We collected cornflowers -

On our heads sch enki.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

On ko h e rode on horseback.

Bug boo d I didn’t finish it:

Reluctantly, tired of it.

On yellowed leaves

Drops le V your foliage.

Mom with b I went with glasses

On the road along the village.

Misha didn’t cut the wood,

stove To he drowned with epoxy.

The sea turns blue before us,

They fly m aiki over the waves.

L. Shibaev

Game "Typography"

Goals: expand children's vocabulary; develop ingenuity, thinking, erudition.

Note. The teacher can offer children anything keyword in letter composition and interpretation, corresponding to a particular age of children.

Description. Two teams of 8 people each take part in the game. For the participants in the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards with letters that form the word “literate”. The cards of one set differ from the other in color. The teams line up one against the other, each player has a card with a letter that he must remember. The teacher names one after another the words that can be made from the letters included in the word “letter”. For example: hero, sea, theme, thunder, atom, company, March, mountain, grotto, volume, mouth, din, magician, bargaining and others. Team members whose letters are included in the word called by the teacher take a step forward and line up so that each word can be read. The team whose representatives “form the word” faster is awarded a point. Then the players return to their seats and wait for the next word to be called. The team with the most points wins.

To make cards, you can choose other words in which all the letters are different. For example, from the word “file” you can make the following words: drops, paws, packs, sticky. From the word “tributary” - portico, tropic and others. For each class, words are selected that correspond in level of difficulty to the age of the students.

Game "Words on the topic"

Goals: develop logical speech and the thinking of students, contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for collective and competitive work of children.

Note. With each age category, the given topics become more complicated by the teacher.

Description. The teacher asks the children to choose words related to a specific topic, for example: “The house where I live”, “Our school”, “A walk in the forest”, “At the grocery store”. The one who starts the game names all the words that he can remember (words that are not related to the topic are not written down). Then the teacher invites other children to add to this list. When all the additions have been made, the teacher invites someone to name at least one more word related to the topic that has not been named before. The winner is the one who named the most words, as well as the one who added the last one to the already named words.

After this, the players begin to select words for another topic.

Game of Fives

Goals: learn to combine words into a general topic, develop the ability to interact with team members.

Description. 25-30 people can participate in the game. Depending on the number of participants, it is necessary to prepare cards with words (or drawings) on certain topics: “Plants”, “Animal World”, “School Supplies”, “Vehicles” and others. For each topic, 5 words or pictures are selected. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The tasks of the players: unite in groups of 5 people, so that in each group everyone has cards on the same topic. Finding among all the playing owners of cards with the necessary words (or pictures) is not at all easy. The first five, who correctly selected the words (pictures) and came to the teacher, receive six points, the second - five points, etc.

The teacher can announce the topics on which the A's should unite when all the cards have been distributed. But you don’t have to name the topics - let the guys guess for themselves. The game will be more difficult, but more interesting.

Game "Let's Play Words"

Target: expand students’ vocabulary and speech, their idea of ​​wealth native language, about the possibility of composing (folding) many words from the same word.

1. Guess the word that needs to be entered in the cells to get new words:

2. Guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells to get new ones

Answers. 1) fox; 2) chalk; 3) onion; 4) port; 5) goal; 6) anthem.

Note: You can offer tasks to teams, you can use this form to individual work students.

Game "Parade of Literacy"

Exercise: determine whether everything in these statements is correct; put all the sentences in order.

The cat ran quickly on one leg.

She was so frightened that she fainted.

The painting depicts a middle-aged student.

His right cheek smiled cheerfully.

My father was walking towards me. The girl and the dog barked joyfully.

The younger sister wore a scarf on her head, the older sister wore boots.

He mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

He went to bed and slept as hard as he could.

When my friend was drowning, I rushed to save him because he was wearing my swimming trunks.

My friend has a snub nose that blends smoothly into his neck.

Some monkeys hang upside down in trees.

When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The hunter closed his eyes wide and fired.

We slept, but we couldn't sleep.

Repin walked along the banks of the Neva and saw barge haulers on the Volga.

The boy licked his lips to his ears.

My favorite corner of nature is the sun.

There were a lot of pigeons on the roof, about forty people.

During breaks we rode along the railings from the first to the third floor.

Shyly smiling with only his eyes, he sniffed with one nose.

Misha looked in the mirror for a long time until he recognized his face.

He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

A shot rang out and he was wounded in the right head.

A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

The Northern Ocean is very icy.

Darwin worked on his theory like a beast.

His face was oval, like a right angle.

I felt at home in my boots.

Vova has a black eye, which suits him very well.

He had a sword with one cartridge.

Sister loves to help her sister Tanya when she eats chocolate.

I love books so much that I even read them.

Finally we saw a birch grove where there were only oak trees.

Various ideas came to my mind, but the best ones settled on a jar of strawberry jam.

He was very scared, and his soul went into his shoes.

I quickly stood in one place.

Behind the numerous freckles on his face, it was impossible to discern his character traits.

His white teeth peeked out from under his black curls.

Suddenly he heard someone's gaze.

Olya ate a bagel with the dog running next to her.

And then he took a knife and shot himself.

There was something blue behind the bush.

He recognized her by the mole on her right nose.

Having fallen asleep, sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

His ears stick out in all directions.

His favorite time of the year was the holidays.

Thoughts, as luck would have it, did not want to think.

I was so cold that I was sweating.

On the left the forest is sparse but dense.

At first his forehead began to sweat, and then a lump appeared.

A thought struck me.

Seryozha’s hands itched on his knees.

Sasha left to the loud mooing of the entire class.

He hit his head hard and limped for a long time.

Game "Collect words"

Exercise: connect the words in the columns so that new words appear.

Problems with letters and words “Down the stairs”

Exercise: select words as their letter number increases (that is, the steps of the ladder increase) and get a vocabulary ladder.










social activist






enemy fortification

Game "Friendly Family"

Goals: consolidate the concept of parts of speech, practice composing examples (words) denoting all parts of speech.

Description.“Friendly family” is ten parts of speech. The presenter calls a word consisting of 10 letters. For example, literature. You need to write it down vertically and select a word (part of speech) for each letter.

L- whether - particle.

AND- or - union.

T- three hundred is a numeral.

E- go - verb.

R- joyfully - adverb.

A- a - union.

T- that is a pronoun.

U- u - preposition.

R- pink - adjective.

A- ah - interjection.

Another example with the word is hard work.

T- you are a pronoun.

R- is it a particle?

U- to be surprised is a verb.

D- ten is a numeral.

ABOUT- oh - interjection.

L- easy - adverb.

YU- spinning top - noun.

B- without - preposition.

AND- or - union.

E- unctuous - adjective.

Game "Find the numbers"

Exercise: read funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya. Indicate the numerals: how many are there, in which words are they found?

We have three ses three tsy.

Don't you know them?

How would I like your ears three there is

Talk about three.

The one in C three jove,

I lived above the window with three and.

WITH three whose craftswoman she is -

Come see her, baby!

The other one, in Us three tsakh,

No mustache three no,

But then three Well

Served for lunch!

And the third, in Bys three tse,

Bys three on on the river,

And they frolic three tones

At night on the sand.

About one hundred th watchman -

Not about one hundred city ​​house:

Cha one hundred there's a centipede in it

Wanders under one hundred scrap.

Treasured one hundred leg

Chi one hundred toe legs

AND one hundred personal polish

Cleans one hundred boot.

Together one hundred two are not easy

Clean everything one hundred,

Straightaway one hundred only shoes

Nobody wore it!

About one hundred th one hundred legs

One hundred let's stand,

You can have one hundred legs

Learn from experience!

Translation by L. Kondratenko

Game “Who can make up the most words?”

Goals: expand vocabulary, develop observation, attentiveness, thinking.

Guys! Help me read the words that have been composed. I guess that there was a fox here, she wagged her fluffy tail and mixed up all the words. It’s not for nothing that people say about a fox: “It wags its tail and covers all its tracks.”

In this game, the one who composes the most words wins.

(Words: perch, cat, whale, movie, window, note, etc.)

Here are two more great games you can play at school or at home.

Game "Search for Amonyms"

First, let's remember what an amonim is.
Homonyms are words that have the same sound but different meanings.

For example: “braid” is braided hair and “braid” is an agricultural tool.

Refresh your memory? Here comes the game.

One of the players leaves the room. The rest choose some homonym that has three or four meanings. They agree among themselves who will adhere to what meaning in their answers when the guesser turns to him with a question.

Having returned, the guesser turns to each of the players in turn with the following three questions:

  • where did you see him?
  • how did you see him?
  • how do you like him?

Well, for example. The word "key" was conceived. This word has three meanings: lock key, spring key and music key.

The first player, for example, will answer the questions like this:
-In your pocket, shiny, small. (lock key)

The second player will answer like this:
-In the mountains, cold, clean. (spring key)

And the third, like this:
-On paper, beautiful, crooked. (note clef)

The answers should not immediately reveal the intended word, they should, as it were, hint at it.

The player whose answer helped the guesser recognize the intended word leaves the room and guesses the next word.

To make it easier for you to prepare for this game, I will give here a small list of homonym words:

  • nose (on a person, on a ship, on a teapot),
  • shaft (sea, earth embankment, part of a machine),
  • leaf (plants, paper, iron, composer’s name),
  • canvas (fabric, railway, material for painting with oil paints).

And here is another game on the Russian language.

Game “Do you know Russian?”

In spelling, pronunciation, and the formation of certain words, we often encounter cases that baffle us.

Invite your child(ren) to put the words you say into plural.

On the left are the words you say, on the right are the words the children say.
Cat-cats, raft-rafts, mole-moles, grotto-..., arc-arc, hand-hands, flour-..., trouble-trouble, food-..., plum-plum-, mane-mane, wonder-... .

Cook-cook, tailor-dressmaker, merchant-merchant, brave man-... .

And now it’s the other way around. You call the noun feminine, but children call it masculine.

Goat-goat, wasp-… .

You will name the nouns in singular, and children, the same words are in the plural.

Bucket-buckets, hip-hips, metro-..., day-days, stump-stumps, laziness-..., chicken-chickens, kid-goats, barrel-... .

As you can see, not everything is simple. In each case, you need to think about whether given word plural (metro, flour, laziness), how to put the accent correctly (grot-grots), whether there is a feminine noun (brave), etc.

Play with joy and pleasure! 🙂

Elena Lebedeva
Entertaining game tasks in the Russian language

Entertaining Russian language.

1) Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling norms.

A game "Vocabulary Lotto"

Each child receives a card with 8 vocabulary words written on it. The teacher or student takes cards out of the box and reads the words. The child who has such a word on the card covers it with a chip. At the end of the game, we identify the winner, that is, who was the first of the children to close the words. Then the teacher gives exercise: copy down words, perform mutual testing, rate each other.

Cards for the game

fun cucumber

dog vegetables

shop ax

birch harvest

quick cucumber

milk student

shop teacher

birch car

A game "Smooth landing"

When practicing a topic or spelling, this game stimulates interest, activating the whole class. Children do not know to whom the ball will fly and what word or question will be asked. For example, the topic is being studied "Spelling unstressed vowels". The teacher throws the ball and says the word "earthen". The student catches the ball and says the test word "earth". The one who answered the question correctly can sit down; the one who failed task, continues to stand and tries to correct the situation.

A game "I work as a wizard"

The guys get tasks: turn nouns into singular feminine adjectives.

Table - dining room

Furniture – furniture

Sofa - sofa

This game is played in pairs. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and pairs are identified - winners - wizards who not only formed the words correctly, but also wrote them without errors.

A game "Who is faster?"

Rearrange the syllables. Write down the words you receive and divide them into syllables.

Rock the seagull

Reed mouse

Canopy spring

Early hole

Our tire

Pine pump

2) Game tasks aimed at developing orthoepic norms.

A game “Compose a text and voice it”

Students are offered a set of words that may present some difficulties in pronunciation. The words are written on the board. Task students – compose a coherent text in 2-3 minutes (using these words) and read it, observing spelling standards. The teacher can appoint experts who must listen carefully to the text and make a conclusion about compliance with pronunciation standards. Example: words are given - kilometer, driver, centner, nettle, beet, centimeter.

A game "Invite a friend over for lunch"

Students are given a list of lunch menus to which they must invite a friend. The menu, of course, contains words: sorrel, pies with cottage cheese, plum or pear compote, meatballs. Children need to turn to friends by reading the menu to them without mistakes. You can play up the situation of friends meeting.

A game "Announcer Competition".

Students need to read the proposed text, paying attention to the highlighted words. “A supervisory group should be created for monitoring and control. It is expected that it will be formed in the period from the 3rd decade of the current month to the end of the quarter.”

3) Game tasks aimed at speech development.

Such games are very useful for 1st grade students, because how they develop speech, cognitive interest, imagination, hand motor skills.

A game “Let’s write down a fairy tale”

The teacher reads a fairy tale or story to the children (it’s better to start with a short one, consisting of 4-5 main episodes, then invite him to retell the text. This is quite difficult: For almost all children, coherent retelling causes difficulties. Calm your child down and encourage him to write down the story so he can read it later. You can write down a fairy tale using pictures. Children draw several squares on a piece of paper. Together with the children we remember what was said at the beginning of the fairy tale. For example, about a girl who left the house. In a square they draw a girl near the house. Then they draw the continuation of the fairy tale in the same way. The teacher helps to divide the fairy tale into meaningful parts.

As a result, children sketch the entire plot in pictures and retell the tale using their illustrations.

A game “Let's compose!”

Invite the children to write a fairy tale. Determine the theme - come up with fairy tales about bunnies. Then discuss what role the bunny will play in fairy tale: he can live in the forest and be friends with animals, or he can be a toy that was given to a boy; a bunny can act in a fairy tale as a coward and, conversely, as a brave man. Or maybe come up with a fairy tale about how difficult it is to spot a white bunny in the snow? After a few minutes, the children tell stories, which are discussed and evaluated. Highly appreciated receives the most consistent, detailed and original tale.

A game "Magical forest"

Each participant in the game receives a sheet of paper and pencils. Unfinished images are made on the sheet (see below).

Children need to draw a magical forest and then tell about it interesting story. Then you look at the drawings, listen to the stories and note the most complete and original ones.

A game "Complete the word"

The presenter names part of the word (books) and throws the ball. The child must catch the ball and complete the word (.ha).

The child and the adult can take turns acting as the leader.

Make as many letters as possible from the given set of letters words: a, k, s, o, i, m, p, m m, w, a, n, i, s, g, s

Name words that are opposite meaning: Subtle - Sharp - Clear - Loud - Low - Healthy - Victory - etc.

A game "Who is bigger?"

Make up as many words as possible (nouns) of letters that form a word.

For example: PHOTOGRAPHY – reef, shooting range, mountain, bargaining, grotto, draft, count, etc.

Adding other letters is prohibited!

Others can be used options:

A root word is suggested: table, cat, house, etc. It is necessary to find as many derivative words for it as possible in the shortest possible time. For example: HOUSE - house, house, house, house, housewife, housewife, housewife, housewife, etc.

4) Game tasks, aimed at systematizing knowledge about parts of speech.

A game "Domino"(on this topic "Verb")

Each participant in the game receives a card, which is divided into two parts. In one part the beginning of the rule or the formulation of the question is written, in the other the continuation of the answer. Children must connect all the cards using the domino principle.

What suffixes do verbs have in the past tense before the suffix -l-? Verb conjugation is the change of verbs by persons and numbers.

What is the most common way to express a verb in a sentence? Are verbs present, past and future tense?

What ending do II conjugation verbs have? In a sentence, the verb is most often predicate.

A game "Zebra"(on this topic "Noun")

The game can be played in groups. Each group receives strips of white and black paper. Questions on the topic are written on the white stripes, and children need to write down the answers on the black ones. Alternating stripes with each other, children make a drawing "zebras". The winner is the group that writes down the answers to the questions the fastest and most correctly.

A game "Gathering the Harvest"(on this topic "Adjective")

This game can be played at the end of a lesson or at the end of studying a given topic. The teacher gives the children pictures of apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots (you can have a few for each child, there is a basket on the table. Offers children: “Let’s reap the harvest. It is necessary to formulate a rule on the topic "Adjective" and place the picture in the trash. The wording of the rules should not be repeated. Let's see who can put the most fruits and berries in the basket."

A game "Clean slate"

Children really like this game. To organize it, before explaining new material, questions are written down at different ends of the board, which can be expressed either in the usual form or in a diagram. They should be built on the material of a new topic. The teacher informs that as the material is explained, students will participate in game: “Look at the board, it is filled with various questions. The answers to them are contained in my explanation. From time to time I will ask if you are ready to answer a question. If you give the correct answer to it, then the question is erased. Task in this game the board is clean by the end of the lesson.”

Another variant (when the game is not played for the first time) games may include a small competition: “Which row of students will help clear more questions from the board?” If some questions remain unanswered, then they automatically become homework for the children. task.

5) Lexico-phraseological games.

A game “Collect, explain, prove”

The game can be played individually or in teams, groups, or pairs. Children are given a set of words on strips of paper. Within a certain time, it is necessary to compose phraseological units, explain the meaning, give an example from life, or literary work. For example: HOW, MAKAR, WHISTLES, ON LANGUAGE, WIND, TURNING, IN POCKETS. IN MITTENS, DROPPED, CALVES, INTO WATER, DIDN’T DRIVE, HEDGEHOG.

A game “Guess what!”

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names phraseological units. Students catch the ball and explain the meaning. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

For example: skin and bones - thin; leaky memory - forgetful; with all sails - quickly. Washing the bones - discussing; even a nosebleed is a must; close at hand - close; like a fish in water - confident.

A game "Vice versa"

This game is similar to the previous one, only in reverse. The teacher calls words to the children, and the children must replace them with phraseological units.

For example: accurate - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Unexpectedly - out of the blue. It's cramped - there's no room for an apple to fall. It’s dark – you can’t even poke your eyes out.

A game "Auction"

In this game, the winner is the one who is the last to name a phraseological phrase in which the names of animals, birds, and insects appear.

For example: buy a pig in a poke, every sandpiper praises his swamp, monkey’s work, take the bull by the horns, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose.

6) There is another type of games, hallmark which is external rules. They are called training. To them relate:

1) board games; (dominoes, lotto);

2) games based given algorithm(rebuses, crosswords, charades, puzzles).

Educators and psychologists have proven that compiling interactive games by children themselves contributes not only to better assimilation educational material, but also development writing, systematization of knowledge by topic, develops attention, thinking, ability to highlight the main thing, develops cognitive activity

During the lessons, you can offer children solutions to crossword puzzles compiled by both the teacher and the children.

On this topic "Noun" 3rd grade

On this topic "Pronoun" 3rd grade

One day, a post by one of the wonderful members of the group about the names of trees that a multilingual child knows made me think about exactly what methods and methods for expanding vocabulary I use it.
Well, for example, since birth I speak with children only in my native Russian language, but most of the time I am the only active source of information. There are three children, little time, so I am very concerned that their language will remain at the everyday level. Now the elders spend most of the day at school, and if we add clubs and sports, then we don’t have much time during the working week (or rather, very little). I can’t yet imagine what will happen next when the volume of English-language homework increases. Therefore, my task at the moment is to immerse them in the tongue at every favorable opportunity so that the roots grow as deeply as possible. Psychologically, the Russian language among children is now accepted and relatively loved, since there are Russian-speaking friends of the same age around, and in general monolinguals are in the minority in Hong Kong, but nevertheless, of course, there is no point in relaxing.

Here are a few lists off the top of my head, I included five items in each. I will be glad to have new ideas to replenish my piggy banks. And yes, these are games for ages 4-9 years old; with younger ones, our classes are completely different:

On the run:

  • WORDS.

    Any nouns other than common nouns. Everything is simple here - the youngest one starts, naming any noun, the second player names a word starting with the last letter of the first, the third one with the last letter of the second, and so on until he gets tired;

  • GEOGRAPHY (extended versions of the CITY game).

    The same principle as in the game of WORDS, but we use any geographical names (continents, states, mountains, rivers, and so on);


    This game is best played with a ball, but you can also just exchange words. In theory, the player knocks the ball and says: “I know five names of girls: Masha, Katya...” and so on, then the names of the boys, then the names of cities, flowers, flowers, trees and everything that comes to mind. If a player stalls, then the ball is passed to another player, if the ball fell out and rolled away too. We usually ignore the ball and hit as best we can, but with words we try;

  • HE SHE IT?

    Childbirth practice game. There may be different levels of difficulty. For example, I look around and suddenly say: “Who can quickly find three feminine things around me?” (for a five-year-old average, specifying that the feminine gender is “she”) and the children try to find options, if all three are correct, then three points, if two, then two. The winner is the one who scores, for example, fifteen points faster;


    Choose a topic, for example, “animals”. The youngest starts: “cow”, the next player says: “cow, dog”, the next one says the first two and adds his own: “cow, dog, elephant” and so on until someone starts to get confused. Whoever gets lost loses (or friendship wins).

Writing games on paper:


    A classic game from childhood. We write the first and last letter of the word and put a little dash to indicate how many letters there are between them. For example, “K- – – -A”. This is "Cow". The guessers name the letters, if they name the correct one, then it must be written instead of dashes, and if they name letters that are not in the word, then a gallows is built step by step (in case someone doesn’t know the sequence, I’m sure there are many variations on this topic on the Internet;


    There can also be many different options here. The sheet of paper is divided into 4-5-6 columns, the younger player starts by choosing any letter and must write the name, city, animal, plant as quickly as possible;


    There are a huge number of them on the Internet, I print out a sheet for each son, and we guess them together, sometimes as a race, sometimes against time. Well, for example, here are puzzles 1 or here are puzzles 2. Another bonus here is that thanks to bonuses, children’s vocabulary expands. Children learned swift, fang, report and many other words from puzzles;

  • WHO? WITH WHOM? WHERE? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHEN? WHAT ENDED? - this is a game from my childhood.

    Recently we started playing with our elders to practice writing. Everyone takes a piece of paper and writes the answer to the question “who?”, then wraps up the answer and passes the paper to a neighbor, then we write the answer to the question “with whom?”, wrap it up and pass the paper on. And so on until we answer all the questions. Boys don’t like to write, but they really like to listen to the resulting stories. I will not cite them here, since at the age of five and seven many stories come down to toilet topics;

General development:

Board games:
Here, I am sure, the list can be endless.
Our favorites:


    Different topics help expand your horizons and vocabulary. Plus reading practice;

  • Cephalopods.

    A simple game where you need to come up with names for funny monsters. Children love it for its simplicity and fun, I like that they have to think and form words and phrases on their own (for example, “green-handed mitten” or “scared rose” are all variations of names);

  • CORK.

    There's math and logical thinking in Russian. We get stuck in a traffic jam, take the cars away on a tow truck, let the police and ambulance through, and add and subtract out loud;


    We have varying degrees of success (apparently we don’t always have inspiration). This is a rhyme matching game. Again, it helps expand vocabulary and develop thinking;

  • Besides:

    Monopoly, “believe it or not”, backgammon, mathematical snakes and ladders, all kinds of thematic lotto (tons of them on the Internet) and so on.

Of course, we don’t do all of the above all the time. This is rather my attempt to understand what tools I have in my arsenal to maintain and develop the Russian language. Naturally, reading and writing are also necessary. There are good and not so good textbooks (a topic for a separate note) and excellent materials from various teachers. But the main thing in all our activities is the presence of two main elements: consistency and play. That is, children’s acceptance of the fact that Russian is in their lives every day and not only in the form of everyday dialogue with their mother, boring copybooks and not the most interesting first stories, but also in the form of interesting discussions on various topics and exciting games.

Ps. And with the trees it was a complete pedagogical failure; they couldn’t name me more than ten. We will continue to work.

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