II. complex compounds. Complex compounds Classification of complex compounds

Today I worked on this lit review. If it is useful to someone, I will be glad. If someone doesn't understand, it's okay.

Ammonia are complex compounds in which the functions of ligands are performed by ammonia molecules NH 3 . A more precise name for complexes containing ammonia in the internal sphere is ammines; however, NH 3 molecules can be located not only in the inner, but also in the outer sphere of the ammonia compound.

Ammonium salts and ammonia compounds are usually considered as two types of complex compounds that are similar in composition and many properties, the former are ammonia with acids, the latter are ammonia with salts of predominantly heavy metals.

Ammonia complexes are usually obtained by reacting metal salts or hydroxides with ammonia in aqueous or non-aqueous solutions, or by treating the same salts in a crystalline state ammonia gas: For example, the ammonia complex of copper is formed as a result of the reaction:

Cu 2+ + 4NН 3 → 2+

The chemical bond between ammonia molecules and the complexing agent is established through a nitrogen atom, which serves as a donor lone pair of electrons.

The formation of amino complexes in aqueous solutions occurs through sequential replacement of water molecules in the internal sphere of aqua complexes to ammonia molecules:

2+ + NH 3 . H2O2+ + 2 H 2 O;

2+ + NH 3 . H2O2+ + 2H 2 O

We should not forget about the interaction of ammonia with the salt anion. The reaction of the formation of copper tetraammonium from copper sulfate and an aqueous solution of ammonia is as follows:

CuSO 4 + 2NH 3 + 2H 2 O = Cu(OH) 2 + (NH 4) 2 SO 4

Cu(OH) 2 + 4NH 3 = (OH) 2

Another name for the resulting compound is Schweitzer's reagent; in its pure form, it is an explosive compound, often used as a solvent for cellulose and in the production of copper-ammonium fibers.

The most stable among ammonia complexes:

3+ (b 6 = 1.6 . 10 35),

-[Cu(NH 3) 4 ] 2+ (b 4 = 7.9 . 10 12),

2+ (b 4 = 4.2. 10 9) and some others.

Ammonia is destroyed by any influence that removes (by heating) or destroys (by the action of an oxidizing agent) the molecule ammonia, convert ammonia in an acidic environment into an ammonium cation (the ammonium cation does not contain lone pairs of electrons and therefore cannot act as a ligand), or bind the central atom complex, for example, in the form of a slightly soluble precipitate:

Cl 2 = NiCl 2 + 6 NH 3 ( G)

SO 4 + 6 Br 2 = CuSO 4 + 12 HBr + 2 N 2 ( G)

SO 4 + 3 H 2 SO 4 = NiSO 4 + 3 (NH 4) 2 SO 4

(OH)2 + Na2S + 4H2O = CuS¯ + 2 NaOH + 4 NH 3 . H2O (4)

Ammonias differ both in composition + , 2+ and in stability in aqueous solutions; they are used in analytical chemistry for detection and separation of metal ions.

When heated (depending on pressure - from 80 to 140 ºС) and reduced pressure, copper ammonia can lose ammonia and pass from the form of tetraammonium to diammonium, as shown in the example of copper nitrate ammonia in experimental work (2).

With more intense chemical decomposition, copper nitrate can decompose to water, nitrogen and copper. Table 1 shows the comparative characteristics of tetraamicate copper nitrate and ammonium nitrate.

Table 1: Comparative characteristics of tetraammonium nitrate copper and ammonium nitrate (3)



Density (g/cm e)

Heat of formation (cal/mol)

Decomposition reaction equation

Heat of decomposition reaction

Gas volume (l/kg)



Ammonium nitrate




2H 2 O vapor +N 2 +1/2O 2

Copper nitrate tetraammonium oxide

[Cu(NH3) 4 ] (N0 3) 2

6H2O+3N 2 +Cu l

The significantly greater (1.6–1.7 times per unit weight) heat of thermal decomposition of copper nitrate tetraammonium oxide compared to NH 4 N0 3 suggests that combustion or explosion reactions can be initiated in them relatively easily. In 1964, Preller (4) studied the sensitivity and some explosive properties of copper (II, cobalt (III) and nickel (II) ammonias. It turned out that these compounds have significant explosive properties and their detonation speed is 2400 —3500 m/sec.

The researchers also studied combustion copper nitrate tetraammonium nitrate. The flash point of this compound was 288ºС at a heating rate of 20 degrees/min. The ability of copper ammonia to burn at elevated pressure (at least 60 atm.) has been experimentally established. This fact once again confirms the position put forward, according to which any chemical system, in which an exothermic chemical reaction can occur, when selecting appropriate conditions, should be capable of propagating a combustion reaction in it.

Copper (II) present in tetrammine can be reduced to (I) to produce monovalent copper diammonicate. An example of such a reaction is the interaction of blue copper tetraammonate with copper shavings at room temperature, slight stirring and no interaction with air. During the reaction Blue colour disappears.

(OH) 2 + Cu = 2(OH)

Cuprous diammonate easily oxidizes to tetrammine when interacting with atmospheric oxygen.

4(OH) + 2H2O + O2 + 8NH3 = 4(OH)2

Conclusion: This kind of work should have been done a long time ago. A huge layer of knowledge on ammonia compounds of heavy metals, in particular copper, has been touched upon, which may be worth studying further in addition to our developments and research.

A striking example of this is the dissertation of SERGEEVAALEXANDRA ALEXANDROVNA on the topic: « INFLUENCE OF AMMONIATES ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PRODUCTIVITY OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS AND EFFICIENCY OF FERTILIZER USE” where the benefits of using heavy metal ammonia as a fertilizer to improve the productivity and photosynthesis of plants are thoroughly proven.

List of used literature:

  1. Materials from the site http://ru.wikipedia.org
  2. Copper (II) nitrate ammonias Cu(NH3)4(NO3)2 and Cu(NH3)2(NO3)2. Thermolysis under reduced pressure. S.S. Dyukarev, I.V. Morozov, L.N. Reshetova, O.V. Guz, I.V. Arkhangelsky, Yu.M. Korenev, F.M. Spiridonov. Journal of Inorg.Chem. 1999
  4. N. R g e 11 e g, Explosivsto "f., 12, 8, 173 (1964)
  5. Materials from the site http://www.alhimik.ru. Toolkit for students (MITHT)
  6. Masterials from the site http://chemistry-chemists.com

Chemistry test - complex compounds - URGENT! and got the best answer

Answer from Nick[guru]
Some questions were asked incorrectly, for example 7,12,27. Therefore, the answers contain caveats.
1. What is the coordination number of the complexing agent in the +2 complex ion?
AT 6
2. What is the coordination number of the complexing agent in the complex ion 2+?
B) 6
3. What is the coordination number of the complexing agent in the complex ion 2+
B) 4
4. What is the coordination number of Cu²+ in the complex ion +?
B) 4
5. What is the coordination number of the complexing agent in the complex ion: +4?
B) 6
6. Determine the charge of the central ion in the complex compound K4
B) +2
7. What is the charge of a complex ion?
B) +2 – if we assume that the complexing agent is Cu (II)
8. Among the iron salts, identify the complex salt:
A) K3
9. What is the coordination number of Pt4+ in the complex 2+ ion?
A) 4
10. Determine the charge of the complex ion K2?
B) +2
11. Which molecule corresponds to the name tetraammine copper(II) dichloride?
B) Cl2
12. What is the charge of a complex ion?
D) +3 – if we assume that the complexing agent is Cr (III)
13. Among copper (II) salts, determine the complex salt:
B) K2
14. What is the coordination number of Co3+ in the complex ion +?
B) 6
15. Determine the charge of the complexing agent in complex compound K3?
D) +3
16. Which molecule corresponds to the name potassium tetraiodohydrate (II)?
A) K2
17. What is the charge of a complex ion?
AT 2
18. Among nickel (II) salts, identify the complex salt:
B) SO4
19. What is the coordination number of Fe3+ in the complex ion -3?
AT 6
20. Determine the charge of the complexing agent in complex compound K3?
B) +3
21. Which molecule corresponds to the name silver diamine chloride (I)?
B) Cl
22. What is the charge of the K4 complex ion?
B) -4
23. Among the zinc salts, identify the complex salt
B) Na2
24. What is the coordination number of Pd4+ in the 4+ complex ion?
D) 6
25. Determine the charge of the complexing agent in the complex compound H2?
B) +2
26. Which molecule corresponds to the name potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)?
D) K4
27. What is the charge of a complex ion?
D) -2 – if we assume that the complexing agent is Co (II)
27. Among chromium (III) compounds, identify the complex compound
B) [Cr (H2O) 2(NH3)4]Cl3
28. What is the coordination number of cobalt (III) in the NO3 complex ion?
B) 6
29. Determine the charge of the complexing agent in the complex compound Cl2
A) +3
30. Which molecule corresponds to the name sodium tetraiodopalladate (II)?
D) Na2

Answer from James Bond[newbie]
Oh my God

Answer from Kitten...[guru]
No. 30 last

Complex compounds are classified according to the charge of the complexes: cationic - 2+, anionic - 3-, neutral - 0;

by composition and chemical properties: acids - H, bases - OH, salts - SO4;

by type of ligands: hydroxo complexes - K2, aqua complexes - Cl3, acid complexes (ligands - acid anions) - K4, mixed type complexes - K, Cl4.

The names of the complexes are based on general rules IUPAC: read and written from right to left, ligands - with the ending - o, anions - with the ending - at. Some ligands may have special names. For example, the ligand molecules H2O and NH3 are called aquo and amine, respectively.

Complex cations. First, the negatively charged ligands of the inner sphere with the ending “o” are called (chloro-, bromo-, nitro-, rhodano-, etc.). If their number is more than one, then the numerals di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, etc. are added before the names of the ligands. Then the neutral ligands are named, with the water molecule called “aquo” and the ammonia molecule “ammine”. If the number of neutral ligands is more than one, then the numerals di-, tri-, tetra-, etc. are added.

Nomenclature of complex compounds

When naming a complex compound, its formula is read from right to left. Let's look at specific examples:

Anionic complexes

Cationic complexes

K3 potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)

Na sodium tetrahydroxyaluminate

Na3 sodium hexanitrocobaltate(III)

SO4 tetraammine copper(II) sulfate

Cl3 hexaaquachrome(III) chloride

OH diamminesilver(I) hydroxide

In the names of complex compounds, the number of identical ligands is indicated by numerical prefixes, which are written together with the names of the ligands: 2 - di, 3 - three, 4 - tetra, 5 - penta, 6 - hexa, 7 - hepta, 8 - octa.

The names of negatively charged ligands, anions of various acids, consist of the full name (or root of the name) of the anion and the ending with a vowel -o. For example:




Some anions that act as ligands have special names:






Special prefixes are usually not used in the names of neutral ligands, for example: N2H4 - hydrazine, C2H4 - ethylene, C5H5N - pyridine.

By tradition, special names are left for a small number of ligands: H2O - aqua-, NH3 - amine, CO - carbonyl, NO - nitrosyl.

The names of positively charged ligands end in -i: NO+ - nitrosylium, NO2+ - nitroylium, etc.

If an element that is a complexing agent is part of a complex anion, then the suffix -at is added to the root of the name of the element (Russian or Latin) and the oxidation state of the complexing element is indicated in parentheses. (Examples are given in the table above). If an element that is a complexing agent is part of a complex Katin or a neutral complex without an outer sphere, then the Russian name of the element remains in the name indicating its oxidation state. For example: - tetracarbonylnickel(0).

Many organic ligands have a complex composition, therefore, when compiling formulas for complexes with their participation, their letter designations are used for convenience:


C5H5N pyridine py

(NH2)2CO urea ur

NH2CH2CH2NH2 ethylenediamine en


General chemistry: textbook / A. V. Zholnin; edited by V. A. Popkova, A. V. Zholnina. - 2012. - 400 pp.: ill.



Complex-forming elements are the organizers of life.

K. B. Yatsimirsky

Complex compounds are the most extensive and diverse class of compounds. Living organisms contain complex compounds of biogenic metals with proteins, amino acids, porphyrins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and macrocyclic compounds. The most important life processes occur with the participation of complex compounds. Some of them (hemoglobin, chlorophyll, hemocyanin, vitamin B 12, etc.) play a significant role in biochemical processes. Many drugs contain metal complexes. For example, insulin (zinc complex), vitamin B 12 (cobalt complex), platinol (platinum complex), etc.


Structure of complex compounds

When particles interact, mutual coordination of particles is observed, which can be defined as the process of complex formation. For example, the process of hydration of ions ends with the formation of aqua complexes. Complexation reactions are accompanied by the transfer of electron pairs and lead to the formation or destruction of compounds higher order, so-called complex (coordination) compounds. A peculiarity of complex compounds is the presence in them of a coordination bond that arises according to the donor-acceptor mechanism:

Complex compounds are compounds that exist both in the crystalline state and in solution, a feature

which is the presence of a central atom surrounded by ligands. Complex compounds can be considered as complex compounds of a higher order, consisting of simple molecules capable of independent existence in solution.

According to Werner's coordination theory, a complex compound is divided into internal And outer sphere. The central atom with its surrounding ligands form the inner sphere of the complex. It is usually enclosed in square brackets. Everything else in the complex compound constitutes the outer sphere and is written outside square brackets. A certain number of ligands will be placed around the central atom, which is determined coordination number(kch). The number of coordinated ligands is most often 6 or 4. The ligand occupies a coordination site near the central atom. Coordination changes the properties of both the ligands and the central atom. Often coordinated ligands cannot be detected using chemical reactions characteristic of them in the free state. The more tightly bound particles of the inner sphere are called complex (complex ion). There are attractive forces between the central atom and the ligands (a covalent bond is formed by an exchange and (or) donor-acceptor mechanism), and repulsive forces between the ligands. If the charge of the inner sphere is 0, then there is no outer coordination sphere.

Central atom (complexing agent)- an atom or ion that occupies a central position in a complex compound. The role of a complexing agent is most often performed by particles that have free orbitals and a sufficiently large positive nuclear charge, and therefore can be electron acceptors. These are cations of transition elements. The most powerful complexing agents are elements of groups IB and VIIIB. Rarely as a complexing agent

The main agents are neutral atoms of d-elements and atoms of non-metals in varying degrees of oxidation - . The number of free atomic orbitals provided by the complexing agent determines its coordination number. The value of the coordination number depends on many factors, but usually it is equal to twice the charge of the complexing ion:

Ligands- ions or molecules that are directly associated with the complexing agent and are donors of electron pairs. These electron-rich systems, having free and mobile electron pairs, can be electron donors, for example:

Compounds of p-elements exhibit complex-forming properties and act as ligands in the complex compound. Ligands can be atoms and molecules (protein, amino acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates). Based on the number of bonds formed by the ligands with the complexing agent, ligands are divided into mono-, di- and polydentate ligands. The above ligands (molecules and anions) are monodentate, since they are donors of one electron pair. Bidentate ligands include molecules or ions containing two functional groups capable of donating two electron pairs:

Polydentate ligands include the 6-dentate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ligand:

The number of sites occupied by each ligand in the inner sphere of a complex compound is called coordination capacity (dentate) of the ligand. It is determined by the number of electron pairs of the ligand that participate in the formation of a coordination bond with the central atom.

In addition to complex compounds, coordination chemistry covers double salts, crystalline hydrates, which decompose in an aqueous solution into component parts, which in the solid state are in many cases constructed similarly to complex ones, but are unstable.

The most stable and diverse complexes in composition and functions are formed by d-elements. Especially great importance have complex compounds of transition elements: iron, manganese, titanium, cobalt, copper, zinc and molybdenum. Biogenic s-elements (Na, K, Mg, Ca) form complex compounds only with ligands of a certain cyclic structure, also acting as a complexing agent. Main part R-elements (N, P, S, O) is the active active part of complexing particles (ligands), including bioligands. This is their biological significance.

Therefore, the ability to form complexes is a general property of chemical elements periodic table, this ability decreases in the following order: f> d> p> s.


The charge of the inner sphere of a complex compound is the algebraic sum of the charges of the particles that form it. For example, the magnitude and sign of the charge of a complex are determined as follows. The charge of the aluminum ion is +3, the total charge of the six hydroxide ions is -6. Therefore, the charge of the complex is (+3) + (-6) = -3 and the formula of the complex is 3-. The charge of the complex ion is numerically equal to the total charge of the outer sphere and is opposite in sign. For example, the charge of the outer sphere K 3 is +3. Therefore, the charge of the complex ion is -3. The charge of the complexing agent is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the algebraic sum of the charges of all other particles of the complex compound. Hence, in K 3 the charge of the iron ion is +3, since the total charge of all other particles of the complex compound is (+3) + (-6) = -3.


The basics of nomenclature were developed in the classical works of Werner. In accordance with them, in a complex compound the cation is first called, and then the anion. If the compound is of a non-electrolyte type, then it is called in one word. The name of a complex ion is written in one word.

The neutral ligand is named in the same way as the molecule, and an “o” is added to the anion ligands. For a coordinated water molecule, the designation “aqua-” is used. To indicate the number of identical ligands in the internal sphere of the complex, the Greek numerals di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, etc. are used as a prefix before the name of the ligands. The prefix monone is used. Ligands are listed in alphabetical order. The name of the ligand is considered as a single whole. The name of the ligand is followed by the name of the central atom with an indication of the oxidation state, which is indicated by Roman numerals in parentheses. The word ammin (with two "m") is written in relation to ammonia. For all other amines, only one “m” is used.

C1 3 - hexammine cobalt (III) chloride.

C1 3 - aquapentammine cobalt (III) chloride.

Cl 2 - pentamethylammine chlorocobalt (III) chloride.

Diamminedibromoplatinum (II).

If the complex ion is an anion, then its Latin name has the ending “am”.

(NH 4) 2 - ammonium tetrachloropalladate (II).

K - potassium pentabromoammine platinate (IV).

K 2 - potassium tetrarodanocobaltate (II).

The name of the complex ligand is usually enclosed in parentheses.

NO 3 - dichloro-di-(ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) nitrate.

Br - bromo-tris-(triphenylphosphine) platinum (II) bromide.

In cases where a ligand binds two central ions, a Greek letter is used before its nameμ.

Such ligands are called bridge and are listed last.


In the formation of complex compounds, donor-acceptor interactions between the ligand and the central atom play an important role. The electron pair donor is usually a ligand. An acceptor is a central atom that has free orbitals. This bond is strong and does not break when the complex is dissolved (nonionic), and it is called coordination.

Along with o-bonds, π-bonds are formed according to the donor-acceptor mechanism. In this case, the donor is a metal ion, which donates its paired d-electrons to a ligand that has energetically favorable vacant orbitals. Such connections are called dative. They are formed:

a) due to the overlap of vacant p-orbitals of the metal with the d-orbital of the metal, which contains electrons that have not entered into a σ bond;

b) when vacant d-orbitals of the ligand overlap with filled d-orbitals of the metal.

A measure of its strength is the degree of overlap of the orbitals of the ligand and the central atom. The direction of the bonds of the central atom determines the geometry of the complex. To explain the direction of bonds, ideas about the hybridization of atomic orbitals of the central atom are used. Hybrid orbitals of the central atom are the result of mixing unequal atomic orbitals, as a result the shape and energy of the orbitals mutually change, and new orbitals are formed same shape and energy. The number of hybrid orbitals is always equal to the number of original ones. Hybrid clouds are located in the atom at the maximum distance from each other (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1. Types of hybridization of atomic orbitals of a complexing agent and the geometry of some complex compounds

The spatial structure of the complex is determined by the type of hybridization of valence orbitals and the number of lone electron pairs contained in its valence energy level.

The efficiency of the donor-acceptor interaction between the ligand and the complexing agent, and, consequently, the strength of the bond between them (stability of the complex) is determined by their polarizability, i.e. the ability to transform their electronic shells under external influence. Based on this criterion, reagents are divided into "hard" or low polarizable, and "soft" - easily polarizable. The polarity of an atom, molecule or ion depends on its size and the number of electron layers. The smaller the radius and electrons of a particle, the less polarized it is. The smaller the radius and the fewer electrons a particle has, the worse it is polarized.

Hard acids form strong (hard) complexes with the electronegative O, N, F atoms of ligands (hard bases), and soft acids form strong (soft) complexes with the donor P, S and I atoms of ligands that have low electronegativity and high polarizability. We see here a manifestation of the general principle of “like with like.”

Sodium and potassium ions, due to their rigidity, practically do not form stable complexes with biosubstrates and are found in physiological environments in the form of aquatic complexes. Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + ions form fairly stable complexes with proteins and therefore are found in physiological environments in both ionic and bound states.

Ions of d-elements form strong complexes with biosubstrates (proteins). And soft acids Cd, Pb, Hg are highly toxic. They form strong complexes with proteins containing R-SH sulfhydryl groups:

Cyanide ion is toxic. The soft ligand actively interacts with d-metals in complexes with biosubstrates, activating the latter.


When complex compounds are dissolved in water, they usually disintegrate into ions of the outer and inner spheres, like strong electrolytes, since these ions are bound ionogenically, mainly by electrostatic forces. This is assessed as the primary dissociation of complex compounds.

Secondary dissociation of a complex compound is the disintegration of the inner sphere into its constituent components. This process occurs like weak electrolytes, since the particles of the inner sphere are connected nonionically (by covalent bonds). Dissociation is of a stepwise nature:

To qualitatively characterize the stability of the internal sphere of a complex compound, an equilibrium constant is used that describes its complete dissociation, called instability constant of the complex(Kn). For a complex anion, the expression of the instability constant has the form:

The lower the value of Kn, the more stable the inner sphere of the complex compound is, i.e. the less it dissociates in an aqueous solution. Recently, instead of Kn, the value of the stability constant (Ku) is used - the reciprocal of Kn. The higher the Ku value, the more stable the complex.

Stability constants make it possible to predict the direction of ligand exchange processes.

In an aqueous solution, the metal ion exists in the form of aqua complexes: 2 + - hexaquatic iron (II), 2 + - tetraaqua copper (II). When writing formulas for hydrated ions, we do not indicate the coordinated water molecules of the hydration shell, but we mean them. The formation of a complex between a metal ion and any ligand is considered as a reaction of replacement of a water molecule in the internal coordination sphere by this ligand.

Ligand exchange reactions proceed according to the mechanism of S N -Type reactions. For example:

The values ​​of the stability constants given in Table 7.2 indicate that due to the process of complexation, strong binding of ions in aqueous solutions occurs, which indicates the effectiveness of using this type of reaction for binding ions, especially with polydentate ligands.

Table 7.2. Stability of zirconium complexes

Unlike ion exchange reactions, the formation of complex compounds is often not a quasi-instantaneous process. For example, when iron (III) reacts with nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid, equilibrium is established after 4 days. For the kinetic characteristics of complexes, the following concepts are used: labile(quickly reacting) and inert(slow to react). Labile complexes, according to the proposal of G. Taube, are considered to be those that completely exchange ligands within 1 min at room temperature and a solution concentration of 0.1 M. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between thermodynamic concepts [strong (stable)/fragile (unstable)] and kinetic [ inert and labile] complexes.

In labile complexes, ligand substitution occurs quickly and equilibrium is quickly established. In inert complexes, ligand substitution occurs slowly.

Thus, the inert complex 2+ in an acidic environment is thermodynamically unstable: the instability constant is 10 -6, and the labile complex 2- is very stable: the stability constant is 10 -30. Taube associates the lability of complexes with the electronic structure of the central atom. The inertness of the complexes is characteristic mainly of ions with an incomplete d-shell. The inert complexes include Co and Cr complexes. Cyanide complexes of many cations with an external s 2 p 6 level are labile.


Complexation processes affect practically the properties of all particles forming the complex. The higher the strength of the bonds between the ligand and the complexing agent, the less the properties of the central atom and ligands appear in the solution and the more noticeable the features of the complex are.

Complex compounds exhibit chemical and biological activity as a result of the coordination unsaturation of the central atom (there are free orbitals) and the presence of free electron pairs of the ligands. In this case, the complex has electrophilic and nucleophilic properties that differ from the properties of the central atom and ligands.

It is necessary to take into account the influence of the structure of the hydration shell of the complex on the chemical and biological activity. The process of education

The formation of complexes affects the acid-base properties of the complex compound. The formation of complex acids is accompanied by an increase in the strength of the acid or base, respectively. Thus, when complex acids are formed from simple ones, the binding energy with H + ions decreases and the strength of the acid increases accordingly. If the OH - ion is located in the outer sphere, then the bond between the complex cation and the hydroxide ion of the outer sphere decreases, and the basic properties of the complex increase. For example, copper hydroxide Cu(OH) 2 is a weak, sparingly soluble base. When exposed to ammonia, copper ammonia (OH) 2 is formed. The charge density of 2+ compared to Cu 2+ decreases, the bond with OH - ions is weakened and (OH) 2 behaves as a strong base. The acid-base properties of ligands bound to a complexing agent are usually more pronounced than their acid-base properties in the free state. For example, hemoglobin (Hb) or oxyhemoglobin (HbO 2) exhibit acid properties due to the free carboxyl groups of the globin protein, which is the ligand ННb ↔ Н + + Hb - . At the same time, the hemoglobin anion, due to the amino groups of the globin protein, exhibits basic properties and therefore binds the acidic oxide CO 2 to form the carbaminohemoglobin anion (HbCO 2 -): CO 2 + Hb - ↔ HbCO 2 - .

The complexes exhibit redox properties due to the redox transformations of the complexing agent, which forms stable oxidation states. The process of complexation strongly affects the values ​​of the reduction potentials of d-elements. If the reduced form of cations forms a more stable complex with a given ligand than its oxidized form, then the potential increases. A decrease in the potential occurs when the oxidized form forms a more stable complex. For example, under the influence of oxidizing agents: nitrites, nitrates, NO 2, H 2 O 2, hemoglobin is converted into methemoglobin as a result of oxidation of the central atom.

The sixth orbital is used in the formation of oxyhemoglobin. The same orbital is involved in the formation of bonds with carbon monoxide. As a result, a macrocyclic complex with iron is formed - carboxyhemoglobin. This complex is 200 times more stable than the iron-oxygen complex in heme.

Rice. 7.1. Chemical transformations of hemoglobin in the human body. Scheme from the book: Slesarev V.I. Fundamentals of living chemistry, 2000

The formation of complex ions affects the catalytic activity of complexing ions. In some cases, activity increases. This is due to the formation of large structural systems in solution that can participate in the creation of intermediate products and reduce the activation energy of the reaction. For example, if Cu 2+ or NH 3 is added to H 2 O 2, the decomposition process does not accelerate. In the presence of the 2+ complex, which is formed in an alkaline environment, the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is accelerated by 40 million times.

So, on hemoglobin we can consider the properties of complex compounds: acid-base, complexation and redox.


There are several systems for classifying complex compounds, which are based on different principles.

1. According to the complex compound’s belonging to a certain class of compounds:

Complex acids H 2;

Complex bases OH;

Complex salts K4.

2. By the nature of the ligand: aqua complexes, ammonia, acido complexes (anions of various acids, K 4 act as ligands; hydroxo complexes (hydroxyl groups, K 3 act as ligands); complexes with macrocyclic ligands, within which the central atom.

3.According to the sign of the charge of the complex: cationic - complex cation in the complex compound Cl 3; anionic - complex anion in complex compound K; neutral - the charge of the complex is 0. The complex compound does not have an outer sphere, for example. This is an anticancer drug formula.

4.According to the internal structure of the complex:

a) depending on the number of atoms of the complexing agent: mononuclear- the complex particle contains one atom of a complexing agent, for example Cl 3 ; multi-core- the complex particle contains several atoms of a complexing agent - an iron-protein complex:

b) depending on the number of types of ligands, complexes are distinguished: homogeneous (single-ligand), containing one type of ligand, for example 2+, and dissimilar (multi-ligand)- two types of ligands or more, for example Pt(NH 3) 2 Cl 2. The complex includes ligands NH 3 and Cl - . Complex compounds containing various ligands in the inner sphere are characterized by geometric isomerism, when, with the same composition of the inner sphere, the ligands in it are located differently relative to each other.

Geometric isomers of complex compounds differ not only in physical and chemical properties, but also in biological activity. The cis isomer of Pt(NH 3) 2 Cl 2 has pronounced antitumor activity, but the trans isomer does not;

c) depending on the denticity of the ligands forming mononuclear complexes, groups can be distinguished:

Mononuclear complexes with monodentate ligands, for example 3+;

Mononuclear complexes with polydentate ligands. Complex compounds with polydentate ligands are called chelate compounds;

d) cyclic and acyclic forms of complex compounds.


Cyclic structures that are formed as a result of the addition of a metal ion to two or more donor atoms belonging to one molecule of the chelating agent are called chelate compounds. For example, copper glycinate:

In them, the complexing agent, as it were, leads into the ligand, is covered by bonds, like claws, therefore, other things being equal, they have higher stability than compounds that do not contain rings. The most stable cycles are those consisting of five or six links. This rule was first formulated by L.A. Chugaev. Difference

the stability of the chelate complex and the stability of its non-cyclic analogue is called chelation effect.

Polydentate ligands, which contain 2 types of groups, act as chelating agents:

1) groups capable of forming covalent polar bonds due to exchange reactions (proton donors, electron pair acceptors) -CH 2 COOH, -CH 2 PO(OH) 2, -CH 2 SO 2 OH, - acid groups (centers);

2) electron pair donor groups: ≡N, >NH, >C=O, -S-, -OH, - main groups (centers).

If such ligands saturate the internal coordination sphere of the complex and completely neutralize the charge of the metal ion, then the compounds are called within the complex. For example, copper glycinate. There is no external sphere in this complex.

A large group of organic substances containing basic and acidic centers in the molecule are called complexons. These are polybasic acids. Chelate compounds formed by complexones when interacting with metal ions are called complexonates, for example magnesium complexonate with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid:

In aqueous solution, the complex exists in anionic form.

Complexons and complexonates are a simple model of more complex compounds of living organisms: amino acids, polypeptides, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins and many other endogenous compounds.

Currently, a huge range of synthetic complexones with various functional groups is produced. The formulas of the main complexones are presented below:

Complexons, under certain conditions, can provide lone pairs of electrons (several) to form a coordination bond with a metal ion (s-, p- or d-element). As a result, stable chelate-type compounds with 4-, 5-, 6- or 8-membered rings are formed. The reaction occurs over a wide pH range. Depending on the pH, the nature of the complexing agent, and its ratio with the ligand, complexonates of varying strength and solubility are formed. The chemistry of the formation of complexonates can be represented by equations using the example of sodium salt EDTA (Na 2 H 2 Y), which dissociates in an aqueous solution: Na 2 H 2 Y → 2Na + + H 2 Y 2-, and the H 2 Y 2- ion interacts with the ions metals, regardless of the degree of oxidation of the metal cation, most often one metal ion interacts with one complexone molecule (1:1). The reaction proceeds quantitatively (Kp >10 9).

Complexones and complexonates exhibit amphoteric properties over a wide pH range, the ability to participate in oxidation-reduction reactions, complex formation, form compounds with various properties depending on the degree of oxidation of the metal, its coordination saturation, and have electrophilic and nucleophilic properties. All this determines the ability to bind a huge number of particles, which allows a small amount of reagent to solve large and varied problems.

Another undeniable advantage of complexones and complexonates is their low toxicity and ability to convert toxic particles

into low-toxic or even biologically active. The products of the destruction of complexonates do not accumulate in the body and are harmless. The third feature of complexonates is the possibility of using them as a source of microelements.

Increased digestibility is due to the fact that the microelement is introduced in a biologically active form and has high membrane permeability.


Concept biological activity covers a wide range of phenomena. From the point of view of chemical effects, biologically active substances (BAS) are generally understood as substances that can act on biological systems, regulating their vital functions.

The ability to have such an effect is interpreted as the ability to exhibit biological activity. Regulation can manifest itself in the effects of stimulation, inhibition, development of certain effects. The extreme manifestation of biological activity is biocidal action, when, as a result of the influence of a biocide substance on the body, the latter dies. At lower concentrations, in most cases, biocides have a stimulating rather than lethal effect on living organisms.

Currently known big number such substances. However, in many cases, the use of known biologically active substances is insufficiently used, often with an effectiveness far from maximum, and the use often leads to side effects that can be eliminated by introducing modifiers into the biologically active substances.

Phosphorus-containing complexonates form compounds with various properties depending on the nature, degree of oxidation of the metal, coordination saturation, composition and structure of the hydration shell. All this determines the polyfunctionality of complexonates, their unique ability of substoichiometric action,

the common ion effect and provides wide application in medicine, biology, ecology and in various sectors of the national economy.

When a complexone is coordinated by a metal ion, a redistribution of electron density occurs. Due to the participation of a lone electron pair in the donor-acceptor interaction, the electron density of the ligand (complexon) shifts to the central atom. A decrease in the relative negative charge on the ligand helps to reduce the Coulomb repulsion of the reactants. Therefore, the coordinated ligand becomes more accessible to attack by a nucleophilic reagent having an excess electron density at the reaction center. The shift in electron density from the complexone to the metal ion leads to a relative increase in the positive charge of the carbon atom, and therefore to an easier attack by the nucleophilic reagent, the hydroxyl ion. The hydroxylated complex, among the enzymes that catalyze metabolic processes in biological systems, occupies one of the central places in the mechanism of enzymatic action and detoxification of the body. As a result of the multipoint interaction of the enzyme with the substrate, orientation occurs, ensuring convergence active groups in the active center and transfer of the reaction to the intramolecular mode, before the reaction begins and the formation transition state, which ensures the enzymatic function of FCM. Conformational changes can occur in enzyme molecules. Coordination creates additional conditions for redox interaction between the central ion and the ligand, since a direct connection is established between the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent, ensuring the transfer of electrons. FCM transition metal complexes may be characterized by electron transitions type L-M, M-L, M-L-M, which involve the orbitals of both the metal (M) and the ligands (L), which are respectively linked in a complex by donor-acceptor bonds. Complexons can serve as a bridge along which the electrons of multinuclear complexes oscillate between the central atoms of the same or different elements in different oxidation states (electron and proton transfer complexes). Complexones determine the reducing properties of metal complexonates, which allows them to exhibit high antioxidant, adaptogenic properties, and homeostatic functions.

So, complexons convert microelements into a biologically active form accessible to the body. They form stable

more coordinately saturated particles, unable to destroy biocomplexes, and therefore low-toxic forms. Complexonates have a beneficial effect in cases of disruption of microelement homeostasis in the body. Ions of transition elements in complexonate form act in the body as a factor determining the high sensitivity of cells to trace elements through their participation in the creation of a high concentration gradient and membrane potential. Transition metal complexonates FCM have bioregulatory properties.

The presence of acidic and basic centers in the composition of FCM ensures amphoteric properties and their participation in maintaining acid-base equilibrium (isohydric state).

With an increase in the number of phosphonic groups in the complexone, the composition and conditions for the formation of soluble and poorly soluble complexes change. An increase in the number of phosphonic groups favors the formation of poorly soluble complexes in a wider pH range and shifts the region of their existence to the acidic region. The decomposition of complexes occurs at pH above 9.

The study of complex formation processes with complexones made it possible to develop methods for the synthesis of bioregulators:

Long-acting growth stimulants in colloidal chemical form are polynuclear homo- and heterocomplex compounds of titanium and iron;

Growth stimulants in water-soluble form. These are multi-ligand titanium complexonates based on complexones and an inorganic ligand;

Growth inhibitors are phosphorus-containing complexonates of s-elements.

The biological effect of the synthesized drugs on growth and development was studied in chronic experiments on plants, animals and humans.

Bioregulation- this is a new scientific direction that allows you to regulate the direction and intensity of biochemical processes, which can be widely used in medicine, animal husbandry and crop production. It is associated with the development of methods for restoring the physiological function of the body in order to prevent and treat diseases and age-related pathologies. Complexons and complex compounds based on them can be classified as promising biologically active compounds. The study of their biological action in a chronic experiment showed that chemistry gave into the hands of doctors,

livestock breeders, agronomists and biologists have a new promising tool that allows them to actively influence a living cell, regulate nutritional conditions, growth and development of living organisms.

A study of the toxicity of the used complexones and complexonates showed a complete lack of influence of the drugs on the hematopoietic organs, blood pressure, excitability, respiratory rate: no changes in liver function were noted, no toxicological effect on the morphology of tissues and organs was detected. The potassium salt of HEDP is not toxic at a dose 5-10 times higher than the therapeutic dose (10-20 mg/kg) when studied for 181 days. Consequently, complexones are low-toxic compounds. They are used as medicines to combat viral diseases, poisoning with heavy metals and radioactive elements, calcium metabolism disorders, endemic diseases and microelement imbalance in the body. Phosphorus-containing complexons and complexonates are not subject to photolysis.

Progressive pollution environment heavy metals - products of human economic activity - is a constantly operating environmental factor. They can accumulate in the body. Excess and deficiency of them cause intoxication of the body.

Metal complexonates retain a chelating effect on the ligand (complexone) in the body and are indispensable for maintaining metal ligand homeostasis. Incorporated heavy metals are neutralized to a certain extent in the body, and low resorption capacity prevents the transfer of metals along trophic chains, as a result, this leads to a certain “biominimization” of their toxic effect, which is especially important for the Ural region. For example, free lead ion is a thiol poison, and strong lead complexonate with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is low-toxic. Therefore, detoxification of plants and animals involves the use of metal complexonates. It is based on two thermodynamic principles: their ability to form strong bonds with toxic particles, turning them into compounds that are poorly soluble or stable in an aqueous solution; their inability to destroy endogenous biocomplexes. In this regard, we consider complex therapy of plants and animals an important direction in the fight against eco-poisoning and obtaining environmentally friendly products.

A study was carried out of the effect of treating plants with complexonates of various metals under intensive cultivation technology

potatoes on the microelement composition of potato tubers. Tuber samples contained 105-116 mg/kg iron, 16-20 mg/kg manganese, 13-18 mg/kg copper and 11-15 mg/kg zinc. The ratio and content of microelements are typical for plant tissues. Tubers grown with and without the use of metal complexonates have almost the same elemental composition. The use of chelates does not create conditions for the accumulation of heavy metals in tubers. Complexonates, to a lesser extent than metal ions, are sorbed by soil and are resistant to its microbiological effects, which allows them to remain in the soil solution for a long time. The aftereffect is 3-4 years. They combine well with various pesticides. The metal in the complex has lower toxicity. Phosphorus-containing metal complexonates do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and do not damage the skin. Sensitizing properties have not been identified, the cumulative properties of titanium complexonates are not expressed, and in some cases they are very weakly expressed. The cumulation coefficient is 0.9-3.0, which indicates a low potential danger of chronic drug poisoning.

Phosphorus-containing complexes are based on the phosphorus-carbon bond (C-P), which is also found in biological systems. It is part of phosphonolipids, phosphonoglycans and phosphoproteins of cell membranes. Lipids containing aminophosphonic compounds are resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis and ensure stability and, consequently, normal functioning of outer cell membranes. Synthetic analogues of pyrophosphates - diphosphonates (P-S-P) or (P-C-S-P) in large doses disrupt calcium metabolism, and in small doses they normalize it. Diphosphonates are effective against hyperlipemia and are promising from a pharmacological standpoint.

Diphosphonates containing R-S-R connections, are structural elements biosystems They are biologically effective and are analogues of pyrophosphates. Bisphosphonates have been shown to be effective treatments for various diseases. Bisphosphonates are active inhibitors of bone mineralization and resorption. Complexons convert microelements into a biologically active form accessible to the body, form stable, more coordination-saturated particles that are unable to destroy biocomplexes, and therefore low-toxic forms. They determine the high sensitivity of cells to trace elements, participating in the formation of a high concentration gradient. Capable of participating in the formation of multinuclear compounds of titanium heteronuclei-

of a new type - electron and proton transfer complexes, participate in the bioregulation of metabolic processes, body resistance, the ability to form bonds with toxic particles, turning them into slightly soluble or soluble, stable, non-destructive endogenous complexes. Therefore, their use for detoxification, elimination from the body, obtaining environmentally friendly products (complex therapy), as well as in industry for the regeneration and disposal of industrial waste of inorganic acids and transition metal salts is very promising.



If the system has several ligands with one metal ion or several metal ions with one ligand capable of forming complex compounds, then competing processes are observed: in the first case, ligand exchange equilibrium is competition between ligands for the metal ion, in the second case, metal exchange equilibrium is competition between ions metal per ligand. The process of formation of the most durable complex will prevail. For example, the solution contains ions: magnesium, zinc, iron (III), copper, chromium (II), iron (II) and manganese (II). When a small amount of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is introduced into this solution, competition between metal ions and binding of iron (III) into a complex occurs, since it forms the most durable complex with EDTA.

In the body, the interaction of biometals (Mb) and bioligands (Lb), the formation and destruction of vital biocomplexes (MbLb) constantly occur:

In the human body, animals and plants there are various mechanisms for protecting and maintaining this balance from various xenobiotics (foreign substances), including heavy metal ions. Heavy metal ions that are not complexed and their hydroxo complexes are toxic particles (Mt). In these cases, along with the natural metal-ligand equilibrium, a new equilibrium may arise, with the formation of more durable foreign complexes containing toxicant metals (MtLb) or toxicant ligands (MbLt), which do not perform

necessary biological functions. When exogenous toxic particles enter the body, combined equilibria arise and, as a result, competition of processes occurs. The predominant process will be the one that leads to the formation of the most durable complex compound:

Disturbances in metal ligand homeostasis cause metabolic disturbances, inhibit enzyme activity, destroy important metabolites such as ATP, cell membranes, and disrupt the ion concentration gradient in cells. Therefore, they are created artificial systems protection. Chelation therapy (complex therapy) takes its rightful place in this method.

Chelation therapy is the removal of toxic particles from the body, based on chelation of them with s-element complexonates. Drugs used to remove toxic particles incorporated in the body are called detoxifiers.(Lg). Chelation of toxic particles with metal complexonates (Lg) converts toxic metal ions (Mt) into non-toxic (MtLg) bound forms suitable for sequestration and membrane penetration, transport and excretion from the body. They retain a chelating effect in the body for both the ligand (complexone) and the metal ion. This ensures the metal ligand homeostasis of the body. Therefore, the use of complexonates in medicine, animal husbandry, and crop production ensures detoxification of the body.

The basic thermodynamic principles of chelation therapy can be formulated in two positions.

I. The detoxicant (Lg) must effectively bind toxicant ions (Mt, Lt), the newly formed compounds (MtLg) must be stronger than those that existed in the body:

II. The detoxifier should not destroy vital complex compounds (MbLb); compounds that can be formed during the interaction of a detoxicant and biometal ions (MbLg) must be less durable than those existing in the body:


Complexon molecules practically do not undergo cleavage or any changes in the biological environment, which is their important pharmacological feature. Complexons are insoluble in lipids and highly soluble in water, so they do not penetrate or penetrate poorly through cell membranes, and therefore: 1) are not excreted by the intestines; 2) absorption of complexing agents occurs only when they are injected (only penicillamine is taken orally); 3) in the body, complexones circulate mainly in the extracellular space; 4) excretion from the body is carried out mainly through the kidneys. This process happens quickly.

Substances that eliminate the effects of poisons on biological structures and inactivate poisons through chemical reactions, called antidotes.

One of the first antidotes used in chelation therapy was British anti-lewisite (BAL). Unithiol is currently used:

This drug effectively removes arsenic, mercury, chromium and bismuth from the body. The most widely used for poisoning with zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury are complexones and complexonates. Their use is based on the formation of stronger complexes with metal ions than complexes of the same ions with sulfur-containing groups of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. To remove lead, EDTA-based preparations are used. Introducing drugs into the body in large doses is dangerous, as they bind calcium ions, which leads to disruption of many functions. Therefore they use tetacin(CaNa 2 EDTA), which is used to remove lead, cadmium, mercury, yttrium, cerium and other rare earth metals and cobalt.

Since the first therapeutic use of thetacine in 1952, this drug has found wide use in the clinic of occupational diseases and continues to be an indispensable antidote. The mechanism of action of thetacin is very interesting. Toxic ions displace the coordinated calcium ion from thetacin due to the formation of stronger bonds with oxygen and EDTA. The calcium ion, in turn, displaces the two remaining sodium ions:

Thetacin is administered into the body in the form of a 5-10% solution, the basis of which is saline solution. So, already 1.5 hours after intraperitoneal injection, 15% of the administered dose of thetacine remains in the body, after 6 hours - 3%, and after 2 days - only 0.5%. The drug acts effectively and quickly when using the inhalation method of administering tetacin. It is quickly absorbed and circulates in the blood for a long time. In addition, thetacin is used to protect against gas gangrene. It inhibits the action of zinc and cobalt ions, which are activators of the lecithinase enzyme, which is a gas gangrene toxin.

The binding of toxicants by thetacin into a low-toxic and more durable chelate complex, which is not destroyed and is easily excreted from the body through the kidneys, provides detoxification and balanced mineral nutrition. Close in structure and composition to pre-

paratam EDTA is the sodium calcium salt of diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (CaNa 3 DTPA) - pentacin and sodium salt of dacid (Na 6 DTPP) - trimefa-cin. Pentacine is used primarily for poisoning with compounds of iron, cadmium and lead, as well as for the removal of radionuclides (technetium, plutonium, uranium).

Sodium salt of ethyacid (CaNa 2 EDTP) phosphicine successfully used to remove mercury, lead, beryllium, manganese, actinides and other metals from the body. Complexonates are very effective in removing some toxic anions. For example, cobalt(II) ethylenediaminetetraacetate, which forms a mixed-ligand complex with CN -, can be recommended as an antidote for cyanide poisoning. A similar principle underlies methods for removing toxic organic substances, including pesticides containing functional groups with donor atoms capable of interacting with the complexonate metal.

An effective drug is succimer(dimercaptosuccinic acid, dimercaptosuccinic acid, chemet). It firmly binds almost all toxicants (Hg, As, Pb, Cd), but removes ions of biogenic elements (Cu, Fe, Zn, Co) from the body, so it is almost never used.

Phosphorus-containing complexonates are powerful inhibitors of crystal formation of phosphates and calcium oxalates. Xidifon, a potassium-sodium salt of HEDP, has been proposed as an anti-calcifying drug in the treatment of urolithiasis. Diphosphonates, in addition, in minimal doses, increase the incorporation of calcium into bone tissue and prevent its pathological release from the bones. HEDP and other diphosphonates prevent various types of osteoporosis, including renal osteodystrophy, periodontal

destruction, as well as destruction of transplanted bone in animals. The antiatherosclerotic effect of HEDP has also been described.

In the USA, a number of diphosphonates, in particular HEDP, have been proposed as pharmaceuticals for the treatment of humans and animals suffering from metastatic bone cancer. By regulating membrane permeability, bisphosphonates promote the transport of antitumor drugs into the cell, and hence the effective treatment of various oncological diseases.

One of the pressing problems of modern medicine is the task of rapid diagnosis of various diseases. In this aspect, of undoubted interest is a new class of drugs containing cations that can perform the functions of a probe - radioactive magnetorelaxation and fluorescent labels. Radioisotopes of certain metals are used as the main components of radiopharmaceuticals. Chelation of cations of these isotopes with complexons makes it possible to increase their toxicological acceptability for the body, facilitate their transportation and ensure, within certain limits, selectivity of concentration in certain organs.

The given examples by no means exhaust the variety of forms of application of complexonates in medicine. Thus, the dipotassium salt of magnesium ethylenediaminetetraacetate is used to regulate fluid content in tissues during pathology. EDTA is used in the composition of anticoagulant suspensions used in the separation of blood plasma, as a stabilizer of adenosine triphosphate in determining blood glucose, and in the bleaching and storage of contact lenses. Bisphosphonates are widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid diseases. They are especially effective as anti-arthritis agents in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.


Among natural complex compounds, a special place is occupied by macrocomplexes based on cyclic polypeptides containing internal cavities of certain sizes, in which there are several oxygen-containing groups capable of binding cations of those metals, including sodium and potassium, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the cavity. Such substances, being in biological

Rice. 7.2. Valinomycin complex with K+ ion

ical materials, ensure the transport of ions through membranes and are therefore called ionophores. For example, valinomycin transports potassium ion across the membrane (Figure 7.2).

Using another polypeptide - gramicidin A sodium cations are transported via a relay mechanism. This polypeptide is folded into a “tube”, the inner surface of which is lined with oxygen-containing groups. The result is

a sufficiently long hydrophilic channel with a certain cross section corresponding to the size of the sodium ion. The sodium ion, entering the hydrophilic channel from one side, is transferred from one oxygen group to another, like a relay race through an ion-conducting channel.

So, a cyclic polypeptide molecule has an intramolecular cavity into which a substrate of a certain size and geometry can enter, similar to the principle of a key and lock. The cavity of such internal receptors is bordered by active centers (endoreceptors). Depending on the nature of the metal ion, non-covalent interaction (electrostatic, formation of hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces) with alkali metals and covalent interaction with alkaline earth metals can occur. As a result of this, supramolecules- complex associates consisting of two or more particles held together by intermolecular forces.

The most common tetradentate macrocycles in living nature are porphins and corrinoids similar in structure. Schematically, the tetradent cycle can be represented in the following form (Fig. 7.3), where the arcs represent carbon chains of the same type connecting donor nitrogen atoms into a closed cycle; R 1, R 2, R 3, P 4 are hydrocarbon radicals; Mn+ is a metal ion: in chlorophyll there is an Mg 2+ ion, in hemoglobin there is a Fe 2+ ion, in hemocyanin there is a Cu 2+ ion, in vitamin B 12 (cobalamin) there is a Co 3+ ion.

Donor nitrogen atoms are located at the corners of the square (indicated by dotted lines). They are strictly coordinated in space. That's why

porphyrins and corrinoids form stable complexes with cations of various elements and even alkaline earth metals. It is essential that Regardless of the denticity of the ligand, the chemical bond and structure of the complex are determined by the donor atoms. For example, copper complexes with NH 3, ethylenediamine and porphyrin have the same square structure and similar electronic configuration. But polydentate ligands bind to metal ions much more strongly than monodentate ligands

Rice. 7.3. Tetradentate macrocycle

with the same donor atoms. The strength of ethylenediamine complexes is 8-10 orders of magnitude greater than the strength of the same metals with ammonia.

Bioinorganic complexes of metal ions with proteins are called bioclusters - complexes of metal ions with macrocyclic compounds (Fig. 7.4).

Rice. 7.4. Schematic representation of the structure of bioclusters of certain sizes of protein complexes with ions of d-elements. Types of protein molecule interactions. M n+ - active center metal ion

There is a cavity inside the biocluster. It includes a metal that interacts with donor atoms of connecting groups: OH -, SH -, COO -, -NH 2, proteins, amino acids. The most famous metallofers are

enzymes (carbonic anhydrase, xanthine oxidase, cytochromes) are bioclusters, the cavities of which form enzyme centers containing Zn, Mo, Fe, respectively.


Heterovalent and heteronuclear complexes

Complexes that contain several central atoms of one or different elements are called multi-core. The possibility of forming multinuclear complexes is determined by the ability of some ligands to bind to two or three metal ions. Such ligands are called bridge Respectively bridge are also called complexes. Monatomic bridges are also possible in principle, for example:

They use lone pairs of electrons belonging to the same atom. The role of bridges can be played by polyatomic ligands. Such bridges use lone electron pairs belonging to different atoms polyatomic ligand.

A.A. Greenberg and F.M. Filinov studied bridging compounds of the composition, in which the ligand binds complex compounds of the same metal, but in different oxidation states. G. Taube called them electron transfer complexes. He studied electron transfer reactions between the central atoms of various metals. Systematic studies of the kinetics and mechanism of redox reactions led to the conclusion that electron transfer between two complexes

comes through the resulting ligand bridge. The exchange of electrons between 2 + and 2 + occurs through the formation of an intermediate bridging complex (Fig. 7.5). Electron transfer occurs through the chloride bridging ligand, ending in the formation of 2+ complexes; 2+.

Rice. 7.5. Electron transfer in an intermediate multinuclear complex

A wide variety of polynuclear complexes have been obtained through the use of organic ligands containing several donor groups. The condition for their formation is the arrangement of donor groups in the ligand, which does not allow the chelate cycles to close. There are often cases when a ligand has the ability to close the chelate cycle and at the same time act as a bridge.

The active principle of electron transfer is transition metals, which exhibit several stable oxidation states. This gives titanium, iron and copper ions ideal electron-carrying properties. A set of options for the formation of heterovalent (HVC) and heteronuclear complexes (HNC) based on Ti and Fe is presented in Fig. 7.6.


Reaction (1) is called cross reaction. In exchange reactions, heterovalent complexes will be intermediates. All theoretically possible complexes actually form in solution under certain conditions, which has been proven by various physicochemical studies.

Rice. 7.6. Formation of heterovalent complexes and heteronuclear complexes containing Ti and Fe

methods. For electron transfer to occur, the reactants must be in states that are close in energy. This requirement is called the Franck-Condon principle. Electron transfer can occur between atoms of the same transition element, which are in different states of oxidation of HVA, or different elements of HCA, the nature of the metal centers of which is different. These compounds can be defined as electron transfer complexes. They are convenient carriers of electrons and protons in biological systems. The addition and donation of an electron causes changes only electronic configuration metal without changing the structure of the organic component of the complex. All these elements have several stable oxidation states (Ti +3 and +4; Fe +2 and +3; Cu +1 and +2). In our opinion, these systems are given by nature a unique role of ensuring the reversibility of biochemical processes with minimal energy costs. Reversible reactions include reactions with thermodynamic and thermochemical constants from 10 -3 to 10 3 and with a small value of ΔG o and E o processes. Under these conditions, the starting materials and reaction products can be present in comparable concentrations. When changing them in a certain range, it is easy to achieve reversibility of the process, therefore, in biological systems, many processes are oscillatory (wave) in nature. Redox systems containing the above pairs cover a wide range of potentials, which allows them to enter into interactions accompanied by moderate changes in Δ G o And , with many substrates.

The likelihood of HVA and GAC formation increases significantly when the solution contains potentially bridging ligands, i.e. molecules or ions (amino acids, hydroxy acids, complexones, etc.) that can bind two metal centers at once. The possibility of electron delocalization in the GVK contributes to a decrease total energy complex.

More realistically, the set of possible variants of the formation of HVC and HNC, in which the nature of the metal centers is different, is visible in Fig. 7.6. A detailed description of the formation of GVK and GYAK and their role in biochemical systems is considered in the works of A.N. Glebova (1997). Redox pairs must be structurally adjusted to each other for transfer to become possible. By selecting the components of the solution, you can “extend” the distance over which an electron is transferred from the reducing agent to the oxidizing agent. With coordinated movement of particles, electron transfer over long distances can occur via a wave mechanism. The “corridor” can be a hydrated protein chain, etc. There is a high probability of electron transfer over a distance of up to 100A. The length of the “corridor” can be increased by adding additives (alkali metal ions, background electrolytes). This opens up great opportunities in the field of controlling the composition and properties of HVA and HYA. In solutions they play the role of a kind of “black box” filled with electrons and protons. Depending on the circumstances, he can give them to other components or replenish his “reserves”. The reversibility of reactions involving them allows them to repeatedly participate in cyclic processes. Electrons move from one metal center to another and oscillate between them. The complex molecule remains asymmetrical and can take part in redox processes. GVA and GNA actively participate in oscillatory processes in biological media. This type of reaction is called oscillatory reaction. They are found in enzymatic catalysis, protein synthesis and other biochemical processes accompanying biological phenomena. These include periodic processes of cellular metabolism, waves of activity in cardiac tissue, in brain tissue, and processes occurring at the level of ecological systems. An important step in metabolism is the abstraction of hydrogen from nutrients. At the same time, hydrogen atoms transform into an ionic state, and the electrons separated from them enter the respiratory chain and give up their energy to the formation of ATP. As we have established, titanium complexonates are active carriers of not only electrons, but also protons. The ability of titanium ions to perform their role in the active center of enzymes such as catalases, peroxidases and cytochromes is determined by its high ability to form complexes, form the geometry of a coordinated ion, form multinuclear HVA and HNA of various compositions and properties as a function of pH, the concentration of the transition element Ti and the organic component of the complex, their molar ratio. This ability manifests itself in increased selectivity of the complex

in relation to substrates, products of metabolic processes, activation of bonds in the complex (enzyme) and substrate through coordination and changing the shape of the substrate in accordance with the steric requirements of the active center.

Electrochemical transformations in the body associated with the transfer of electrons are accompanied by a change in the degree of oxidation of particles and the appearance of a redox potential in the solution. A major role in these transformations belongs to the multinuclear complexes GVK and GYAK. They are active regulators of free radical processes, a system for recycling reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide, oxidants, radicals and are involved in the oxidation of substrates, as well as in maintaining antioxidant homeostasis and protecting the body from oxidative stress. Their enzymatic effect on biosystems is similar to enzymes (cytochromes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase, dehydrogenases). All this indicates the high antioxidant properties of transition element complexonates.


1.Give the concept of complex compounds. How are they different from double salts, and what do they have in common?

2. Make up formulas of complex compounds by their names: ammonium dihydroxotetrachloroplatinate (IV), triammintrinitrocobalt (III), give their characteristics; indicate internal and external coordination areas; central ion and its oxidation state: ligands, their number and dentity; nature of connections. Write the dissociation equation in aqueous solution and the expression for the stability constant.

3. General properties of complex compounds, dissociation, stability of complexes, Chemical properties complexes.

4.How reactivity complexes are characterized from thermodynamic and kinetic positions?

5.Which amino complexes will be more durable than tetraamino-copper (II), and which ones will be less durable?

6. Give examples of macrocyclic complexes formed by alkali metal ions; ions of d-elements.

7. On what basis are complexes classified as chelate? Give examples of chelated and non-chelated complex compounds.

8. Using copper glycinate as an example, give the concept of intracomplex compounds. Write the structural formula of magnesium complexonate with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in sodium form.

9. Give a schematic structural fragment of a polynuclear complex.

10. Define polynuclear, heteronuclear and heterovalent complexes. The role of transition metals in their formation. Biological role of these components.

11.What types chemical bond found in complex compounds?

12.List the main types of hybridization of atomic orbitals that can occur at the central atom in the complex. What is the geometry of the complex depending on the type of hybridization?

13. Based on the electronic structure of the atoms of elements of s-, p- and d-blocks, compare the ability to form complexes and their place in the chemistry of complexes.

14. Define complexones and complexonates. Give examples of those most used in biology and medicine. Give the thermodynamic principles on which chelation therapy is based. The use of complexonates to neutralize and eliminate xenobiotics from the body.

15. Consider the main cases of disruption of metal ligand homeostasis in the human body.

16. Give examples of biocomplex compounds containing iron, cobalt, zinc.

17. Examples of competing processes involving hemoglobin.

18. The role of metal ions in enzymes.

19. Explain why for cobalt in complexes with complex ligands (polydentate) the oxidation state is +3, and in ordinary salts, such as halides, sulfates, nitrates, the oxidation state is +2?

20.Copper is characterized by oxidation states of +1 and +2. Can copper catalyze electron transfer reactions?

21.Can zinc catalyze redox reactions?

22.What is the mechanism of action of mercury as a poison?

23.Indicate the acid and base in the reaction:

AgNO 3 + 2NH 3 = NO 3.

24. Explain why the potassium-sodium salt of hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid is used as a drug, and not HEDP.

25.How is electron transport carried out in the body with the help of metal ions that are part of biocomplex compounds?


1. The oxidation state of the central atom in a complex ion is 2- is equal to:

a) -4;


at 2;


2. Most stable complex ion:

a) 2-, Kn = 8.5x10 -15;

b) 2-, Kn = 1.5x10 -30;

c) 2-, Kn = 4x10 -42;

d) 2-, Kn = 1x10 -21.

3. The solution contains 0.1 mol of the compound PtCl 4 4NH 3. Reacting with AgNO 3, it forms 0.2 mol of AgCl precipitate. Give the starting substance a coordination formula:


b)Cl 3;

c)Cl 2;

d)Cl 4.

4. What shape do the complexes formed as a result of sp 3 d 2-gi- hybridization?

1) tetrahedron;

2) square;

4) trigonal bipyramid;

5) linear.

5. Select the formula for the compound pentaammine chlorocobalt (III) sulfate:

a) Na 3 ;

6)[CoCl 2 (NH 3) 4 ]Cl;

c) K 2 [Co(SCN) 4 ];

d)SO 4;

e)[Co(H 2 O) 6 ] C1 3 .

6. Which ligands are polydentate?

a) C1 - ;

b)H 2 O;

c) ethylenediamine;

d)NH 3;

e)SCN - .

7. Complexing agents are:

a) electron pair donor atoms;

c) atoms and ions that accept electron pairs;

d) atoms and ions that are donors of electron pairs.

8. The elements that have the least complex-forming ability are:

a)s; c) d;

b) p ; d)f

9. Ligands are:

a) electron pair donor molecules;

b) electron pair acceptor ions;

c) molecules and ions-donors of electron pairs;

d) molecules and ions that accept electron pairs.

10. Communication in the internal coordination sphere of the complex:

a) covalent exchange;

b) covalent donor-acceptor;

c) ionic;

d) hydrogen.

11. The best complexing agent would be:

II.1. Concept and definition.

Complex compounds are the most numerous class of inorganic compounds. It is difficult to give a brief and comprehensive definition of these compounds. Complex compounds are also called coordination compounds. The chemistry of coordination compounds intertwines organic and inorganic chemistry.

Before late XIX centuries, the study of complex compounds was purely descriptive. 1893 Swiss chemist Alfred Werner created the coordination theory. Its essence is as follows: in complex compounds there is a regular geometric arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms, called ligands or addends, around a central atom - the complexing agent.

Thus, complex chemistry studies ions and molecules consisting of a central particle and ligands coordinated around it. The central particle, a complexing agent, and ligands directly associated with it form the inner sphere of the complex. For inorganic ligands, most often, their number coincides with the coordination number of the central particle. Thus, the coordination number is total number neutral molecules or ions (ligands) bound to the central atom in the complex

Ions located outside the inner sphere form the outer sphere of the complex compound. In formulas, the inner sphere is enclosed in square brackets.

K 4 4- - inner sphere or complex ion

complexing ion coordination

The complexing agents are:

1) positive metal ions (usually d-elements): Ag +, Fe 2+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Al 3+, Co 3+; etc. (complexing ions).

2) less often - neutral metal atoms related to d-elements: (Co, Fe, Mn, etc.)

3) some non-metal atoms with different positive oxidation states - B +3, Si +4, P +5, etc.

Ligands can be:

1) negatively charged ions (OH - , Hal - , CN - cyano group, SCN - thiocyano group, NH 2 - amino group, etc.)

2) polar molecules: H 2 O (ligand name is “aqua”), NH 3 (“ammin”),

CO (“carbonyl”).

Thus, complex compounds (coordination compounds) are called complex chemical compounds, which contain complex ions formed by a central atom in a certain oxidation state (or with a certain valency) and ligands associated with it.

II.2. Classification

I. By the nature of the ligands:

1. Aqua complexes (H 2 O)

2. Hydroxo complexes (OH)

3. Amine complexes (NH 3) - ammonia

4. Acid complexes (with acidic residues - Cl -, SCN -, S 2 O 3 2- and others)

5. Carbonyl complexes (CO)

6. Complexes with organic ligands (NH 2 -CH 2 -CH 2 -NH 2, etc.)

7. Anion halides (Na)

8. Amino complexes (NH 2)

II. According to the charge of the complex ion:

1. Cationic type - the charge of the complex ion is positive

2. Anion type - the charge of the complex ion is negative.

To correctly write a complex compound, it is necessary to know the oxidation state of the central atom, its coordination number, the nature of the ligands and the charge of the complex ion.

II.3. The coordination number can be defined as the number of σ bonds between neutral molecules or ions (ligands) and the central atom in the complex.

The value of the coordination number is determined mainly by the size, charge and structure of the electron shell of the complexing agent. The most common coordination number is 6. It is typical for the following ions: Fe 2+, Fe 3+, Co 3+, Ni 3+, Pt 4+, Al 3+, Cr 3+, Mn 2+, Sn 4+.

K3, Na3, Cl3

hexacyanoferrate (III) hexanitrocobaltate (III) hexaaquachrome (III) chloride

potassium sodium

Coordination number 4 is found in 2-charged ions and in aluminum or gold: Hg 2+, Cu 2+, Pb 2+, Pt 2+, Au 3+, Al 3+.

(OH) 2 - tetraammine copper(II) hydroxide;

Na 2 – sodium tetrahydroxocuprate (II)

K 2 – potassium tetraiodomercurate (II);

H – hydrogen tetrachloroaurate(III).

Often the coordination number is defined as twice the oxidation state of the complexing ion: for Hg 2+, Cu 2+, Pb 2+ - the coordination number is 4; Ag +, Cu + - have a coordination number of 2.

To determine whether the objects are located in the internal or external sphere, it is necessary to carry out qualitative reactions. For example, potassium K 3 -hexacyanoferrate(III). It is known that the iron ion (+3) forms dark red iron thiocyanate (+3) with the thiocyanate anion.

Fe 3+ +3 NH 4 SCN à Fe (SCN) 3 + 3NH 4 +

When a solution of ammonium or potassium thiocyanate is added to a solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), no color is observed. This indicates the absence of iron ions Fe 3+ in the solution in sufficient quantities. The central atom is connected to the ligands by a covalent polar bond (donor-acceptor mechanism of bond formation), so the ion exchange reaction does not occur. On the contrary, the outer and inner spheres are connected by an ionic bond.

II.4. The structure of a complex ion from the point of view of the electronic structure of the complexing agent.

Let us analyze the structure of the tetraammine copper (II) cation:

a) electronic formula of the copper atom:

2 8 18 1 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

b) electronic formula of the Cu 2+ cation:

Cu 2+)))) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 4p 0

4s o:NH 3:NH 3: NH 3: NH 3

CuSO 4 + 4: NH 3 -à SO 4

SO 4 à 2+ + SO 4 2-

ionic bond

cov. connection

according to the donor-acceptor mechanism.

Exercise for independent decision:

Draw the structure of complex ion 3- using the algorithm:

a) write the electronic formula of the iron atom;

b) write the electronic formula of the iron ion Fe 3+, removing electrons from the 4s sublevel and 1 electron from the 3d sublevel;

c) rewrite the electronic formula of the ion again, transferring the electrons of the 3d sublevel to an excited state by pairing them in the cells of this sublevel

d) count the number of all free cells on 3d, 4s, 4p - sublevels

e) place the cyanide anions CN - under them and draw arrows from the ions to the empty cells.

II.5. Determination of the charge of the complexing agent and complex ion:

1. The charge of the complex ion is equal to the charge of the outer sphere with the opposite sign; he also equal to the sum charge of the complexing agent and all ligands.

K 2 +2+ (- 1) 4 =x x = -2

2. The charge of the complexing agent is equal to the algebraic sum of the charges of the ligands and the outer sphere (with the opposite sign).

Cl x +0·2 +(–1)·2 = 0; x=2-1= +1

SO 4 x+ 4 0 -2 = 0 x = +2

3. The higher the charge of the central atom and the lower the charge of the ligand, the higher the coordination number.

II.6. Nomenclature.

There are several ways to name complex compounds. Let's choose a simpler one using the valence (or oxidation state) of the central atom

II.6.1. Name of complex compounds of cationic type:

Complex compounds are of the cationic type if the charge of the complex ion is positive.

When naming complex compounds:

1) first the coordination number is called using Greek prefixes (hexa, penta, three);

2) then, charged ligands with the addition of the ending “o”;

3) then, neutral ligands (without the ending “o”);

4) a complexing agent in Russian in the genitive case, its valence or oxidation state is indicated and then called an anion. Ammonia - the ligand is called "ammine" without the "o", water - "aqua"

SO 4 tetraammine copper (II) sulfate;

Cl diammine silver (I) chloride;

Cl 3 – hexaiodocobalt (III) chloride;

Cl – oxalatopentaaqua-aluminium(III) chloride

(okalate is a doubly charged anion of oxalic acid);

Cl 3 – hexaaquatic iron(III) chloride.

II.6.2. Nomenclature of complex compounds of anionic type.

The cation, coordination number, ligands and then the complexing agent - the central atom - are named. The complexing agent is called Latin in the nominative case with the ending “at”.

K 3 – potassium hexafluoroferrate(III);

Na 3 – sodium hexanitrocobaltate (III);

NH 4 – ammonium dithiocyanodicarbonyl mercuryate (I)

Neutral complex: – iron pentacarbonyl.


Example 1. Classify, fully characterize and give names to the following complex compounds: a) K 3 –; b) Cl; V) .

Solution and answer:

1) K 3 - 3 ions K + - outer sphere, its total charge is +3, 3- - inner sphere, its total charge is equal to the charge of the outer sphere, taken with the opposite sign - (3-)

2) A complex compound of anionic type, since the charge of the inner sphere is negative;

3) The central atom is a complexing agent - silver ion Ag +

4) Ligands - two doubly charged thiosulfuric acid residues H 2 S 2 O 3, belongs to acido complexes

5) Coordination number of the complexing agent in in this case as an exception, it is equal to 4 (two acid residues have 4 valence σ bonds without 4 hydrogen cations);

6) The charge of the complexing agent is +1:

K 3 : +1 3 + X + (-2) 2 = 0 à X= +1

7) Name: – potassium dithiosulfate argentate (I).

1) Cl - 1 ion - Cl - - outer sphere, its total charge is -1, - - inner sphere, its total charge is equal to the charge of the outer sphere, taken with the opposite sign - (3+)

2) A complex compound of the cationic type, since the charge of the inner sphere is positive.

3) The central atom is a complexing agent - cobalt ion Co, calculate its charge:

: X + 0 4 + (-1) 2 = +1 à X = 0 +2 +1 = +3

4) A complex compound of a mixed type, since it contains different ligands; acid complex (Cl - hydrochloric acid residue) and ammin complex - ammonia (NH 3 - ammonia-neutral compound)

6) Name – dichlorotetraammine cobalt(III) chloride.

1) - there is no external sphere

2) A complex compound of neutral type, since the charge of the inner sphere = 0.

3) The central atom is a complexing agent - a tungsten atom,

its charge =0

4) Carbonyl complex, since the ligand is a neutral particle - carbonyl - CO;

5) The coordination number of the complexing agent is 6;

6) Name: – hexacarbonyl tungsten

Task 1. Characterize complex compounds:

a) Li 3 Cr (OH) 6 ]

b) I 2

c) [Pt Cl 2 (NH 3) 2 ] and give them names.

Task 2. Name the complex compounds: NO 3,

K 3, Na 3, H, Fe 3 [Cr (CN) 6] 2

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