Paul's name day - career, fate, character and church form. Paul's name day, Paul's angel day Paul Orthodox name


Every Orthodox Christian bears the name of the saint after whom he is named. The name is chosen according to the church calendar, each day of which is dedicated to the memory of a particular saint. The day of remembrance of the saint whose name an Orthodox Christian bears is called: Angel Day, or Name Day.

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: name day and congratulations

According to the church calendar, Peter's name day: January 20, July 13, 20 - Peter (before recognition Simon) the supreme apostle of the 12, hieromartyr; October 17 - Peter of Damascus, presbyter, hieromartyr; December 8 – Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, martyr.

From ancient Greek language- stone. The pronunciation of the name with “ё” is only in Russian, everywhere – Peter (cf. “petrography” - the science of stones). The name received its high spiritual significance, as well as its wide distribution, as a result of the activities of the Apostle Simon Zebedee, whom Jesus called “Cephas”; in the Greek version - Peter. Peter's personality symbol is a man of heart. Peter's name day in winter, autumn and summer.

We want to congratulate Peter
Happy Christian name day.
Peter - translated as “rock”.
So that the personality is made of stone,
So that at the head of all glorious deeds
Peter stood up and succeeded in life!
Our Peter is not a king, not Peter the Great,
But he follows the right path,
He will reach his heights,
When his time comes.
Happy birthday congratulations,
Wishing Peter good luck in everything,
We believe: Peter will not let you down
And people will be surprised!

Name days, name days,
Peter's birthday.
Smells like pies with cumin
In the kitchen since the morning.
What is built on it?
The years won't ruin it.
Hope and support for us,
Happy holiday, Petrusha!

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: what does the name mean

According to the church calendar, Paul's name day: July 12 - Paul, the Holy Chief Apostle, September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Pechersky, Rev.; March 20 – Pavel the Simple, venerable, disciple of St. Anthony the Great; November 19 – Paul of Constantinople, patriarch, martyr.

From Latin language- baby, little one. The name became widespread in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul. Paul's name day four times a year. Pavel is an amazingly kind and cheerful person. Everyone loves him, adults, children, work colleagues, and even his mother-in-law. And to each of them he will find the right word. He can do everything - sing and dance, make toys for children, tell them stories before bed.

Pavel, Pasha, Pavlik -
Today is your holiday,
Happy crane
Flies above you
Rainbow kitten
Caresses your hands,
Bird with a ringing song
He's in a hurry to visit us today.
I am these congratulations
I came up with it, love,
So that even for a moment
To please you.

Pavel is a baby, which means he is pure in soul.
Remain, my Pavel, always a “baby”
But those who have a big, big heart,
Whatever you do, whatever you think, wherever you go.
Be fate for everything - awarded and noted
And everywhere you met with constant joy!

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: when does it celebrate its day

According to the church calendar, Ivan’s name day: May 21, October 9 - John the Theologian, apostle of the 12, evangelist; January 13, July 11 John of Alexandria, martyr; February 9, September 27 – John Chrysostom, Constantinople, Ecumenical Teacher; January 20, July 7, September 11 – John the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord.

From the Hebrew language - “the mercy of God.” The borrowed name has taken root in both Russian and other European languages ​​and, having acquired a different sound guise, has gone very far from the original source. It has become one of the most beloved everywhere, turning from Jokanaan (ancient Hebrew), John (ancient Greek) into a typical Russian Ivan, typical French Jean, typically English John.

Ivan has powerful energy that has followed this name for many centuries. Thus, the Evangelist John, the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ, along with Peter occupies a central place among the twelve apostles. John the Baptist is the last in a series of prophets-harbingers of the coming of the Messiah, the immediate predecessor of Jesus Christ.

Happy holiday to you, Ivan!
Congratulations and success to you.
May you be above all praise.
I'll give you a little advice:

Be cheerful and happy
Never be discouraged.
All the good things in life
Take it for yourself.

May good luck and health
They never let you down.
May adversity and sorrow
They run away forever.

Ivan, I wish you
Great heights in your destiny.
Health, happiness and good luck,
So that you can solve all the problems.
And most importantly, lots of love!
And you catch the bird of happiness,
She will fulfill all your wishes
Your suffering will end.
I don't know what else to tell you
Let's celebrate the holiday.

When is Paul's name day according to the church calendar?: July 12 - Paul, Holy Chief Apostle, September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Pechersk, Rev.; March 20 – Pavel the Simple, venerable, disciple of St. Anthony the Great; November 19 – Paul of Constantinople, patriarch, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Pavel:

From Latin - baby, small. The name became widespread in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul. Paul's name day four times a year. Pavel is an amazingly kind and cheerful person. Everyone loves him - adults, children, work colleagues, and even his mother-in-law. And he will find the right word for each of them. He can do everything - sing and dance, make toys for children, tell them fairy tales before bed, and the same one in different versions - about the adventures of a straw bull...

Pavel always helps his wife with housework - he will clean the apartment (if necessary), prepare dinner, etc. Looking at Pavel at home, you would never say that he occupies a high position. His subordinates adore Pavel. He will never raise his voice at you, will not insult you, will not humiliate you. He always gives his entire salary to his wife, who is usually ten years younger than him. Pavel is a good organizer. He can work as a plant director or make a career in the military field - command a battalion, regiment and even an army.

Paul is, first of all, desire, attraction, longing. As pure will, he has no reason to delude himself with the approximate normativity of the empirical, no matter whether it is outside of him or in him...

Congratulations on Pavel's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Pavel's name day and congratulate Pavel on Angel's Day.

Today is Pavel's name day!

There is no kinder man!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He managed to create a world of good.

Calm and safe with Pasha.

It's very difficult to offend him,

And why bother?

The one who can give happiness?

But Pavel can. He is good!

He looks like Santa Claus:

Loves to give gifts to everyone,

Cheer everyone up and make them laugh.

Today it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything,

Praise on your birthday!

Like Pavlik's name day

We made a loaf.

Friends are thirsty,

Come on, Pavlik, pour it out.

Everyone loves you, Pavlusha,

Everyone is here, both old and young,

I'm glad to eat a loaf of bread,

I'm glad for Pavel's birthday.

He is important and businesslike.

A little rustic in appearance.

Small, although without ambition,

It can achieve the main thing.

Weigh it to the end.

He will not forgive the insolent

And he won't shake hands

The guy who will betray him.

This is how he is - Pavlik, Pasha.

Our favorite, our pride.

Today is Pavel's name day!

There is no more decent man!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He was able to create a world of good.

Calm and safe with Pasha.

It’s painfully difficult to offend him,

And why bother?

Who can give him happiness?

But Pavel can. He is good!

He looks like Grandfather Frost:

He wants to give surprises to everyone,

Cheer everyone up and cheer them up.

Now it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything,

Praise on your birthday!

People are often interested in the question, when is Paul's name day? But almost all more or less religious people know that the day of Peter and Paul is in the summer. Orthodox Church celebrates it on June 29 according to the new calendar. Paul's name day should always be honored by a person baptized with this name. On this day he needs to come to church, pray to his saint and preferably take communion.

In 324 he ordered the construction of the first churches in Rome and Constantinople in honor of the supreme apostles. Why are Paul's name day and Peter's name day celebrated on the same day? This day is considered as the day of martyrdom of these two holy apostles. On June 29 they were executed, and in 258 in Rome on this day their holy relics were transferred.

Apostle Paul

According to the church calendar, it is indeed not for nothing that Paul’s name day coincides with Peter’s name day. Let's try to plunge a little into the ancient history and become more familiar with the acts of these great high priests.

Paul was born into a Pharisee family in the Asia Minor city of Tarsus. Formerly an enemy christian church, the predatory wolf - the pagan Saul - suddenly became a lamb and became the Apostle Paul. From a cruel persecutor he turned into a Christian preacher. Having received from the high priests the right to execute and kill Christians, on the way to Damascus he heard the voice of the Lord, which said: “Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul trembled with fear and asked who was talking to him? The voice answered: “I am Jesus.” From that moment Saul changed. He was baptized by the presbyter Ananias and with the name of Jesus Christ on his lips he went to preach throughout the whole earth. The Lord warned him that he would endure a lot of torment and suffering, He Himself instructed him in exploits and did not leave him in moments of difficult trials in prison, in chains and shipwrecks. The Apostle Paul was arrested and executed in Rome by beheading.

Apostle Peter

Before meeting Jesus Christ, his name was Simon, who was the son of Jonah, a fisherman living in Bethsaida of Galilee.

One day, when the brothers Peter and Andrew were fishing, Jesus came up to them and called them to follow him.

From the life history of the Apostle Peter it is known that he was married and had a house in Copernaum. He was one of the very first disciples of the Savior. Jesus named him Peter, which translated as Rock. On this stone, the Lord God promised to build His Church, which the gates of hell will not overcome.

That night, before the rooster crows, Peter will deny his teacher three times. But after His Resurrection, he, washed with bitter tears of repentance, will beg His forgiveness. And the Lord will bless him again in apostolic dignity.

Peter's services to the Church of Christ are very great. On the day of Holy Pentecost, Peter will give his passionate speech to the people, after which 3,000 people will be baptized. And after some time he will heal the lame man, and then there will be another bright sermon, after which another 5,000 people will be baptized.

Great Preacher

Herod Agrippa (grandson of Herod the Great) in 42 after the Nativity of Christ persecuted all Christians. One day Peter was imprisoned, but an Angel of God helped him free himself from his shackles and leave the dungeon. Peter preached the Gospel in Antioch, Greece, Rome, Spain, Britain, Carthage, etc. He wrote two Council Epistles, where he teaches people the true faith and warns about depraved false teachers.

At the age of 67, Peter suffered a painful death in Rome. At his own request, he was crucified upside down. He considered it unworthy for himself to die on the cross like his Lord.

Day of blessed memory: name day of Peter and Paul

On this day - June 29 - the Holy Church remembers the suffering of the saints - the glorious apostles Peter and Paul.

Apostle Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Christ, was awarded first place for his faithful service and became the main person, the supreme apostle, representing the entire Church. On the same day, the memory of these two saints is venerated, since they endured sufferings similar in spirit and intimacy. It is believed that they were martyred on the same day, only one year apart.

They are marching alongside Peter's name day. This holiday was first introduced in Rome, since the bishops of the Western Church were considered disciples of the Apostle Peter. According to legend, it was to him that Christ gave “the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Pavel - Latin Paulus - small, baby.

Paul's name day according to the church calendar:

  • 5 January:Paul of Neocaesarea, confessor, bishop
  • January 23:Pavel Komelsky (Obnorsky), Rev.
  • January 27:Pavel Sinaisky, schmich., abbot
  • 28 January:Paul of Thebes, Egyptian, hermit
  • February 6:Pavel, martyr
  • February 16:Pavel, martyr
  • March 1:
  • March, 3rd:Pavel African, martyr.
  • March 17:Pavel of Ptolemais, martyr.
  • 20th of March:Pavel the Simple, St.. [student of St. Anthony the Great]; Paul of Prussiad, confessor, bishop
  • March 23:Pavel Corinthian, martyr.
  • March 29:Paul
  • 30th of March:Pavel, prmch.
  • April 9:Paul, Venerable, Bishop, Corinth
  • April 19:Pavel Russian, martyr; Pavel, Venerable, Abbot, Studiysky
  • April 29:Paul
  • 16th of May:Pavel Vilensky, martyr.
  • May 31:Pavel Lampsaksky, martyr.
  • June 4:Paul of the Peloponnese
  • June 10th:Pavel, martyr
  • June 14:Pavel Garejisky, prmch.
  • June 16:Pavel of Byzantium, martyr, youth
  • 21st of June:Pavel Kayyumsky, martyr.
  • June 23:Pavel, Metropolitan, Tobolsk
  • July 9:Pavel, martyr
  • July 11:Paul the Corinthian, St.
  • July, 12:Paul, sschmch.. [chief apostle “apostle of tongues”]
  • the 14 th of July:Paul
  • July 29:Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • 10th of August:Pavel Xiropotamsky, St.
  • 12th of August:Pavel, bishop
  • August 30:Pavel of Ptolemais, martyr.
  • 12-th of September:Pavel the New, Patriarch of Constantinople
  • 23 September:Paul of Nicaea, confessor, bishop; Pavel Pechersky, Obedient
  • October 8:Pavel Damascus, martyr.
  • October 16:Pavel, martyr
  • 17 October:Pavel the Simple, St.. [student of St. Anthony the Great]
  • October 23:Pavel Zografsky, prmch.
  • November 4:Pavel Rostovsky, Rev.
  • November 19:Paul I of Constantinople, smch., patriarch; Paul of Corinth, Fool for Christ's sake
  • December 11th:Pavel, martyr
  • 20th of December:Pavel the Obedient (Povinnik), St.
  • December 28th:Pavel of Latria, St.

Characteristics of the name Pavel

Since childhood, Pavel has been distinguished by calmness, balance, and even some indifference to what is happening around him. He cares only about the narrow world of his family and his own inner world. He loves his parents, always obeys them, does not argue, does not accept independent decisions. Pavel is not one of those who will get involved with bad company, fight or come up with a prank.

At school, Pavel also behaves calmly and decently. However, he studies, most often, unimportantly. Pavel is lazy to the extreme, lessons for him are a heavy duty. He will only show activity if something interests him or seems unusual. Then Pavel’s abilities will manifest themselves in all their glory, both his enthusiasm and his intelligence will awaken.

Pavel is a very talented person. He has high intelligence and subtle intuition. At the institute, as a rule, he studies much better than at school, because by this time he quite clearly sees the goal in front of him. He is patient, careful, and moves towards the “tops” in small steps. Pavel will never miss his benefits. Pavel has a strong will, he can be quite cruel and calculating. However, sometimes he lacks the confidence to complete the work he has begun. He is subject to bouts of apathy. Pavel is capable of becoming good psychologist, scientist-philosopher, linguist. Thanks to his rich inner world and developed imagination, he can be a writer or painter. Pavel is also able to manage people, to occupy a position one way or another related to communication - journalist, teacher, manager, tour guide.

Pavel has many friends. He has unique ability- Ability to listen and empathize with the concerns of others. In vain

Expect concrete help from Pavel, but he will always try to give advice. Unfortunately, Pavel often loses friends because he absolutely does not know how to keep his mouth shut. He loves to gossip, and he doesn’t do it out of malice - it’s just his nature. Paul himself will not forgive betrayal; he is vindictive and vindictive.

Pavel usually enjoys success with women. He is able to intuitively predict women's desires, knows how to beautifully flatter and seduce with his impeccable manners. Pavel reacts sharply to refusal and painfully experiences a breakup. As a rule, he marries late and hesitates for a long time, fearing disappointment. Pavel will be a faithful husband and a good father. He will devotedly take care of the well-being of the family and will not refuse help around the house. But at the same time, it will also be unbearable: his wife will have to endure his constant nagging, whims, attacks of jealousy and discontent. Pavel will not forgive betrayal - he will immediately leave his family and may even refuse to ever communicate with his wife.

The main features of this name: isolation, intuition, uncertainty.

Other materials about the name Pavel:

Translated from Latin as “small”, it was used to describe men who were short in stature or held a small position. Its popularity began in the Roman Empire and then spread throughout the world. In each country this name is pronounced differently: in Armenia - Pohos, in Belarus - Pauluk, in Hungary - Pal, in Greece - Paulos, in Spain - Pablo, in Italy - Paolo, in Latvia - Povilas, in Germany - Paul, in Serbia - Pavle, in Ukraine - Pavlo, in Finland - Paavali.

Diminutive form of the name: Pashka, Pavlusha, Pashenka, Pash, Pashulya, Pavlik.

According to the church calendar, the name Paul celebrates name days 71 times a year. The most famous date of Paul's name day is July 12, the day of veneration of Saints Peter and Paul, who gave their lives for the Christian faith.

Famous saints named Paul:

  • Holy Apostle Paul - commemorated on June 29. Paul became blind on the way to Damascus, where he later received baptism, during which he regained his sight. Traveled around the world, spreading the Christian faith. Issued 14 messages and was brutally killed by order of Emperor Nero.
  • Holy Martyr Paul of Caesarea - commemorated on July 16. In 308 he was killed for the faith of Christ. In prayers to him they ask for intercession for themselves or others.
  • Venerable Pavel Komelsky - commemorated on January 10. Secretly from his relatives, he took monastic vows in a monastery and spent several years in cell obedience with St. Sergei of Radonezh. After which he went into hermitage for 12 years, but did not refuse spiritual guidance to anyone. He built the Holy Trinity Church and the Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery, where he established strict regulations for monastic life. He died at the age of 112.
  • Venerable Paul of Xiropotamia - commemorated on July 28. He was the son of the Emperor of Constantinople. He took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain and led a hermit life. He helped restore the Xiropotamian monastery, and later built the St. Paul Monastery on Mount Athos.
  • Martyr Paul of Ptolemais - commemorated on March 4 and August 17. In the 3rd century, he was brutally killed for spreading the Christian faith.


Paul’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

  • Winter - Cheerful, witty, emotional, talented, reasonable.
  • Spring - Sensitive, soft, impressionable, honest, responsive.
  • Summer - Serious, diplomatic, smart, charming, seductive.
  • Autumn - Romantic, impulsive, sensible, patient, hardy.


Little Pashenka is growing active and restless, constantly on the move, and cannot sit quietly for a minute. He is always surrounded by friends, with whom he invents outdoor games together; he has practically no enemies, because he knows how to make friends and come to a compromise. Pavel's shortcomings include his disobedience, irresponsibility, and desire for risk and adventure. Pavel's parents often worry about their son; for him, getting into trouble is a piece of cake. He can persuade friends, for example, to go into the forest in search of treasure, and then a whole group of adults will look for them, lost. Parents should seriously engage in raising their son so that he is more thoughtful in his actions and actions.

At school, Pavel studies poorly because of his restlessness, lack of commitment and inattention. He cannot concentrate in class, fidgets, gets distracted, chats with his classmates, but he has a good-natured and cheerful character, for which the kids love him and teachers treat him condescendingly. Possesses eloquence, knows how to listen to his interlocutor, can give him helpful advice, will never insult or humiliate. Thanks to its bright positive qualities character, is popular with the guys, which is why he has envious people during his school years.

For the adult Pavel, the most important thing in achieving a goal is not the goal itself, but the process of achieving it, for the sake of this he agrees to perform difficult tasks. The more difficult the task, the more interesting it is for Pavel to complete it, and even better if it is risky. Pavel still commits rash acts, acts quickly and decisively, always confident in himself and in future victory. His friends adore him for his friendliness, willingness to help, eloquence, and optimism. Pavel does not tolerate betrayal well, especially from friends, but he easily forgives their minor character flaws. As an adult, Pavel develops useful character traits, such as determination, perseverance, perseverance, and prudence, which help him reach the top of his career.


Pavel is in good health, but is susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries.


Pavel most often chooses one job for the rest of his life. His superiors and colleagues value him for his talent, dedication, diligence, initiative, and incredible performance. If he opens his own business, he may soon expand.


Cheerful and sociable Pavel is popular with women. He will carefully look after the woman he likes, give her gifts, make exquisite compliments, and take her to restaurants. When it comes to sex, Pavel is inventive and tireless. But his woman will not be one of the “fifas”, “dolls”, “tomboys”, but an ordinary feminine one with an attractive charisma.


It is better for Pavel to marry in middle age, when he finally settles down. If Paul chooses the right wife who can tolerate his difficult and jealous character, then he will have a stable and strong marriage. Pavel will do everything for the well-being of the family; he will be caring and strict with the children, and will give them a good education.

Compatibility with female names

  • Excellent: , , .
  • Bad: , Faith, Hope, .

  • Element - Earth.
  • Totem animal - Rudd.
  • Plant - Aster.
  • Tree - Rowan.
  • Mineral talisman - Male ruby.
  • Famous people named Pavel

    • Pavel Demidov is a Russian entrepreneur.
    • Pavel Springfeld is a Soviet actor.
    • Pavel Belyaev - Soviet cosmonaut.
    • Pavel Aleksandrov is a Soviet mathematician.
    • Pavel Bazhov is a Russian writer.
    • Pavel Sukhoi - Soviet aircraft designer.
    • Pavel Kogan is a Russian conductor.
    • Pavel Bure is a Russian hockey player.
    • Pavel Chukhrai is a Russian film director.
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