The name Anastasia origin and meaning in Orthodoxy. The meaning of the name Anastasia: childhood. Name Anastasia, Nastya in English, German in different languages

DOB: 1981-09-24

Version 1. What does the name Anastasia mean?

The meaning of the name Anastasia is “resurrected” (Greek)

Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is, as it were, destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most tender.

Anastasia is loved in kindergarten and school. She will not disappoint expectations - she will never be evil and vindictive; on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Grandma will also have to put a lot of effort into teaching how to put away toys, fold books, and put things in order in her room. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only according to her mood, although in her youth she will learn to sew and cook. She likes to decorate the room with flowers, she likes elegant things.

Trusting, with a delicate mental constitution, Anastasia can become a good artist and teacher kindergarten, psychologist. Has the gift of prediction and foresight due to finely developed intuition. Gets married early. Her chosen one is strong and courageous. Often military. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will achieve his goal - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

Anastasia is a devoted and caring wife - no coquetry, no seeking adventures on the side. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. He has good taste and prefers an expensive, well-published book or a beautiful vase to a fashionable dress. Likes to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. She lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

Often suffers from laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. She has a weak nervous system.

“Winter” Anastasia is reserved, smart, and a little stingy.

“Autumn” is reserved in emotions, carries everything within herself, and is not very sociable. Can become a teacher, researcher, lawyer. The name matches patronymics: Denisovna, Mikhailovna, Milanovna, Mironovna, Savelyevna, Leontievna, Grigorievna.

“Summer” Nastya is friendly, more sociable, and responsive.

“Spring” is romantic, amorous, prone to tears. Nastyusha can work as a fashion model, fashion designer, assistant, or actress.

The name Anastasia is suitable for patronymics: Filippovna, Emmanuilovna, Teodorovna, Telmanovna, Stefanovna, Borisovna, Bogdanovna.

DOB: 1983-11-30

Russian journalist

3 version of the meaning of the name Anastasia

1. Personality of Anastasia. Flying high.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 95%.

4. Vibration. 88,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Will - excitability - reaction speed.

7. Totem plant. Tobacco.

8. Totem animal. Post pigeon.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. In general, Anastasia is a choleric person and has a quick reaction. They are very mobile and cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.

11. Psyche. Life is not easy with them. The mood changes quickly - from unbridled joy to deep depression. You must constantly pay attention to them, otherwise they themselves will take care of you... and this is much worse. By nature, Anastasia is an introvert, immersed in her inner world. They look too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression.

12. Will. Incapable of decisive action.

13. Excitability. Strong, even too strong. It takes a lot of effort to calm them down if they get nervous.

14. Reaction speed. Anastasia reacts violently and acts impulsively.

15. Activity. It can be overwhelming, but it can also be calm. Relatives should control such girls, but in such a way that they do not have the feeling that they are being watched.

16. Intuition. Nastya is gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and fickle, like cigarette smoke.

17. Intelligence. They are able to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in little things that they don’t like and reject. They have a good memory, but remember only what interests them. From childhood they need to be taught discipline.

18. Receptivity. Very nervous. Today Anastasia is full of joy, tomorrow she becomes despondent. They tend to play with feelings in order to manipulate others. They like to have friends around them, but change them very often. Defeats lead them to despair, which quickly passes.

19. Morality. They have a keen sense of moral principles, but often betray them, not finding satisfaction in what they have done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.

20. Health. Generally good, but often Anastasia's own carelessness leads them to accidents. You need to drive especially carefully. Leg fractures are common. You should pay attention to the kidneys.

21. Sexuality. They often make decisions too quickly. There is too much distance between their activity and the inertia of the people around them.

22. Field of activity. Anastasia Can be a flight attendant, a journalist, or a sales representative.

23. Sociability. Their house may be full of friends.

24. Conclusion. These “carrier pigeons” lead a very intense and sometimes turbulent family life. But it’s hard to get bored in their company, especially since Anastasia is very charming.

DOB: 1871-03-13

Russian pop singer

4th version of the interpretation of the name Anastasia

The secret of the name Anastasia is that they are very stubborn and contradictory. If they don’t like a person, they will get rid of them by any means necessary. Cunning, petty, greedy. They are specific - they always think through everything in advance. Assertive.

To achieve her goal, Anastasia will go “over the corpses.” They usually don't work in production - they are brilliant actresses. They love to be in the thick of events and people. Travelers do not spare money for themselves. They try not to dress monotonously.

Sexually preoccupied, but capable of breaking off any relationship once and for all. They don't regret what they missed. Outwardly they look like their father, but internally they look like their mother.

Anastasia gives birth to children of different sexes. Overall, unlucky.

DOB: 1983-04-08

Russian athlete (synchronized swimming), four-time Olympic champion

5 version of the meaning of the name Anastasia

The name Anastasia means - from the Greek resurrected, colloquially. Nastasia and Nastasya; vernacular Anastasya and Nastasya.

Derivatives: Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastena, Tyona, Nastyokha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyura, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastasyoshka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Nastya-Nastenka is a red fur coat, black-browed herself, the edge of a beaver.

They grabbed Nastya when the gates were wide open.

They brought grief and misfortune to Nastya. January 4 - Anastasia the pattern maker. According to some interpretations, she is named as a liberator from evils, according to others - as a healer of diseases; they pray to her during childbirth.

November 11 - Anastasia the shepherd, Nastasya the shearer. She is considered the patroness of sheep. People turn to her with prayer to protect sheep flocks from wolves.

This is due to the fact that the day of her memory coincides with the time of sheep shearing.


Anastasia is the embodiment of charm and grace. Her feelings are quivering and changeable. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. She is able to prophesy, predict the future. She has a powerful analytical mind: she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers. But at the same time, Anastasia is lazy and cold.

Anastasia is focused on herself, only a little on her loved ones, the rest are indifferent to her.

DOB: 1989-10-30

American gymnast, Olympic champion

6 version of the meaning of the name Anastasia

The origin of the name Anastasia is the resurrector (Greek meaning).

Name day: January 4 - Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, a rich Roman woman; consoled imprisoned Christians, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom; endured great torment for the faith of Christ, during which she died (IV century).

November 27 - The Holy Martyr Anastasia, a Roman woman, twenty years old, died after suffering for the faith of Christ (III century).

Zodiac sign - Scorpio.

Planet - Pluto.

Color - dark green.

Anastasia's auspicious tree is jasmine.

The treasured plant is the orchid.

The patron of the name is the Siamese cat.

The talisman stone is malachite.


Anastasia is the embodiment of charm, grace, changeability of moods, caution, nervousness, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. Able to prophesy, predict the future, foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers.

One problem - Anastasia is lazy and cold. No one except herself and those closest to her exists for her.

8 version of the meaning of the name Anastasia

Anastasia is the feminine form of the male name Anastas.

The name is of ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with this name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most gentle.

Everyone loves her as a child, and Anastasia will not disappoint expectations - she will never be either evil or vindictive, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Parents will have to put a lot of effort into teaching Nastenka to tidy up her toys, put away books, and put her room in order. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only when she’s in the mood. Although in his youth he will learn to sew and cook. Likes to decorate the room with flowers, loves elegant things.

Trusting, with a strong mental structure, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, or psychologist. He has the gift of prediction and foresight thanks to his finely developed intuition. She gets married early, prefers strong, courageous people, and often chooses a military man as her husband. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will be able to do this - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

She is a devoted and caring wife; coquetry and the search for adventure on the side do not attract her. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Has good taste. They love to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends.

Anastasia lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

9 version of the meaning of the name Anastasia

Anastasia, Nastyusha.
The first option evokes an association of a beautiful, Russian girl, with long blond hair and transparent blue eyes. Of course, not all “Nasty” are like that. This only means that this is a subtle, graceful nature, but at the same time open and full of emotions. The girl appears smiling. Nastya’s smile is wonderful, she is able to give warmth to those around her. Such a representative of the fair sex is caring, vulnerable, kind. She is ready to help friends and relatives and will not leave even strangers in trouble. After all, Nastya is a sympathetic person, she can take everything to heart, or be quite indifferent and lazy.
The second option evokes a picture from children's fairy tales. Nastyusha is a little carefree girl, cheerful, open, and simple-minded. I imagine the name in this form as a girl from a Russian fairy tale, in a red sundress, with rosy cheeks and red hair. Why red? Because Nastyusha is a cheerful, cheerful person, hardworking (as the associations of a SIMPLE girl indicate).
Even in these two forms of the name there are contradictions. This is because Nastya is a changeable person, she can run and jump for joy, and then suddenly become sad and step aside. Lazy and hardworking - it depends on my mood.
The bearer of such a name grasps everything on the fly and easily learns new things. Many sciences are easy for her, such as psychology.
And finally, Nastya is a sincere, welcoming person who radiates joy and warmth, helps everyone and everywhere, is smart and quick-witted.

Name day named after Anastasia

January 4, February 3, February 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, May 28, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 17, December 26 ,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Anastasia

DOB: 1981-09-24

Russian writer, younger sister of Marina Tsvetaeva

Anastasia Vertinskaya

DOB: 1944-12-19

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR

DOB: 1983-11-30

Russian journalist

When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Anastasia

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • WITH- Word
  • T- Firmly
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Anastasia in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Anastasia in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name Anastasia belonged to many representatives of noble families. It is also worn by the heroines of their favorite fairy tales, which are a kind of symbol of beauty, wisdom, nobility, and fidelity. In recent decades, there has been a surge in its popularity, and parents of newborn babies are increasingly interested in what the name Anastasia means.

Brief meaning of the name Anastasia

Origin and meaning of the name Anastasia

The origin of the name Anastasia is ancient Greek, although it is perceived by ear as originally Russian. However, history says that it came to us from Greece at a time when Kievan Rus accepted the Orthodox faith.

It is believed that it came from the male name Anastas (Anastasy), which in the 19th century was popular both in the noble classes and in peasant families. And the meaning of the name Anastasia is reborn, rebel, immortal. Incredibly, the bearers of this name always overcome life’s difficulties, easily being reborn for new achievements.

IN Everyday life different forms of this name are used:

It should be noted that, thanks to the richness of the Russian language, the derivative forms of this name are constantly being supplemented.

It is entered in the passport as English language, according to the rules of machine transliteration - ANASTASIA.

There are many patron saints in the Orthodox Church who bear this name. Therefore, according to the church calendar, women celebrate their angel day several times a year:

Declension by case

Anastasia is a noun of the 1st declension. However, it has its own peculiarities of changing by case, unlike other nouns of the same declension. So, in the dative and prepositional cases its ending is -i, while in other nouns it is -e. So:

Nominative case – Anastasia

Genitive case – Anastasia

Dative case – Anastasia

Accusative case – Anastasia

Instrumental case – Anastasia

Prepositional case - Anastasia

Letter decoding

If we consider the interpretation of the name Anastasia by letter, then we can try to find out the secret of her success:

A – executive, hardworking

N – selectivity of sympathies, caution

S – ambition

T – willingness to make sacrifices

A – repeat (characteristics are enhanced)

C – repeat (characteristics are enhanced)

And - grace, love for different types art

I am narcissistic, a sense of superiority

This interpretation allows us to conclude: if your name is Anastasia, you are an undoubted leader. Women who bear this name are good-looking and successful in all matters.

The influence of a name on a girl's character

If your beloved child is named Nastyusha, then she will absolutely be a favorite in the family, kindergarten, school, and among the children in the yard. The meaning of the name Anastasia for a girl is an easy-going, good-natured character. She always relies on her loved ones because she wants to feel their support. This feature should become a secret to others so that no one can offend her.

Little Nastya's imagination leads her along fairy-tale paths. For her, her whole life is a fairy tale. That is why it is difficult for parents to accustom her to order and daily responsibilities around the house.

Among other children, she will try to be a leader with an emphasis on good character traits. Nastya loves to be praised and imitated.

Since childhood, the girl has had a poor appetite and her health is not very good. Frequent illnesses do not allow her to often be in the company of other children. But she is never bored. A girl will always find a game to her liking.

A girl named Anastasia

The young girl remains as vulnerable and trusting as in childhood. For her, the meaning of the name Anastasia takes on new colors of character. She becomes crafty and mischievous. Today she can be sad, tomorrow she can have fun uncontrollably.

Nastya's external self-confidence is very deceptive. Behind her lies an impressionable and vulnerable soul.

Nastya’s fate is the life stages predetermined by her. She clearly plans the steps she must overcome. Thus, she wants to understand herself and the mystery of her character.

People around her perceive her as a good conversationalist, a reliable friend, and an original personality. Nastya loves to surprise and delight. Her destiny is to be the center of attention and create a feeling of celebration around her.

Character of a woman

Adult Nastya easily adapts to life circumstances. What does the name Anastasia mean for a woman? Ability to analyze and quickly navigate difficult situations and find a way out of them, self-confidence. All these traits are sometimes perceived by others as callousness and arrogance. That is why with age she has fewer and fewer friends.

A woman’s professional destiny is successful only if her work is associated with creativity. Nastasya will be happy to master the profession of art critic, writer, artist, psychologist, actress, teacher. And in business, perseverance and perseverance will always help her.

Personal fate usually turns out well. Her home is a full cup, a loving husband and children's laughter. Nastya’s ability to support and guide her other half in everything ensures a long and happy family life.

The influence of the time of birth on a woman’s fate

The characteristics of the name Anastasia may differ slightly among women born in different time of the year. For Nastya, born in winter, it means having a sharp mind and restraint in expressing her feelings. She knows how to save and manage the family budget rationally. Others often mistake this for stinginess.

Anastasia, born in the summer, is distinguished by her friendliness and sociability. There are always a lot of people around her, waiting for understanding and support. “Summer” Nastya always has a lot of friends.

“Spring” Nastya is romantic and sentimental. A woman often falls in love and reacts emotionally to bright events life. It is important for her to choose a profession in which liveliness and emotionality will most clearly manifest itself.

Nastya, born in the autumn months, has an analytical mind. She is more secretive and reserved. Prefers a limited social circle.

Famous people

History knows quite a few individuals who bear this name. Among them:

Anastasia Lisovskaya, or Roksolana, was the wife of the Ottoman Sultan, who also became the mother of Sultan Selim II

Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva - the first wife of Ivan the Terrible

Anastasia of Rome - holy great martyr (1st century)

Anastacia - American pop singer

Anastasia Vertinskaya is a beloved actress by many

Nastassja Kinski - Hollywood actress

Name Anastasia, meaning and origin: Sunday (Greek).

Energy and Karma: Anastasia- this is the name of overcoming. Subjectively, it resembles a steep staircase, where each new syllable is a new step, higher, more difficult, and only at the end is a level platform on which you can finally take a breath and breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this rarely manifests itself from childhood; usually the only place where such a quality of a name is reflected is study. It is unlikely that Asya, or Nastya, will grasp knowledge on the fly; she has a different mindset, which to understand means to penetrate to the very essence, to sort everything out. But the knowledge gained in such a difficult way often turns out to be deeper. With age, this determines Anastasia’s logical way of thinking and her penchant for analysis. Peremptoryness is alien to her, and a joke about female logic is hardly suitable for her. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing, but most often the energy of the name itself is reflected in the character.

Secrets of communication: when communicating with Anastasia, one should not forget that if she calls herself Nastya, then all the above-mentioned character traits are smoothed out. And also when Anastasia calm and balanced, her intuition is able to penetrate into the very depths of your soul. Although love often blinds her eyes.

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors: red, silver, brown.
  • Name talisman stone Anastasia: emerald, fire opal.

Meaning of the name Anastasia option 2

Meaning of the name Anastasia- “resurrected” (Greek)

Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is, as it were, destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most tender.

Anastasia is loved in kindergarten and school. She will not disappoint expectations - she will never be evil and vindictive; on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Grandma will also have to put a lot of effort into teaching how to put away toys, fold books, and put things in order in her room. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only according to her mood, although in her youth she will learn to sew and cook. She likes to decorate the room with flowers, she likes elegant things.

Trusting, with a delicate mental constitution, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, psychologist. Has the gift of prediction and foresight due to finely developed intuition. Gets married early. Her chosen one is strong and courageous. Often military. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will achieve his goal - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

Anastasia a devoted and caring wife - no coquetry, no search for adventure on the side. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. He has good taste and prefers an expensive, well-published book or a beautiful vase to a fashionable dress. Likes to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends. She lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

Often suffers from laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. She has a weak nervous system.

"Winter" Anastasia reserved, smart, a little stingy.

“Autumn” is reserved in emotions, carries everything within herself, and is not very sociable. Can become a teacher, researcher, lawyer. The name matches patronymics: Denisovna, Mikhailovna, Milanovna, Mironovna, Savelyevna, Leontievna, Grigorievna.

“Summer” Nastya is friendly, more sociable, and responsive.

“Spring” is romantic, amorous, prone to tears. Nastyusha can work as a fashion model, fashion designer, assistant, or actress.

Name Anastasia suitable for patronymics: Filippovna, Emmanuilovna, Teodorovna, Telmanovna, Stefanovna, Borisovna, Bogdanovna.

Meaning of the name Anastasia option 3

1. Personality of Anastasia. Flying high.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 95%.

4. Vibration. 88,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Will - excitability - reaction speed.

7. Totem plant. Tobacco.

8. Totem animal. Post pigeon.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. All in all, Anastasia belong to the choleric type, have a quick reaction. They are very mobile and cannot sit still, hence the comparison with a carrier pigeon.

11. Psyche. Life is not easy with them. The mood changes quickly - from unbridled joy to deep depression. You must constantly pay attention to them, otherwise they themselves will take care of you... and this is much worse. By nature, Anastasia is an introvert, immersed in her inner world. They look too self-confident, but often this is only an external impression.

12. Will. Incapable of decisive action.

13. Excitability. Strong, even too strong. It takes a lot of effort to calm them down if they get nervous.

14. Reaction speed. Anastasia reacts violently, acts impulsively.

15. Activity. It can be overwhelming, but it can also be calm. Relatives should control such girls, but in such a way that they do not have the feeling that they are being watched.

16. Intuition. Nastya is gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and fickle, like cigarette smoke.

17. Intelligence. They are able to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in little things that they don’t like and reject. They have a good memory, but remember only what interests them. From childhood they need to be taught discipline.

18. Receptivity. Very nervous. Today Anastasia full of joy, tomorrow falls into despondency. They tend to play with feelings in order to manipulate others. They like to have friends around them, but change them very often. Defeats lead them to despair, which quickly passes.

19. Morality. They have a keen sense of moral principles, but often betray them, not finding satisfaction in what they have done. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.

20. Health. Generally good, but often Anastasia's own carelessness leads them to accidents. You need to drive especially carefully. Leg fractures are common. You should pay attention to the kidneys.

21. Sexuality. They often make decisions too quickly. There is too much distance between their activity and the inertia of the people around them.

22. Field of activity. Anastasia She can be a flight attendant, a journalist, or a sales representative.

23. Sociability. Their house may be full of friends.

Conclusion. These “carrier pigeons” lead a very intense and sometimes turbulent family life. But it’s hard to get bored in their company, especially since Anastasia very charming.

The meaning of the name Anastasia option 4

Anastasia is the feminine form of the male name Anastas.

The name is of ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with this name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most gentle.

Everyone loves her as a child, and Anastasia will not disappoint expectations - she will never be either malicious or vindictive; on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people, she is easy to deceive or offend. The girl grows up dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, and has a well-developed imagination. But he eats poorly, which often upsets his parents. Parents will have to put a lot of effort into teaching Nastenka to tidy up her toys, put away books, and put her room in order. And in the future, having matured, Nastya will do homework only when she’s in the mood. Although in his youth he will learn to sew and cook. Likes to decorate the room with flowers, loves elegant things.

Trusting, persistent mental structure, Anastasia can become a good artist, kindergarten teacher, psychologist. He has the gift of prediction and foresight thanks to his finely developed intuition. She gets married early, prefers strong, courageous people, and often chooses a military man as her husband. It’s good for Anastasia’s husband to know that she is very suggestible and easy to touch. If the one who likes her decides to win her heart, he will be able to do this - all he needs to do is skillfully play on Anastasia’s developed sense of pity.

She is a devoted and caring wife; coquetry and the search for adventure on the side do not attract her. She gives all of herself to her children and gets along well with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. Has good taste. They love to make original gifts. He tries to turn enemies into friends.

Anastasia lives in anticipation of joy, every day is a holiday for her.

Meaning of the name Anastasia option 5

The mystery of the name Anastasia- very stubborn and contradictory. If they don’t like a person, they will get rid of them by any means necessary. Cunning, petty, greedy. They are specific - they always think through everything in advance. Assertive.

To achieve the goal Anastasia will go “over the corpses.” They usually don't work in production - they are brilliant actresses. They love to be in the thick of events and people. Travelers do not spare money for themselves. They try not to dress monotonously.

Sexually preoccupied, but capable of breaking off any relationship once and for all. They don't regret what they missed. Outwardly they look like their father, but internally they look like their mother.

Anastasia gives birth to children of different sexes. Overall, unlucky.

The meaning of the name Anastasia option 6

Anastasia the name means - from the Greek resurrected, colloquial. Nastasia and Nastasya; vernacular Anastasya and Nastasya.

Derivatives: Anastasyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastena, Tyona, Nastyokha, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyura, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastasyoshka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Nastya-Nastenka is a red fur coat, black-browed herself, the edge of a beaver.

They grabbed Nastya when the gates were wide open.

They brought grief and misfortune to Nastya. 4 January - Anastasia-pattern maker. According to some interpretations, she is named as a liberator from evils, according to others - as a healer of diseases; they pray to her during childbirth.

11th of November - Anastasia-shepherd, Nastasya the shearer. She is considered the patroness of sheep. People turn to her with prayer to protect sheep flocks from wolves.

This is due to the fact that the day of her memory coincides with the time of sheep shearing.


Anastasia- the embodiment of charm and grace. Her feelings are quivering and changeable. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. She is able to prophesy, predict the future. She has a powerful analytical mind: she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers. But at the same time Anastasia lazy and cold.

Anastasia focused on herself, only a little on those close to her, the rest are indifferent to her.

The meaning of the name Anastasia option 7

Origin of the name Anastasia- resurrecting (Greek meaning.).

Name day: January 4 - Holy Great Martyr Anastasia pattern maker, rich Roman woman; consoled imprisoned Christians, treated their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom; endured great torment for the faith of Christ, during which she died (IV century).

November 27 - Holy Martyr Anastasia, Roman, twenty years old, after suffering for the faith of Christ, died (III century).

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet - Pluto.
  • Color - dark green.
  • Anastasia's auspicious tree is jasmine.
  • The treasured plant is the orchid.
  • The patron of the name is the Siamese cat.
  • The talisman stone is malachite.


Anastasia- the embodiment of charm, grace, changeability of moods, caution, nervousness, readiness for love or alienation. She is distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude and unmistakable intuition. Able to prophesy, predict the future, foresee events. At the same time, Anastasia often has such a powerful analytical mind that she can confound the most sophisticated thinkers.

One problem - Anastasia lazy and cold. No one except herself and those closest to her exists for her.

Anastasia, Asya, Nastenka... A truly noble, melodious, and most importantly incredibly tender name, which is very popular among many women in most European countries. A child bearing such a name will undoubtedly in the future turn into a kind, smart, beautiful woman - well, just a heroine of fairy tales.

This name contains such an amount of energy that is directly reflected in the character, however, much, of course, depends on upbringing. This article is devoted to clarifying such an issue as the meaning of the name Anastasia in all aspects of life, from birth to old age.

The origin of the name Anastasia

The name Anastasia owes its origin to the Greek name Anastas, which means “returned to life”, “resurrected”. Usually the name Anastasia was given to representatives of royal and noble families, and much less often to peasant families. Both history and modernity know a significant number of female personalities who were called by this wonderful name. Woman Anastasia, the meaning of the name, character and behavior depends on the upbringing received.

The very first historical, famous person is Anastasia Zakharyeva-Yuryeva, who was the first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. According to historians, only she was able to somehow soften the hard-hearted disposition of the tyrant king. Another, no less famous person in history was the daughter of the executed Nicholas II - Anastasia Romanova, who was canonized in 1981 Orthodox Church together with family.

Everyone knows the wonderful soviet women actresses bearing this beautiful name: Anastasia Vertinskaya, Anastasia Pavlovna Georgievskaya, Anastasia Platonovna Zueva. No less famous are female athletes who have achieved significant success: Anastasia Ermakova, Anastasia Myskina, Anastasia Grebenkina. The name Anastasia is given no less importance in show business. The following Anastasias are known here: Zavorotnyuk, Volochkova, Vertinskaya, etc.

But the holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, who was a very noble person in ancient Rome, who secretly visited prisoners in prisons. For this reason, her nickname arose - the Pattern Maker; this woman treated wounds and illnesses of prisoners, and spent her fortune on paying ransoms.

She was subsequently burned after numerous tortures at the stake for her faith in Christ. Now January 4 is the day of remembrance of the holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

Characteristics of the name

The name Anastasia refers to a fairy tale name, which was worn only by trusting, kind, very sweet heroine women. The real Anastasia fully justifies such an expectation, she will never be vindictive or malicious, but on the contrary, she is impractical and overly trusting.

A woman named Nastya easily succumbs to insults and deception, without fear of revenge on her part, since Anastasias are simply incapable of aggression. She truly believes that only good is capable of victory, which is why she reacts so painfully to any injustice. How does the meaning of the name Anastasia affect her character traits?

To the most distinctive features Anastasius includes - a subtle organization of mental properties, as well as unmistakable intuition. Very often, women bearing this name are quite religious, which helps Anastasia maintain her balance of soul powers. By the way, religion can be diverse: traditional, occultism, or even various sects.

Romanticism and daydreaming often immerse women named Anastasia into their own world, from which she sometimes does not want to go out into the real world. For this reason, Nastya is often cold towards others, despite the fact that outwardly she remains responsive and friendly. Having excellent intuition, Anastasia has the ability to foresee the future, draw conclusions, and also analyze the current situation. In general, the name Anastasia has varied origins and meaning.

What prevents Nastya from achieving any success in business is simple “laziness,” which these women show a tendency towards at a young age. In addition, high moral qualities do not allow women named Nastya to overstep moral, traditional principles. This attitude prevents Nastenka, despite any life goals, from “stepping over their heads” to achieve them.

Such moral qualities coexist perfectly with a certain inner coldness, which, along with laziness, accompanies Anastasy throughout life cycle. She always puts her personality first, as well as other people whom she truly loves. It should be noted that the meaning of the name Anastasia indicates that friendship with them is problematic, with regular changes in mood, from real fun to severe depression.

A play of feelings has been noticed that allows Anastasia to manipulate other people. Sometimes a woman bearing such a name falls into excessive self-confidence, which can also alienate her friends. However, those few people to whom she truly opens up appreciate her for her kindness and devotion. The disadvantages include the lack of ability to withstand difficulties, as well as excessive humility.

Periods of birth

Nastya's character mainly depends on the time of her birth. If Anastasia is born in winter, then the main traits of her character will be: sharp mind, prudence, restraint. The disadvantages include stinginess, as well as complete indifference to the people around them, which, by the way, is perfectly masked by them. Winter Nastya are good politicians, secretaries, businessmen. The meaning of the name Nastya and her future fate depend on the time of birth.

Spring Anastasias are prone to romanticism, hysterics, falling in love, and also tears. Women bearing this name are greedy for ostentatious displays of feeling, for example, poems dedicated to her, a heap of flowers, serenades under the window. At the same time, Anastasia may not at all see a person next to her who is sincerely devoted to her, but restrained. Women bearing this name are prone to early marriages, of which there may be several throughout their lives.

She chooses professions that are related to creative specialties: journalist, radio presenter, fashion designer, actress. Summer Anastasia is an analogue to her heroine from a fairy tale. She is naive, friendly, sympathetic, kind. However, she remains cold inside, no one, not taking anything to heart. Women named Nastya and born in the summer usually work with children, teenagers, or choose the profession of a doctor or cultural worker.

Today, the meaning of the name Nastya for a girl born in the autumn period is as follows. In the fall, Nastya is born who is strict, pedantic, and restrained in her emotions. The calling of such a woman is to be a doctor, psychologist, or teacher.

The meaning of the children's name Anastasia

As a child, Nastya is simply a gift, both for her parents and those around her. So what is the significance of the name Anastasia for a girl? As a child, she is characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, and complaisance, for which teachers and educators love her. The only drawback is restlessness, for this reason at school she receives excellent grades only in those subjects that are truly interesting to her.

As a child, you are too lazy to clean up after yourself after playing with toys, and as a teenager you will be too lazy to clean up your apartment or your room. For this reason, parents should teach Anastasia to discipline even in infancy. As a teenager, Nastya will be a charming, attractive girl with many fans. Having excellent intuition, Nastya unerringly plays on people’s feelings, guesses their actions and behavior.

The girl Nastenka is characterized by a well-developed sense of style - thanks to her intuition. She surrounds her life with fashionable, stylish things, for this reason parents should pay attention to the child’s inclinations, developing her innate talents in every possible way - maybe she will become a good designer, hairdresser, or fashion designer. Noticed if childhood Nastya prefers the name Asya; she develops into an active, temperamental child.

But Nastya is growing up as a quiet, reserved darling of adults. For this reason, Asi in the future become more independent women, capable of overcoming any difficulties in life. Nastyas grow up to be dreamers, far from reality, having difficulties in making their way in life. Nastya easily falls under the influence of stronger personalities. By the way, Anastasia, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is considered, become good spouses.

Compatibility, marriage of Anastasia

For the most part, Anastasias get married quite early, becoming good wives and mothers. Spoiled as a child by the great love of their father, they expect similar care and love from their husband. Choose a military man or representative as a spouse law enforcement agencies, because only with them does she feel protected.

However, frequent mood swings and impracticality sometimes lead to the fact that getting along with Nastya is very problematic. It is better for the spouse to shoulder the management of all financial affairs of the family.

In general, the name Nastya, the meaning of the name and whose fate are described, thanks to her high moral principles, do not allow her to look for love on the side, and her sociability and natural charm contribute to excellent relationships with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband.

Nastya can completely dissolve, submit to her spouse, while experiencing only happiness. A woman named Nastya is capable of showing jealousy for no reason, but such a negative quality is compensated by the fact that Nastya quickly moves away and knows how to both forgive and ask for forgiveness herself. However, the spouse needs to remember that Anastasia is suggestible, it is easy to offend her, for this reason the husband should always be strong, able to protect his wife.

For Nastya, a child is the whole world to which she gives all of herself, without a trace. Anastasia is hospitable, not at all confrontational, her apartment is always open to friends and guests. Men named Oleg, Denis, Pavel, Semyon, Victor, Konstantin, Boris, Vladimir will make Nastya happy in marriage. But Stanislav, Nikolai, Philip, Vadim, Vitaly should be avoided.


Summing up the results of this article, we can conclude that if parents want to see their girl in the future as a creative person, or a person who is completely absorbed in helping children, or someone who is sick, they can safely call the child the name Nastya.

In the process of upbringing, one should strive to develop only its positive qualities (perseverance, a penchant for creativity), but laziness should be eradicated by instilling a sense of discipline. A woman named Nastya can count on a wonderful family life if she is able to suppress the causeless occurrence of feelings of jealousy. Today the name Anastasia, the meaning of the name and the fate of which have been revealed, is only gaining its popularity.


The name Anastasia comes from the Greek word “anastasis”, which according to one version means “reborn”, according to another – “returned to life”, and according to the third – resurrected. Also, the meaning of this name can be conveyed by the noun “resurrection” (from the word “resurrect”).

The female name Anastasia is Orthodox. It is in demand not only in Russia. In many European countries it is also used, naming newborn girls with it. It sounds beautiful, and this is a fact, and also has an attractive, positive meaning.

Popularity: The name Anastasia is one of the most popular names in Russia and ranks 2-4 in the ranking of popular names. It refers to about 55 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Anastasi, Nastasya, Nastasya, Nastyusha, Nastyushka, Nastyulya, Nastena

Modern English analogues: Nastasya, Anastasia, Nastya, Nasya

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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This name is of ancient Greek origin. Well, as previously mentioned, the meaning and origin of the name form Anastasia gives it a divine character. According to legend, the babies named by him grow up to be women, as they say, with a capital letter.

These are owners of generosity and kindness, they are able to console, show kindness and saturate the life of a person who has experienced trouble with positivity.

These women are truly beautiful in soul, but their character traits, as in the case of most other names, depend on the season of the year in which the named one was born.

The name Anastasia has positive energy. Listed in the Christian name book. It can serve as a godname for girls named Renata, which, according to one version, is interpreted in exactly the same way and has the same meaning.

Character of the name Anastasia

Such a parameter as the character of the name Anastasia was once studied by many specialists, but as in many other cases, here it also remained more of a mystery than a solved parameter. Although researchers did find out several facts...

The main factor says that the character of such a girl will always include kindness and responsiveness. This is a positive lady from all sides, who never engages in obviously selfish or bad actions. True, there is nothing good for her in this, because sooner or later everyone begins to take advantage of her weaknesses of this kind, in particular men.

And also, the nature of this little name provides for the presence of such qualities as self-will and inflexibility. True, they can manifest themselves differently in each woman so named - it all depends on the influence of additional astrological symbolism, for example, on the patron planet.

Early childhood

In the childhood of a girl named Anastasia, many interesting moments can arise, and the reason is not because she is problematic as such, but because she is an active, slightly impulsive, bright and at the same time restless little girl.

Already in early childhood, the meaning of such a name as Anastasia should bestow such characteristics as kindness, cheerful disposition, trustfulness and responsiveness, restlessness, hard work, mobility, and imagination. The life of a girl who has become the owner of this name is full of changes and unpredictability, and we are talking about childhood, and not about adulthood. True, in theory, there will also be problems, at least in the form of suffering due to the lack of friends - with peers, both at a young age and in adolescence, troubles appear, in particular, due to a reluctance to accept someone else's superiority and rightness.


A teenage girl named Anastasia is a representative of the fairer sex, usually gifted with such traits as kindness, responsiveness, caring, selflessness, compassion, dreaminess, romance and activity - all this gives only the meaning of the name. This means that the list can be replenished with other qualities promised by astrological symbolism, for example, the zodiac sign.

This girl can make a good friend, an excellent comrade, and, moreover, even an exemplary student, but in most cases she does not do without disadvantages, such as excessive gullibility, leading to betrayal, gentleness, accompanied by quick forgiveness of any offenses, and self-sacrifice, overshadowing her own goals are alien...

Adult woman

The adult bearer of the name form Anastasia is full of kindness, strong-willed, all-forgiving, good-natured - this is the meaning of this name. A friendly woman, faithful to principles and moral values. It is unlikely that she will become a careerist, a successful businesswoman or a boss, but she will turn out to be very popular in society - this is evidenced by the significance of most cases. By the way, one of her main features is forgiveness - she is ready to forgive any person for any offense.

Interaction of the character Anastasia with the seasons

Winter - subject to the meaning of the winter season, newborn bearers of such a name as Anastasia have restraint and prudence. They are smart and cunning, but use these traits only for the benefit of others. Very thrifty. Such a girl will approach the issue of choosing a soul mate with responsibility - she will choose the one who will meet all the requirements.

Summer - these girls are friendly, love communication, and usually have a kind character. They are responsive and represent a source of eternal positivity. They prefer to be in the company of people in need. They know the value of true friendship, honesty, and sincerity. They are sensitive to the choice of friends, as well as the person who will become a spouse.

Autumn - autumn ones, on the contrary, are too secretive. They are not very sociable, sometimes closed and mysterious - that’s how complex their character is. They do not like to share their experiences with anyone; they prefer isolation and lonely suffering. IN family relationships these factors will counteract harmony.

Spring – and spring has creative characteristics. Such a girl will be, by soul origin, a container of romance and love. She falls in love easily, and often makes mistakes in relationships, which is why she suffers, but she is ready to correct any wrongdoing even at the cost of her own dignity. IN family life successful and lucky - she will be a happy wife, but she will want to look for a man who can respect her love and devotion.

The fate of the name Anastasia

The fate of the name Anastasia in love and marriage is one of the most difficult parameters, difficult to decipher, and if we are talking about an accurate prediction, then everything is completely bad. And yet, researchers, in particular modern ones, have been able to put together several interesting facts into one whole and tell how the personal life of the so-named girl in terms of relationships might develop.

Thus, one of the most popular statements says that fate presupposes that a girl named Anastasia will become a real housewife in the future, the way a woman should be - impetuous, hardworking, a needlewoman, just like you look for. But here we are talking about an adult lady...

As for love and relationships in the early periods of life, everything is complicated here, because fate may not turn out the way Nastya herself would like. The fact is that most of her relationships will end in a quick and sometimes even stupid separation, moreover, mainly through the fault of Nastya herself. And the reason is one thing - her reluctance to see the world, and accordingly the chosen one, as they really are.

Love and marriage

Anastasia usually gets married quite early, and in most cases the first marriage turns out to be successful. Perhaps this is reflected in the very energy of the name. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that Nastya will do everything in her power to make her husband happy. These are, for the most part, excellent wives, faithful, kind, caring and reliable, never doing anything they shouldn’t do. She will never betray her husband and will do everything possible to ensure that he is confident in her.

But there is one “but” - Nastya is very jealous when it comes to real reasons. These women do not know how to hide feelings and emotions, they flaunt everything, and jealousy is one of those feelings that Anastasia does not know how to control at all. The husband should pay as much attention as possible to this aspect, never give reasons for jealousy and try not to bring this woman to suspicion or distrust. The marriage will collapse when Nastya begins to doubt you even a little - believe me.

But in other respects, his wife Anastasia is a woman whom you simply cannot help but be pleased with, whom you cannot help but be proud of and admire. She is devoted to her home, husband and family, and will never betray them.

Anastasia as Mother

Anastasias, for the most part, are excellent mothers. These are sensitive, sensual, sensitive, reserved and kind women. Can such a woman be a bad mother?

But be that as it may, Nastya’s mothers still have several disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that Nastya is not able to resort to punishment, harshness and deception - and in fact, in raising children, these factors are sometimes necessary. Nastya can become a good mother in terms of child care, understanding, maternal love and kindness, but she will never become a good teacher. So, it is better for the father to take charge of raising the child, especially if he knows how to be tough, rude and unshakable.

But the child will never be as close to anyone as he is to his mother named Anastasia. This is a person to whom you just want to entrust the most intimate secret and the biggest secret, a person with whom you want to share everything without exception. But this is exactly the kind of person that modern children need.

Horoscope named after Anastasia


Anastasia-Aries is straightforward and stubborn, harsh in her statements and can offend her interlocutor at any moment. Her determination is dictated by her mood, and therefore the decisions are often made incorrectly. Finding a soul mate is not easy; she will give preference to a patient male.


The meaning of this zodiac sign gives a Taurus girl named Anastasia a difficult character, but she is sensitive and calm, an adorer of a measured life, such that she does not force her to fuss and be in a constant search for solutions to troubles. She is soft and kind, but her compatibility is limited only to those who are ready to become her support.


A Gemini will be born with an intelligent and humorous nature, capable of laughing not only at people, but also at themselves. She is amorous and romantic, but her attitude towards a person can change with sudden aggression.


Cancer is capricious and unpredictable, jealous and intuitive, a lady named Anastasia, inclined towards good deeds based only on intuition. Seductress and lover of whirlwind romances.

a lion

According to the origin of the main characteristics of nature, a lioness is energetic and self-confident, prefers to silently do the intended task, does not recognize obstacles and troubles, and lives to overcome difficulties. In the family she is the dictator, the person who controls everything around her.


Nastenka - Virgo will be a sweet and friendly beauty, scrupulous and amorous, someone with whom any representative of the stronger half can feel at ease and calm. Understanding, delving, faithful and sincere.


Appearing under the sign of Libra is effective and moral. She intends to change the whole world, to make it ideal in all respects. She can be cunning and calculating, especially if she wants to achieve a certain goal. The chosen one will have to put up with all her shortcomings without exception.


Scorpio is straightforward, categorical, sometimes cruel and irritable. At any moment she is ready to turn into a predator, wanting to break up with a loved one, offend a loved one and abandon someone in need of help. It is difficult to find a suitable other half.


Sagittarius will grow up to be a wild personality, a “vamp” girl, the kind that people talk about without a smirk, but also without admiration. Rather, she will be feared, but at the same time respected. Compatibility is achieved only with similar zodiac signs, especially with Scorpio.


Capricorn - this sign promises Anastasia strength of spirit and stubbornness, a love of criticizing the world around her and the habit of not trusting anyone but herself. Interesting opposite sex, is prone to love whirlwind romances, but will often make mistakes in her chosen ones.


The one who prefers loneliness will grow up to be an Aquarius. Good-natured and sincere by nature, he will become a recluse who wants to be in the favor of his beloved. Noisy companies and communication with people are not her strong point, just as career growth is not her goal. Independent and belongs only to herself.


Pisces - this bearer of the name Anastasia is interesting and kind at heart, a beautiful nature hiding under a layer of rudeness and reluctance to communicate with the outside world. She loves to flirt, loves the attention of men, but at the same time gives signals with the opposite meaning.

Compatibility with male names

Question of compatibility of the name Anastasia with male names today it is no longer on the agenda of researchers in this area, because it has long been one hundred percent solved.

The ideal connection, it turns out, in terms of passion and feelings, occurs in pairs with the likes of Abraham, Venedikt, Miron, Eduard, Eldar, Irakli, Vladimir, Maxim and Pavel.

The strongest marriage will be with Bronislav, Gerasim, Evdokim, Osip, Ilya, and Alexander.

But nothing good should be expected in a pair with Albert, Andrey, Vladislav, Demyan, Luka, Trofim, Philip, and Vissarion.

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