The name of the scientist who. Famous Russian chemists: list, achievements, discoveries and interesting facts. Incandescent lamp - lamp Lodygina A.N.

Our answer to the false Western propaganda that the Russians “never created anything, and are not able to create anything,” and that “all the best and necessary things were created by the Americans and Europeans”...

"Three heroes". Victor Vasnetsov, 1898


Pavel Yablochkov - inventor of the first light bulb

1. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb.

2. A.S. Popov is the inventor of radio.

3. V.K. Zvorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting).

4. A.F. Mozhaisky is the inventor of the world's first airplane.

5. I.I. Sikorsky is a great aircraft designer, he created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber.

6. A.M. Poniatov - the world's first video recorder.

7. S.P. Korolev is the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, and first Earth satellite.

8. A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov is the world's first quantum generator - maser.

9. S.V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman professor).

10. S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph.

11. A.A. Alekseev - creator of the needle screen.

12. F.A. Pirotsky is the world's first electric tram.

13. F.A. Blinov is the world's first crawler tractor.

14. V.A. Starevich is a three-dimensional animated film.

15. E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, and a turning wheel.

16. O.V. Losev is the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device.

17. V.P. Mutilin is the world's first mounted construction combine.

18. A. R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvesting machine.

19. V.P. Demikhov was the first in the world to perform a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart.

20. A.P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - the geochemistry of isotopes.

21. I.I. Polzunov - the world's first thermal engine.

22. G.E. Kotelnikov - the first backpack rescue parachute.

Academician Igor Kurchatov, under his leadership, developed the world's first H-bomb

23. I.V. Kurchatov - the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk); also, under his leadership, the world's first hydrogen bomb with a power of 400 kt was developed, detonated on August 12, 1953. It was the Kurchatov team that developed the RDS-202 (Tsar Bomba) thermonuclear bomb with a record power of 52,000 kilotons.

24. M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented a three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, which put an end to the dispute between supporters of direct (Edison) and alternating current.

25. V.P. Vologdin - the world's first high-voltage mercury rectifier with a liquid cathode, developed induction furnaces for the use of high-frequency currents in industry.

26. S.O. Kostovich - created the world's first gasoline engine in 1879.

27. V.P. Glushko - the world's first electric/thermal rocket engine.

28. V.V. Petrov - discovered the phenomenon of arc discharge.

29. N.G. Slavyanov - electric arc welding.

30. I.F. Alexandrovsky - invented the stereo camera.

31. D.P. Grigorovich is the creator of the seaplane.

32. V.G. Fedorov is the world's first machine gun.

33. A.K. Nartov - built the world's first lathe with a movable support.

34. M.V. Lomonosov - for the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, for the first time in the world began to teach a course physical chemistry, first discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus.

35. I.P. Kulibin - mechanic, developed the design of the world's first wooden arched single-span bridge, inventor of the searchlight.

36. V.V. Petrov - physicist, developed the world's largest galvanic battery; opened an electric arc.

37. P.I. Prokopovich was the first in the world to invent a frame hive, in which he used a magazine with frames.

38. N.I. Lobachevsky - mathematician, creator of "non-Euclidean geometry".

39. D.A. Zagryazhsky - invented the caterpillar track.

40. B.O. Jacobi - invented electroplating and the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the working shaft.

41. P.P. Anosov, a metallurgist, revealed the secret of making ancient damask steel.

42. D.I. Zhuravsky was the first to develop the theory of bridge truss calculations, which is currently used throughout the world.

43. N.I. Pirogov - for the first time in the world, compiled the atlas “Topographic Anatomy”, which has no analogues, invented anesthesia, plaster and much more.

44. I.R. Hermann was the first in the world to compile a summary of uranium minerals.

45. A.M. Butlerov was the first to formulate the basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds.

46. ​​I.M. Sechenov, the creator of evolutionary and other schools of physiology, published his main work “Reflexes of the Brain”.

47. D.I. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law chemical elements, creator of the table of the same name.

48. M.A. Novinsky is a veterinarian who laid the foundations of experimental oncology.

49. G.G. Ignatiev was the first in the world to develop a system of simultaneous telephone and telegraphy over one cable.

50. K.S. Drzewiecki - built the world's first submarine with an electric motor.

51. N.I. Kibalchich was the first in the world to develop a design for a rocket aircraft.

52. N.N. Benardos - invented electric welding.

53. V.V. Dokuchaev - laid the foundations of genetic soil science.

54. V.I. Sreznevsky - Engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera.

55. A.G. Stoletov, a physicist, was the first in the world to create a photocell based on the external photoelectric effect.

56. P.D. Kuzminsky - built the world's first radial gas turbine.

57. I.V. Boldyrev - the first flexible photosensitive non-flammable film, formed the basis for the creation of cinematography.

58. I.A. Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera.

59. S.M. Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F. Freidenberg - created the world's first automatic telephone exchange.

60. N.D. Pilchikov is a physicist who was the first in the world to create and successfully demonstrate a wireless control system.

61. V.A. Gassiev is an engineer who built the world's first phototypesetting machine.

62. K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the founder of astronautics.

63. P.N. Lebedev is a physicist who, for the first time in science, experimentally proved the existence of light pressure on solids.

64. I.P. Pavlov is the creator of the science of higher nervous activity.

65. V.I. Vernadsky - natural scientist, creator of many scientific schools.

66. A.N. Scriabin is a composer who was the first in the world to use lighting effects in the symphonic poem “Prometheus”.

67. N.E. Zhukovsky is the creator of aerodynamics.

68. S.V. Lebedev was the first to obtain artificial rubber.

69. G.A. Tikhov, an astronomer, was the first in the world to establish that the Earth, when observed from space, should have a blue color. Later, as we know, this was confirmed when filming our planet from space.

70. N.D. Zelinsky - developed the world's first highly effective coal gas mask.

71. N.P. Dubinin is a geneticist who discovered the divisibility of the gene.

72. M.A. Kapelyushnikov - invented the turbodrill in 1922.

73. E.K. Zawoisky discovered electrical paramagnetic resonance.

74. N.I. Lunin proved that there are vitamins in the body of living beings.

75. N.P. Wagner - discovered the pedogenesis of insects.

76. Svyatoslav Fedorov - the first in the world to perform an operation to treat glaucoma.

77. S.S. Yudin was the first to use blood transfusions of suddenly deceased people in the clinic.

78. A.V. Shubnikov - predicted the existence and first created piezoelectric textures.

79. L.V. Shubnikov - Shubnikov-de Haas effect (magnetic properties of superconductors).

80. N.A. Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes.

81. P.P. Lazarev is the creator of the ion excitation theory.

82. P.A. Molchanov is a meteorologist who created the world's first radiosonde.

83. N.A. Umov - physicist, equation of energy motion, concept of energy flow; By the way, he was the first to explain practically and without ether the errors of the theory of relativity.

84. E.S. Fedorov is the founder of crystallography.

85. G.S. Petrov is a chemist, the world's first synthetic detergent.

86. V.F. Petrushevsky - scientist and general, invented a range finder for artillerymen.

87. I.I. Orlov - invented a method for making woven credit cards and a method of single-pass multiple printing (Orlov printing).

88. Mikhail Ostrogradsky - mathematician, O. formula (multiple integral).

89. P.L. Chebyshev - mathematician, Ch. polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), parallelogram.

90. P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, Ch. radiation (new optical effect), Ch. counter (nuclear radiation detector in nuclear physics).

91. D.K. Chernov - Ch. points (critical points of phase transformations of steel).

92. V.I. Kalashnikov is not the same Kalashnikov, but another one, who was the first in the world to equip river ships with a steam engine with multiple steam expansion.

93. A.V. Kirsanov - organic chemist, K. reaction (phosphoreaction).

94. A.M. Lyapunov is a mathematician who created the theory of stability, equilibrium and motion of mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as L.'s theorem (one of the limit theorems of probability theory).

95. Dmitry Konovalov - chemist, Konovalov’s laws (elasticity of parasolutions).

96. S.N. Reformatsky - organic chemist, Reformatsky reaction.

97. V.A. Semennikov - metallurgist, was the first in the world to carry out the Bessemerization of copper matte and obtain blister copper.

98. I.R. Prigogine - physicist, P.'s theorem (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes).

99. M.M. Protodyakonov is a scientist who developed a scale of rock strength generally accepted in the world.

100. M.F. Shostakovsky - organic chemist, balsam Sh. (vinyline).

101. M.S. Color - Color method (chromatography of plant pigments).

102. A.N. Tupolev - designed the world's first jet passenger aircraft and the first supersonic passenger aircraft.

103. A.S. Famintsyn, a plant physiologist, was the first to develop a method for carrying out photosynthetic processes under artificial light.

104. B.S. Stechkin - created two great theories - thermal calculation of aircraft engines and air-breathing engines.

105. A.I. Leypunsky, a physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer by excited atoms and molecules to free electrons during collisions.

106. D.D. Maksutov - optician, telescope M. (meniscus system of optical instruments).

107. N.A. Menshutkin, a chemist, discovered the effect of a solvent on the rate of a chemical reaction.

108. I.I. Mechnikov - the founders of evolutionary embryology.

109. S.N. Winogradsky - discovered chemosynthesis.

110. V.S. Pyatov is a metallurgist who invented a method for producing armor plates using the rolling method.

111. A.I. Bakhmutsky - invented the world's first coal combine (for coal mining).

112. A.N. Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants.

113. S.S. Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first artificial blood circulation apparatus in the world (autojector).

114. G.P. Georgiev is a biochemist who discovered RNA in the nuclei of animal cells.

115. E.A. Murzin - invented the world's first optical-electronic synthesizer "ANS".

116. P.M. Golubitsky is a Russian inventor in the field of telephony.

117. V.F. Mitkevich - for the first time in the world, he proposed the use of a three-phase arc for welding metals.

118. L.N. Gobyato - Colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904.

119. V.G. Shukhov is an inventor, the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers.

120. I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky - made the first Russian trip around the world, studied the islands of the Pacific Ocean, described the life of Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin.

121. F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev - discovered Antarctica.

122. The world’s first icebreaker of a modern type is the steamship of the Russian fleet “Pilot” (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker is “Ermak”, built in 1899 under the leadership of S.O. Makarova..

123. V.N. Sukachev is the founder of biogeocenology, one of the founders of the doctrine of phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and its animal population.

124. Alexander Nesmeyanov, Alexander Arbuzov, Grigory Razuvaev - creation of the chemistry of organoelement compounds..

125. V.I. Levkov - under his leadership, hovercraft were created for the first time in the world.

126. G.N. Babakin is a Russian designer, creator of Soviet lunar rovers.

127. P.N. Nesterov was the first in the world to perform a closed curve in a vertical plane on an airplane, a “dead loop”, later called the “Nesterov loop”.

128. B.B. Golitsyn - became the founder new science seismology.

129. V.M. Bekhterev is a world-famous encyclopedist scientist with many discoveries in the field of structure, pathways and functions of the brain and psyche, morphologist nervous system and brain, psychophysiologist, neurologist - clinical neurologist and psychiatrist, psychologist - the founder of a number of branches of psychological science.

And all this is only a small part of the Russian contribution to world science.

Educational program for Shapiro-Solovyov, who stated that Russian science was created by Stalin, and before him we had no one except Mendeleev

Russian science is not only one of the greatest in the world, it is also a source of personnel for other countries. There is even such a term “Russian science” in the world, although many of the scientists who are called that have not lived in Russia for a long time, but studied here.

1. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb

2. A.S. Popov - radio

3. V.K. Zvorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)

4. A.F. Mozhaisky - inventor of the world's first airplane

5. I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber

6. . A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder

7. S.P. Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, first Earth satellite

8. A.M.Prokhorov and N.G. Basov - the world's first quantum generator - maser

9. S. V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman professor)

10. S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph

11. A.A. Alekseev - creator of the needle screen

12. F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram

13. F.A. Blinov - the world's first crawler tractor

14. V.A. Starevich - three-dimensional animated film

15. E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, and a turning wheel.

16. O.V. Losev - the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device

17. V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction combine

18. A. R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvesting machine

19. V.P. Demikhov was the first in the world to perform a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart

20. A.P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - geochemistry of isotopes

21. I.I. Polzunov - the world's first heat engine

22. G. E. Kotelnikov - the first backpack rescue parachute

23. I.V. Kurchatov - the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk); also, under his leadership, the world's first hydrogen bomb with a power of 400 kt was developed, detonated on August 12, 1953. It was the Kurchatov team that developed the RDS-202 (Tsar Bomba) thermonuclear bomb with a record power of 52,000 kilotons.

24. M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented a three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, which put an end to the dispute between supporters of direct (Edison) and alternating current

25. V.P. Vologdin - the world's first high-voltage mercury rectifier with a liquid cathode, developed induction furnaces for the use of high-frequency currents in industry

26. S.O. Kostovich - created the world's first gasoline engine in 1879

27. V.P.Glushko - the world's first electric/thermal rocket engine

28. V. V. Petrov - discovered the phenomenon of arc discharge

29. N. G. Slavyanov - electric arc welding

30. I. F. Aleksandrovsky - invented the stereo camera

31. D.P. Grigorovich - creator of the seaplane

32. V.G. Fedorov - the world's first machine gun

33. A.K. Nartov - built the world's first lathe with a movable support

34. M.V. Lomonosov - for the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, for the first time in the world began to teach a course in physical chemistry, for the first time discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus

35. I.P. Kulibin - mechanic, developed the design of the world's first wooden arched single-span bridge, inventor of the searchlight

36. V.V. Petrov - physicist, developed the world's largest galvanic battery; opened an electric arc

37. P.I. Prokopovich - for the first time in the world, he invented a frame hive, in which he used a magazine with frames

38. N.I. Lobachevsky - Mathematician, creator of “non-Euclidean geometry”

39. D.A. Zagryazhsky - invented the caterpillar track

40. B.O. Jacobi - invented electroplating and the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the working shaft

41. P.P. Anosov - metallurgist, revealed the secret of making ancient damask steel

42. D.I.Zhuravsky - first developed the theory of calculations of bridge trusses, which is currently used throughout the world

43. N.I. Pirogov - for the first time in the world, compiled the atlas “Topographic Anatomy”, which has no analogues, invented anesthesia, plaster and much more

44. I.R. Hermann - for the first time in the world compiled a summary of uranium minerals

45. A.M. Butlerov - first formulated the basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds

46. ​​I.M. Sechenov - the creator of evolutionary and other schools of physiology, published his main work “Reflexes of the Brain”

47. D.I. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, creator of the table of the same name

48. M.A. Novinsky - veterinarian, laid the foundations of experimental oncology

49. G.G. Ignatiev - for the first time in the world, developed a system of simultaneous telephone and telegraphy over one cable

50. K.S. Dzhevetsky - built the world's first submarine with an electric motor

51. N.I. Kibalchich - for the first time in the world, he developed a design for a rocket aircraft

52. N.N.Benardos - invented electric welding

53. V.V. Dokuchaev - laid the foundations of genetic soil science

54. V.I. Sreznevsky - Engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera

55. A.G. Stoletov - physicist, for the first time in the world he created a photocell based on the external photoelectric effect

56. P.D. Kuzminsky - built the world's first radial gas turbine

57. I.V. Boldyrev - the first flexible photosensitive non-flammable film, formed the basis for the creation of cinematography

58. I.A. Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera

59. S.M. Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F. Freidenberg - created the world's first automatic telephone exchange

60. N.D. Pilchikov - physicist, for the first time in the world he created and successfully demonstrated a wireless control system

61. V.A. Gassiev - engineer, built the world's first phototypesetting machine

62. K.E. Tsiolkovsky - founder of astronautics

63. P.N. Lebedev - physicist, for the first time in science experimentally proved the existence of light pressure on solids

64. I.P. Pavlov - creator of the science of higher nervous activity

65. V.I. Vernadsky - naturalist, creator of many scientific schools

66. A.N. Scriabin - composer, was the first in the world to use lighting effects in the symphonic poem “Prometheus”

67. N.E. Zhukovsky - creator of aerodynamics

68. S.V. Lebedev - first obtained artificial rubber

69. G.A. Tikhov - astronomer, for the first time in the world, established that the Earth, when observed from space, should have a blue color. Later, as we know, this was confirmed when filming our planet from space.

70. N.D. Zelinsky - developed the world's first highly effective coal gas mask

71. N.P. Dubinin - geneticist, discovered the divisibility of the gene

72. M.A. Kapelyushnikov - invented the turbodrill in 1922

73. E.K. Zawoisky discovered electrical paramagnetic resonance

74. N.I. Lunin - proved that there are vitamins in the body of living beings

75. N.P. Wagner - discovered the pedogenesis of insects

76. Svyatoslav Fedorov - the first in the world to perform surgery to treat glaucoma

77. S.S. Yudin - first used blood transfusions of suddenly deceased people in the clinic

78. A.V. Shubnikov - predicted the existence and first created piezoelectric textures

79. L.V. Shubnikov - Shubnikov-de Haas effect (magnetic properties of superconductors)

80. N.A. Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes

81. P.P. Lazarev - creator of the ion excitation theory

82. P.A. Molchanov - meteorologist, created the world's first radiosonde

83. N.A. Umov - physicist, equation of energy motion, concept of energy flow;

84. E.S. Fedorov - founder of crystallography

85. G.S. Petrov - chemist, world's first synthetic detergent

86. V.F. Petrushevsky - scientist and general, invented a range finder for artillerymen

87. I.I. Orlov - invented a method for making woven credit cards and a method of single-pass multiple printing (Orlov printing)

88. Mikhail Ostrogradsky - mathematician, O. formula (multiple integral)

89. P.L. Chebyshev - mathematician, Ch. polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), parallelogram

90. P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, Ch. radiation (new optical effect), Ch. counter (nuclear radiation detector in nuclear physics)

91. D.K. Chernov - Ch. points (critical points of phase transformations of steel)

92. V.I. Kalashnikov was the first in the world to equip river ships with a steam engine with multiple steam expansion

93. A.V. Kirsanov - organic chemist, reaction K. (phosphoreaction)

94. A.M. Lyapunov - mathematician, created the theory of stability of systems, equilibrium and motion of mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as L.'s theorem (one of the limit theorems of probability theory)

95. Dmitry Konovalov - chemist, Konovalov’s laws (elasticity of parasolutions)

96. S.N. Reformatsky - organic chemist, Reformatsky reaction

97. V.A. Semennikov - metallurgist, the first in the world to carry out bessemerization of copper matte and obtain blister copper

98. I.R. Prigogine - physicist, P.'s theorem (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes)

99. M.M. Protodyakonov - scientist, developed a globally accepted scale of rock strength

100. M.F. Shostakovsky - organic chemist, balsam Sh. (vinyline)

101. M.S. Color - Color method (chromatography of plant pigments)

102. A.N. Tupolev - designed the world's first jet passenger aircraft and the first supersonic passenger aircraft

103. A.S. Famintsyn - plant physiologist, first developed a method for carrying out photosynthetic processes under artificial light

104. B.S. Stechkin - created two theories - thermal calculation of aircraft engines and air-breathing engines

105. A.I. Leypunsky - physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer by excited atoms and molecules to free electrons during collisions

106. D.D. Maksutov - optician, telescope M. (meniscus system of optical instruments)

107. N.A. Menshutkin - chemist, discovered the effect of a solvent on the rate of a chemical reaction

108. I.I. Mechnikov - the founders of evolutionary embryology

109. S.N. Winogradsky - discovered chemosynthesis

110. V.S. Pyatov - metallurgist, invented a method for producing armor plates using the rolling method

111. A.I. Bakhmutsky - invented the world's first coal miner (for coal mining)

112. A.N. Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants

113. S.S. Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first artificial blood circulation apparatus in the world (autojector)

114. G.P. Georgiev - biochemist, discovered RNA in the nuclei of animal cells

115. E. A. Murzin - invented the world's first optical-electronic synthesizer "ANS"

116. P.M. Golubitsky - Russian inventor in the field of telephony

117. V. F. Mitkevich - for the first time in the world, he proposed the use of a three-phase arc for welding metals

118. L.N. Gobyato - Colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904

119. V.G. Shukhov is an inventor, the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers

120. I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky - made the first Russian trip around the world, studied the islands of the Pacific Ocean, described the life of Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin

121. F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev - discovered Antarctica

122. The world's first icebreaker of a modern type is the steamship of the Russian fleet "Pilot" (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker is "Ermak", built in 1899 under the leadership of S.O. Makarova.

123. V.N. Sukachev - the founder of biogeocenology, one of the founders of the doctrine of phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and its animal population

124. Alexander Nesmeyanov, Alexander Arbuzov, Grigory Razuvaev - creation of the chemistry of organoelement compounds.

125. V.I. Levkov - under his leadership, hovercraft were created for the first time in the world

126. G.N. Babakin - Russian designer, creator of Soviet lunar rovers

127. P.N. Nesterov was the first in the world to perform a closed curve in a vertical plane on an airplane, a “dead loop”, later called the “Nesterov loop”

128. B. B. Golitsyn - became the founder of the new science of seismology

And many, many more...

Russian Strategy

Which allows people to learn more about the fundamental laws of planet Earth. Every day people do not notice how they enjoy the benefits that have become possible thanks to the work of numerous scientists. If it were not for their dedicated work, a person would not be able to fly on an airplane, cross oceans on huge liners, or even simply turn on an electric kettle. All these dedicated researchers made the world the way modern people see it.

Galileo's discoveries

The physicist Galileo is one of the most famous. He is a physicist, astronomer, mathematician and mechanic. It was he who first invented the telescope. With the help of this apparatus, unprecedented for that time, it was possible to observe distant celestial bodies. Galileo Galilei is the founder of the experimental direction in physical science. The first discoveries that Galileo made with a telescope were published in his work “The Starry Messenger”. This book was truly a sensational success. Since Galileo's ideas largely contradicted the Bible, he was persecuted by the Inquisition for a long time.

Biography and discoveries of Newton

A great scientist who made discoveries in many fields is also Isaac Newton. The most famous of his discoveries is this. In addition, the physicist explained many natural phenomena based on mechanics, and also described the features of the movement of planets around the Sun, Moon and Earth. Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in the English town of Woolsthorpe.

After graduating from school, he entered college at Cambridge University. The physicists who taught at the college had a great influence on Newton. Inspired by the example of his teachers, Newton made several of his first discoveries. They mainly concerned the field of mathematics. Next, Newton begins to conduct experiments on the decomposition of light. In 1668 he received his master's degree. In 1687, Newton's first serious scientific work, Principia, was published. In 1705, the scientist was awarded the title of knight, and the English government of that era personally thanked Newton for his research.

Female physicist: Marie Curie-Skłodowska

Physicists around the world still use the achievements of Marie Curie-Sklodowska in their work. She is the only female physicist to have been nominated twice. Nobel Prize. Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw. As a child, a tragedy happened in the girl’s family - her mother and one of her sisters died. While studying at school, Marie Curie was distinguished by her diligence and interest in science.

In 1890, she moved to her older sister in Paris, where she entered the Sorbonne. It was then that she met her future husband, Pierre Curie. As a result of many years scientific research The couple discovered two new radioactive elements - radium and polonium. Shortly before the start of the war, it was opened in France where Marie Curie served as director. In 1920, she published a book entitled Radiology and War, which summarized her scientific experiences.

Albert Einstein: one of the greatest minds on the planet

Physicists all over the planet know the name of Albert Einstein. He is the author of the theory of relativity. Modern physics relies heavily on Einstein's views, despite the fact that not all modern scientists agree with his discoveries. Einstein was a Nobel Prize winner. During his life he wrote about 300 scientific works, relating to physics, as well as 150 works on the history and philosophy of science. Until the age of 12, Einstein was a very religious child, as he received his education in a Catholic school. After little Albert read several scientific books, he came to the conclusion that not all statements in the Bible can be true.

Many people believe that Einstein was a genius since childhood. This is far from true. As a schoolboy, Einstein was considered a very weak student. Although even then he was interested in mathematics, physics, as well as the philosophical works of Kant. In 1896, Einstein entered the Faculty of Education in Zurich, where he also met his future wife, Mileva Maric. In 1905, Einstein published some articles, which, however, were criticized by some physicists. In 1933, Einstein moved to the USA permanently.

Other researchers

But there are other famous names of physicists who have made no less significant discoveries in their field. These are V. K. Roentgen, and S. Hawking, N. Tesla, L. L. Landau, N. Bohr, M. Planck, E. Fermi, M. Faraday, A. A. Becquerel and many others. Their contribution to physical science is no less important.

Everything that surrounds us now, everything we know and can do, is their merit. Who are we talking about? That's right, about the most famous scientists. Only their extraordinary work and greatest discoveries contribute to the progress of humanity!

Great thinkers of antiquity

Ancient Greece is famous for its famous philosophers who tried to determine the essence of existence, interpret human thoughts and actions, and think about the problems of nature.

A striking example is the Greek philosopher Democritus. He was the first to introduce the idea of ​​the presence of an atom as the basis for the structure of substances. Afterwards, Epicurus began to develop his thought. They wrote down all their assumptions in a scientific treatise, which was burned during the dominance of the religious worldview. Only small fragments of their notes have survived to this day, testifying to the greatness of the ancient Greek thinkers. Lucretius Carus became a follower of the atomists (as Democritus and Epicurus are called). He wrote an essay “On the Nature of Things,” which traced the theory of atomic structure.

Plato created his own school for the most gifted people, where he talked with them on various philosophical themes. His best student was Aristotle. This man had amazing curiosity and was incredibly smart. He has written dozens of books in almost all fields modern science: physics, metaphysics, meteorology and even zoology.

Archimedes also contributed significantly to the development of physics. The story of his discovery of the law of buoyant force is quite popular. As he plunged into the full bathtub, water flowed over the edges. With a cry of “Eureka,” Archimedes ran to write down computational formulas and proved the existence of buoyant force. In addition, the scientist developed “ Golden Rule mechanics" and the theory of simple mechanisms.

He made a huge contribution to mathematical science by discovering the number Pi, which is currently used by all scientists for calculations. He proved the theorem about the intersection of 3 medians of a triangle at one point, discovered the properties of a curve named in his honor as the Archimedes spiral. Calculated the formula that determines the volume of the ball and wrote the formula for the sum of a decreasing geometric progression. He helped the defense of his island of Sicily by finding a way to set enemy ships on fire during the war. When the warriors of the besieged city held mirrors in their hands and pointed them at the enemy ship, sunbeams focused into a single beam that ignited the ships.

Thanks to his calculations, it was possible to launch the huge ship Syracosia at that time using block systems that were controlled by only 1 person. The death of Archimedes is also surrounded by legend: when a Roman soldier stepped on the scientist’s drawings written on wet sand, Archimedes rushed to defend them. Unaware of the great abilities of the brave enemy, the warrior shot an arrow straight into the chest of the scientist, who died in his drawings, bleeding. What was written in the sand is still not known, but it is assumed that it was another brilliant discovery.

And how famous Hippocrates became, who made a huge contribution to the development of medicine. Despite the fact that in those days people believed in the occurrence of diseases from the curse of evil spirits, the scientist incredibly accurately described many diseases, symptoms and methods of treating them. In addition, he described human anatomy by examining the corpses of the dead. Hippocrates was the first to introduce the idea of ​​treating not a disease, but a specific person. In the course of his observations, he came to the conclusion that the same disease occurs differently in everyone. It was then that he began to explore types of temperament, human psychology and sought to find individual approach to every patient. And these days, graduates medical universities traditionally they swear to be merciful, selfless and to help the sick always and everywhere, as the great Hippocrates bequeathed.

Socrates was also a popular philosopher of antiquity. He sought to draw knowledge from all possible sources, after which he willingly shared it with his students. It was thanks to them that the world learned about the thoughts of the great Socrates, because the philosopher himself was quite modest and never wrote down his thoughts, renounced wealth and did not recognize his fame.

Herodotus is rightfully considered the father of history. A man who traveled throughout the entire civilized world at that time and published his observations in 9 volumes of a treatise called “History.”

Confucius is considered the most famous thinker of China to this day. He himself grew up as a very obedient child who respected his elders, honored his parents and helped his mother in everything. He explained such simple fundamentals of education and human relationships to his students. It is Confucius’ conclusions about the rules of human upbringing that are the basis of any society.

The famous Pythagoras is a brilliant scientist of antiquity who made many discoveries that are used by mathematicians. Theorem on the equality of the sum of the square of the legs to the square of the hypotenuse, division of numbers into even and odd, measurement geometric shapes relative to the plane - all these are discoveries of Pythagoras. In addition to mathematics, he made enormous contributions to the development of natural science and astronomy.

The best Russian scientists

Legend Russian science- Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. A person who always strived for knowledge and criticized previously made discoveries. He made a huge contribution to natural science and physics, formulating the corpuscular-kinetic theory. Being on the verge of discovering oxygen and hydrogen molecules, he significantly accelerated the development of chemical science. He suspected a connection between chemical and physical phenomena, recording them in a single branch of “physical chemistry.”

Lomonosov opened his own laboratory, created according to his drawings, where he conducted experiments with glass, improving the technology of its production. Mikhail Vasilievich was also interested in astronomy, studying the movements of planets in solar system. He opened a school of scientific and applied optics, where devices for night observation and an optical bathoscope were created. Together with I. Brown, Lomonosov was the first to obtain mercury in the solid state. Developed a prototype of a modern helicopter. He studied atmospheric electricity. Lomonosov developed a geographical globe and a circumpolar map. In addition, Mikhail Vasilyevich became famous in developing the rules of grammar and literary art.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov made a huge contribution to the development of medicine. During Crimean War worked as a surgeon, saving the lives of hundreds of wounded and developing surgical techniques. He was the first to use a plaster cast to fix bone fractures. He developed tactics of medical care depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. Pirogov first proposed the idea of ​​​​using anesthesia during operations, because Before this, all surgical procedures were performed live. And people died not so much from disease as from painful shock. Pirogov also developed modern pedagogy, changing the approach to students from dictatorial to humane. Arguing this by saying that students should learn not through force, but of their own free will. To do this, you just need to interest them.

No less famous scientist of medical sciences is Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov. He introduced physiology into the category of clinical disciplines and studied biological processes in the human body. Scientifically substantiated the importance of work and rest schedule, studied unconditioned reflexes brain. Stated the importance of considering the individual at the cellular level in order to better understand the etiology of the pathological condition.

Important discoveries in the field of biology was accomplished by Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. He studied embryology and developed the phagocytic theory of immunity, proving the ability of humans to remain resistant to various infectious pathogens. For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. In addition, he studied the causative agents of cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, etc.

He stated the importance of intestinal microflora and studied lactobacilli in the body.

The discovery of the famous Pavlov reflex brought Ivan Petrovich enormous popularity. Through long experiments, he was able to prove the ability of higher living organisms to develop new reflexes during life. Many of his works are devoted to the study of the brain and higher nerve centers. And for his research into the functions of the digestive system, Pavlov became a Nobel Prize laureate.

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin devoted himself to the study of plants. Thanks to his many years of work, he ate new varieties of plants: apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, blackberries, rowan berries, gooseberries - named in his honor.

It is impossible not to mention the legendary scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Everyone knows his periodic table of the arrangement of chemical elements. He studied the chemical properties various substances and conducted numerous experiments, disassembling this or that object into its components. In addition, he made a significant contribution to the development of physics, thinking about the relationship between the volume of gases and their molecular weight. He was the first to develop a model of a stratospheric balloon and a balloon. In addition, Mendeleev was interested in issues of shipbuilding and the basics of ship movement on water.

The list of Russian scientists is incredibly long. Our science is famous for such legendary people who, with their labors, helped humanity rise to greater heights. high level life. But even modern Russian specialists are actively involved in the development of science and are among the top ten according to Forbes magazine

The most famous scientists in the World today

Today, the most popular scientists are physicists Andrei Geima and Konstantin Novoselov. They are currently conducting their research at the University of Manchester in the UK. They have more than 20,000 scientific papers to their credit. Geim and Konstantinov are the 2010 Nobel Prize winners for their discovery of graphene, which they created using a pencil and duct tape.

Second place goes to Maxim Kontsevich, mathematician. Works at the Institute of Higher Scientific Research in Paris. Winner of the Poincaré, Fields, and Crafoord prizes. Has membership in the French Academy of Sciences. He studies superstring theory and is the author of more than a thousand scientific papers.

In the field of modern astrophysics, Andrei Kravtsov, who works at the University of Chicago in the USA, is famous. He studies the emergence and formation of galaxies, as well as compares the astrophysical properties of new and old galactic systems. Author of 9,000 publications.

Evgeny Kunin, employee of the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the USA. Published 50,000 scientific papers on the study of evolution. He works in computational biology, namely the study of genomes using computer analysis.

Another famous biologist working in the USA at Yale University and joining the National Academy of Sciences is Ruslan Medzhitov. He is engaged in immunology and the study of the Toll protein, which he discovered in mammals.

Artem Oganov is a famous geologist at the American University of Stony Brook. He studies the structure of crystals by chemical formula. For this he created an entire algorithm. It was this sequence that helped him predict the structure of a magnesium silicate crystal more than 2,500 km underground. The famous physicist of the Catalan University of Advanced Studies is Sergei Odintsov. He described the dark energy that saturates our Universe by 70%. For this he was awarded the attention of the Nobel Committee.

Grigory Perelman made a great discovery in the field of mathematics, solving one of the most difficult mathematical problems: Poincaré conjecture. But he did not publish his decisions and refused a cash award of $1 million.

Stanislav Smirnov, an employee of the University of Geneva, also became famous in the field of mathematics. In 2010 he received the Fields Medal. He studies the emergence of infinite connected structures.

Gleb Sukhorukov, professor of chemistry at the University of London. He is developing polymer capsules that can deliver drugs to the body in a targeted manner without being destroyed by accompanying substances.

Some discoveries of outstanding thinkers can turn into real cataclysms. .
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