Infrared rays: benefits and harm. Electromagnetic radiation and your health Harmful radiation

Radiation is radiation invisible to the human eye, which nevertheless has a powerful effect on the body. Unfortunately, the consequences of radiation for humans are extremely negative.

Initially, radiation affects the body from the outside. It comes from natural radioactive elements that are found in the earth, and also enters the planet from space. Also, external radiation comes in microdoses from building materials and medical X-ray machines. Large doses of radiation can be found in nuclear power plants, special physics laboratories and uranium mines. Nuclear weapons testing sites and radiation waste disposal sites are also extremely dangerous.

To a certain extent, our skin, clothing and even homes protect from the above radiation sources. But main danger radiation is that exposure can be not only external, but also internal.

Radioactive elements can penetrate air and water, through cuts in the skin and even through body tissue. In this case, the radiation source lasts much longer - until it is removed from the human body. You can’t protect yourself from it with a lead plate and it’s impossible to get away, which makes the situation even more dangerous.

Radiation dosage

In order to determine the radiation power and the degree of impact of radiation on living organisms, several measurement scales were invented. First of all, the power of the radiation source in Grays and Rads is measured. Everything is quite simple here. 1 Gy=100R. This is how exposure levels are determined using a Geiger counter. The X-ray scale is also used.

But you should not assume that these readings reliably indicate the degree of health hazard. It is not enough to know the radiation power. The effect of radiation on the human body also varies depending on the type of radiation. There are 3 of them in total:

  1. Alpha. These are heavy radioactive particles - neutrons and protons, which cause the greatest harm to humans. But they have little penetrating power and are not able to penetrate even the upper layers of the skin. But if there are wounds or particles in the air,
  2. Beta. These are radioactive electrons. Their penetration capacity is 2 cm of skin.
  3. Gamma. These are photons. They freely penetrate the human body, and protection is only possible with the help of lead or a thick layer of concrete.

Radiation exposure occurs on molecular level. Irradiation leads to the formation of free radicals in body cells, which begin to destroy surrounding substances. But, taking into account the uniqueness of each organism and the uneven sensitivity of organs to the effects of radiation on humans, scientists had to introduce the concept of an equivalent dose.

To determine how dangerous radiation is in a particular dose, the radiation power in Rads, Roentgens and Grays is multiplied by the quality factor.

For Alpha radiation it is 20, and for Beta and Gamma radiation it is 1. X-rays also have a coefficient of 1. The result obtained is measured in Rem and Sievert. With a coefficient equal to one, 1 Rem is equal to one Rad or Roentgen, and 1 Sievert is equal to one Gray or 100 Rem.

To determine the degree of exposure of an equivalent dose to the human body, it was necessary to introduce another risk coefficient. It is different for each organ, depending on how radiation affects individual tissues of the body. For the organism as a whole it is equal to one. Thanks to this, it was possible to create a scale of the danger of radiation and its impact on humans after a single exposure:

  • 100 Sievert. This is a quick death. After a few hours, or at best days, the body’s nervous system stops functioning.
  • 10-50 is a lethal dose, as a result of which a person will die from numerous internal hemorrhages after several weeks of suffering.
  • 4-5 Sievert – -mortality rate is about 50%. Due to damage to the bone marrow and disruption of the hematopoietic process, the body dies after a couple of months or less.
  • 1 sievert. It is from this dose that radiation sickness begins.
  • 0.75 Sievert. Short-term changes in the composition of the blood.
  • 0.5 – this dose is considered sufficient to cause the development of cancer. But there are usually no other symptoms.
  • 0.3 Sievert. This is the power of the device when taking an X-ray of the stomach.
  • 0.2 Sievert. This is the safe level of radiation allowed when working with radioactive materials.
  • 0.1 – with a given radiation background, uranium is mined.
  • 0.05 Sievert. Norm of background radiation from medical equipment.
  • 0.005 Sievert. Permissible radiation level near nuclear power plants. This is also the annual exposure limit for the civilian population.

Consequences of radiation exposure

The dangerous effect of radiation on the human body is caused by the effect of free radicals. They are formed at the chemical level due to exposure to radiation and primarily affect rapidly dividing cells. Accordingly, the hematopoietic organs and reproductive system suffer to a greater extent from radiation.

But the radiation effects of human exposure are not limited to this. In the case of delicate tissues of mucous and nerve cells, their destruction occurs. Because of this, various mental disorders can develop.

Often, due to the effect of radiation on the human body, vision suffers. With a large dose of radiation, blindness can occur due to radiation cataracts.

Other body tissues undergo qualitative changes, which is no less dangerous. It is because of this that the risk of cancer increases many times over. Firstly, the structure of tissues changes. And secondly, free radicals damage the DNA molecule. Due to this, cell mutations develop, which leads to cancer and tumors in various organs of the body.

The most dangerous thing is that these changes can persist in descendants due to damage to the genetic material of the germ cells. On the other hand, the opposite effect of radiation on humans is possible – infertility. Also, in all cases without exception, radiation exposure leads to rapid deterioration of cells, which accelerates the aging of the body.


The plot of many science fiction stories begins with how radiation leads to mutation in a person or animal. Typically, the mutagenic factor gives the main character various superpowers. In reality, radiation affects a little differently - first of all, the genetic consequences of radiation affect future generations.

Due to disturbances in the DNA molecule chain caused by free radicals, the fetus may develop various abnormalities associated with problems of internal organs, external deformities or mental disorders. Moreover, this violation may extend to future generations.

The DNA molecule is involved not only in human reproduction. Each cell of the body divides according to the program laid down in the genes. If this information damaged, cells begin to divide incorrectly. This leads to the formation of tumors. It is usually contained by the immune system, which tries to limit the damaged area of ​​tissue, and ideally get rid of it. But due to immunosuppression caused by radiation, mutations can spread uncontrollably. Because of this, tumors begin to metastasize, turning into cancer, or grow and put pressure on internal organs, such as the brain.

Leukemia and other types of cancer

Due to the fact that the effect of radiation on human health primarily affects the hematopoietic organs and circulatory system, the most common consequence of radiation sickness is leukemia. It is also called “blood cancer”. Its manifestations affect the entire body:

  1. A person loses weight, and there is no appetite. It is constantly accompanied by muscle weakness and chronic fatigue.
  2. Joint pain appears and they begin to react more strongly to environmental conditions.
  3. Lymph nodes become inflamed.
  4. The liver and spleen enlarge.
  5. Breathing becomes difficult.
  6. Purple rashes appear on the skin. The person sweats frequently and profusely, and bleeding may occur.
  7. Immunodeficiency appears. Infections freely penetrate the body, which often causes the temperature to rise.

Before the events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, doctors did not consider leukemia to be a radiation disease. But 109 thousand Japanese people examined confirmed the connection between radiation and cancer. It also revealed the likelihood of damage to certain organs. Leukemia came first.

Then the radiation effects of human exposure most often lead to:

  1. Mammary cancer. Every hundredth woman who survives severe radiation exposure is affected.
  2. Thyroid cancer. It also affects 1% of those exposed.
  3. Lungs' cancer. This variety manifests itself most strongly in irradiated miners of uranium mines.

Fortunately, modern medicine can easily cope with cancer in the early stages, if the effect of radiation on human health was short-term and quite weak.

What affects the effects of radiation

The effects of radiation on living organisms vary greatly depending on the strength and type of radiation: alpha, beta or gamma. Depending on this, the same dose of radiation can be practically safe or lead to sudden death.

It is also important to understand that the effects of radiation on the human body are rarely simultaneous. Getting a dose of 0.5 Sievert at a time is dangerous, and 5-6 is fatal. But by taking several x-rays of 0.3 Sievert over a certain period of time, a person allows the body to cleanse itself. Therefore, the negative consequences of radiation exposure simply do not appear, since with a total dose of several Sieverts, only a small part of the radiation will affect the body at a time.

In addition, the various effects of radiation on humans strongly depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. A healthy body resists the destructive effects of radiation longer. But the best way to ensure the safety of radiation for humans is to have as little contact with radiation as possible to minimize damage.

Electricity has firmly entered our lives and has become an integral part of it. But technological progress is associated with an increase in the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which has an adverse effect on all living organisms. Electromagnetic radiation is an oscillation of electric and magnetic fields that travels through space at the speed of light. A person does not see or feel it, and therefore is not able to assess how it affects health. Meanwhile, doctors all over the world are sounding the alarm that EMR acts on the body like radiation. Let's figure out how electromagnetic waves affect a person, whether there are ways to protect against adverse effects.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

Throughout our lives, humans are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). If the influence of electromagnetic radiation from natural sources (Sun, magnetic and electric field Earth) people are not able to change, but they can reduce the impact from artificial sources.

But actively using the achievements of scientific progress, people, on the contrary, are increasingly experiencing side effects on the body caused by the operation of various devices and mechanisms - electromagnetic waves from artificial radiation sources that surround us everywhere:

  • transformers;
  • cell phones;
  • medical equipment;
  • computers;
  • antennas;
  • elevators;
  • household appliances;
  • power lines.

Energy coming from sources varies in frequency and wavelength– these are the main characteristics of EMF. Scientists have discovered and studied electromagnetic waves of all possible ranges that are used in science or technology. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is formed from the totality of all waves.

Spectral range of EMF radiation

The light that is perceived by the human eye is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but only a small one. During its study, other waves were discovered. Electromagnetic waves include:

  1. X-rays and gamma rays are high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (3 – 300 MHz).
  2. Infrared radiation, light visible to the human eye, as well as ultraviolet - mid-frequency radiation (0.3 - 3 MHz).
  3. Radio radiation and microwaves are low-frequency radiation (3 – 300 kHz).

All electromagnetic waves are used by humans and have an impact on both living organisms and the environment. The biological activity of waves increases as their length decreases.

Radiation emanating from low-frequency and mid-frequency sources is non-ionizing. It means that harm to health at an acceptable level of exposure to EMR is minimal.

Medical equipment - sources of high-frequency irradiation and ionizing electromagnetic radiation: X-ray machines and computed tomography machines - has a strong biological effect on the human body. MRI and ultrasound are not dangerous to the body because X-rays are not used in diagnosis.

The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation by wavelength is divided into ranges:

  • radio waves (100 km - 1 mm) - used in the field of television and radio broadcasting, in radar;
  • microwaves (300 – 1 mm) – used in industry and in everyday life: satellite and cellular communications, microwave ovens;
  • infrared radiation (2000 microns - 740 nm) is widely used in forensics, physiotherapy, and for drying products or products;
  • optical radiation - 740 - 400 nm - light visible to humans;
  • ultraviolet radiation (400 - 10 nm) has become widespread in medicine and industry: bactericidal and quartz lamps;
  • X-rays (0.1 – 1.01 nm) are widely used in medical diagnostics;
  • Gamma radiation (less than 0.01 nm) is used in the treatment of cancer.

The boundaries between spectrum ranges are considered very arbitrary.

Electromagnetic radiation level

Outgoing electromagnetic radiation from artificial EMF sources can be low-level and high-level. The power level of the source affects the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

To sources high level include:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • electric transport;
  • towers for television and radio broadcasting, satellite and cellular communications;
  • transformers;
  • electric lifting installations (elevators, funiculars).

Low-level sources include all types of household appliances, devices with CRT displays and in-house wiring, sockets and switches.

To determine the EMR level, a special device is used - a flux meter.. It records the value of the electric field strength indicator, according to which protective measures are taken if the standards are exceeded.

The maximum permissible level of exposure of the population is the value of EMR intensity at which there is no harmful effect on the human body.

To calculate the radiation dose depending on the source, distance to it and size, there are special tables and formulas. A safe dose of electromagnetic radiation is 0.2 - 0.3 µT.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect living organisms?

Numerous scientific studies have led to the conclusion that the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human and animal body is negative, its consequences are disruption of the functioning of internal organs and the development of various diseases.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on a person depends on many factors:

  • field intensity (level);
  • their lengths and frequencies;
  • time period of exposure;
  • state of human health.

Sources with high levels of EMF have a greater impact on human health. The depth of penetration into the body depends on the wavelength: long-wave fields act on internal organs, the brain and spinal cord, short waves only on the skin and lead to a thermal effect.

EMFs increase the risk to the health of children and weakened bodies, as well as people susceptible to allergic diseases.

Adverse electromagnetic radiation and interference with constant exposure disrupt the functioning of all body systems and can lead to radio wave disease, the symptoms of which many people experience:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • state of apathy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • constant headaches;
  • sleep and attention disorders;
  • frequent depression.

Considering that the average urban resident is constantly exposed to electricity throughout his life magnetic field, then radio wave disease can be diagnosed in almost every city dweller and the symptoms that arise can be explained precisely by its development. If you do not take measures to protect yourself from harmful EMFs, the risk of developing chronic diseases (cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus) and persistent viral respiratory diseases increases.

After short-term exposure to electromagnetic waves, a healthy body is able to fully recover and eliminate the changes that occurred while in the zone of increased EMR.

With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic rays, the bioenergetic balance of the body is disrupted, changes accumulate and become stable.

What harm do EMRs cause to the human body?

The harm to health from sources of ionizing radiation has been proven for a long time, and there is probably not a person who does not know about the negative consequences of exposure to X-rays or gamma rays. The impact of EMF from non-ionizing sources on human health is still poorly understood, but scientists around the world have already proven its negative impact.

Main types of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • microwave and radio emissions from wireless communication devices and household appliances.

Electromagnetic fields and radiation pose a threat to almost all systems of the human body
. Under their influence:

  • the passage of nerve signals from the brain to other organs deteriorates, which affects the activity of the whole organism: brain coordination is disrupted, reflexes are dulled;
  • Negative changes in the mental state are detected: impaired memory and attention, in severe cases the appearance of suicidal thoughts, delusions, hallucinations;
  • there is an adverse effect on the circulatory system: EMR can provoke the clumping of blood cells, which will lead to blockage of blood vessels, arrhythmia, and increased blood pressure;
  • there is a decrease in the permeability of cell membranes, due to which the body experiences oxygen starvation and insufficient supply of nutrients;
  • the production of hormones is disrupted, since under the influence of electromagnetic fields there is constant stimulation of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • immunity decreases (frequent acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats), and immune cells begin to attack their own cells (the occurrence of allergic reactions) due to a drop in the level of lymphocytes.
  • the risk of cancer increases - there is evidence that intense exposure to certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can have a carcinogenic effect;
  • sexual function is suppressed in men (decreased potency) and women (menstrual cycle irregularities, infertility).

Electromagnetic radiation has a particularly harmful effect on the fetus in the womb.

Constantly exceeding the permissible dose of EMR during pregnancy leads to a negative impact on the mother and to pathologies in the development of the child at different stages, especially in the first trimester:

  • the formation of defects of various organs;
  • slow development of the most important systems of the body;
  • stillbirth;
  • premature birth.

One study of the effects of electromagnetic waves on pregnant women found a high likelihood of stillbirth and spontaneous abortion when the maximum permissible EMR level was increased. Those participants in the experiment who constantly wore an electromagnetic emitter had twice the risk of miscarriage. If a child is born, he has a high probability of developmental pathologies, since EMR affects the DNA structure, damaging it.

The conclusion is disappointing - the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is negative and negatively affects the activity of almost all of its systems. To avoid its destructive effects on health, it is necessary to take care of life safety (LHS) and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation.

Methods of protection against the influence of electromagnetic fields

Electricity permeates every corner of our lives: from a simple incandescent lamp to complex industrial installations. Modern man can no longer imagine how he will manage without household appliances, communications and telecommunications. It is not possible for most of us to completely abandon the use of electric current and the benefits of civilization, but following some recommendations will help minimize the devastating health consequences of the harmful effects of EMF.

At enterprises where people are constantly forced to deal with the effects of high-level EMR, they are required to install protective screens and strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements and safety rules.

It is important to know that the level of EMF intensity decreases as you move some distance away from it. So, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of high-voltage lines on human health, you need to move a safe distance of 25 meters from power lines or other high-level sources.

Under no circumstances should residential buildings be built closer than 30 meters from sources with high levels of electromagnetic radiation
and do not allow children to play near transformer boxes or towers.

In order for electrical equipment to make a person’s life easier, and not shorten it, it is necessary to adhere to the following tips and rules.

  1. Find out the degree of danger that comes from various sources of electromagnetic radiation at home and at work using a special dosimeter.
  2. In accordance with the indicators, arrange electrical appliances so that they are located as far as possible from the seating area and dining table (at least 2 meters).
  3. The distance from the CRT monitor or TV should be at least 30 cm.
  4. If possible, remove all electrical appliances from the bedroom and children's room.
  5. Place electronic watches with alarms no closer than 10 cm from the pillow.
  6. Do not be near a working microwave oven, oven or heater.
  7. It is not recommended to bring cell phones closer to your head than 2.5 cm. It is a good idea to talk through the speakerphone, and keep the phone as far away from you as possible.
  8. You shouldn’t constantly carry cellular communications in your pockets - the best place for them is in a purse or purse.
  9. Always turn off electrical devices that are not in use, as even in sleep mode they emit a certain dose of radiation.
  10. Using a hairdryer before bed is harmful: EMR slows down the production of melatonin and disrupts sleep cycles. You should not use a computer or tablet less than 2 hours before going to bed.
  11. It is necessary to check the presence of grounding in sockets for connecting electrical appliances.

You should know that the steel casing of electrical appliances well shields the radiation emanating from them, and electromagnetic waves can penetrate through walls: electrical appliances located in the next room or with neighbors can also have an effect on the body.

All recommendations must be strictly followed by expectant mothers if they want to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Excessive use of the computer or talking on a cell phone during pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the unborn child.

Technological progress has made life much easier for people and has given us a wide variety of equipment and electronics, medical devices that help us be healthy, electric transport and elevators. But Negative influence per person, electromagnetic radiation from electrical appliances and devices, power lines and communication towers cannot but worry specialists and scientists.

Numerous studies lead to disappointing conclusions that without the use of protective measures against EMF, human health is in danger. Therefore, if there is no opportunity or desire to get rid of all the benefits of civilization and move to live in the forest, it is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMR by following the simple rules of the Belarusian Railways for working with electrical appliances and following the recommendations given above.

IN ordinary life We use a dozen or two electrical devices, as a result of which our body is harmed by electromagnetic radiation. Our homes are packed with household appliances, and hospitals diagnose diseases with high-tech tomographs.

Electromagnetic radiation - what is it?

Electromagnetic radiation has accompanied living organisms for many millennia in the form of a natural background. In the process of technological progress, humanity has created artificial sources of radiation. Over millions of years of evolution, the human body has been able to adapt to many manifestations environment. But it remained defenseless against fluctuations in the level of electromagnetic radiation. Increasing the EMR level by a couple of percent is already enough to cause harm to the body's systems.

Electromagnetic radiation is produced by objects capable of exciting electromagnetic waves.

The emitted wavelength may vary depending on the type.

Types of radiation:

  • X-ray;
  • ultraviolet;
  • infrared;
  • radio wave;
  • side electromagnetic radiation.

X-rays and ultraviolet radiation, passing through tissues, have a damaging effect. Infrared radiation heats and accelerates chemical reactions in a cage. Radio waves are absorbed by human skin, which leads to heat loss.

Some types of radiation are felt by the human body, others are not. Their destructive action it doesn't cancel it. Despite different names, the essence remains the same.

The electromagnetic field from various devices and power lines can accumulate, forming electromagnetic smog. Being in its area is very harmful to the body.

In addition, there is also side electromagnetic radiation and interference.

Stray electromagnetic radiation and interference are radiation emitted by computer components. With special devices it can be detected and deciphered. This is usually done for the purpose of obtaining information. The most powerful emitting element is the monitor, and it is from it that data is stolen. You can catch the data while viewing it on the screen. To avoid waiting for the user to open the desired file, operating system becomes infected with a virus. And then interested parties have every opportunity to steal any information. During a normal game of, say, kerchief, the virus will contact the necessary components and provoke side radiation.

However, the average user is not in danger of espionage. It is much more important to remember that the most powerful emitter of a computer is the monitor, and to stay at a safe distance from it.

Mechanism of action of electromagnetic radiation

Is electromagnetic radiation harmful? The answer is clear. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation negatively affects living organisms. Emitters suppress the natural frequencies of the body. Each organ vibrates at its own frequency. For example, for the heart it is 700 hertz, for the liver - 550-600 hertz, for the pancreas - 600-800 hertz. The average frequency of the human body is 620-680 hertz. When the average frequency drops to 580 hertz, the body becomes extremely vulnerable and diseases occur.

The source of radiation changes the normal frequency of organ function, causing it to work harder or, conversely, suppressing activity. For example, if the heart rate increases by one and a half times, this will lead to angina pectoris.

People with electrical pacemakers are at particular risk. The influence of radio waves on the pacemaker above a certain level will cause the device to stop.

To date, there is no protection against electromagnetic influence. Some companies tried to speculate on protective materials, but in practice they turned out to be useless.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation is negative on all living organisms. The very first systems that are damaged in humans are the nervous, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. They have one common property - intensive cell division, constant tissue renewal. The harm of electromagnetic radiation is due to changes in the cell cycle. Absorbed by tissues, it increases the reaction rate in the cell. At first glance it doesn't sound scary. Acceleration of cell division processes leads to the formation of errors and mutations. A cell that has shared with an error will perform its functions poorly or incompletely, and a cell with a mutation may even give rise to a cancerous tumor.

The most dangerous thing is not one-time exposure, but constant exposure to electromagnetic smog. Common signs of EMR damage to the body are headache, chronic fatigue syndrome, disruption of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs. Decrease in brain functions, its degeneration. As a result - malignant tumors, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

The radiation intensity of electrical appliances varies. Accordingly, so does the harm caused. Let's consider in descending order of the danger of electromagnetic radiation:

So, first of all:

  • computers and laptops;
  • microwave;
  • power lines (power lines).
  • electric stove;
  • washing machine;
  • fridge;
  • mobile phone;
  • TV;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • fluorescent lamps.

And small household appliances are practically harmless: iron, blender, hair dryer, coffee machine, toaster.

Mobile phones pose a serious risk of electromagnetic radiation. Smartphones cause particular harm to the body. The level of radiation emanating from them is small compared to other electrical appliances. But, as we remember, the intensity of the impact increases if you get closer to the source of radiation. The main radiating element in a phone is the antenna. When we talk on the phone, we hold the emitter close to the brain tissue every day. The World Health Organization (WHO), after large-scale studies covering 13 countries, announced the carcinogenic properties of EMR and the connection between malignant head tumors and the use of mobile phones. According to research by some scientists, the picture looks even more frightening: brain cancer can occur even in those who talk on the phone for only 15 minutes a day.

How to reduce harm?

You won’t be able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation, and most likely, you won’t be able to eliminate household electrical appliances from your life either. This means that all that remains is to observe “safety precautions”.

First of all, you need to understand how far the electromagnetic field extends. And, if possible, stay at a safe distance while electrical appliances are operating.

Thus, radiation from an electric stove, kettle and iron is at a distance of 20-30 cm.

TVs, refrigerators and washing machines produce noise per meter.

The real monster of radiation is the microwave oven. When cooking or heating food, it is better to stay away from it. Measurements show that at a distance of one to two meters the EMR level is much higher than sanitary standards.

Modern smartphones have different intensities of electromagnetic radiation. In the specifications for the device, this parameter is called SAR. SAR determines the electromagnetic field energy absorbed by human tissue in one second. It is measured in watts per kilogram. In the USA, a value of 1.6 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue is considered safe. However, third-party research by scientists claims that the real SAR parameter is several times higher than that indicated in the characteristics of the gadget. The latest models of iPhones (7 and 7 plus) have SAR close to the normal limit.

Exposure to smartphones can be completely eliminated by following simple rules. Do not leave your phone close to your body during sleep, but it is better to turn it off altogether. Talk only using a wired headset. It is completely secure, unlike the more convenient wireless Bluetooth headset.

The harm from electromagnetic radiation can be reduced by staying at a safe distance from the devices while they are operating.

This distance is different for each emitter. The closer you are to an electrical appliance, the more radiation you receive. It is important to remember the property of electromagnetic waves to penetrate walls. By correctly placing radiation sources in your apartment, you will not be protected from your neighbors’ electrical appliances. But there is a way out here too. Using a device that measures the electromagnetic field, you can find the optimal location for your furniture.

My uncle served in the army on a submarine in the 60s. Three years later he came home completely bald. True, he had a daughter later, but that’s just a side note.

Here's radiation for you, but this is in the army. How are things going in everyday life at home? How dangerous are household appliances, of which there have been so many of them recently? And no one really knows how they work, except specialists.

I have heard and read many times about studies that say that mobile phones, for example, cause brain cancer. This is because when we talk, we keep it too close to the head and brain, respectively.

Then the conversations died down, but no, no, and horror stories appear about microwaves, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. What really has a place here, and what is just a canard?

Before publishing the article, I read it carefully and corrected any mistakes. But basically, I think everything is pretty accurate. You can't beat the heat, but all these electronic devices need to be treated with reasonable caution.

If you believe scientists, especially “British” ones, then any city dweller is literally “bathing” in harmful electromagnetic radiation, putting their health at risk every day.

Some studies are frightening that mobile phones, microwave ovens and wireless Internet can cause a person to have a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, epilepsy, infertility and even cancer, but is this really so?

Scientists have proven that the level of electromagnetic field (EMF) that is safe for human health is 0.2 µT, but, for example, a basic electric kettle emits 0.6 µT, a vacuum cleaner and mixer - up to 2.2 µT, a hair dryer and razor exceed this level is several hundred times, and the metro, tram and trolleybus are capable of creating an electromagnetic field from 20 to 80 μT.

So, should we now leave the cities, forget civilization and return to the bosom of nature? Let’s try to understand all these “horror stories”, understand their essence, and also try to figure out how we can avoid harmful radiation.


Perhaps this is one of the first devices that began to frighten the user almost simultaneously with its appearance. So much has been said about the dangers of microwaves that you could write a dozen dissertations, but is it really that dangerous? Let's not get caught up in polemics, but let's move on to the facts.

Most modern microwave ovens have a protective coating, an acceptable level of radiation from the magnetron, and many gentle modes. However, opponents of this miracle of technology claim that during heating with ultrahigh frequencies, toxins and carcinogens appear in food, and the water in food becomes dead: its molecules change their structure and potential.

Therefore, regular consumption of microwave food can cause a malfunction of all systems, because human cells consist of 80% water. There is no arguing here, since EMF does change the molecular structure of food, but oddly enough, metal main pipelines do the same with water, as well as a seemingly harmless gas-powered oven.

The combustion products of natural gas are carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. Nothing harmful. But only under the condition that combustion is complete. Otherwise, hydrogen and methane, heavy hydrocarbons, soot and carbon monoxide are released. These toxic substances are harmful to the entire body, but the gastrointestinal tract suffers first, because a person absorbs all these toxins with food cooked in the oven.

What to do? Cooking in the yard over a fire? The main thing is not to be fanatical and not to use the microwave for cooking. Be smart, use the microwave only to heat up food, and for cooking the same pie, a conventional oven is best suited. But if you install a good hood, then you can forget about combustion products.

Cell phones

A mobile phone generates maximum radiation only when connecting to a remote subscriber, while the maximum EMF threshold fluctuates somewhere between 0.2-0.3 µT. As you can see, not as much as expected. Everything is explained simply.

Most of us, when thinking about the dangers of a mobile phone, adhere to studies that were conducted 5-10 years ago, when cellular communications were just beginning to gain momentum. Back then, phones were produced more powerful, and the “towers” ​​themselves were set to maximum in our country. Now the situation has changed radically, since the network coverage area has increased many times, which means that there is no longer any need to equip phones with powerful transmitters.

Undoubtedly, carrying a smartphone near your heart, or in your trouser pocket, or talking on it for hours, is undesirable, but it is also not so dangerous as to abandon the device forever. The fact that smartphones disrupt jet lag has neither been proven nor refuted.

But it’s best not to put your cell phone to your ear before the call is picked up at the other end. During a call, the phone searches for the nearest operator tower, and the signal is very strong. Do not carry the device in your pockets - at the time of the call, the phone also works at maximum power.

Buy a phone with the lowest EMF absorption power. Its unit of measurement is SAR, the maximum permissible standard is 2.0.

Computers and wireless Internet

As for the harm from this equipment, the opinions of scientists here often contradict each other. We will not list all the “guesses” regarding the negative impact of the same Wi-Fi, but will cite a well-known fact - the electromagnetic field of a wireless network does not exceed the permissible 0.2 µT.

But, as a rule, your router is not the only one in the area, which means that the intensity of the EMF is as many times higher as the number of neighbors using their amplifiers at the same time as you. Also keep in mind that modern man spends several hours a day at a PC.

The solution to the problem is simple. You can switch the router to 25% or 50% of its power - this may be enough for you, and the EMF will be significantly reduced. You can ask your neighbors to do the same.

Do not keep the router turned on unless necessary and install it no closer than 1 m from places where you spend a lot of time: a table, bed, children's play area. Quite simple rules, by following which you can proudly say that you have made your home safer.

Refrigerator with “No Frost” function

Yes, the refrigerator is also capable of emitting EMFs that exceed the norm. According to scientists, due to the special design, a refrigerator with a self-cleaning system from ice (No Frost) has an increased electromagnetic field. This negatively affects the composition of the blood, in particular, red blood cells can stick together, forming clots.

As a result, the entire cardiovascular system will suffer. At the same time, scientists advise that you should not place a chair/table next to the refrigerator or hesitate for a long time at the door - take what you need and move away.

If the refrigerator is located against a wall, behind which there is a bed, you need to think of another place for this furniture or for the refrigerator. As an option, cover the wall behind the refrigerator with foil to reflect EMF.

It turns out that there is nowhere in the house to hide from the evil influence of the electromagnetic field. But radiation isn't everything. In addition to this, modern people, as it turned out, are exposed to other negative influences right in their apartment.

Vacuum cleaner is the enemy of the lungs

Most vacuum cleaners emit fine dust into the air when operating. It can be seen when a ray of sun shines into the room under certain angle- the air “sparkles”.

This dust is dangerous because, due to its size, it does not linger in the nasopharynx, but goes straight into the lungs and even the bloodstream, provoking allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. The solution is to buy a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter or use disposable filter bags.

Plastic electric kettle is dangerous for the liver

Polymers are not vitamins, and therefore a priori cannot be useful. Moreover, the more the plastic is heated, the more intensely its molecules mix with the liquid. And the temperature of boiling water, as is known, is no less than 100°C. A single dose of polymer compounds may not affect health. But people drink tea, usually several cups a day.

And the accumulated portion of carcinogens clearly acts on humans like poison. The liver suffers more than others - it is the first to be hit as a cleansing organ. The problem can be solved simply: do not buy cheap Chinese teapots, or plastic ones in general. The best option is a kettle with a monolithic metal flask. It won't leak.

Electric meat grinder - a blow to the psyche and hearing

This is even cooler than a Chinese teapot. Sanitary standards allow a meat grinder to make sounds up to 80 decibels, a coffee grinder, mixer, blender - up to 50. At the same time, the safe noise level in an apartment during the day is no more than 40 decibels. Such is the inconsistency of requirements.

In addition, the standards were last edited in the mid-1980s, and their developers did not consider the influence of the noise sphere at the molecular level since they could only guess about it at that time.

As a result, daily use of this kind of “helpers” in the kitchen can, over time, not only reduce hearing, but also cause migraines and even more serious disorders of the nervous system. Scientists advise using earplugs when using noisy kitchen appliances.

Energy-saving lamps do not protect your eyesight

The human visual system works most comfortably in sunlight. One of its features is spectrum continuity. An energy-saving lamp has a discrete spectrum - this tires the eyes. The flickering that many of these lamps have is also tiresome.

Plus, ultraviolet radiation (it is a carcinogen) that is formed during their work is dangerous. In addition, some lamps contain uranyl salts; they produce, albeit small, radiation. You can solve the problem by buying expensive lamps from well-known brands.

For offices, a lamp with the designation 6000K or 6400K is more appropriate (it gives cool white light - it mobilizes); for the nursery and living room - 4200K (the warm light from it is the most natural), for the bedroom and kitchen - 2700K (the light is warm white).

Conditioner: a test for immunity

The air that the air conditioner takes from the street for operation now rarely meets sanitary standards. Therefore, air conditioner filters become dirty very quickly and become a breeding ground for bacteria and microbes, with all the ensuing consequences, primarily for the immune system.

There is indeed truth in this, but it is not difficult to get out of this situation. Clean the filters at least twice a month. Install an air ionizer in the room or immediately choose a split system that has one.

Reasonable Conclusion

Most of us will smile sarcastically after reading this article, but still, if not completely, then partially, it is worth listening to the opinion of scientists. The harm of ultrahigh frequencies has not been fully proven, mainly because we have been using them not so long ago.

It will take a century to say anything with certainty. However, you should be at least a little wary of EMF exposure by following the simple tips written here. As for the “accusatory” articles about Wi-Fi and smartphones, everything can be explained simply - he loves the modern world various types threats: aliens, the ends of the world, of which we have already experienced many, and if there are none, then the public switches to household appliances, GMOs and secret government conspiracies.

After Chernobyl, the fascination with Geiger counters became widespread. However, everyone quickly forgot that radiation is always present in cities. Reinforced concrete structures from which our houses are made, asphalt, garbage dumps, etc. “focus” quite well.

Even in rural areas, people have managed to ruin their biosphere by building houses and bathhouses from old sleepers soaked in creosote, or from cinder blocks, with absolutely no knowledge of where this slag comes from.

What should I do? Just turn on your brain and act rationally. Don’t cook coffee or eggs in the microwave, and don’t talk on your cell phone for hours. And you certainly shouldn’t buy Wi-Fi amplifiers or repeaters just to cover an entire block with your wireless network. There must be moderation in everything - a fact proven by time and experience that works 100%.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about electromagnetic radiation, to which any modern person is inevitably exposed, especially a resident of a big city. How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body? How dangerous is it?

What is electromagnetic radiation (EMR)? This is a special form of matter through which interaction occurs between electrically charged particles, a kind of intangible wave propagating in a medium, consisting of an electric and magnetic component.

EMR sources

Sources that create an electromagnetic field can be either natural or artificial.

TO natural sources of electromagnetic radiation includes the constant electric and constant magnetic field of the Earth, electrical phenomena in the atmosphere (thunderstorms, lightning strikes), radio emission from the sun and stars, and cosmic radiation.

Artificial sources of electromagnetic field can be conditionally divided into sources of electromagnetic radiation of high and low levels of radiation. It should be noted that, first of all, the radiation level depends on the power of the source: the higher the power, the higher the radiation level. Near the source, the radiation level is highest; as the distance from the source increases, the radiation level decreases.

High level EMR sources:

  • overhead power lines (overhead lines, high and ultra-high voltage power lines 4-1150 kV);
  • electric transport: trams, trolleybuses, metro trains, etc. — and its infrastructure;
  • transformer substations (TS);
  • elevators;
  • television stations;
  • radio broadcasting stations;
  • base stations of mobile radio communication systems (MS), primarily cellular.

Sources of relatively low EMR levels:

  • personal computers and video display terminals, slot machines, children's game consoles;
  • household electrical appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, hair dryers, TVs, electric kettles, irons, etc.;
  • cellular, satellite and cordless radiotelephones, personal radio stations;
  • cable lines;
  • some medical diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical equipment;
  • power supply system for buildings.

Impact of EMR on the human body

The human body reacts both to changes in the natural geomagnetic field and to the effects of electromagnetic radiation from numerous and varied man-made sources. The body's response may vary as EMR exposure increases or decreases, in some cases leading to significant changes in health and genetic consequences.

Experimental data from both domestic and foreign researchers indicate high biological activity of the electromagnetic field (EMF) in all frequency ranges. The biological effects of EMF exposure on the human body depend on the frequency and wavelength of radiation, the intensity of EMF, the duration and frequency of exposure, combined and total exposure to EMF and other factors. The combination of the indicated parameters can produce significantly different consequences in the body’s response.

The localization of exposure is no less important - general or local, since with general exposure the risk of negative consequences is higher. For example, the impact from power lines is general for the entire body, and the impact from a cell phone is local (on certain areas of the human body).

The effect of interaction of EMF with the biological environment depends on the radiation dose. It is based on the conversion of field energy into heat; the mechanism that carries out this transformation causes rotation (movement) of molecules. This leads to various negative phenomena in the body.

It should be noted that our body is daily exposed to several different electromagnetic fields simultaneously or sequentially.

This impact primarily affects the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems, changes in the functions of which imply adverse consequences for the body.

The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates over many years, resulting in the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases.

EMFs can be especially dangerous for children and pregnant women(in particular, for the embryo), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers, people with weakened immune systems. Currently, specialists from the USA, Sweden, and Denmark have conducted a number of studies within 150 m from substations, transformers, electrical lines of railways and power lines, which have shown that with prolonged exposure to EMFs, the risk of developing cancer in children, especially childhood leukemia, increases almost 4 times.

Effect of EMF on the human body

The earliest clinical manifestations of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans are functional disorders of the nervous system. Faces, long time Those who were in the zone of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory, and sleep disturbances. Often these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of autonomic functions (breathing, nutrition, gas exchange, excretory function), and various disorders of the cardiovascular system. Typically, these changes occur in people who, due to the nature of their work, were constantly exposed to EMR with a fairly high intensity (power lines, electric vehicles, transformer substations, etc.).

Long-term repeated exposure to above maximum permissible levels of EMR (especially in the decimeter wavelength range, for example from television and radio broadcasting stations) can lead to mental disorders.

In the vast majority of cases, exposure occurs to fields of relatively low levels (fields from industrial frequency objects: electrical wiring, household appliances; computers, cell phones): the consequences listed below apply to such cases.

Effect of EMF on the nervous system. Big number Studies carried out in Russia give grounds to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMF. In people who have contact with EMF, the highest nervous activity, memory deteriorates. These individuals may be prone to developing stress reactions, such as headaches, constant fatigue, sudden mood swings, depression, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite.

The nervous system of the embryo exhibits high sensitivity to EMF. The risk of disruption of the development of the fetal nervous system increases.

Effect of EMF on the immune system. When exposed to EMF, the processes of immune formation are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. A change in protein metabolism may occur, and a certain change in blood composition is observed. It is possible for the body to form antibodies directed against its own tissues.

Effect of EMF on the endocrine system. The works of Soviet scientists back in the 1960s showed that when exposed to EMF, as a rule, the most important endocrine gland located in the brain, the pituitary gland, was stimulated. This leads to an increase in the production of hormones from other glands - the adrenal glands, including the stress hormone - adrenaline, as a result of which the body adapts less well to the physical factors of the external environment (high air temperatures, lack of oxygen, etc.).

Effect of EMF on reproductive function. The sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. Low-intensity EMF, which has a negative effect on the body of pregnant women, can cause premature birth, as well as various congenital pathologies in children. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryonic development. This primarily concerns women working in conditions of violated electromagnetic safety standards. Your workplace safety engineer should inform you about the electromagnetic safety standards for your workplace. First of all, women working in industries that service powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation - antennas, locators, electrical substations, as well as in industries with a large amount of equipment (machines, etc.) should take care of safety.

Electromagnetic radiation protection

How can you protect your family from such negative impacts? Firstly, we should not forget that all the described studies and the negative consequences of exposure to EMF were given for cases of continuous long-term or periodic long-term exposure. It is also important to remember that maximum harm is caused by combined and cumulative exposure from several sources. General rule for all harmful effects: reduce them as much as possible, minimize the number of sources of exposure, reduce the time of exposure.

To protect the population in the Russian Federation, there is a sanitary and hygienic regulation of electromagnetic fields, based on many years of research and established by law. First of all, there must be a sanitary protection zone around the sources of the electromagnetic field; if necessary, measures must be taken to reduce the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places where people may stay for a long time by using protective screens. The size of this zone is determined by law depending on the type of source. Within the sanitary protection zone it is prohibited: to place residential and public buildings and structures; summer cottages and garden plots; arrange parking areas for all types of transport; locate automobile service businesses.

Here are the simplest safety and preventative measures to protect against EMF.

Be careful, power lines! Stay away from high voltage power lines. First of all, a sanitary protection zone should be designated around sources of industrial frequency electromagnetic fields. The size of this zone is determined by law and is set depending on the voltage running along the power line, from 10 to 55 m. Since it is difficult for the average person to determine what the voltage of a particular power line is, it is best not to approach them closer than 55 m, or even better - stay within a radius of 100-150 m. At the same time, you should not be afraid of power lines running along the roads, since all studies indicate the dangers of long-term exposure to EMFs. So you shouldn’t sunbathe in a forest clearing under a power line and have a picnic there with your children. There is no need to cultivate beds directly below the line or within a radius of 150 m and arrange garden plots there. After all, the permissible time spent in the zone of influence of EMF from “high voltage” is only a few minutes. Do not buy country and garden plots under power lines, in the sanitary protection zone of power lines. If the site borders the sanitary protection zone of power lines, invite specialists from accredited laboratories to take measurements and determine a safe zone for long-term stay of people.

The same precautions are given for large transformer substations. If you have a small transformer substation booth in your yard, then it is better not to let your child play within a radius of 10 m from it.

TV towers and transmitting radio engineering objects of various types. It still works the same Golden Rule- we go around. It should be noted that these objects, as a rule, have a sanitary protection zone much larger than power lines. IN in this case we can talk about distances of 1.5-6 km.

Electric transport. The most dangerous zones in this case are in the driver’s cabins and near the edge of the platform. Therefore, when waiting for an electric train or metro train, it is better to move away from the edge of the platform.

Appliances. Since electrical wiring stretches everywhere like a spider's web in our homes, we constantly use household appliances, we need to remember simple safety rules: move away the radiation source, minimize the number of sources, reduce exposure time. One of the main rules of the house is not to turn on all household appliances at once: you should not create an electromagnetic storm. Use household appliances separately whenever possible. For example, when vacuuming, turn off the TV.

Place the food in the microwave and by pressing the “start” button, you can retreat to the room and wait there with your baby for a couple of minutes while the food warms up.

Also, an electric kettle will do an excellent job of boiling water without your presence. Since it is not always possible to leave the room where household appliances are working, it is better to place the electric kettle and microwave at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the dining or cutting table.

Vacuum cleaner When cleaning, we usually hold the hose and in the process move quite far (more than 1 m) from the very radiating body of the vacuum cleaner.

Compressor emitting element of conventional refrigerator, is also far enough away from us to harm us. But if necessary, you can place the dining table at a distance of more than 1 m from the refrigerator.

If washing machine It’s not in the closet or bathroom, where you can safely wash it when no one needs the room; practice washing it while you’re away.

Being within 2 m of a running washing machine is unsafe from a radiation point of view - and it doesn’t matter what the person is doing at that moment. Taking a shower or bath while the washing machine is running in the bathroom is also unsafe from an electrical safety point of view. When connecting the washing machine, grounding conditions must be observed; this and all connection rules are described in detail in the instructions for its use. To connect large household appliances (washing machine, stove, dishwasher) for your own safety, it is always better to invite a specialist.

Electric stove is also a source of industrial frequency EMR. When cooking, do not forget that the higher the power, the greater the level of radiation. Therefore, try not to use the maximum heating modes of the burners and oven, choose medium power modes, and do not turn on all the burners and oven at the same time.

TV It is important to look at a distance no closer than 2-3 m, and of course, not to abuse the viewing time. Don't use the TV on as a "background" all day.

Wiring. It is better if the electrical wiring is shielded, i.e. made using special shielded cables that have additional windings that prevent EMR from spreading outward, and runs along the floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the floor, being exactly at the level of the head of a sleeping person. You should not place sockets with sconces constantly plugged in at the head of the bed. It is recommended that the bed for night rest be kept as far as possible from sources of prolonged exposure; the distance to distribution cabinets and power cables should be 2.5-3 m, even if they are located behind the wall. Therefore, when arranging furniture, look at the house drawings from the developer when entering a new building or from the management company for houses that have been put into operation. If it is necessary to install heated floors, it is recommended to choose electrical systems with a reduced level of magnetic field and multi-level insulation of the cable heating element or a water heated floor system. To make the right choice, you need to compare specifications goods.

Elevator. When the elevator operates, a very high intensity electromagnetic field is created. If possible, you should choose an apartment as far away from the elevator as possible. If such an opportunity does not arise, then you need to understand which room and the wall in this room the elevator borders. Don’t place a bed near this wall, don’t organize a workplace - arrange a green corner there, for example.

Radio and cell phones. The harmful effects of EMR generated by both mobile and conventional radiotelephones depend on the power of the phone. More powerful phones have a more negative impact. There are studies that show an increased risk of brain cancer with cell phone abuse (more than 3-5 minutes of continuous talk, more than 30 minutes a day). Other studies show increased fatigue and nervousness. But in modern world A mobile phone has long become a necessity. Therefore, simple rules are proposed to minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation from this factor. Try to use a regular phone more often at work and at home, even if it is a radio, but its power is much less than that of a mobile phone. Use a wired headset, thereby removing the source of radiation. You should not use your cell phone as an alarm clock or place it nearby while you sleep; it is better to turn it off or keep it away. It is better to carry a mobile phone in a bag rather than in a pocket.

Personal computers. Video display terminals. When arranging computers in the office, keep in mind that radiation comes not only from the monitor, but also from the system unit. If the PCs are located next to each other, then the minimum distance between them should be 2 m, if side by side - 1.2 m. Workplace should not fall into the radiation zone from the back panel of any monitor, since it is maximum there. It is important to choose a high-quality modern monitor that meets all safety standards. From an EMR point of view, an LCD monitor is safer for the user; there is radiation from the electrical component from the wall, but it is less. System unit and the monitor should be as far away from you as possible. Do not leave your computer turned on for long periods of time when you are not using it. Also remember to use the "sleep mode" for the monitor, since the radiation in this case is less.

Try to take breaks during work, during which you need to be away from computers.

Game consoles are also a source of EMP.

It remains to be said that poison differs from medicine only in dosage. Thus, EMFs are successfully used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases, for example, various tumors, varicose veins, hypertension, treatment of diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs, for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the muscles, joints, peripheral nervous system, and in the treatment of bruises , fractures, spinal osteochondrosis, gynecological and urological diseases and many others. Therefore, the main thing is to be prudent and exercise caution.

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