Innovative coaching school. Konstantin Dovlatov - creator of a coaching school, trainer in spiritual technologies But how to distinguish your true goals from imposed ones

As a child, you were told that you would become a successful and rich person if you did well in school. You trustingly remembered the dates of historical events and counted how many black rabbits would be born from a gray rabbit in the fifth generation...

How many times have you been able to show off your acquired knowledge? Why doesn’t life ask you questions about the material you covered in school, and where are the promised success and wealth?

Well, of course. They didn't tell you something.
What can you expect from free school education...

What to do?

Many courses, trainings and books are happy to fill your head with a lot of interesting, but useless information. You are taught to set other people's goals, but achieving them only brings disappointment.

“Earn your first 100 thousand”, “Get your first million” - trainers from the Internet offer you. But is this exactly what you strive for in life?

Or maybe your goal is only achievable with an amount of one hundred million? Or it has nothing to do with money at all. Then why would you spend so much time and effort earning money?

Life shows that when a person follows the path of his true aspiration, the necessary money comes to him on its own. And no one but you knows your true goals.

But how to distinguish your true goals from imposed ones?

There are three ways out of the deadlock:

1. The contemplative path:

Sit and wait without doing anything. To go with the flow. It may happen that good fortune will find you itself. He will pull it out, shake it off and warm it up. But you are more likely to turn your life into a mound. Under which all your abilities, hopes and dreams will proudly rest.

2.The path is chaotic:

Move in all directions, grab any job. Trial and error method. You can always hope that you will accidentally come across your true destiny head-on, get to know each other and live happily ever after. But, most likely, moving haphazardly, you will not find anything that you are looking for. But you will gain a variety of impressions and fill yourself with a collection of cones. These bumps will become the main “advantage” for which your grandchildren will remember you.

3. The conscious path:

Listen to your desires and dreams. Determine your true life goals. Develop a realistic action plan. Move towards your goal, overcoming any obstacles. This is the only path that makes you stronger and more confident with every step. Which brings satisfaction and a feeling of inner freedom. Finding this path means finding yourself.

Next Generation Coaching
The Online School of Coaching by Konstantin Dovlatov offers a fundamentally new approach - combining classical coaching with therapy and unique proprietary techniques.

Online Coaching School of Konstantin Dovlatov is your real opportunity:

  • In a short time, become a highly paid coach - even if today you do not have a special psychological education.
  • Quickly and irrevocably get rid of psychological traumas that block cash flow and quality relationships in your life and prevent you from moving forward
  • Realize yourself through professional help to other people
  • Learn to set big goals and achieve maximum results in all areas of life in the shortest possible time
Online Coaching School provides working tools to achieve any of your goals
By becoming a student of the Konstantin Dovlatov Coaching School, you:
  • Remove the restrictions of the current moment that prevent you from moving forward (or even block you and put you into a stupor). These are your internal blocks and injuries. They are the ones who sabotage your success and “help” you quickly merge after courses, trainings and promises to yourself to start a new life
  • Transform your personality and destiny. After just 2 months of training, you will become a radically new person: with sparkling eyes, new resources, a high level of energy and ready to ACT. And with an understanding of exactly how to act so that it WORKS
  • Build your future in accordance with the true goals of your Soul
  • Build a structure for your goals and begin to achieve them right in the learning process. Not small pseudo-goals, but those frighteningly large life tasks that today you are afraid to even dream about
  • Become a highly paid coach-therapist. A top-class professional, highly in demand on the market. Remove financial restrictions in your own life and start earning a LOT in your new profession
  • Learn to quickly and professionally help yourself and others in difficult life situations: financial crises, problems in relationships, family, business, career, health. You will master effective applied psychotechniques that will always be at your fingertips to quickly solve many problems.
  • Change your environment. Find like-minded people. People who will approve and support you

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: How will the classes be held?

Classes will take place:

  • Classes in online format (webinars) and recorded
    - 3 times a week. Duration - from 1.5 to 3 hours each
  • Practical tasks
    - 4 hours a week. Conducted in pairs and triples. 2 hours - as a coach, 2 hours - as a client.
  • Live online sessions with Konstantin Dovlatov: feedback and answers to questions on the material covered
    – 1 time per week
  • Colloquium
    - 1 time per month
  • Interim certification
    - in the learning process. By the time you complete your training, you must achieve the minimum passing score to receive admission to the exams.
  • Exam
    - at the end of training
  • Practice
    - Mandatory final part of the training. Students are allowed to practice based on the results of passing exams. During the internship, you work with clients online under the supervision of curators. This is a unique opportunity to gain practical skills and enhance your results at the Coaching School.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Training program

  • The foundation of classical coaching. New theories of modern coaching.
  • Working with goals. Removing obstacles on the way to the goal
  • Hellinger constellations (basic principles)
  • Metaphorical Processing (Symbolic Modeling)
  • Coaching on Metaphorical Maps
Coaching + therapy
A system of step-by-step movement towards a goal using classical coaching and in-depth study of internal obstacles that prevent you from moving forward. The unique know-how of Konstantin Dovlatov, which has no analogues in terms of effectiveness and stability of the results obtained.

Strategic coaching
Elaboration of tactical aspects, internal attitudes and successful strategies to achieve goals in any area of ​​life.

Tactical coaching
How to replace old, habitual actions that always return you to where you started with new ones that lead to the desired results.

Ability Coaching
How to work on increasing your memory capacity, multitasking, concentration, and sometimes just your brainpower. We think that ability is something innate. This is wrong.
Ability coaching determines which areas of life are sagging due to the “lack” of innate abilities. The methods of this direction in coaching develop absolutely any abilities that you need. There are no restrictions.

Resource Coaching
“Resources are things that quickly run out: energy, health, youth.” This is an illusion. Resources are inexhaustible. It’s just that the strategy of self-destruction is deeply embedded in you. If you lose strength, burn out, cannot keep up with the rhythm of life - this is a strategy of self-destruction. This is a dense and difficult-to-remove strategy.
But resource coaching allows you to dissolve this tendency towards self-destruction and revive your natural passion for life.

State coaching
States are the emotional background of your life: joy, inspiration, love - or apathy, melancholy, hopelessness.
State coaching allows you to choose and change any state of your choice. At work - one attitude, at home with children - another, in business negotiations - a third. After state coaching, you are no longer a hostage to your own and other people’s emotions, you quickly switch to any situation. Personal efficiency increases by 200%.

Life coaching
The art of living happily. There is no one average recipe for “happiness for all.” Life coaching reveals exactly where your personal happiness lies. And happiness becomes your reality.

Energy coaching
Systematic and thorough work to restore your energy at all levels. Removing energy ties, including to former partners and deceased relatives.
Complexes for working with the physical body. Practices for regenerating physical health.

Spiritual coaching
Revival of the power of the Soul and Spirit. Even the most powerful techniques will not help if the Spirit is weakened, and the cats are scratching at the Soul.
Spiritual coaching strengthens the power of the Spirit and sets you up for dialogue with your own Soul. Coaching techniques heal deep emotional traumas and experiences. You turn into a Spiritual Leader for the people around you. Become whole, calm and balanced.

Organizational Coaching Basics
Coaching for small businesses. Ideal for top management and entrepreneurs. Prevents 90% of mistakes made in financial and people management. Business processes no longer take a lot of time. Revenue is growing. The staff is motivated. You have time to live.

Applied psychology
You can't attach theory to business. Therefore, the school studies the most advanced psychotechniques for practical application. You will be able not only to “speak correctly,” but also to really help yourself, your loved ones and clients, if you are a coach or psychologist. The school's arsenal contains more than 20 psychotechnics.

Konstantin Dovlatov

  • Professional psychologist, founder of the Online Coaching School
  • One of the most effective and sought-after coaches in Russia
  • Trainer for working with Metaphorical cards
  • He taught more than 10,000 people methods for solving “unsolvable” problems in business, finance, relationships, and health.
  • In 6 months he increased his income 50 times (participants of his trainings on average achieve a 2-5 times increase in cash flow)
Hidden content.

The organizational position is vacant

A huge number of books and Internet resources are devoted to the currently popular topics of self-knowledge and self-development. However, in the array of information it is not so easy to find truly valuable materials and recommendations that can help in solving specific problems.

Konstantin Dovlatov is an experienced psychologist who has developed many programs and practices that can quickly and effectively improve the life of every person in a number of areas.

Projects of K. Dovlatov

The most famous and effective programs that Konstantin Dovlatov offers his clients:
- “100 days of transformation” - an online course focused on the development of a person’s personal qualities, leading to a change in attitude towards oneself and one’s life. Through the training of certain skills as a result of completing daily tasks, the client learns to manage life events, gradually gaining energy, joy, freedom and success.
- “MAXIMUM LIFE” - a 30-day intensive program for comprehensive improvement of various areas of life and achieving set goals by eliminating psychological barriers, restoring internal balance, regulating relationships with the opposite sex, and removing “money blocks.”
- “Spiritual Integration” is the author’s technology, which is implemented in the form of trainings, ensuring rapid spiritual growth and development of abilities, discovery of hidden resources and opportunities for their use.

Life creators club

Another project created by Konstantin Dovlatov is the “Life Creators Club”. Registration on the club website gives you the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people, study information presented in the public domain, perform meditations and exercises, participate in online webinars, thematic marathons and flash mobs. Membership in the club, the obligatory condition of which is the payment of monthly fees, provides access to an even greater number of Internet resources.

Coaching school of Konstantin Dovlatov

K. Dovlatov invites those who want to master the coaching profession, which is in demand in the modern world (that is, to become a person who helps clients achieve various professional and life goals), to his online coaching school.

The program will be useful to various categories of participants:
- for those who already work as coaches - to become a highly qualified professional who can effectively assist people who find themselves in difficult life situations;
- for those who are just planning to get into coaching - to become a specialist in this matter in a fairly short period of time, master the methods and techniques of professionally helping people and realize themselves in this direction;
- for those who have not yet set themselves certain life goals, but are dissatisfied with the current situation - remove limiting beliefs, open the flow of resources, learn to set goals and achieve them, that is, become a coach for yourself and a harmonious person capable of helping others.

In general, Konstantin Dovlatov’s coaching school is intensive, focused work on oneself for 8 months in a team of like-minded people and under the supervision of a curator, which involves studying a large amount of theoretical material and active practice.

Distinctive features of K. Dovlatov’s projects

Konstantin Dovlatov is one of the highest paid Russian coaches and trainers; participation in each of his programs costs a lot of money.

Projects are distinguished by a systematic approach: to solve specific problems of clients, the psychologist selects only the most effective and working methods, and synthesizes the best available technologies from other authors.

Main features of K. Dovlatov’s programs and practices:
- first of all, work is being done on the internal mental attitude, on eliminating negative blocks that prevent the achievement of ambitious goals in various areas;
- a lot of attention is paid to the development of the client’s personal qualities, revealing his potential;
- to achieve positive changes, the client needs to determine his true desires and aspirations in order to make the path to the goal uncomplicated and enjoyable;
- preference is given to radical methods that allow you to get the desired results quickly and without rollbacks.

Subjects of courses and trainings

Konstantin Dovlatov, as a developer of trainings and courses, an organizer of events and a creator of video tutorials, is surprisingly productive.

Many of his programs and courses are aimed at personal transformation, they help to let go of the past, erase its negative experiences, gain confidence in yourself and your strengths, develop intuition, learn to concentrate and relax, and increase motivation.

The main areas that K. Dovlatov’s projects are focused on:
- building harmonious family relationships (focus on family values, correct relationships with spouses, children and close relatives);
- health promotion (awareness and elimination of the causes of diseases, well-being management, healthy quality sleep, anti-stress programs, back health);
- success in business and financial sphere (effective communication, increased income).

Slavinsky's techniques, constellations, RPT, work with metaphorical cards - these are just a few of the psychotherapeutic and psychological techniques that Konstantin Dovlatov practices.

Reviews about projects

There are quite a lot of reviews about Konstantin Dovlatov and his unique techniques, the vast majority of which are positive. Valuable feedback from those who completed the trainings allows us to conclude that most clients are grateful to K. Dovlatov for the positive changes in their lives. For some, the trainings they completed helped them gain peace of mind and confidence, get rid of various kinds of prejudices and anxiety; for others, they helped them find their place in life, achieve success, increase personal effectiveness and increase income. Many people say “thank you” to the psychologist for the techniques of self-acceptance, for the noticeable improvement in family relationships, and for the new quality of life.

Among those who have completed the courses, there are also those who are dissatisfied with the results and have not noticed any improvements in their lives after undergoing expensive training.

Konstantin Dovlatov: biography

Konstantin Nikolaevich Dovlatov was born in Moscow in 1965. He graduated from high school in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (now the National Research University MIET) in the city of Zelenograd, where he studied at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.

I worked as a programmer for a long time. Like every extraordinary person, during a midlife crisis I felt the need for change. A big role in choosing a new profession was played by his passion for kundalini yoga, which Konstantin Dovlatov has been practicing since 2000. Having first become a yoga instructor, he began to actively study and practice psychology. I took many advanced training courses and mastered a large number of techniques. As a result, he became one of the most sought-after specialists.

Konstantin Dovlatov, whose personal life was successful, is married to Elmira Safiullina and has a daughter. The wife is both a friend and colleague of the psychologist; she is a trainer and coach on his team. The couple conduct joint seminars and trainings on the topic of successful family relationships.

Achievements of K. Dovlatov

To date, Konstantin Dovlatov:
- is a member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL);
- trainer in psycho-energy-acupuncture therapy (PEAT) - one of the most effective techniques of Zivorad Slavinsky;
- trainer in support point therapy (RPT) - the famous technology of Simon Rose;
- Kriya yoga trainer, trainer and instructor in kundalini yoga;
- working on a dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences, dedicated to the topic of synthesis of RPT and metaphorical maps;
- author of the book “Business. Laws that are visible only from the height of success,” written in the unusual form of a textbook-novel and recently published by the AST publishing house.

Feedback from a student of the School of Coaching - Anna Kashilova 4 min. 39 sec.

Anna began her journey three years before participating in the Coaching School. She wanted to learn how to interact with the world correctly. After studying at school, Anna’s services began to be in demand: they buy coaching and consultations from her for such money that before she would not have dared to say their price.

Feedback from a student of the School of Coaching - Maria Sibiryakova 1 min. 55 sec.

Maria came to the Coaching School by accident. She is not a coach or a psychologist. Maria is a candidate of sciences, teacher and educator. I never had any parallels with coaching. When Maria's institute closed, this became a new point of growth for her. She decided that she deserved much more than working for pennies.

Feedback from a student of the School of Coaching - Natalia Pavlusik 4 min. 2 sec.

Natalya is already a professional coach, so studying at Konstantin Dovlatov’s school was not part of her plans. However, an inner voice said that you simply need to attend classes with a famous trainer in order to gain new knowledge and techniques, learn new tricks and secrets.

Feedback from a student of the School of Coaching - Olga Sherry 4 min.

Olga worked as a journalist for more than 10 years, and before participating in the coaching school, she was seriously depressed. Olga came to work through her problems and wrote a list of her wishes. Having found him some time later, Olga realized that all these dreams had come true, and now she needed to plan more extensive and lofty goals.

  • About the intensive

On September 23, the fifth stream of training at the Konstantin Dovlatov Coaching School starts.

Studying at school will help you determine what you need and begin to move towards your true goals.

Coaching School is your unique opportunity:

  • Irreversibly and quickly get rid of psychological traumas that block cash flow and quality relationships;
  • In a minimum period of time, turn into a highly paid coach, even if you do not have a special psychological education;
  • Learn to set big goals on your own and achieve maximum results in all areas of life.

Konstantin Dovlatov’s coaching method combines therapy and classical coaching. Thanks to coaching, you determine your own system of goals and build it, and with the help of therapy, you remove internal restrictions, those obstacles that blocked your further movement.

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