Institutions in the country with minimum year scores. Free education: how to assess your chances of enrolling on a budget. Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev

" contains detailed information on the 2019 admission campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a hostel, the number of available places, as well as the minimum points that were required to obtain it. The university database is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the Unified State Exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

In the "Admission 2020" section, using the " " service, you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with university admissions committees and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by email, which you provided during registration. Moreover, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the " " section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' websites.

The section has launched a new service “Remind about an event”, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders about the dates that are most important to them.

A new service has launched - " ". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before anyone else and automatically.

Universities with the highest and lowest scores named

The results of admission to universities in 2018 have been summed up.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova named the universities for admission to which it was necessary to score the highest scores. The long-time leader of the list, MGIMO, was ahead of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). The average score this year at MIPT was recorded at 96.4 (94.1 last year), while at MGIMO the average score was 95.3 (95.6 last year).

The average passing score exceeded 90 points in five more universities. These are the National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg University, ITMO, MEPhI and the St. Petersburg branch of the Higher School of Economics.

This year there are 30 universities where the average score exceeded 80 - seven more than last year. 41 universities accepted “C” students for budget places. These are those schoolchildren whose average Unified State Examination score was less than 56 points.

As for specialties, this year applicants with an average score of 80+, as a rule, chose the following areas: law, oriental studies, advertising and public relations, linguistics and economics. For the first time, political science and design were added to the most popular areas this year.

70-80 points became passing marks for specialties in the field of healthcare, computer science, computer technology, mathematics, physics, and oil and gas engineering. For the first time in 2018, future chemists and applicants majoring in biotechnology, computer science and computer science crossed the 70-point threshold.

Low demand this year was for the following specialties: agriculture and fisheries, vehicles, technological machines and equipment, ecology. This was the reason for the low passing grade in these areas.

And admission to them. Today let's look at the other side of the coin. What to do if the Unified State Exam results leave much to be desired? Where to go with low scores in 2020? The answer is obvious: we pay attention to universities with low passing scores. Let us remind you that a passing score is the minimum score sufficient to enter a university on a budget.

By the way, on our telegram channel you will find useful information for students of all specialties.

Most often, educational institutions in which the passing score is the lowest are regional universities or regional branches of capital universities. However, in both capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg) you can find a university with a really low passing score on a budget. True, you will have to forget about MEPhI and MGIMO.

In this article, by passing grade we mean the average Unified State Examination score. That is, the arithmetic average of the points scored for all exams. Some universities take into account the score obtained on one specific exam when admitting students.

Moscow universities with the lowest passing scores

Russian State University of Tourism and Service

Number one on the list. You can enter some programs with only 33 points. So, C students, if you don’t want to join the army, some of the most attractive specialties of RGUTIS are waiting for you.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

Working in aviation is prestigious and quite challenging. And the salaries there are quite decent. But it’s easy to do. The average passing score is only 46. However, no one said that studying at MSTU GA would also be easy.

Mytishchi branch of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (national research university)

To study at the branch of MSTU named after. Bauman in the fields of forestry and economics, an average Unified State Examination score of 47 is enough. For a complete list of specialties, check the official websites of universities.

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva

It’s also an attractive place to enroll if you don’t pass the Unified State Exam with flying colors. Economics, animal science, agricultural engineering and 37 other areas are waiting for their new students within the walls of the RSAU-MSHA. And the passing score is only 33.

Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI)

MAI will open doors for you if your average Unified State Exam score is more than 50.

A passing grade is an important criterion when choosing a university. However, it should be remembered that a low passing grade is not synonymous with poor quality education. In universities with a low passing score, you can also become an excellent specialist: in the end, it all depends on how you approach the learning process.

Universities of St. Petersburg with a low passing score

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

SUAI is included in the top 100 universities according to Forbes, has 11 divisions, 4 faculties and offers 11 programs in the areas of applied computer science, law, and robotics. The average passing score is 44.

St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin)

At St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" they teach electronics, nanoelectronics, instrument engineering and energy. A university for techies to the core. To enroll on a budget, an applicant needs to score 50 points.

St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television

Graduates of this university: producers, cameramen, directors. If you have dreamed of mastering one of these professions, then this is the place for you. And yes, your dream will come true if you score at least 56 points on the Unified State Exam.

St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz

The Academy is for creative people who have scored more than 58 points on the Unified State Exam: designers and artists are trained here.

St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

In order to enter the St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical University on a budget, it will be enough to score 45 points.

A low passing score increases the chances of admission, but does not guarantee the absence of problems with studies. To ensure that they are resolved quickly and that training is easy and productive, please contact

In some specialties they can be quite low. This could be a large number of budget places, a difficult subject or low competition for admission. Here are five areas of training in Russian universities, where passing scores are not very high.

- 265 points, - 239 points, - 191 points, - 174 points, - 170 points, - 167 points, - 164 points, - 155 points, - 144 points.

Image source:

Environmental ecology is a problem that worries many inhabitants of our planet. Every year, in hundreds of cities around the world, volunteers and environmental activists organize various actions, calling on government officials to pay more attention to issues of clean air, forest preservation and waste disposal. Without exaggeration, we have to wage a real struggle for the natural resources of the planet, because modern producers, who are the main culprits of environmental pollution, often put their own benefit above all else and ignore the frightening forecasts of scientists. Fortunately, the efforts of hundreds of thousands of volunteers are not in vain - new decrees and orders are signed obliging industrial magnates to use less toxic raw materials and more careful methods of processing materials. However, the issue of savings still remains at the forefront - environmentally friendly production technologies are not cheap, and the law applies to everyone without exception. This is where a specialist in ecology and environmental management comes to the rescue. They are looking for the best options for the enterprise - profitable in terms of money, but within the framework of the law. This profession has become extremely in demand in recent years, and therefore in many universities the number of places in the “” direction has begun to grow, and the competitive selection has become less stringent.

What you need to take:

  • Unified State Examination in Russian
  • Unified State Exam in Mathematics
  • Unified State Exam in Geography

Passing scores according to 2017 data:

- 314 points, - 264 points, - 237 points, - 232 points, - 231 points, - 221 points, - 215 points, - 207 points, - 206 points.

Image source:

People calling themselves are quite rare these days.

This profession is not in demand, and in small towns there are no places where these specialists are needed. Another thing is sociological education, which hundreds of future specialists receive every year. The scope of its application turns out to be much wider: management, marketing, consulting. It has been proven that most often holders of a sociological education cope with assigned tasks better than holders of qualifications, and, and therefore their demand among modern employers is extremely high. Not all applicants know about this, and when submitting documents, the referral is often unfairly passed over. As a result, we have low competition and low passing scores.

What you need to take:

  • Unified State Examination in Russian
  • Unified State Exam in Mathematics
  • Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Passing scores according to 2017 data:

- 217 points, - 181 points, - 178 points

Image source:

The knowledge that school gives us is quite enough to have at least a rough idea of ​​modern specialties. You know who you can work with after graduating from a university with a major, etc. But in the case of a major, much is not clear even to an adult, not to mention schoolchildren. Let us explain: there is a state body, the cadastral chamber (from the French Cadastre - list, register), which registers all land plots. His responsibilities include recording lands, establishing boundaries on them and describing their location (all this is combined with the concept of “land management”). The archives of the cadastral chamber store hundreds of thousands of topographic plans - images of areas of the area, which are compiled according to land management. This work is quite specific and requires special training of specialists; besides, besides the state cadastral chamber, only a few private organizations are involved in land management. The specialty is rare and therefore unpopular, and there is little competition for it. However, those who have completed the course do not complain about lack of employment - if you studied diligently at the university, you will be guaranteed a job after graduation.

Passing scores according to 2017 data:

- 182 points, SamSU- 168 points, - 160 points, - 149 points, - 139 points.

Image source:

Back in the 90s, teachers at technical universities argued: the future belongs to none other than . In some ways they were right - these days, knowledge and understanding of physical processes in the modern labor market is in greater demand than the ability to recite the entire “Eugene Onegin” by heart. For this reason, the direction has become extremely popular among applicants, and one could assume that the low USE passing score was due to the large number of budget places and low competition among applicants. However, experts in the field of education see the tightening of the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam in recent years as the real reason for this phenomenon. Applicants actually began to arrive with lower scores - but, according to members of the admissions committee, the exam results can be considered truly honest.

What you need to take:

  • Unified State Examination in Russian
  • Unified State Exam in Mathematics
  • Unified State Exam in Physics
  • What you need to take:

    • Unified State Examination in Russian
    • Unified State Exam in Mathematics
    • Unified State Exam in Chemistry

    There are now about 1,000 head universities and 1,500 branches in Russia. This year, almost 500 thousand budget places are open at universities, including bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degrees. There are 760 thousand graduates, so there should be enough places for everyone who has at least average knowledge. But it's not that simple. Firstly, many universities have raised the minimum threshold scores. Secondly, new admission rules apply this year: the number of beneficiaries cannot be more than 10%, and enrollment waves cannot be more than two. Universities are required to provide as much information as possible on their websites, but some universities do not even divide applicants by faculties.

    The first unpleasant news of this admissions campaign: almost all universities refused to accept documents by e-mail. If you live in Izhevsk or Saransk, but want to take part in a competition at universities in the capital, buy a ticket for 2 thousand rubles and think about where to spend the night. Then you will have to come to the university again with a certificate and wait for enrollment. And if you are accepted into the university, then arrive in Moscow again at the end of August.

    The RG columnist, together with a female applicant she knew from the provinces, tried to apply to the capital’s universities. So, we have copies of documents and 215 points on the Unified State Exam.

    The first “point” is the Moscow State Regional Pedagogical University. To submit documents, you must first register in the electronic queue. Then, with a number on a piece of paper, applicants are sent to the hall where documents are submitted. Parents are not allowed anywhere on principle. You can only wait in the corridor next to a bored student, who is making sure that strangers do not leak into the hall.

    At your university? - I ask.

    Eat. Both here and in the Moscow region - in Mytishchi, Korolev, and also, it seems, in Noginsk. Where the educational buildings are. For example, I live in Gzhel, and go to Mytishchi to study,” says the girl.

    Wow! We did not see any information on the website that the university is scattered throughout the region, and in general, the hostel in Mytishchi or Korolev does not suit us very much.

    Don't worry! What do you think, I go to school every day?! You can skip classes.

    It turned out that the student was studying at the Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy, but to work at school: “Am I stupid or something?”

    Meanwhile, news came from the selection committee. A set of our document copies requires a medical certificate certified by a notary. After much clarification, we decide that we will send a scan of the document to the commission by email. Everyone seems to agree.

    The next address is RSUH. The university is quiet, the corridors are empty. Apparently, all applicants have already submitted their documents. At the law faculty we are very welcome, although they immediately announce: “Do you know that you will be on the list at number 620, and there are only 8 places?” What should I do? Once they arrived, they still submitted the documents. And pretty quickly. Future historians treat their parents and accompanying people much more respectfully than teachers.

    The road to the next university - Moscow State Pedagogical University - takes almost an hour and a half. The admissions committee, contrary to the schedule on the website, finishes work not at 6, but at 5 o’clock. The clock is ten minutes past five. Having learned from previous experience, we immediately take the bull by the horns. We are teasing student consultants:

    Where are the university buildings, is there a dormitory, where is it located, do you need a certified medical certificate?

    It turns out that you don’t need a medical certificate, there is a hostel, and even a very good one.

    Most importantly, leave your phone number, both mobile and home. “Write down mine too,” the consultant insistently suggests. At that time, we did not yet understand that personal communication with someone from the admissions committee and a timely call to the applicant, by and large, is the key to successful admission.

    After reading the admission rules 20 times and interviewing all admissions officers, it finally became clear how admissions would proceed.

    Let’s say 150 people submitted copies of documents for 20 places. The first 20 applicants recommended for admission are selected for the first wave. As life shows, the originals will bring at most four people. 16 places are available for the second wave. The following 16 applicants are recommended for admission, starting with number 21. But everyone who brings originals will be accepted.

    High scorers are called and persuaded to hand over their certificates. And then whoever is lucky. So this is why applicants with low scores immediately bring originals to universities! They hope to survive and get on the list. And someone gets in!

    What if someone loses their phone, doesn’t hear the call, or doesn’t have time to answer? After all, perhaps admissions officers should call "their" applicants with lower scores first? I asked all these questions to the rector of one of the universities.

    “We have no problems,” he laughed. - Almost all places are occupied already in the first wave. But you are right, the situation is ambiguous.

    Universities must honestly provide all information on admissions and update information almost every hour. Phone calls to applicants are completely stone age! It’s easier to send an email, but even this measure may be useless if it takes more than two days to get to Moscow. And, most importantly, there is no point in applying to five universities, otherwise you may lose. And the one who stayed until the end of enrollment will be admitted to the university.

    By the way

    This year at MEPhI in physics the minimum threshold is from 55 to 65 points, depending on the specialty. For one of the popular specialties of the university - management and economics of high technologies - there is already a competition of 9 people per place!

    At RNIMU named after. Pirogov, in order to participate in the competition, you must score at least 70 points in chemistry and 60 in biology. The same rules apply to target audiences. As a result, some of the target places are still empty. In the "Pediatrics" department, for example, there are 201 places for targeted admission, but there are only 104 applications. There are even free places for targeted admissions in the "General Medicine" department. The university is ready to accept 301 people for study, and so far there are 260 applicants.


    Alexander Bezborodov, Vice-Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities

    Overall, the admissions model works well. If we decide that applicants can apply to several universities for several programs, we cannot do without waves of enrollment. Enrollment is indeed sometimes carried out manually; admissions officers fight for each applicant, work a lot on the phone, and persuade. It is impossible without this - there is a lot of competition among universities. This is also evidenced by the fact that on the websites of some universities there is no information about the points that applicants brought and other necessary information. It's probably not profitable to show that the scores aren't that great. Although I believe that the 2014 Unified State Exam, with all the tough measures, justified itself. I see that guys and girls come to us with lower Unified State Exam scores than last year, but you can be sure that they did not copy the answers in the toilet and in September the university will receive good students.

    It feels like people have become more careful in planning their expenses. The competition for correspondence courses has increased. Master's degrees are in great demand. This year we have more places for master's programs.


    What is the competition like now at prestigious universities?

    Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics - 10 people per place

    Moscow State University, Faculty of Law - 7 people per place.

    MGIMO (specialty "International Relations") - 60 people per place.

    HSE, world economy - 24 people per place.

    HSE, jurisprudence - 3 people per place.

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