Spanish with a native speaker in an anti-school. Spanish with a native speaker in an anti-school Spanish classes with a native speaker

What is the best way to learn Spanish - with a native speaker or with a Russian teacher? Don’t rush to answer, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of both options.

What does a native speaker give us in learning a language? When performed by the native speaker, we hear the pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and melody of speech. We begin to feel and perceive the system and structure of language - not because we learn the rules and a lot of exceptions, but because our internal, natural speech recognition mechanism turns on.

The language environment is a nutrient solution in which our skills will grow most quickly.

These were quite obvious advantages of studying with a native speaker, but now let's talk about the disadvantages.

Native speakers are different. Look around: could every person from your environment, a native speaker of Russian, become a worthy role model for his speech? Is this person’s speech literate and cultured enough, is his diction good? Agree that these requirements are not the first media we come across to adequately meet. And using the example of modern Russian school teachers, we have to admit a sad fact: even having a specialized education is not a guarantee that a person speaks Russian correctly. Assessing the actual level of a native speaker with whom you are going to learn not your native language, but Spanish, is much more difficult than the level of a Russian teacher! In practice, it is not so easy to find a high-quality native teacher. Those of you who have already encountered this problem know what we are talking about: anyone comes to teach courses as “native teachers”, people from the street in the literal sense of the word - housewives, waiters and others hastily trained to “teach” seekers of overseas happiness.

In addition, the Western style of teaching differs very significantly from the Russian one, and not always for the better.

Is the language environment a panacea? Is not a fact. Think about how many friends you have who have lived abroad for many years but still do not speak Spanish. How can this even be? The Spanish-speaking environment is a psychologically aggressive environment, especially for an adult. Children have much higher adaptive mechanisms. The point is not at all in the attitude of the local residents towards you - they can be very friendly, but in the reaction of your brain, for which this whole situation is extremely stressful. The reaction to stress is highly individual. Few of us have such perfect resistance to stress that such “immersion” turns out to be effective in terms of language learning, and not negative in relation to the psyche and nervous system. Therefore, often a person simply abstracts himself from this entire foreign environment that is alien to him, leaving himself a small window into the world around him. In this “window” it is enough to know a certain set of foreign phrases and the necessary routes for movement.

*Since “immersion” in the language environment is mentioned, it is necessary to clarify this term. In Soviet times, the immersion method was practiced in certain structures. And even taking into account the strict selection of cadets, not everyone found this method useful. Also take into account that the immersion was never intended for beginners, but only for listeners who already had a high level of Spanish language skills. However, a significant part of the cadets, instead of progressing in the language, received powerful symptoms of extreme stress: headaches, sleep disorders, and so on. This experience is worth taking into account if you are going to learn a language using this method. Are you ready to dive into the language? Is your skill level sufficient? And most importantly: do your psychological characteristics correspond to this method? It is also important to know that the true immersion method involves the complete absence of any communication in the native language during the training period. But if you are offered evening gatherings at a language club, calling it “immersion,” feel free to agree if you like the company that gathers there: this is simply language practice in the form of live communication, not immersion. There are no contraindications.

Based on the above, shouldn’t we admit that learning a language with a domestic teacher is more reliable and productive?

Let's start with the most obvious fact: domestic teachers, like native speakers, are different. Among them there are people who are truly fluent in the language they teach, and at the same time are at their best methodologically, that is, they know how to convey their knowledge to students. But there are very few such teachers, even in the capital. A brief illustration: many years of experience of the Center for Language Psychology in full-time teaching has shown that in order to find one teacher for a probationary period, at least 50 resumes should be processed. Then approximately 30 selected candidates are contacted by telephone to schedule 10 interviews. Out of 10, 1 can be allowed to work for a trial period. Obviously, not everyone has the capabilities and necessary professional skills to conduct such a casting.

The main advantage of classes with a domestic teacher is that this is the person who will introduce you to the Spanish language, starting from your native language. All grammar rules will be explained to you in clear language, using simple examples. With vocabulary, you will also go from your native language, learning the meaning of Spanish words equivalent to your native ones. This path is much more psychologically comfortable than learning Spanish with a native speaker, especially from scratch.

What are the disadvantages? In the overwhelming majority of cases, after sitting with a Russian teacher for a long time, you will never part with the Russian. You will learn to constantly translate from Russian to Spanish and vice versa, in writing and orally, rather than learning to automatically switch to Spanish in a communication situation.

Another problem is familiar to those who have already studied any language with a native speaker. When studying with a domestic teacher, in 99 cases out of 100 you will have to put up with the Russian pronunciation of Spanish words. For some this is acceptable, but for others it hurts the ear so much that this option immediately disappears. In addition to the subjective factor of whether you like it or not, there is also an objective point: while you listen to the “Russian version” of the Spanish language, your hearing is not trained in the slightest degree. But without it, it is impossible to build either native listening comprehension or pronunciation.

The uniqueness of the CLP method is that it combines a native speaker, the language environment and the domestic teaching system based on the native language. The creation of CLP programs was carried out by highly qualified domestic translators, teachers, methodologists, psychologists - on the one hand, and teachers, native speaker speakers on the other hand.

Native teachers edited the text of the dictionary so that Spanish speech did not sound like a copy of Russian, but was natural. A native speaker read the text. That's why in CLP programs you get literate and natural Spanish speech. This speech includes not only individual words, but most importantly - speech patterns (phrases, sentences, dialogues), based on which you can quickly begin to understand and speak Spanish on your own.

With the CLP method, you don't just get spoken speech. It is organized into a certain system, a language environment. To ensure that the language environment does not become stressful for you, you undergo testing to prepare the program, and we calculate the algorithm for presenting the material. It was discussed above that stress includes defense mechanisms, which, as a rule, contribute not to the assimilation of information, but to its rejection. In individual CLP programs this option is excluded.

Why is the domestic teaching system taken as a basis? Because this is exactly the case when Soviet meant the best. This teaching system also draws on previous experience and has been honed to perfection to provide quick and tangible results in learning Spanish for every student.

The best way to find out what results you get from learning Spanish through CLP programs is:

How to start learning

Select a program using the program descriptions on the website.
Take the test to prepare the program: .
Discuss with a specialist all the questions you have about creating your personal course.
We will send you a payment link, and after receiving it we will begin preparing the program. Within 5 days your program will be ready and you will receive a link to download it.
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected], Nina Bryantseva, linguistic psychologist at the Center for Language Psychology (CLP).

Of course, learning a new language is a very exciting process, but at the same time it requires compliance with certain rules to ensure the effectiveness of your learning. If you are serious about learning Spanish, when choosing a school, be sure to familiarize yourself with the methodology and find out if there are native speakers among the teachers.

Learning Spanish with native speakers has a number of benefits that will certainly speed up your learning process and also introduce you to the cultural characteristics of Spanish-speaking countries. Here are 7 benefits of learning Spanish with native speakers:

1. Grammar

One of the benefits of learning Spanish with a native speaker is identifying and correcting mistakes in speaking and writing. Even the most minor shortcomings will not go unnoticed by an attentive teacher. And timely corrected errors will remain the key to correct speech.

2. authentic learning

With a native Spanish speaker, you will be able to get acquainted with and learn to speak a modern and relevant language, including slang and jargon. This is certainly an advantage over any other type of teaching based on textbooks or audio-visual methods.

3. Better understanding

By practicing conversation with a native Spanish speaker, you can more easily master listening comprehension and understand the context more easily.

4. Improve learning verb tenses

Conjugating Spanish verbs is always a challenge for students. The many conjugations and irregular verbs always cause difficulties. A native speaker will always be able to provide a sufficient number of examples and contextual situations so that you can “feel” the differences in forms and master their use.

5. Cultural issues. English language

The Spanish language is obviously part of the vast culture of Spanish-speaking countries. By studying it with a native speaker, the student has the opportunity to become more familiar with the culture and get rid of many cultural stereotypes.

6. Better pronunciation and use of language

Pronunciation is another important aspect of mastering the Spanish language. A native speaker can easily teach you many features of speech, such as the differences between the sounds b and v, etc. Authentic pronunciation, cultural context and teacher corrections guarantee you an undoubted

7. Linguistic flair. By learning with a native speaker, you can gain a deeper understanding of the language, context, and usage of different phrases. It is the appropriate and conscious use of vocabulary that will allow you to demonstrate a good level of knowledge of the language. Learning Spanish can be an adventure and will take you to new levels of communication and understanding of international cultures. To do this, you need to choose a suitable teaching method that will include a native speaker teacher, which will help you improve your fluency and understanding of the language, which opens the door to many benefits in today's globalizing world.

Teaching Spanish individually with a native speaker in Moscow and the Moscow region. Professional teachers for adults and children.

Spanish with a native speaker from Spain

Elision Lingua Studio. Spanish with a native speaker for you and your children

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. It is spoken by more than 500 million people. This is a very beautiful, bright and “living” language. According to our statistics, people often choose to study Spanish for themselves, for emigration, or for traveling to various countries of the world with a Spanish-speaking population.

For whatever purpose you are learning Spanish, it is better to do it with a native Spanish speaker.

Let's figure it out together, why? There are now a huge number of teachers and tutors on the education market, both native and Russian speaking. There is a third option - bilingual teachers.

The main advantage of learning Spanish with a native speaker is that you will learn the language that is actually spoken in Spanish-speaking countries today. In addition, there is a big difference between the dialects and pronunciation of Spanish in Spain, Latin America, Peru or, for example, Cuba.

Pronunciation also plays a big role if you want native Spanish speakers to understand you correctly when speaking.

When preparing to take the international DELE exam, we strongly recommend that you study only with a native Spanish-speaking teacher. Since preparation not only improves the level of language proficiency, but also helps the student understand the structure of the exam, which our experienced teachers can explain. Again, pronunciation and fluency will be assessed during the oral portion of the exam. What else, if not individual Spanish lessons with a native speaker, will help you achieve beautiful, competent speech with correct pronunciation and successfully pass the exam.

If you want your child to speak fluently in two languages ​​from childhood, the right choice would be to organize Spanish lessons with a native speaker. Thus, without yet having a language barrier, your baby will absorb the second language as his native one.

Do you want to learn Spanish with a native speaker in Moscow?

Our specialization is individual lessons with professional teachers - native speakers of Spanish, who conduct them both at home and travel to you in any district of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Linguistic Studio "Elision" offers you and your children:

  • Individual lessons anywhere
  • Flexible class schedule
  • Large selection of native speaking teachers
  • Competitive prices
  • Favorable payment terms

Depending on your goal, the teacher will create an individual program for you. The coordinator will select a native Spanish teacher who will suit your interests, temperament, specialization, and country of origin.

If you need a language to use in life, in everyday life, when traveling, or even to move to a country, a conversational course will suit you, in which up to 80% of the time will be devoted to speaking practice. The rest of the time you consolidate what you have learned with the help of practical tasks and grammar exercises.
Your instructor can tailor the course based on your hobbies or interests. For example, with an in-depth study of Spanish architecture and painting, or to focus on the study of the national traditions of Spain, Latin American countries, etc.

To make your training as effective as possible, we will select for you a teacher with experience in your professional field. This will give you the opportunity to “pump up” the specialized vocabulary you need: economic, tourism, diplomatic, medical, etc.

If you have tasks to develop partnerships with companies from Spanish-speaking countries, then through individual lessons with a native Spanish speaker you can improve your business correspondence and negotiation skills, and gain insights about the nuances of business communication and doing business in these countries.

Preparation for exams: DELE, Unified State Exam

If you need to confirm your knowledge with a certificate, our Spanish speakers will prepare you to pass the international DELE exam. They will work with you on each of the 4 blocks: listening, reading, speaking, writing. They will identify weaknesses and difficulties, reinforce the material covered so that you feel confident.
If your child chose Spanish at school, teachers will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam in order to pass the test.

Spanish with a native speaker for children

Literature, illusionism, music, theater, video are multimedia tools that our teachers use in their lessons to make classes fun. The lesson plan includes tasks for developing reading, writing, and speaking skills. But most importantly, an individual approach allows you to create a comfortable atmosphere for the child, find motivation to captivate the language and make the learning process easy and effective.

Are you looking for a professional Spanish teacher with a high level of training? If this is the case, please leave classes where only the teacher speaks most of the time (especially if he ONLY speaks Russian) or where you constantly do grammar exercises like robots. Unfortunately (or fortunately), these methods do not work.

I am a Spanish teacher since 2012. I have professional training diplomas from the University of Barcelona and the Cervantes Institute in Moscow. My classes have a practical focus, but this does not mean that we will not read, listen, and do grammar exercises (which is also very important). What I mean is that everything you learn will immediately be used in games or other hands-on activities aimed directly at a particular topic or structure. Thanks to such constant practice, you will not be bored in class and, most importantly, you will not forget what you teach :) It’s not for nothing that they say that we remember 10% of what we listen to, 30% of what we read, 50% of what we read what we read and listen to, and 70% of what we practice.

Why should you learn Spanish with a native speaker?

Thanks to the fact that I am a native speaker (my hometown is Barcelona), you will have the opportunity to pick up the right accent from the very beginning of classes, as well as immerse yourself in our culture, which is another important advantage. In addition, I believe that there is more motivation to speak Spanish with a Spaniard than with a Russian teacher.

I also know Russian, and this helps me see my own language from the point of view of a Russian-speaking student, and thus easier to explain to you difficult rules and obscure aspects of the language. In my classes I try not to use Russian at all, the only exception being made at the beginning levels to explain difficult grammatical points. From year to year, practice shows that this is the most effective form of presenting material to students. My students start speaking Spanish from the first class and successfully overcome the language barrier from the first day.

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