The history of the creation of the book Mein Kampf (My Struggle). Is Mein Kampf the most dangerous book in the world? In what year was Mein Kampf written?

In nature, paradoxes are found at every step.

For example, cold rain in summer can even lower the relative humidity of the air, due to its cooling, and therefore the condensation of the moisture contained in it.

Politics and History in general consists of continuous paradoxes and contradictions that seem at first superficial glance.

When I read the Russian version of the famous book "Mein Kampf" I could not shake the feeling that it was written by an arrogant Ukrainian Jew, and not at all by a sentimental Austrian..

Turns of speech, clerical expressions, endless affirmative adverbs, constant meaningless jumps from one to another without any context. Finally, what amazed me most was how Hitler could write so openly about what he was going to do.
“conquer” Russia in the corresponding chapter, which was quoted by everyone as lazy as evidence. I thought how, on the one hand, Soviet propaganda portrays Hitler as a cunning and insidious aggressor who “treacherously” attacked the USSR for no reason at all, pretending to be a “sheep” while signing the Scriabin-Ribbentrop “non-aggression” pact, on the other hand took it and directly and openly wrote in black and white in the book “we are going to conquer Russia.”

That is, this seemed to me a big contradiction. Even if Hitler had the corresponding plans and dreams, it seemed to me that it was very unlikely that such a thing could have been written directly in a program book.

When I took the German original, it turned out that only the most approximate meaning was conveyed. Especially when you consider that you can say absolutely the same thing but in different words, and the meaning often changes to the opposite.

And most importantly, the word “conquest” is missing from the original chapter on Russia.
There we are only talking about the fact that Russia has been captured by Jewish bandits, who sooner or later, but inevitably, will bring Russia to total collapse and then Germany will have to pay attention to the vast spaces once controlled by the Russians.

And so it turned out. that I was right in my feelings. It turns out that the Russian translation of “Mein Kampf” was made by a prominent figure in the Bolshevik Party, a Ukrainian Jew, a native of Lvov, Karl Sobelson.

The Jewish Encyclopedia writes:

What does it have to do with the fact that under the Bolsheviks in the 30s, the translation of the publication (for the familiarization of the top party leadership, which had already managed to forget Aidish Deutsche (the native language of the majority of Ukrainian Jews)
The translation was entrusted to a Jew; this is not surprising.

It is not surprising that this Jewish criminal ended up dead, as did most of their company.
He was simply killed by other criminals. They put him in the zone, and there some “Trotskyist” prisoner slammed his head against the wall, etc. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia does not know where exactly this happened because at the place of death there is a “?”

After all, it is quite natural that after this gang took over Russia, they began to fight with each other.

Another funny thing. that all sorts of “nationalists” in modern Russia, as well as various kinds of semi-underground small publishing houses, did not even bother to pay a measly thousand bucks to some grandmother to do a normal translation, and not publish Radek’s work.

And these people are going to fight Jewish influence in Russia? They even publish Hitler’s book and read it in a Hebrew translation.

Actually, why would you be surprised? This is from the same opera when Christians, that is, people who worship Jewish gods, consider writings written by Jews and only Jews to be “sacred.” They honor every letter, dash and comma, and at the same time manage to be anti-Semitic.

As an illustration, I’ll just cite even the very beginning from the original and Radek’s (canonical) translation of Mein Kampf.

German original:

Als glückliche Bestimmung gilt es mir heute, daß das Schicksal mir zum Geburtsort gerade Braunau am Inn zuwies. Liegt doch dieses Städtchen an der Grenze jener zwei deutschen Staaten, deren Wiedervereinigung mindestens uns Jüngeren als eine mit allen Mitteln durchzuführende Lebensaufgabe erscheint!

Deutschösterreich muß wieder zurück zum großen deutschen Mutterlande, und zwar nicht aus Gründen irgendwelcher wirtschaftlicher Erwägungen heraus. Nein, nein: Auch wenn diese Vereinigung, wirtschaftlich gedacht, gleichgültig, ja selbst wenn sie schädlich wäre, sie möchte dennoch stattfinden. Gleiches Blut gehört in ein gemeinsames Reich. Das deutsche Volk besitzt so lange kein moralisches Recht zu kolonialpolitischer Tätigkeit, solange es nicht einmal seine eigenen Söhne in einen gemeinsamen Staat zu fassen vermag. Erst wenn des Reiches Grenze auch den letzten Deutschen umschließt, ohne mehr die Sicherheit seiner Ernährung bieten zu können, ersteht aus der Not des eigenen Volkes das moralische Recht zur Erwerbung fremden Grund und Bodens.

Radekovsky translation:

It now seems to me a happy omen that fate destined me to be born in the town of Braunau am Inn. After all, this town is located right on the border of two German states, the unification of which, at least to us young people, seemed and seems to be the cherished goal that must be achieved by all means.

German Austria must return to the fold of the great German metropolis at all costs, and not at all for economic reasons. No no. Even if this unification from an economic point of view were indifferent, moreover, even harmful, the unification is nevertheless necessary. Until the German people have united all their sons under one state, they have no moral right to strive for colonial expansion. Only after the German state includes within its borders the last German, only after it turns out that such a Germany is not able to adequately feed its entire population, does the emerging need give the people the moral right to acquire foreign lands

for example the word "Mutterlande" is formally translated as "Metropolis". However, in Russian the word "metropolis" has a different meaning - an antonym to "colony", and not to "foreign land".

In fact, Mutterlande is the mother land, Motherland, Fatherland, etc.

Where did Radek find the phrase “at any cost”? in a sentence;

"Deutschösterreich muß wieder zurück zum großen deutschen Mutterlande zwar nicht aus Gründen irgendwelcher wirtschaftlicher Erwägungen heraus"

He's not there

Offer Gleiches Blut gehört in ein gemeinsames Reich. "The same (common) blood needs a common state."

Radek made a slogan out of it, adding an exclamation mark at the end:
One blood - one state!

And similar tricks that make your trousers burst at every step.

Thus, MK begins with what Hitler writes about. that the Germans have no moral right to engage in imperialism as long as the German people are divided, moreover, imperialism makes sense only when the people are cramped within the borders; the land is simply physically unable to feed such a number of people.

How does it happen that in the MK at the end, Hitler directly writes about the “Conquest of Russia”?

And finally, the most famous from Radek:

We National Socialists quite deliberately put an end to the entire German foreign policy of the pre-war period. We want to return to the point where our old development was interrupted 600 years ago. We want to put a stop to the eternal German drive towards the south and west of Europe, and we definitely point the finger towards the territories located in the east. We are finally breaking with the colonial and trade policies of the pre-war era and are consciously moving towards a policy of conquering new lands in Europe.

When we talk about conquest new lands in Europe, we, of course, can primarily mean only Russia and those peripheral states that are subordinate to it.

Fate itself points its finger at us. Having delivered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence had hitherto rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state talents of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the Germanic elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that Germanic elements are capable of playing when acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then remained firmly on their feet while the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived off the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely destroyed. Jews took the place of the Germans. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this huge state under their control for long. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather a ferment of disorganization. This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

Here is the German text::

Damit ziehen wir Nationalsozialisten bewußt einen Strich unter die außenpolitische Richtung unserer Vorkriegszeit. Wir setzen dort an, wo man vor sechs Jahrhunderten endete. Wir stoppen den ewigen Germanenzug nach dem Süden und Westen Europas und weisen den Blick nach dem Land im Osten. Wir schließen endlich ab die Kolonial- und Handelspolitik der Vorkriegszeit und gehen über zur Bodenpolitik der Zukunft.


Das Schicksal selbst scheint uns hier einen Fingerzeig geben zu wollen. Indem es Rußland dem Bolschewismus überantwortete, raubte es dem russischen Volke jene Intelligenz, die bisher dessen staatlichen Bestand herbeiführte und garantierte. Denn die Organization eines russischen Staatsgebildes war nicht das Ergebnis der staatspolitischen Fähigkeiten des Slawentums in Rußland, sondern vielmehr nur ein wundervolles Beispiel für die staatenbildende Wirksamkeit des germanischen Elementes in einer minderwertigen Rasse. So sind zahlreiche mächtige Reiche der Erde geschaffen worden. Niedere Völker mit germanischen Organisatoren und Herren als Leiter derselben sind öfter als einmal zu gewaltigen Staatengebilden angeschwollen und blieben bestehen, solange der rassische Kern der bildenden Staatsrasse sich erhielt. Seit Jahrhunderten zehrte Rußland von diesem germanischen Kern seiner oberen leitenden Schichten. Er kann heute als fast restlos ausgerottet und ausgelöscht angesehen werden. An seine Stelle ist der Jude getreten. So unmöglich es dem Russen an sich ist, aus eigener Kraft das Joch der Juden abzuschütteln, so unmöglich ist es dem Juden, das mächtige Reich auf die Dauer zu erhalten. Er selbst ist kein Element der Organisation, sondern ein Ferment der Dekomposition. Das Riesenreich im Osten ist reif zum Zusammenbruch. Und das Ende der Judenherrschaft in Rußland wird auch das Ende Rußlands als Staat sein. Wir sind vom Schicksal ausersehen, Zeugen einer Kraftprobe zu werden, die die gewaltigste Bestätigung für die Richtigkeit der völkischen Rassentheorie sein wird.

Unsere Aufgabe, die Mission der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung, aber ist, unser eigenes Volk zu jener politischen Einsicht zu bringen, daß es sein Zukunftsziel nicht im berauschenden Eindruck eines neuen Alexanderzuges erfüllt sieht, sondern vielmehr in der emsigen Arbeit des deut schen Pfluges, dem das Schwert nur den Boden zu geben hat.


Wenn wir aber heute in Europa von neuem Grund und Boden reden, können wir in erster Linie nur an Russland und die ihm untertanen Randstaaten denken.

Translated literally as

“When we talk in Europe today about new lands (in both meanings), we can first of all think about Russia and its subordinate outlying (Ukrainian) states.”

And where did Radek find the word “conquest” (Eroberung)? Hitler is politically correct enough to write directly about the “conquest” and even Russia.

And then it is explained why. Because it is written that such a huge state was created by the highest Germanic (“Aryan” in this context and not “German”) race, which is now being exterminated by the Jews with all its might. They deprived the Russian people of their intelligentsia, that is, the cultural elite, and themselves took their place (well, this is quite plausible since even Mein Kampf was translated into Russian by a Galician Jew)

That Russia will inevitably collapse and great prospects will open up for Germany in obtaining territories that can be colonized.

That is, the meaning of this paragraph is exactly the opposite. Hitler has absolutely no intention of arming himself to the teeth in order to “conquer” Russia. Hitler writes that it will fall apart on its own under the influence of the corrupting elements of the Jewish and other lower races.

Further. He writes that he does not need a new campaign by Alexander of Maekdon. He needs land to feed the German population and nothing more. The sword is justified only when the plow no longer has room to turn. This is what MK is talking about.

Thus, the complete falsification of Soviet propaganda is completely obvious. It’s not for nothing that even Radek’s translation was not even close to accessible to Soviet people.

And the second book, “My Struggle,” is about one of the bloodiest dictators in history – Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf (original title in German) is Hitler's autobiography.

First part

The first part talks about where he was born, family, studies, moving to Vienna, thoughts about a unified German state, attitude towards Slavs, Jews, and so on. Then he leaves for the German Empire (Second Reich), in Bavaria. He is then sent to the Western Front during the First World War.

Second part

The second part is about the ideas of National Socialism (Nazism). I'll make a small digression.

Many residents of the countries of the former USSR believe that Nazism and fascism are one and the same. But this is absolutely wrong, these are different ideologies.

In Nazism the nation plays the most important role, in fascism the state plays the most important role. These are the most important differences.

The book is filled with ideas (although this is expressed in the second part) of the superiority of the Aryan nation over everyone, ideas of anti-Semitism (Esperanto is a point of the Jewish conspiracy) and a negative attitude towards parliamentarism, social democracy, Slavophobia (Hitler was afraid of the Slavicization of Austria-Hungary). He had a negative attitude towards Marx's ideas.

Hitler had a good attitude towards trade unions (as they can become a tool for recovery) and propaganda.

He considered Russia a state that lived off the German core of the intelligentsia. But after the Revolution of 1917, this place was occupied by Jews, and the Germans were destroyed. Therefore, Russia will also disappear, just like the Jews.

The book itself was published in 1925. Initially, the book was not in great demand, but when the National Socialist Party gained power in 1933, sales increased significantly. It was given out free of charge to all members of the NSP, and since 1936 at weddings instead of the Bible. It should be noted that Hitler refused the income.

Second book

Then the Second Book was written. But due to the low sales of the first book, the publisher did not dare to publish it, as it would completely reduce sales. But when Hitler came to power, they decided not to publish it for other reasons. It was hidden in a safe. And only in 1946 it was found. And in 1961 it was published, in 1962 - translated into English.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation “My Struggle” is prohibited in accordance with the 2002 federal law on extremism. Because of this, it is not possible to get a legal printed copy (although you can find it on the Internet, but the price tags are quite high and there is a high chance of being deceived). But it’s quite easy to find an electronic copy on the Internet.

Mein Kampf has been translated into many languages. The first translation into Russian was carried out in the 1930s in a limited edition for party workers. Further excerpts were translated in 1990 in the magazine “VIZH”. A full translation was made by the T-Oko publishing house in 1992. By the way, this year’s edition is most often available for download.

Thank you for reading this article. Continue studying history!

History of the book

The first volume of the book (“Eine Abrechnung”) was published on July 18. The second volume, “The National Socialist Movement” (“Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung”), was originally titled “4.5 years of struggle against lies, stupidity and deceit.” " Publisher Max Amann, finding the title too long, shortened it to "My Struggle".

Hitler dictated the text of the book to Emil Maurice during his imprisonment in Landsberg and, later, in July, to Rudolf Hess.

Main ideas presented in the book

The book reflects ideas that resulted in the Second World War. The author's anti-Semitism is noticeably visible. For example, it is claimed that the international language Esperanto is part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler used the main theses of the “Jewish threat” ideology, popular at that time, which spoke of the monopoly seizure of world power by the Jews.

Also from the book you can learn the details of Hitler’s childhood and how his anti-Semitic and militaristic views were formed.

“My Struggle” clearly expresses the racist worldview that divides people based on their origin. Hitler argued that the Aryan race, with blond hair and blue eyes, stood at the pinnacle of human development. (Hitler himself had dark hair and blue eyes.) Jews, blacks and gypsies were considered “inferior races.” He called for the struggle for the purity of the Aryan race and discrimination against others.

Hitler speaks of the need to conquer “living space in the East”:

We National Socialists quite deliberately put an end to the entire German foreign policy of the pre-war period. We want to return to the point where our old development was interrupted 600 years ago. We want to put a stop to the eternal German drive towards the south and west of Europe, and we definitely point the finger towards the territories located in the east. We are finally breaking with the colonial and trade policies of the pre-war era and are consciously moving towards a policy of conquering new lands in Europe. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can primarily mean only Russia and those peripheral states that are subordinate to it. Fate itself points its finger at us. Having delivered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence had hitherto rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state talents of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the Germanic elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that Germanic elements are capable of playing when acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then remained firmly on their feet while the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived off the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely destroyed. Jews took the place of the Germans. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this huge state under their control for long. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather a ferment of disorganization. This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

Popularity before World War II

French edition of My Struggle, 1934

The first edition of the book in Russia was published by the T-Oko publishing house in 1992. The book has been published several times recently:

  • My struggle Translation from German, 1992, T-OKO publishing house
  • My struggle Translation from German, 1998, With comments. editors / Adolf Hitler, 590, p. 23 cm, Moscow, Vityaz.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2002, Russian Pravda publishing house.
  • My struggle Translation from German, 2003, 464, Moscow, Social Movement.

In accordance with the Russian law on countering extremist activities, the distribution of extremist materials on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited (they also include the works of the leaders of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, and therefore Adolf Hitler's book “My Struggle”), as well as their production or storage for distribution purposes.

Footnotes and sources


  • "My struggle" in Russian
    • “My Struggle” in Russian in the Internet Archive

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

(“Mein Kampf” - “My Struggle”), a book by Hitler in which he outlined his political program in detail. In Hitler's Germany, Mein Kampf was considered the bible of National Socialism; it gained fame even before its publication, and many Germans believed that the Nazi leader was able to bring to life everything that he outlined on the pages of his book. Hitler wrote the first part of “Mein Kampf” in Landsberg prison, where he was serving a sentence for an attempted coup (see “Beer Hall Putsch” 1923). Many of his associates, including Goebbels, Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg, had already published pamphlets or books, and Hitler was eager to prove that, despite his lack of education, he was also capable of making his contribution to political philosophy. Since the stay of almost 40 Nazis in prison was easy and comfortable, Hitler spent many hours dictating the first part of the book to Emile Maurice and Rudolf Hess. The second part was written by him in 1925-27, after the re-establishment of the Nazi party.

Hitler originally entitled his book "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice." However, publisher Max Aman, not satisfied with such a long title, shortened it to “My Struggle.” Loud, crude, pompous in style, the first version of the book was oversaturated with length, verbosity, indigestible phrases, and constant repetitions, which clearly revealed Hitler as a half-educated man. The German writer Lion Feuchtwanger noted thousands of grammatical errors in the original edition. Although many stylistic corrections were made in subsequent editions, the overall picture remained the same. Nevertheless, the book was a huge success and turned out to be very profitable. By 1932, 5.2 million copies were sold; it has been translated into 11 languages. When registering their marriage, all newlyweds in Germany were forced to purchase one copy of Mein Kampf. Huge circulations made Hitler a millionaire.

The main theme of the book was Hitler's racial doctrine. The Germans, he wrote, must recognize the superiority of the Aryan race and maintain racial purity. Their duty is to increase the size of the nation in order to fulfill their destiny - to achieve world domination. Despite the defeat in World War I, it is necessary to regain strength. Only in this way will the German nation be able to take its place as leader of humanity in the future.

Hitler described the Weimar Republic as “the greatest mistake of the 20th century,” “a monstrosity of life.” He outlined three main ideas about government. First of all, these are those who understand the state as simply a more or less voluntary community of people with the government at its head. This idea comes from the largest group - the “crazy”, who personify “state power” (StaatsautoritIt) and force the people to serve them, instead of serving the people themselves. An example is the Bavarian People's Party. The second, not so numerous group recognizes state power subject to certain conditions, such as “freedom”, “independence” and other human rights. These people expect that such a state will be able to function in such a way that everyone's wallet will be filled to capacity. This group is replenished mainly from among the German bourgeoisie, from liberal democrats. The third, weakest group places its hopes on the unity of all people speaking the same language. They hope to achieve national unity through language. The position of this group, controlled by the Nationalist Party, is the most precarious due to the obvious false manipulation. Some peoples of Austria, for example, will never be Germanized. A Negro or a Chinese can never become a German just because he speaks German fluently. “Germanization can only happen on land, not in language.” Nationality and race, Hitler continued, are in the blood, not in the language. The mixing of blood in the German state can be stopped only by removing from it everything inferior. Nothing good happened in the eastern regions of Germany, where Polish elements, as a result of mixing, polluted German blood. Germany found itself in a stupid position when it became widely believed in America that immigrants from Germany were all Germans. In fact, it was a “Jewish fake of the Germans.” Title of the original edition of Hitler's book, submitted to the Eher publishing house under the title "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice" Title of the original edition of Hitler's book, submitted to the Eher publishing house under the title "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice"

All three of these views on government are fundamentally false, Hitler wrote. They do not recognize the key factor that artificially created state power is based ultimately on racial foundations. The primary duty of the state is to preserve and maintain its racial foundations. “The fundamental concept is that the State has no boundaries, but implies them. This is precisely the precondition for the development of higher Kultur, but not the reason for it.

The reason lies solely in the existence of a race capable of perfecting its own Kultur." Hitler formulated seven points of “duties of the state”: 1. The concept of “race” must be placed in the center of attention. 2. It is necessary to maintain racial purity. 3. Introduce the practice of modern birth control as a priority. Those who are sick or weak should be prohibited from having children. The German nation must be prepared for future leadership. 4. Youth should be encouraged to take up sports to unprecedented levels of fitness. 5. It is necessary to make army service the final and highest school. 6. Special emphasis should be placed on teaching race in schools. 7. It is necessary to awaken patriotism and national pride among citizens.

Hitler never tired of preaching his ideology of racial nationalism. Echoing Huston Chamberlain, he wrote that the Aryan or Indo-European race and, above all, the Germanic or Teutonic race, are exactly the “chosen people” that the Jews spoke about, and on which the very existence of man on the planet depends. “Everything that we admire on this earth, be it achievements in science or technology, is the creation of the hands of a few nations and, probably, most likely, of one single race. All the achievements of our Kultur are the merit of this nation.” In his opinion, this only race is the Aryan. “History shows with utmost clarity that any mixing of Aryan blood with the blood of lower races leads to the degradation of the Kultur bearer. North America, whose vast population is composed of Germanic elements, and which is only in a small degree mixed with the lower, colored races, represents a model of civilization and Kultur, in contrast to Central or South America, where the Roman immigrants were largely assimilated with the native population. Germanized North America, by contrast, managed to remain “racially pure and unmixed.” Some country boy who doesn't understand racial laws can get himself into trouble. Hitler encouraged Germans to join the victory parade (Siegeszug) of the “chosen races.” It is enough to destroy the Aryan race on earth, and humanity will plunge into yawning darkness comparable to the Middle Ages.

Hitler divided all of humanity into three categories: the creators of civilization (Kulturbegr?nder), the bearers of civilization (KulturtrIger) and the destroyers of civilization (Kulturzerstirer). To the first group he included the Aryan race, that is, the Germanic and North American civilizations, as being of paramount importance. The gradual worldwide spread of the Aryan civilization up to the Japanese and other “morally dependent races” led to the creation of the second category - the carriers of civilization. Hitler included mainly the peoples of the East in this group. Only in appearance do the Japanese and other carriers of civilization remain Asians; in their inner essence they are Aryans. Hitler included Jews in the third category of destroyers of civilization.

Hitler repeated again that as soon as geniuses appear in the world, humanity will immediately classify among them the “race of geniuses” - the Aryans. Genius is an innate quality, since “it originates in the brain of a child.” By coming into contact with lower races, the Aryan subjugates them to his will. However, instead of keeping his blood pure, he began to mingle with the natives until he began to take on the spiritual and physical qualities of the lower race. The continuation of this mixing of blood would mean the destruction of the old civilization and the loss of the will to resist (Widerstandskraft), which belongs exclusively to those of pure blood. The Aryan race occupied its high place in civilization because it was aware of its destiny; the Aryan was always ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of other people. This fact shows who is the crown of the future of humanity and what is the “essence of sacrifice.”

Many pages of the book are devoted to Hitler's contemptuous attitude towards the Jews. “The sharp opposite of the Aryan is the Jew. Hardly any nation on earth possessed the instinct of self-preservation to the extent to which it was developed by the so-called. "chosen people" The Jews never had their own Kultur, they always borrowed it from others and developed their intellect by coming into contact with other peoples. Unlike the Aryans, the Jewish desire for self-preservation does not go beyond the personal.” The Jewish sense of “belonging” (Zusammengehirigkeitsgef?hl) is based on “a very primitive herd instinct.” The Jewish race was "downright selfish" and possessed only an imaginary Kultur. You don't have to be an idealist to be convinced of this. The Jews were not even a race of nomads, because the nomads at least had an idea of ​​the word “labor.”

In addition to hatred of Jews, Hitler did not ignore Marxism. He blamed the Marxists for the ongoing decomposition of national blood and the loss of national ideals in Germany. Marxism will suppress German nationalism until he, Hitler, takes on the role of savior.

Hitler attributed the diabolical influence of Marxism to Jews who would like to uproot “the bearers of the national intellect and make them slaves in their own country.” The most gruesome example of such efforts is Russia, where, as Hitler wrote, “thirty millions were allowed to starve to death in terrible agony, while educated Jews and stock market swindlers sought dominance over a great people.”

A racially pure people, Hitler wrote, could never be enslaved by Jews. Everything on earth can be corrected, any defeat can be turned into victory in the future. The revival of the German spirit will come if the blood of the German people is kept pure. Hitler explained the defeat of Germany in 1918 by racial reasons: 1914 was the last attempt of those interested in the national preservation of forces to resist the impending pacifist-Marxist deformation of the national state. What Germany needed was a “Teutonic state of the German nation.”

Hitler's economic theories set out in Mein Kampf completely repeat the doctrines of Gottfried Feder. National self-sufficiency and economic independence must replace international trade. The principle of autarky was based on the assumption that economic interests and the activities of economic leaders should be entirely subordinated to racial and national considerations. All countries of the world constantly raised tariff barriers to reduce imports to a minimum. Hitler recommended much more radical measures. Germany must cut itself off from the rest of Europe and achieve complete self-sufficiency. A sufficient amount of food for the existence of the Reich can be produced within its own borders or on the territory of the agricultural countries of Eastern Europe. Terrible economic upheaval would have occurred if Germany had not already been under extreme stress and had not become accustomed to it. The fight against international finance capital and loans became the main point of the program to achieve independence and freedom for Germany. The hard line of the National Socialists eliminated the need for forced labor (Zinsknechtschaft). Peasants, workers, bourgeoisie, large industrialists - the entire people were dependent on foreign capital. It is necessary to free the state and people from this dependence and create national state capitalism. The Reichsbank must be brought under government control. Money for all government programs such as hydropower development and road construction must be raised through the issuance of government interest-free bonds (Staatskassengutscheine). It is necessary to create construction companies and industrial banks that will provide interest-free loans. Any fortunes accumulated during the 1st World War should be considered acquired through criminal means. Profits received from military orders are subject to confiscation. Trade credits should be under government control. The entire system of industrial enterprises must be restructured in such a way as to ensure the participation of workers and employees in profits.

Old age pensions must be introduced. Large department stores such as Tietz, Karstadt and Wertheim should be converted into cooperatives and leased to small traders.

In general, the arguments presented in Mein Kampf were negative in nature and were aimed at all dissatisfied elements in Germany. Hitler's views were strongly nationalistic, openly socialist and anti-democratic. In addition, he preached ardent anti-Semitism and attacked parliamentarism, Catholicism and Marxism.

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  • - river, pp. Rhine; Germany. Mentioned by ancient authors as Moinos, Moenus, modern. Main. Hydronym from Celt, moin, moainee "peat bog" from I.-E. *moinia "swamp"...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - right. and the most significant tributary of the Rhine, consists of the White and Red M. The White M. begins in Fichtelgebirge from Ochsenkopf, the Red M. - in the Franconian Jura, unites below Kulmbach ...
  • - famous English novelist, b. in Ireland, in 1838 he moved to the North. America, where for several years in a row he undertook trading and hunting expeditions up the Red River and Missouri, to the Rocky Mountains. In 1846...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Main...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - cm....

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - I river in Germany, the largest right tributary of the Rhine. Length 524 km, basin area 27.2 thousand km2...
  • - Main, a river in Germany, the largest right tributary of the Rhine. Length 524 km, basin area 27.2 thousand km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - , English writer...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - R. Ma/in...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - ...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - Zharg. they say Joking. State of narcotic euphoria. Baldaev 1, 338...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - the struggle between the Germans. government and Catholic...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 river...

    Synonym dictionary

Mein Kampf in books

Chapter 4. How Hitler wrote MINE KAMPF

From the book Hitler and Me by Strasser Otto

Chapter 4. How Hitler wrote MINE KAMPF Even the most popular government, if it maliciously fails to fulfill its promises, risks losing the trust of the crowd. The von Kahr government was never popular, and the way von Kahr betrayed the revolutionaries who trusted him

6. Mein Kampf

From the book Hitler and His God [Behind the Scenes of the Hitler Phenomenon] author Frekem George van

6. “Mein Kampf” Great liars are also great wizards. Adolf Hitler Germany submitted to a religion it did not know, followed rituals it did not understand, became delighted and died for the sake of a sacrament into which it was not initiated. Only the "Führer" had real

Chapter 9. “Mein Kampf”: war as a benefit for Germany

From the book The Main Process of Humanity. Report from the past. Addressing the future author

Chapter 9. “Mein Kampf”: war as a benefit for Germany Experts claim that Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) in its original form left a pitiful impression due to a huge number of flaws: verbosity, incorrect grammatical constructions,

From A. Hitler’s political program “Mein Kampf”:

From the book Lenin - Stalin. Technology of the impossible author Prudnikova Elena Anatolyevna

From A. Hitler’s political program “Mein Kampf”: Our state will first of all strive to establish a healthy, natural, vital proportion between the number of our population and the rate of its growth, on the one hand, and the quantity and quality of our territories,

Chapter 1. About Mein Kampf

From the book Antinurnberg. Unconvicted... author

Chapter 1. About "Mein Kampf" As you know, Adolf Hitler's work "My Struggle" in our God-saved Fatherland is strictly prohibited from publication and sale through the retail network. For, as the notorious TV whistleblower once said, the anti-corruption fighter and honorable

Chapter 1 About Mein Kampf

From the book War Criminals Churchill and Roosevelt. Anti-Nuremberg author Usovsky Alexander Valerievich

Chapter 1 About “Mein Kampf” As you know, Adolf Hitler’s work “My Struggle” in our God-saved fatherland is strictly prohibited from publication and sale through the retail network. For, as the notorious TV whistleblower once said, the anti-corruption fighter and honorable

"Mein Kampf"

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

"Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"), Hitler's book in which he outlined his political program in detail. In Hitler's Germany, Mein Kampf was considered the bible of National Socialism, it became famous even before its publication, and many Germans believed that the Nazi

"Mein Kampf" by Otto Strasser

From the book Surrounded by Hitler author Podkovinsky Marian

“Mein Kampf” by Otto Strasser “Come to dinner with us tomorrow, you will meet General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler... I really need you to be there; this is extremely important.” This is what Gregor Strasser spoke to his brother Otto on the phone in October 1920. Both of them belonged to

Chapter 3. "Mein Kampf"

From the book The Secret Mission of Rudolf Hess by Padfield Peter

Chapter 3. “Mein Kampf” Hess’s faith in Hitler, in whom he saw the Fuhrer (leader), seemed to be even stronger after the trial of several leaders of the putsch in early February 1924. Hitler did not fail to turn the process to his advantage. The hearing turned into

Mein Kampf - the battle with the Torah

From the author's book

“Mein Kampf” – the battle with the “Torah” Professionals have come up with the formula: “The greatest classic who is quoted more often.” I don’t know a single Jew of all times and peoples who would be quoted more today than Adolf Hitler. A neighbor has a dog in his yard. At night she barks

"Mein Kampf". Who was the author of the main bestseller of the Third Reich?

From the book Encyclopedia of Misconceptions. Third Reich author Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

"Mein Kampf". Who was the author of the main bestseller of the Third Reich? Usually, regarding our socialized literary economy, people turn to us with questions that are quite legitimate, but very monotonous: “How do you write together?”... - How do we write together? Yes so

"Mein Kampf": war as a benefit for Germany

From the book Nuremberg Alarm [Report from the past, appeal to the future] author Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich

“Mein Kampf”: war as a benefit for Germany * * *Experts claim that Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) in its original form left a pitiful impression due to a huge number of flaws: verbosity, incorrect grammatical structures, loudness. By

The newlyweds received Hitler's book Mein Kampf as a gift.

From the author's book

The newlyweds received Hitler's book Mein Kampf as a gift. A great European power was now ruled by people whose ideology was based on “racial theory.” She recognized the Germans as belonging to a chosen master race, destined to rule the world. On this doctrine

Review of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

From the book Collected Stories, essay by Orwell George

Review of “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler Translation from English: 1988 A. Shishkin Symbolic for the current rapid development of events was the publication a year ago by Hearst and Blackett of the full text of “Mein Kampf” in a clearly pro-Hitler spirit.

George Orwell Review of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

From the book Review of “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler by Orwell George

George Orwell Review of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" Symbolic of the current rapid development of events was the publication a year ago by Hearst and Blackett of the complete text of "Mein Kampf" in a clearly pro-Hitler spirit. Preface by the translator and

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