History of settlement and development of the Urals since ancient times. Traces of ancient civilizations in the Urals (16 photos) An ancient city located in the south of the Urals

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Everyone knows Gardarika - a country of cities, discovered in the steppes of the Southern Urals. But what about the Middle, Northern Urals, Urals, Trans-Urals? And there, archaeologists also discovered excavations of ancient settlements. Unexpectedly, a whole world was found, created by the ancestors of the Ural peoples in the Bronze Age (end of the 3rd millennium - 8th century BC), Iron Age (to the 9th century AD) and the early Middle Ages (10-13th centuries).

And most importantly, it is a developed network of proto-cities, many of which have had settled life for hundreds of years. Archaeologists have proven that the construction of cities in the Urals took place a thousand years BC.

The cities of the ancient Urals had the same system of defensive structures. They were of different sizes from very small to 10 square kilometers. The largest one has so far been discovered in the Northern Urals in the Tura River basin. They lived there in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. And the excavations near Surgut amazed everyone scientific world. In a small area of ​​8-9 kilometers, 60 ancient settlements and hundreds of settlements adjacent to them were found! Scientists believe that 1200-3000 people could live in proto-cities.

Archaeologists believe that there were three waves in the construction of cities in the Urals. Such bursts of Proto-Ural urbanization.

The first is 8-6 centuries BC,

second - 3-2 centuries BC. And

third - the middle of the first millennium AD.

It was established that during these periods the area of ​​cities increased tens of times in a short period of time. This was obviously a consequence of the sudden surge in population. Such turbulent historical events could not have happened in the wild, primitive society. Some serious migrations of peoples took place, they were accompanied by military clashes. Many weapons were found in all ancient burials. For example, in the Kama region, ancient warriors most often used bows and arrows, battle axes, swords and daggers. Analysis shows that the ancient Ural-Ugrians were armed no worse than the Slavs and other peoples, and in some ways even better.

Archaeologist from Ufa V.N. Vasiliev believes that the birthplace of the weapons of the medieval European knight is the steppe of the Southern Urals. This follows from excavations of “royal” mounds of the 4th century BC. It was here that the first aristocratic warriors, cataphracts, appeared. Metal scale armor, double-leaf iron shells, shields with a continuous metal coating. A long spear - longer than three meters, equipped with a tip that can penetrate any defense. A sword, bow and arrows, and a dagger complete the warrior’s weapons. Such powerful weapons indicate the presence of a serious enemy, as well as the fact that society could afford to maintain such expensive squads.

Excavations show the presence of plow arable farming and developed cattle breeding - the remains of barns for stabling livestock were discovered. The burials show deep stratification across social strata. for example, in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. In the Sylva River basin, in addition to the princely ones, there are burials of the military elite, who were professional military men and did not engage in any other activities. Ural society of the 1st millennium AD. It was very militarized. In the Kama region in five large burial grounds of the 5th-9th centuries AD. out of almost seven hundred burials, weapons were found in every sixth. But the things that were most used by the deceased were placed in the graves.

Everywhere on the Ural soil in the 10th century, and in some places even earlier, well-fortified estates appeared. These are the same feudal castles like the Volga Bulgars and Russians of that time.

The Urals had both raw materials and fuel for independent production of weapons. Everyone knows the metallurgical centers of the country of cities in the steppes of the Southern Urals, which are 5 thousand years old. But both in the Kama region and in the Trans-Urals there were ancient traditions for the extraction and processing of metals. Ural metallurgists achieved great skill. They knew casting in double-sided molds, forging, welding and welding. They knew the hardening of steel, and could also solder with copper... Products of Ural metallurgists were discovered far beyond the borders of the Urals, that is, they traded with their neighbors.

In the 12th-15th centuries, ethnic territories were determined, even Arab sources speak about this. The ancestors of the Komi are Visu, the Ugrians of the Trans-Urals are Jurassic... In some sources they are called “countries” - the country and people of Visu.

It is interesting that, in contrast to the steppe South Ural proto-cities of the Bronze Age, in the more northern regions during the Iron Age there is a characteristic detail. Numerous unfortified settlements were built around the fortified settlement, where the leader-prince and his retinue lived. So the Ostyak prince Lugui ruled six towns. Together with the surrounding villages, it was a very impressive principality for those times.

Gray Ural - ancient land, harsh mountains. They are almost eternal by our human standards, limitless, boundless. They contain everything, they hold everything in their palms: changes of eras, migrations of peoples, the souls of unknown wanderers.
The Urals are a land of myths and legends. Here are tales about gnomes and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, beliefs about the Golden Baba and the Chud people who went into the taiga. Scientists are still trying to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilizations that inhabited this mountainous region, leaving behind a mass of archaeological finds and underground tunnels with traces of pagan culture.

Sikiyaz - Tamak. An ancient underground city-ensemble on the banks of the Ai River near the city of Soyka, discovered in 1995 by speleologists.

It contains 43 karst cavities of different sizes and shapes: caves and grottoes, rock overhangs, karst arches and bridges, buried and half-buried caves. This unique natural-historical monument covers an area of ​​425 square meters. meters. Traces of human presence from all historical eras were found in it. This is a unique territory, which is now recognized by everyone. 12 caves with archeology from all historical eras, from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages.

The first gold and silver items and the largest collection of ceramics were found here, meaning the caves of the Urals, as well as the largest collection bone tips arrows in the caves of the Southern Urals. And this is only for now, because their number is constantly growing. Every summer, specialists from all over the country travel to Sikiyaz-Tamak and return with bags of finds and reports on discovered ancient monuments.
There are no analogues in Russia!

The Sikiyaz-Tamak cave complex is located in an exceptionally picturesque place. The bend of the Ai River forms a huge, palm-flat clearing, framed by forest-covered spurs of the Tui-Tyube ridge.
Arkaim: ancient observatory

One of the recently excavated sacred places in Russia shows that our ancient ancestors tried to solve many riddles. This is the ancient settlement of Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region). The discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals became the biggest archaeological sensation on the threshold of the 21st century. Arkaim is older Egyptian pyramids. This unusual settlement was at the same time a temple, a fortress, a craft center, and a precise astronomical observatory.
General view reconstruction

View from space

"Spiral of Desires" on Shamanka Hill. Arkaim Nature Reserve

Archaeologists have found evidence of highly developed metallurgy and metalworking in Arkaim. Arkaim already in those days was an environmentally friendly city with a water filtration system and other treatment facilities. The ancient settlement had in effective ways processing and recycling of waste. It lived in harmony with nature. In addition, Arkaim had a ring structure and was clearly oriented by the stars: the ancient Aryan culture attached great importance to astrology. But about 4 thousand years ago, the inhabitants left the city for unknown reasons.

A funeral monument was discovered in the floodplain of the Urals. It consisted of 2-3 dozen very blurred mounds with a height of 20 to 40 cm. The opening of the first mound showed that people of a more ancient culture than the culture of Arkaim and Sintashta were buried here. We are talking about the ancient Yamnaya culture, older than Arkaim by 200-300 years.
Archaeologists were the first to discover the burial of a young woman. Among themselves, the scientists called her “princess.” The fact is that from the nature of the burial it was clear that during her lifetime she was highly respected. During the 2010 field season, another burial of the ancient Yamnaya culture was opened. Scientists have found more remains. The burial contained a very well preserved skull, from which it was established that it belonged to young man 22-23 years old, Caucasian anthropological type. Along with it, a ceramic vessel and large stone objects were also found - an anvil and a hammer - universal tools for processing metal products. Archaeologists explored a similar monument of the Yamnaya culture with burials under earthen mounds in the vicinity of Arkaim.
Based on the skulls of a man from the Arkaim necropolis and a woman from the Kizilsky burial ground, anthropologists from Ufa and Samara recreated their appearance in plaster.
This is what the “princess” looked like - a woman whose remains were discovered in a burial ground near the village of Kizilskoye

This is what the young man looked like during his lifetime, whose remains were found in the Arkaim necropolis

Clay vessels from the Arkaim and Sintashta burial grounds. It was established that at the time of burial they contained food...


Ancient ruins of a semi-legendary city and burial mounds of the ancient Aryans, discovered in the 70s of the last century. Fortress structures dating back approximately 4 thousand years ago consist of outer rectangular and inner circular lines of adobe walls and ditches inscribed in the relief of river bends, behind which were located solidly and cleverly constructed residential buildings with wells, cellars, and storm drains.
Walls of Sintashta

Excavations of Sintashta

General view of the excavations

Sintashta was repeatedly mentioned in ancient legends, and now some researchers consider it a mystical and spiritual place.
Damn town

…Devil’s Settlement are majestic rocks on the top of the mountain of the same name, a few kilometers from the village of Iset. The peak of the Devil's Settlement rises 347 meters above sea level. Of these, the last 20 meters are a mighty granite ridge. These rocks look too unnatural - as if they were built by evil spirits. According to myths, this mountain is man-made and stands on the spot where the mysterious Chud people once went underground. People near the mountain constantly imagine something, and at night they see strange lights above the top of the Devil's Settlement. Ancient people deeply revered the Settlement. They considered them a refuge for spirits and made sacrifices to them to appease higher power. Currently, Devil's Settlement is the most visited rock massif in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg.

"Golden Gate"

A unique natural arched formation on the top of a rock near the bank of the river. Vizhay in the north of the Sverdlovsk region. Externally, the Gate looks like two through arches with a hole diameter of slightly more than 4 m and two through caves about 1 m wide. According to some old-timers, the arches were built by people for some ritual purpose or as a landmark. According to local beliefs, passing through the Gate is strictly prohibited, and anyone who disobeys will face immediate punishment.
Kapova Cave

Kapova Cave is the most famous cave in the Urals and one of the largest karst cavities.

There are several versions regarding the origin of the name of the cave. Either it came from the drops from the ceiling characteristic of the cave, or from the word kapishche, or from “kapa,” which means bowl or dome.

When approaching the cave, you can see the “Mammoth Grotto”, located in a separate rock; the cave itself is a three-story speleological system about 3 km long and about 260 m high, with large halls, galleries and corridors.

The entrance to the cave is an asymmetrical arch almost 40 m wide and 22 m high - a portal of magnificent outline that can stun the imagination. In the cave 2250 m underground passages, 9 halls, many grottoes, 3 funnels, an underground river, two lakes, several “windows” in the walls of the halls and corridors.
The cave consists of three floors. In the halls located on different levels, a diverse internal cave microclimate has been formed. Each floor has its own native mode temperature, humidity and air circulation.

The lower floor is filled with water, through which Shulganka flows. Medium - with huge halls, a transparent lake, the water in the lake is undrinkable due to impurities, but is used for medicinal baths. And the upper one, located at an altitude of about 40 m above the level of the Belaya River, which is still almost unexplored, since traveling through the halls and passages here is very unsafe: unexpected deep crevices and cliffs lie in wait at almost every step. To climb to this floor, you need to overcome a high vertical well - as I did ancient man, it is still unclear to scientists whether at that time the cave had another entrance.
Kapova Cave gained worldwide fame thanks to its picturesque pictures. primitive people. They were first discovered in 1954. Currently, over 180 ancient paintings are known and described. All of them are made with ocher. Kapova Cave became a refuge for the Cro-Magnon man. It is he who is today credited with the authorship of the sketches. The size of the drawings is from 40 to 113 centimeters. Each Kapova Cave artifact dates back 14,500 years!

The main subjects are mammoths, horses and rhinoceroses. Archaeologists believe that rituals of ancient people could have been carried out here. For example, initiation is the process of transforming a young man into an adult man: a warrior or a hunter. Kapova Cave, and with it the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve, are today recognized as world heritage sites. Before the discovery of the drawings in Bashkiria, it was generally accepted that the caves of the Paleolithic times were located exclusively in Western Europe: Spain and France.
Kapova Cave created a sensation in world archeology. Today it is the only such complex in the whole Eastern Europe. Exactly a year ago, Kapova Cave again presented a surprise. A group of archaeologists from Moscow discovered an ancient burial site here for the first time. Scientists have stumbled upon several skulls of ancient people. One of them belongs to a girl. Most likely, these are the heads of especially revered persons - leaders or shamans. It is generally accepted that ancient man, as a sign of reverence, buried the heads of noble people separately from their bodies. Thus, the artifact confirms: Kapova Cave was a place for rituals and sacred rites.
Arakulsky Shikhan
Arakul Shikhan (Chelyabinsk region) is a concentration of granite rocks in the south of the Ural ridge. Today this massif is the highest in the Middle Urals.

Shikhan vaguely resembles the mattress-like granites of the Devil's Settlement and the rocks of Peter Gronsky. Shikhan is built with huge granite slabs and blocks, hewn by the elements over centuries, which gives its appearance an senile and majestic appearance.

Bizarre depressions in stones that resemble troughs, ancient human sites from the early Bronze and Iron Ages, amazing relief formed by the long work of water and wind - all this is Shikhan. It is a rocky chain stretching from east to west for more than two kilometers. The maximum width of the chain is 40-50 meters, the maximum height above the ground is 80 meters.

View of Lake Arakul


Having seen photographs of these amazing structures, some people probably immediately associate the famous English Stonehenge before their eyes. Indeed, the design of the Ural dolmens is somewhat similar to the Wiltshire landmark. However, if Stonehenge is located in a desert area, then dolmens in the Urals are hidden in the forest, buried in the ground.
A dolmen is a megalithic (i.e., created from large stone slabs) structure of a certain shape. It consists of several plates. One large one is placed on several slabs, which acts as a so-called roof. The most amazing thing is that there are practically no gaps between the plates, and it is impossible to insert even a knife blade into these gaps on skillfully made plates.
Dolmen on the island of Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region

The exact purpose of dolmens not only in the Urals, but in general of all dolmens is still unknown.

It is believed that dolmens were used exclusively for pagan rituals. Most scientists admit that these amazing and mysterious structures of the past contain mystical power.
Dolmens are widespread all over the world; in the Urals, according to data published several years ago, about 150 pieces were found and studied by scientists.
Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

...The height of Mount Man-Pupuner is 840 m - yes, the path is not easy, but at the top of the mountain there are seven huge stone pillars - “boobs” of natural origin, up to 40 meters high - a breathtaking sight!

200 million years ago there were high mountains in this place, but under the influence of rains and winds the weak rocks were destroyed and carried away, and the hard shales from which the blocks were made remained and acquired the appearance they have now. The stone idols, similar to the Easter Island statues, are amazing.

Translated from Mansi, Man-pupuner means “Small Mountain of Idols.” In ancient times, the Mansi believed that climbing Man-pupuner was the greatest sin. There is a legend about the emergence of this incredible place, which is called the 7th miracle of Russia, about how the brave warrior Pygrychum, in order to save his beloved beauty Aim from the encroachments of the giant Torev, turned the giant and his brothers to stone, blinding them with a bright ray sunlight, caught on his magic shield...

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Of those who know, some ask this question. I don't think it matters which settlement is cooler. It is important to study and understand the past of our native thousand-kilometer expanses. Moreover, I think it is necessary to bring research in Aland to the level of Arkaim - and let it be “cooler”)) After all, it’s so cool when there are a lot of well-researched historical monuments. It's a pity that we were frozen excavations of a city similar to Arkaim of the ancient Aryans, which is dated 500 years older than Arkaim.

Country of cities Southern Urals - Fortified settlement of Aland.

Åland- - the archaeological site of the Bronze Age dates back to approximately the 20th century BC. It is of particular interest, since at the moment it is the southernmost settlement of the Arkaim “Country of Cities”. It is no longer located in the Chelyabinsk region, but in the east of the Orenburg region. In Orsky district. You have to go round and round from Arkaim, through Kizil and Sibay. After about 2 kilometers, the country road ends and travel is only possible with SUVs and gazelles.

I will disappoint those who associate the name Aland with the Caucasian Alans and consider the ancient settlement to be the result of the resettlement of tribes that subsequently settled in the Caucasus. This Cossack village owes its name to the victory of Russian weapons in the Swedish Aland Islands. By the way, not far from them is the Kvarken Strait, along the ice of which Russian troops (including the Orenburg Cossacks) reached Sweden in the winter of 1809 and forced the local king to sign a peace treaty with Alexander I. In honor of this Victoria, they subsequently assigned names to the numbered villages of the new Orenburg line Cossack army: number 14 - Ålandskaya, number 16 - Kvarken.

And the name Arkaim does not refer to the language of the ancient Aryans. Translated from Bashkir - “my back”, or “ridge”. Which is quite consistent with the spurs of the Ural Mountains, which open out into the Kazakh steppe in that place. The landscape is approximately the same here, not far from Aland, where at the junction of the Suunduk and Solonchanka rivers there is a stone ring - the remains of the fortress wall of an ancient settlement.

The Åland settlement may be included in the list of the most significant archaeological discoveries in the “Land of Cities”.
The Åland settlement was an oval area of ​​2400 m2, surrounded by a defensive wall. A transverse excavation of the structure showed that the ruins of the internal walls are up to 6 m wide and there is a deep ditch three meters wide. Archaeologists were surprised that the city was surrounded by another wall, lined with stone. The width of the wall is about two meters, and behind it is a new ditch. Why was it necessary to build an additional wall with a moat if the height of the first one, together with the wooden palisade, reaches 9 m? Scientists explain this by saying that the settlement began to be built in dry years, then the climate became more humid, the snow became deeper, and high floods began to wash away the walls of the city. .Here, in the interior walls, open water conduits in gutters and small pools for water were found. At the same settlement, sections of pipes made of wood and birch bark and coated with clay were examined. Judging by the recorded segment of vertical wiring, the pipes were intended to collect rainwater from roofs and transport it to some special reservoirs.
Bone punctures, metal items, various jewelry, fragments of ceramic vessels with ornaments, and flint arrowheads were found at Åland, which were scattered in different places (which may indicate an assault on the fortress). Probably, Aland was both a fortress and a craft center of the Arkaim period of the Bronze Age, where tools and tools were made. Like any other settlement of that period, it was a temple and a residential village.

Astronomical and geodetic work carried out in the “Country of Cities” settlement of Alandskoe allowed the authors to strengthen the following conclusions.

Firstly, the fortified settlements of the “Country of Cities” are organically integrated into the surrounding natural landscape. Secondly, they are oriented along the azimuths of important astronomical events. Thirdly, the presence of such settlements makes it possible to correlate the earth’s landscape and events occurring in the celestial sphere with each other. Thus, the Earth and Sky acquire the character of a mirror correspondence, and elements of harmony, “correctness,” and strict planning, characteristic of both an architectural structure and a work of art, and archaic ideas about outer space in its opposition to Chaos, are introduced into the world. In this case, the settlement itself turns out to be located at the central point of the universe, on an imaginary cosmic axis.

A mandatory element organizing the landscape of the fortified centers of the “Land of Cities” is the mountain. A rocky hill of considerable height (30-40 m), similar to Vanyushkina Mountain near the proto-city of Alandskoe.

The walls of the ancient Aland fortress are lined with amphibolites and leucocratic granites, which were mined in the immediate area of ​​the fortified settlement.

Scientific symposiums were held here with the participation of Austrian, German and English scientists. But the archaeological fever quickly passed. The overgrown Åland settlement, trampled by cows, is of no interest today even to “black” archaeologists. It was as if they had forgotten about him.

Journalist Konstantin ARTEMYEV and local historian Ivan Kuzmich Kotsarev tell:

A ring of large diameter in the steppe overgrown with chiliga could not have been noticed if not for the stones sticking out of the ground along its edges - the remains of a fortress wall, to which the dwellings of ancient townspeople were built from the inside. Ivan Kuzmich led us along this ring, like along a road between the thickets of chiliga. It did not grow here - stones hidden by a thin layer of earth, deposited over five thousand years, interfered. Ivan Kuzmich told how as a child he grazed cows here, without even imagining what was under his feet. The picture became clearer in the early nineties, when Chelyabinsk archaeologists appeared in Aland Professor Gennady Zdanovich, who revealed the Arkaim civilization to the world. He called it the Country of Cities.

They carried out excavations, recalls Kotsarev, and Gennady Borisovich said that the Aland city, they say, is five hundred years older than Arkaim, but was discovered later. Then Moscow archaeologists did excavations.

The hilly steppe, untouched by civilization, is so fried by the sun that Solonchanka is partially dry. There are thickets of chiliga everywhere. And only the huge ring remains unovergrown with it. It is five meters wide, and with a perimeter...

“...560 meters,” Ivan Kuzmich clearly suggested. - I measured it myself. Look at the rays inside the ring from the edges to the center. They look like paths. In fact, these are marks from the walls of dwellings. Probably, from a bird's eye view, the remains of the fort are very similar to a cart wheel with spokes. Excavations could restore the entire picture. But you can’t touch the fort without special permission!

But even without excavations, you can understand where the gate and ritual temple were. The size of the dwellings appears to have been about twelve meters wide and twenty meters long each. They resembled a trapezoid in shape. According to Zdanovich’s theory, the log roof of the dwellings went up in a cone. At the end of the cone there is a hole for the smoke of the hearth and a small blast furnace. The latter was heated only with coal. Arrowheads, knives, and other objects were smelted from copper ore mined near the settlement. There is a well next to the stove. Ten meters deep. In order for there to be draft in the blast furnace at all times, an air duct ran from the well to the blower.

The settlement is located in the interfluve, on a natural island. Nearby in the steppe herds of horses, camels, and flocks of sheep grazed. In case of danger, they were driven under the protection of the city walls, to the very center, to the site of ritual ceremonies. By the way, some experts say about this place that cosmic energy is attracted here. The real one, without paths lined with stones. What if you stand in the middle of a stone circle and stretch out your palms to the sky? So I did. It was as if my hands were covered in the heat of the steppe wind! Maybe self-hypnosis worked, but I suddenly felt a powerful surge of strength. Where did the fatigue from hours of shaking in the car go?

And this stone, apparently, is the remnant of that ancient copper ore after smelting,” Ivan Kuzmich held out a hefty cobblestone. - About two thousand people lived in the city. They did not engage in farming. We didn't live here that long. Five hundred years. And then for some reason they left, leaving everything they had untouched. Now it is difficult to recreate the appearance of these people. They seemed to be fire worshipers - the bodies of the dead were burned in ritual bonfires. Where and why they went is a mystery. It is also a mystery - why neither the Sarmatians who lived here after them, nor the Huns, nor the warriors of Batu Khan who passed by touched any of the utensils left from the Aryans? Why has no one ever settled in this stone fort? What were they afraid of, unknown diseases or mystical spirits of Aryan ancestors?

But in my opinion, it’s good that no one touched the ancient settlement,” notes Gennady Zaikin ( head of the district). - Now we can feel the spirit, imagine the lifestyle of those people. This is no longer the case in Arkaim.

I agree,” Kotsarev supported him. - Commerce kills interest in understanding the world. A tourist route for schoolchildren could be organized here. In addition to the ancient settlement, there are also remains of pre-revolutionary gold mines, sites of Civil War battles, and Sarmatian burial mounds. And the mound of the Huns... Let's go, I'll show you!


The Åland settlement is stronger in significance than Arkaim; it is necessary to give it due scientific attention, because Arkaim has already been raised, we can pay attention to the most south-eastern comrade, because... There is something to dig in the Orenburg region (you look like we’ll get to the Chinese wall...) I suspect that the problem is the difference in the modern administrative division of regions and the territorial location of ancient cities, because Arkaim civilization began at the junction of three current Russian regions: Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions and Bashkiria and, as always, a related financial and organizational issue, but other reasons for freezing research on the Åland settlement are also possible.

Today there are thousands of mysterious places. Many of them are called mystical or anomalous. People disappear there, time slows down, things fly, ghosts appear. The most famous are the mysterious Bermuda Triangle and the English Stonehenge. But few people know that in terms of the number of anomalous and mystical places, Russia confidently takes first place. (If only economics were like this...) Perhaps this is due to the fact that Russia has the largest territory. Nevertheless, there are plenty of truly creepy, scary, anomalous and mystical places in Russia.

Of all the known places, 10 of the most anomalous can be identified. We will devote a separate article to each of them.

Let's start with the most interesting place in Russia - the ancient city of Arkaim. It is he who has been heading the list of the most anomalous places in Russia for the third decade.

Arkaim. Chelyabinsk region

Photo: arkaim-center.ru

Today "Arkaim" is historical and cultural reserve, the largest scientific center. Among all archaeological sites In Russia this is, without a doubt, the most mysterious.

Strange concentric circles, more precisely, a spiral of stones laid out in a perfect circle, were discovered in 1987 by a military satellite flying over the Southern Urals. The space image was transferred to the Ministry of Defense, after a lot of head scratching, it was transferred to the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, too, they grabbed their heads: where did this miracle come from in the Ural steppe?

Photo: paranormal-news.ru

Archaeologists from the Chelyabinsk State University were hastily sent to this area, and they, flying over the river valley, saw these circles with their own eyes near Mount Arkaim. This is some kind of message left to us, earthlings, or a landmark for landing a spacecraft, scientists decided. In addition, it turned out that this was a zone of increased anomalous activity. Here time slows down and the compass needles go crazy. Moreover, in these places people’s blood pressure increased, their pulse quickened, and hallucinations began.

Discovery on a global scale

Archaeologists got down to business and discovered the ruins of an ancient city here. Forty centuries - this is how his age was determined using the radiocarbon method. No one knows what this city was actually called: written sources not preserved.

One thing is known today: Arkaim was one of the first cities on Earth. Homer's Troy turned out to be five or six centuries younger than him. It is older than the Egyptian pyramids.

The first excavations revealed part of a thick, about 5 m, wall. It resembled a twisted spiral with a square in the center. “Yes, this is a model of the Universe overturned to Earth!”- paleoarchaeologists and astrophysicists gasped. Who among the representatives of the scientific community did not visit Arkaim in those days. Discoveries poured in as if from a cornucopia. His observatory turned out to be the most complex of all known to mankind. The people of Arkaim knew about the movement of the earth's crust in a circular cone with a period of 25,786 years!

They started talking about a discovery on a planetary scale. We reached the Central Committee itself. And then it turned out that the world-scale monument was in danger - the USSR Ministry of Land Reclamation planned to flood this territory and create a reservoir for irrigation of state farm lands. Where did the discoverer of Arkaim, professor-archaeologist G.B. Zdanovich, turn?

Layout of Arkaim

Everywhere they shrugged: there is a resolution of the Central Committee on this matter. Gennady Borisovich urgently went to Moscow, to the Academy of Sciences. But I didn’t find Rybakov, the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in his place; he ended up abroad. Then he rushed to Leningrad to see Academician B.B. Piotrovsky, but there was no luck there either: the academician’s working day was scheduled minute by minute, and at that moment he was receiving a delegation of foreign scientists.

And then Zdanovich went to the extreme: he asked the secretary to give the academician a fragment of ceramics with an ornament of an ancient swastika - the symbol of the sun among the ancient Aryans - and a photograph depicting giant circles. Not even a minute had passed when a breathless academician burst into the strange visitor: “Where did you get this, my friend? From the Urals? Well, don’t torment your soul, tell me...”

After listening to the excited story of the guest, Piotrovsky grabbed the Kremlin turntable: “Dear young lady, please, the Central Committee, Comrade Yakovlev...” Zdanovich left the Northern capital inspired: the Central Committee resolution was canceled, Arkaim was declared a state reserve.

Death of Hyperborea

Why was the world-famous academician so alarmed?

Arkaim could turn out to be the ancestral home - the source ancient civilization, which gave rise to many peoples, including the Russian. Later this hypothesis was confirmed.

But where in the south of the Urals, in the endless steppe, could this mysterious city appear? Scientists had many assumptions on this matter. Not all of them are consistent with our modern knowledge and ideas. Even a cosmic hypothesis has been put forward.

How did it happen that the ancient inhabitants of this city had the knowledge that we are only trying to achieve? Why are the walls of Arkaim oriented strictly according to the stars, one of which is Sirius? In search of a solution to this phenomenon, enthusiastic researchers turned to the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, to the Book of the Great Exodus. And everything fell into place.

The book tells the story of the exodus from Daariya (Hyperborea) of tall, fair-haired gods who flew to Earth from a distant planet. Fleeing from the Great Cold and the Flood, they came to the very edge of the Riphean (now Ural) mountains. With pain in their hearts, they left the blessed land beyond the Arctic Circle, where, before the onset of glaciation, a subtropical climate reigned and real gardens of Eden bloomed.

The great cold was caused by the fall of a huge comet, after which a great abyss washed away part of their Arctida. They set off in a great caravan to the south and, after a many-day journey, chose a picturesque valley near Mount Arkaim, where they began to build a city using the knowledge of their ancestors.

It was built according to a mathematically verified drawing, strictly oriented towards the stars and the sun. Nowadays, scientists have compiled a computer model of the city. The ancient metropolis looked unusually beautiful and was surrounded by greenery.

Perfectly round, with high towers, the outside was lined with colored bricks. A street for pedestrians and chariots ran along the roofs of the dwellings. The center was occupied by an observatory. The four entrances to the city formed a swastika design.

Photo: venividi.ru

This sacred symbol of the sun was used Ancient India, Iran, Egypt, Mayan Indians, and later Rus'. The inhabitants of Arkaim - tall, beautiful - judging by the study of burials, rarely got sick. They were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, and pottery. And when they found a mine near the city with reserves of copper pyrites, they began to smelt copper. Caravans with bronze axes, knives, and handicrafts from artisans stretched from Arkaim to Iran, India, Greece, and even reached the great Sumerian kingdom.

Everywhere tall, fair-haired people were greeted with respect, considering them demigods for their great intelligence and knowledge, for their unselfishness and friendliness. Among them were also skilled healers who knew the secrets of unearthly medicine. And in astronomy they had no equal - and it could not have been otherwise if the Arkaim people were taught from early childhood to the knowledge of their great ancestors.

Along with the lullaby, they were told about the distant ancestral home on Sirius and about the abandoned Hyperborea... When the glacier descended, they sent their scouts there. But they returned with nothing: the ocean flooded their blessed country. The dream of returning collapsed overnight. Then they began to wait for news from their distant ancestral home, which came to them in their dreams. And one of the dreams became prophetic.

The high priest announced him: “Wait for dear guests, residents of Arkaim!” Most likely, giant drawings were laid out from stones for them then. How they did this is still incomprehensible to our minds, as if someone from the sky drew circles on the earth with a giant compass. But what a wonderful landmark for landing a spacecraft!

What did the Rigveda say?

In 2683 BC. e., as follows from the ancient epic Rigveda, a large spaceship with 200 messengers from Sirius made an emergency landing in the Arkaim valley. One can only imagine how joyfully the Arkaim residents greeted them. Since the forced resettlement from Hyperborea, they have lost part of their knowledge - and those who arrived have replenished it. They also became mentors in enduring hardships.

Photo: samopoznanie.ru

Arkaim was constantly besieged by nomads. Those who arrived did not interfere and did not have the right to use something that could instantly turn the enemy cavalry into dust. However, the inhabitants of the fortress themselves managed to fight back, sending dozens of war chariots against the besiegers... And then a ship arrived to pick up the guests. Maybe then, as a farewell, the Arkaim stonemasons carved out a stone idol looking longingly into the sky...

The Great Exodus

The residents of Arkaim, having seen off the guests, decided to leave the valley forever: the ore reserves had dried up, the caravans with goods stopped coming... Having quickly gathered, seizing what they needed, they left the city, putting it on fire - most likely, they did not want to leave Arkaim to be plundered by the nomads. On the way, they split up: some headed for India, which reminded them so much of Hyperborea, others chose the lands of Iran and the great Sumer, and others headed to the mountains of Tibet.

This is what it says in the ancient epic Rigveda. In the Book of the Great Exodus there are these lines:

“An unknown race of tall, white, blond-haired demigods came to India from a country on the very edge of the Riphean Mountains. They brought knowledge with them, and this happened after the Buddha passed into nirvana (in the summer of 13019 from the Great Cold according to the Vedic calendar).”

Having laid the foundation for many modern nations, they sank into eternity, leaving us forty centuries later to puzzle over the purpose of the giant circles in the Ural steppe.

Ancient Arkaim city, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is a real secret of the distant history of mankind. Arkaim can rightfully be considered one of the most significant archaeological sites. An interesting fact is that the discovery of this unique ancient city was made by only two scientists (S. G. Botalov and V. S. Mosin), who were sent on a standard mission.

This was in 1987. For the needs of the local irrigation system, it was necessary to build a reservoir. According to the rules of that time, before implementing such ideas, it was necessary to survey the area for archaeological finds.

Both scientists rather sadly began to study the Ural steppe. They were helped by schoolchildren from neighboring areas and enthusiasts. Quite quickly, archaeologists discovered unusual reliefs, which were first noticed by military cartographers back in 1957.

Arkaim from a bird's eye view

However, despite the obvious importance of the find, the construction area of ​​the economic system had to be flooded. And only thanks to the persistent and principled position of director B.B. Piotrovsky managed to defend this unique historical monument.

Today the complex has been restored in many of its aspects. By the way, Arkaim is named after the name of the one next to it. But let's see what characteristics this mysterious reserve has.

Ancient city of Arkaim

Many people are associated with this place Interesting Facts. We will only talk about the main things, in our opinion.

So, the diameter of the city, or, as it is more accurately called, the fortified settlement of Arkaim, is only 170 meters. By modern standards, this is not much, but if you consider that these structures were built at least 4 thousand years ago, you can’t help but be amazed at the details.

Aerial view of the ancient city

Arkaim is surrounded by two walls, and inside there are apartment buildings. A moat with water, with an average depth of 2 meters, was built around the fortress to protect against external enemies. The outer wall, which has four entrances, was 5.5 meters high and almost 5 meters thick. There was a square in the center. People lived and worked in the city, while animals grazed outside the walls and climbed inside only in case of emergency.

The internal seven-meter wall was 3 meters thick and had only one entrance. To get to the central part of the city, you had to walk along the entire length of the ring street.

Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim
A museum excavation site on two dwellings

Almost all buildings were made of ordinary logs, which were stuffed with clay inside. There are also structures made from dried (not baked) bricks.

Workshops, pottery and metallurgical production, as well as premises for public and private use were found in the Arkaim fortress.

A storm sewer was provided around the settlement, which drained water outside the fortress.

According to research by scientists, this place was inhabited by representatives of the Caucasian race. Reconstructions of the skulls of men and women from Arkaim can be found in Chelyabinsk museums.

It is not known for certain how long this fortress existed. It was only possible to establish the fact that the city was destroyed by fire. What it was - arson, an accident or an enemy attack - is also unclear.

Arkaim and the Country of Cities

Be that as it may, this unique reserve became the basis for many studies in general and the discovery of a large archaeological complex - the Country of Cities in particular. Scientists have discovered many interesting facts related to this settlement.

Thus, over a fairly large area (about 350 kilometers), many fortresses built like Arkaim were found, which indicates a fully established civilization of that time.

Panoramic photograph of the surroundings of Arkaim

This territory today is called the Country of Cities. History has not preserved any accurate information about the Country of Cities, so all hopes for restoring the past rest only on archaeologists. By the way, excavations and research are still being carried out here, in which outstanding scientists from many countries around the world take part.

  1. The monument was first discovered by cartographers in 1957. However, no research has been undertaken.
  2. In 1987, a cultural center was opened and active research work was carried out.
  3. The walls of Arkaim, consisting of two rings, have a total area of ​​20,000 square meters.
  4. The central square, which apparently served as a place for some kind of ritual activities, had dimensions of 25x27 meters.
  5. 35 dwellings were found near the outer wall, and 25 near the inner wall.
  6. Artistic figurines and ceramic vessels were found in Arkaim.
  7. Wells, storerooms, kitchens with fireplaces and bedrooms were found in the houses. In each courtyard there was a small workshop where they sculpted and sewed clothes, carpentry and prepared weapons. The most common artisans were blacksmiths and foundries.

Arkaim - the ancestral home of the Aryans and Slavs

It must be said that this unique archaeological reserve attracts many people. In 2005, he came here, and therefore there were rumors that this was a real source of extraterrestrial power. Esotericists in their own way interpret this place as the cradle of human civilization in general.

You can often hear that this is where the most powerful energy flows of the earth pass. It is worth adding that the village of Arkaim is located at the same latitude as

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