A method has been invented to transmit information directly through the human brain. For the first time, scientists transmitted information directly from brain to brain Channels of information perception

The special organization of the human nervous system makes it possible to sense and perceive the objective world. All sense organs are connected to the brain. Each sense organ reacts to stimuli of a certain modality:

Organs of vision to light exposure,

Hearing organs to air wave vibrations,

Organs of touch to mechanical influence,

Taste organs for chemical exposure in the mouth area,

Olfactory organs to chemical exposure in the nose area.

For the brain to respond to a stimulus, each sensory modality must first convert the corresponding physical energy into electrical energy. Then these signals - each in their own way - follow to the brain. This process of converting physical energy into electrical energy is carried out by special cells in the sensory organs, called receptors.

Visual receptors are located in a thin layer on the inside of the eye. Each visual receptor contains a chemical that reacts to light, and this reaction triggers a series of events that results in a nerve impulse.

Hearing receptors are thin hair cells located deep in the ear. Air vibrations bend these hair cells, resulting in a nerve impulse.

Nature has come up with similar “tricks” for other sensory modalities.

A receptor is a neuron, that is, a nerve cell, albeit a specialized one. The excited receptor sends an electrical signal to the interneurons. Those - to the receptive zone of the cerebral cortex. Each sensory modality has its own receptive area.

In the receptive or other zone of the cortex, a conscious experience of sensation arises. The brain and consciousness perceive not only the impact of the stimulus, but also a number of characteristics of the stimulus, for example, the intensity of the impact.

The greater the intensity of the impact, the higher the frequency of nerve impulses - thus nature encoded this correspondence. The higher the frequency of nerve impulses, the greater the perceived intensity of the stimulus by the brain and consciousness.

For a more precise specification of the signal (for example, what color the light is, or what taste the food is), there are specific neurons (one neuron transmits information about blue color, another about green, a third about sour food, a fourth about salty...).

In sound perception, features of sensation can be encoded by the shape of the electrical signal entering the brain. If the waveform is close to a sine wave, this sound is pleasant to us.


Atkinson R. L., Agkinson R. S., Smith E. E. Introduction to psychology: Textbook for universities / Transl. from English under. ed. V. P. Zinchenko. - M.: Trivola, 1999.

All our feelings are formed in the brain. Regardless of the type of incoming information, be it the sounds of music, some smells or visual images, they are all essentially just signals transmitted and deciphered by specialized cells. Moreover, if these signals are not taken into account, then the brain does not directly contact the external environment. And if so, then it is likely that we have the opportunity to form new ways for the brain to interact with the outside world and transmit data directly.

Let's go back a couple of sentences. If all information is just incoming impulses, then why is vision so different from smell or taste? Why would you never confuse the visual beauty of a budding pine tree with the taste of feta cheese? Or the friction of sandpaper on your fingertips with the smell of fresh espresso? One might assume that this has something to do with the structure of the brain: the areas involved in hearing are different from those that process visual image data and so on. But why, in this case, do people who have lost, for example, vision, according to numerous studies, receive a “reorientation” of the visual zone to enhance other senses?

Thus, a hypothesis arose: internal subjective experience is determined by the structure of the data themselves. In other words, the information itself, coming from, say, the retina, has a different structure than the data coming from the eardrum or receptors from the fingertips. As a result, different feelings are obtained. It turns out that in theory we can form new ways to transmit information. It will not be like seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling. It will be something completely new.

There are two ways to do this. The first is by implanting electrodes directly into the brain. The second is by receiving signals from the brain non-invasively. For example, using wearable devices. Imagine wearing a bracelet with multiple vibration motors that stimulate different places around your wrist to create a stream of data. When we establish a clear relationship between information and the type of touch, people can easily begin to recognize it. The NeoSensory company is currently doing something similar, creating vibrational neural interfaces. The developers plan to present one of these next year, 2019.

“Think about how babies “learn” to use their ears by clapping their hands or mumbling and picking up sounds. This learning can also be observed in people who were born deaf and equipped with cochlear implants as adults. First, the cochlear implant experience is nothing like sound. My friend described it as painless electric shocks. She didn't feel it had anything to do with the sound. But after about a month, everything started to “sound”, albeit lousy. Perhaps the same process happened to each of us when we learned to use our ears. We just don't remember it." — said one of the authors of the work on creating neural interfaces, David Eagleman.

Based on a note by David Eagleman, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, author of The Brain: The Story Of You, and one of the founders of NeoSensory. Published in Wired.

Do you believe in the development of neural interfaces? You can tell us about this in our

The composition of the human brain includes structural and functionally interconnected neurons. This organ of mammals, depending on the species, contains from 100 million to 100 billion neurons.

Each mammalian neuron consists of a cell - an elementary structural unit, dendrites (short process) and an axon (long process). The body of the elementary structural unit contains the nucleus and cytoplasm.

Axon exits the cell body and often gives rise to many small branches before reaching the nerve endings.

Dendrites extend from the nerve cell body and receive messages from other units of the nervous system.

Synapses– these are contacts where one neuron connects to another. Dendrites are covered with synapses that are formed by the ends of axons from other structural and functional units of the system.

The composition of the human brain is 86 billion neurons, consisting of 80% water and consuming about 20% of the oxygen intended for the entire body, although its mass is only 2% of body weight.

How signals are transmitted in the brain

When the units of a functional system, neurons, receive and send messages, they transmit electrical impulses along their axons, which can vary in length from a centimeter to one meter or more. it is clear that it is very complex.

Many axons are covered in a multilayer myelin sheath, which speeds the transmission of electrical signals along the axon. This shell is formed with the help of specialized elementary structural units of glia. In the central nervous system, glia are called oligodendrocytes, and in the peripheral nervous system they are called Schwann cells. The medulla contains at least ten times more glia than nervous system units. Glia perform many functions. The importance of glia in the transport of nutrients to neurons, cleansing, processing of some dead neurons.

To transmit signals, the functional units of any mammal's body system do not work alone. In a neural circuit, the activity of one elementary unit directly affects many others. To understand how these interactions control brain function, neuroscientists study the connections between nerve cells and how they transmit signals in the brain and change over time. This study could lead scientists to a better understanding of how the nervous system develops, becomes susceptible to disease or injury, and disrupts the natural rhythms of brain connections. Thanks to new imaging technology, scientists are now better able to visualize the circuits connecting the regions and composition of the human brain.

Advances in techniques, microscopy and computing technology are allowing scientists to begin to map the connections between individual nerve cells in animals better than ever before.

By studying the composition of the human brain in detail, scientists can shed light on brain disorders and errors in the development of the nervous network, including autism and schizophrenia.

Principles of information transmission and structural organization of the brain



Principles of information transmission and structural organization of the brain

Interconnections in simple nervous systems

Complex neural networks and higher brain functions

Structure of the retina

Neuron patterns and connections

Cell body, dendrites, axons

Methods for identifying neurons and tracing their connections. Non-nervous elements of the brain

Grouping cells according to function

Cell subtypes and function

Convergence and divergence of connections



The terms “neurobiology” and “neurosciences” came into use in the 60s of the 20th century, when Stephen Kuffler created the first department at Harvard Medical School, whose staff included physiologists, anatomists and biochemists. Working together, they solved problems of the functioning and development of the nervous system and explored the molecular mechanisms of the brain.

The central nervous system is a continuously working conglomerate of cells that constantly receive information, analyze it, process it and make decisions. The brain is also able to take the initiative and produce coordinated, efficient muscle contractions for walking, swallowing, or singing. To regulate many aspects of behavior and to directly or indirectly control the entire body, the nervous system has a huge number of lines of communication provided by nerve cells (neurons). Neurons are the basic unit, or building block, of the brain

Interconnections in simple nervous systems

Events that occur during the implementation of simple reflexes can be traced and analyzed in detail. For example, when the knee ligament is struck with a small hammer, the muscles and tendons of the thigh are stretched and electrical impulses travel along sensory nerve fibers to the spinal cord, where motor cells are excited, producing impulses and activating muscle contractions. The end result is straightening of the leg at the knee joint. Such simplified circuits are very important for regulating muscle contractions that control limb movements. In such a simple reflex, in which a stimulus leads to a specific output, the role of signals and interactions of just two types of cells can be successfully analyzed.

Complex neural networks and higher brain functions

Analyzing the interaction of neurons in complex pathways involving literally millions of neurons is significantly more difficult than analyzing simple reflexes. Re-

Providing information to the brain for the perception of sound, touch, smell or sight requires the sequential engagement of neuron by neuron, just as when performing a simple voluntary movement. A major challenge in analyzing neuronal interactions and network structure arises from the dense packing of nerve cells, the complexity of their interconnections, and the abundance of cell types. The brain is structured differently than the liver, which is made up of similar populations of cells. If you have discovered how one area of ​​the liver works, then you know a lot about the liver as a whole. Knowing about the cerebellum, however, does not tell you anything about the functioning of the retina or any other part of the central nervous system.

Despite the enormous complexity of the nervous system, it is now possible to analyze the many ways in which neurons interact during perception. For example, by recording the activity of neurons along the path from the eye to the brain, it is possible to trace signals first in cells that specifically respond to light, and then, step by step, through successive switches, to higher centers of the brain.

An interesting feature of the visual system is its ability to distinguish contrasting images, colors and movements over a huge range of color intensities. As you read this page, signals within the eye make it possible for black letters to stand out on a white page in a dimly lit room or in bright sunlight. Specific connections in the brain form a single picture, even though the two eyes are located separately and scan different areas of the outside world. Moreover, there are mechanisms that ensure the constancy of the image (even though our eyes are constantly moving) and provide accurate information about the distance to the page.

How do nerve cell connections provide such phenomena? Although we are not yet able to provide a complete explanation, much is now known about how these properties of vision are mediated by simple neural networks in the eye and early switching stages in the brain. Of course, many questions remain about what the connections are between neuronal properties and behavior. So, in order to read a page, you must maintain a certain position of your body, head and hands. Further, the brain must ensure constant hydration of the eyeball, constant breathing and many other involuntary and uncontrolled functions.

The functioning of the retina is a good example of the basic principles of the nervous system.

Rice. 1.1. Pathways from the eye to the brain via the optic nerve and optic tract.

Structure of the retina

Analysis of the visual world depends on information coming from the retina, where the first stage of processing occurs, setting the limits for our perception. In Fig. Figure 1.1 shows the paths from the eye to the higher centers of the brain. The image that enters the retina is inverted, but in all other respects it represents a bona fide representation of the external world. How can this picture be transmitted to our brain through electrical signals that originate in the retina and then travel along the optic nerves?

Neuron patterns and connections

In Fig. Figure 1.2 shows the different types of cells and their location in the retina. Light entering the eye passes through layers of transparent cells and reaches the photoreceptors. Signals transmitted from the eye along the fibers of the optic nerve are the only information signals on which our vision is based.

The scheme for the passage of information through the retina (Fig. 1.2A) was proposed by Santiago Ramon y Cahal1) at the end of the 19th century. He was one of the greatest researchers of the nervous system and conducted experiments on a wide variety of animals. He made a significant generalization that the shape and arrangement of neurons, as well as the region of origin and final target of neuronal signals in a network, provide critical information about the functioning of the nervous system.

In Fig. Figure 1.2 clearly shows that the cells in the retina, as in other parts of the central nervous system (CNS), are very densely packed. At first, morphologists had to tear apart nervous tissue to see individual nerve cells. Techniques that stain entire neurons are virtually useless for examining cell shape and connectivity because structures such as the retina appear as a dark patch of intertwined cells and processes. Electron micrograph in Fig. Figure 1.3 shows that the extracellular space around neurons and supporting cells is only 25 nanometers wide. Most of the drawings of Ramón y Cajal were made using the Golgi staining method, which stains, by an unknown mechanism, only a few random neurons from the entire population, but these few neurons are completely stained.

Rice. 1.2. Structure and connections of cells in the mammalian retina. (A) Scheme of the signal direction from the receptor to the optic nerve according to Ramon y Cajal. (B) Ramon y Cajal distribution of retinal cellular elements. (C) Drawings of rods and cones of the human retina.

Rice. 1.3. Dense packing of neurons in the monkey retina. One rod (R) and one cone (C) are labeled.

Scheme in Fig. Figure 1.2 shows the principle of the orderly arrangement of neurons in the retina. It is easy to distinguish between photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. The direction of transmission is from input to output, from photoreceptors to ganglion cells. In addition, two other types of cells, horizontal and amacrine, form connections that connect different pathways. One of the goals of the neurobiology present in Ramon y Cajal's drawings is the desire to understand how each cell participates in creating the picture of the world that we observe.

Cell body, dendrites, axons

The ganglion cell shown in Fig. 1.4 illustrates the structural features of nerve cells inherent in all neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. The cell body contains the nucleus and other intracellular organelles common to all cells. The long extension that leaves the cell body and forms a connection with the target cell is called an axon. The terms dendrite, cell body, and axon are applied to processes at which incoming fibers form contacts that act as receiving stations for excitation or inhibition. In addition to the ganglion cell, in Fig. Figure 1.4 shows other types of neurons. The terms used to describe the structure of a neuron, particularly dendrites, are somewhat controversial, but nevertheless they are convenient and widely used.

Not all neurons conform to the simple cell structure shown in Fig. 1.4. Some neurons do not have axons; others have axons on which connections are formed. There are cells whose dendrites can conduct impulses and form connections with target cells. While a ganglion cell conforms to the blueprint of a standard neuron with dendrites, cell body, and axon, other cells do not conform to this standard. For example, photoreceptors (Fig. 1.2C) have no obvious dendrites. The activity of photoreceptors is not caused by other neurons, but is activated by external stimuli, lighting. Another exception in the retina is the absence of photoreceptor axons.

Methods for identifying neurons and tracing their connections

Although the Golgi technique is still widely used, many new approaches have facilitated the functional identification of neurons and synaptic connections. Molecules that stain the entire neuron can be injected through a micropipette, which simultaneously records the electrical signal. Fluorescent markers such as Lucifer yellow reveal the finest processes in a living cell. Intracellular markers such as the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or biocytin can be introduced; once fixed, they form a dense product or glow brightly under fluorescent light. Neurons can be stained with horseradish peroxidase and with extracellular application; the enzyme is captured and transported into the cell body. Fluorescent carbocyanic dyes, upon contact with the neuron membrane, dissolve and diffuse over the entire surface of the cell.

Rice. 1.4. Shapes and sizes of neurons.

Rice. 1.5. A group of bipolar cells stained with an antibody for the enzyme phosphokinase C. Only cells containing the enzyme stained.

These techniques are very important for tracing the passage of axons from one part of the nervous system to another.

Antibodies are used to characterize specific neurons, dendrites, and synapses by selectively labeling intracellular or membrane components. Antibodies are successfully used to trace the migration and differentiation of nerve cells during ontogenesis. An additional approach to characterize neurons is hybridization in situ: specifically labeled probes label neuronal mRNA that encodes the synthesis of a channel, receptor, transmitter, or structural element.

Non-nervous elements of the brain

Glial cells. Unlike neurons, they do not have axons or dendrites and are not directly connected to nerve cells. There are a lot of glial cells in the nervous system. They perform many different functions related to signal transmission. For example, the axons of the retinal ganglion cells that make up the optic nerve conduct impulses very quickly because they are surrounded by an insulating lipid sheath called myelin. Myelin is formed by glial cells that wrap around axons during ontogenetic development. Glial cells in the retina are known as Müller cells.

Grouping cells according to function

A remarkable property of the retina is the arrangement of cells according to function. The cell bodies of photoreceptors, horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells are arranged in distinct layers. Similar layering is observed throughout the brain. For example, the structure where the fibers of the optic nerve terminate (the lateral geniculate body) consists of 6 layers of cells that are easy to distinguish even with the naked eye. In many areas of the nervous system, cells with similar functions are grouped into distinct spherical structures known as nuclei (not to be confused with the cell nucleus) or ganglia (not to be confused with retinal ganglion cells).

Cell subtypes and function

There are several distinct types of ganglion, horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells, each with characteristic morphology, transmitter specificity, and physiological properties. For example, photoreceptors are divided into two easily distinguishable classes - rods and cones - which perform different functions. Elongated rods are extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in lighting. As you read this page, the ambient light is too bright for the wands, which only function in low light after a long period in the dark. Cones respond to visual stimuli in bright light. Moreover, cones are further classified into photoreceptor subtypes that are sensitive to red, green, or blue light. Amacrine cells are a striking example of cellular diversity: more than 20 types can be distinguished according to structural and physiological criteria.

The retina thus illustrates the deepest problems of modern neurobiology. It is not known why so many types of amacrine cells are needed and what different functions each of these cell types has. It is sobering to realize that the function of the vast majority of nerve cells in the central, peripheral and visceral nervous systems is unknown. At the same time, this ignorance suggests that many of the basic principles of the robotic brain are not yet understood.

Convergence and divergence of connections

For example, there is a strong decrease in the number of cells involved along the path from receptors to ganglion cells. The outputs of more than 100 million receptors converge on 1 million ganglion cells, the axons of which make up the optic nerve. Thus, many (but not all) ganglion cells receive input from a large number of photoreceptors (convergence) through intercalary cells. In turn, one ganglion cell intensively branches and ends on many target cells.

In addition, unlike the simplified diagram, the arrows should point outward to indicate interactions between cells in the same layer (lateral connections) and even in opposite directions - for example, back from horizontal cells to photoreceptors (reciprocal connections). Such convergent, divergent, lateral, and recurrent influences are constant properties of most neural pathways throughout the nervous system. Thus, simple step-by-step signal processing is complicated by parallel and reverse interactions.

Cellular and molecular biology of neurons

Like other types of cells in the body, neurons fully possess the cellular mechanisms of metabolic activity and the synthesis of membrane proteins (for example, ion channel proteins and receptors). Moreover, proteins of ion channels and receptors are directedly transported to localization sites in the cell membrane. Sodium- or potassium-specific channels are located on the membrane of ganglion cell axons in discrete groups (clusters). These channels are involved in the initiation and conduct of PD.

Presynaptic terminals, formed by processes of photoreceptors, bipolar cells and other neurons, contain specific channels in their membrane through which calcium ions can pass. The entry of calcium triggers the release of the transmitter. Each type of neuron synthesizes, stores and releases a specific type of transmitter(s). Unlike many other membrane proteins, receptors for specific neurotransmitters are located in precisely defined locations - postsynaptic membranes. Among membrane proteins, pump proteins or transport proteins are also known, the role of which is to maintain the constancy of the internal contents of the cell.

The main difference between nerve cells and other types of cells in the body is the presence of a long axon. Since axons do not have the biochemical "kitchen" for protein synthesis, all essential molecules must be transported to the terminals by a process called axonal transport, often over very long distances. All molecules needed to maintain structure and function, as well as membrane channel molecules, travel away from the cell body via this pathway. In the same way, molecules captured by the terminal membrane make their way back to the cell body using axonal transport.

Neurons also differ from most cells in that, with a few exceptions, they cannot divide. This means that in adult animals, dead neurons cannot be replaced.

Regulation of nervous system development

The high degree of organization of a structure such as the retina poses new problems. If a human brain is needed to build a computer, then no one controls the brain as it develops and makes connections. It is still a mystery how the correct “assembly” of parts of the brain leads to the appearance of its unique properties.

In the mature retina, each cell type is located in a corresponding layer or sublayer and forms strictly defined connections with the corresponding target cells. Such a device is a necessary condition for proper functioning. For example, for normal ganglion cells to develop, the precursor cell must divide, migrate to a specific location, differentiate into a specific shape, and form specific synaptic connections.

The axons of this cell must find, through a considerable distance (optic nerve), a certain layer of target cells in the next link of synaptic switching. Similar processes occur in all parts of the nervous system, resulting in the formation of complex structures with specific functions.

The study of the mechanisms of formation of such complex structures as the retina is one of the key problems of modern neurobiology. Understanding how the complex interconnections of neurons are formed during individual development (ontogenesis) can help describe the properties and origins of functional brain disorders. Some molecules may play key roles in neuronal differentiation, growth, migration, synapse formation, and survival. Such molecules are now being described more and more often. It is interesting to note that electrical signals regulate molecular signals that trigger axon growth and connection formation. Activity plays a role in establishing the pattern of connections.

Genetic approaches allow the identification of genes that control the differentiation of entire organs, such as the eye as a whole. Hering and colleagues studied gene expression eyeless in a fruit fly Drosophila, which controls eye development. Removing this gene from the genome results in eyes not developing. Homologous genes in mice and humans (known as small eye And aniridia) similar in structure. If a homologous gene eyeless mammals is artificially integrated and expressed in the fly, then this animal develops additional (fly-like in structure) eyes on the antennae, wings and legs. This suggests that this gene controls eye formation in the same way in a fly or mouse, despite the completely different structure and properties of insect and mammalian eyes.

Regeneration of the nervous system after injury

The nervous system not only makes connections during development, but can repair some connections after damage (your computer cannot do this). For example, axons in the hand can sprout after injury and establish connections; the hand can again move and feel touch. Similarly, in a frog, fish or invertebrate animal, following destruction in the nervous system, axonal regeneration and restoration of function are observed. After cutting the optic nerve in a frog or fish, the fibers grow back and the animal can see. However, this ability is not inherent in the central nervous system of adult vertebrates - regeneration does not occur in them. The molecular signals that block regeneration and their biological significance for nervous system function are unknown


∙ Neurons are connected to each other in a strictly defined way.

∙ Information is transmitted from cell to cell through synapses.

∙ In relatively simple systems, such as the retina, it is possible to trace all the connections and understand the meaning of intercellular signals.

∙ Nerve cells of the brain are the material elements of perception.

∙ Signals in neurons are highly stereotyped and are the same for all animals.

∙ Action potentials can travel long distances without loss.

∙ Local gradual potentials depend on the passive electrical properties of neurons and propagate only over short distances.

∙ The special structure of nerve cells requires a specialized mechanism for the axonal transport of proteins and organelles to and from the cell body.

∙ During individual development, neurons migrate to their final locations and establish connections with targets.

∙ Molecular signals control axon growth.


Penrose R. THE NEW MIND OF THE KING. About computers, thinking and the laws of physics.

Gregory R. L. Intelligent Eye.

Lekah V. A. The key to understanding physiology.

Gamow G., Ichas M. Mr. Tompkins inside himself: Adventures in new biology.

Kozhedub R. G. Membrane and synoptic modifications in manifestations of the basic principles of brain function.

Every day, every person is bombarded with a huge amount of information. We encounter new situations, objects, phenomena. Some people cope with this flow of knowledge without problems and successfully use it to their advantage. Others have difficulty remembering anything. This situation is largely explained by a person’s belonging to a certain type in terms of the way they perceive information. If it is served in a form that is inconvenient for humans, then its processing will be extremely difficult.

What is information?

The concept of “information” has an abstract meaning and its definition largely depends on the context. Translated from Latin, this word means “clarification”, “presentation”, “familiarization”. Most often, the term “information” refers to new facts that are perceived and understood by a person, and also found useful. In the process of processing this information received for the first time, people gain certain knowledge.

How is information received?

The perception of information by a person is an acquaintance with phenomena and objects through their impact on various senses. By analyzing the result of the impact of a particular object or situation on the organs of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, the individual receives a certain idea about them. Thus, the basis in the process of perceiving information is our five senses. In this case, a person’s past experience and previously acquired knowledge are actively involved. By referring to them, you can attribute the information received to already known phenomena or separate them from the general mass into a separate category. Methods of perceiving information are based on some processes associated with the human psyche:

  • thinking (having seen or heard an object or phenomenon, a person, starting to think, realizes what he is faced with);
  • speech (the ability to name the object of perception);
  • feelings (various types of reactions to objects of perception);
  • the will to organize the process of perception).

Presentation of information

According to this parameter, information can be divided into the following types:

  • Text. It is represented in the form of all kinds of symbols, which, when combined with each other, make it possible to obtain words, phrases, sentences in any language.
  • Numeric. This is information represented by numbers and signs that express a certain mathematical operation.
  • Sound. This is directly oral speech, thanks to which information from one person is transmitted to another, and various audio recordings.
  • Graphic. It includes diagrams, graphs, drawings and other images.

Perception and presentation of information are inextricably linked. Each person tries to choose exactly the option for presenting data that will ensure the best understanding of it.

Ways of human perception of information

A person has several such methods at his disposal. They are determined by the five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. In this regard, there is a certain classification of information according to the method of perception:

  • visual;
  • sound;
  • tactile;
  • taste;
  • olfactory.

Visual information is perceived through the eyes. Thanks to them, various visual images enter the human brain, which are then processed there. Hearing is necessary for the perception of information coming in the form of sounds (speech, noise, music, signals). are responsible for the possibility of perception. Receptors located on the skin make it possible to estimate the temperature of the object under study, the type of its surface, and shape. Taste information enters the brain from receptors on the tongue and is converted into a signal by which a person understands what product it is: sour, sweet, bitter or salty. The sense of smell also helps us understand the world around us, allowing us to distinguish and identify all kinds of smells. Vision plays the main role in the perception of information. It accounts for about 90% of the knowledge gained. The sound way of perceiving information (radio broadcast, for example) makes up about 9%, and the other senses are responsible for only 1%.

Types of perception

The same information, obtained in any particular way, is perceived differently by each person. Someone, after reading one of the pages of a book for a minute, can easily retell its contents, while others will remember practically nothing. But if such a person reads the same text out loud, he will easily reproduce in his memory what he heard. Such differences determine the characteristics of people’s perception of information, each of which is inherent in a certain type. There are four in total:

  • Visuals.
  • Auditory learners.
  • Kinesthetics.
  • Discrete.

It is often very important to know what type of information perception is dominant for a person and how it is characterized. This significantly improves mutual understanding between people and makes it possible to convey the necessary information to your interlocutor as quickly and completely as possible.


These are people for whom vision is the main sense organ in the process of learning about the world around them and perceiving information. They remember new material well if they see it in the form of text, pictures, diagrams and graphs. In the speech of visual learners, there are often words that are in one way or another connected with the characteristics of objects by their external features, the function of vision itself (“let’s see”, “light”, “bright”, “will be visible”, “it seems to me”). Such people usually speak loudly, quickly, and gesticulate actively. Visual people pay great attention to their appearance and surrounding environment.


For auditory learners, it is much easier to learn something that they have heard once, rather than seen a hundred times. The peculiarities of such people’s perception of information lie in their ability to listen and remember well what is said, both in a conversation with colleagues or relatives, and at a lecture at an institute or at a work seminar. Auditory learners have a large vocabulary and are pleasant to communicate with. Such people know how to perfectly convince their interlocutor in a conversation with him. They prefer quiet activities to active pastimes; they like to listen to music.


Touch, smell and taste play an important role in the process of kinesthetic perception of information. They strive to touch, feel, taste an object. Motor activity is also significant for kinesthetic learners. In the speech of such people there are often words that describe sensations (“soft”, “according to my feelings”, “grab”). A kinesthetic child needs physical contact with loved ones. Hugs and kisses, comfortable clothes, a soft and clean bed are important to him.


The ways of perceiving information are directly related to the human senses. The majority of people use vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. However, types of information perception include those that are primarily associated with thinking. People who perceive the world around them in this way are called discretes. There are quite a few of them, and they are found only among adults, since logic is not sufficiently developed in children. At a young age, the main ways of perceiving information in discretes are visual and auditory. And only with age do they begin to actively think about what they saw and heard, while discovering new knowledge for themselves.

Type of perception and learning ability

The ways people perceive information largely determine the form of learning that will be most effective for them. Of course, there are no people who would receive new knowledge entirely with the help of one sense organ or a group of them, for example, touch and smell. All of them act as means of information perception. However, knowing which sense organs are dominant in a particular person allows others to quickly convey the necessary information to him, and allows the person himself to effectively organize the process of self-education.

Visual learners, for example, need to present all new information in a readable form, in pictures and diagrams. In this case, they remember it much better. Visual people usually excel in the exact sciences. Even in childhood, they are excellent at putting together puzzles, know many geometric shapes, are good at drawing, sketching, and building with cubes or construction sets.

Auditory learners, on the contrary, more easily perceive information received from it. This could be a conversation with someone, a lecture, an audio recording. When teaching a foreign language for auditory learners, audio courses are preferable to a printed tutorial. If you still need to remember the written text, it is better to speak it out loud.

Kinesthetic learners are very mobile. They find it difficult to concentrate on anything for long periods of time. Such people find it difficult to learn material learned at a lecture or from a textbook. The memorization process will go faster if kinesthetic learners learn to connect theory and practice. It is easier for them to learn sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, in which a specific scientific term or law can be represented as the result of an experiment carried out in a laboratory.

Discrete people take a little longer than other people to take new information into account. They must first comprehend it and relate it to their past experience. Such people can, for example, record a teacher’s lecture on a dictaphone and subsequently listen to it a second time. Among the discretes there are many people of science, since rationality and logic are above all else for them. Therefore, in the process of studying, they will be closest to those subjects in which accuracy determines the perception of information - computer science, for example.

Role in communication

The types of information perception also influence how you communicate with him so that he listens to you. For visual learners, the appearance of the interlocutor is very important. The slightest carelessness in clothing can turn him off, after which it will not matter at all what he says. When talking with a visual person, you need to pay attention to your facial expressions, speak quickly using gestures, and support the conversation with schematic drawings.

In a conversation with an auditory learner, there should be words that are close to him (“listen to me”, “sounds tempting”, “this says a lot”). The perception of information by an auditory person depends largely on how the interlocutor speaks. should be calm and pleasant. It is better to postpone an important conversation with an auditory person if you have a severe cold. Such people also cannot tolerate shrill notes in their voices.

Negotiations with a kinesthetic person should be carried out in a room with a comfortable air temperature and a pleasant smell. Such people sometimes need to touch the interlocutor, so they better understand what they heard or saw. You shouldn’t expect a kinesthetic learner to make a quick decision immediately after the conversation. He needs time to listen to his feelings and understand that he is doing everything right.

Dialogue with discrete people must be built on the principle of rationality. It is best to operate with strict rules. For discrete data, the language of numbers is more understandable.

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