Learn English from scratch on your own. English from scratch: how to start learning successfully. An excellent selection of English videos for beginners for every day

Many refer to the fact that it is necessary to first learn the rules of using the language, and then learn to write, read and speak.

There is also the opposite opinion - similar to the study native language, you first need to “create” a vocabulary, and then learn to read, speak and write.

Which method to choose is up to you. But the truth is unchanged, the main thing is to teach.

If you do not have any understanding of the language and your “zero”, i.e. Beginner, then it is better to start studying it with children's literature and textbooks for children 7-10 years old.

Unlike books for preschoolers, the information presented in them is not so primitive.

If your level is Elementary, which is no longer Beginner, but your maximum knowledge of the language is the phrase - “ London the capital of great Britain”, which is no longer small, but also not enough - you can start learning the language from books for older children.

However, in the first and second cases it is necessary to learn from the basics.

The main points of study are:

  1. Grammar rules;
  2. Creation and expansion of vocabulary.
  3. Learning the rules of reading in English

You should start working on reading rules. This is necessary in order to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, with the inherent given language features.

You should also pay attention to mastering the rules of pronunciation of consonant and vowel letter combinations. Without this basic knowledge, you will not be able to read correctly.

Clarifying the pronunciation of words

In English, like in any other language, there are exceptions. Including the rules of reading and pronunciation of words. Many who came to English from other languages ​​do not obey any pronunciation rules.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this category of words and learn their pronunciation, as they say, “by heart.”

Formation of vocabulary

Contrary to popular belief, you need to expand your vocabulary not by memorizing individual words, but by memorizing phrases and even entire sentences.

This method is the most effective and, due to the fact that the word is remembered in its context, allows you to learn not 30 words in the same time, as would be the case in the first case, but 2,3 or 4 times more.

Also, this technique also helps to remember several meanings of the same word at once.

You can start simple:

  • Write down, translate into English and memorize your most common phrases and everyday sentences;
  • Teach and children's;
  • Learn in a foreign language.

Get yourself your own personal dictionary and write down the words and phrases you learn in it. Create a special section with words that are difficult to memorize and pay more attention to it.

Studying grammar

Grammar is rightfully considered one of the most difficult sections in learning English. However, this opinion is wrong. There are not so many rules in English compared to others, which is why it received its status as a “language of international communication.”

However, the rules do not need to be memorized, they need to be understood. So instead of memorizing them, do as many practical grammar exercises as possible.

If you are tired of learning English for years?

Those who attend even 1 lesson will learn more than in several years! Surprised?

No homework. No cramming. No textbooks

From the course “ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATION” you:

  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • You will check your answers instantly+ get a thorough analysis of each task
  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

View news in English

In order to learn to understand English speech, you need to not only listen to it, but also read it. The easiest way is to read the news feed of one of the English newspapers.

This is useful not only from the point of view of language learning, but also from the point of view general development and knowledge of the world, as well as foreign culture. News is written in an accessible and in simple language, they contain many frequently used words in everyday life, in connection with this, reading the news will be simple and useful for you.

Read simple texts

Reading is one of the main ways to learn any language. Speaking beautifully will help you. Of course, all the most beautiful phrases and phraseological units for beautiful speech are contained in classical literature.

However, to read it you need a large vocabulary, therefore, at the first stages of learning the language, read.

Install useful apps

Today, on the Internet, as well as in any mobile software store, there are many applications that allow you to learn English anywhere and at any time.

It is convenient because it is very simple and mobile. You can learn a language while waiting in line at the doctor's office, while commuting to work, or waiting for a friend in the park.

The most popular applications on the market are:

  • Words– the goal is to increase vocabulary. The learning process takes place through various games, as well as interesting tasks aimed at memory training.
  • Easy ten– the principle of operation of the application is similar to Words, but here, in addition to visual memorization words, it is also possible to listen to them, which develops auditory memory.
  • Busuu– the application allows you to study not individual words, but speech structures, which is considered more effective way memorizing language and expanding vocabulary. The application provides for the writing of short texts and their subsequent verification.
  • Polyglot– the application has a rich base of teaching aids that accompany each task. The intended purpose is to study grammar, but also to expand vocabulary.
  • English: speaking American– the purpose of this application is to increase your level of perception and understanding of English speech by listening to dialogues, composing and translating them.

Study online

The Internet can also be useful for learning English. On the World Wide Web, many sites are ready to open their pages to you, designed with the goal of helping you, for a reasonable fee, become a real polyglot.

An undeniable advantage of online resources for learning English is the inexpensive cost of subscription (about 1000 rubles per year) and a fairly extensive content of teaching aids: rules, tasks and games that will help, if not simplify the process of learning the language, then certainly make it more interesting.

The “top” online tutorials are:

  1. Lingualeo– the resource contains many tasks and games, allowing you to create a personal program for learning the language. The intended purpose is to study English grammar, as well as develop vocabulary and skills in perceiving English speech.
  1. Duolingo– the principle of operation of the resource is similar to Lingualeo. And the main purpose is the same - to study English grammar and consolidate the acquired knowledge. However, its advantage is the ability to study words not separately from each other, but in context, which is the most effective way to expand your vocabulary.
  1. Puzzle-english is an online gaming resource for language learning, similar to Lingualeo and Duolingo. However, its intended purpose is to develop listening skills. In this regard, the main educational gaming content on the site are audio and video games.

Our century, rightfully, is considered a century of opportunities, in the field of education - first of all. All kinds of programs, tutorials, games and applications try to diversify the boring process of learning English and improve it.

The Internet is replete with various methodological manuals, available for download, and in any bookstore you will find many books on the English language.

Now you don’t need to visit expensive ones, it’s enough to have a goal, stock up on the necessary literature, in any format convenient for you, and consistently move towards your goal - to become a native speaker.

Known fact that the most popular language in the world is English. Knowing it, you can communicate with a resident of almost any country. All this is possible due to the fact that English is an international language and is spoken in 106 countries around the world. It’s not difficult to guess that in order to be a successful person you need to expand your linguistic boundaries. Learning English from scratch is not that difficult if you know where to get information from and how to use it. This article will help you find out everything you need to self-study English is absolutely free.

Once you recognize the need to learn English, it's time to take action. Modern technologies The 21st century allows you to learn on your own new language without teachers. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language quickly and efficiently. To do this, just find websites and video lessons in English, sign up for online courses or take online lessons. In addition, you can find a lot of material that clearly explains English for beginners.

Before you start learning a language, you need to understand where to start learning.

If you have at least some long-forgotten English skills, then mastering the language on your own will be easier. After all, if you once learned grammar and words, then you already have some basics of the English language and everything you need will emerge in your subconscious, as soon as you start going through the program.

If you have never touched English or foreign languages, it doesn't matter. Find an English tutorial that makes sense to you. In such books, as a rule, basic rules and words are written, which are enough for a foreigner to understand your speech and you can conduct a basic dialogue.

If you are interested in deeper and more effective language learning, then you will have to look for specialized literature or find a site on the Internet that tells you how to learn English from scratch, for free. Such sources exist in large quantities, so studying the Internet on the whole foreign language will not be difficult and you can rest assured that your knowledge will be up to par.

So, if you decide to learn English from scratch, this article will help you figure out step by step how to organize your training without the involvement of expensive specialists and at the same time get up-to-date information about the language.

if desired, available to everyone at home

How to organize independent learning of English?

How long do you plan to study English?

Learning English on your own is easier than it seems. First, determine how long you plan to study and over what period of time you plan to learn the language. Honestly decide for yourself, if superficial knowledge is enough for you, then learning basic words and basic grammar in 3 months is quite possible. If you want to master an intermediate level of English, prepare to devote 3 days a week to this for at least a year. And, of course, if your goal is to know English perfectly, then when you start learning English, get ready to practice the language every day, learn something new and improve your knowledge every year.

What do you need to learn a language?

Depending on your needs, you need to stock up on materials and tools. To learn the basics of English for tourism purposes, a tutorial and a dictionary with basic words and phrases will be enough. If your goal is more global, you need a good and high-quality dictionary, a grammar textbook and various audio and video lessons in English. It is a known fact that communicating with a native speaker is the best way to acquire speech skills. If you have the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker, take advantage of it. As an alternative, watching English films without translation (subtitles are acceptable) or reading English fiction in original. Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write down new words and always have it with you so that you can repeat the words while in a traffic jam, on the way to visit or at any other time.

Set yourself a goal

As soon as you decide what level of English you need and how much time you are ready to learn new words and rules, set yourself goals. By achieving each new small goal, you overcome the path of learning English from scratch, step by step. Each new step is a new level for you. It will be relevant if you set yourself approximate deadlines:

  1. Learn the entire alphabet in 2 weeks;
  2. Learn correct pronunciation in 3 weeks;
  3. Learn the basic tenses (present, past and future) in 1 month;
  4. Learn a minimum vocabulary of 300 words or more in 50 days;
  5. Learn to compose complete sentences in 1.5 - 2 months.

Create a class schedule

Once you have decided on all the main points, it's time to organize your work. Decide which day you study grammar by watching educational videos, solving tests, or reading. At a minimum, you need to spend an hour studying, learning about 5 new words every day. On Saturday evening, watch episode 1 of your favorite English series without translation, believe me, this will greatly help you in learning the language. Over time, you can move from TV series to films, and from there you can start reading books in English.

Surround yourself with English

In addition to the dedicated time for learning the language, it is necessary to fill the space around you with English speech and words. For example, hang up leaflets with new words in your apartment, listen to the news in English (again, everything is available on the Internet). Find a foreign friend with whom you can communicate every day on Skype or correspond. There are special sites where oral and written practice of a foreign language is possible. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, where English is spoken, for 1-2 months, this will be the most educational and interesting trip for you, since you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself entirely in the English atmosphere, without creating it artificially.

will pass quickly and successfully if you learn to read English text, master vocabulary and grammar, listen to speech, learn to write and practice pronunciation

Free sites and online programs for learning English from scratch

So, the Internet can become your main assistant in learning English. The main thing is to find useful sites and video courses and look at them every day, looking for new words, interesting videos and grammar rules. A program for learning English at home can be based on ready-made online courses, or you can combine watching useful videos, reading books and even using chat rooms to communicate with native speakers. You can learn English easily and quickly if you choose the method and method that you like. Below you will find various resources for learning English from scratch, from which you can choose what you like best.

Learn to read correctly and quickly in English

  1. Reading English Consonants - Alphabet and Sounds
  2. Alphabet and basic reading in English- video, part 1, basic knowledge;
  3. "A" in a closed syllable, sh pronunciation and much more- video, part 2, pronunciation of the article and some sounds;
  4. Reading rules and pronunciation ar, are, air, y, e, ch- video, part 3, rules for reading complex sounds.

It is also good to read magazines (britishcouncil.org) in English aloud or silently. You can find any material that interests you.

Memorizing new vocabulary

To prevent new vocabulary from being hard labor for you, the best way is to download and install special applications for your phone so that you can learn vocabulary even outside the home, when you can just take out your phone and not waste time in a traffic jam/subway/queue, but learn the language.

The channel will be useful for business negotiations Business English Pod.

Another good way to learn new words is to solve crossword puzzles of English words:

Listening to English speech

To understand English, it is important to listen to foreign speech as often as possible. These can be songs (lyrics.com), audio recordings and audio books (librophile.com). To constantly expand your vocabulary, it is useful to watch news in English (newsinlevels.com), foreign TV programs, films and series in English. But first, you should take a short online course on understanding English speech. YouTube will help you with this.

  1. English with Jennifer. The page has a special section “understanding fast English speech”, where in 20 lessons you can acquire good skills.
  2. The channel link may also help you Real English, where you can find many videos of real people speaking English, each video has subtitles.
  3. Another useful channel British Council, where you can find a selection of educational cartoons with various situations in which people communicate in English.
  4. It will be no less useful comprehensive study of English with the BBC on YouTube channel.

Learning and improving grammar

The main thing you need to learn is grammar. Tenses, verb forms, pronouns and much more can be studied using the textbook “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy, which describes English tenses, verbs and sentence construction in a very accessible way. This textbook can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Any free grammar books that you can download that you understand are also suitable.

But you can learn grammar using any resource for adults and children. One of the most interesting ways for beginners is to subscribe to one of the channels on YouTube:

You can also start learning English grammar on the following web resources:

And don’t forget to take English tests, some can be found here - englishteststore.net, begin-english.ru, english-lessons-online.ru.

Reading adapted texts in English

Adapted texts are very useful when learning English, especially at the beginner level. You can download them. So, we learn to read and immediately understand the meaning of the text, avoiding cumbersome sentences and unnecessary constructions. On this site envoc.ru you can find both easy texts and more complex ones to improve your reading technique. Here in each work we use simple phrases and translations are given. You can also find simple texts. In addition to the texts themselves, on the site you can repeat the reading rules and some words. Remember, to read even adapted literature, you need basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of reading rules.

Improving speech skills

Perhaps the biggest problem for a person who wants to master English is finding English speakers to practice speaking with. Communication is a very important component of learning, as communication helps you learn the right timbre, pronunciation and learn new words. To find English speaking interlocutors, you can use one of the sites below. All you have to do is register and the doors to the world of English speech will open before you.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 12 minutes


For some, the English language (and sometimes not only English) comes so easily, as if the person grew up in an English-speaking environment. But most people, unfortunately, have to work hard to master at least its basics. Is it possible to learn a language quickly and without teachers?

Can! And 50% of success is your sincere desire.

Rules for effectively learning English from scratch at home - how to master the language faster?

A new language is not only an expansion of our consciousness and horizons, it is also a huge benefit in life. Moreover, English, as you know, is considered international.

So, where to start learning, and how to master a language without outside help?

  • Let's decide on a goal. Why do you need a 2nd language? To pass international exam to communicate with residents of another state, to get a new job in another country, or just “for yourself”? Based on your intentions, it’s worth choosing a methodology.
  • Let's start with the basics! It is impossible to learn a language without knowing the basics. First of all, the alphabet and grammar, as well as reading rules. A regular tutorial will help you with this.
  • After obtaining stable basic knowledge You can proceed to choosing the contact study option. For example, lessons on Skype, an option for remote courses, or a school with the opportunity distance learning. Having an interlocutor is the key to success.
  • After choosing a course of study, be sure to pay attention to fiction. It is recommended to use adapted texts at first, and later, when you gain experience, you can switch to full-fledged books. It is important to master (qualitatively) the technique of speed reading. Read detective stories and novels. Let the books not be literary masterpieces, the main thing is that your vocabulary expands. Don’t forget to write down and be sure to memorize vocabulary you don’t know.
  • Access films, various programs and famous series in the language of your choice. At first it will be difficult to understand anything, but over time your hearing will get used to foreign speech, and you will even begin to understand it. You can devote 30 minutes a day to such educational viewing, or you can even watch only foreign TV programs.
  • Speak your chosen language constantly : at home, commenting on your actions; communicating with friends and family members, etc. Let family members support you in your endeavor - this will make the process go faster. Constant practice is extremely important.
  • Study the language closely at least three times a week for 1-2 hours. Or every day for 30-60 minutes. Reinforce your studies with practice - your efforts should not be in vain.
  • Constantly work on your speaking skills. You need to read simple articles (any), listen to news in the language, write short texts, and train your English speaking skills.

Organization of learning English at home - program

To be honest, English is the simplest language on earth that exists. Therefore, do not set yourself a “wall” in advance with the attitude “it’s difficult, I can’t handle it.”

The installation must be correct - “it’s easy, I can do it quickly.”

Where to begin?

Getting ready for the first stage of training

Let's stock up...

  • Books and video courses with the basics of the language.
  • Films in English/language without translation into Russian.
  • Fiction and educational magazines.

It will also not be superfluous:

  • Specific resources for learning language through communication. For example, foreign comrades, chats, etc.

Basics – what can’t you do without?

The first month and a half is the period during which you must master the basics of the language.

Do you think it's not enough? Nothing like this! A month and a half is even “with a reserve!”

The “basics” include...

  • Alphabet.
  • Constructing sentences of any type.
  • Obtaining a minimum (initial) vocabulary (from 300).
  • All necessary grammatical forms.
  • Correct reading and pronunciation.

Now you can move on to the exercises

For training, which will take about 3 months, you can use popular thematic services, ideal for expanding your vocabulary.

The plan for training on such resources is simple - every day you spend at least 1 hour on the following exercises:

  • Add 5 new words to your dictionary.
  • We take a short text on the topic of the words you have chosen and translate it. We add 5 new words from this text, again, to our dictionary.
  • We find a commercial or a song to suit our taste and also translate it.
  • We complete the entire block of exercises (in accordance with the selected service) to remember words from the dictionary.

Every week should bring you 70-100 new words. That is, after 3 months you will already be able to boast of an increase in your vocabulary by more than a thousand words, while acquiring quick translation skills almost on the go.

The natural environment is one of the main criteria for success

The more often you hear foreign speech, the easier it will be for you to learn the language.

That's why…

  • We communicate with native speakers.
  • We discuss ordinary everyday topics in English.
  • We read foreign press, books, leaf through magazines.
  • We watch films without translation.

The ideal option is to go abroad. Not for a visit, not for a month or two, but for a year or two, so that the effect of learning the language is maximum.

Without giving up reading, we take up the pen and write on our own

Describe anything - events, news, your actions.

It is ideal if you start your own business using not Russian, but exclusively English.

It is important to learn not only to write correctly, but also to express thoughts correctly.

Complex shapes are the next stage

After 8-9 months of hard training, you will read and write in English without difficulty. You can also easily translate texts.

From now on it makes sense to move on to more complex forms, previously unused. For example, “Need have” or “I wish I knew”.

Practice, practice, practice – always and everywhere

By the way, it’s not so difficult to find a foreigner to practice in our domestic social networks. Many foreigners strive to get closer to Russian speech and register on our sites: you can help each other.

After a year, your knowledge will reach a sufficient level to continue mastering the language somewhere in rainy London, completely immersing yourself in the culture of native speakers.

  • Learn the language in the 1st person. Memorizing phrases from phrase books automatically models specific situations in your mind: by trying each phrase on yourself, you avoid the impersonality of memorized texts, which will subsequently help you get used to the text and remember it more effectively. For each topic in the phrasebook – 2-3 days. Learn consistently, being sure to memorize all the accompanying words.
  • According to experts, the ideal learning formula is 30 words daily. Moreover, 5 of them must certainly be verbs. It is recommended to take words starting with a new letter of the alphabet every day. After you have "run" the entire alphabet "in a circle", you can start again with "A". The effectiveness of the method lies in the creation of a good tradition (rule), which gradually becomes a habit and is further transformed into a system. Skipping days and taking days off is prohibited.
  • We translate and learn songs. Another one good habit, which you should have for yourself. The main advantage of the method is excellent pronunciation, purity of language style, and getting used to the style of presentation. Write a list of your favorite songs and start with them.
  • Listen "unconsciously." There is no need to catch every sound of the speaker - catch the general tone, try to immediately grasp the immensity, do not delve into details.
  • Take advantage of Skype training opportunities. There are many teachers online who want to work in their field. Find the best one and agree on cooperation.

Useful sites and programs for learning English from scratch

Whoever said that “learning a language at home is impossible” is just a lazy bore.

It is possible and necessary!

And not only books, Skype, films, dictionaries can help you: in our age of the Internet, it’s simply a sin not to take the best from it. Learning English is easy if you know where to start.

Here are the best, according to Internet users, resources for learning the basics, for practice and for useful communication:

  • Translate.ru. We study the rules of reading. We learn to read and pronounce sounds correctly, get acquainted with transcription.
  • Online dictionaries Lingvo.ru or Howjsay.com. Even with excellent knowledge of reading rules, you should check the pronunciation of new words. The world's most popular language is quite a tricky one. And it contains words that do not want to obey the rules of reading at all. Therefore, it is better to listen to each word, pronounce it and remember it.
  • Studyfun.ru or Englishspeak.com. We form our vocabulary. It will be much easier to remember new vocabulary if you have a visual dictionary. The greatest attention is on verbs!
  • Teachpro.ru. Accustom yourself to the constant sound of foreign speech. The simplest audio recordings are 1-2 minutes long to begin with. Further more.
  • Newsinlevels.com. Don't know where to watch daily news in English? You can here. The texts are simple, there are audio recordings for all news. That is, you can listen to the sound of new words and, of course, repeat them after the speaker, and then add them to your dictionary.
  • Lingualeo. A very useful tutorial application that will always be at hand. Ideal for learning new words and consolidating material.
  • Duolingo. This application is suitable not only for learning words, but also for learning how to construct sentences. And, of course, it will help with pronunciation.
  • Correctenglish.ru or Wonderenglish.com. Useful exercise resources. You should not add dozens of sites to your favorites in batches - find 2-3 sites and study them daily.
  • Englishspeak.com. Here you will find 100 lessons, as well as collections of useful words and phrases with translation (no dictionary needed here). Among the features of the resource: the presence of regular and slow-motion audio tracks, the sound of individual words by simply hovering the cursor.
  • en.leengoo.com. A beginner-friendly site with word cards, exercises, a library, translation by mouse click, working with your own dictionary, etc.
  • Esl.fis.edu. Tasks for beginners: basic words, simple texts.
  • Audioenglish.org. A resource where you can listen to groups of words by topic. To get used to the sound of speech.
  • Agendaweb.org. Simple phrases – slowly and clearly – in educational cartoons.
  • Learn-english-today.com. A short and clear grammar guide. No unnecessary theory - everything is clear and accessible. Assignments can be completed on the website or printed.
  • english-easy-ebooks.com. A resource with free books for your level. Simple texts, adapted literature.
  • Rong-chang.com. Here you will find easy texts that you can listen to.
  • EnglishFull.ru. Extremely useful resource for adults and children, beginners and seasoned students.

And remember the main thing: you are a speaker of not only the most beautiful and rich, but also the most complex language in the world!

Imagine how English speakers suffer trying to understand our “oblique with a scythe mowed with a scythe,” for example.

Believe in yourself and don't stop! Success comes to those who work for results and do not dream about them.

How do you study English? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!

There is so much information about English that it is easy to get confused!

Dear readers! I know from my own experience how difficult English is for beginners. And the point is not a lack of textbooks or information, but rather an excess of them, information noise that is impossible to understand.

In this article, I have collected and systematized materials from the site that will be useful for beginners, those who are learning English from scratch. In these articles, I share my opinion on where to start learning a language, what online resources and books are best to use, where to find good video lessons, how to choose courses and where to find an online tutor.

Where to start learning English?

If you decide to learn English “from scratch,” then you need to go from simple to complex, from the most necessary to the rarer. First of all, try to lay the foundation for future knowledge and skills and learn the basics of the language. The most basic knowledge includes:

Having laid the foundation, you need to practice a lot and variedly in all types speech activity: read, listen, write and speak English.

Actually, that's all. You just listened short course language learning! The rest is details and particulars.

You can find the necessary materials both on this site (links above) and in textbooks and online training courses for beginners. I recommend on initial stage study using a textbook for self-study (self-instruction manual). In my opinion, the most convenient way to learn the basics of a language is from a textbook, using interactive materials, such as vocabulary cards, as auxiliary materials.

You can also use mine as a tutorial.

What websites are there for English language beginners?

The main advantage of the textbook is that the material is presented in a methodically correct order, in convenient portions. You don’t have the feeling that you are wandering in the dark; the textbook literally leads you by the hand, giving extremely specific instructions. But in addition to textbooks, you can also study using training programs - they contain a lot of audiovisual materials, and the learning process is built in game form. The following sites are suitable for beginners:

“Teacher Method” – a step-by-step course for children and adults

“Teacher Method” is an interactive course for different levels, starting from almost zero. It includes courses of three difficulty levels for adults and children, as well as a separate children's course for the little ones.

In the course for beginners, learning begins with the alphabet, all explanations are made in the form of short videos in Russian with explanations from teachers, and tasks are given in the form of interactive exercises. The material is chewed down to the smallest detail. The service is paid, but is available free of charge in a limited form.

Lingvaleo is a service for self-learning English using:

The lesson plan is created automatically and looks like a list of “Today's tasks”, but it is not necessary to follow it. The site has a lot of audio, video and text materials of different levels of complexity - from simple to original materials of foreign TV, so it is suitable not only for lesson-based language learning, but also for practice in reading and listening. Most of the features are free, but for an additional fee you can purchase interactive courses (for example, grammar or English for children) and unlock some word learning modes.


A free interactive course, in which, like in the “Teacher Method”, you need to go from lesson to lesson. But there are almost no explanations here; training is built on a different principle. You need to complete tasks, studying the practical side of grammar and applying the vocabulary learned at the beginning of the lesson in practice: constructing and translating phrases. It is not advisable to take this course as a basis for learning English, but it is suitable as an auxiliary educational game.

English for beginners: free video lessons

Useful Internet resources are not limited to just educational sites. Fortunately, there are now a lot of useful, interesting and free video lessons. Lessons are available in both Russian and English.

For beginners, it is better to start with lessons in Russian. For example:

I believe that it is better for beginners to study with Russian-speaking teachers, and here’s why:

  • He better understands the peculiarities of teaching Russian-speaking students.
  • At the initial stage, it is better to explain tasks and rules in Russian.
  • It will be too difficult for you to understand a teacher who does not speak Russian.

The principles of language learning are very simple and have been known for a long time.

1. Set specific and achievable goals

It is much more convenient to move towards a goal when it is marked than when it is an unclear fog over the horizon. Why did you decide to learn the language in the first place? To get a job as a chief engineer at New Development Engineering? To move in with your aunt in Sydney? Your goals will largely determine how you go about achieving them. For example, if you want to study at a foreign university, you will need to be able to write correctly, which is not so important for a trip to the USA under the Work and Travel program.

It is advisable to set short-term goals in addition to long-term ones. For example, complete lessons 1 – 6 in two weeks, learn 100 words in a week, read the first chapter of Harry Potter in a month, etc. No need to set unrealistic goals. It's better to take small steps, but without stopping.

2. Try to exercise regularly, preferably every day!

Ideally, you need to practice every day for 1-2 hours. In practice, not everyone will be able to do this, but if you really want to, you can set aside at least half an hour a day. The main thing is not to deceive yourself by coming up with excuses about lack of time and crazy busyness. It's okay if you watch half an hour less TV or get things done half an hour earlier.

Even if you are a businessman/supermodel/pizza delivery guy, finding at least 15 minutes a day in your crazy schedule is exactly 15 minutes better than 0 minutes. And don’t forget that you can listen to audio lessons while you’re dying of boredom in a traffic jam.

There is no need to organize crazy marathons once a month either. It is better to exercise for 30 minutes 7 times a week than 210 minutes once a week. What's the point of running a 3-4 hour marathon a day if everything is forgotten within a week?

3. Practice makes perfect

You don't need any great intelligence or talent to learn a language. You just need to practice regularly - that’s all. Pay attention to all aspects of the tongue: vocabulary, grammar, practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing– and everything will be ok. Don't get hung up on theory and try to practice more.

Language is a means of communication, transmission and perception of information, knowledge, and expression of emotions. They need to be used. Learning a language but not using it is like learning swimming from books without diving into the water. Read and listen more, don’t hesitate to communicate!

Anyone who believes in themselves and is distinguished by enviable perseverance can easily learn English on their own. Today, both real and virtual textbooks are sufficient for this purpose. How does learning a language with a teacher differ from studying on your own?

With a teacher, it may be easier to control the degree to which beginners understand a new topic and easier to consolidate it in practice. At the same time, by going through the English tutorial, you can take as long and scrupulously to figure out the difficult parts yourself.

The teacher disciplines and obliges, but the prospect of learning English at a time convenient for you at home and with music is always a joy.

Conclusion: Each method has its pros and cons, but one thing is certain:

It is quite possible for a beginner to learn English on his own.

All you need is inner responsibility, patience and self-discipline. How to learn English on your own?

Online English tutorials for beginners are no less, if not more popular today.

What an online tutorial could be like

online English tutorial Here the training scheme may be slightly different.

  1. There are no long, tedious lessons (but there are more of them), one lesson can be completed in a day, so it’s all about learning “a little bit” at a time.
  2. Teaching English is based on the method of parallel texts, which look like dialogues: we read and immediately translate.
  3. Reading is accompanied by sound, which allows you to avoid phonics lessons
  4. Then there are very accessible explanations, in the lessons there is a minimum of grammar
  5. The following exercises are also simple and mainly on the topic of dialogues
  6. Every 7 lessons there is a systematization with repetition of what has been learned

Thus, 145, for example, small lessons can be learned without straining in 5 - 6 months

Sample English lesson from an online tutorial

Here's what one English lesson looks like:

Thus, in this lesson several new words and one phrase are studied, and the final exercise, in addition to consolidating the material, prepares the way for a new lesson, the topic of which, obviously, will be related to indefinite pronouns and numerals.

Are you now convinced that learning English using a self-instruction manual is not at all difficult?

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