Learning German words by topic. How to quickly learn German words? Learning words before bed

In this section you will learn how to remember easily german words and where to get a set of necessary words for free communication.

First, let's remember that there are different types of memory:



    figurative ;

    logical ;

    visual ;

    auditory, etc.

To remember a word, it is better to use all types of memory: write the word, pronounce it, come up with an image, insert it into a sentence, give the word an emotional coloring, hear it.

Also, our brain stubbornly resists when it sees a huge number of words that, in its opinion, are impossible to quickly remember. But, as experiments show, it is difficult to remember only the first 1000 words; the next 1000 words are easier and faster to learn. How to achieve this?

1. Learn words of one part of speech, for example:

    Verbs: I'm going, you're coming, he came, etc. Agree that by composing such simple sentences, you immediately feel that you can speak English. German.

In chapter " German verb conjugation " you'll learn how to write these short sentences and find a large list of verbs to practice with. Verbs + easy grammar = freedom of communication.

    Take advantage list of useful German adjectives , to describe people, nature and everything that can be described. Put these words into short sentences.

    How to read German words? Reading rules

    Learn and apply
    german words
    The first phrases in German are: video Grammar German language in 1 day Conjugation of German verbs and how to use them in speech Most Popular German verbs with examples Popular adjectivesand adverbs - used in speech The most common German words Russian-German phrasebook. German for tourists Linking words for German sentences
    Films and TV seriesin German with subtitles video Dialogues in German with text and translation - video A short videoin German with subtitles

Mnemonics techniques

Mnemonics techniques have been known since antiquity. Periodically, they experienced times of increased interest and prosperity. But one thing has always been clear: their knowledge and use greatly facilitates the memorization of any material and improves memory.

Advice: Get acquainted with some of the most famous mnemonic techniques and test their effectiveness for yourself.

1. "Loci" technique

New words are “assigned” to well-known objects on the way home, to pieces of furniture in the apartment, etc. For example, you need to learn German words that have a special mixed inflection pattern: der Buchstabe, der Gedanke, der Wille(n), der Funke, der Friede(n), der Name, der Same(n), der Haufen und das Herz . “Place” these words mentally or on cards with the word and/or picture on stationary objects in your room. Watch and remember.

2. Method " keywords" (keyword method)

A foreign word is remembered in pairs with the word native language, sounding similar, and both are remembered in some image:
“Gabel” - “rake” (Mentally draw a picture: a giant eats with a rake.)
“Bratkartoffeln” - “brother” (Mentally we draw a picture: a photograph of a brother who has a potato instead of a head.)
“Wetter” - “wind” (Mentally draw a picture: the wind drives clouds and brings good or bad weather.)

3. Technique of associative connections

It is associated with the property of our memory to remember faster and more firmly what is in a natural or logical interdependence. Associative links can be of various types:

3.1. Interactive:
To learn a series of words, you need to connect them into an associative chain, even an absurd one. For example, you want to remember neuter nouns that form plural using the suffix -en, which is atypical for this type:
das Auge, das Bett, das Ende, das Hemd, das Interesse.
Draw a mental or real picture: at the end of the bed there is a shirt, from the pocket of which an eye is peeking out, in the pupil of which the word “interest” is written.

3.2. Grapheme:
It’s easier to remember similar words if you come up with “knots for memory” (in German they are called Eselsbrücken - “donkey bridges”) and graphically secure them. For example: nap R avo - R echts, on L evo - L inks.
This makes it easier to remember the rules for using conjunctions a ls-w e nn:
A ls in der Verg A ngenheit einm A lig,w E nn in der G E g E nwart m E hrmalig,
or gender of nouns: de R Fehle R, di E Fahn E,da S Gedächtni S.

3.3. Figurative:
der Hahn - rooster and cock (in shape); plötzlich - imagine a person in front of whom a stone falls into a puddle and splashes him with water from head to toe.

3.4. With native language:
die Trauer - “mourning”, rot - red like a “mouth”, flott - “fast” like an Aeroflot plane; die Dose - "tin can" (with cola) - my daily "dose".

3.5. Kinesic or "motor":
“Tying” a word or phrase to a gesture or movement. For example, prepositions with dative and accusative cases are easy to remember if you memorize them accompanied by semantizing gestures: in, an, auf, vor, hinter, über, unter, neben, zwischen.

3.6. Contrastingly ridiculous:
In order to remember, for example, the gender of words, especially in cases where it does not coincide with the native language, which causes annoying errors:
das Bett - bed O, der Sessel - chair, das Regal - regiment O, die Couch - sofa A. You can memorize German words by looking for similar and funny associations for them in your native language: Überraschung - “stunning”.

3.7. Natural:
For example, to memorize the gender of nouns, memorize groups of words as they are usually used:
ein Glas Bier, ein Stück Brot (all neuter words),
eine Tasse / Flasche Milch, eine Scheibe Wurst, eine Stunde Zeit (all feminine words).
And, in general, try to learn new words not in isolation, but in “natural” word combinations:
eine große Rolle spielen, an der Universität studieren, einen Deutschkurs be suchen, die Prüfung ablegen, am Tisch sitzen, mit Appetit essen, sich über jemanden lustig machen...

4. Techniques for writing sentences or writing stories

For example, you need to remember the verbs that form Perfect with sein:
sein, werden, bleiben, folgen, begegnen, gelingen, misslingen, passieren, geschehen.
You make up a story in which you use all these exception words:

Ich bin Detektiv. Heute bin ich in der Stadt gewesen. Ich bin einem Mann gefolgt. Es ist dunkel geworden. Plötzlich ist mir mein Freund begegnet. "Was ist passiert?" - wollte er wissen. - "Warum bist du nicht zu Hause geblieben? Es ist world nothing gelungen, dich telefonisch zu erreichen." Endlich bin ich meinen Freund losgeworden. Es ist nichts Schlimmes geschehen. Aber meine Verfolgung ist misslungen!

5. Technique for composing rhymes

To remember various words, rules and exceptions, for example:

Vor l, m, n und r, das merke ja, steht meistens das Dehnungs-h.
Nach l, m, n, r, das merk dir ja, steht nie tz und nie ck.

-chen und -lein machen alles neutral und klein.

Regelmäßige Verben tun nicht weh, vorne ge- und hinten -t.
Bei Verben auf -ieren kann nichts passieren: ohne ge-, aber hinten -t.

Bis, durch, gegen, ohne, um, für - öffnen dem Akkusativ die Tür.
Durch, für, gegen, ohne, bis, um - Akkusativ, sei nicht dumm!

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu - sieben sind es an der Zahl
wünschen stets den dritten Fall.

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
Fordern Dativ immerzu!

Während des Sommers ist es heiß
Wegen der Sonne, trotz des Regens
Um des Lernens willen lerne ich Deutsch
Anstatt mich ins Bett zu legen!

Über, unter, vor und zwischen,
an, auf, hinter, neben, in
Nehmen Dativ nach dem "wo?"
Und Akkusativ nach "wohin?"

6. Techniques for composing acronyms (or abbreviations)

For memorization, for example:
coordinating conjunctions: ADUSO - aber, denn, und, sonder, oder;
suffixes-indicators of various genders:
der Ig/ling/or/ismus
die Heit/ung/keit/ei/schaft/tion
das Tum/chen/ma/lein/ment/um.

7. Technique of melodization and rhythmization

Singing a speech cliché or stable phrase to a simple well-known melody:
Würden Sie mir bitte sagen! - “Nikolai, let’s have a smoke!”
Schwer zu sagen! - “Get up early, get up early, get up early!”
To learn the spelling s/ss/ß: Nasse Füße machen Spaß, weißt du das?

8. Technique for visualizing the meanings of words or the content of rules, For example:

phonetic: emphasis on long vowels: BrOt, sUchen, trÖsten;


for example, depict the conjugation of strong verbs in the present tense in the form of “your own” special table or:
frame structure German offer depicted as a bridge, on both sides of which there are, for example, verbs and prefixes:

Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf.
Wann stehst du auf?

4.2. Want to know everything! Or how to master vocabulary, grammar, phonetics

A million, a million, a million new words...
I guessed!
Dictionary or flashcards?

How to remember a huge number of words and complex unfamiliar rules? Especially if there is a task. You probably already understand that classic method Memorization, despite its effectiveness, takes a lot of time and effort, and these resources are the most valuable thing every person has. However, there is a way out. And this solution is to use mnemonics to learn a language!

What is mnemonics

This technique involves memorizing new information by visualizing or creating an associative series.

For example, most Russian-speaking people associate the German word “reisen” (to travel) with the word “flight”, and the word “wollen” (to wish) with the word “will”. At the same time, it is not enough just to find sound and logical correspondences. When using mnemonics, each concept still needs to be “linked” to a picture. In other words, you need to clearly imagine the actions, events, processes and objects that are associated with the material being studied.

What does this look like in practice?

Let’s take the word “Brille” (glasses) as an example. What word from the Russian language does it resemble? Absolutely right - “diamond”. Now we introduce glasses with diamond lenses, and the association is complete! Having remembered the picture, you can retrieve the desired word from your memory at any time.

This principle can be used to learn words, articles, prepositions, verb forms, adjective declension and others. grammatical structures. Try turning articles from meaningless letter combinations into animate objects. Let the feminine article “Die” become a young girl, the masculine “Der” an old man with a white beard, and the neuter “Das” something neutral, such as the sea.

If we need to remember what kind of word das Schiff (ship), we imagine a ship flying through the waves. But das Eisen (iron) will drown in this sea.

How effective is mnemonics?

It largely depends on your mood. At first, the techniques described may seem a little absurd, but if you really want to learn German quickly on your own, give it a try. Within a week you will understand whether the method is right for you.

And if you are committed to traditional ways of learning German, we will be happy to share other interesting materials that will help you quickly master the grammar and pronunciation of German residents. Go to the section. Good luck.

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See also:

Preparation for German language exams:

The most necessary from the theory:

We suggest taking tests online:

How to learn German on your own: step-by-step instructions

Do you want to learn a language without spending money?

Does the thought of attending classes and doing homework make you sleepy?

You can't decide where to start and what resources to use?

Our answer - learn German on your own! And how exactly - you will find out by reading this article. .

Regardless of why you are learning a language - whether you are attracted to German culture or the language itself, whether you are going to Germany to study, work or travel, you have a unique opportunity to take responsibility for your own success in learning German. By learning a language on your own, you set the “rules of the game”: what to learn, in what sequence, how many hours a day, how many times a week.

You may already have a question: is it possible to learn a language on your own without spending a lot of money?

Our answer: yes, you can!

Become your own personal tutor and teach yourself to speak German! You can find many free sources on the Internet:

  • German films, TV series, radio, books and newspapers
  • web pages dedicated to learning German
  • audio courses
  • free apps

The internet is full of these treasures just waiting to be found! As you've probably already noticed, you can create an immersion atmosphere in the German language right at home without spending a penny.

If your first foreign language- English, then it will be a little easier for you to start learning German on your own. As you know, English and German belong to the same language group - Germanic. However, in addition to similarities, these languages ​​have many differences. For example, German grammar is significantly different from English, but has common features from Russian.

Can't wait to get started? Here are 8 steps to start your exciting journey into the German language.

1. Master the alphabet

You should start mastering the German language from the very beginning, namely by learning the alphabet. If you are already familiar with English alphabet, then we can safely say that half the work is already done. Still, spend enough time practicing your pronunciation. Particular attention is required to letter combinations of vowels and consonants, as well as letters with an umlaut, since depending on whether there are two dots over a, u or o, the grammatical form, and often the meaning of the word, changes.

For example, Apfel is an apple, and Äpfel is apples, schon is narrower, and schön is beautiful.

2. Learn simple words

Already at the very beginning, learn a few simple words and expressions in German, for example, master greetings, pronouns, as well as such basic words as “yes”, “no”, “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”, etc.

3. Enrich your lexicon

Learn new nouns, verbs and adjectives every day. It is important to get used to learning German nouns together with articles from the very beginning. Set yourself small and easily achievable tasks, for example, learn,. Change the language on your social media pages and on your phone to German, and I guarantee that you will instantly remember words like “Freunde”, “Nachrichten” or “Einstellungen”.

4. Master the word order of a German sentence

The next important step is this. Most likely, your interlocutor will be able to understand what you want to say, even if the word order is incorrect. However, you should not be guided by the principle of “just to say” and hope that you will be understood. Try to be strict with yourself and not give yourself any concessions so that your interlocutor does not fall into a linguistic stupor.

5. Learn short German sentences

Having mastered the word order, you can safely move on to memorizing small phrases in German, which are often used in everyday speech. For example, “What is your name?”, “How are you?”, “What time is it?” etc.

6. Watch films in German

One of the most enjoyable and effective ways to learn a language is by watching movies and TV series. Watch films with Russian dubbing and German subtitles, and after a while you will notice the results. You can also watch your favorite, well-watched and memorized films or TV series with German dubbing, which will certainly give you a lot of impressions and increase your vocabulary. While watching films, feel free to “parrot” and repeat individual words or entire sentences after the characters, which will have a beneficial effect on your pronunciation.

7. Read the news in German

Try it, what if you like it? You can always look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary!

8. Connect with Germans and people learning German and interested in German culture

Even if you're determined to learn German on your own, you can still use a little help! Register on forums and portals dedicated to learning the German language, join

Mnemonics, or how to learn German easily? Simple tricks and ways to memorize words, expressions and entire sentences!

Which of us has not complained about our memory at least once in our lives? “I can’t pronounce this word! And even more so to learn…” - how often have you personally said something similar? I admit, I often do.

What about learning a foreign language? Is it possible to remember a large number of new foreign words and grammatical rules without having an excellent memory? Yes. And you can do this in two ways:

1. By ordinary cramming. Works. Verified. But there is a big disadvantage to this method: it requires a lot of time and patience.

2. With mnemonics. Let me say right away: we are not talking about a newfangled direction in the study of foreign languages. Mnemonics is an old method that allows you to remember any information faster and easier.

What is mnemonics?

Let's take a look at Wikipedia. This is how the popular electronic encyclopedia interprets this strange word: “ Mnemonics (mnemonics)- a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate memorization necessary information and increasing memory capacity through the formation of associations (connections).”

Simply put, mnemonics are ways that help you remember the necessary information.

Moreover, any: telephone numbers or dates, first and last names, foreign words. Mnemonic methods are based on a very obvious fact: it is difficult for a person to remember letters, numbers and other symbols that mean nothing to him. It is much easier to retain vivid pictures in memory.

Well, tell me, for God’s sake, how can I remember a set of 15 numbers? These are just signs that don’t mean anything to me personally! Of course, if I regularly repeat these numbers, the result will appear, but this takes time and patience. In addition, “memorized” information that is not used is forgotten very quickly.

Now let's try to replace the numbers with bright pictures. For example, the number 2 is very similar to a swan, so every time you need to remember the 2, imagine a swan. The number 8 is a bit like a nesting doll, and 1 is like a pencil. Thus, in order to remember the numbers 281, we need to imagine a swan, a nesting doll and a pencil, and they must interact with each other. For example, a swan swims across a lake, grabs a sunken pencil with its beak and begins to draw a matryoshka doll on land. Isn't it true that such a mini-story will be remembered better than just 281?

I gave an example with numbers only so that you understand the essence of mnemonics. But, of course, you are interested in How this method will help you learn German.

How to learn German using mnemonics?

Learning a foreign language (including German) means remembering a huge amount of new information: foreign words, grammatical rules. And, in general, for a beginner it is no easier to do this than to remember a set of the same numbers or, say, hieroglyphs. Really, what's the difference? Mnemonics can simplify the task. Using mnemonics you can learn:

  • words;
  • some grammatical rules, namely:
    - articles
    - forms irregular verbs
    - prepositions
    - verb management
    - declension of adjectives

How to learn German words?

New German words can be memorized using the keyword method. This method is very simple and consists of the following: for a German word you need to select a keyword from your native language that will sound similar to it.

For example, you need to remember the word Brille, which means glasses. Let's use the keyword method. To do this we take several steps:

  1. We are looking for a keyword. To do this, close your eyes and repeat the word Brille several times. What word from the Russian language does it remind you of? It seems to me very similar to “diamond”. This word will be our key word.
  2. Let's imagine the situation. This means you need to come up with a mini-story in which the keyword (in our case, diamond) and the translation word (in our case, glasses) will interact.

    For example: You were given a gift of unheard-of generosity: GLASSES, but not ordinary or even gold, but DIAMOND. More precisely, instead of glass there are two huge diamonds. Wow!

  3. Mentally create a picture(it will be called mnemonic picture), which reflects an imaginary situation. Visualize these diamond glasses, imagine them in detail. What kind of frame will they have? What will the diamonds look like? Beautiful, isn't it? For example, my diamond glasses look like this:

Sometimes, finding a keyword for a new German word is absolutely no problem. For example, the German word Tier (animal) extremely similar to Russian word « shooting gallery" We apply the mnemonic method described above and get the following mnemonic picture and a situation for it:

Situation: You enjoy visiting the shooting range and shooting at the drawn ANIMALS. You are against killing animals!

I already foresee skepticism from some readers. “But there are not many such similar words!” or “I don’t have such a good imagination to invent keywords and stories!”

And I understand you very well! Indeed, there are not many words that are similar to Russian. But it has been proven in practice: most often we only need to remember the initial letter or first syllable of a word in order to name the whole word. Surely, you have had this happen: someone suggests the first two letters of a word, and you instantly remember the entire word. For example: You can't remember the word Löffel (spoon). It's on the tip of your tongue. “Well, how is it... Lu... Le...”, - and the teacher tells you “Lö...”, and you joyfully substitute the last syllable “A-ah, Lö-ffel!”

Remember, you don't need to search for a keyword with an absolute sound similarity!

The main thing is that it is for you REMINDED about that new word that you want to remember! For example, for Löffel I selected the keyword “löffa” or “Löva”. I know there is no word “löffa” in the Russian language, but little children could easily say something similar.

Regarding doubts on the topic of fantasy, I will say the following: searching for keywords will indeed require a little creativity. But I think each of us is capable of imagining a little.

How to learn articles?

Most of those who learn German consider articles to be the most difficult topic. Indeed, how can you remember the gender of a noun? The word “milk” in German is feminine (that is, “she”), and “girl” is neuter (that is, “it”). Why? Fair question. But, unfortunately, we will not receive an answer to it. But we can make it easier for ourselves to remember articles.

There are several mnemonic ways to remember German articles. I talked about them in detail in. Now we will consider only one way.

Paired memorization method

Let's figure out what the point of this method is, without touching on the topic of articles for now. Imagine that you need to remember one pair of words: TV - table.

  1. Link words together. We will do this using the following sentence: I see a huge table on which there is a TV.
  2. Visualize the proposal. This means you need to come up with a bright picture for it. Imagine a very concrete table and TV.

How to use the method for German articles?

In fact, German noun and the article are also 2 words. Only one of them - the article - is impossible to imagine in a picture, because it doesn't make any sense.

Our task- replace the article with a word-image that is understandable to us.

Let's choose images for articles:

  • Der- the article is masculine, which means we need to replace it with an image that we associate with masculinity. It could be a strong man or a lion.
  • Die- feminine article. What do you associate with femininity? Most likely, this will be the image of a fragile girl.
  • Das- neuter article. Finding an image for this article is a little more difficult. Let it be something neutral, something that does not remind us of the masculine or feminine gender. For example, the sea.
Now let's look at this method with a specific example.

Your task: learn the gender of the noun Glas (glass). The word is neuter.
We take the following steps:

  1. Replacement. We replace the article das with a symbolic image - the image of the sea.
  2. Relationship. We build a relationship between the words glass - sea using the sentence: a glass floats in the sea.
  3. Visualization. We present the situation in a picture.
This situation should be well ingrained in your memory. Every time you come across the word Glas, a picture of a glass floating in the sea should appear before your eyes. “Yeah, the glass is in the sea, so it’s neuter,” you’ll think and rejoice at your good memory. Keep in mind, you can choose any images for articles! The main thing is to always use the same images.

“Will mnemonics help me personally?”

You are probably wondering whether mnemonics are suitable for everyone? And, most importantly, will it help you personally? The answer is: mnemonics works for everyone! However, under 3 conditions:

  1. You should initially have a positive attitude towards mnemonic methods. Statements like “They come up with all sorts of methods there” or “You just need to cram the language” will not help you. The position should be something like this: “Interesting! This is a must try. Something will definitely help!”
  2. You must study the methods carefully and thoughtfully. It is important to understand how mnemonics work.
  3. You need to put mnemonics into practice! It’s not enough to read, you have to try it!
I once asked the members of my VKontakte group the following question: “ Do mnemonics help you learn German?" Here are the answers I received:

- “yes” - 10 people
- “most likely yes” - 12 people

- “no” - 3 people

- “probably not” - 1 person

- “I don’t know, I haven’t tried it” - 6 people.

As you can see, the vast majority say that mnemonics work!

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you, dear readers, of one indisputable fact: any information that you remember must be put into practice! Have you learned the words? Great! Make up sentences with them, use them in your letters and, of course, in conversation! This is the only way you can learn a language!

Good luck in learning German!

Oksana Vasilyeva, German language teacher

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