What our planet will look like in the future. What will the earth be like in the future? Sea level rise

On the scale of the history of the planet and even of humanity, the life of one particular person is catastrophically short. We, born at the turn of the millennium, were lucky to witness unprecedented technological progress and the flourishing of civilization. But what will happen next? In 50, 10, 1000 years? In these documentaries, eminent scientists and researchers will try to imagine what awaits humanity and our planet in the future.

Age of Fools

The film will paint us a picture of the near future (2055), when global warming is already destroying humanity. Main character The film should send a message to those people who may survive. The purpose of the message is to draw conclusions about why all this happened.

From a scientific point of view: Earth Apocalypse

Imagine our planet in 250 million years. It will faintly resemble today's Earth; most likely it will be one large continent, mostly occupied by deserts. There will be no oceans in today's view. Coastal areas will be destroyed by devastating storms. Ultimately, planet Earth is doomed to destruction.

Wild world of the future

Without a time machine, you will be transported into the future 5,000,000, 100,000,000 and 200,000,000 years to see a world worthy of the pen of a brilliant science fiction writer. But what appears before your eyes is not fiction at all! Using the most complex calculations, strictly substantiated forecasts and a wealth of knowledge in biology and geology, leading scientists from the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada, together with masters of computer animation, created a portrait of our planet and its inhabitants many centuries after the last person leaves it.

The world in 2050

Can you imagine our world in 2050? By mid-century, there will already be about 9 billion people on the planet, consuming more and more resources, surrounded by an increasingly technological environment. What will our cities be like? How will we eat in the future? Is global warming coming or will engineers have the opportunity to prevent the climate crisis? This BBC documentary examines the problem of overpopulation on earth. Of course, in the future we expect demographic problems. Rockefeller Institute theoretical biologist Joel Cohen suggests that it is likely that most of the world's people will live in urban areas and their average life expectancy will be significantly higher.

New World - Future life on earth

Programs from the series “ New world"tell us about the latest technologies, developments, and radical ideas that are already shaping the world of the future today. What will life on our planet be like in a few decades? Will there really be cities under the ocean, bio-suits and space tourism; will machines be able to develop super-speed, and human life expectancy will reach 150 years? Scientists say our descendants will live in floating cities, fly to work and travel underwater. The time of polluted megacities will end, because people will stop driving cars, and the invention of the teleport will save cities from eternal traffic jams.

Earth 2100

The very idea that within the next century, life as we know it could end will seem very strange to many. Our civilization may collapse, leaving only traces of human existence. To change your future, you must first imagine it. It seems outlandish, extraordinary and even impossible. But according to ultra-modern scientific research, this is a very real possibility. And if we continue to live the way we live now, all this will definitely happen.

Life after people

This film is based on the results of a study of territories suddenly abandoned by people, as well as possible consequences stopping the maintenance of buildings and urban infrastructure. The abandoned world hypothesis is illustrated with digital images showing the subsequent fate of such architectural masterpieces as the Empire State Building, Buckingham Palace, Sears Tower, Space Needle, Golden Gate Bridge and the Eiffel Tower.

From a scientific point of view: The Death of the Earth

Planet Earth: 4 billion years of evolution, all this will disappear. Titanic forces are already at work that will destroy the world as we know it. Together with scientific researchers, we will make a grand journey into the future of the Earth in which natural disasters will wipe out all life and destroy the planet itself. We begin the countdown to the end of the world.

A year ago, in a speech at the Oxford University Union, the legendary Stephen Hawking said that humanity can only survive for another 1,000 years. We've compiled the most exciting predictions for the new millennium.


1. People will live for 1000 years.

Millionaires are already investing millions of dollars into research to slow or stop aging altogether. In 1,000 years, medical engineers may develop treatments for each component that causes tissue to age. Gene editing tools are here, which could potentially control our genes and make people immune to disease.

2. People will move to another planet.

In 1000 years, the only way for humanity to survive may be to create new settlements in space. SpaceX has a mission of "enabling people to become space civilization" Company founder Elon Musk hopes for the first launch of his spacecraft by 2022, heading to Mars.

3. We will all look the same.

In my speculative mind experiment dr. Kwan theorized that in the distant future (100,000 years from now), humans will develop larger foreheads, larger nostrils, larger eyes, and more pigmented skin. Scientists are already working on ways to edit genomes so parents can choose what their children will look like.

4. There will be super-fast intelligent computers.

In 2014, a supercomputer performed the most accurate simulation of the human brain to date. In 1000 years, computers will predict coincidences and surpass the processing speed of the human brain.

5. People will become cyborgs.

Machines can already improve human hearing and vision. Scientists and engineers are developing bionic eyes to help blind people see. In 1000 years, merging with technology may be the only way for humanity to compete with artificial intelligence.

6. Mass extinction.

The last mass extinction wiped out the dinosaurs. A recent study found that the extinction rate for species in the 20th century was up to 100 times higher than it would normally be without human impact. According to some scientists, Only a gradual reduction in population can help civilization survive.

7. We will all speak the same global language.

The main factor that is most likely to lead to a universal language is the ordering of languages. Linguists predict that through 90% of languages ​​will disappear in 100 years due to migration, and the remaining ones will become simplified.

8. Nanotechnology will solve the energy and pollution crisis.

In 1000 years, nanotechnology will be able to eliminate environmental damage, purify water and air, and harness the energy of the sun.

Drift theory. All continents are moving. Their movement is based on the theory of lithospheric plate drift. Initially, the basis of theoretical geology at the beginning of the twentieth century was the contraction hypothesis. The earth cools like a baked apple, and wrinkles appear on it in the form of mountain ranges. The German meteorologist Alfred Wegener opposed this hypothesis with a report on continental drift. But his theory was rejected because could not find the force that moves huge continents. Alfred Lothar Wegener German geologist and meteorologist, creator of the theory of continental drift. He died in 1930 during the third expedition to Greenland, without having proven his theory. Types of plate displacement. Continental collision The collision of continental plates leads to the collapse of the crust and the formation of mountain ranges. This is an unstable structure; it is intensively destroyed by surface and tectonic erosion. Active continental margins. An active continental margin occurs where oceanic crust subducts beneath a continent. Island arcs. Island arcs are chains of volcanic islands above a subduction zone, occurring where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a second oceanic plate. Ocean rifts. On the oceanic crust, rifts are confined to the central parts of mid-ocean ridges. New oceanic crust is formed in them. From an analysis of the movements of the continents, an empirical observation was made that every 400-600 million years the continents gather into a huge continent containing almost the entire continental crust - a supercontinent. Modern continents were formed 200-150 million years ago, as a result of the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea. Rodinia. Rodinia (from Russian Rodina) is a supercontinent that existed in the Proterozoic, a zone of the Precambrian period. It emerged about 1 billion years ago and broke up about 750 million years ago. Rodinia is often considered the oldest known supercontinent, but its position and outline are still a matter of debate. Pangea. Pangea is the name given by Alfred Wegener to the procontinent that arose during the Mesozoic era. Pangea split apart approximately 150-220 million years ago. Laurasia and Gondwana. Pangea split into two continents. The northern continent of Laurasia later split into Eurasia and North America, while the southern continent of Gondwana later gave rise to Africa, South America, India, Australia and Antarctica. Tectonics on other planets. There is currently no evidence of modern plate tectonics on other planets solar system. Research magnetic field Surveys of Mars in 1999 by the Mars Global Surveyor indicate the possibility of plate tectonics on Mars in the past. Earth after 50 million years. It is assumed that in 50 million years the Indian and Atlantic oceans will grow, the Pacific will decrease in size. Africa will move north. Australia will cross the equator and come into contact with Eurasia. Earth in 100 million years. The Mediterranean Sea will be halved. North and South America will change their direction and move east. The Atlantic Ocean will split into two parts, the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic. Antarctic snow will gradually begin to thaw. Earth after 250 million years. In 250 million years, Australia will be completely connected to Indochina, Indonesia will turn into a plateau or high mountain plateau. There will be no more Mediterranean Sea. In its place will rise mountains that can give shape to the current peaks of the Himalayas. The southern limb of Africa will be caught between South America and Southeast Asia and gradually, sinking, will turn into a large lake...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"There is a memory that will never be forgotten, and a glory that will never end..."

The literary and musical composition is dedicated to Victory Day. The composition is based on local history material....


It’s not enough to know, you have to apply it. It’s not enough to want, you have to do it! So, you want your speech to be on English language Was it beautiful and clear? Then pronounce all the sounds...

Human technology has advanced significantly over the last 5,000 years, and the scars of the Earth bear this out. We are changing the landscape, climate and biodiversity. We have built skyscrapers for life and colossal tombs for the dead. Perhaps most importantly, we have learned to harness the planet's energy, but we need even more energy.

This insatiable thirst for energy will continue to shape the development of human civilization for another 5,000 years. As a result, she will tell you what she will look like in 7014 AD.

In 1964, Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev proposed that the technological progress of a civilization directly correlates with the amount of energy its citizens can control. He defined three classifications for advanced civilizations in the galaxy:

  • Type I civilizations are the masters of planetary energy; they can use the sum of the energies of their entire world.
  • A Type II civilization can harness the energy of an entire star system.
  • A Type III civilization can manipulate energy on a galactic scale.

Cosmologists use the Kardashev scale to predict the development of the future of humanity and alien civilizations. Currently modern people there is not even a place on this scale. We are essentially a Type Zero civilization, but will eventually move to a Type I civilization. Kardashev himself said that this transition will take place. But when?

Theoretical physicist and futurologist Michio Kaku predicts that this transition will take place within a century. Physicist Freeman Dyson estimates the time until the transition to be at least 200 years. Kardashev assumed that it would take about 3,200 years for people to become a type II civilization.

If humanity reaches Type I civilization status by 7014, they will still have the ability to manipulate and control the atmosphere and geothermal forces. War and self-destruction will pose a threat to humanity, but ecological problems will become a thing of the past.

If we reach Type II civilization status by 7014, the people of the 71st century will have even greater technological power. Dyson believes that such a civilization would be able to encapsulate a star with a swarm of satellites and consume its energy. Others believe that a Type II civilization will allow interstellar travel and the ability to move entire planets - all on top of the breakthroughs that will occur in the fields of genetics and computer technology.

Such people of the future will most likely be extremely different from us. They may become what futurists and philosophers call posthumanity or transhumanism.

Too much can happen in five thousand years. We can destroy ourselves in the process of war or nanotechnology getting out of control. We may not be able to mitigate the threat of an asteroid or comet. We may even encounter a Type II extraterrestrial civilization long before we reach that state ourselves.


There are certain factors modern science. For example, the movement of continents. Of course you know that Earth's crust plastic and that continents do not stand still. There was a single ancient one - Pangea, which in prehistoric times was divided into parts of the land known today. Continental drift continues unabated. But in what direction? There are two main versions. The first is their unification into Neopangea.

The second version is that the movement of the continents will lead to the fact that they will all line up along the equator globe. This version is confirmed by the action of centrifugal forces known to everyone from school physics - after all, the earth rotates non-stop. Then all the inhabitants of the Earth will have an exclusively tropical and subtropical climate.

Apocalyptic ideas about the future of the Earth cannot be discounted. The future of the planet largely depends on the actions of those beyond human control Space Force: meteorites, comets, asteroids, solar radiation... Even the old Moon poses a certain danger to the Earth if for some reason it leaves its orbit.

And yet, despite doubts, artists paint a wonderful world of the future. Just like scientists, they start from facts and trends known today and stretch their imagination to distant, distant times. For example: if modern skyscrapers exist, then in the future they will become even more grandiose.

Are glass and concrete buildings crowding out plants from city streets? This means that in the future it will be impossible to see a tree, a bush, a grass, or a flower in cities...

Is transport developing intensively and rapidly? This means that the transport of the future will become even more diverse and convenient.

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