How to play in Chinese. The Great Chinese Dota: Myths and Legends. The numerical nicknames of Chinese players are a code

Today we are publishing a guide “How to start playing Revelation on a Chinese server”, thanks to which you can independently download, register and play this interesting project from Netease. We hasten to please. For Game You will NOT need a VPN!

Loading the client

Follow the link to download the client loader, download it, launch it.

We select the path where we want to download the distribution and click start.

While the client is downloading, we proceed to registration.


It is necessary to register Chinese mail, which will serve as a new account from NetEase. To begin, go to the mail registration page and click on the first tab, fill out the fields. When entering your phone number, select the code for the country, enter the phone number, receive a verification code and enter it in the last field. Click accept.

Then we see this window, click the button indicated in the screenshot below

A window like this should appear, ready. Let's move on to installation

Installing the game

After the client has downloaded, click OK, and then the only brown button on the bootloader.

We admire the inscription for a few minutes.

We install the client.

Click accept.

P.S. If the client refuses to update, try the following:

  • Press the disk on top (middle button). He will check your client and fix any errors.
  • If that doesn't work, try updating the client manually. On the site where you downloaded the game, in the second tab from the top, there are patches for downloading. Open the game folder, then open the "download" folder and see what patches you have. Download the rest from the site. Next, put all the saved patches into the same Download folder and run the manualupdate. A button will appear in the center in the window, click on it and wait for the manual update to complete. After which you can also run repair (disk button on top), it will check the game files and if something is wrong, it will fix it and download it again.

Click start.

We agree with everything by clicking on the orange button.

Login with our email and password.

Let's create a character and play!

Reduced game latency

To reduce the delay in the game, you can use the same VPN programs: SoftEther, or the paid version of FlyVPN. There is also another option - to use the Chinese program from NetEase, which will reduce the ping, if not to 60, then at least by 250 (that’s how much it dropped from 500 for me). It is already built into the launcher, or you can download it separately.

In the first option, in the launcher, press the button with wings at the top.

We are waiting for installation

Now we wait for optimization and we’re done!

Ready! Click on the green icon and look for the path to the game, then launch the game from this program using the same button.

P.S. To change the server, click the button above the green icon and select the second tab.



Greetings to all Dota 2 players, today I will tell you about one interesting feature. Maybe someone knows about this, for example, those who got the Ancestral orb into their inventory, or those who tried in every way to get new things from Perfect World. Also, some may already know about this if they were planning to get other items from PW for Dota 2. But for others, this information may seem more or less interesting.
I’ll tell you everything in detail, I tried it myself, the idea and a small part of the information were taken from one good site. Also added a special translation into English.
So, we are going to play Dota 2 on the Chinese servers of Perfect World.

How does playing on PW servers differ from regular games?

In principle, nothing, you just play with players who once played one of the largest MMORPGs in the world. The Chinese decided that if Dota were to be introduced to the gaming population, then it would be necessary to start with these players, and in fact, their servers are used.
Main noticeable differences (without client changes):

  • Chinese store, Chinese news and a small part of the interface
  • There are no built-in guides
  • Censorship of obscenities (English and Chinese)
  • Another list of gear drops
This is what immediately catches your eye.
In general, they play in principle the same way as the Russians, although the Chinese sweat until the end (there were more than once games when they defied only the throne for about 20 minutes). Well, without knowing Chinese you are unlikely to understand anything, although some of them know English.
I also noticed some bugs with the heroes, I don’t know how they display this.
The delays are sometimes small, since the ping is around 300. There are 2 servers in total.

Registration. Step one.

Actually, we need to link our Dota 2 account to our Perfect World account. This is done much easier than it sounds. If you know Chinese well, you can skip the first step, but if you are especially gifted, you can go straight to the “for an amateur” step.
1) Register
Screenshot for those who do not have Google Chrome:
2) We take any Chinese name
3) We take ID
The file, however, can be very angry, like any generator. We select any valid ID there, if the site says that it is incorrect, then we try another one (for me personally, everything worked the first time).
Screenshot of the program (proof that it works):
4) Click the "Get free code" button next to the "Captcha" field. After this, you should receive a code that you must enter in the "Captcha" field. It is advisable to indicate your gmail email when registering, since I did not receive any emails from Russian ones. If you don’t receive anything from gmail, then create a new mail on gmail (I personally didn’t receive it at first, since I had all kinds of protection on my main mail). This is the letter you should receive:
5) Next, click the “registration” button, now all that remains is to log in from your account in Dota itself.

There's not much left. Step two.

Now we need to get into this “Chinese world”.
1) In the Steam library, look for Dota 2, right-click, click “properties”, then “set launch parameters”. There we enter "-perfectworld" (without quotes).
2) We launch Dota, you should first see a warning (or something) in Chinese, then after loading this window:
3) I don’t have any further screenshots, since I only registered there once. The whole point is that we choose not the first item from above (the first item is registration, but we did everything through the website, as it is more convenient and more fun), but second(there will be a field only for login and password). As a login, we indicate your email and password that you used in the first step.
4) If you did everything correctly, then you should get the following (your IP address will be in the upper right corner (I sketched mine)):
5) You can enjoy China Dota.
6) If you are successful, you will receive a letter informing you that you have joined Chinese Dota 2.
Here it is by the way:

Not for everybody.

If you want the full experience, then you can also enter “-language schinese” in the launch parameters (step two, point one).
Or just download the Chinese Dota 2 client:
Unlike regular pw-style Dota, the character models, icons, interface, etc. have also been changed.

Why did we do all this?

Here are some reasons:

  • Just play with the Chinese, learn Chinese, immerse yourself in foreign culture.
  • Those who live close to China will have less load than in Europe.
  • There is a chance to get . However, as I understand it, only a couple of things came out of them. Most of them are given by activation code from under the caps of 1.25L Cola (Rare quality). The other part is given for ordering figurines of heroes from the game, there is a website with them somewhere, but it is not possible to order yet (Mythical quality). All these items are distributed in the form of codes and seem to be able to be activated only on PW servers. There are 3 items from PW that have already been released, I saw them from some Chinese, but I don’t know how to get them (they cost about the same as immortals).
I would also like to note that you can play as a whole group on these servers if at least one of them has a modified client for PW servers. However, only he will be able to see the client’s main changes, while others will see the Chinese, their incomprehensible speech, etc. (by the way, I once came across Russians on these servers).

Frequently asked questions and their answers

IN: The generator produces an incorrect ID. What should I do?
ABOUT: Try a few more times (sometimes it gives really wrong ones.
IN: The email with the registration code does not arrive. What to do?
ABOUT: Point your email to gmail or outlook. If that doesn't work, try a proxy.
IN: When entering the game with -perfectworld entered, the login button does not appear. What to do?
ABOUT: If this is your first time logging in, try restarting the game (if that doesn’t work, try Steam).
IN: How to buy through China?
ABOUT: I personally didn’t buy it, the goods there are the same as ours, but there are interesting clothes that are naturally sold on a separate website, and not in the D2Store
IN: What is currently crashing on PW servers?
ABOUT: As with regular ones - practically nothing, but there is a chance of special items for PW dropping out.
IN: The error "some number" appears.
ABOUT: Try logging in later, the servers may be temporarily down.


ATTENTION! All rights to this guide belong to aka Yellow Coconut aka Red Apricot, basically me. Copying manual material without my permission is prohibited!
If you liked the guide, I would be happy to make donations in the form of clothes, etc. (I’ll add you to the list of guide supporters). I need this to craft things on PW (to check the drop list).
Many thanks to the site, where my article has been located for quite a long time (at the time of writing it was very relevant:)
Thanks to the user Reach, who suggested writing a guide for this article on Steam.
Thanks to Kiryusha for supporting the article.
The following is an article in English translation.

Greetings to all players Dota 2, today I will talk about one interesting feature. Maybe someone knows about it, such as those acquired in your inventory Ancestral orb, well, or those who have tried all ways to get new things from Perfect World. Also, some may already be aware of this if you are going to get the other items from the PW for Dota 2. But for others, this information may seem more or less interesting.
More"ll tell, he tested the idea and a small piece of information taken from a good site. Sorry for my bad English (me and google-translator).
So we"re going to play Dota 2 on Chinese servers Perfect World.

What is the difference PW game servers from the usual?

In principle, nothing, just play with players who once played in one of the largest MMORPG in the world. The Chinese have decided that if the bunker and to inculcate the gaming population, it is necessary to start with these players, well, actually used their server.
The main noticeable differences (without changing the client):

  • Chinese store, the Chinese news and a small part of the interface
  • There are no built-in guides
  • Censorship profanity (English and Chinese)
  • Another drop from item list
This is something that catches the eye immediately.
In general play, in principle, as well as Russian, Chinese sweat true to the end (no time were the party when they DEF alone throne about 20 minutes). Well, without the knowledge of Chinese you can hardly understand that, although some of them speak English.
Just I have seen some bugs with the characters, I do not know that"s how they displayed it.
Delay times are small, as the ping in the area 300. In total there are 2 servers.

Registration. First step.

Actually, we need to link your Steam account to your account Dota 2 Perfect World. Makes it much easier than it sounds. If you know Chinese, you can skip the first step, and go directly to "for armateur".
1) Registration
Screenshot for those who should not Google Chrome:
2) take any Chinese Name
3) ID take
file , but may be strongly criticized as any generator. Select there any valid ID, if the site will say that it is wrong, then try the other (I personally have all worked on the first try).
Screenshot (proof that flows):
4) We press the button "Get a free code" near field "Captcha". After that, you should come the code you need to enter in the "Captcha". It is desirable to indicate at registration mail gmail, so as Russian mail me not to come. If you do not come and gmail, you can create a new mail to gmail (I personally do not come first, as I have in the main e-mail protection was any). Here is the letter to come:
5) Then click the button "Register", now need to go to account in the DotA 2.

Left a bit. Second Step.

Now we need to get into this "Chinese world".
1) In the steam library looking for Dota 2, clicking the right mouse, click "Properties", then "Set Launch Options". There are introducing "-perfectworld" (without the quotes).
2) Start the bunker, you should have a first warning (or something) in Chinese, then after downloading this window:
3) Then I do not have screenshots, since registration was held there only once. The essence of all that we choose is not the first item from the top (the first item - registration, but we did everything through the site, as convenient and fun), and second(there will be only field login and password). How to specify your login email and password that you used in the first step.
4) If you did everything correctly, you should have the following (in the upper right corner will be your IP address(I sketched that)):
5) You can enjoy the China-DotA.

Here are some reasons:

  • Just play with the Chinese, learn Chinese, immerse yourself in a foreign culture.
  • For those who live close to China load will be less than in Europe.
  • There is a chance to get new things from Perfect World. However, as I understand it, only a couple of things came out of them. Most of the given activation code from under the covers volume Cola 1.25l (quality Rare). Another part of the order is given figures of characters from the game site with them somewhere in there, but you can not order yet (quality Mythical). All these items are distributed in the form of codes and like them can only be activated on servers PW. There are 3 items from PW, who are already out, saw them in some Chinese, but do not know which way to get them (cost about as immortaly).
More want to note that you can play the whole group on these servers, if at least one modified by client server PW. However, it will be visible only major changes the client, while others will see the Chinese, their incomprehensible speech, etc. (by the way I once caught these servers Russian).

Q: The generator produces an incorrect ID. What should I do?
A: Try a few more times (sometimes produces really wrong.
Q: Do not receive a letter with the code for registration. What to do?
A: Specify your mail on gmail, or on the outlook. If not work, try a proxy.
Q: When you enter the game with the entered -perfectworld does not appear the Login button. What to do?
A: If you enter for the first time - try to restart the game (if not, then steam).
Q: How to buy from China?
A: I personally did not buy goods there are the same as us, but there are interesting clothes that are naturally on a separate site are sold, rather than D2Store
Q: What now falls on servers PW?
A: As in conventional - practically nothing, but there is a chance to drop special things for PW.
Q: There are error "some number"
A: Try again later, maybe there are some troubles with server.

Account registration

To start playing the Chinese version, you will first need a game account, which you can create on . At the moment, not everyone receives letters confirming registration, and therefore, in order not to wait in vain, you will need a mobile phone and mailbox registration.

Chinese mail of the same site.

  1. Switch the tab to the left position. Enter the name of the mailbox, come up with a password and enter it in the appropriate fields.
  2. Select the country code, for the Russian Federation +7 and indicate your phone number.
  3. Enter the security code confirming that you are not a bot.
  4. We request an SMS with a confirmation code to the phone number indicated above.
  5. Enter the received code in the input field.
  6. Check the activity of the checkbox and check the box if necessary.
  7. Complete the registration by pressing the green button.

Your account for the game is ready!

Downloading and installing the game client

Let's move on to Revelation Online.

Click the big yellow button on the left side of the page, after which the download of the client loader will begin. After launching the bootloader, you need to select the path where the game files will be downloaded. To start downloading, click on the button at the bottom of the window.

After the necessary installer files have been downloaded, start the installation, accept the user agreement, select the client installation path and click the install button.

After successfully installing the distribution, you need to update the game to the latest release. To do this, launch the client - updates will start automatically. In the window that opens, there is a status bar by which you can track the progress of the update; when the scale reaches 100%, the button on the right side will be active to enter the game, click and enter.

We agree to the terms of the user agreement by clicking on the colored button. An authorization window will appear; after entering your login and password, a list of servers will be presented.

The largest community of Russian-speaking players is located on the server shown below in the screenshot, but you also have the right to choose any server you like.

After selecting a server, everything is as usual. Choose a character class, come up with a name, customize your appearance and go in search of adventure!

Another craft from China! The game was released on June 17, 2016, and if you have not yet tried the next creation of Chinese developers, I bring to your attention the guide “How to start playing D10 on a Chinese server.” D10 is a new MOBA from the Duoyi Network studio. The game is nothing more than a clone of League of Legends with a slight admixture of other popular representatives of this genre.

Let's start downloading the game!

1) Go to the official website of the game. On the left we see two download options: 1 - game client weighing 1.22GB; 2 - launcher weighing 777kb, respectively.

Since downloading the full client is too easy, I chose the second option - downloading the game through the launcher.

2) We downloaded the launcher, launched it, selected the folder where we will download the game, of course, read the user agreement (how could it be otherwise) and wait for the download to complete.

3) And... we downloaded another launcher...

4) In the meantime, we are waiting for the game to download (after all, it’s a game, right?), We proceed to registration.

A launcher icon appears in the tray, open it.

If someone has Chinese mail from, you can go straight in, if you don’t have it, proceed to registration.

And here we are again given a choice, either we register with our email, or we register our email on (Registration on is possible if you have a Chinese phone number, such things). We will register with our email.

And, of course, do not forget about activating your account. An email will be sent to your email with a link (don't forget to check your Spam folder, I received the email there).

5) We have registered! (although what am I happy about) And now you can start launching the game! (if, of course, the launcher downloaded it).

6) As usual...

7) Enter your nickname.

Well, then who chose what. Beginners will probably be explained in their native language of the game what MOBA games are and how to love (or not love) them. Amateurs (my choice) will be thrown onto the training field, explained in terms of skills, items in stores and where to go to kill. The experts, perhaps, will be thrown straight into the 5x5 arena... Well, why, the experts, let them figure out the mechanics themselves.

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