How Ivan was looking for the New Year. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "how Ivan the Fool looked for the New Year." Wearing a wicker hat with a pink feather

(based on the fairy tale by V. Shukshin “Until the third roosters”)

(intro music)

Good evening good people!
Let it be a good holiday!
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday.

Our holiday will be wonderful,
We will sing and dance.
This evening will be fun.
We won't be bored here.
The curtain opens!
The New Year's fairy tale begins!

(music “Time Forward” sounds)

Announcer's voice:
Attention attention! Verkhnee Sancheleevo speaks and shows! Verkhnee Sancheleevo speaks and shows! Our microphones and television cameras are installed at the school osmodrome! Today, December 29, at exactly 6 p.m., a spaceship with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will launch into the endless New Year's expanses. Friends, relatives, and numerous journalists came to see off the brave cosmonauts.
1 channel;
NTV channel;
Radio station "Europe +"
TV channel...

(rocket hum)

Announcer's voice:
Attention! Pre-launch preparations have been completed. There are 10 seconds left before the start. Remove the cable mast. Key to start. Ignition. Pull one, pull two. Intermediate. Main. I'm giving the countdown. 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Start. Go.
(explosion and flight of the rocket)

(fairytale music)

Somewhere in a fabulous woodland
At the fork of three roads
Neither rich nor poor
There was a mansion.

In it, as before, he works
Marya is a mistress of light.
What's a song without accordion?
Or lunch without sour cabbage soup?
What is Marya without Ivan?
He, as expected, lived with her.

Jokingly, people called him
Ivan, in general, is a fool,
He wasn't very old yet
Retired as a hero.

The hut of Marya the Mistress and Ivan the Fool. Ivan enters wearing only felt boots. He holds a sock in his left hand and a mug in his right hand.

Ivan: Marus, and Marus.
(Marya is not there yet. There is a knocking sound from the window, the crackle of electric welding, smoke and flashes are visible. Marya’s voice is heard.)
Maria: Well, what do you want?
Ivan: What!? Where are my dress boots?
Maria: (Looks out the window wearing a welding mask.) Why did you need them this morning? Before the wind, you run away in felt boots.
Ivan: Well, here you are again, oppressing my manhood, dragging my reputation into the mud, because it’s no longer possible to walk down the street, the little boy is teasing me and won’t let me pass, but it’s all because of my soft disposition towards you. After all, a demon poked me in the rib a thousand years ago to marry you so smart!
Maria: (Comes out.) Who else married who? Woe is my onion! Why are you upset, why did you burst into tears? (Humbly.)
Ivan: I want to eat, Marusenka.
Maria: Well, just say so, otherwise I’ve taken the whole hut here - it’s already slimy to walk around.

Clock chime. We are all each other's brothers,

There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!

(Final song.)

L. Derbenev

And the old one goes into the distance,
Hide a fragile snowflake in your palm,
Make a wish.
Look with hope into the blue of the night,
Squeeze your palm loosely.
And ask for everything you dreamed of,
Make a wish and make a wish.

And New Year,
What's about to happen
Will instantly fulfill your dream,
If the snowflake doesn't melt,
It won't melt in your palm,
While the clock strikes twelve,
While the clock strikes twelve!

When a new year enters the house,
And the old one goes away
Any dream can come true -
That's the kind of night it is.
Everything will calm down and freeze around
On the eve of new days,
And suddenly a snowflake turns around
Firebird in your hand.

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Festive scenario interlude with songs, games and dances (based on Russian folk tales and “The Tale of Fedot the Archer...” by L. Filatov).

Purpose of the event: organization of cultural and leisure activities for students in grades 7-11.

Objectives of the event: develop the communicative qualities of students and their stage skills, organize the interaction of children of different ages in one KTD in order to expand their social circle.

Form of organizing children's activities: KTD.

Characters: Tsar, Princess, Tsarevich, American groom Johnny, eastern padishah, 2 dancers, Scientist Cat, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych (2 people), Koschey the Immortal, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, gang of robbers (3 people).

Props: costumes, hut, props for competitions: 3 pencils, thread and wallets, 3 stools, sheets of paper (6-8), 10 balls, 3 matchboxes .

Musical equipment.


Fairytale music sounds. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. They address the audience.

DM: Hello! Here we come to you!

Snow Maiden:

The snowstorm covered the roads -
Don't pass, don't pass!
But the Snow Maiden is open
All roads and paths!
I hurried to you, friends,
After all, you can’t be late!

DM: I walked through the mountains and forests for a long time to visit you!

With winter gifts,
With blizzards, snow,
With skis, sleds,
Songs and dances.
So that here on New Year's Eve
All the people would have gathered!

At this fabulous hour, with a wave of the staff, we will all be transported to the fairy-tale kingdom of Lukomorye.( Strikes three times with the staff. Fairytale music sounds.)

Snow Maiden:

Lukomorye has an evil oak.
Golden chain on oak volume.
Both day and night, the learned cat keeps walking around the chain.

He goes to the right - he starts a song, to the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there, a goblin wanders there, a mermaid sits on the branches.

(Fairy-tale music sounds. They disperse and leave.)

(There is noise, crackling, roaring and screaming of a cat. The cat jumps out with a hiss.)

Cat: Again the kikimora and the goblin confused all the paths and covered them with snow. The New Year has just arrived, and they have already filled up the entire forest. ( Washing his face) Have you heard the news?

The king decided to celebrate two holidays for the New Year: New Year and his daughter’s wedding. Only bad luck - there is no groom yet. So the king decided to give a cry all over the world: I’m looking for a groom for my beloved daughter. Retire yourself, and let the young rule. There are already a bunch of suitors waiting at our gates: all hands are wooing the princess. Yes, not just any, but all of royal blood. ( The king and princess are sitting and drinking tea. The cat rubs itself at the princess’s feet.)

Tsar: Guests are already waiting at the gate! Oh, people are worried! It's so noisy at the door! Daughter, welcome your guests soon!

(Music sounds. An American groom enters with two dancing girls.)


Ay um Johnny! Aim the best!
I have an interest:
Your money and your daughter are super duper,
And you - ( says to the king) away! ( Drives the king off the throne, puts his feet on the table).
I am the king of a big country! Hello, Russia! O-la-la!
Ay em check super king, ay em beautyful and big!

Tsar: Hey Johnny! What a cunning one! And let them into the yard! ( ousts the American from the throne). You tell him: “Please sit at the table!” And his feet are already on the table!

(Oriental music sounds, the padishah enters with dancing girls.)


I am an eastern padishah!
I have many mines.
They mine diamonds
There are rubies and topazes!
I'll buy everything - even a star.
Just be my wife
Three hundred sixty-six!

Tsar: I'm very glad to see you! Grand Mercy!

(Speaks towards his daughter.)

Daughter! Get off your feet!
He has so many wives
Give him more!
We raised our daughter like a berry!
No! You will stay in Russia!

(Music plays and the prince enters singing “Who created you like this?” At the chorus, the princess approaches the prince and they dance together.)

(Scary music sounds. The lights flash. Serpent Gorynych breaks in and steals the princess.

The lights turn on and sad music plays. All the suitors gathered around the king.)

Tsar: Oh, bitter grief! Oh, sad trouble! Where is my daughter? Where is my little blood? What are you standing there, fools? Go around half of Europe, go around the whole world, but return my daughter to me! And then, I make a vow, I give you the kingdom! Dot.

(The grooms bow to the king at the waist and go in search.)

(The grooms walk around the tree and stop in front of a stone.)

Cat: How long, how short, did the 3 princes walk. They walked through fields, through high mountains, across the sea, and around deserts. There is no princess. We decided to leave. In the field they saw a huge stone, and on that stone there are words inscribed: “If you go straight, you will lose your life, if you go to the left, you will lose your horse, if you go to the right, you will lose your property.”

American: I don’t have any good, I’ll go to the right.

Padishah: I don’t have a horse, only camels, I’ll go left.

Tsarevich: But life without a princess is not nice to me, I’ll go straight.

(They disperse.)

Cat: How long, how short, but Johnny’s path led into the thicket of the forest, and there...

(Shots and whistles are heard, music plays, a gang with Nightingale the Robber jumps out. They sing a song to the tune of “VVV Leningrad.”)

Nightingale the Robber:

When you go through the forest, you will probably be sick.
A normal person doesn’t come here - he knows that this forest is mine!
I'm Madame Nightingale! I'm in control here, I bet!
Hey guys, don’t be timid, I’ll defeat everyone here!
Gang: You are Madame Nightingale! Deceive everyone, capture them!
Gang, hey, don't be shy! We will defeat everyone here!
Hop-hop-hop! ( dancing around the hall to the music)

(The groom comes out and a whistle sounds.)

SR: Brothers! Hold him! Knit it! Ah-ah-ah! (the gang attacks the American and ties him up)

If you want to live, go through the tests, and if you fail, we will bury you alive in the thicket of the forest and no one will find you. I allow you to take 3 good fellows to help you. (Johnny selects assistants in the hall)

I want to test your strength. Your task: burst your opponent’s balloon with your foot, but leave yours intact, your hands are tied behind your back. The winner is the one who keeps his ball .(music is playing, competition is going on)

(A balloon is tied to the leg. They stand in pairs. In each pair, the winner enters into a fight with another winner, so there is only one winner left)

The next dexterity test is called “Purse”: you need 2 more people. (Johnny invites from the audience and participates in the competition himself). Your task is to wind the thread around the pencil as quickly as possible at the signal and pull the wallet towards you. ( Music is playing, competition is going on)

The final test of intelligence. Need 2 people.( Joni invites from the audience and participates in the competition himself)

Your task: get the object from the floor without touching it with your hands and without touching the floor with your feet. You can spin around on the stool as you wish. (Music is playing, there is a competition.)

American: Oh, beautiful madam! I don't want to go anywhere else. Let me stay with you. You conquered me with your courage. There are no such desperate girls in my country. Be my wife!

(Music sounds, everyone leaves, a cat appears)

Cat: Meanwhile, the padishah reached the dense forest and dark swamps.

(Baba Yaga comes out and sings a song. The padishah appears)

Baba Yaga: Wow! Come on! It smells like a non-Russian spirit! I think I'll have lunch now.

Padishah: Oh, beautiful pari! I was gazing into your dense forest! How do I get out of here?

Baba Yaga: Look, how cunning you are! And you will only leave when you solve all my riddles and complete the tasks. Well, so be it, I’m kind today, you can take beautiful girls and good fellows to help you. ( Talks to the side) So, you see, I’ll have lunch, dinner, and a three-course breakfast, and we’ll also eat in reserve and prepare: marinate, smoke, dry! I'm drooling! ( Turned to the padishah)Come on, guess already!

Riddles (7-10 New Year-themed riddles).

The road out of my domain is not easy! You need to go through the swamp. Take yourself 2 partners. ( Padishah takes 2 partners in the hall) Using 2 pieces of paper you need to walk without stepping on the swamp and go back. Whoever passes will win, and whoever doesn’t pass will get stuck in the swamp and remain there forever!( There is music and a competition is taking place.)

Padishah: Oh, beautiful pari! In my country BabA is called respected people. You are so smart, wise, be my most beloved three hundred and sixty-sixth wife! ( Music plays, they leave together, a cat appears)

Cat: So the padishah found his happiness in our dense forest and swampy swamp. How are things with the Tsarevich?

(Music sounds, the prince comes out and sings “Ray of the Golden Sun.”)

(Alarming music sounds, Serpent Gorynych appears. The Tsarevich waves his sword.)

Tsarevich: The villain! Bring back the princess!

Dragon(head 1): Stop waving the piece of iron in vain. I will return it if you complete my task.

Head 2: And you can take several people to help you. (The Tsarevich selects people from the hall)

Head 1: I want to check your power supply.

Head 2: Inflate the balloons until they burst. Whoever's balloon bursts first wins, and if you all lose, I'll eat you!

(Music plays and a competition takes place.)

Tsarevich: Give me back, Gorynych, my bride!

Gorynych Head 1: I would be glad, but she is languishing in Koshchei’s dungeon.

Head 2: You just can’t cope with him - he’s immortal!

(They leave, the cat appears.)

Cat: Meanwhile, the princess is languishing in Koshcheev’s prison.


So as not to be poor alone, -
Become my wife!
What about the FAQ?.. I'm a distinguished man
And in general, I’m nothing!..


You are better, sir,
Hit others!
I'll wait for the Tsarevich
I'll take a look at the calendar!


Don't be a fool to me, girl!
They offer - take it!
Tea, not for you every evening
Widow kings are walking!..


Even if you beat me with a whip,
Even cut me with a sword, -
All the same as your wife
I won't give a damn!

You, Princess, don’t make me angry
And the conflict with me did not last long!
I'm leaving for Paris the other day
The guillotine has arrived!
In light of what I said...
Better be my wife!
I have nerves too,
I'm not made of steel either!


Go away, hateful one, away
And I don’t mind being a husband!
If you don't leave, then I can
Help with a frying pan!

(The prince enters and waves his sword.)

Tsarevich: Koschey! Bring back the princess, but if you want it in a good way - go out to fight - we will fight!

(Music sounds, there is a battle, the prince begins to play. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden rush in.)

Father Frost: Oh, you villain! Decided to ruin the whole fairy tale again?! You cannot escape the blow of my staff so that all the evil comes out of you! (He hits Koshchei with a staff. Music sounds. Koschey, spinning, leaves. The Tsarevich and Tsarevna join hands and stand together with DM and the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: In the fairy tale, goodness won again. We wish it to enter your every home in the New Year!

DM: And it’s time for us to say goodbye again. Happy New Year everyone! Happiness and warmth!

(The song of Santa Claus sounds. All the heroes come out and dance.)

(based on the fairy tale by V. Shukshin “Until the third roosters”)

(intro music)

Good evening to good people!
Let it be a good holiday!
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday.

Our holiday will be wonderful,
We will sing and dance.
This evening will be fun.
We won't be bored here.
The curtain opens!
The New Year's fairy tale begins!

(music “Time Forward” sounds)

Announcer's voice:
Attention attention! Verkhnee Sancheleevo speaks and shows! Verkhnee Sancheleevo speaks and shows! Our microphones and television cameras are installed at the school osmodrome! Today, December 29, at exactly 6 p.m., a spaceship with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will launch into the endless New Year's expanses. Friends, relatives, and numerous journalists came to see off the brave cosmonauts.
1 channel;
NTV channel;
Radio station "Europe +"
TV channel...

(rocket hum)

Announcer's voice:
Attention! Pre-launch preparations have been completed. There are 10 seconds left before the start. Remove the cable mast. Key to start. Ignition. Pull one, pull two. Intermediate. Main. I'm giving the countdown. 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Start. Go.

(explosion and flight of the rocket)

(fairytale music)

Somewhere in a fabulous woodland
At the fork of three roads
Neither rich nor poor
There was a mansion.

In it, as before, he works
Marya is a mistress of light.
What's a song without accordion?
Or lunch without sour cabbage soup?
What is Marya without Ivan?
He, as expected, lived with her.

Jokingly, people called him
Ivan, in general, is a fool,
He wasn't very old yet
Retired as a hero.

The hut of Marya the Mistress and Ivan the Fool. Ivan enters wearing only felt boots. He holds a sock in his left hand and a mug in his right hand.

Ivan: Marus, and Marus.

(Marya is not there yet. There is a knocking sound from the window, the crackle of electric welding, smoke and flashes are visible. Marya’s voice is heard.)

Maria: Well, what do you want?

Ivan: What!? Where are my dress boots?

Maria: (Looks out the window wearing a welding mask.) Why did you need them this morning? Before the wind, you run away in felt boots.

Ivan: Well, here you are again, oppressing my manhood, dragging my reputation into the mud, because it’s no longer possible to walk down the street, the little boy is teasing me and won’t let me pass, but it’s all because of my soft disposition towards you. After all, a demon poked me in the rib a thousand years ago to marry you so smart!

Maria: (Comes out.) Who else married who? Woe is my onion! Why are you upset, why did you burst into tears? (Humbly.)

Ivan: I want to eat, Marusenka.

Maria: Well, just say so, otherwise you’ve taken the whole hut here - it’s already slimy to walk around.

(Marya stops, Ivan takes the balalaika and begins to howl.)


I'll tell you, bro,
About your troubles:
How I fought the villains...
How I fell off the stove the other day!

Once I fought with Koshchei,
Helped Vasilisa out...
I waved my club
You shouted to me from the tree.

We grappled with the three-headed one
On the Kalinov Bridge...
I cut his head off
And you pushed them into the river.

We suffered many disasters
we are from Grandma Yaga...
I had to fight with my grandmother
You ate her pies.

As I entered the village,
Everyone came running to listen to me.
What a nice fellow...
Regarding food!

I have a difficult life
Many feats, friends...
Not a single one, to tell the truth,
Don't do without me!

Ivan: Melancholy has overcome me, Marusenka! No glorious deeds for you, no heroic deeds for you... If only Koschey stole Vasilisa.

Maria: I came to my senses, she married him a long time ago!

Ivan: How?!

Maria: Yes, that's it! I suffered, I suffered, miserable. There is no money, but you have to live! You can’t while away a century with Ivan the Fool, slurping empty cabbage soup.

Ivan: But but but! You should be more careful. She herself... Artisan, Kulibin-self-made. What did you promise from our tablecloth?

Maria: Well, a self-assembled tablecloth.

Ivan: And I made a self-made tablecloth! (He picks up a tablecloth with a large burnt hole from the table.)

Maria: Well, even an old woman can have a blast!

Ivan: Where are my dress boots?!

Maria: I made running boots out of them! But it’s not my fault that you didn’t have time to jump into them.

Ivan: Where is my heroic armor?

Maria: Into space, into orbit!

Ivan: What else is this for?

Maria: So that the TV shows it better.

Ivan: What TV?! We haven't had one for a long time!

Maria: Let's buy!

Ivan: I'll buy it with you.

(The phone rings. Marya picks up the phone and talks.)

Maria: Vanyusha, go ahead and shave, wash, get dressed! The matter fell upon us of national importance. To meet distinguished guests without losing face. You can't get by with just sauerkraut here. We need to run to Vasilisa the Wise, some red caviar and some hunting sausages....

Ivan: Don't fuss, just tell me who is going where? From the overseas state, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are being escorted to us. New Year is just around the corner! Go! Well, look! Marus, how are they greeted nowadays?

Maria: Eh, Vanya, what would you do without me?!

(Phonogram of a rocket falling. Ivan falls, shouting “air,” hiding his head under Marusya’s skirt.)

Ivan: Are you saying that it was my armor that flew through? No, it will be too early.

(The radio turns on.)

“From the fabulous information bureau. To all the heroes, Ivan the princes, Ivan the fools and the like. Emergency message. Rocket number 2004 with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on board lost its course and made an emergency landing in the area of ​​a fairytale forest near nasty swamps, where there is a sharp turn. We repeat, but by the way, there’s no point in chatting, because it’s clear that we need to save.”

Maria: Well, Vanyusha, you too have found something to do to dispel the sadness. Get ready, quickly.

Ivan: And where would I be without ceremonial boots and heroic armor!

Maria: Don’t drift Vanya, if I weren’t Marya the mistress!

(Puts a child’s potty on Ivan instead of a helmet, and hangs its lid on his chest instead of a shell.)

Maria: Eh, why not a hero! And where are my seventeen years?! Go ahead, Vanya, great things await us, my thoughts are with you. (To the solemn march, Ivan leaves the hut.)

Gypsies: A long road awaits you, Vanya, terrible trials, you will be in water, you will almost burn in fire, you will become deceived, you will almost lose your life. And Vanya, the beautiful maiden, will save you. Bon Voyage!

(Gunshots. Action Dance)

(Edge of the forest. Baba Yaga appears in combat camouflage.

Woman (On the radio.): Leshy, hello, goblin, hello! A mosquito gored you, are you sleeping or what? Well, that's it, godson! Ready? Look at me there. Santa Claus and his Snow Maiden will splash into your swamp any minute, readiness number one! Are the kikimors in place? What?! I sent you on a mission to commit villainy, and they are playing around with goodies! Now everything is in place! Eh, Lekha, Lekha!

(The hum of a rocket. Yaga fires from a fairy-tale cannon. Soundtrack of a falling plane.)

Woman: Well, okay, my son-in-law Gorynych will have a wedding present: a natural Santa Claus, a tender Snow Maiden and a thick, thick layer of chocolate! Unique and refined taste. (Grabs the walkie-talkie.) Leshik, hello, Leshik, have you taken it?! Oh, well done scoundrels, it means this:
To lure into the dense forest,
Turn into a stump with snags,
But no torment
Wait for further instructions.

Who?! Willow-coloured shirt? Well, I’ll deal with him myself, tea, grandma-hedgehog bone leg!

Baba Yaga's hut. Ivan enters cautiously.

Ivan: Is there anybody here?

Woman: Oh, and who are you? And where are you going?

Ivan: So that's it. Ivan the Fool. I'm going to look for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. I don’t know where to find them.

Woman: Specifically. Why do you need them?

Ivan: Ahhh... I don’t know either... they sent it.

Woman: Ah-ah-ah... well, then take a rest from the road. Do you want some?

Ivan: Yes, I wouldn't refuse. Who else lives with you?

Woman: Daughter. She will soon marry the snake Gorynych. And what a fool you are, really, really, a fool.

Ivan: Like this?

Woman: Well, are you a complete fool or did they call you that in the heat of the moment? Sometimes you get annoyed and shout: “Oh, you fool!” Sometimes I yell at my daughter: “Oh, such a fool!” How stupid is she? She's so smart. Maybe the same story applies to you.

People are used to it: you’re a fool, you’re a fool, but you’re not a fool at all, just simple-minded? A?

Ivan: I don’t understand, where are you going with this?

Woman: But I can see it in your eyes: you’re not a fool, you’re just simple-minded. As soon as I saw you, I immediately realized: “Oh, what a talented guy!” Or did you completely believe that you were a fool?

Ivan: I didn't believe anything! How can I believe in myself that I am a fool?

Woman: What am I telling you? These are the people, huh?.. Have you ever been involved in construction?

Ivan: Well, how? With my father and brothers we cut down towers. And why do you need it?

Woman: You see, I want to build myself a cottage. The materials were brought in, but there was no one to build it. Won't you take it?

Ivan: I need to find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Woman: Why do you need them? If you build a cottage, they will see it. All sorts of guests come to me, see me - and immediately: “Who did it?” Ivan did... Do you hear it? Glory will spread throughout the forest.

Ivan: What about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? They won’t let me back without them.

Woman: You will be a stoker at the cottage. When you build, plan a room in the basement... Warm, quiet, no worries. The guests upstairs are bored... where? They went to Ivan to listen to different stories, and you lie to them more, tell them different stories. I will take care of you, and I will call you Ivanushka...

Ivan: Oh, you old hag! Look, what a net you have set! She will call her Ivanushka. And I will bend my hump for you? Do you want to lead me astray and ruin people’s holiday?!

Woman: Ahh, now I understand who I’m dealing with! A simulator, a rogue. .. type! Do you know what we are doing with these people?! Let's fry!

(Puts Ivan on a shovel.)

Ivan: Hey grandma, stop joking, don't make me angry!

Woman: Oh oh oh! I’m asking for the last time: are you going to build a cottage? And don’t do any nonsense - look for Frosts and Snow Maidens!

Ivan: Damn you! Scarecrow... You have hair growing in your nose!

Woman: Scoundrel, boor! Into the oven!

Ivan: I hear it from a boor! Echidna! Not only is there hair growing in your nose, you have fur on your tongue! Parasite!

Woman: Into the fire! Wow!

Ivan: I won't burn in the fire, hag! So I go boldly!

(Phonogram of an approaching car. Baba Yaga’s Daughter enters with a song to the tune of “White Mercedes” by M. Rasputin)

Daughter: Fu Fu Fu! It smells like Russian spirit. Who's gutt?

Woman: Dinner! Hehehehe! We're frying Ivan.

Daughter: Yah! Oh what a surprise

(Daughter looks into the stove)

Ivan: (Out of the oven, laughing.) Oh, I can’t! I won’t die from fire, from laughter!

Daughter: What is this? What is he doing?

Woman: Laughs. What are you? Hey!

Ivan: Oh, I'll die of laughter! Oh, I won't survive!

Daughter: What an idiot. What are you?

Ivan: Yes, a mustache! A mustache... Oh, Lord, this happens in nature! But what about you and your husband... you're getting married!

Daughter: Like everyone else!.. What are you doing?

Daughter: So what? They don't bother me, on the contrary, I can smell better.

Ivan: Yes, they don’t bother you... But what about your husband? When you get married.

Daughter: Where are you going with this, fool? What do you want with my future husband?

Ivan: Yes, of course! He will kiss you in the dark, and he will think: “Damn it! A soldier is not a soldier. A woman is not a woman." And he will stop loving. Yes, something can a woman with a mustache do!? Well, these witches! They don't understand a damn thing. After all, he won’t live with you, with a mustache. Otherwise he’ll take his head and bite it off out of spite, I know these Gorynychs.

Daughter: Come on, get out.

Ivan: Well warmed up!

Daughter: So what do you advise us? Ivan: With a mustache? What, what... You need to trim your mustache if you want family life fix.

Daughter: But how to put it together, how?!

Ivan: Yeah, I’ll tell you how, and you’ll throw me, I mean, into the oven.

Woman: We won’t throw you away, Vanyusha, we’ll let you go on all four sides, just tell me how to get rid of the mustache.

Ivan: It's not easy, it needs to be done...

Daughter: So do it!

Ivan: Do it, do it... And when will I look for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? I need to be back for the New Year.

Woman: Listen. Let's do this: you pull your mustache, I give you my broom, and in an instant you will find Frost with his granddaughter. Come on quickly, otherwise Gorynych will fly in!

Ivan: Yeah, he’s the one who’s going to fly in... He’s going to come in... and eat me right away! Daughter: Yes, he can. Why would you come up with something like that?

Woman: I will say that you... are my nephew! Understood?

Ivan: Understood. Then so. My composition does not work immediately. We will now apply it and put a mask on the face. So? I’m flying on a broom, looking for Frost and the Snow Maiden, while you lie there with a mask.

Daughter: Will you deceive? Mom!?

Woman: Just let him try, come back from heaven, the wet spot will remain!

Ivan: Well, the trees are green! What kind of people! What's the matter? Do you want to walk around with a mustache? Walk around with a mustache - that’s all I care! You tell them the matter, you understand, no, they start here... Do you respect me or not!?

Daughter: What does “respect” have to do with it? You speak clearly

Ivan: No I can not! Well, what kind of people!? Yes, live with a mustache, live! Live as long as you can. Not a woman, but some kind of major general. Will there be any children? A son or daughter will reach out with their little hand: “Mom, what do you have?” And when they grow up, they will be teased on the street: “Your mother has a mustache, your mother has a mustache!” Will it be easy for the child? Will it be easy to listen to such words? No one has a mother with a mustache, but yours has a mustache! How should he respond? Yes, he won’t be able to answer, he will burst into tears and go home... to his mustachioed mother.

Daughter: Enough!!! Build your lineup. What do you want?

Ivan: A handful of chicken manure, a handful of warm manure and a handful of soft clay. We put this mask on our face...

Daughter: All over your face? How am I going to breathe?

Ivan: Well, what kind of people! Well, nothing is impossible...

Daughter: OK! You can't ask anything.

Ivan: It is forbidden! When the master understands, you can’t ask anything! I repeat: manure, clay, droppings. The mask will have a hole, you will breathe. All!

Woman: I understood everything, remembered everything, I’m flying. I swoop: one leg is here, the other is already there. Daughter, in the meantime, feed guest Vanechka. (To my daughter, so that Ivan doesn’t hear.) Never let the fool out of the house, he could ruin our entire wedding surprise.

(Starts the broom like a motorcycle and flies away.)

Daughter: What, Vanyusha, do you wish? Salad or eggs?

Ivan: Let's get something quick. It's already time...

Daughter: You'll have time. We'd rather have eggs. More satisfying. Now I’ll put the frying pan on the fire. It's nice to look after such a man.

Ivan: What is it, what, the groom is missing? Gorynych?

Daughter: Yes, this snake, an attic in a cube, only knows what to educate. He pretends to be a colonel. Either he puts you in the guardhouse, without saying too much, or he forces the drill guys to march around the hut. Such a cudgel! And no affection for you, no tenderness... Yes, all of you, go figure, are like that.

Ivan: Well, don’t compare me with all sorts of snakes

Daughter: Otherwise you're better

Ivan: Well... I can show all sorts of tenderness, affection...

Daughter: Oh, and can you look after me?

Ivan: Easily!

Daughter: And can you kiss?

Ivan: It's incredible, of course.

Daughter: Look what you are like! And... can you make a baby too?

Ivan: Why not do it? At least two. Will you be able to do it with him, with the baby? You fiddle with them, fiddle with them... you know how much!?

Daughter: Certainly. I already know how to swaddle. Do you want me to show you? You'll see now. I'll swaddle you. Lie down.

(Throws Ivan on the table and begins to swaddle him.)

Daughter: My little one, my little son. Come on, smile at mommy, come on. How can we smile? Come on?

Ivan: Whoa, whoa! I want some food, I want some food!

Daughter: Ah, our little son wanted some food... Well, we swaddled our little one, now we will give him some food. Come on, smile at mommy. Wow (music by the Serpent Gorynych, Yaga’s daughter goes into the kitchen, the serpent Gorynych appears in the window.)

Heads: Oh-ho-ho - my life is lonely. Previously, on New Year’s Eve, I would at least fly to the Canary Islands to visit my sister, but now it’s not the same, not the same. I’m sitting next to my cave, talking to myself.

A lion: And how tired of you I am with my right head. My eyes would not look at you.

Right: There are such bad heads. Everything is wrong with her.

Heads: Hey, shut up!

A lion: You, main head don't give orders!

Right: Otherwise we'll stage a coup for you!

Heads: What kind of revolution is this?

A lion. and right: And here it is! (wrap right head)

Heads: I give up, I give up!

A lion: That's the same!

Right: Hey, who's that there? Is it really lunch?

A lion: What a delicious cabbage roll!

Heads: No, it’s a baby, but how big is it?

A lion: Where did it come from?

Right: Smells like a human.

Heads: U-ty-tyusenki, little one, why don’t you smile at dad? You smile at mommy, but don’t want to smile at dad? Come on, smile, come on...

Ivan: I'm not laughing...

A lion: I told you - cabbage roll!

Right: Ah-ah-ah! We're probably doing that?.. Yes, little one? Yes, I think so. mommy! Go quickly, wet son.

(Yaga’s Daughter enters and drops the frying pan in fright.)

Heads: Well, what about you? Why aren't you happy? Daddy came, and you are sad.

A lion: They probably don’t like daddy, oh, they don’t like him. They despise.

Right: Then daddy will eat you, daddy will eat you, with bones. With a mustache!

Daughter: My beloved, just understand me correctly! I prepared it for you for breakfast, I wanted to make it a surprise. I think: Gorynych will fly in, and I have something tasty for him... warm, in the sheets.

A lion: Well, I told you - a cabbage roll, and you are a single little son!

Ivan: Those bastards! They’ll eat it and say that’s how it’s supposed to be, that it’s meant to be! Wow, a couple has arrived! Ugh! Eat, don't delay!

(The roar of the Serpent Gorynych, Gorynych roared, prepared to strike a fatal blow, but at that moment Marya the mistress “flew in like an arrow.”

Maria: ABOUT! Yadrena-Matryona! You've finished the game, you such a bastard! Did you jump? Swaddled!

Ivan: Yes, I, Marus, was scouting out the situation.

Maria: OK! Stirlitz!

Serpent: What else is this?

Maria: ABOUT! Gas lighter! Come on, let's go to the clearing, you reptile, you'll be able to fight better there. (to Ivan) Okay, onion grief, not for the first time. They didn’t bleed such oglers, but this one... I’ll knock off his heads in one go, all three of them. Let's go, how are you? Gorynych! Let's go, let's cuddle. What a mug you have!

Serpent: What a breakfast I'm having today! Three course meal! Well, let's go, beauty!

Ivan: Just try and touch her!

(The soundtrack of the battle sounds.)

Daughter: Why did he say about three dishes? Did he not believe me? Is he going to eat me too?

Ivan: Otherwise! You'll go like dessert!

(Yaga flies in.)

Woman: What's all the noise and no fight? Here's a bag of manure, here's chicken droppings and a little clay.

Daughter: There's no point in this, mommy, he'll eat me up with my mustache

Woman: Who will eat it?

Daughter: Yes, your son-in-law, Gorynych.

Ivan: Yeah, and you too, grandma, like a dried roach with beer, cracks, salts it more abruptly and cracks.

Woman: Oh, bastard! And why did we not please him? I’m giving him, the bastard, my only daughter, my little blood, as a wife! I ruined people's holiday and ruined the New Year!

Ivan: Hey grandma, what are you talking about?

Woman: Yes, it was me, a sinful deed, who kidnapped Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the old fool, I wanted to please my son-in-law, but look how he did!

(Tired Marya the Artisan enters.)

Maria: Healthy guy. I overcame it by force. Well, what are we going to do with you? Send after a friend?

Woman: Bye-bye-bye, Maryushka, mistress of light, forgive us, the devil has misled us! We will return everything in the best possible way: both grandfather and granddaughter.

Maria: So you kidnapped them!?

Ivan: They are Marusya, they are! I immediately saw through them.

Maria: There is very little time left until the New Year. Well, lead the way, little grannies!

A fairy-tale meadow near the New Year's tree, Marya, Ivan, Yaga and their daughter appear.

Maria: Well, where are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

Woman: Just a moment, Marusenka, witchcraft is required here.

Ivan: So do magic, don’t be tormented.

Daughter: Come on, mommy, shake off the old times, and let's all have fun together.

Snow, spin, blizzard, swear,
Let the evil spell go away
Glorious holiday, begin
You are so welcome here

(Effect: Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.)

Well, friends, it’s a wonderful time!
We are very glad to see you!
A wonderful twist in a fairy tale
Gives us a wonderful New Year!
We wish you happiness and goodness
Laugh in the morning!
Let them say that for no reason...
No! Frowning is a sign of a fool!
Let's not be angry at each other
Let's go to the Christmas tree and have fun!

(Final song.)



« “How Ivan the Fool Looked for the New Year”

Shidrovo village

December 26, 2016

Children coming out. Dance around the Christmas tree to the song “Snow Ball”

Fairytale music sounds. “Come.” fairy tale"


They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

They say on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale will come to every home.

Each of us will definitely find happiness.

Adults and children love to plunge into these fairy tales.

The Christmas trees are decorated together,

They express faith in a fairy tale.

We won't bother them

We'll watch quietly.

Music is playing. “Christmas tree, forest scent” On stage, Kikimora is rummaging through a box of toys.


So the tablecloth is self-assembled,

Here is a magic earflaps,

There's a magic carpet here,

This is the harp singing a song.

I'll remove the speedsters.

I don't understand where the lamp is.

Okay, I have no time with her,

We need the Christmas tree quickly

Dress up, otherwise it will be soon

Guests will be at the door.

Kikimora (shouting)

Leshik, where have you gone?


I read the encyclopedia.


Oh, by God, you are a professor!


We must keep pace with life.


Take a break, get to work on the Christmas tree.


I'll get started, but there's no point

I don't see much in this.


Lesheslav, you're scaring me.

You are rejecting New Year.


I don't believe in these fairy tales.

Another year in the world

It's coming, that's all.

This is my opinion.

I believe in science, Mom.

These fairy tales are stupid rubbish.


You don’t believe in Koshchei, well.

Who do you look like?

Look in the mirror,

You're Leshy, so calm down.

And let's wipe your nose,

And give me toys.

Leshik: (looks in the mirror)

I can goblin, yes. Clearly

But domesticated, okay?

(starts fiddling around in the toy box)

She believes in fairy tales, but she herself

She brought that Koshchei to the coffin.

If only I could wipe the lamp a little,

It created a lot of dust.

(Rubs the lamp)


What are you doing there, hooligan?

You are not Leshy, but a blockhead.

You can’t rub that lamp,

I told you so.

(The Genie appears. The music “Clone” plays


Wow, this is class!

The fairy tale does not leave us.

Well, Leshik, are there no miracles in life?


No, it's technical progress.


Senora, lady, miss, madam,

Let me turn to you.


Don't slow down, grandma, come on,

Make your wish.


What should I wish for?

What to wish?

I want to become a beauty, genie.

I'd rather become a queen

No Goddess, let Venus.

No I want wealth

And the largest kingdom.

No, it’s better to have more clothes,

No, it would be better for me to live longer.

No, groom, such that

There is no shame in bringing it out to the people.

Or maybe...


Ma, stop.

I'm ashamed of you, calm down.

Let's ask the guys

What do they want now?

(Children answer)


There are many wishes, sir,

But there should be only one choice.


Let's ask better than a fairy tale,

We all want this.


I listen and obey.

(Claps his hands, nothing happens)


Ha, fake genie!


I'm a genie, a fool, come on, be quiet.


Everything is clearly out of charge.

I need a dance team to help me.

To get us into a fairy tale,

The dance must be danced.


Well, guys, why are we sitting?

Do we all want to get into a fairy tale?

Raise your bones

Let's whistle loudly while dancing.

(Round dance)

Music plays "Magic for the Genie"


Sim – salabim, akhalay-makhalay.

According to Kikimora, at will,

And at my command,

Open the doors to a fairy tale,

Miracles will appear to us all.

All three disappear.

Scene 1.


Under cover of soft, snowy

The Russian village is dozing,

All roads, all paths

Covered with white snow.

The snow is silver under the sun,

A clear light flows over him,

The blizzard swirled all day,

There was chalk above the ground all night.

She hid everything in the forest,

Swept it up, dusted it up -

And I came here.

In that village in one hut

Mother lived with her son

Vanya's son was called

And among the people - a fool.

He neither plowed nor sowed

And I didn’t make any good.

Lived as he lived

But my dear mother

Honored and respected.

Scene 2.

Music. On stage in the hut Ivan and Matushka. (Stove, bench, pillow, spinning wheel, balalaika, cast iron, grip, woven floor runner)

Ivan sings:

Let them say that Ivan is a fool,

Let them say that I don’t live like that.

That I can’t help but mow and plow—

I don't care about people's rumors.

I sing songs all day long

I love my dear mother very much.

There is no kinder soul in the village,

Come out, mom, and dance with me.

Ivan's dance with Matushka.


Ah, Vanyusha, dear son,

How good looking you are.

Stately and broad in the shoulders,

He's really handsome, God knows.

And you are smart and handsome,

And curly-haired and white-skinned...


That's enough, mom, really.

We haven't eaten since this morning.

Everything we have in the oven

Put your swords on the table.


And in our oven, son,

Just an empty pot.

You didn’t sow, you didn’t plow,

He just sang songs.


You won't be satisfied with songs -

That's what the stomach says.


I had a dream the other day:

On a fancy sleigh

Santa Claus came to us

And he brought a cartload of gifts!

And nuts and candy

And what’s not there...


And when will that grandfather come?


On a glorious holiday - New Year.

So, Vanya, get ready

And hit the road.

Well, son, don’t demand it,

Find the New Year.


Well, look, it's up to you...

I'll go around the mountains and valleys,

(Boldly.) I will still find the New Year!(Ivan takes an axe, a hat, felt boots; his mother accompanies Ivan on the road: gives him mittens, puts a carrot, a jug and a crust of bread in his bag)

Goodbye, mom!

(Bows to her and leaves.)

Storyteller: (creaking snow)

And Ivan went his way. He comes out from behind the tree, looks warily at the camp of gypsies - they are performing a dance. After the dance, Ivan comes out to them.
Gypsy: Hello, killer whale, who are you?Ivan: Very often in Russian fairy tales

You can meet me.

I wasn't always smart

But I'm cheerful, not angry.

I went where I didn't know

I brought I don’t know what.

And I fought with Koshchei,

He did good to everyone everywhere.

I'm not a fearsome giant

Everyone calls me Ivan!

Gypsy: Oh, ha ha ha, Ivan. What are you sad about, dear? Gild your pen and I’ll tell you what awaits you.

Ivan: Here's another misfortune, but I didn't have enough Gypsy here. Yes, and I don’t have anything. Mother sent me to look for the New Year, Santa Claus needs to be brought, and you are delaying me!(Pushing it aside with his hand, he goes behind the Christmas tree) . Gypsy: Go, go, Ivashka, and you’ll come back to me again.(He leaves, grumbling that Ivan didn’t give the gold,

Ivan comes out from behind the Christmas tree. (snow creaking) Ivan:

Well, what is it?I'm going, I'm going,and Santa Claus in generalI can't find it anywhere?

He walks around the tree, and Gypsy comes out to meet him. Gypsy : Well, have you come? Have you found the New Year?Ivan: You're on my way again!Gypsy: I told you, you will come yourself, without me you will not find the way to Santa Claus!Ivan: Well, okay, quickly tell me where I can find Frost, since you’re so knowledgeable!Gypsy: Gild your pen and I'll tell you fortunes.Ivan: Here it comes: gild it, gild it. I have nothing, so say so.Gypsy: Give me your hand, now I’ll tell you everything, like in a fairy tale. (Looks at his hand). A date awaits you!

Ivan: Who else is this with?Gypsy: Your conversation with the beauty will be complicated, all in riddles and riddles. (Looks).Wow, dear, you have a long road ahead of you.Ivan: Where to go, what kind of road?Gypsy: The last riddle will tell you where to go if you guess it. I can also tell you: you will go to the North and you will go to the South

Ivan: One word - Gypsy! She let in the fog, but it’s still not clear where to go!

Gypsy: Don’t be too indignant, I’m telling you the truth, you’ll thank me!Ivan: Well, okay, if I find the New Year according to your clues, then you will also receive a gift from Santa Claus.Gypsy: This is another matter! And so that you don’t get lost, I give you a compass.

Look at the blue arrow and follow it to Santa Claus.

Follow the arrow straight, it will take you there. Good luck, iris! (Runs away).Ivan: She screwed it up, screwed it up and ran away! Well, why stop, I need to go further and find the New Year. (goes behind the tree)


And Ivan went his way.

(A soundtrack from the same movie plays. Ivanushka walks along the road.)

He goes through the high mountains,

Deep valleys

Crosses fast rivers,

Sees clean lakes,

Suddenly an old man came towards him.

Old man.

Ivanushka, do you have some water to drink?

Should I break off a piece of bread?

I was tired on the way.

Oh, I can't get home.

Ivanushka . Here, have a drink, grandpa. Help yourself to some rye bread. (Takes a jug and bread out of the bag. The old man helps himself.)

old man . How far are you going? good fellow?

Ivanushka (sad). Mother sent me to find the New Year, but I don’t know where to find it.

(The old man hands Ivan a twig.)

Old man. Your road is far. Yes, I will help you. Take this twig here. How crazy you feel, wave it and say 3 times: “Bitch, bitch! Help me, old man!” (Leaves.)


Ivanushka is walking through the forest and suddenly...

( The soundtrack from the movie “Fire, Water and Copper Pipes” is playing. Ivanushka is surrounded by robbers.)


Yeah! Gotcha, tie him up guys!

(Ivanushka is tied with a rope, and the robbers dance “Apple.”)


We are robbers and murderers,

These are the big darlings.

We guard the road
We don't let anyone through

We are the robbers of the night,

We love to scare people

Well, most of all we love

Take away the gold.


Come on, good fellow, give me your gold and silver!


Do you want to rob me? So my pocket is empty, I’m not an alligarch, so to speak, a simple people.


Oh, no? Well, now you'll give it all away.

(He takes aim with the pistol, they take the compass and examine it, and at this time Ivanushka takes out a twig and waves it.


Bitch, bitch, help me, Old Man!

(The robbers, accompanied by a soundtrack from the film with widened eyes, crawl into different corners and hide. They throw the compass.)


Bigwigs play Burners. Seeing Ivanushka, they run up to him.)

Forest animals.

What, Ivanushka, aren’t you happy?

Why did you hang your head?

Ivanushka.Well, I’m going, I don’t know where. Mother sent me to find New Year and bring Santa Claus.

Forest animals

We know, we know where you need to go. Baba Yaga lives there, she will show you the way.Here Ivan (gives a carrot)

(They run away.)


And our Vanya went on his way.

Don't sit down, don't rest.

Centuries ate everywhere,

Yes, snowdrifts.

In the darkest thicket,

Where the owl stares,

Where anyone is already lost,

If he has lost his way.

The goblin confuses the paths,

If you don't pass, you can't pass.

And to the hut of Babka-Yozhka

They brought him on his way.

Scene 3.

Baba Yaga:

No luck, no luck.

Every single New Year

I keep writing and writing letters,

Santa Claus I ask everything,

To send gift to me,

I live in his country.

Although I am a harmful element,

So it's a festive moment.

Baba Yaga sings:

If you knew how sad it is

That the soul hurts and hurts.

If only someone could see my sadness

I would have understood what she was saying.

Every New Year I'm alone

I celebrate it somehow

Every year I write a letter to Santa Claus,

But even a fool doesn’t come here.

I'm standing alone again

Near his hut.

And there is silence all around

One old lady is bored.

Ivan picks up Yaga and dances with her.


Wow, what a frosty evening!

Hello, grandma!

Baba Yaga:

That's the meeting.

To visit us or just like that?

The name of?


Ivan the Fool.

Baba Yaga:

There is no law for fools.

They walk and wander through the forests

You don't want to sit at home.


Eh, grandma, I would sit

Yes, I looked out the window.

Mother sent me

So that I find the New Year -

He will bring us happiness.

Can you tell me the way?

Baba Yaga:

You're tired, by God.

Rest, my falcon,

We took a nap for an hour or two.

I'll finish the letter

And I'll put it in an envelope.

You're going there anyway

You will take the letter.

Ivan sit down. Resting.

Baba Yaga: (reading) (singing)

Dear santa claus!

Yaga is writing to you from the forest.

I dream of becoming a princess

Lose half the weight

And life is held in high esteem.

I want to bathe in luxury,

It's like rolling cheese in butter,

I haven't cleaned up my hut for ages

And be friends with the computer.

I want a self-assembled tablecloth,

I want a huge bank account

I want a personal clearing

I want everything! Want! Want!

Ride in a mortar for a whole year,

Never wash your face

Don't smile at anyone...

Well, when will I shut up!


No, grandma, that's too much

I won't take your letter.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are! Now I'm going to stamp

I'll jump, blow, spit, clap!

Bone with your foot

I'll bury you in a snowdrift.


Baba Yaga begins to throw snowballs at Ivan.

Both are running away in the game.


Forest paths run into the distance,

Melting into a blue haze.

This fairy tale is rushing us

And he calls us to follow him.

Whether we believe or not,

There is a wonderful tower in the forest,

The patterns here are icy

And the windows are painted.

And the hostess is here herself

Our Zimushka-Winter.

Vanya kept walking through the forest

And he came across a tower.

Song of Winter. (turn on soundtrack)

It's winter outside again,

The snow is swirling beyond the threshold,

Covering all the houses

Sweeping all the roads.

Covering all the houses

Sweeping all the roads.


Everything is alright in the snowy kingdom

Ice floes, Christmas tree. Everything is decorated.

I'm the hostess that country,

Where there is neither summer nor spring.

Where there is a snowstorm all year round.

Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.


How long or how short have I walked?

Finally found you.

Hello, Zimushka.

May be

Will you help Mother and me?


There is snow and cold in my kingdom.

Rarely does anyone come here.

What brings you, friend?

Isn't the village covered in snow?

Or are the frosts not strong?

Are snowballs not making?


No, the weather is fine.

New Year is playing hide and seek.

I can't find it.

I went all the way.

Show me the way to him,

I'm tired, by God.


Bring me a big cauldron.

Place it here on the table.

A little snow, tinsel

We must add here,

Let's put frost and ice on top...

We will find out where the New Year is.

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words say:

"Tell me snow,

Tell me ice

Where can we find the New Year?”

Music is playing. Winter bewitches.


Behind the forests, behind the fields

Behind high mountains

Malachite Palace.

It contains a fabulous casket.

Everything shines and burns,

Glistens with gems.

Without him we will have a New Year

It won't come to the planet.


How long will it take me to go there?


A couple of months away.


I wish I could turn around quickly
Yes, and return to mother.


As you wish-

Per day

The Deer will take you home in a moment.

Winter claps its hands.

The Deer appears.

Music. Ivan sits on Olen, “they’re leaving.”


Well, goodbye, Ivan the Fool,

Don't be angry if something is wrong.

It's time for me to hit the road again.

I return to Winter.



There is no palace

Not a vaunted casket.

Neither Deer nor Winter,

No fun mess.

Music. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain appears:(hang the bell and find the crystal ringing). Ivanushka touches the bell.

What kind of holiday? What kind of children?

Who disturbed my peace?


How many years have I been living in the world?

I have never seen such beauty.

It's me, Ivan the Fool.

I'm coming to you for a reason.

They told me that in the casket,

In the Malachite Palace

You are hiding one secret.

Is this true or not?


I am the mistress of Copper Mountain,

I've lived here for many years.

In this magical mountain

I keep my secret.

I keep my wealth.

They have no count, no number.

Sapphires and diamonds

I collected everything here.

To get to the secret

You need to try really hard.

Ivan performs three tasks. The guys are helping him.


I’ll tell you, Vanya, so-

You're not a fool.

You, Vanyusha, are great.

Get the casket quickly.

(Ivan takes out the lights from the casket, they light up in his hands. He sees a Christmas tree in the forest, throws lit lights on the tree, the tree lights up at that moment, Ivan stands admiring this spectacle, sits on a log)

Magpie: jumps around the tree and shouts:

New Year has come, New Year has come!

Ivan : That's what he is like New Year!Oh, what beauty! (falls asleep to lullaby music).

Magpie flies.) ,

Magpie .

Ivanushka, wake up, otherwise you’ll freeze. Santa Claus is very close. (Flies away.)

(Ivanushka opens his eyes and sees Santa Claus. He walks through the hall with a song and approaches Ivanushka.)

Father Frost .

Uh, you're completely frozen, Ivanushka. Come on, dance and you’ll immediately warm up.

(Ivanushka dances a Russian dance to the soundtrack “The Moon is Shining.”)

Father Frost.

I know everything, Vanya. The magpie brought me news on its tail. Let's hurry to your mother, there will be a holiday in your village.

(Music sounds. Mother looks out for Ivanushka from behind the tree. Mother hugs her son, looks in surprise at Santa Claus.

Ivan: Here is Mother, I found the New Year, and here is Santa Claus

D.M . I am Frost Red Nose,

I sing songs

Through fields and forests

I'm walking happily.

Now I've reached you

And I will please you now.

Gives out gifts:

So that there is prosperity in the house,

And there was order in the family.

D.M.: Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy holiday to the rich!

I wish you happiness and joy

In the coming year!

(He takes out a loaf of bread on a towel for the mother, a bunch of dry goods he hangs on Ivan’s neck, and a bag of sweets. The mother takes everything and leaves.

Mother: There will be a holiday for us too. Thank you! bows to Frost and leaves.

Enter the Gypsy
Gypsy (to Ivan and Santa Claus)

Dear, gild your pen and I’ll tell you your fortune!
Oh, it's you again! Here I am for you now! (Jokingly scares).
Why did you come again?
Gypsy :
Don't get excited, don't get excited, Ivan.
Have you met a beauty?

Was it a long road for you?
Have you found the New Year and Santa Claus?
Well, you see, everything that I predicted for you has come true. And you're worried.
Well, the cunning one played a trick on me.

Father Frost:

Receive a gift from me.
Thank you Santa Claus! (runs away)

Father Frost: Hello guys!

Across snow-covered fields, through snowstorms and blizzards

I was in a hurry, guys, to see your New Year’s tree!

I went through all the obstacles, the snow covered me

I knew that I would be welcome here - that’s why I hurried here!

Of course you were waiting for me? And perhaps they found out?

Well, then the question is: who am I?... right! Santa Claus is your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me, I'm good today!

My beard is gray, and my eyelashes are in the snow

If I came here, let's have fun!

Well, kids, build a circle and sing a song to Santa Claus!

Children stand in a circle
Father Frost . Oh, what a funny song! We're having fun.

But for some reason I don’t see my granddaughter, Snow Maiden! Have you met her?

Children: No

Father Frost: So let's urgently call my granddaughter, otherwise what would the New Year be without her? Let's shout loudly, let's shout together: Snow Maiden, ah, ah, ah! Oh, is she lost in the forest? Granddaughter, respond, granddaughter will appear!!!

The Snow Maiden does not appear.

D. Moroz:

I'll fix it now. I'll wave my magic staff,

I’ll invite the Snow Maiden to visit.

1-2-3: Snow Maiden come.


Here I am! Hello, Grandfather!

Grandfather Freezing (backs away) .

God! Holy! Holy! You are not my Snow Maiden!


Yes, Grandfather, wipe your eyes! Why am I not the Snow Maiden?

Grandfather Freezing .

Well, I already said it - Snow Maiden! Why don’t I know my granddaughter?


You, Grandfather, don’t argue with the Snow Maiden, otherwise, if she gets angry, she becomes so harmful.

Grandfather Freezing .

Why are you scaring me, it’s even getting hot. Guys, blow on me, otherwise I'll melt!

Children blow onSanta Claus . He turns to them, first one side, then the other, andcommands : “Blow harder! Even stronger!

Grandfather Freezing .

Something doesn't help. I was so nervous that the heat was radiating from me.

Grandfather Freezing .

It became a little cooler. But it's still hot!(Fans himself with his hands.)


(hands it to Grandfather Frost ladle ) .

Here, Grandfather, drink some ice-cold water. It will make you feel better.

GrandfatherFrost drinks from a ladle . Disturbing music sounds. GrandfatherFreezing runs around the tree several times. The lights go out. Little Grandfather AppearsFreezing .

Little Grandfather Freezing .

Oh, what's wrong with me? Why did I become small?


You didn’t recognize me as the Snow Maiden, so I gave you my potion, enchanted, by the way.

Goblin .

I'm for you, GrandfatherFreezing , said : don’t mess with her, she can be harmful.

Little Grandfather Freezing .

So what should we do now?


Let's call the real Snow Maiden to help.

Little Grandfather Freezing .

How will she find her way to us?


I have a treasured lantern, it will help us.


My flashlight

Small, radiant.

He burns like a firefly

On fluffy branches.

You, flashlight, turn around,

Dense forest, make way!

And in a wonderful transformation

Show us the Snow Maiden!
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.(music)

Snow Maiden

I came to you

From a winter's fairy tale.

I'm all snow and silver.

My friends -frost and frost .

I love everyone, I am kind to everyone.

I know a lot of songs

I love cheerful ringing laughter

And inNew Year's road

I invite everyone with me!

Grandpa, where are you?(Notices the little one Santa Claus .) Oh, what happened to you?

Little Grandfather Freezing

Snow Maiden, help me break the spell.

Snow Maiden.

Who are you like that?

Grandfather Freezing .

Baba Yaga.

Yes, yes, it's me!

Snow Maiden.

Please B.Y.give it to GrandfatherFrost of living water to drink . Without him, the New Year will not come.


What good does it do me?New Year ? Whether it's the Old Year! I will be very glad to live in the Old Year again. He was so wonderful.

Snow Maiden.

Perhaps you will break Grandfather's spell after allFrost ?

Little Grandfather Freezing .

Yes, break the spell!


I won’t even think about it!

Snow Maiden.

Let the guys sing you a funny song.

B.Ya. dancing.


Well, they amused me. I've even gotten better.Okay, I'll shake it

old fashioned, sorcerer!(Music sounds.)

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather, two on the side, no grandfather.

Ace of diamonds, pine forest. Our greetings to Santa Claus!

The old one forgot to spit!

(He casts his spell again. Music sounds,

(Hands it to Grandfather Frost ladle .) Here, GrandfatherFreezing , drink some living water. Goblin, pour it!

The goblin takes out a flask and pours it into a ladle."living water" . GrandfatherFreezing drinks it and starts running around the tree.(music) The lights go out. The lights come on, Big Grandfather stands in front of the Christmas treeFreezing and examines himself from all sides.

Grandfather Freezing .

Oh, no way I’ve grown up again. And you, you bastards,I'll freeze it .

GrandfatherFreezing touches Kikimora and Leshy with his staff. They freeze in place.

Snow Maiden. Defrost them , grandfather. There is no need for anyone to feel bad at the holiday.

Grandfather Freezing . So be it.

Snow Maiden

Good GrandfatherFreezing ,

I can't see the tears.

Maybe we can forgive them?


And we'll treat you to some candy.

Grandfather Freezing

You must atone for the guilt

Try to do good :

This is a thick log

It has been under the tree for a long time.

You must cut it

And surprise all the guys with this.


Goblin, roll up your sleeves! Hold the saw!

Kikimora and Leshy"sawing" log.(music)


We sawed the log

And it is, it is all full of gifts.

Grandfather Freezing

Those are gifts for the guys,


Do we have any gifts?

Grandfather Freezing .

Of course have! You,Kikimora, a warm scarf, and for you, Leshy, warm felt boots.


Leshy, let's go home. I'll show off my scarf.


And my feet won’t freeze in winter in felt boots.

Kikimora, Leshy.

Thank you, GrandfatherFreezing ! Goodbye!(They leave.)

D. Moroz:

Your legs are shaking and don’t stand still, so let’s dance together, friends.

Round dance.

Handing out gifts

Snow Maiden:
We gave you gifts
You sang and danced for us,
And now for us, kids,
It's time to hit the road.
In villages, towns and huts
Other guys are waiting for us.
Let's go congratulate them
Wishing you happiness and joy

Father Frost:

I see I pleased everyone.

I haven't forgotten anyone.

I wish you guys

Don't be lazy, don't be sick,

Read a hundred thousand books

Don't upset moms and dads!

I visited you today

And now it's time for me to go!

Waiting for the New Year's holiday

Grandfather's kids are everywhere!

I am glad to wish you happiness!

I'll come again in a year!

Snow Maiden:

Let it be with the chimes

Troubles all go away

Let everyone be happy

On this fabulous night!


New Year's fairy tale for middle and high school age.


Ivan – retired epic hero

Marya the mistress - his wife

Baba Yaga - the evil spirits of the local forests

Baba Yaga's daughter - girl with a long, long nose

Dragon - groom of Baba Yaga's daughter

(three heads possible)

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

(The announcer’s voice is in the background of the Russian folk melody “Kamarinskaya.”)

Somewhere in a fabulous woodland,

At the fork of three roads

Neither rich nor poor

There was a mansion.

In it, as before, he works

Marya is a mistress of light.

What's a song without accordion?

Or lunch without sour cabbage soup?

What is Marya without Ivan?

He, as expected, lived with her.

Jokingly, people called him

Ivan, in general, is a fool,

He wasn't very old yet

Retired as a hero.

Scene 1

The hut of Marya the Mistress and Ivan the Fool. Ivan enters wearing only felt boots. He holds a sock in his left hand,

and in the right mug.


Marus, and Marus.

(Marya is not there yet. The sound of a hammer is heard from the window. Marya’s voice is heard.)


Well, what do you want?


What!? Where are my dress boots?


(Looks out the window)Why did you need them this morning? Up to the wind and into

you run away in felt boots.


Well, here you are again, oppressing my manhood, dragging my reputation into the mud, because it’s no longer possible to walk down the street, the little boy is teasing me and won’t let me pass, but it’s all because of my soft disposition towards you. After all, a demon poked me in the rib a thousand years ago to marry you so smart!


(Comes out.)Who else married who? Woe is my onion! Why are you so upset?

burst into tears?


(Humbly.)I want to eat, Marusenka.


Well, just say so, otherwise you’ve taken the whole hut here - it’s already slimy to walk around.

(Marya sets the table, Ivan takes the accordion and begins to howl.)


I'll tell you, bro,

About your troubles:

How I fought with the villains...


How I fell off the stove the other day!



Hey Marusya!

What about me?! 2 times

Look, it's going to be hot.




Once I fought with Koshchei,

Helped Vasilisa out...


I waved my club

You shouted to me from the tree.



We grappled with the three-headed one

On the Kalinov Bridge...


I cut his head off

And you pushed them into the river.



We suffered many disasters

We are from Grandma Yaga...


I had to fight with my grandmother

You ate her pies.



As I entered the village,

Everyone came running to listen to me.

What a nice fellow...


Regarding food!



I have a difficult life

Many feats, friends...


Not a single one, to tell the truth,

Don't do without me!



Melancholy has overcome me, Marusenka! Neither to you

glorious deeds, no heroic deeds... At least

Koschey stole Vasilisa.


I came to my senses, she married him a long time ago!




Yes, that's it! I suffered, I suffered, miserable.

There is no money, but you have to live! Not with Ivan the Fool forever

while away, slurp empty cabbage soup.


But but but! You should be more careful. Itself...

Artisan, self-made Kulibin! You are from ours

what did you promise to make tablecloths?!


Well, a self-assembled tablecloth.


And I made a self-made tablecloth! (Raises from

tablecloth with a large burnt hole.)


Well, even an old woman can have a blast!


Where are my dress boots?!


I made running boots out of them! But I don't

It’s your fault that you didn’t have time to jump into them.


Where is my heroic armor?


Into space, into orbit!


What else is this for?


So that the TV shows it better.


What TV?! We haven't had one for a long time!


Let's buy!


I'll buy it with you.

(The phone rings. Marya picks up the phone and talks.)


Vanyusha, go ahead and shave, wash, get dressed! Case

State importance fell upon us. Noble

meet guests without losing face. Here

You can't get by with just sauerkraut. Need to

Run to Vasilisa the Wise, red caviar

stock up on some hunting sausages...


Don't fuss, just tell me who is going where?


From the state of overseas Santa Claus with

The Snow Maiden is being escorted to us. New Year's Eve



Go! Well, look! Marus, how are they greeted nowadays?


Eh, Vanya, what would you do without me?!

(Song to the tune of “Bitte-dritte, Frau Madame” from the film “Wedding in Malinovka”. Phonogram

rocket crash. Ivan falls, shouting “air,” hiding his head in his hands.)


Are you saying that it was my armor that flew through?


No, it will be too early. (The radio turns on.)

“From the fabulous information bureau. To all the heroes,

To Ivan the Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool and them

similar. Emergency message. Rocket number

2014 with Father Frost and Snow Maiden on board

went off course and made an emergency landing

in the area of ​​​​the fairy forest near the filthy swamps, where

sharp turn. We repeat, but in vain

chat, because it’s clear that we need to save.”


Well, Vanyusha, you too have found something to do with sadness -

dispel sadness. Get ready, quickly.


And where would I be without dress boots and without

heroic armor!


Don’t drift Vanya, if I weren’t Marya the mistress!

(Puts a saucepan on Ivan instead

helmet, hangs a lid from a large saucepan on his chest instead of a shell.)

Eh, why not a hero! And where are my seventeen years?! Forward, Vanya, great things await us,

I'm with you in my thoughts. (To the solemn march “Farewell of the Slavyanka,” Ivan leaves the hut)

Scene 2

Forest edge. Baba Yaga appears in combat camouflage.

(On the radio.)Leshy, hello, goblin, hello! Gore

Are you a mosquito, are you sleeping? Well, that's the same thing

godson! Ready? Look at me there. Santa Claus with

your Snow Maiden from minute to minute in your

they will splash into the swamp, readiness number one!

Are the kikimors in place? What?! I'll take you to villainy

I was on a business trip, and they are indulging in goodies there!

Now everything is in place! Eh, Lekha, Lekha!

(The sound of a rocket. Sound track of a falling plane.)

Well, okay, son-in-law Gorynych will

wedding gift: natural Santa Claus,

gentle Snow Maiden and a thick, thick layer

chocolate! Unique and refined taste.

(Grabs the walkie-talkie.) Leshik, al-le, Leshik, did they take it?! Oh,

Well done robbers, it means this:

To lure into the dense forest,

Turn into a stump with snags,

But no torment

Wait for further instructions.

…Who?! Willow-coloured shirt? Well, I'm with him

I'll figure it out myself, tea, grandma-hedgehog bone leg!

Scene 3

Baba Yaga's hut. Ivan enters cautiously.


Is there anybody here?

Oh, and who are you? And where are you going?


So that's it. Ivan is a fool peasant son. I'm going to look for Santa Claus

and Snegurochka. I don’t know where to find them.

Specifically. Why do you need them?


Ahhh... I don’t know either... they sent it.

Ah-ah-ah... well, then take a rest from the road. There is, I suppose



Yes, I wouldn't refuse. Who else lives with you?

Daughter. She will soon marry the snake Gorynych. A

Are you a complete fool, or are you pretending to be?


Like this?

Well, are you a complete fool or is it just you in the heat of the moment

called? Sometimes you get annoyed and shout: “Uh,

fool!" Sometimes I yell at my daughter: “Oh, you fool.”

like that!” How stupid is she? She's like that for me

smart. Maybe the same story applies to you. Got used to it

people: fool, fool, but you’re not a fool at all, just

artless? A?


I don’t understand, where are you going with this?

Yes, I can see it in your eyes: you are no fool, you

just simple-minded. As soon as I saw you,

I immediately realized: “Oh, what a talented guy!” Or you

fully believed that you are a fool?


I didn't believe anything! How can I believe in myself that I am a fool?

What am I telling you? These are the people, huh?.. You

Have you ever been involved in construction?


Well, how? With my father and brothers we cut down towers. A

why do you want it?

You see, I want to build myself a cottage.

The materials were brought in, but there was no one to build it. Not

will you take it?


I need to find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Why do you need them? If you build a cottage, they will see it. All sorts of guests come to me,

They’ll see it and immediately: “Who did it?” Ivan did...Can you hear it? Glory

will go all over the forest.


What about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? me

They won't let you back in without them.

You will heat the stove next to the cottage. When

when you build, plan a room for yourself

basement... Warm, quiet, no worries. Guests

bored upstairs... where to? Let's go to Ivan's story

different to listen to, and you lie to them more, different

tell me the cases. I will take care of you, and

I will call you Ivanushka...


Oh, you old hag! Look, what a net you have set!

She will call her Ivanushka. And I'll bend my hump for you

will? You want to lead me astray from the true path, but people

ruin the holiday?!

Ahh, now I understand who I’m dealing with!

A malingerer, a rogue... type! We are with such

do you know what we are doing?! Let's fry!

(Yaga begins to conjure against the background of howling music. Unknown forces

they drag Ivan into the oven.)


Hey grandma, stop joking, don't make me angry!

Oh oh oh! I ask for the last time: will you

build a cottage? And don't do any nonsense

- look for Frosts and Snow Maidens!


Damn you! Scarecrow... You have hair growing in your nose!

Scoundrel, boor! Into the oven!


I hear it from a boor! Not only do you have

Nose, hair is growing on your tongue! Parasite!

Into the fire! Wow!


I won't burn in the fire, hag! So I go boldly!

(Phonogram of an approaching car. With song

Baba Yaga's daughter enters.)

In a dense dark forest

In a white Mercedes

In a wicker hat with a pink feather,

A little tired

Aunt Ezhka was riding,

Pulling someone's car over a hill.

Yaga's daughter:

Fu Fu Fu! It smells like Russian spirit. Who is here?

Dinner! Dinner is getting ready, heh, heh!

We're frying Ivan.

Yaga's daughter:

Yah! Oh, what a surprise!

Can you imagine, he doesn’t want it to be in the forest

(Daughter looks into the stove.)


(Out of the oven, laughing.) Oh, I can’t! I won’t die from fire, from laughter!

Yaga's daughter:

What is this? What is he doing?

Laughs. What are you? Hey!


Oh, I'll die of laughter! Oh, I won't survive!

Yaga's daughter:

Here's a clown. What are you?


Yes, the nose! The nose... Oh, Lord, well, it happens

this is in nature! How are you going to kiss, are you getting married!..

Yaga's daughter:

Like everyone else!.. What are you doing?


The nose is long, like Pinocchio’s!

Yaga's daughter:

So what? They don't bother me; on the contrary, I

I can smell it better.


Yes, they don’t bother you... What about the groom?

Yaga's daughter:

Where are you going with this, fool? What do you want my fiance?


Yes, of course! You will prick him with your nose.

A woman is not a woman. Pinocchio, and nothing more! And he will stop loving. Yes something

Can a woman live with a nose like that!? Well, these witches! Nothing is

understand. After all, he will leave you, he will find a beauty.

Otherwise he’ll take his head and bite it off out of spite, I know these Gorynychs.

Yaga's daughter:

Come on, get out.


Well warmed up!

So what do you advise us? With the nose?


What, what…. It is necessary to treat, reduce the size of the nose, if you want

improve family life.

Yaga's daughter:

How to reduce it, how?!


Yeah, I’ll tell you how, and you’ll throw me, I mean, into the oven.

We won’t throw you away, Vanyusha, we’ll let you go on all fours

hand, just tell me how to get rid of my nose.


It’s not easy, it needs to be done…

Yaga's daughter:

So do it!


Do it, do it... And when will I look for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

I need to be back for the New Year.

Listen. Let's do this: you make your nose smaller, I give it

you your broom, and in an instant you will find Frost with

his granddaughter.

Yaga's daughter:

Come on quickly, otherwise Gorynych will fly in!


Yeah, he’s the one who’s coming...

It will come in... and devour me right away!

Yaga's daughter:

Yes, he can do that. Why would you come up with something like that?

I will say that you are... my nephew! Understood?


Understood. Then so. My composition doesn’t work right away...

Yaga's daughter:

Like this!?


We will now point it and apply it to the face

mask. So? I'm flying on a broom, looking for Frost and

Snow Maiden, while you are lying there with a mask.

Yaga's daughter:

Will you deceive? Mom!?

Just let him try, come back from heaven, the wet spot will remain!


Well, the trees are green! What kind of people! What's the matter? Do you want to walk around with your nose?

Walk with your nose - that’s what I care about! You tell them business, and they

they start here... Do you respect me or not!?

Yaga's daughter:

What does “respect” have to do with it? Speak clearly.


No I can not! Well, what kind of people!? Yes, live with your nose, live! Live as long as you can. Not

a woman, and some kind of Pinocchio. Will the kids go? They will be teased. How should he respond? Yes, he won’t be able to answer, he will burst into tears and go home... to his big-nosed mother.

Yaga's daughter:

Enough!!! Build your lineup. What do you want?


A handful of chicken manure, a handful of warm manure and a handful of soft clay. We put this mask on our face...

Yaga's daughter:

All over your face? How am I going to breathe?


Well, what kind of people! Well, nothing is impossible...

Yaga's daughter:

OK! You can't ask anything.


It is forbidden! When the master understands, you can’t ask anything! I repeat: manure, clay, droppings. The mask will have a hole, you will breathe. All!

I understood everything, remembered everything, I’m flying. I swoop: one leg is here, the other is already there. Daughter, how about you

feed guest Vanya. (To my daughter, so that Ivan doesn’t hear.) Under no circumstances let the fool out of you.

hut, he could ruin our entire wedding surprise.

(Starts the broom like a motorcycle and flies away.)

Yaga's daughter:

What, Vanyusha, do you wish? Salad or eggs?


Let's get something quick. It's already time...

Yaga's daughter:

You'll have time. We'd rather have eggs. More satisfying. Now

I'll put the frying pan on the fire. It's nice to see this

to court a man.


What is it, what, the groom is missing?

Yaga's daughter:

Gorynych? Yes, this snake only knows what to educate. Colonel from

contorts himself. Either he puts me in the guardhouse, without saying too much, or he forces me to march around the hut as a drill trooper. Such a cudgel! And no affection for you, no tenderness... Yes, all of you, go figure, are like that!


Well, don’t compare me with all sorts of snakes.

Yaga's daughter:

Are you better?


Well... I can show all sorts of tenderness, affection...

Yaga's daughter:

Oh, and can you look after me?



Yaga's daughter:

And can you kiss?


It's incredible, of course.

Yaga's daughter:

Look what you are like! Both economical and affectionate. Can you take care of children??

Ivan:Yes. Can you do it yourself?

Yaga's daughter:

Certainly. I already know how to swaddle. Do you want me to show you?

You'll see now. Lie down.


Why me???

Yaga's daughter:

I'll swaddle you. Lie down. (He throws Ivan on the table - 2 desks covered with a large blanket and begins to swaddle him.) My little one, my little son. Come on, smile at mommy, come on. How can we smile? Come on?


Whoa, whoa! I want some food, I want some food!

Yaga's daughter:

Ah, our little son wanted some food... Well, we swaddled our little one, now we

We'll give him some food. Come on, smile at mommy. Wow!

(Yaga’s daughter goes into the kitchen, the snake Gorynych appears in the window.)


U-ty-tyusenki, little one, why don’t you smile at dad? You smile at mommy, but not at daddy

Want? Come on, smile, come on...


I'm not laughing…


Ah-ah-ah! We're probably doing that?.. Yes, little one?


Yes, I think so.


Mommy! Go quickly, wet son.

(Yaga’s Daughter enters and drops the frying pan in fright.)


Well, what about you? Why aren't you happy? Daddy came, and you are sad. They probably don't like it

Oh, they don’t like daddy. They despise. Then daddy will eat all of you, daddy will eat you, with your bones and with your nose...

Yaga's daughter:

My beloved, just understand me correctly! I prepared it for you for breakfast,

I wanted to make a surprise. I think: Gorynych will fly in, and I have something tasty for him...

warm, fresh.


Those bastards! They’ll eat it and say that’s how it’s supposed to be, that it’s meant to be! Wow, a couple has arrived! Ugh! Eat, don't waste time! I curse you!

(Gorynych roared and prepared to strike a fatal blow, but at that moment an arrow

Marya the mistress “flew in.”


ABOUT! Yadrena-Matryona! You've finished it, my dear fellow! Did you jump? Swaddled!


Yes, I, Marus, was scouting out the situation.


OK! Stirlitz! Let's figure it out.


What else is this?


ABOUT! Gas lighter! Well, let's go to the clearing, miracle Yudo, there you will be able to fight better.

(To Ivan) Wow, a present in a little bag! How are you doing this?


I made a mistake, Marus, I made a mistake...


Okay, onion grief, not for the first time. They didn’t let such oglers bleed, but this one... I agree with him

I'll blow off all three heads. Let's go, how are you? Gorynych! Let's go, let's cuddle. What a mug you have!


What a breakfast I'm having today! Three course meal! Well, let's go, beauty!


Just try and touch her!


Come on, Van, don’t tense up, I’ll be there soon, lie down for now.

(The soundtrack of the battle sounds.)

Yaga's daughter:

Why did he say about three dishes? Did he not believe me? Is he going to eat me too?


Otherwise! You'll go like dessert!

(Yaga flies in.)

What's all the noise and no fight? Here's a bag of dung,

Here's chicken droppings and a little clay.

Yaga's daughter:

There’s no point in this, mommy, he’ll eat me up right away.

Who will eat it?

Yaga's daughter:

Yes, your son-in-law, Gorynych.


Yeah, and grandma, she’ll crack you like a dried roach, add some extra salt and eat you.

Oh, bastard! And why did we not please him? I am his only daughter, a little blood, in

I'm giving away my wife! I ruined people's holiday and ruined the New Year!


Hey grandma, what are you talking about?

Yes, it was me, a sinful deed, who kidnapped Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the old fool, that’s all

to please my son-in-law, and how good is he! (Tired Marya the Artisan enters.)


Healthy guy. I overcame it by force. Well, what are we going to do with you? Send after a friend?

Bye-bye-bye, Maryushka, mistress of light, forgive us, the devil has misled us! We will return everything in the best possible way: and

grandfather and granddaughter.


So you kidnapped them!?


They are Marusya, they are! I immediately spotted them...


There is very little time left until the New Year.

Well, lead the way, little grannies of our guests!

Scene 4

A fairy-tale meadow near the New Year's tree, Marya, Ivan, Yaga and their daughter appear.


Well, where are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

Just a moment, Marusenka, witchcraft is required here.


So do magic, don’t be tormented.

Yaga's daughter:

Come on, mommy, shake the old days, and

Let's all have fun together.

Snow, spin, blizzard, swear,

Let the evil spell go away

Glorious holiday, begin -

You are so welcome here!

(Fanfare. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.)

Father Frost:

Well, friends, it’s a wonderful time!

Snow Maiden:

We are very glad to see you!

Father Frost:

A wonderful twist in a fairy tale

Gives us a wonderful New Year!


We wish you happiness and goodness,


Laugh in the morning!

Let them say that for no reason...

Yaga's daughter:

No! Frowning is a sign of foolishness!

Let's not be angry with each other -

Father Frost:

Let's go to the Christmas tree and have fun!

(Final song. “Swept by a Blizzard”)

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