How to treat yourself with self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Several cases of cure

My short essay would not be complete if I did not give several cases of healing through suggestion. I am, of course, not describing all the cases in which my help was effective; it would be too long and perhaps too tedious. I limit myself to citing only the most interesting examples.

M. D. from Troyes has suffered from asthma for eight years; She spends most of the night sitting in bed, fighting the most painful attacks of suffocation. Preparatory experiments reveal greater sensitivity; instant immersion in sleep, followed by suggestion. Amazing improvement from day one. D. spends the night calmly - just one asthma attack lasting a quarter of an hour. After a short time, asthma disappears completely. There was no relapse.

M. M., hosiery maker by trade, from Saint-Savin near Tours. Due to damage to the lower part of the spine, he was paralyzed for two years. Paralysis extends only to the lower limbs. Due to the almost complete cessation of blood circulation, the legs became swollen and blue. Various ways Treatments, not excluding antisyphilitic ones, did not produce any results. The preparatory experiments were very successful. Suggestion on my part. The patient practices self-hypnosis for a week. After this time, little noticeable, but still gratifying, as the first symptom, movements of the left leg. Repeated suggestion. After the second week there was significant improvement. This improvement then progressed continuously: along with the weakening of paralysis, the swelling of the legs began to subside. After eleven months of treatment, on November 1, 1906, the patient independently walked down the stairs and walked 800 meters along the street. In July 1907 he returned to the factory, where he has worked to this day, without experiencing any trace of paralysis.

A. G. from Troyes has been suffering from chronic inflammation of the intestines for a long time. The disease cannot be cured by any of the methods used. The state of mind is extremely depressed. Gloomy, melancholic, alienated from people, thinking about suicide.

The preparatory experiments were successful; suggestion gives tangible results on the very first day. Then, for three months, systematic suggestion - first daily, then at increasingly large intervals. After this time, complete recovery: the inflammation of the intestines completely disappeared, the state of mind was excellent. Since then, for twelve years, not a single relapse has been observed, then in in this case there is complete and final healing. G. is a very typical example of the effect that suggestion, or, more precisely, self-hypnosis, has. While treating his physical illness with suggestion, I at the same time directed this suggestion to his mental sphere, and he accepted both with equal readiness. Along with this, his self-confidence continuously increased. Being an excellent worker, he always tried to get a knitting machine from a manufacturer he knew so that he could work for him at home. Convinced of the quality of his work, the manufacturer agreed, and G., thanks to his skill and dexterity, began to produce significantly more than any other worker. After some time, he received several more machines, and as a result, instead of remaining an ordinary worker for the rest of his life - without the help of suggestion - G. now has six knitting machines, which bring him significant income.

D. from Troyes, pulmonary tuberculosis in the last stage. Despite increased nutrition, daily weight loss. Cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis. She apparently has no more than a few months to live. Preparatory experiments show greater susceptibility. Suggestion causes immediate relief. The very next day the pain begins to subside. The patient becomes noticeably better every day, she quickly gains weight, although the increased nutrition stops. After several months, she appears to be completely healthy. 1st of January 1911 year, that is, eight months after my departure from Troyes, she wrote me a letter of gratitude and said that, although she was pregnant, she still felt excellent.

I deliberately chose a few older cases to begin with, wanting to show how durable and long-lasting the cure is. In what follows I give a number of examples from my distant past.

X., postal official from Luneville, lost in January 1910 child's year. As a result of nervous shock, he developed involuntary trembling of his limbs. In June of the same year, he came to me, accompanied by a relative. After preparatory experiments - suggestion. Four days later the patient returned and reported that the trembling had disappeared. Repeated suggestion and request to come again in a week. But a week passes, another and a third, and finally a month, and there is no word or word from the patient.

After some time, his relative comes to me and informs me about the letter he has just received from X. He is completely healthy; is working again on the telegraph, which he had to leave during his illness, and just yesterday, without the slightest difficulty, he coped with a long dispatch of one hundred and seventy words. Since then there has been no relapse.

I., resident of Nancy, has been suffering from neurasthenia and various kinds of phobias for a number of years; the stomach and intestines function poorly; insomnia, depressed state of mind, constant thoughts of suicide; gait like a drunk; thinks only about his illness. All treatment attempts fail. The condition is continuously deteriorating. A four-week stay in a sanatorium does not bring the slightest relief. I. approached me at the beginning of October 1910. The preparatory experiments were relatively successful. I explain to the patient the essence of self-hypnosis and that we have, along with the conscious sphere, also the unconscious. Following this, I make a suggestion. Two, three days after my explanations I. was in a state of some confusion. But then his consciousness seemed to clear up: he began to understand what I was telling him. I repeat the suggestion, and he himself does the same every day. At the beginning, improvement progresses very slowly, then faster and faster, and after a month and a half the patient completely recovers. Whereas before he considered himself the most unfortunate man in the world, he is now the happiest of mortals. A relapse is not only not observed, but it cannot be expected, since I. is firmly convinced that he can never again fall into his former sad state.

E. from Troyes. Attacks of gout. The ankle of the right leg is swollen and very painful; can't walk. Preparatory experiments show greater receptivity. After the first suggestion, he, without relying on a stick, independently reaches the carriage in which he arrived. The pain has disappeared. The next day the patient did not come. His wife appeared instead and reported that her husband got up very early, put on his boots and went to work on his bicycle (he is a painter). My amazement knew no bounds. In the future, I could not follow this patient, since he no longer appeared in my office. I only know that he did not have a relapse for a long time. I don't know what condition he is in now.

T. from Nancy. Neurasthenia, dyspepsia, stomach cramps, catarrh of the intestines, pain in various parts of the body.

She was treated unsuccessfully for several years. I make suggestions, she uses self-hypnosis every day. From the very first day there was a noticeable improvement, then increasing continuously. Currently, for a very long time, the patient is healthy, both physically and And mentally. He no longer needs any treatment. It seems to her, however, that she has not completely gotten rid of catarrh of the intestines, but she is not sure about this either.

X., sister of Mrs. T. Acute neurasthenia. She does not get out of bed for weeks at a time, cannot move, and is unable to work. Lack of appetite, depressed state of mind, indigestion. Recovery after the first session is very long and lasting, since so far there has not been the slightest relapse.

G. from Maxeville. Eczema all over the body. Particularly strong on the left leg. Both legs are swollen, mainly at the ankles; walking is difficult and painful. Suggestion. On the first evening the patient walks several hundred meters without any fatigue. The next day the swelling subsided from my legs. Eczema disappears quickly.

P. from Laneville. Pain in the lower back and knees. Ill for ten years; Every day the condition worsens. Suggestion and self-hypnosis. Immediate, rapidly progressive improvement. Full recovery soon. There is no relapse.

3. from Nancy. In January 1910, she fell ill with pneumonia, from which she could not recover for two months. General weakness, lack of appetite, indigestion, rare stools with great tension, insomnia, profuse night sweats. After the first suggestion, the patient feels much better. Two days later she comes again and says that she is completely fine. All traces of the disease have disappeared, all organs are functioning normally. Several times she began to experience night sweats, but she managed to prevent them by using conscious self-hypnosis. Since then Z. has been completely healthy.

X., professor at Belfort, cannot speak for more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time, after which he completely loses his voice. A number of doctors to whom he consulted did not find any painful changes in his speech apparatus. According to one of them, the disease is explained by senile phenomena in the larynx. This reinforces the patient's belief that his condition is incurable. He comes to Nancy on vacation. One lady he knows advises him to contact me; at first he doesn’t want to, but then he still comes, although he absolutely does not believe in the effect of suggestion. However, I make a suggestion and ask him to come in a day. He appears and says that the day before he had a conversation for several hours without any difficulty. Two days later, he reports that his voice did not betray him anymore, although he had to not only talk a lot, but even sing. The success of the treatment has been extremely lasting.

In conclusion, I consider it necessary to say a few more words about how the described method can be used by parents to raise children and to eliminate certain shortcomings they notice.

We must wait until the child falls asleep. The father or mother enters quietly into the nursery, stops at some distance from the bed and whispers fifteen, twenty times everything that they want to see accomplished in the child, both in relation to his health and sleep, and in relation to attention, diligence, behavior, etc. Following To do this, you need to also silently leave the room so as not to wake up the child.

This the simplest way produces excellent results, and it's not hard to see why. During sleep, both the child's body and consciousness are asleep - they seem to be turned off. But his unconscious self is awake. Parents speak directly to him; and since it is extremely obedient, it perceives without resistance everything that it hears. And the child gradually, day by day, on his own initiative, becomes more and more the way his parents would like him to be.

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Plays a special role in our lives self-hypnosis. Especially when self-hypnosis concerns illnesses. Many people do not understand that the disease appears under the influence of their own suggestion.

Well studied by psychologists this problem. They have developed various techniques that teach us how to get rid of self-hypnosis.

The secret: how to get rid of self-hypnosis.

1. Materialization of thoughts.

Try to remember the last week before your illness, what you were thinking about, what thoughts were in your head. You will definitely remember what you thought about the illness, and it doesn’t matter at all about your own illness or the illness of people close to you. Perhaps you were often inquired about about your condition, which in itself aroused doubts in you about your own health, and you began to worry about it.

There are many options, try to find yours and don’t forget to write it down on a piece of paper. All this is necessary in order to know the reason that prompted you to self-hypnosis, and to be able to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And in the future, this will help you not to fall into the same networks of self-hypnosis, because all our diseases arise due to the fact that we instilled them in ourselves, doubting our health and not properly caring for it.

2. Anxiety

Psychologists have long proven that the main cause of illness is stress, fears, worries, worries, nervous breakdowns and everything that causes an abnormal internal state. Health means, first of all, calmness, a balanced state, getting rid of anxiety and restlessness. The world created for us so that we are happy and can enjoy every minute of life, despite all the problems, illnesses and difficulties.

3. Thinking.

People who become ill through self-hypnosis can get rid of their illnesses by changing their thinking. All the thoughts of such people are occupied only with their illness and nothing else, and this prolongs the situation. Therefore, you need to find something to do to distract yourself. It could be work, a hobby, travel, love, finally. Or switch from illness to health, to healthy image life, for recovery. In order to recover faster even from an incurable disease, as often as possible you need to imagine yourself already healthy and plan new actions already in a healthy state.

This has been proven. Many, whom doctors told that they could no longer help, still fought for themselves, continued to imagine themselves as happy, cheerful, already healthy people.

4. Recovery.

Your self-hypnosis of illness does not allow you to live normally and does not give you the opportunity to recover, which means you need to change your self-hypnosis and direct it towards recovery. That is, instill in yourself thoughts of recovery. Exists two types of self-hypnosis. One is creative, the second is destructive. And we create both for ourselves, with our thoughts and actions.

Therefore, our task is to replace self-hypnosis about illness with self-hypnosis about recovery (for help from treatment). To do this, you need to come up with simple, easy-to-pronounce phrases containing the words:

I feel even healthier and better every day,
I feel even healthier and better every hour,
I feel even healthier and better every minute.

Such phrases are called affirmations. You can find out what affirmation is. Repeat these phrases as convenient for you, silently, in a whisper, out loud, record them on a voice recorder and listen to these phrases as often as possible during the day.

If you don’t like these phrases, come up with others that will direct your thoughts to recovery and to improving your health, to the fact that you are already healthy.

Remember that only a positive attitude towards your own health will help you stay healthy.

Self-hypnosis- The best way cure any disease on your own, even when medicine is unable to help you. This has long been proven by many people who healed themselves by self-hypnosis when medicine was powerless. But today few people believe and know that self-hypnosis treatment available to everyone.

We are used to other people thinking for us and our health; we go to the doctor when we feel bad, without maintaining our health and not preserving it from early childhood. Psychologists have prepared a number of effective methods to help you self-hypnosis treatment went well on its own.

Decide what your illness is and what causes it

First of all, to treatment self-hypnosis went well, you need to decide what kind of illness you have. After that, write it down on a piece of paper, in as much detail as possible, when it occurred, why and what its symptoms are. You should know as much as possible about the disease itself, since without knowing this, the method of self-hypnosis will be powerless.

In most cases, the main cause of illness in people is also self-hypnosis, because people inspired their own illness. Perhaps this person thought a lot about diseases, or he was surrounded by sick people or those who constantly talk about diseases, or this person was constantly asked about his health, which led to doubts, and he fell ill. There are many reasons, the main thing is to find your cause of the disease.

Do not renounce medicine, all methods of healing are important

We must not forget about medicine, much less renounce it, relying only on self-hypnosis; all healing methods are important. Treatment self-hypnosis, is used only when medicine is powerless and doctors give up. The most important thing is that the patient does not give up. Since there are a number of cases when a person, being in a critical condition and the doctors said that nothing could be done, was cured through self-hypnosis. But if your illness can be easily cured through medicine, then do not renounce it, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Imagine in your mind that you are healthy

Those who were cured by self-hypnosis, when medicine was powerless, they shared their experience and told how they managed to become healthy and heal through self-hypnosis. The most important thing they say is to believe that you can be cured and this belief should be supported by a strong desire, happiness and joy. After this, you need to mentally imagine yourself as often and daily as possible, that you are already healthy, how you live, how you breathe, play, walk, take off your shoes in life. Imagining themselves in their thoughts, these people created their future and changed their destiny, which was outlined by doctors. Believe and follow this method.

Give thanks for everything you have and everything you don't yet have.

The girl, who was in the last stage of cancer, when doctors said that nothing could be fixed, applied the self-hypnosis treatment method independently in practice. She started her day by thanking God for what she already has, as well as what she doesn’t yet have. She said: Thank you Lord for curing me, repeating daily this phrase 100-200 times. The girl also drank tea, watched funny programs, she began to live as if she had already recovered. After another study, the doctors were amazed; they found no cancer cells in the girl, the girl was completely healthy. Therefore, remember, you always need to stay, believe, thank and rejoice in what already exists, and what is not there, but you really want it.

Self-hypnosis for recovery

on one's own useful, but if you do not have experience yet, then it is better to consult a doctor, all ways of treatment are important and necessary. There are many self-hypnosis phrases that have helped people cure various diseases, here is the most effective and best phrase for self-hypnosis treatment:

Every day I become more better and healthier

Every hour I become more better and healthier

Every minute I become more better and healthier

With every moment I become more better and healthier.

This phrase needs to be said 500 times or more a day, you can record it on a voice recorder and listen, you can say it out loud or to yourself. If you believe in God, you can also, as an addition, read prayers for healing. The main thing is to believe that you are healthy and do everything necessary to be so.

psycho- olog. ru

Self-hypnosis for recovery is a method used by people since ancient times. But not everyone believes that such methods work. But in vain! When the techniques are performed correctly, psychological effects sometimes work wonders.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is understood as a process of reassurance addressed to oneself, allowing one to evoke certain feelings and sensations that control the processes of memory and attention.

In reality, thoughts and actions must work together according to a certain pattern:

  • Do not use words or particles of negation"No, no, no."
  • Choose your phrases carefully. If the meaning of any words is not entirely clear to a person and does not cause positive associations, self-hypnosis will not work.
  • Maximum relaxation. Self-hypnosis will not give results if a person uses it in public places(on the way to work). It is best to start the process in a quiet home environment without strangers, animals and sounds.
  • Visualization.
  • Daily activities(at least 2 times a day) for 15-20 minutes. According to the observations of psychologists, such training will give results within 1.5-2 months. But you can't skip classes.

The phrase for self-hypnosis should be pronounced without the slightest tension, but at the same time consciously, presenting in the smallest detail everything that a person is programming himself for. At the same time, the body should feel lightness, joy and confidence that this has already happened.

Self-hypnosis for recovery

The process of self-hypnosis works well against diseases, especially when it is combined with medical treatment. Patients convince themselves that the disease will go away forever. Doctors' observations show that sometimes confidence reaches such strength that even seriously ill people begin to recover. In medicine, such cases are considered miracles.

Self-hypnosis, used for recovery, has been known since the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates. Scientists have proven that a person's health often depends on his thoughts and words. At the same time, the most impressionable and emotional individuals with a good imagination achieve quick results. In addition, children lend themselves well to the imposition of thoughts, since the greater receptivity of children very quickly helps to rearrange thoughts when the situation changes.

Psychologists believe that it is very easy to work with such individuals. For example, if a patient convinces himself that he is full, the composition of some components in the blood changes, and a person imagining himself in the cold becomes covered with goose bumps with a lowered body temperature. Daily self-hypnosis training allows you to subjugate all organs and systems in the body.

Placebo effect

Works well based on self-hypnosis principle placebo when instead of medicine, doctors give the patient a “dummy” (sugar tablet, salt solution, etc.). After such experiments, more than half of the patients actually recovered, but as a rule these were people who really wanted to get better. A placebo is not only a medical drug, but also all kinds of conversations, manipulations and procedures.

WITH scientific point In terms of vision, the process is explained as follows: after suggestion, the human brain begins to produce those substances that correspond to the drug taken or the effect of the procedure.

You can learn on your own, but if it is difficult for a person to restructure his thoughts, then qualified psychologists and psychotherapists will help to cope with this task in several sessions.

Self-hypnosis for recovery does not cure all diseases, but in most cases it still brings positive results. The main thing is to master the technique, be patient and believe that everything will work out.

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