How did people appear on Earth? When did the first man appear? Why does no one know exactly how and when man appeared on Earth? Who created people on earth

Man is the crown of creation of the highest heavenly powers, every believer will say.
“No,” the convinced materialist will object to him. - Man evolved from monkeys in the process of long evolution millions of years ago.
“You are both right and wrong,” the intellectual who tracks information about all the latest will tell them. scientific discoveries and hypotheses. - The fact is that evolution really took place, but it is also very likely that it was initiated and directed by certain heavenly forces...
The material published below also supports this point of view.

About the sons of God
For thousands of years, people believed that their distant ancestors were created by gods - or God, the Most High, the Creator. This process is described in sufficient detail, in particular, in the Bible (Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter two).

But in 1871, the book of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, “The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection,” was published, where the author substantiates the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor.

Soon this hypothesis was recognized as reliable by both many scientists and people “from the common people.” However, not everyone recognized it as such, and not only among clergy and believers of various faiths. And this controversy continues in society to this day.
And starting from the second half of the 20th century, various versions of the “crazy” hypothesis have become popular, according to which the appearance of people on Earth is the result of the activities of... aliens.

The development of such an idea was facilitated by two events: the appearance on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains, in the northern part of the Pacific coast of the United States, of a flight of clearly manned flying saucers, and also what allegedly happened exactly a week later, on the night of July 2, an emergency landing (or crash) of an alien spaceship in the vicinity of the town of Roswell in the US state of New Mexico.
By the way, it was after these two events that the term “unidentified flying object” - UFO (in English Unidentified Flying Object - UFO) and the name of the science that studies such objects - “ufology” appeared.

It is characteristic that some adherents of the idea of ​​​​the “creation” of humanity by space aliens refer to ancient myths and traditions of various peoples, in which the gods who created people, as a rule, arrive on Earth from heaven. The Bible tells the same story. In it, along with the statement about the creation of Adam and Eve - the two first people in our world - by the Lord God himself, it also speaks about the participation of certain sons of God in the production of the earth's population: “When people began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, then sons God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as wives as they chose.” “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to bear children to them...” (Bible, Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter six, 1-2, 4 ).

Rescue of Star Brother
After the Roswell incident received wide publicity, publications began to appear in the media (mainly in the American ones) about meetings and conversations between people and aliens, during which space aliens reported how their ancestors participated in the creation and formation of our population.

According to a publication in the September 1996 issue of the American magazine Rage, one of these meetings took place just over a month after the Roswell incident, and again in New Mexico.

On the evening of August 13, 1947, six young descendants of the Apache Indians stopped for the night in the desert area of ​​the mentioned state. They were preparing dinner when a strong rumble was heard, then a roar, and the earth shook, as if during an earthquake. Having gone on reconnaissance, the Indians discovered not far away a twisted metal object crashed into the ground, inside of which there was a strange small creature. It was badly mangled, but showed signs of life. The Indians decided to try to save their foundling.
They managed to get out of Star Brother, as they began to call him among themselves. Having recovered, Brother (his real name was Bek Ti), using a crystal that transmits information in the form of images, told the young people the absolutely incredible history of the Earth and humanity.

It turns out that aliens appeared on our planet back in the days when it was a lifeless block of stone, and throughout the entire period of evolution they constantly interfered with its course. In some cases their intervention was beneficial, in others it was not. When people appeared on Earth, the aliens directed the development of humanity, but at the same time often led it to a dead end. They became our gods... and our devils. But they were always here.

How people were created
About the rescue of Star Brother, as well as what this messenger of a distant, highly developed civilization told earthlings about the history of their planet, was told 20 years later to his young grandson, Robert Morning Sky, one of the six Indians who saved the dying Bek Ti.
What he heard shocked and captured Robert. Since then, he has devoted himself to finding and studying sources that confirm Bek Ti's message. Its essence, together with the results of its searches, was outlined by Morning Sky in the work “Terra. Unknown story Planet Earth,” published in the early 1990s. Here are its contents.

In ancient times, aliens from outer space colonized the Earth, which was then still uninhabited. Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens - was created by the decision of their leader, initially so that his subjects would have intelligent and obedient workers. But for the right to rule on Earth, this ruler fought with his brother and, in order to assert this right, introduced his DNA into the genotype of the first human beings. And the first people became the “sons of God,” the children of their creator.

However, this “god-father” was also a scientist, he was interested in the possibility of creating creatures endowed with sensitivity and passion, as well as the ability to make their own judgments and independent actions. To achieve this goal, in the first generations of people, he used the DNA of representatives of another race, emotional and sentimental bird-like creatures. It gave people the opportunity to possess the qualities and abilities mentioned above. The “Creator” also taught people to unite for procreation of their own free will, without observing pre-established rules of reproduction. And young human race began to grow rapidly.

Are they still with us?
As a result of the creativity of space aliens at the early stage of the emergence of humanity, two varieties of humanity arose: obedient individuals who unconditionally obeyed the aliens and genetically altered mutants whose behavior was guided by their own will. The brother of the creator of the human tribe expelled the mutants into the desert, dooming them to inevitable death, and to be sure, he even caused a flood to destroy the entire rebellious branch of the human race. But its creator managed to save a number of persecuted obstinates - a familiar episode from the Bible, isn’t it?

The moment came when the Earth began to be controlled by another race of aliens, in the guise of intelligent lizards, which are now often called “grays”. The Grays, genetically created by an even more highly developed race of reptiles, whose empire is located in a distant galaxy, and now secretly, unnoticed by us, lead many aspects of earthly life. They consume the natural resources of our planet, extract genetic material from our bodies to continue experiments to breed new species of intelligent beings, use our government agencies, such as NASA and the CIA in the United States, to keep secret the purpose, design and operation of a vast class of technological devices, which we define general concept UFO. They have their own base on the Moon, and they warned us not to go there and stay away from it.

Robert Morning Sky ends his work with the following words: “As long as people accept the existence of lords and gods, they accept the existence of slavery. When man finally realizes that his possessions have been taken from him, when he finally begins to look upon himself as his only god and master over himself, then, and only then, will he be freed from the power of aliens and alien gods. Develop your spiritual world... This is the only path to liberation.”

Evidence of Alien Visits
In the Canyonlands, a national park in Utah, there are a number of anomalies that, according to Morning Sky, indicate that aliens have been there since time immemorial. He considers the main one to be the Arch of the Druids - the ruins of a gigantic structure with preserved traces of the hieroglyph. According to Robert, it means "king", and this mark could have been left by an alien ruler declaring his dominion after winning a battle with a rival.

Deep, even horizontal grooves were cut parallel to one of the rocks. Their natural origin is unlikely, especially since at the foot of the cliff there are no accumulations of crumbled rock, usual in such cases. These traces could have been left by a laser beam from a powerful space alien weapon.

In the bed of a dried stream lie huge blocks of stone with smooth rectangular edges. In the rocks that form the bed there are long straight grooves. There are no screes. Quarry using laser technology?

Near the road leading to the national park, there is the newspaper rock with numerous prints of six-toed feet scratched on it. All traces lead to the silhouette of a vertical structure on three supports (a spaceship?) standing among circles with various signs. According to Robert Morning Sky, this is a message about the resettlement of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth to other star worlds.

“You can believe everything I say, or you can not believe a single word I say. Is it all true or fiction? It’s up to you to decide.” In ancient times, the Apache Indians ended their oral traditions with these words.



“...The Earth participates in the general cosmic processes of production and interchange of energies of both the external and internal circles that exist between all physical and energetic types of life of a given volume of space. And if someone from this circle of the general process of interactions of energies does not cope with his work, then he either dies, overloaded from the large volume of incoming and unprocessed energies, or he is destroyed ABOVE like a marriage, replacing him with someone else.."

“EVERY PERSON IS DESIGNED FOR CERTAIN FUNCTIONS and must produce the appropriate type of energy.” (p.129).

"Despite the distant prospects of acquiring the qualities of a superman in the distant future, the present cannot please modern man nothing good.
THE NEXT TWO HUNDRED YEARS WILL BE A SEVERE GROUND OF HUMAN TESTING, so not all souls will step into a wonderful future, but only those who successfully cope with their tasks in these two hundred years." p. 170

(Extracts of quotes from the book: “HUMANITY”, 2014 edition. Authors: Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L.)

But the material offered below is “BRIGHT AND CLEAR” and so powerful in its image of words, thoughts and energy (EXTRACT):

Yesterday evening I saw one report on television with half an eye. And they put a hat on my head, so I could feel my brains. And in the report they showed one insect farm where crickets are bred. An artificial mini-biosphere system has been created in which crickets can live freely. They gather in flocks, compete for the best places to live, the males fight over the females, and then immediately climb on the females with sexual intercourse... Then the females lay eggs or larvae, which are fed by caring crickets and raised into adult crickets - in a word, they reproduce and reproduce their own kind... It hit me like an electric shock: - just like people! Model of Earth and Humanity! The same wars, competition between males, love, etc., etc.

But the crickets do not know and do not suspect that the owner does not care about their “happiness”, but they are grown as food for sale. It turns out that crickets are the best food for the inhabitants of terrariums... So they are grown for this purpose, and they are traded... The owner of this farm, by and large, does not care whether the crickets are happy or not, whether they like their fate or not - the main thing is , so that they multiply more, and quickly grow to marketable standards, so that they are tasty... The owner only needs to monitor the conditions of this cricket ecosystem - so that there is no pollution, disease or any other misfortune that can destroy the crickets, and look after the crickets, so that they don’t run away and get in somewhere...

From time to time, if the ecosystem fails in some way, or a disease develops, everything has to be updated. Clean the ecosystem, destroy diseased crickets, and introduce new crickets into the cleaned ecosystem so that they will breed again, and again so that there will be a lot of crickets to sell for food...

Just like the history of the Earth with its millions of years of unknown civilizations, the death of the Lemurians, and so on, so on, so on... How should we now, - the Owner is thinking, - clean out the human “stable”, or wait a little? If you clean it, then how and what kind of crickets to breed and grow after cleaning??? So I’m still thinking...

I tried to get rid of this obsession with the “cricket” theme - my friends just arrived from Samara, so they took some cognac with them in order to forget and clear their brains... but no, I didn’t have time to wake up, but “ The "cricket" theme sits like a thorn in the brain and fills with cricket...

Indeed, in nature there have been long-balanced and rigid food chains: the big one always eats the small one, and so on throughout the chain, from bacteria to humans... The food pyramid, in which man is at the very top and stands alone, man has a soul . It's like a pie with filling...

This entire biosphere and food pyramid was not created by man, and man did not create himself - all of this was created by someone else, still invisible to the “cricket”, but created specifically for the “cricket”, so that there would be more “crickets”, and they would reach until the “filling” reaches the ripeness level - these are much tastier and more valuable, it turns out...

However, everything in the world obeys the laws of similarity, and according to these laws, IF A PERSON EXISTS IN THE FOOD CHAIN, THEN HE MUST AND IS OBLIGATED TO BE FOOD FOR OTHERS WHO ARE HIGHER... To be “food” for those who created this food pyramid, and put a person on it with his delicious food " filling" - soul...

SO FOR WHOM ARE HUMANS FOOD? For the owner of the “farm”, or someone else, for sale... Or is this nonsense, fiction?

But in the history of the Earth, ALL PEOPLES (and Aryans are no exception) always made sacrifices to Those in Heaven... fed them with sacrificial offerings, simply put... For this, each people had a special caste of the chosen ones - priests who had the right to communicate with Heaven, and made sure that there was always order in matters of sacrifice, and people did not forget about their duties, and their sacrifices were plentiful... When there were few people, all the lambs were sacrificed, and bulls, and as people multiplied, and people they began to donate... The little people turned out to be much more “tasty” for Heaven, especially the filling of this “pie” - human souls...
Newborn souls are not tasty - they are insipid, but as they grow and ripen on Earth in human bodies, it’s just right... Human bodies are not needed as sacrifices - let them remain for reproduction, where newborn souls can be planted for growing and maturing, - this “filling” is much better...

These are the thoughts... So the Owner is thinking about how to raise a more “tasty” generation of the 6th race and multiply it... The Owner simply does not care about “cricket happiness” - he would only like to have more crickets of the new breed...

And then these “crickets” themselves begin to guess that they are simply “food”, and will not escape this purpose.... They refuse to give birth to offspring... so as not to produce more of their children for this “food”... Death is better themselves, and not give birth to children at all, that such a fate was destined for them... It’s time to clean out the “stable”... And kill us, whoever disagrees with such a concept of deliberate slaves and “fodder” - you will always find fools for brood Can....

These are thoughts that seem monstrous in their essence, but they also explain a lot, in particular, why the Aryans were sent to feed Evil, and why I was and am forbidden to reveal the Truth. And Ahey was forbidden, and Perun now... Only once Ahey let slip that he was not a traitor, but also a slave, and only followed orders... so they shot me in the back, the filthy ones...

Such thoughts seem monstrous, but this invisible “conductor” persistently pushes them from Heaven... Do you think it’s in vain???

Sincerely, Yu. Babikov 09/16/2009
And about the same from the Authors’ contacts:

We came to know religion on a human level - in the form of rituals and those everyday semantic meanings in the form of which it was presented to us from Above, and also moved on to a cosmic awareness of its tasks in the human-space communication system. Now let us understand the main process or mechanism in which man participates, or rather, let us examine in more detail the question - why man was created.

Religion and prayers, as we have learned, are a coded energy process, as a result of which cosmic Systems receive energy of the required quality through certain channels. Churches are places where energy is concentrated and then transmitted through channels to
Cosmos, or rather, into specific Hierarchical Systems of our God.

And for this there are special energy collectors (egregors), where pure energy flows from all churches, from all believers. In addition, a person participates in energy exchange processes between Hierarchical Systems and the Earth, between other planets solar system. And from here follows the purpose for which man was created on Earth.

Man was created in order to produce for the Cosmos and for the Earth the types of energy they needed for a given period of time, and not for himself, not for pleasure, not just to raise children and grow crops, as we usually say.

These are too small and insignificant goals. Man was created specifically for more global purposes, and therefore, when he ceases to fulfill his cosmic duties, the normal course of which requires compliance with certain norms and rules of behavior, he is simply removed. And everything inside a person is arranged in such a way as to, first of all, produce all kinds of energies: and for this he has energy channels, chakras, shells, and for this he is endowed with feelings and emotions. Thus:
Man is a powerful bioenergy machine that processes and emits a wide variety of energies into space.

Scheme 1
Moreover, there are countless of them. A person can be compared to a prism onto which a white ray of light falls. The prism decomposes it into a spectrum of colors (Scheme 1), and the observer sees a rainbow, i.e. from one comes many. The human body works similarly:

Receives from the Cosmos some type of energy corresponding to the purpose of a particular person, and decomposes it into other types through a series of transformations. In this case, three types of different rude people will give three types of completely different spectra, differing from each other by some fractions of frequencies. Likewise, highly moral and spiritual people decompose the energy of the Cosmos into high-frequency types of energies of light pure tones, but each gives its own type of new energies. Each person's spectrum is different. The transformation of energies occurs through the work of thought and all kinds of emotions: joy, love, hatred, rage, suffering, through illness, etc. During these processes, subtle energy is processed. Digestion also releases a large amount of energy, but more coarse, material.

Man processes energy in two ways: the one that he directly receives from Space (imperceptible to the eye and our senses) and the more tangible, material energy of the Sun and the energy received from food. Food also contains the converted energy of the Sun plus the energy of the Earth. Everything that is created in Space has a multi-purpose purpose. Man, therefore, is created to generate certain types of energy, the main types of which are twelve according to the signs of the Zodiac plus the thirteenth sign of Ophiuchus.

And its second purpose, those. the purpose of his bodily shell is the improvement of the soul. Or, in other words, we can say that, while improving the soul, a person processes many types of energies, giving part to the Cosmos, part to the Earth, the Sun and other planets of our system.

(Extract from the book “REVELATIONS OF SPACE” by Strelnikov A.I., Strelnikova L.O.)

The purpose of creating man will be continued...

God created man according to His image and likeness!

This quote from the Bible is not true, for we have already said that God is Love! Therefore, you and I need to instill in our consciousness a fair understanding of the creation of Man. Then let's “dance” about how something is created in our world? To do something, you need to give birth to a THOUGHT! For thought original! So where did it come from if God does not “want to think”? Many years ago, a man lived in the USSR, Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov. He broke through to Stalin, then to Khrushchev and Brezhnev. He wanted to explain to the country's leaders that it is possible to live without getting sick. But he was detained, placed in psychiatric hospitals and “treated.” When they released him, he explained to the people around him that COLD WATER HEALS EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT HAS MEMORY! Did you catch who the thought was coming from? Our Nobel laureates, only 65 years later they began to shout that water has a memory, and such that as soon as they figure out how to replace the memory of crystals in a computer with the memory of water, it will be the most powerful computer of all previously created.

Well, okay, we “crowed” about the abilities of water, then think further? I’ll tell you later why they don’t want to think further, but now let’s talk about how memory comes into the water?

Do you know why the church calls Down the Man of God? Because, although his cells are not built from all the atoms of the periodic table, he does not know how to be offended. No matter how much they tease him, no matter how much they mock him, Love flows from his consciousness towards the teasing idiot. Here are all the atoms of all the Planets, on all the “shirts” of Matryoshka, Downa. They are adapted by God to one thing, to radiate Love from their consciousness. Even though we are “idiots,” we sometimes do this too. This happens when you go out into Nature on a quiet morning, the birds are singing, the sun is caressing you, and without thinking about anything, you radiate this love.

But look what happens to the atoms of Water when, under the rays of the Sun, it turns from ice into water? The ray of the Sun, it is divine when there is no obstacle in its path. He opened the umbrella and hid from the beam. What does a drop of water represent? Remember! Remember! That's right, a lens! But there are trillions of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in a drop. Once in the lens, a ray of the Sun from “Down” turns these atoms into a robber. It skins the atoms and they turn into keloid atoms. These atoms suddenly also turn from Downs, Divine atoms, into those whose love is from direct beam, which knows no barriers, like radioactive rays, turns into closed rays. They suddenly begin to notice their neighbor and shower him with love for what they see; together they form one. Since the first rays of the sun “torn off the skin” from the atoms of water, making them keloid, the main memory is concentrated in it. She begins to conduct experiments with the remaining atoms. It captures an atom, its “skin” falls off, under the influence of a sun ray, and although it is more stupid in thinking, it also understands something. And the water begins to play. Does it capture more and more atoms, “undress” them, and then make a “cocktail”?

To better imagine this, climb into space, onto some satellite via Google and go to Antarctica. From a satellite you will see the atoms of Downa, in the form of ice and snow, then, starting to move towards the equator, you will see how the vegetation changes depending on how many atoms are concentrated in it. Those. The mixture in all cases is made by water. Water noticed that the more atoms it introduced into the community, the better the knowledge and abilities of this “community.” Everything created by water is done with the help of sunlight from mineral substances located in a given area of ​​the Earth. (Remember this!)

Water began its design work on single-celled creatures. I will give you an example of such a single-celled creature, which can subsequently eat both plants and animals. This was the intermediate link between plant and animal. Look at our ancestor EUGLENA!

Its body consists of one cell, but has an organ of movement - a flagellum. The flagellum is necessary to move in water. In the body of Euglena, there is chlorophyll - a green substance, here it is similar to plants. With the help of chlorophyll, the cell retains the sun's rays and with their help, adding carbon dioxide and water, prepares organic food for itself. (Remember, so that your consciousness does not reject it later, on what do the solar people of the Earth live?)

But Euglena can also live in the dark, only then chlorophyll is not formed in the cell and it requires ready-made organic food for its nutrition, and they begin to eat like animals.

What does this mean? That the flora and fauna of Water on Earth immediately built a single cell. It was after many centuries that they diverged in their further development, and, then, only because chlorophyll is green and hemoglobin is red. What chlorophyll is for the plant world, what hemoglobin is for the animal world, although different, is very important for life. And science confirms that both of these are complex, chemical substances, are related in their composition and have a common ancient origin.

We know that the animal world cannot develop and exist without the plant world. And since he “knows”, then the “knowing world” must “pay” for the services, therefore, if the plant world gives organic food and oxygen to the animal world, then the animal world, having processed the organic matter, returns waste, food for plants. In addition, animals exhale carbon dioxide, which is mineral food for plants.

There is also a third World, these are bacteria and microbes, which are gravediggers of both the animal and plant worlds. In the body of plants and animals there are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral compounds, which bacteria and microbes decompose into simple compounds, keloid atoms, available for plant nutrition. They go into a new cycle.

So, in living nature there are three worlds - the world of plants, the world of animals and the world of microbes. These three worlds are in constant active exchange of substances with each other and are closely interconnected in their existence and development.
Why am I talking about this in such detail in this chapter, so that you understand that Downa’s atoms are eternal and constant, and keloid atoms spin in the wheel of time. Where are they located on Earth? This is the “fertile” layer of the Earth. It is clear that the most significant one is the one who constantly bathes in the sun’s rays and, deviating from the topic, “shout”: “Do you have a desire to get excellent harvests? Don’t turn over the fertile layer of soil.”

Currently, water on Earth is creating millions of new plant individuals. Many of them are the same age and “nerds” manage to open units. Just as many of them are disappearing like Mammoths in history. So let's talk about the person.

Having created the flora and fauna, Water saw those who sought to live at the expense of their neighbor appear both among plants and among animals. This was done by those whose cells consisted of a larger number of mineral elements. Their consciousness was better developed. So they indulged in cunning, explaining their rudeness by saying that it was God who created him so that others would please him. This is how divisions began to occur along the scale of boors, both among the plant world and among animals. These plants wrapped themselves around the stem or trunk of their neighbor and began to drink its juices. The animal, which we put in the boorish column, realizing that the neighbor’s meat has 60 elements, and the vegetation only has 20, killed and ate the weak one.

Everything that was created on Earth with such love by water began to collapse. So She decided to create a Man whose cells will be built from the entire table, which means he will be like God and in the image of God will radiate only Love.

Created Man, and this was a woman, had the ability to see the thoughts of the plant and animal world. She lived without food and water, which means what color did she have? Green? No, it’s a normal color, like all of us, look at Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, who hasn’t drunk or eaten since April 2000. The consciousness of the first man was Divine. She could do everything, but she did it, and only radiated Love. And soon the flora and fauna, having calmed down, turned the Earth into Paradise.

Boors, naturally, could not deceive under Man; the fact is that the plant world, the animal world and Man were created by water in such a way that everyone had more than 80% water in their bodies.

Each herb has a different amount of minerals in its skeleton, but in strict accordance with the prescription - who? God? No! Water! The water that is concentrated in DNA. She stores in her memory what the object should be like and what is needed for its construction. This is DNA as a work plan for constructing a building. Homogeneous herbs have homogeneous minerals. They may be distinguished by their wretchedness, coloring, just like we are now, people, and the cause of “inequality” is still the same atoms located in the area. (Remember! This is the main idea that I want to put into your consciousness in this chapter).

Each of us can see this in our own area. They planted something, but it grew, “not a candle to God, not a devil’s poker.” The next year, we fertilized the soil with those minerals that are part of the plant’s DNA, and the fruit harvest was “like in the picture.”

So! All plants have strictly defined minerals. If, due to the absence of some, others were partially consumed, science reports the discovery of a previously unknown plant. Such “unknowns”, mutants, will be constantly present until the “jokers” are no longer in the environment of atoms. Now the number one joker on Earth is man. We pollute Nature so quickly, thereby inflicting wounds, that the Earth does not have time to “lick” these wounds.

Like plants, new species of insects, animals, and birds are born, which are reborn due to the degeneration of vegetation. But if plants have a total of 20 heterogeneous atoms, then animals have three times more. Therefore, herbivores need as many varieties of herbs as possible in their diet.

Yes, but the first man did not need either herbs or animals. He received all the necessary nutrition from the Sun, fed on solar corpuscles and air. We consisted of atoms, according to their variety, which are all in D.I. Mendeleev’s table. Remember! What kind of man was he? There is no point in listing all the deeds of the first people. But you should know that they could do everything, but they only did one thing? LOVED!!! It was a clot of Divine atoms, which, I repeat, included the entire Periodic Table.

The question will probably follow, about the expediency of this knowledge? Having understood this, it will be easier for us to understand the causes of our modern misfortunes. More precisely, you will know the instructions for your longevity and health. For the instruction is consciousness for the production of actions, according to which the body will be in the state in which the Creator intended it. For how can one live without getting sick if the Creator himself is presented to us incorrectly?
So! The first people were solar people. They ate solar corpuscles, did not drink and practically did not breathe. For reference, there are now more than 30,000 such people on Earth! These were creatures that had everything identical. It was impossible to distinguish them either by the pattern on the fingers or by the iris of the eyes.

They had divine abilities. These were people in the understanding of those living today - “Downs”! They moved around the Earth among the fragrant nature like a ghost. Communication with each other, with animals, birds, fish was visual. They saw everyone's thoughts; animals, insects, plants..., any grain of sand, as we now see pictures on color TV. These pictures are highlighted with a halo over the object towards which the Man turned his gaze. Due to what? Atomic vibration, together with thought, encircles this united molecular creation. Because thought is the initial stage of the body being created.

Horvath, Nikola Tesla, made almost all of his discoveries at the promptings of people from parallel worlds. In principle, these “hints” are all sitting in our brain, but we cannot get to them because our brain can give out everything - everything that it is capable of. And now he is only able to tell 5% of everything that is stored on his shelves of knowledge.

Everyone who was close to the first Man experienced an indescribable surge of energy, which made it possible to recover from any disease. Next to Man, the beast lost its aggression and all the herbivores rushed to surround him. Therefore, paradise territories have always been created around Man. In these territories, a peaceful environment was created. And when there is no fear in the soul, this space is filled with love.

If we now feel at the ashes of a saint how the body is filled with healthy energy, and the “saint”, unlike a mere mortal, is distinguished by the fact that in his body there are 2-4 more atoms, which allowed him to do things that are inexplicable to others. Then imagine how the animals felt if they had half as many atoms?

But the plants generally smelled fragrant, rushing to bestow Man with the smell of their flowers and the brightness of their fruits. People gave love to Nature, and Nature, in turn, gave love to Man.

Many will doubt, they say, what did non-herbivores eat? They were all orderlies, eating carrion.

The first people were all Eves! Being a derivative of the Earth, they, at its “desire,” at a certain period received fertilization, called the virgin birth in the Bible. Everything happened at the same time. Children also always appeared at the same time. Naturally, this was done at a certain time historical period time.

All this is easier to understand for a villager who knows that this year one weed grows on Earth, and next year a completely different one predominates.
In the same way, Nature regulates the number of individual animals. A lot of food grows, instead of one baby, animals get several life. This means that more people are born, more people die, more nurses are born.

Why Eve and not Adam? The Bible says that Adam gave birth to a son? Because a woman has a connection not only with the Cosmos, but she also has a connection with the Earth. This was colorfully described by Yu. Andreev in his book “Three Pillars of Health.” This connection is constant. Waves from the “tailbone” rush towards the Earth. This is why synthetics are so harmful to women. Synthetic materials block a woman's connection with the Earth. Perhaps now our outfits, male and female, will become clearer to you?

It was through this connection that permission was received from the Earth for Eve to have an immaculate conception.

Mom also gave training until a certain age, which concluded: do as I do. Soon the child set out on an independent life, which consisted of only one thing - merging with Nature.

Human life lasted for thousands of years! It could last forever, but...

Why was there no Adam? If he were, they would not be gods, but beasts. At this time there is no need to explain the differences between men and women. If the first people had differences, comparisons would immediately arise. Comparisons bred envy. If not envy, then desire, as some people do now, some sew their genitals on, while others cut them off.

The next taboo stems from the fact that modern conception occurs through fertilization. Hundreds of millions of sperm rush to the uterus, but only one reaches the goal. The losing sperm is offended and pours out negativity on the “lucky” one. This is the reason why sexual desire was called “sin”! Therefore, the first steps of a modern child begin with such negativity that it is incompatible with the beginning of the Divine path. Hundreds of millions of sperm, which instead of the uterus end up in the sewer, naturally have a negative attitude towards the “lucky one”.

But two words about PARADISE itself. Heaven, think about it, is not a place, but a state of mind. This state was formed around Eve. The Earth is huge in relation to Eve. The Earth also has the entire Periodic Table in its body, all the atoms are scattered, but Eve had them collected. Like letters of the alphabet, from which you can compose any text, perform any action, and there was only one “action” - LOVE! Animals and vegetation became infected with Love from her. Life flowed in Love.

What happened that Eve was “expelled” from Paradise? You will learn about this in the next chapter: -

Now is the time when, with one click of the mouse, the Internet is ready to jump out of your pants so that you can go to its page and find out the “truth.” So let me tell you, but “Thomas is not a believer,” you can immediately check on the Internet.

Let’s begin our proof by returning to the chapter “What is God?”, where I tried to tell you that every atom is a likeness of God, and therefore it is eternal. The planets of all galaxies are filled with these atoms. Since atoms are eternal, it means they profess only Love.

The opposite of God is the Devil. According to the Bible, this is an angel who has gone crazy. So he decided that it was boring to lie for trillions and trillions of years without any relationship with each other.

What did he come up with? Since he is a Divine creation, naturally there is nothing that he does not know or cannot create. So he began to create on all the planets located at such a distance from the stars that it made it possible to create an atmosphere around these planets, under the roof of which an atomic association of H2O in liquid form could exist. Remember your childhood? They bought you a construction set with many homogeneous parts, but from these parts you assemble non-uniform figures. So the Devil began to play. To better watch his games, go online to the Antarctic continent and move towards the equator.

It is best to start this journey in January, when it is the height of summer in Antarctica. What can we see on this journey? And we will be able to see that where there is ice, the atoms continue to be in the power of God, they lie, radiating Love, there is no concern for the rest.

Now, where the ice shell has ended, and the blackness of the earth allows a snowflake to turn into a drop, we can find fungal spores, a little further, mosses, lichens... What it is? Yes, this is our Devil learning to assemble toys from construction kit parts. He realized that in order to snatch an atom from the love dope, it is necessary to expose his sides to the gentle rays of the warm sun, after which the veil falls off him, and he begins to dream. When two atoms from different minerals join together, one union is obtained. Changes atoms - others receive a commonwealth. Moving to the North, we see that the closer to the equator the vegetation, the growing season, from awakening to the formation of DNA that promotes a “new awakening,” increases due to the fact that in these places the sun constantly “walks across the horizon.” As the number of warm days increases, the vegetation cover, turning into grasses, shrubs, trees.

All life on Earth begins precisely with vegetation, for only plants have been endowed by our Angel (we dare not call them the Devil) with the ability to bring atoms out of a state of love and into thought.

How does this happen? Every plant is connected by its root system to the Earth. Its DNA contains the need for minerals, which, dissolved in water, rise up the stem, or trunk, like in an elevator through capillaries. While moving, under the gentle rays of the Sun, the shell is erased from the atom, and it, inorganic (in love), turns into organic (thinking). His consciousness allows him to remember his union... but only for this season. The cold is coming and those atoms that were not included in the DNA, but were in the stem, leaf, in the ground, decay, decomposing, throughout the next year, into atoms, and only after another year, they will again strive to complete a round of life with friends.

Thus, gradually, divine Love was reborn into devilish love.

“Inorganic atom”, it is not noticeable. From him Love, like a ray from the Sun, goes into the cosmic space. The same atom that has drunk the devil's love is replaced, i.e. the straight ray of Love turns into a circle. His love begins to be divided, for example, towards those atoms with which he spent a year in the stem or leaf of a plant, alone, because with them there is something to remember and he has become completely indifferent to the atom with which he was not “friends” before.

Having completed the construction of the plant world, our angel began to create insects, animals, birds, which contributed to the reproduction of the plant world, because some DNA transferred, while others contributed to pollination.

If plants were limited to up to 20 atomic compounds, then the animal world could absorb up to 60 different atoms. When creating nature and fauna, the Angel probably had no desire to receive such things. That’s when he realized that turning Divine Love into a narcotic gave rise to the saying that they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Why did it happen so? Didn't the angel want this? This happened because some of the subspecies of animals soon felt that eating a leaf was pure pleasure and satiation, but having eaten the DNA of vegetation, where all the minerals are concentrated, the taste is divine and satiation is quick. This caused resentment in the plant world, and behind the resentment, embitterment, so they began to manage to hide the DNA seed, either in a hard shell, or wrapped it in thorns.

Animals that had previously received only Love from their environment began to receive negativity from the plant world. This negativity turned some individuals into “beasts”.

The Paradise created by the angel began to collapse. And here Eve was created to preserve Paradise. Eve was supposed to be God on Earth, so the Earth created her to preserve Paradise.

The Earth, Eve’s body, was made by “kneading” it with all the atoms included in the Periodic Table. Therefore, her abilities were unlimited. She could do anything, but like God, she only loved. Love emanated from her exactly like the rays emanating from the Sun. Do you understand now why Down calls the church the Man of God?

Yes, but the first man did not need either herbs or animals. He received all the necessary nutrition from the Sun, fed on solar corpuscles and air. We consisted of atoms, according to their variety, which are all in D.I. Mendeleev’s table. Remember! What kind of man was he? Introducing him to us will not be difficult...

Let's gather into this image everyone who is now being said to be an average static value. To this value we add those people living next to us, but scientists cannot explain anything intelligible to us about their abilities, and the church canonizes them, or, throwing up their hands, they say that the actions of the youth are known to God alone.

Next, we add to this image those people who lived recently and also with mysterious abilities for science and religion. Therefore, I describe this portrait, and you can complete the drawing. But I will talk about those abilities that will more clearly reveal the picture of the first person, thanks to whom we now live. Just remember that these abilities were not given by the God about whom our ears were buzzing, but by extra atoms received by a person during the period of birth, or who survived a terrible disease by our standards, or who found himself in earthly adventures. For example; struck by lightning, high voltage electric current, or in a coma. We can count thousands of such “miracle workers,” but I would like to mention only those whom the church uses to fool us.

For example! We read in the press how a girl ignites all flammable materials with her eyes. Whatever he looks at ignites. There are not many such people, but there are. These are the ones the church has been selecting and organizing the Easter show for centuries. States send planes and the fire “scatters” across countries, which millions of fooled people are waiting for.

Further! The communists declared that religion was the opium of the people. It is now our church that is raking power into its own hands, but at the beginning of the 90s, they did not have such power, so in Russia they began to show the miracle worker Alan Chumak on central television. A guy on TV blessed water for those who wanted it. For some reason, at Epiphany, they just don’t want to remember Alan? And the fact that the water becomes holy is attributed to the acts of God.

Why this deception? So deception, it's a trick. Lord, in Russia alone, how many billionaires are there and all the billions are earned through deception? Could they become one if we knew about the deception? This is already a criminal topic...

There is no point in listing all the deeds of the first people. But you should know that they could do everything, but they only did one thing? LOVED!!! It was a clot of Divine atoms, which, I repeat, included the entire periodic table.

The question will probably follow, about the expediency of this knowledge? Having understood this, it will be easier for us to understand the causes of our modern misfortunes. More precisely, you will know the instructions for your longevity and health. For the instruction is consciousness for the production of actions, according to which the body will be in the state in which the Creator intended it. For how can one live without getting sick if the Creator himself is presented to us incorrectly? And knowing that - “Man was created by God in His image and likeness!” - We also understand our “likeness” incorrectly.

So! The first people were solar people. They ate solar corpuscles, did not drink and practically did not breathe. For reference, there are now more than 30,000 such people on earth! These were creatures that had everything identical. It was impossible to distinguish them either by the pattern on the fingers or by the iris of the eyes.

They had divine abilities. These were people in the understanding of those living today - “Downs”! They moved around the Earth among the fragrant nature like a ghost. Communication with each other, with animals, birds, fish was visual. They saw everyone's thoughts; animals, insects, plants..., any grain of sand, as we now see pictures on color TV. These pictures are highlighted with a halo over the object towards which the Man turned his gaze. Due to what? Atomic vibration, together with thought, encircles this united molecular creation. Because thought is the initial stage of the body being created.

Like the first people, Wolf Grigorievich Messing could “read” and see people’s thoughts. This is done with less success by psychics, who compose pictures of what is happening “from the words” of the atoms previously present at the scene.

Horvath, Nikola Tesla, made almost all of his discoveries at the promptings of people from parallel worlds. In principle, these “hints” are all sitting in our brain, but we cannot get to them because our brain can give out everything - everything that it is capable of. And now he is only able to tell 5% of everything that is stored on his shelves of knowledge.

Everyone who was close to the first Man experienced an indescribable surge of energy, which made it possible to recover from any disease. Next to Man, the beast lost its aggression and all the herbivores rushed to surround him. Therefore, paradise territories have always been created around Man. In these territories, a peaceful environment was created. And when there is no fear in the soul, this space is filled with love.

If we now feel at the ashes of a saint how the body is filled with healthy energy, and the “saint”, unlike a mere mortal, is distinguished by the fact that in his body there are 2-4 more atoms, which allowed him to do things that are inexplicable to others. Then imagine how the animals felt if they had half as many atoms?

But the plants generally smelled fragrant, rushing to bestow Man with the smell of their flowers and the brightness of their fruits. People gave love to Nature, and Nature, in turn, gave love to Man.

Many will doubt, they say, what did non-herbivores eat? They were all orderlies, eating carrion.

The first people were all Eves! Being a derivative of the Earth, they, at its “desire,” at a certain period received fertilization, called the virgin birth in the Bible. Everything happened at the same time. Children also always appeared at the same time. Naturally, this was done in a certain historical period of time.

All this is easier to understand for a villager who knows that this year one weed grows on Earth, and next year a completely different one predominates.

In the same way, Nature regulates the number of individual animals. A lot of food grows, instead of one baby, animals get several life. This means that more people are born, more people die, more nurses are born.

Why Eve and not Adam? The Bible says that Adam gave birth to a son? Because a woman has a connection not only with the Cosmos, but she also has a connection with the Earth. This was colorfully described by Yu. Andreev in his book “Three Pillars of Health.” This connection is constant. Waves from the “tailbone” rush towards the Earth. This is why synthetics are so harmful to women. Synthetic materials block a woman's connection with the Earth. Perhaps now our outfits, male and female, will become clearer to you?

It was through this connection that permission was received from the Earth for Eve to have an immaculate conception.

Mom also gave training until a certain age, which concluded: do as I do. Soon the child set out on an independent life, which consisted of only one thing - merging with Nature.

Human life lasted for thousands of years! It could last forever, but...

Why was there no Adam? If he were, they would not be gods, but beasts. At this time there is no need to explain the differences between men and women. If the first people had differences, comparisons would immediately arise. Comparisons bred envy. If not envy, then desire, as some people do now, some sew their genitals on, while others cut them off.

The next taboo stems from the fact that modern conception occurs through fertilization. Hundreds of millions of sperm rush to the uterus, but only one reaches the goal. The losing sperm is offended and pours out negativity on the “lucky” one. This is the reason why sexual desire was called “sin”! Therefore, the first steps of a modern baby begin with such negativity that is incompatible with the beginning of the Divine path, because hundreds of millions of sperm are ejected.

But two words about PARADISE itself. Heaven, think about it, is not a place, but a state of mind. This state was formed around Eve. The Earth is huge in relation to Eve. The Earth also has the entire Periodic Table in its body, all the atoms are scattered, but Eve had them collected. Like letters of the alphabet, from which you can compose any text, perform any action, and there was only one “action” - LOVE! Animals and vegetation became infected with Love from her. Life flowed in Love.

What happened that Eve was expelled from paradise? You will learn about this in the next chapter:-


Every person at a certain period of his life thought about the fact that centuries-old attempts to reveal this secret have not yet led to results; scientists are still debating on this topic. It is logical that the truth must be sought in ancient sources, which are closest to the moment of the origin of life.

Theory one: God created humanity

One of the first legends that sounded authentic were the stories that people were created, that is, by God. Many peoples believed that the first were made of clay. It is not known for certain why this particular material was considered “human.” Most likely, this is due to the fact that clay is a radioactive substance, which is explained by the presence of uranium in its composition, and during decay it can release significant amounts of energy. The ancestors claimed that this was the energy that was used to create living beings. The legends about the first woman and man are known throughout the world.

Theory two: hermaphrodite people

According to other myths that tell how the first one appeared, they originated from certain hermaphrodite creatures. The adherents of this theory were the peoples of Africa and Sudan. They believed that the division of people by gender occurred after a huge number of years.

Theory three: aliens

Modern versions of how people were born connected this fact with the presence of alien life. People believed that unearthly beings came to Earth and artificial methods gave rise to life on the planet.

Theory four: living cell

For a long time, many scientists rejoiced, believing that they had solved the mystery of how people appeared on Earth. It seemed quite obvious to them that the emergence of humanity was associated with the formation of a living cell.

They built various models when inanimate matter under the influence of chemical processes a living cell was born. It was argued that this living particle was located in the earth's ocean, which at that time was simply seething with chemical reactions.

It was later proven that everything necessary for the emergence of life was in space long before the formation of the Earth. Scientists insisted that the appearance of a living cell is a random coincidence of circumstances and unforeseen biochemical processes that explain how one person appeared.

However, there were people who actively refuted this version, since the content of the genetic code is an abstract record that is impossible to predict. who first discovered the genetic code, argued that a living cell could not arise on its own. But even if we assume that this happened, there is no explanation for why such a variety of living forms arose that arose as a result of a single cell.

Adherents of this theory cited the development of Darwin as an example of how people were born, who believed that all living things were formed as a result of random and chaotic mutations. As a result natural selection forms that were unsuitable and unadapted to life died. And those strongest who survived continued to survive and develop.

Today, such a theory of how people appeared on Earth does not stand up to criticism. Despite numerous excavations, it was not possible to find a single creature from which another creature could have arisen. If Darwin were right, we would now be seeing strange and wonderful monsters.

The recent discovery that most genetic mutations have a clear direction has finally disqualified the "chance" theory. And the rest of the mutations, which are caused by disorders in the body, cannot carry anything constructive.

Theory five: evolution

The assumptions of this theory are that the ancient ancestors of humans were great apes, or monkeys. The modification had 4 stages:

The disadvantage of this theory was that scientists were unable to explain in detail how mutations could contribute to the appearance complex shapes life. So far, not a single type of beneficial mutation has been discovered; they all lead to gene destruction.

Theory six: Hyperboreans and Lemurians

Esoteric history has its own interpretation of how people appeared on Earth. It is argued that before modern humanity, the planet was inhabited by huge giants called Lemurians and Hyperboreans. However, the theory was criticized because, according to this, this simply could not happen. Our planet does not have enough resources to feed such giants. And this is not the only refutation. If the growth of these creatures really reached enormous sizes, they would not be able to lift themselves, and with a sharp movement the force of inertia would knock them down. In addition, their vessels would not withstand such a load, and the blood flow would break through their walls.

This is only a small part of the theories, but practical experience shows that each person chooses a version according to his worldview.

Numerous studies have proven that initially all embryos are female, and only during the period of hormonal changes some of them transform into the male sex. Many scientists believe that this is due to changes in the male genotype, which lead to abnormalities in the Y chromosome. It is she who determines the male gender. According to these data, after some time the planet will be inhabited by hermaphrodite women. US experts support this theory, as they were able to prove that the female chromosome is much older than the male one.

With help modern research A huge number of facts have been discovered, but even they do not provide a clear explanation of how and where man appeared. Therefore, people have no choice but to choose the most acceptable theory of the origin of life, trusting their intuition.

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