How not to cry when they yell at you. How to learn not to cry when you are hurt or offended. How not to cry if you want to. How to control tears

Man is an extremely complex being, with a highly developed nervous system and pronounced mental activity. We are all - to a greater or lesser extent - subject to emotions. Anger, irritation, tearfulness or euphoria, “having your head in the clouds” and “rose-colored glasses”, mood swings - all these are manifestations of our world of feelings, without which a person would have long ago turned into a robot-like, soulless creature.

Tears as a reaction to emotions with plus and minus signs

What emotions do we experience more often throughout life - positive or negative? It is quite difficult to answer this question. And who can count how many times we stretch our lips in a smile, sigh with relief or tensely and wipe away treacherous tears. It was only for Princess Nesmeyana that buckets were placed during her sobs, that’s why she’s a fairy tale! Is it possible not to cry at all? From physical, from sadness and even from joy? Not at all - of course not! And why, for example, restrain yourself if your eyes are wet from a long-awaited meeting with your loved one or if something makes you laugh immensely? On the contrary, such emotions bring with them only positive, cleansing and inspiring moments. Is it necessary not to cry when it’s really hard and some unpleasant events press like a stone on your heart, disturb your consciousness, and confuse you? Psychologists say unequivocally: on the contrary, in such cases it is not just necessary to cry, but necessary! Why? Because by throwing out everything that has boiled over, we thus receive psychological release, and the body is freed from stress. If we keep the negative to ourselves, worry in silence, then emotions accumulate, compressing our psyche, just as a spring contracts under pressure. But this process is not endless! And one day an explosion will follow, the result of which can be depression, neuroses, insomnia and many other serious problems. Do you want to control yourself in any situation and not cry? Then prepare in advance to become a psychotherapist’s patient!

When to restrain yourself

We looked at situations in which tears are a protective natural reaction of the body to external stimuli. However, any emotion is a double-edged sword. When it acquires affective, i.e. excessive, exaggerated forms, the picture also begins to take on a clinical appearance. And here, indeed, you should understand that in other cases it is better to hold back and not cry than to let yourself go and whine about every occasion. And the situation is not always conducive to open expression of feelings. If you have been insulted, then showing tears in front of the offender means humiliating yourself even more, showing your own weakness and sensitivity, that is, giving your enemy another reason to gloat and triumph. Do you need this? So let's think about how to learn not to cry in an inappropriate environment.

Learn to dominate

Yes, the first tip sounds exactly like that. Develop restraint and self-control, the ability to control emotions, and demonstrate strong will. Various auto-trainings will provide you with good support in this regard. The simplest and most accessible way to calm down and not cry is to take a deep breath several times and count to... Some up to 10, some even more. The main thing is that after such an exercise you relax somewhat, pull yourself together, and your feelings return to a more usual course and degree. This is, so to speak, advice for situations under force majeure. In general - long and hard work on yourself!

Evidence by contradiction

How not to cry if you want to? Another good remedy is the ability to look at a problem from a slightly different position, when it ceases to seem fatal. As in geometry - proof by contradiction. Has your husband left for someone else? Yes, it hurts, it’s hard, it’s offensive, it’s hopeless... You can endlessly select epithets. Or you can sit down and try to think differently: and “his” departure - prospects for new acquaintances, hobbies, flirting, and so on. One page of life is turned - another begins. If there are children, then, of course, the situation is more complicated. But no one can cancel the financial and other help of the “former”! Therefore, you should not behave as if “life was cut short.” No! What makes us stronger is to adopt this worldly wisdom, and it will teach you how not to cry from pain, but to protect yourself, your inner world from external cruelty.

From a smile

Psychologists often recommend: when cats start scratching their hearts, go to the mirror and smile. At first, with a stretch, even if your smile looks like a grin. Then again, again and again... Until you get a smile that is joyful, sincere, from the bottom of your heart. And at this moment you will feel how it becomes easier, brighter, and what tormented you ceases to be so important. Repeat the exercise more often, smile at your reflection, enjoy meeting yourself! Tested in practice: this method is good not only for those who are wondering how to stop crying. It will help anyone to cheer up, gain cheerfulness and self-confidence. Therefore, remembering the famous words of Baron Munchausen, smile, gentlemen, smile!


If you are wondering how to never cry, we have to disappoint you: it is impossible. No wonder the poet said: “He who did not cry did not live.” But you can reduce your worries to a minimum. How? Learn to switch and get distracted. If you feel like it’s “rushing” and is about to overwhelm you, try to distract yourself. Some people grab a vacuum cleaner or washing powder to do this, others enthusiastically scribble on a typewriter, trying to kill their teeth with anticipation of a new outfit. Some people are saved by the kitchen and an original recipe, while others pull themselves out of the swamp of precipice by rhythmic music, a comedy film or an action-packed book, prayer, meditation, sports equipment and even sex... All the means here are good, as long as they provide the necessary mental release and serve effective lightning conductor.

Going to scream

Yes, if you are choked by tears, it will be useful to simply “scream.” In screaming, we express not only accumulated emotions, but also physical stress. Lock yourself in your room and scream everything that comes to mind - furiously, without holding back, out loud. You'll literally feel better right away, you'll see. True, then there will be conversations with neighbors, and not about the weather... But that’s a slightly different story.

Peace of mind is in our hands

Soulful, i.e. inner peace is a special state of harmony with oneself, peace. It is achieved by choosing a way of thinking and the ability to look at life’s problems from different angles.

And finally, the main thing is to cultivate positive thinking and live, enjoying every new day. After all, life is priceless - it’s your life!

In a dark situation, when you feel bad and life seems too unfair, sometimes it becomes very difficult to hold back your tears. Crying is one of the most natural ways to express grief and pain. However, it is worth remembering that while it is good to cry and let out your feelings, it does not have to be continuous. This is because it can negatively affect your body and health. If you are in a situation where you don't know how to stop yourself from crying, distract your mind with something else, especially when you are around people or at work. Crying is one of the main ways of recognizing pain or emotion, and therefore, there is no need to be ashamed, but constant crying can negatively affect you. Below are some tips to help you stop yourself from crying. How to stop crying and calm down?

  • Create a calming atmosphere around you. Lie down on the bed. Turn off the lights and turn on a soothing, soft night light.
  • To distract your mind, turn on some pleasant music. Soft instrumental or light songs will make you feel better. Avoid sad songs or music. They can make you cry even more. The music must have a good factor.
  • Take gradual deep breaths, fully stretching your diaphragm. You may experience mild pain if you cry for an extended period. The purpose of this is to make you feel completely relaxed. Exhale slowly and steadily, even if it is shaky. Repeat the process.
  • Once you have regained normal breathing, focus on tension in other parts of your body. Make an effort to relax the tense parts of your body.
  • Understand that life has ups and downs. Crying isn't bad, but too much of it can actually harm your body, so it's important to try to rest.
  • Comfort yourself by explaining that this is just a phase and everything will be fine in the end.
  • Talking to a family member or close friend may also make you feel better if you are willing to discuss your problem.
  • If crying makes you feel better, cry it out once and for all. Of course, this does not apply to all people or situations, especially for those who have gone through divorce or the loss of a family member or friend. But for some others, say, losing your job or missing your parents who are far away from you.
  • If you are surrounded by people, pinch yourself hard. This can put an immediate end to your crying by activating the part of your brain that controls impulses.
  • If you are involved in an emotional discussion with a group of people that may lead to bursts of tears, try to smile and find an excuse to leave the discussion. Take a walk away from the discussion area and take a deep breath. If you really need to cry and release your negative emotions in a private place. But make sure you're in a better mood when you return.
  • Crying while watching overly emotional films is another unpleasant moment for many, especially women. Well, it's hard to avoid tears, but it's possible. When you feel like you're about to cry, distract yourself by eating chocolate or drinking lemonade until you calm down. In case you have nothing to calm yourself down, drink water!
  • If you have pets, try to play with them when you feel like crying. Pets, especially dogs, are great for helping you when you're feeling down. They are therapeutic and help a lot when you are experiencing emotional stress. Take your pet for a walk or play with him. Pets love to be loved, so spending more time with them than usual will not only make them feel good, but will also make you feel much better.

Crying is a natural way of dealing with emotional problems. There are times when it makes you feel uncomfortable, especially when you are with other people. However, constantly suppressing emotions is not always useful. It's good to cry from time to time to let go. You may cry to release the pain that is upsetting you.

Often problems appear on our life path, and sometimes, in order to cope with them, we have to give free rein to our emotions. In this article I will tell you,and how to distract yourself and not to cry when you really want to.

How to suppress feelings of resentment and not start crying when talking

Sometimes it is difficult to keep your emotions under control, and sometimes it is completely impossible; they just ask to come out. I will give several ways to overcome the feeling of weakness.

  • Switching attention. Use everyday questions, ask yourself: “Did I turn off the iron?”; “Is my apartment locked?” In addition, you can remember your favorite verse, some important number. You can also concentrate on a specific object, which consists of small details, carefully examine this thing, distract yourself from negative thoughts.
  • Imagination. Think about the person who upset you and imagine him wearing a funny outfit, but don't laugh out loud.
  • Lip biting. To make emotions subside faster, focus on physical pain, turn your attention to unpleasant painful sensations.
  • Hold your breath and concentrate on it. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, watch the process and concentrate only on it. In a critical situation, try and hold your breath for a while and let yourself calm down.
  • SIP of water. Focus all your attention on the drinking process. Take your time, drink slowly and in small sips.
  • Physical activity. Movement always helps relieve tension, so try to stand up or sit down quickly. If there is no opportunity to perform such actions, you can quickly change the position in which you have been for a long time, straighten your shoulders or raise your head up.
  • Avoiding direct gazes. Being in a bad mood, you can be touched by any sign of sympathy and pity, thereby causing a storm of emotions and tears. Such views and sympathies must be ignored.
  • Help from improvised objects - a telephone or a pen. In an emergency or critical situation, take a pencil and start writing something funny or pleasant on a piece of paper. You can also distract yourself from your worries using your smartphone, check your social networks, watch an interesting video.
  • The ability to leave at the right time. If a scandal breaks out in the room and passions run high, leave this room. This way you will not be exposed to tears and will calm down. After everything calms down, you can continue the conversation, but more calmly.

If, nevertheless, you gave up and did not contain your emotions, I will give instructions, how to deal with tears.

  • Take cool water into your palm and wash your face and neck. You can also take a piece of ice and place it on your wrist.
  • Take a good look at yourself through the mirror and allow yourself to smile.
  • Reflect on happy moments and plans for the future.
  • Drink sweet tea.
  • Meet with a close friend and tell him about your experiences.

How to stop tears when you really want to cry from pain

There are four ways to help stop crying from severe pain:

  • Don't close your eyes, open them as wide as possible, now make an effort not to blink.
  • Raise your eyebrows, do not change their position until the pain begins to decrease.
  • Try to look up without raising your head. This will take your mind off the pain.
  • Relax all the muscle tissues of your face, then open your mouth wide and close it several times.

How to control tears

To keep your emotional state under control, you first need to increase your self-esteem and develop self-confidence. This can be done with special daily training. Go to the mirror, tell yourself that nothing threatens you, that you can cope with any troubles and overcome all obstacles, because you are a strong and smart person.

You should also remember in advance all those moments that evoke extremely positive emotions. This is necessary so that in a critical situation you can use these memories to distract yourself and not cry.

Tears are the body's response to stressful situations. Sometimes it is necessary to give them free rein for emotional release. You will come to terms with all adversities faster if you give yourself the opportunity to be a little sad. Also, along with tears, toxins are removed from our body.


What else should you do to stop crying?

During severe stress my eyes are constantly wet, everything falls out of my hands. In order not to bring yourself to depression, you need to independently evoke positive emotions in yourself. Dedicate the whole day to yourself, watch funny comedies, listen to music, dance to it, gather a group of friends, have fun with them.

Another way is cleaning. Physical activity does not take away the opportunity to reflect on the current negative situation, but when cleaning the house, you move, and movements help accelerate the production of female hormones - estrogens, as well as endorphins, which increase the level of stress resistance and reduce anxiety. After 10 minutes of cleaning, the person not only relaxes and calms down, but is also able to draw up an action plan to deal with troubles and difficulties.

I can't hold back my tears: why do my eyes water

I will give some of the most common explanations for this phenomenon.

  • Damage to the mucous membrane or entry of debris. If your eye is watering for a long time and it causes discomfort, immediately go to the mirror and carefully examine it. Then rinse your face thoroughly with water at room temperature.
  • Inflammatory process. Bacteria, viruses and fungi can penetrate the mucous membrane, causing increased tearing. If you encounter this problem, rush to see an ophthalmologist. He will definitely prescribe you special eye drops that contain an antibiotic.
  • Allergic reaction. It is quite difficult to stop tearfulness if you have allergies; you should consult a doctor who will prescribe you medications.
  • Onion. To avoid crying while cutting such a vegetable, first hold a kitchen knife and the onion under running cold water. This way, the substance that causes tearing will dissolve and not get into the air.
  • Fatigue and tiredness. Such tearfulness is relieved with the help of tea compresses. Dip cotton pads into the tea leaves and apply them to your eyes, wait 15-20 minutes. It is better to carry out this procedure before bedtime. This method also helps fight minor eye inflammations.
  • Emotions. It is difficult to stop tears that are caused by an emotional outburst. You shouldn’t hold them back, it’s better to let yourself cry, and then think about some happy moment. This way you will distract yourself from the negativity and suppress the rush of emotions.

What to do and what to do if you can’t cry from pain and resentment, but you really want to

To keep sentimentality under control, try moving your eyes. If you find yourself face to face with trouble or someone who has hurt you and you don't want to show your emotions, do the following:

  • Blink to stop tearing.
  • Squint your eyes and then roll them up. This will help you mentally take your mind off the negativity.
  • Close them. You will have some time to calm down and think carefully about what is happening, and also create a plan of action.
  • Don't forget about breathing, it should be deep and calm.

In addition, there is another technique - relaxing the facial muscles. If you are unhappy and don't know what to do to stop crying – take a normal facial expression. Keep your eyebrows and lips in a relaxed state, this way you will not let the person know that you are upset about something, he will not see signs of upset on your face.

If you have the opportunity to leave the premises, be sure to go outside, get some fresh air and smile. A smile can instantly change your mood, directing it towards positivity.

If you feel a lump in your throat and feel like tears are about to come, take a sip of water to relax and relieve tension. If you do not have such liquid on hand, try to breathe evenly and slowly swallow saliva. This will save you from a lump in your throat.

If you are still late and did not have time to restrain your emotions, come up with a reason for your sentimentality:

  • Refer to a severe allergic reaction.
  • Pretend to yawn. When yawning, the eyes often become red and watery.
  • Explain that you are sick and feel unwell. This will give you the opportunity to leave the room.
  • Pretend that a speck has gotten into your eye.
  • Try sneezing.

How to force yourself not to cry if you really want to

All people are different, each person has his own character and reacts differently to different situations. Some are so emotionally strong that they will not shed a tear even at the most difficult moment. And others, on the contrary, even with minor troubles are able to immediately burst into tears. Getting upset about anything in front of strangers, colleagues or friends is very unpleasant. This will show your weakness.

However, holding back your feelings and not giving free rein to tears is also not worth it, since this will not relieve psychological stress, but will only worsen your health and lead to depressive disorder.

People who cry often sometimes cannot immediately orient themselves and control their tearfulness. Such individuals' eyes become wet at the most inopportune moment - a reprimand from a boss, a remark from a teacher, rudeness on public transport.

The most unpleasant feeling is a lump in your throat, because of which your voice begins to tremble, and you can no longer speak calmly. To avoid this, listen to the following recommendations:

  • Drink a glass of water in as large sips as possible.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly 10 times.
  • Change your body position; if you were sitting, stand up; if you were standing, sit down.
  • Pull a lock of your hair to cause physical pain.
  • Try to remember your mother's or husband's phone number.
  • Imagine the friend who hurt you in a fancy suit.

These are the most effective methods that help suppress tears. I don’t recommend using them all the time; sometimes you need to cry and let go of all the hardships. Thanks to crying, we throw off all the negativity and our souls become easier.

What to do if a storm of emotions comes over you

If you are subject to constant manifestations of sentimentality, these tips will be appropriate:

  • Overcome all difficulties as they arise. Trouble does not come alone, if you do not deal with them in a timely manner, they will fall on you like a snowball, this makes you give up and you begin to feel sorry for yourself. You cannot do without tears in this situation. To prevent you from finding yourself in this situation, plan your time carefully and carefully, make a list of difficulties, and at the beginning write down those that need to be solved now. Then sit down and calmly think through options for solving all the problems that have accumulated on your shoulders. Overcoming all difficulties will make you stronger and more confident.
  • Tune in to a positive wave. The occurrence of tears when watching a sad melodrama or listening to lyrical music is a normal phenomenon. But emotional state there must be boundaries. You should not get upset and cry at the slightest reason, you should not give up and give up. Look for the positive, don't think about the negative.
  • With constant stress, a person loses his emotional stability, turns into a weak personality. To prevent this, let your body relax: take a yoga class, go dancing, visit a pool or gym, spend time with your best friends, take a bath and add essential oils to the water. It is necessary to change the work or negative environment every day and give yourself time to rest.
  • Find something that interests you. Hobbies distract us from everyday problems, allow the body to relax and recharge with energy.
  • Don't take criticism to heart. Do not pay attention to the statements of others regarding your appearance and intelligence.
  • Fight dependence on other people's opinions.
  • Do not accumulate resentment within yourself, either forgive the people who offended you, or discuss with them why they did this to you. Sometimes, in order to fully understand a situation, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of both sides.
  • Don’t get upset over trifles, take care of your nervous system.

Take life calmly, do not engage in self-flagellation because of life’s difficulties, absolutely every person faces them. Don’t guess what people think about you, listen only to your own opinion.

13 effective ways to suppress sadness

  1. Practice breathing techniques.
  2. Pinch yourself to distract yourself.
  3. Tighten your muscle tissue, this will make you feel more confident.
  4. Drink a cooling drink or cold water.
  5. Avoid unpleasant moments.
  6. Pay attention to your thoughts and focus only on the positive ones.
  7. Look away and look at an object until you become calm.
  8. Get rid of a lump in your throat by drinking water.
  9. Read positive books.
  10. Sometimes you need to give free rein to your emotions

    In this article I described in detail all the ways how to learn to hold back tears when talking and never cry from resentment, even if you really want to. Follow my recommendations, stop being sad and live a happy life!

    Tears are a natural human reaction to various events. Both grief and joy can provoke them. But if some people really cry only for a reason, then others are so sentimental that tears come to their eyes both with and without reason. Due to this, a person sometimes has a feeling of awkwardness that he cannot control his feelings. What can you do to stop crying for no reason? There are many different methods that will help restrain emotions; everyone can choose what suits them.

    Why do people cry

    Tears are a fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland. It consists of water, salt, calcium, magnesium and sodium carbonate. In addition, tears contain a special enzyme, lysozyme, which has antibacterial properties, and oleamide, an oily substance that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the mucosa.

    Tears perform several functions simultaneously. There are no blood vessels on the cornea, so they supply it with nutrients. In addition, they moisturize and wash the eye, clearing it of impurities. Those tears that are constantly secreted in small quantities are called reflex tears. But those that flow from the eyes during various experiences are called emotional. In the course of ongoing research, a close connection was revealed between the work of the lacrimal glands and the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions.

    It used to be that only humans could experience emotional tears. But ongoing research has shown that many animals also cry during emotional distress.

    What to do if you want to cry, but you can’t

    Women are especially emotional. Their vulnerable soul reacts with tears to any experience or joy. In many cases, tears are simply necessary; they allow you to relieve unnecessary tension and relieve stress. However, there are situations when crying is absolutely forbidden. In these situations, tears can lead to a completely different effect:

    1. On exams. Sometimes a student studied the material all night long, but it seemed to him that the teacher was really nagging and wanted to put a bad grade on his record book, how could he not burst into tears? In this case, the tears should be held back, as the teacher will consider that the tickets were not learned and the student is trying to evoke self-pity.
    2. At an interview. Sometimes employers conduct stressful interviews, asking inappropriate questions and making applicants very nervous. Some managers have their own recruitment tactics; already during the interview they find out a person’s resistance to stress.
    3. You shouldn't cry on the street where there are a lot of people. It happens that unpleasant information was received during a walk and you want to cry out loud. But you shouldn’t do this, the people around you won’t be able to help, but you can attract the attention of various scammers.

    There are many situations when tears would be inappropriate. In order not to give the impression of a weak person or a hysterical person, you should learn to control your emotions. It is difficult to not cry when you really want to, but it is quite doable for every person.

    To avoid crying when chopping onions, place the onion in the freezer for 5 minutes before peeling. In this case, the essential oils will not be released much.

    Physical methods of influencing the body

    To avoid crying at the wrong moment, psychologists recommend focusing on breathing. You can start counting your breath or lift your chin up a little, take a few deep breaths through your mouth and exhale through your nose. In addition to this, there are several other techniques that help prevent crying:

    1. You need to drink a couple of sips of water or iced tea. If you don’t have any of this at hand, then simply actively swallow saliva a couple of times. This helps to quickly eliminate the lump in the throat.
    2. You can change your body position. Here you need to act according to the situation, you can simply move a stack of papers from one place to another, move to another chair, or stand up and take a few steps. All this helps to distract attention from worries.
    3. You might pinch yourself hard on your arm or leg. You can fix the problem if you clasp your fingers tightly.
    4. Shifting your gaze will also help solve the problem; for example, you should look at a painting hanging at the other end of the room.

    It is worth considering that all these methods will be useless if the lacrimation is caused by a speck that has gotten into the eye, allergies, or fatigue. IN in this case It’s better to apologize, leave the room and clean up. To do this, you can take allergy medication or simply wash your face with cold water.

    To prevent a bad mood from haunting you all day, you should drink hot tea after an unpleasant conversation or sincerely smile at yourself in the mirror several times.

    Psychological techniques

    In order not to burst into tears at the most inopportune moment, you need to think about something that will take all your attention. Psychologists recommend using the following techniques:

    1. Start repeating the multiplication table to yourself or come up with and solve a math problem. This will allow you not only to be distracted, but also to engage the left hemisphere, which is responsible for all computational operations. In this case, emotions are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. But if both hemispheres work simultaneously, there will be no time for emotions.
    2. You can remember and hum a funny children's song to yourself. Any poems will do, but only they should be filled with positive emotions.
    3. If the desire to cry is caused by a conversation with an unpleasant person, then you can imagine him in a funny and awkward situation. The desire to cry will immediately disappear, but the main thing here is not to laugh, since the effect can be unpredictable.
    4. Some people in unpleasant situations simply smile constantly. This may seem strange to some, but this tactic of behavior is justified if you need to hold back tears.
    5. You can mentally motivate yourself not to cry. Self-hypnosis will help you do this; you need to constantly repeat that you need to control yourself under any circumstances.
    6. To quickly stop crying for no reason, you can remember a comic situation. Overly sentimental people should think through a few really funny situations in advance and remember them when necessary.

    Come up with a reason for others

    If it is impossible to hold back your tears, then you can simply come up with a reason for those around you and cry to your heart’s content. Tears can be explained by the following factors:

    • Headache, as well as pain in the leg, arm, or whatever.
    • Allergies. Everyone knows that when you have allergies, your eyes become very watery. That is, you can say that an allergic attack is caused by the smell of perfume products, and cry quietly.
    • A speck of dust getting into the eye. This will help explain the red and moist eyes.

    Trauma to the visual organs can also cause watery eyes. The tears can be explained by a branch accidentally getting into the eye.

    Additionally, the use of eye drops may be a good explanation. Many of them have such a side effect as lacrimation.

    Have a cry

    In some cases, you should not hold back your tears, whether they are from joy or grief. This will help normalize your state of mind. And there is no need to explain anything to anyone here, we are all human and have the right to feelings. Sometimes people just need to vent to someone; a trusted friend or girlfriend is suitable for this.

    When to take medication

    In some cases, you should not try to hold back your crying, but take medications as soon as possible. This needs to be done in the following cases:

    Sometimes you just need to hold back your tears. This is not difficult to do if you know certain techniques. In some cases, a sincere smile can help distract from crying.

    It won’t hurt any of the spectators to cry over a performance or a book, and tears of compassion for living people will only be beneficial. What can you do to stop crying when it is destructive for yourself and destroys relationships with others?

    Anything can make me cry: from a dramatic plot in a movie to a stray kitten in the next doorway. And when there is also a real reason (for example, from resentment or jealousy), I generally cannot calm down for a long time. Sometimes tears turn into hysterics, I start yelling and stop managing my condition altogether. How to stop crying and constantly stressing yourself out?

    About the causes of tearfulness: you can cry in different ways

    System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that among us there are 5% of people endowed with special sensuality and emotionality. These are owners for whom the eyes are a particularly sensitive area. It is these people who have “increased tearfulness.” But you can cry in different ways: with beneficial or destructive effects on the psyche.

    How to stop crying for any reason

    By nature, all owners of the visual vector are constantly close to tears. Such people have a huge emotional range; they can subtly feel the states of other people.

    Due to such sensuality, it can actually provoke tears in them. tragic story love and empathy for the patient. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter whether this story is real or unfolds on the stage - the audience still reacts emotionally and sensually.

    Stopping crying completely for the viewer is the same as stopping breathing. His receptive area (eyes) actually needs this periodic stimulation. The most important thing in this matter is the reason for which the tears arise.

    When is it good to cry?

    There is nothing wrong with crying during a sensual song or a soulful performance. But by nature, the carrier of the visual vector is given a special emotional sensitivity in order to realize it in empathy and compassion for other people. To those who have suffered real misfortune, who have experienced real grief.

    We can see developed and realized owners of the visual vector among volunteers, working with seriously ill or disabled people. They help orphanages or are busy delivering humanitarian supplies to countries where there is war. They are always exactly where their compassion and active assistance to weaker sections of the population are most in demand.

    The viewer may well cry out of empathy for his neighbor. But these tears are beneficial, and it is not difficult for a person to calm down in such a situation - he will quickly stop crying, switching to real help. Unfortunately, in conditions where the properties of the visual vector are not sufficiently realized, the situation is different.

    When tears are destructive

    With a lack of realization, the entire enormous emotional range of the viewer is closed in on himself, in his own experiences. This gives rise to constant hysterics and emotional swings, causing a person to break into hysterics and yell at loved ones. In this state, he sometimes cannot calm down and only winds himself up more and more.

    Depending on the additional presence of other vectors, the reason may be torment over a guy or girl. A person may cry from jealousy, panic, or perhaps from resentment towards loved ones and fate. The reason in all these cases is the same - the emotional range of the viewer is too great to be directed at himself and his troubles.

    How to stop crying in each specific case

    So, it won’t hurt any of the spectators to cry over a performance or a book, and tears of compassion for living people will only be beneficial. What can you do to stop crying when it is destructive for yourself and destroys relationships with others?

    System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan gives the following recommendation to all carriers of the visual vector: sensually focus on the experiences of another person. Not everyone will work with seriously ill patients, but there are plenty of people around who crave your empathy. This could be a lonely neighbor, a suffering friend, etc. Bringing emotions out helps the viewer relieve internal emotional swings and hysterics.

    What to do to stop crying from resentment

    The feeling of resentment is familiar only to the owners. It doesn’t matter if you had grievances because of your beloved guy, or if you had to cry because you were offended by the villainous fate in general. The main thing is that your natural internal balance is disrupted: the desire for everything to be fair and equal. You tried so hard for people, but in return they did not give you love, attention, respect. There is no way to calm down.

    The opposite of resentment is gratitude. Try to focus on those events, people and their actions for which you can truly be grateful. Surely there will be quite a few of them.

    But resentment is a reason to think about how generally the properties of the anal vector are realized in your case? These are perseverance, attention to detail, an analytical mind, a need for cleanliness and a desire for family, home comfort, and having children.

    What to do to stop crying from jealousy

    The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»
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