How to identify an error in the construction of a complex sentence. About grammatical errors when constructing complex sentences. Application - proper noun

9.1. When building complex sentence The most common grammatical error is inept choice, incorrect or inaccurate use of conjunctions and allied words: incorrect use of one conjunction or allied word instead of another, use of an extra conjunction.


Establish correspondences between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Task No. 1

1) Upon completion school year The class teacher wrote detailed characteristics of the students.
2) Reflecting on the pages of the story “The Heart of a Dog”, you see how difficult it is to re-educate a person who does not feel the inner need to live the way he is offered.
3) Those who admired Kramskoy’s portraits were amazed at the depth of revelation of human character.
4) A corner of old Moscow was recreated by V.D. Polenov in the landscape “Moscow Courtyard”.
5) The author shows a subconscious reluctance to change anything in the established life of I. Oblomov and clearly revealed this in the hero’s relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya.
6) When I started playing music, I suddenly made many interesting acquaintances.
7) The housing problem in the city is not only solved through new construction, but also through the reconstruction of old buildings.
8) Everyone was looking forward to Victory and when they would drive the enemy out of their native land.
9) The tasks performed by students during the exam do not cause much difficulty.


Task No. 2.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) For one of the novel’s heroes, searching for the meaning of life, the path to inner freedom opens.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Tracing the history of Sharikov’s creation, you remember how illusory the intention to re-educate millions of people by carrying out a socialist revolution turned out to be.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) In a short period of time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) V. Astafiev recalled that “I have never seen such snowdrops as on the wind-carved hills.”
D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Analyzing the poetic text, we had an argument.
6) I.A. Goncharov not only reveals the depth of the protagonist’s soul, his ability to think and feel, but also showed Oblomov’s apathy, his laziness and inaction.
7) We have been subscribing to the magazine “Nature” for several years.
8) Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.
9) Immediately upon arrival in the capital, the famous actor met with journalists.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 3.

1) A passerby asked me if I knew where the Moscow department store was located.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Many readers know the writer Gabriel Troepolsky from his book “White Bim Black Ear.”
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Everyone who read the stories and stories of K. Paustovsky was convinced of the writer’s keen interest in the word, in its figurative basis.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) Contrary to the predictions of my companion, the weather cleared up.
5) Following the logic of the development of Sharikov’s image, you realize how immoral this character is, who does not hesitate to denounce his “benefactor”, and is capable of achieving a place in the sun by any means.
6) In some microdistricts, a number of buildings have been put into operation without access roads leading to these buildings and which would allow cars to approach them from the nearest highway.
7) N.A. Ostrovsky subjects Katerina to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby revealed the entire tragedy of the Russian woman.
8) Having graduated with honors from the university, I had a successful career ahead of me.
9) Daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain risk their lives.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 4

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) L.N. Tolstoy considered war to be an event unnatural to human nature and therefore shows horrifying pictures of the deaths of hundreds of people.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) One autumn day, the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to become younger, sparkling with gold and a reddish network of birch branches.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) The audience was surprised and admired the artist’s skill.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) A lot of critical articles and literary studies are devoted to the comedy “I’m Burning from Wit.”
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, we checked into a comfortable hotel.
6) Alekhine, entering the living room, exclaimed that I was very glad to see us all.
7) After reading the story “Heart of a Dog,” you realize that to what extent the transformation of Sharik into Sharikov is a literal realization of the idea of ​​the lines of the famous hymn: “Who was nothing will become everything.”
8) When joining a new team, relationships sometimes don’t work out.
9) Everyone who had not yet lost their heads was against Nazism.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 5

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) When overcoming a barrier, the rider must follow certain rules.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Anyone planning to visit the new exhibition on Thursday must sign up for a tour in advance.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Thanks modern technologies Scientists explored the depths of the lake and found rich oil deposits under the muddy bottom.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) P.I. Bagration said about himself that for the sake of Russia I would sacrifice my last drop of blood.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Having performed an operation on an intelligent dog, the professor realizes that to what extent he was mistaken in considering it possible to raise an intelligent person from a regular at pubs, Chugunkin, who was convicted three times.
6) L.N. Tolstoy loved his hero and consistently reveals to us the process of changing his attitude towards life, the “dialectics of the soul.”
7) Levitan’s painting “Rain” conveys all the charm of rainy twilight in a Volga town.
8) The park in the distance, shrouded in a bluish haze, was very beautiful.
9) We examined not only the ancient part cities, but also visited new areas.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 6.

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) Turning to the biography of M.A. Bulgakov, you understand how tragic is the fate of a writer who was deprived of the opportunity to be published from 1927 until the day of his death (1940).
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Pausing at the door, my sister said that I would be glad to invite you all to visit on Saturday.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) We love and are proud of our school.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) In the comedy D.I. Fonvizin's "Minor" contains a number of characters whose surnames have become household names.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Those who play the piano know the names of great pianists.
6) Prince Andrei, in his quest for spiritual perfection, makes many mistakes and condemned himself for them much more than others.
7) According to data ancient Russian chronicles Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky fortified Moscow in 1156.
8) Having made my name known through in-depth research into diseases and the use of vaccines, I have developed wonderful relationships with all the scientists.
9) Poachers who break the law face a serious fine.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 7

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) Upon arrival at the airport, the group leader gave each of us a passport.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) First, on the field of Austerlitz, Prince Andrei realized the insignificance of his desire for glory, and then he understands the necessity of life for others.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Many of those who read Dovlatov’s works admired the writer’s subtle sense of humor.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) Reflecting on the survivability of balls, you understand that to what extent they are devoid of human feelings, except for the instinct of self-preservation.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) In the 17th century story “The Beginning of the Reigning Great City” you can find one of the hypotheses that explains the meaning of the word “Moscow”.
6) Using metaphors and comparisons, the emotionality and imagery of the description is achieved.
7) We often visit and talk about museums.
8) Nekrasov wrote that “I dedicated the lyre to my people.”
9) In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace contains more than two hundred minor characters.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 8

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) When composing a sentence, the writer thinks about its structure each time.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) In still life I.I. Mashkov’s “Moscow Snack” depicts towering loaves on a table.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Reflecting on the origins of M.A.’s creativity. Bulgakov, you understand that to what extent he was a student of his favorite writers: M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina, N.V. Gogol and A.P. Chekhov.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) L.N. Tolstoy sought to deeply reveal inner world his heroes and therefore subjects them to severe tests: secular society, wealth, death, love.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) No matter who came to our town, everyone was amazed at the cleanliness and tidiness in which the courtyards, streets, and pier were kept.
6) The international passport must be replaced upon expiration of its validity period.
7) Based on the story by A.P. Chekhov's "The Jumper" was made into a feature film.
8) During the war, the people hoped and believed in victory.
9) The poetry of the awakening spring is revealed by F. Tyutchev in the poem “Spring Waters”

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 9

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) The painter Serov painted the painting “Girl with Peaches” over the course of a year.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) By repeating only old truths, new laws are logically derived.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Contrary to analysts’ forecasts, this year the airline managed to maintain the volume of traffic at the same level.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) Turning to the work of M.A. Bulgakov, you realize how great his contribution to our literature is.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) No matter who studied the history of the Russian fleet, everyone admired the brilliant military art of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.
6) I.A. Kuprin did not want to come to terms with vulgar, practical views on love and marriage and writes the story “Garnet Bracelet” about true love.
7) We asked if the two of us could complete one project work.
8) The tall houses bordering the pond in a square attracted the attention of foreigners.
9) The weather center reports that a cyclone is approaching from the Sea of ​​Japan and that there will be no more warm weather.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task No. 10.

A) violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) The writer is often asked whether all people can ever be happy.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Leafing through the pages of great works of Russian literature, you understand that to what extent high place Among them are the novels of M.A. Bulgakov: “The White Guard”, “The Master and Margarita”.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) A police patrol drove out towards a convoy of cars carrying food.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) Those who did not know the words of the song silently opened their mouths.
D) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Speaking about the richness of language, a discussion began in the audience.
6) In the dystopian story “The Pit” by A. Platonov, people dream of a bright future, devoid of sadness.
7) In the story “Old Woman Izergil,” Gorky portrayed exceptional characters, exalting proud and strong-willed people for whom freedom is above all.
8) A. Platonov in this story explores and discusses the utopianism of the idea of ​​collective construction of “heaven on earth.”
9) According to the writer’s intention, readers should think about the future, about how not to lose it, not to destroy it.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.




Job No. Answer

Errors in the construction of complex sentences

Significant speech difficulties are caused by the use of complex sentences. The last pages of our manual will be devoted to them.

Difficult usually called offer, which contains two or more simple sentences, forming a single whole in semantic and intonation terms, for example: Or will the plague catch me, or will the frost ossify me, or will a slow disabled person slam a barrier into my forehead? Vladimir noticed with horror that he had driven into an unfamiliar forest.

Parts of a complex sentence, connected to each other by a coordinating or subordinating connection, form complex or complex sentences. Complex sentences- such complex sentences, the parts of which are connected coordinating conjunctions (and, but, and, but, or... or, then... then etc.), for example: You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray; Sleep overcame me and I fell asleep in a kind of blissful rapture.. Complex sentences– those whose parts (ᴛ.ᴇ. main and subordinate clauses) are connected by subordinating conjunctions or allied words ( what, when, which, how, because, although etc.): Krainev raised his head and saw a column of cars drive through the open gate; I can tell you exactly when it started.

Common syntax error disordered structure of a complex sentence , which makes it difficult to perceive the meaning of a statement, for example: The plant has many employees who have proven themselves well in their work and the nature of their work corresponds to their chosen specialty.(need to:The plant has many employees who work in their specialty and have proven themselves well in their work);The main thing that is extremely important to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work(need to:It is necessary to pay attention to the artistic side of the work. This is the main thing or: The main thing that is extremely important to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work);These quotes are unknown from where the author borrowed them.(need to:The author does not indicate sources of quotes);The commission inspected the hostel, which at one time received a lot of money and attention, and is located in a former garage(Maybe:The commission inspected the hostel, equipped in the building of a former garage with funds allocated by the management).

1.Sometimes inaccurate word order interferes with the correct understanding of the subordinate clause: unclear, which member of the main clause it refers to, for example, in the sentence: A question for Mr. Rutsky, which cannot but worry us all, cannot but worry refers to the word question or to words Mr. Rutskoy? Obviously more accurate will: I would like to address a question that cannot but concern all of us to Mr. Rutsky or: Mr. Rutskoy! Let me ask you a question that worries us all. Another example: Managers, by making minor concessions to workers that do not improve their situation at all, try to prevent a strike. Possible option: Managers, trying to prevent a strike, make minor concessions to workers that do not improve their situation at all.

2. A means of connecting parts of a complex sentence can be correlative words demonstrative pronouns, located in the main sentence and attaching a subordinate clause, specify their meaning, for example: It was especially scary That that above the fire, pigeons were flying in the smoke. The correlative word is extremely important if there is a particle in the main clause even, only, only and so on. and if subordinate clause explains a word that cannot be directly combined with: We only understood That that Andrey failed the exam; I've always been for That to stop our disputes and find a reasonable solution. In other cases, their use is optional or contraindicated.

IN last years very often one has to deal with unjustified or misuse correlative words . For example, in sentences: We thought that the exam would be in the summer; I dream that I will be a lawyer - there is no reason to use a correlative word That. This is a gross mistake that requires mandatory corrections: We thought that the exam would be in the summer; I dream of becoming a lawyer. The correlative word can be used in wrong form: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans. In this proposal it is extremely important correction errors in verb pronoun control That: Tanya was afraid Togo that Yegor will guess about her plans. But it’s better to completely eliminate the correlative word: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans, - since in this sentence the use of a correlative word is not necessary, since it does not affect the meaning of the statement.

3. Error often occurs when using direct speech and replacing it with indirect speech . In a sentence: Lermontov is sad about the unenviable fate of his contemporaries and says that “I look sadly at our generation,” - direct speech is inappropriate. If it is extremely important to point out the poem, then it is better to quote it more fully. Statement Maybe look, for example, like this: Lermontov deeply experiences the moral emptiness and spiritual lethargy of his contemporaries. In the poem “Duma” he writes with bitterness: “I look sadly at our generation, its future is either empty or dark, meanwhile...”, etc.

Another example: As Raskolnikov’s mother wrote, Dunya is ready to do anything to help her brother.Necessary: His mother wrote to Raskolnikov that Dunya was ready to do anything to help him.

Sentences consisting of two or more parts, each of which has its own grammatical basis (subject and predicate or one of the main members), are called complex. Parts can be connected using conjunctions or just using intonation. In written text, parts of a complex sentence are usually separated by a comma or other punctuation marks.

Errors in complex sentences

1. Violation of the logical-grammatical connection between the parts of a complex sentence: “My father did not forget this story for a long time, but he died.”

2. Use of a pronoun in the second part of a complex sentence, leading to ambiguity: “May hopes come true and they will return.”

Errors in using complex conjunctions:

a) connective - to connect parts of a complex sentence in the absence of adversative relations between them: “Yesterday there was a storm, and today everything was calm.”

b) adversatives - to connect parts of a complex sentence in the absence of adversative relations between them: “We have a birch tree growing in our yard, but buds are also swelling on it.”

c) double and repeated: “Either a bird has landed on the water, or the wreckage of a broken boat is floating on the sea.”

d) unjustified repetition of conjunctions: “And suddenly the girls saw a small black dot, and they had hope.”

e) unsuccessful choice of alliances: “Mitrasha was just over ten years old, but her sister was older.”

Errors in complex sentences

1. Inconsistency between the type of the subordinate clause and the meaning of the main one: “But they will still wait for their father, since the fishermen must be waited on the shore.”

2. Using composition and subordination to connect parts in a complex sentence: “If a person does not play sports, he ages quickly.”

3. Weightening of structures by “stringing” subordinate clauses: “The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that the fishermen were all right and that the girls would soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm.”

4. Omission of the required demonstrative word: “Mom always scolds me for throwing my things around.”

5. Unjustified use of a demonstrative word: “I have an assumption that the fishermen were delayed by the storm.”

6. Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words when choosing them correctly:

a) the use of conjunctions and allied words in the middle of a subordinate clause: “There is a TV on the nightstand in the room, on which I watch entertainment programs after school.”

b) violation of the agreement of the conjunctive word in the subordinate clause with the replaced or attributive word in the main clause: “On two shelves there are fiction, which I use when preparing for lessons.”

7. Use of the same type of subordinate clauses with sequential subordination: “Walking along the shore, I saw two girls sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying upside down on the shore.”

8. Using a subordinate clause as an independent clause: “The girls are worried about their relatives. That’s why they look so sadly into the distance.”

Errors in a non-union complex sentence

1. Violation of the unity of construction of homogeneous parts in a non-union complex sentence: “The picture shows: early morning, the sun is just rising.”

2. Decomposition of parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence into independent sentences: “The girls are dressed simply. They are wearing summer cotton dresses. The eldest has a scarf on her head.”

3. Simultaneous use of non-union and union connections: “The girls’ clothes are simple: the older ones with a scarf on their heads, in a blue skirt and gray blouse, the younger ones without a scarf, in a purple dress and a dark blue blouse.”

Errors in complex sentences with various types communications

1. Violation of the order of parts of the sentence: “The waves are still foaming, but they calm down near the shore; the closer to the horizon, the darker the sea; and therefore the girls have hope that their father will return.”

2. Using pronouns that create ambiguity: “We see that the girl's bed is not made, and she confirms that the girl just got up.”

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with using complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome constructions.

1. One of the most common shortcomings is cluttering a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.

Wed: A statement by representatives of foreign circles, ignoring the fact that trade relations, which have been steadily developing in recent years and are showing a tendency to further increase, indicates that someone is still interested in preserving the atmosphere " cold war"and the elimination of the massive desire for friendship that has gripped the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that achieving progress in such negotiations will not be easy, but we are accustomed to overcoming difficulties .

    It is also inappropriate to string together the same type of syntactic constructions of a compound or complex sentence.

    Wed: Kai tried to unhook the sled, but it seemed to be stuck, and the rider turned and shook his head, and Gerda just looked after her friend.

2. In some cases, the same situation can be expressed using both compound and complex sentences.

Wed: He came in and we stood up; When he came in, we stood up.

    At the same time, cases of “structure failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex sentence, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

    Wed: When Murka got tired of messing with the kittens, she went somewhere to sleep.

3. Grammatical errors also include the use of different types of parts of a complex sentence.

For example: The representative of our delegation put forward two points: 1) without Russia, the Council of Europe cannot fully function; 2) the need to stabilize the situation in the Caucasus. In this non-union proposal when explaining in the first case, a two-part sentence is used ( The council cannot function, in the second - a noun sentence with one main member - the subject necessity(this part can also be characterized as a phrase rather than a sentence).

4. A speech defect when constructing a complex sentence is the so-called construction shift.

For example: The last thing I will talk about is cost overruns. IN in this case in the main clause ( One last's about cost overruns.) there was a shift in the construction under the influence of the subordinate clause ( what will I say). A more grammatically correct construction would be: The last thing I'll say is cost overruns..

5. Errors and shortcomings associated with the incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words are very common in speech:

A) using several conjunctions, allied words at the same time, an extra particle in the conjunction so.

For example:

1. Mother got sick but nevertheless, however, she didn't stay at home. Correct design: The mother fell ill, but nevertheless did not stay at home.

2. He wondered if life was over at thirty. Correct design: He wondered if life was over at thirty.

3. I need him to come to me. Correct design: I need him to come to me;

b) inappropriate insertion or, on the contrary, illegal omission of demonstrative words: that, that, such, etc.

For example:

1. Your mistake is that you are in too much of a hurry to publish your poem.- the index word is omitted. Correct design: thing is...

2. It is necessary that you come to me- index word That erroneously used with an adverb that does not require such extension;

V) inappropriate use of one conjunction or allied word instead of another:

You can't put up with a situation where work is done hastily- should: You can’t put up with the fact that work is done in a hurry;

G) inappropriate use of both a conjunction and an allied word with homogeneous subordination:

The writer realized that Bulka was running after him 20 miles and what a devoted friend he had- should: The writer realized that Bulka, who ran 20 miles after him, was a devoted friend; The writer realized that Bulka had been running after him for 20 miles and that the dog was a devoted friend.

6. In some types of complex sentences, infinitive sentences can be used (the predicate is expressed in them by an independent infinitive). This is only possible if the main and subordinate clauses talk about the same character:

To avoid missing the train, I had to take a taxi.

    You cannot use infinitive constructions in cases where different subjects act in the main and subordinate clauses.

    For example: To write an essay, the teacher told us about the plan. In this case, the essay will be written by schoolchildren, and the teacher told them about the plan! Therefore, the grammatically correct construction would be: So that we could write an essay, the teacher told us about the plan.

    It is also not recommended to use target clauses with the conjunction so (especially in the position - after the main sentence!) in the event that the main sentence expresses not an active action, but a passive state, attitude, etc.:

    The lights on the skating rink are lit steadily to illuminate the skating rink.

7. The lack of expression of an essential link of thought associated with the perception of a phenomenon or its assessment often leads to speech defects that look like logical errors:

It is cold in the library because there is a shawl on the chair.

8. When using attributive clauses, the following errors and omissions are typical:

A) subordinate clauses are separated from the word they define:

Warm rain wet the ground, which the crops needed so much;

b) allied words mistakenly agree with the wrong noun, which is being defined:

A squirrel is an animal that lives in a tree;

V) a conjunctive word that is unlawfully transferred to the middle of the subordinate clause:

Mtsyri is a Georgian youth who, as a child, was captured by a Russian general;

G) The qualified word in the main clause is illegally omitted.

For example: The officer invited who saved the boy. In this case, the subordinate clause must correlate with either a noun or a pronoun: The officer invited the man who saved the boy; The officer invited the one who saved the boy.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that allied words which, which, whose replace the noun closest to them. It is especially important to take this into account if the subordinate clause comes after a phrase that includes several nouns of the same gender or are in the plural.

    For example: Horses rushed ahead Cossacks who were covered with foam. With this order of words, it should be concluded that the Cossacks, and not their horses, were covered with foam. To correct a statement, you can put a participial phrase in front of the word to which the action of the participle refers (cf.: Foam-covered Cossack horses rushed ahead).

    In general, when constructing a complex sentence, you must ensure that the thought unfolds logically accurately! Otherwise, not only logical, but also grammatical errors may appear.

9. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, it is often not taken into account that these are different constructions.

    In particular, typical mistake is to preserve the first person form of the subject and the predicate verb.

    Wed: Sergei said that I would return next week. Correct design: Sergei said that he would return next week.

    Quite often in indirect speech the construction of direct speech is mistakenly preserved without changing.

    Wed: He asked if I knew about my mother’s illness. Correct design: He asked if I knew about my mother's illness.

As practical tasks, we offer you excerpts from students’ work.

Find errors and try to correct them.

Exercise No. 1

Find errors related to the violation of word order. Try to explain them and correct them.

  1. In the proposed essay for analysis, the author addressed a topic that is always important.
  2. I believe that every parent is obliged to raise their child to be kind and honest.
  3. Many families find themselves in a situation similar to the one described by V. Tendryakov.
  4. Four days later he reached his village,
  5. Yesterday evening around ten o'clock he was seen on the street.

Exercise No. 2

Determine the type of error. Correct the sentence.

  1. One can admire his courage and heroism.
  2. Returning from vacation, he learned about the consequences of the news.
  3. Sometimes people die through such situations.
  4. Every person needs attention and understanding of his problems.
  5. They stop understanding and trusting each other.

Exercise No. 3

Determine the type of error. Try to rearrange the sentence so as to avoid violating the speech norm.

  1. He was not ashamed of his appearance, and that his fellow villagers would laugh at him.
  2. Sighing with annoyance and completely upset, the next visitor left the office.
  3. It is necessary not only to help the elderly, but also young families.
  4. Citizens who board the bus are asked to pay for the fare.
  5. After reading the essay, it seemed to me that the author was close to his problem.

Exercise No. 4

In the proposed excerpt from the student’s essay, find all cases of violation of speech norms. Edit the text.

The problem of patriotism and nationalism worries the author. One concept is quite often modified by another. If patriotism reflects the strength of a nation, then nationalism is different. Sometimes your hair stands on end when you read newspaper materials on the topic of interethnic conflicts.

In addition to the above, I would like to add that all people on earth are brothers and should treat each other with respect.

Exercise No. 5

Distribute sentences with stylistic errors into three groups: 1) mixing vocabulary of different styles; 2) use of clericalism; 3) speech stamps. Try to rebuild the structures in accordance with the norm.

1. In the village center of culture there was a real oak tree. 2. Sometimes it happens like this: a person himself reads and knows a lot, but does not carry out explanatory work among the population. 3. The author brings to the attention of readers his thoughts on this matter. 4. Natasha Rostova loved one guy, but wanted to give her hand and heart to another. 5. Anyone can get into a difficult life situation, and there is no point in pretending to be invulnerable. 6. In the aquatic environment there were pikes, crucian carp, and small minnows. 7. The image of Andrei Bolkonsky is a typical role model. 8. Selfless patriotism and fortitude characterize the hero of this essay.

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