How to translate get. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. Set phrases with got



1. v (got; p. p. mouth. , Amer. gotten)"

1) receive; get, get;

we can get it for you

you"ll get little by it; you won't gain much from it;

to get advantage

2) earn money;

to get a living

3) buy, acquire;

to get a new coat

4) receive; take;

I get letters every day

to get leave get, take a vacation;

to get singing lessons

5) sit down, get in ( On the train and so on. ; on)"

6) achieve, achieve (from, out of);

we couldn't get permission from him;

to get glory

7) establish, calculate;"

we get 9.5 on average

8) seize, become infected;

to get an illness

9) get in touch, establish a connection ( by phone);

I got him ( or through to him) on the telephone at last I finally got through to him

10) deliver, bring;

get me a chair;

I got him to bed

11) arrive, get, reach ( some places; to); hit ( somewhere);

we cannot get to Moscow tonight

12) be exposed ( punishment), receive ( according to merit);

to get it (hot)

13)perf. decomposition have, possess, possess;

I"ve got very little money;

he has got the measles

14) decomposition understand, comprehend;

I don't get you I don't understand you;

to get it right

15) decompression bother, irritate

16) decompression to confuse;

the answer got me the answer puzzled me

17) decomposition eat ( breakfast lunch and so on. );

go and get your breakfast

18) mouth give birth, produce ( about animals)"

19) (perf.; c inf.) to be obliged, to be obliged ( smb. do);

I"ve got to call the doctor at once

20) ( n or pron + inf. ) force, convince ( someone to do something.);

to get smb. to speak to force smb. to perform;

we got our friends to come to dinner;

to get a tree to grow in a bad soil

21) (followed by a complex addition - n or pron + p. p. or a) stands for:

1) that an action has been performed or is to be performed by someone. at the request of the subject:

I got my hair cut, I got my hair cut;

you must get your coat made

2) that some object is brought by an actor to a certain state:

you"ll get your feet wet;

she"s got her face scratched

22) (followed by an infinitive or gerund) means the beginning or one-time action:

to get to know;

they got talking

23) (linking verb in a compound nominal predicate or auxiliary verb in pass. ) become, do;

to get old;

to get angry (pac)

a) recover;

b) become better;

to get drunk;

to get married;

you"ll get left behind

24) (followed by a noun) expresses an action corresponding to the meaning of a noun:

to get some sleep;

to get a glimpse of smb. to catch a glimpse of someone.

get about

a) visit different places; move;

b) start (you) to walk after illness;

c) spread ( about rumors);

get abroad spread ( about rumors); become famous;

get across

a) clearly state;

to get across an idea;

b) move over, cross over;

get after

a) chase ( for smb.), chase ( someone);"

b) colloquial scold, find fault; bother ( to smb.);

get ahead

a) advance;

b) succeed;

get along

a) get along, get along;

they get along;

b) live; get by;

I"ll get along somehow; I’ll get settled somehow;

to get along without food;

c) cope with the matter; succeed;

a) get there, achieve;

b) call ( by phone);

c) understand, comprehend;

I cannot get at the meaning;

d) colloquial bribe;

d) colloquial to make fun of;

get away

a) leave; go; scoot; get out;

b) colloquial run away with the loot (with);

c) colloquial get out of the situation, get away with it (with); win the competition (with);"

d) av. take off, break away;

d) Amer. move the car;

get back

a) return;

b) compensate ( loss, damages);

get behind

a) support;

b) fall behind;

c) be overdue;

a) pass, pass;

there"s enough room for the car to get by; the car can easily pass here;

b) make ends meet; settle down;

c) hand over ( exam);

d) to be permissible, acceptable;

get down

a) go down, get off;

b) remove ( off the shelf);

c) swallow;

d) write down;

d) sit down (at doctrine and so on. ; to);

a) enter;

b) arrive, arrive;

c) get elected;

d) plant ( seeds);

d) clean up ( hay, harvest);"

e) join, join in, participate (on - in);

get into

a) enter; arrive;

b) put on, put on ( clothes);

a) colloquial run away; to escape, to get rid of ( from punishment and so on. ; with);

b) start;

he got off to a flying start;

c) get off, get down;

d) remove ( dress);

d) depart, depart;"

e) av. get off the ground, rise;

g) go to bed;

h) chip off ( jokes);

a) make progress, succeed;

how is he getting on? how (are) his affairs?;

b) sit down ( on the bus and so on. );

c) grow old; age;

to get on in years to grow old;

d) get closer ( about the time);

it is getting on for supper-time

d) put on;

f) get along; get along (with);

g) continue;

let"s get on with the meeting; let's continue the meeting;

a) leave, go out, get out (from, of - from);

to get out of shape;

to get out of sight;

get out! go away!, get out!;"

b) take out, pull out (from, of - from);

c) become famous ( about the secret);

d) pronounce, utter;"

d) find out, find out;

e) throw ( habit; of);

g) avoid ( do sth.);

what did you get out of his lecture? what did you take away from his lecture?;

what did you get out of the deal? how much did you earn on this deal?;

get over

a) cross, climb over, cross (across);"

b) recover ( after illness, from fright);"

c) overcome ( difficulties); to finish, to deal with something;

d) survive smb.;

d) pass ( distance);

to get over smb. outwit, outwit someone;

get round

a) to deceive, outwit, circumvent someone; force you to do it your way;"

b) go around ( law, question and so on. );

c) get well;

d) visit, attend (to);

get through

a) go through smb.;

b) cope with smb.; pass the exam;

c) carry out ( bill);

d) pass ( about the bill);

e) contact by phone;

a) get to something;

to get to close quarters military. get close, come to a close distance; trans. grapple ( in a dispute); come face to face;

b) take up smb.;

get together

a) collect; meet);

b) colloquial confer; come to an agreement;

get under extinguish; stew ( fire);

a) get up, rise (also. on mountain);"

b) sit down ( in a carriage, on a horse);"

c) intensify ( about fire, wind, storm);"

d) prepare, carry out; draw up ( book); put ( play);

e) study intensively ( smb.);

f) strengthen; increase ( speed and so on. );

g) become more expensive ( about goods);

h) make up, dress up; comb;"

to get oneself up to dress carefully;

i) scare away the game to get by heart; learn by heart;

to get one"s hand in smth., get comfortable with smb.;

to get smth. into one's head to drive something into one's head;

to get one's breath; take a breath; come to your senses;

to get on one's feet ( or legs) get up ( to speak publicly);

to have got smb., smth. on one's nerves to get irritated because of someone, something;

to get under way; go;

to get smb. to persuade someone ( to do something.);

to get a head drunk, to have a heavy head with a hangover;

to get hold of be able to grab ( often thought);

to get the boot ( or the sack, walking orders, walking papers) to be fired;

to get in wrong with smb. fall out of favor with someone;

to get one's own way, to do it in your own way, to put it on your own;

to get nowhere to achieve nothing;

to get off with a whole skin ≅ get out of the water dry;

get along with you! decomposition get out!;

get away with you! joking yah you!; don't talk nonsense!;

get out with you! go away!, get out!


1) offspring, offspring ( in animals)"

2) sl. fool, idiot


1. {~} n

1. offspring, offspring ( in animals)

2. dial

1) earnings, pay

2) profit

2. {~} v (got; amer., established p. p. also gotten 2)

1. 1) get; mine

to ~ tickets (money) - get / get / tickets (money)

he got the book for me - he got me this book

he got me a job - he found me a job

he got himself a wife - he found himself a wife

to ~ coal - mine coal

to ~ fish - to catch fish

where can I ~ something to eat? - a) where can I get something to eat?; b) where can I eat here ( have lunch, etc.)?

the thing is not to be got - it / this thing / is impossible to get

2) get and bring

~ me some ink - bring me some ink

can I ~ you a drink? - would you like a drink? I'll bring

don"t answer the phone, I"ll ~ it - don’t come to the phone, I’ll pick up

3) achieve, receive

to ~ fame (/lang] - to achieve fame (praise, fame)

to ~ the name (of) - gain / earn / reputation

his inventions got him fame - his inventions brought him fame

to ~ the victory - win victory

to ~ one's liberty - achieve freedom, win freedom ( see also 4)}

to ~ something for nothing - get something for nothing / without giving anything in return /

to ~ leave - get a vacation

to ~ promotion - get promoted

to ~ one's wish - get what you want

he got support from the crowd - the crowd supported him

to ~ an /the/ advantage /the start/ of /over/ smb. - gain an advantage / gain an advantage / over someone.

you"ll ~ little by it - you will achieve little by this, you will gain a little from it

you"ll ~ nothing by it - it won’t give you anything ( see also 4)}

to ~ permission from smb. to do smth., to ~ leave of /from/ smb. to do smth. - obtain permission /permission/ from smb. to do something.

to ~ admission to - gain access /admission/ to /to/

to ~ the prize - receive a prize / bonus /

to ~ a place - sport. take one of the first places in the competition

to ~ total points - sport. score total points

4) earn, receive

to ~ (good) wages - receive a (good) salary, (good) earn

to ~ a /one"s/ living - make a living

to ~ £6,000 a year (quite a lot) - receive / earn / 6,000 pounds a year (quite a lot)

to ~ one's liberty - get freedom, go free ( see also 3)}

if I am not working I ~ no pay - if I don’t work, I don’t get paid

to ~ profit - make a profit

to ~ nothing by /out of/ it - don’t earn anything from this ( Wed etc. 3)}

I will see what I can ~ for it - let's see what I can get for it, let's see what they will give me for it

you won"t ~ much for that old piano - for this old piano you won’t get much / you won’t help out /

5) receive

to ~ a letter (a postcard) - receive a letter (postcard)

to ~ good (bad) news - receive good (bad) news

to ~ word - receive a message /news/

to ~ the word - receive an order

to ~ smth. from abroad - to receive sth. from abroad ( Wed etc. 6)}

I got his answer this morning - I received an answer from him this morning ( Wed etc. 3)}

I never got your telegram - I never received your telegram

this room ~s no sun - the sun does not enter / does not penetrate / into this room

this room ~s all the sun - this is the only sunny room

he ~s it from his mother - this is ( this character trait, etc.) from his mother, he inherited this from his mother

6) buy, acquire

to ~ a book - purchase /buy/ a book

to ~ a new coat (hat, suit) (at /from/ Harrod's) - buy a new coat (-th hat, -th suit)(in Harrod's store)

to ~ commodities from abroad - buy / acquire / goods abroad

to ~ smth. very cheap - buy smth. very cheap

I must go and ~ some bread - you have to go buy bread

~milk as well! - and buy milk!

I ~ my meat from the local butcher - I buy meat at a nearby butcher shop

2. 1) catch, grab

to ~ the thief - catch/grab/ a thief

to ~ smb. by the throat - a) grab smb. by the throat (and start choking); b) take someone by the throat

to ~ the tip - sport. intercept the kickoff

he got me by the arm - he grabbed my hand

got you! - yeah, gotcha!

that"s got him! - so he got caught ( see also 4}

you"ve just said the opposite of what you said before, I"ve got you there! - you are now saying something completely different from what you said before - so you got caught!

2) decomposition take revenge

he"ll ~ you for that - he will repay you for it

I"ll ~ you even if it takes the rest of my life - I’ll get to you, even if I have to spend the rest of my life on it

3) capture, captivate, excite

the play got me - this play captured me

it doesn't ~ me - it doesn't bother me / doesn't touch /

4) irritate

his rude remarks ~ me - I am annoyed by his rude remarks /rudeness/

3. 1) understand, comprehend

to ~ it /smth./ right - understand /smth./ correctly

to ~ smb. wrong - wrong/wrong/to understand someone.

to ~ the hint /the cue/ - understand the hint

I didn"t ~ the last sentence - I didn’t understand / didn’t hear / the last sentence

let me ~ this clear: is she married or not? - Explain to me /I want to know for sure/, is she married or not?

I don"t ~ you (it) - I don’t understand you (this)

I don"t ~ your meaning /you/ - I don’t understand what you want to say

I try to make him understand, but he never ~s the message - I try to make him understand, but nothing gets through to him

did you ~ it?, got me? - did you understand?

she "s got it - a) she understood it; b) she succeeded; ( see also II A 6)

I don"t ~ much from his lectures - his lectures give me little

2) catch, notice, observe

I didn't ~ your name - I didn’t catch / didn’t hear / your last name

did you ~ the look on his face? - did you notice the expression on his face?

4. bring to consciousness; get through

that tune ~s me - this melody excites me

that"s got him! - it came to him!, it hurt him ( see also 2, 1)}

that sort of behavior really ~s me - this behavior really pisses me off

what's got him? - what happened to him?, what hurt him?, what fly bit him?

5. to puzzle, to baffle

this problem ~s me - this problem baffles me

you"ve got me - you asked me a task

6. get in, please

I got the hare first shot - I hit the hare with the first shot

the blow got him in the nose (the head, the knee) - the blow hit him on the nose (on the head, knee)

the bullet got him through the stomach - the bullet hit him in the stomach

7. get, “get”

I got a blow on the head - I was hit on the head

to ~ one in the eye - simple get in the eye, get a bruise / lantern / under the eye

1. become infected; grab ( runny nose, flu, etc.)

to ~ (a) cold - catch a cold, catch a runny nose

to ~ the measles - catch measles

2. create ( about the impression)

I got the impression that he was busy - it seemed to me / I got the impression / that he was busy

from the style one ~s the impression that the writing was dashed off hurriedly - in his manner / by the way he writes / one gets the impression that all this was written hastily

3. receive ( according to merit); be subjected to ( punishment)

to ~ eight months - get eight months (prison)

he got three years - he was sentenced to three years, he “earned” three years

to ~ the chair - to be sentenced to death in the electric chair

that"s what you ~ by talking too much - that's what happens when you talk too much

4. calculate; receive ( as a result of calculation); install ( amount); find ( answer)

we ~ 7.5 as the average - on average we got 7.5

when you add two and two you ~ four - if you add two and two you get four, two plus two - four

dividing nine by three we ~ three - nine divided by three - three

5. 1) contact, establish contact, communication ( by radio, telephone; etc.~ through, ~ to)

did you ~ Paris? - have you contacted Paris?

the line was busy and we couldn't "t ~ him - the phone was busy and we couldn't contact him

2) catch ( on the radio)

can you ~ Moscow on your radio? - can you catch/can catch/ Moscow on your receiver?

6. learn ( role, poem, etc.)

to ~ smth. (off) by heart /by rote/ - learn something. by heart, remember smth.

she "s got it - she learned it ( see also I 3, 1))

7. cook ( I'm going)

I am in the middle of ~ting dinner - I’m preparing lunch right now

8. eat ( breakfast, lunch, etc.)

~ your dinner at once - have lunch immediately

I"ll ~ something to eat before I go out - I’ll eat something before leaving

9. only in the present vr. have, meet

you ~ many flowers in this region - there are many flowers in this area

you ~ different answers to such riddles - such riddles have many different answers

10. give birth, give birth ( about animals)

1. to ~ to a place to get, to arrive somewhere; get to smb. places; achieve something point

to ~ home - get home, get to home ( see also}

to ~ to Moscow (to London, to Paris) - arrive in Moscow (to London, to Paris)

when do we ~ to New York? - when will we be in New York?

to ~ to shore - get to the shore

to ~ under the wheels (of) - get under the wheels

I"ll ~ home, then - well, I’m going / went / home

what time did you ~ here? - what time /when/ did you arrive here /arrive, came/?

how do I ~ there? - how do I get there?

how did this box ~ here? - how did this box get here?, how did this box end up here?

where"s my pen got to? - where did my pen go?

where can he have got to? - where did he go/lost/?

where did you ~ to? - to what place ( in a book, etc.) did you get there?

2. to ~ smb., smth. to a place accompany smb. somewhere; deliver smb., sth. somewhere; transport, carry smb., sth. somewhere

to ~ smb. home - see off /deliver/ someone. home

he got the child home - he took the child home

I must ~ this home first - I must bring this home first

to ~ smb. to Moscow (to London, to Paris) - to bring smb. to Moscow (to London, to Paris)

to ~ the delegation to London - bring the delegation to London

to ~ a packet to the headquarters - deliver the package to the headquarters

to ~ smb., smth. upstairs - move/drag/ someone, sth. up

to ~ smb. to bed - to put someone to bed. to bed

how will you ~ it here? - how will you deliver it here?

~ your books here - bring your books here

3. 1) to ~ into a place to enter somewhere; to get into something; to get into, to penetrate somewhere.

to ~ into a room (into a building) - enter / get / into a room (building)

I can"t ~ into the house - I can’t get into the house

to ~ into a car - get / sit / into a car

the train has already got into the station - the train has already arrived at the station

to ~ into society - get into high society, penetrate secular society

the whiskey got into his head - whiskey hit his head

2) to ~ out of a place come out from somewhere; get out, get out of smb.

to ~ out of a room (a building) - get out of a room (building)

to ~ out of the train - get out of the train, get off the train

to ~ out of bed - get out of bed

the train has already got out of the station - the train has already left the station

to ~ out of the wood - a) get out of the forest; b) get out of a difficult situation

to ~ out of prison - escape, escape from prison

3) to ~ out of a state, a condition get out of smb. states, positions

to ~ out of the rain - a) take shelter from the rain; b) avoid trouble

to ~ out of sight /hearing/ - hide

~ out of my sight! - get out!, out of sight!

~ out of my way! - get out of my way!

to ~ out of shape - lose shape

4. 1) to ~ smb., smth. into a place introduce smb. somewhere; see someone off somewhere; drag something through somewhere; introduce, put in, stick in, squeeze in smth. somewhere

to ~ smb. into a room - bring/lead/ someone. into the room; drag smb. into the room

to ~ the key into the lock - insert/put/ the key into the lock

to ~ the oar into the rowlock - insert the oar into the rowlock

at last she got all her dresses into the suitcase - finally she squeezed all her dresses into the suitcase

2) to ~ smb., smth. out of place take smb out from where; take out, take out smth. from smth.

to ~ smb. out of a room (a building) - take someone out. from a room (building)

~ that cat out of the house - throw this cat outside

to ~ the key out of the lock - remove / pull out / the key from the lock

to ~ a book out of one's bag - pull / get / a book out of the briefcase

to ~ smb. out of prison - “get someone out” from prison; help smb. escape from prison

to ~ smth., smb. out of the way - get rid of something, someone; to deal with smth., with sb.

5. to ~ smth. out of /from/ smb. to find out, to inquire, to fish out something. from smb.

I could ~ nothing out of him - I couldn’t find out / achieve anything / from him

to ~ an answer from smb. - to get an answer from smb.

we"ll never ~ anything out of him - we won’t get anything from him / we won’t get anything out of him /, he will never say anything

they could ~ no money out of him - they could not beg money from him; he never gave them any money

6. to ~ out of smth. /doing smth./ get rid of something /from smb. affairs/

to ~ out of a job /doing a job/ - get rid of /avoid/ this job

to ~ out of going somewhere - avoid the need to go / go / somewhere; avoid going somewhere

you should ~ out of that bad habit - you must get rid of this bad habit

you"ll have to talk to him, there"s no ~ting out of it - nothing can be done, you’ll have to talk to him

7. to ~ to do /doing/ smth.decomposition start doing something

to ~ to know - to find out; meet

how did you ~ to know him? - how did you meet him?

how did you ~ to know that I was here? - how did you know that I was here?

if I ~ to see him I "ll ask him about it - if I see him, I will ask (him) about it

to ~ to be friends - make friends

you"re ~ting to be a bad influence on my children - you are starting to have a bad influence on my children

to ~ to like smth., smb. - to love smth., someone.

it got to be quite pleasant there after a while - after a while it became quite nice there

to ~ talking - start talking

I got talking to him on the train - we started talking on the train

he got working - he got to work / got to work /

to ~ going - to begin

things haven"t really got going yet - things haven’t really unfolded yet

now, ~ going /moving, cracking/! - decomposition let's act!

8. 1) to ~ smb. to do smth. force, persuade, persuade smb. do sth.

to ~ smb. to go (to read) - force smb. go (read)

to ~ a man to speak - a) make a person speak; b) convince someone speak

to ~ smb. (to speak) on a subject - to force smb. speak on a certain topic

to ~ them to listen to reason - force / convince / them to listen to the voice of reason

I got him fo lend me £5 - I persuaded him to lend me 5 pounds

I cannot ~ anyone to do the work properly - I cannot get this work done properly

2) to ~ smth. to do /doing/ smth.:

to ~ a tree to grow in a bad soil - be able to grow a tree in bad soil

can you ~ the door to shut? - can you make the door close?

I"ll ~ the car going - I’ll start the car

9. to ~ smth. done to do something. ( about an action performed by smb. at the request or direction of the speaker)

to ~ one "s hair cut - get a haircut

to ~ one's coat mended - repair a coat (at a tailor)

to ~ the laws obeyed - to achieve compliance with the laws

we are ~ting our apartment newly papered - our apartment is being re-papered (with wallpaper)

I got my hand caught in the door - my hand was pinched by the door

I got my car smashed up in an accident - I had an accident and crashed the car

10. to ~ into smth.decomposition

1) (seriously) study ( smb.); master ( smb.)

I am trying to ~ into Beethoven - I’m trying to get serious about Beethoven

2) get used to it ( to smth.), learn ( something)

I"ll soon ~ into the way of things here - I’ll soon get used to everything here

11. to ~ into a state, a condition get into something position, condition

to ~ into trouble - get into trouble

to ~ into time-trouble - chess. get into time trouble

to ~ into a rage /into a wax/ - to become enraged, to become enraged, to become enraged

to ~ into a tantrum - throw /throw/ a tantrum

to ~ into debt - get into debt

to ~ into touch with smb. - establish contact / establish direct communication / with someone.

to ~ into the habit of ... - acquire / learn / the habit ...

to ~ into shape - sport. get in (good) shape

12. to ~ smth., smb. into a state bring smth., someone. in some state

to ~ smb. into trouble - a) to let someone down; b) to be the culprit of someone. pregnancy

he got the girl into trouble - the girl became pregnant / carried / from him

to ~ smth. ready - prepare sth.

I"ll ~ the children ready for school - I will get the children ready for school

to ~ the breakfast ready - prepare breakfast

try to ~ him into good humor - try to put him in a good mood

to ~ the engine under way - start the car

to ~ the work done - finish the work

I cannot ~ the work done properly - I cannot get the work done as it should

can you ~ the work finished in time? - can you finish your work on time?

to ~ one "s face scratched - scratch the face

to ~ one "s feet wet - wet your feet

to ~ one's hands dirty - to dirty / smear / hands

he got his wrist broken (dislocated) - he broke (dislocated) his arm in the hand

13. to ~ into clothes, etc put on something, put on clothes and so on.

~ into your coat quickly! - quickly put on your coat!

she got into an old dress - she pulled on an old dress

I couldn't ~ into the shoes - I couldn't get into the shoes, the shoes didn't fit

14. to ~ over smth.

1) to cross, climb over something; cross over smth.

to ~ over a fence - climb over the fence

to ~ over the road - cross the road

2) overcome ( difficulty, obstacle)

to ~ over the first difficulties - overcome the first difficulties

he will have to ~ over their objections - he will have to argue with them / insist on his own /

3) recover, recover; recover

to ~ over an illness - recover from an illness

to ~ over a shock - to recover after a shock

to ~ over a loss - recover after loss

4) transfer; get used to the idea

I cannot ~ over his abominable behavior - I can’t get used to his disgusting behavior

I can't ~ over it - I can't get over it

I can"t ~ over the fact that... - I just can’t believe that...

5) cover, pass ( distance)

the horse got over the distance in 10 minutes - the horse covered this distance in 10 minutes

15. to ~ over smb.

1) = to ~ round smb.

2) forget someone, stop suffering for someone.

she never really got over him - she could never forget him

16. to ~ ac ross smth. = to ~ over smth. 1)

to ~ across the street - cross the street

17. to ~ through smth.

1) pass; get through, through smth.

to ~ through the woods - go through the forest

2) cum

to ~ through the letters - view (all) mail

to ~ (halfway) through a book - read a book (up to half)

to ~ through a lot of money - spend a lot of money

he ~s through an astounding amount of work - he manages to do a huge amount of work

they ~ through ten bottles a week - they drink ten bottles a week

3) survive, withstand

to ~ through a voyage - endure a sea voyage

how shall I ever ~ through this? - How can I bear all this?

how can I ~ through this week without you? - how will I live/endure/ this week without you?

18. to ~ at smb.

1) get to smb.

he was difficult /not easy/ to ~ at - a) it was difficult to get to him; b) it was difficult to approach him

2) attack someone, get to someone.

just let me ~ at him - just let me get to him

who are you ~ting at? - who are you attacking?

she "s always ~ting at her brother - she always pesters her brother

3) bribe smb.

he has been got at - he was bribed

19. to ~ at smth.

1) to get to something.

the books are locked up and we can"t ~ at them - the books are locked and we can’t get them

put the food where the cat can"t ~ at it - hide the food so that the cat doesn’t get to it

the house is difficult to ~ at - it’s difficult to get to this house / approach /

2) to comprehend, to understand something; find out sth.

to ~ at the meaning - grasp the meaning

to ~ at the result - find out / find out / the result

I found it hard to ~ at what drove them - I couldn’t understand what was driving them / their motives /

3) make it clear

what are you ~ting at? - a) what do you want to say?; b) what are you trying to achieve?

4) take on sth.

I must ~ at this essay tonight - I must start / start / this article this evening

I want to ~ at the redecorating this weekend - I want to start renovation /start renovation/ on Saturday

20. to ~ to smb. contact smb.

when we got to him... - when we contacted him...; when we called him...

21. to ~ to smth.

1) get down to something, start something.

to ~ to work - get to work

let"s ~ to business - let's get down to business

2) to reach something.

to ~ to blows - come to a fight

to ~ to grips with cm. grip1 I 1, 1)

22. to ~ round smb. to deceive, outwit, bypass someone; persuade someone

how did you ~ round him? - how did you manage to outwit/fool/ him?

she knows how to ~ round him - she knows how to circle him (around her finger)

he can always ~ round me - he can always persuade me

23. to ~ round smth.

1) bypass ( obstacle, law, question)

2) overcome ( difficulties)

24. to ~ on smth.

1) climb, climb

~ on this box - climb on this box

to ~ on to one's feet - stand on your feet

to ~ on one's feet - get up ( to make a speech, toast, etc.)

2) sit in ( tram, etc.)

to ~ on a train - get on the train

here is your horse, ~ on - here is your horse, sit down

25. to ~ off smth. get off smth.

to ~ off a bicycle (a horse) - get off a bicycle (horse)

he got off the rostrum - he came down from the podium

~ off that chair! - free your chair!

~ off the grass! - don't walk on the grass!

to ~ off a subject (of conversation) - distract from the topic (conversation)

to ~ off the subject - leave the main topic

~ off my back! - leave me alone!, get off me!

26. to ~ smb., smth. off smth. remove smb., sth. where from

to ~ smb. off the train - take someone off. from the train

27. to ~ under smth. pass, crawl under smth.

to ~ under a fence - crawl under the fence

28. to ~ smth. under a state, a condition bring sth. in some condition, position

to ~ smth. under control - a) to establish control over something. b) put things in order.

to ~ smb. under one's sway /influence/ - to subordinate someone to your influence

29. to ~ onto smb.

1) contact smb.

I"ll ~ onto the director and see if he can help - I’ll contact the director, maybe he can help

2) expose

he tricked people for years until the police got onto him - he deceived people for years until the police exposed him

1. decomposition

1) to have got have

he has got little time - he has little time

he has got red hair - he has red hair

what have you got there? - what do you have there?

I haven"t got a penny - I don’t have a penny / not a penny /

I"ve got an idea that... - I think that..., it seems to me that...

2) to have got to do smth. to owe smth. do

it has got to be done - it must be done

I"ve got to pass this examination - I will have to pass this exam

you"ve got to listen to what I say - you must / must / listen to me

she"s got to work hard - she has to work hard

2. as a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate become

to ~ angry - (get angry)

to ~ cool - a) become cool; cool; b) calm down

the food"s ~ting cold - the food is getting cold

to ~ drunk - get drunk

I don"t want to ~ trapped - I don’t want to be trapped

to ~ free - a) to free yourself, get rid of; b) sport. free myself ( from the enemy)

to ~ clear (of debts) - get rid of / get rid of (debts), get rid of (debts)

to ~ hungry - get hungry

to ~ hot - a) get hot; I "m ~ting hot - I get hot; b) get irritated

to ~ old - grow old

to ~ fat - to get fat

to ~ gray - turn gray

to ~ ready - get ready

to ~ rich - get rich

to ~ wet - get wet

to ~ better - a) get better ( after illness, etc.); b) improve, become better

to ~ worse - a) worsen ( about the patient's condition); b) get worse, get worse

to ~ well - get well

she ~s uglier every day - she is getting worse every day

it is ~ting dark - getting dark

the weather is ~ting warmer - the weather is getting warmer

I"m ~ting done - I'll finish soon

to ~ rough - become rough

don "t ~ rough! - don’t be rude!, don’t be rude!; don’t give free rein to your hands

when the going ~s rough - when difficulties arise

to ~ done with smth., smb. - to finish with smth., with sb.

to ~ used - get used to

to ~ used to the rolling of a ship - get used to the rolling (at sea)

to ~ married - (to) get married; marry

to ~ chilled - to catch a cold

to ~ caught - to be caught

to ~ lost - get lost

to ~ left - a) to be left; b) to be left in the cold, to be fooled, to be left in the cold

to ~ beaten - a) to be beaten; b) to be defeated; fail

to ~ rubber-legged - sport. lose stability

to ~ set - get ready

~set! - sport. get ready! ( team)

to ~ limbered up - sport. warm up

3. in combination with a following noun expresses an action corresponding to the meaning of the noun:

to ~ a fright /a scare/ - to get scared, get scared, get scared

to ~ some sleep - take a nap, sleep

to ~ a warm - (to) warm up

to ~ a sight of smb., smth. - see / notice / someone, sth.

to ~ a glimpse (a peep) of smb., smth. - to see someone, something. briefly (sneakly)

to ~ to bed - go to bed; Go to bed

to ~ one's breath /wind/ - catch your breath; take a breath; come to your senses

to ~ wind - rare spread ( about the rumor)

to ~ wind of smth. - smell something; find out / sniff out / smth.; figure out something in a timely manner.

to ~ the wind up, to ~ cold feet - sl. to drift, to chicken out

to ~ the wind, to ~ to the windward - mor. go out into the wind

to ~ the wind of smb. - to have an advantage over someone, to be in more favorable conditions than someone.

to ~ back to the bunch - sport."get" the head group

to ~ to close quarters - a) to get closer, to come within close range; b) come face to face; c) get into an argument

to be got up to kill - dress up to the nines

to ~ the upper hand - to win, to gain the upper hand, to overcome; have superiority

to ~ the whip-hand of smb. - to have smb. in his complete submission

to ~ the better (end) of smb. - gain an advantage over someone, gain the upper hand over someone, surpass/outwit/ someone; ≅ to put someone in his belt.

to ~ the worst of it - suffer a severe defeat; to be in the worst position; bear the full weight of smth.

to ~ into smb."s confidence - to gain someone's trust

to ~ it /smth./ into one's head - drive this /smth./ into your head

to ~ smb., smth. out of one's head /one's mind/ - throw someone out, sth. out of my head

to ~ smth. /it/ off one's chest - a) to relieve the soul, to sincerely confess to something; b) to burst into speech about something.

to ~ smth. /it/ off one's conscience - calm your conscience ( in relation to smth.)

to ~ one "s (own) way - do / act / in your own way; insist, put your foot down, achieve your way

to ~ in the way /in smb."s way, in smb."s road/ - disturb /obstruct/ someone, stand by someone. on a way; become smb. across the road

to ~ under way - a) sail away, depart; b) set off, set off, leave; c) begin to implement, implement; float

where does that ~ us? - what does this give us?

now we"re ~ting somewhere! - well, finally we have moved!

you won"t ~ anywhere if you behave like that - you won’t achieve anything if you behave like that

how did you ~ that way? - Amer. How did this happen to you?

to ~ into a mess /into a muddle/ - get into trouble / into a difficult situation /, get confused, “get stuck”

to ~ into deep waters - to be in a difficult / difficult, dangerous / situation

to ~ out of one's depth - a) go too deep; get into a deep place; not reach the bottom; b) go too far

to ~ on smb."s nerves, Amer. to ~ under smb."s skin - get on someone's nerves, irritate someone.

to ~ smb."s back up, to ~ smb."s goat - to make someone angry, to bring someone out. from myself

to ~ one "s blood /dander/ up - get angry, get excited, get angry, lose your temper, lose your temper

he got her dander up - he brought her out of patience

to ~ in wrong with smb. - fall out of favor with someone, deserve someone's favor. disgrace

to ~ back (some of) one's own, to ~ (some of) one's own back - to take revenge for an insult / insult /, to take revenge

to ~ one "s own back on smb. - take revenge on someone.

to ~ even with smb. - settle scores /get even/ with someone.

to ~ above oneself - to become arrogant, imagine

you"re ~ting above yourself! - don't turn up your nose!

to ~ hell, to ~ it, to ~ hot, to ~ it in the neck, to ~ a rap on /over/ the knuckles - to receive a reprimand / (good) scolding, (good, healthy) thrashing, slap /; get hit in the neck; get reprimanded

to ~ rid of smb., smth. - get rid of / get rid of, get rid of / someone, something.

to ~ the mitten /the sack, the push, the gate/ - a) to be fired / kicked out of work/, “fly out”; b) receive a refusal / resignation /, be rejected ( about the groom)

to ~ the boot /the kick/ = to ~ the mitten a)

to ~ the bird - a) = to ~ the mitten a); b) to be booed / booed / ( Amer. etc. to ~ the big bird /the raspberry/)

to ~ a big hand - to be greeted with prolonged applause

to ~ there /ahead/ - achieve your goal, achieve your goal; succeed, achieve success

to ~ somewhere - to achieve something.

to ~ nowhere - achieve nothing; not achieving your goal; don't move from a dead point

to ~ home - a) achieve your goal; succeed, have success; b) restore what was lost; recover from financial difficulties; take the same position; c) win, win ( about the athlete); d) strike; hit the mark; hit the mark; e) touch a nerve, hit a sore spot; ( see also II B 1)

to ~ out of hand - to get out of hand, to get out of submission / obedience /, to dissolve; get out of power / influence, control /

to ~ one "s hands on smth. - get / get / smth.

I got my hands on a pair of shoes that I really like - I managed to get a pair of shoes that I really like

to ~ one "s hand in it, to ~ the hang /the feel/ of it - get your hand in, acquire a skill / ability, dexterity / in something, get comfortable with something.

to ~ it down fine - thoroughly study / find out / smth.

to ~ wise to smth. - find out something, get to know something; realize/understand/ smth.; reveal sth.

to ~ down to brass tacks - a) get to the point; b) look at things realistically

to ~ to the heart of the matter, to ~ to the back of smth. - get / get to the bottom of something; understand the essence of something.

to ~ it on - sl. to be delighted, to be enthusiastic

to ~ on all fours - go to the ground ( wrestling)

to ~ with child - make pregnant

to ~ religion - a) become very devout; b) to be converted, to accept faith

to ~ a head - get drunk

to ~ out of bed on the wrong side - ≅ get up on your left foot

to ~ out from under - sl."pull up stakes"

to have got it bad - “get sick”, get very carried away (with something)

he "s got it bad for her - he was very carried away by her / fell in love, fell in love with her /

~! - Amer. go away!

~ off it! - stop it!, stop it!

Translation of words containing GET, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

get aboard


(ʹgetəʹbɔ:d) phr v

1. sit down ( on the ship, Amer. on the train)

we got aboard just as the train started moving - we got on the train the moment it started

~! - take your seats!

2. immerse ( to the ship)

get about


(ʹgetəʹbaʋt) phr v

1. spread, become famous

the news got about that... - the news spread that...; there was a rumor that...

it got about that... - it became known that...

2. move around

trams and buses make it easy to ~ - trams and buses make it easier to travel

he is already getting about - he has already started (you) to walk (after illness)

he gets about with a stick (on crutches) - he moves / walks / with the help of a stick / with a stick / (on crutches)

3. visit different places

I don't ~ much - I don't go to many places

she gets about quite a lot, working for this firm - working in this company, she travels a lot / travels /

get across


(ʹgetəʹkrɒs) phr v

clearly, convincingly explain, present; convey, convey ( to the listener)

to get an idea across - clearly state a thought

he found it difficult to get his American jokes across to an English audience - it was difficult for him to convey his American jokes to the English listener

he managed to ~ to her at last - a) he finally managed to get her to listen to him; b) he finally managed to get her in

get along


(ʹgetəʹlɒŋ) phr v

1. live; live; make do

how are you getting along? - how are you?, how are you?

how are you? - Getting along! - How are you doing? - Little by little!

they can scarcely ~ on their income - they can barely live on their modest income

she never managed to ~ on her salary - she never managed to meet her salary

I can ~ with this sum of money - this amount is enough for me

to ~ without food - do without food

we shall ~ without your help - we will do without your help

he thinks he can ~ without trying hard - he thinks that he will succeed without much effort

how will she ~ without him? - How will she live without him?

2. succeed, make progress

he's getting along nicely - he's doing well

how are you getting along with /in/ your English? - How are you doing with English?

3. leave; move; advance

I must be getting along - it’s time for me to go

~! - come in!

~ with you! - emots.-amplification a) fuck you!, nonsense!; don't talk nonsense!; yah you!; b) get lost!

4. grow old ( etc.~ in years)

5. get along, be on good terms

to ~ well with smb. - to be on good terms with someone.

to ~ (well) together - (well) get along

we do not ~ - we don't get along

get away


(ʹgetəʹweı) phr v

1. run away; slip away, slip away

the prisoner got away - the prisoner ran away

he got away with all the money - he ran away with all the money

you can"t ~ from it!, there"s no getting away from it! - a) you can’t get away from this; b) nothing can be changed, nothing can be done

2. get out, leave, leave

I want to ~ from the city - I want to leave the city

~! (etc.~ with you!) - emots.-amplification a) away!, out!; go away!; b) well, yes!, stop playing the fool!, stop your jokes!

3. take away

you must get the children away - you must take away ( or take away) children

4. help get out

the doctors told him to get her away from it all - the doctors told him to take her away so that she could take her mind off everything that was

5. free yourself

I couldn't ~ any sooner - I couldn’t free myself earlier

can you ~ for a holiday? - can you arrange a vacation for yourself?

6. (with) decomposition do ( smb.) unnoticed or with impunity; check something business

look, he's getting away with it! - look, he's doing it!

he always gets away with it - he always gets out of the situation / unscathed /

you"ll never ~ with it - you won’t succeed

he"d ~ with everything - he can get away with anything

he got away with a mere apology - he managed to get away with a simple apology

7. sport. start off; rush forward, rush

8. Amer. auto prof. move away

9. Amer. Av. prof. take off

10. mor. prof. release, throw away

to get a torpedo away - release a torpedo

get back


(ʹgetʹbæk) phr v

1. return

when will he ~? - when will he return?

why don't you ~ to bed? - why don't you go to bed /sleep/ again?

let"s ~ to the point - let's return to our conversation

will this party ~ at the next election? - will this party return to power in the next elections?

2. get back

how can I get my books back? - how can I return my books?

you will never get your money back - now you will never see your money

3. decomposition take revenge on someone; criticize smb.

I"ll ~ at him one day! - someday I will take revenge on him / I will get even with him /!

get by


(ʹgetʹbaı) phr v

1. pass

please, let me ~ - let me through, please

2. pass ( inspection); hand over ( exam)

I got by - I passed; I passed

this work can just ~ - this work can just be counted; ≅ barely qualify for a C

he hoped that it would ~ - he hoped that it would go unnoticed

4. = get along 1

she gets by on very little money - she gets by with a very small amount of money

get down


(ʹgetʹdaʋn) phr v

1. go down, go down, get off

to ~ (off) the ladder - go down the stairs

to ~ from one "s horse - get off the horse

please, may I ~? - may /allow/ me to leave the table?

to ~ a book from a shelf - remove a book from the shelf

3. write down

~ every word she says - write down everything she says verbatim

4. get serious ( smb.), start ( to smth.)

to ~ to (one"s) work - get down to business seriously

we must ~ to work again - we must get to work again

~ to peel potatoes! - start peeling potatoes!

I shall ~ to this problem - I will study / consider / this issue

let"s ~ to business - let's get down to business

let "s ~ to facts - let's turn to the facts

when you ~ to it... - if you look at it...

when you ~ to it there"s not much difference between the two - essentially there is almost no difference between these two

5. oppress, irritate; tire; grieve

this continual wet weather is getting me down - these constant rains spoil my mood

he gets me down - he gets on my nerves

all this worry has got him down - all these troubles brought him down

don"t let it get you down! - hold on!, don't give in!

6. swallow ( tablet, etc.)

try to get the medicine down - try to swallow this medicine

7. shoot ( game, poultry, etc.)

get in


(ʹgetʹın) phr v

1. enter; fit in

~! - get in!

the car drove up and they got in - the car drove up and they got in

2. bring, conduct

get him in - bring him in

how will you get me in there? - How will you get me there?

3. arrive, arrive

the train gets in at 3 o"clock - the train arrives at 3 o'clock

my brother doesn't ~ till 6 - my brother returns only at 6 o'clock

4. put in, stick in; squeeze in; drag through

I couldn't get the key in - I couldn't put the key in

5. fit in, squeeze in

to ~ between two people - a) squeeze between two people ( standing, sitting, etc.); b) interfere in the affairs of two people

6. get to know each other closely ( with smb.), make friends, get along ( with smb.); suck up ( to smb.)

I got in with them - I became friends with them, we became close friends

she got in with a bad crowd - she got involved with bad company

he tried to ~ with the headmaster - he tried to gain the trust of the school principal

7. join

we want you to ~ - we want you to join; we want you to log in ( to a business, company, etc.)

8. 1) pass ( at the elections); hit ( to an educational institution, etc.)

he got in for Cheshire - he was elected Member of Parliament for Cheshire

did your son ~? - did your son get in?

2) conduct, arrange

I couldn't get my best pupil in - I couldn’t get my best student

9. purchase, stock up

to ~ supplies - make supplies ( food, etc.)

10. collect ( harvest)

the farmers were busy getting in the crop - farmers were busy harvesting

11. sow ( seeds); plant ( seedlings)

12. apply ( hit)

I managed to ~ a blow - I managed to strike

to ~ the steps - sport. meet the number of steps ( during takeoff)

get off


(ʹgetʹɒf) phr v

1. get off, get out; go

where must I ~? - where should I go?

I am getting off at the next station (stop) - I get off at the next station (stop)

2. shoot

to ~ one's clothes - take off your clothes, undress

I can"t ~ my boots - I can’t take off my boots

to ~ stains - remove stains

I can"t get the lid off - I can’t remove the lid

3. leave, depart, set off

to ~ by six sharp - leave / depart / exactly at six

the train got off in time - the train left on time

we got off immediately after breakfast - we left immediately after breakfast

did he ~? - has he left?

to ~ to a good start - start well

4. send; see off

to get the children off to school - send the children to school

I"d like to get this letter off by the first post - I would like to send this letter with the first mail

5. come to smb. state

to ~ to sleep - fall asleep

he couldn't ~ to sleep - he couldn't fall asleep

6. bring ( someone) in some state

to get smb. off to sleep - a) put smb to bed. sleep; b) to lull someone to sleep.

I couldn't get the child off to sleep - I couldn’t get the child to fall asleep

7. get rid of work

we ~ at 5 o"clock - we finish at five

I can"t ~ early today - I won’t be able to leave early today

can you ~ tomorrow? - will you be able to be free tomorrow /not go to work, take a day off/?

8. be saved; to avoid; get rid of; get rid of ( work, punishment, obligations)

I wish I could ~ washing up (visiting my aunt) - how nice it would be if I weren’t forced to wash the dishes (visiting my aunt)

he managed to ~ - he managed to escape

to ~ at a trial - to be acquitted at trial

to ~ lightly - get off easy

why did you let him ~ so easily? - Why did you give him the opportunity to get off so easily?

he got off with only a fine - he got off with (only) a fine

9. save ( someone) from punishment, to relieve smb. fate

his counsel got him off - the defender saved him from punishment

a good lawyer will get him off - a good lawyer will make sure that he is acquitted

his youth got him off - youth saved him; he was forgiven considering his youth

10. (with) decomposition enjoy success, achieve success

you will never ~ with that blonde - nothing will work out with this blonde

11. (on) sl.

1) get excited

to ~ on heroin - to become stupefied by heroin

2) to be delighted with something.

12. chip off, throw away ( numbers)

13. drum out ( speech, answer)

14. remember, learn by heart

15. Amer. decomposition publish, publish

16. decomposition tell ( joke); express ( opinion, etc.)

17. sport. start

18. Av. take off; get off the ground

the airship got off - the airship took off

19. Amer. sl. alleviate a serious mental condition with a dose of drug

20. Amer. stud. slang leave the university, but stay in the dormitory

to tell smb. where he can ~ /where he gets off, where to ~/ - a) scold someone; if she tries telling me what to do again, I"ll tell her where she gets off - if she doesn’t stop telling me what to do, I’ll ask /give her; b) force someone (not) to do something .

~ with you! - it can’t be!, well, yes!, you’ll say the same!

get on


(ʹgetʹɒn) phr v

1. put on

get your hat on - put on a hat (coat)

he couldn't get his gloves on - he couldn't pull on the gloves

2. = get along 1

how is he getting on? - How are things going with him?

3. succeed, make progress

I do not ~ in life - I am by no means successful in life

Some words in the English language are used most often, in use almost constantly - put, take, get. They can be translated in completely different ways, depending on the meaning, place in the sentence and other components. Often the translation of such words occurs “automatically”; we don’t even think about how to say it correctly, since the meaning is basically clear from the context. But difficulties can still arise, so it’s worth figuring out how this ambiguous word get can be translated into Russian.

Meanings of the word get in English

Get serves as a synonym for many words, is an integral part of phrasal verbs, and is also often used in speech to say something less formally, in simple colloquial language. So, six translation options:

Phrasal expressions with the word Get

Here are just some common phrases. In fact, this list is much longer - look in dictionaries, you will find much more.

  1. To get along with- maintain a good relationship with someone:

    I get along really well with my colleagues.
    He doesn’t get along with his ex-wife.

  2. To get over something- overcome some difficulties and troubles:

    I'm getting over the disease.
    He's still getting over his parents break up.

  3. To get rid of- to get rid of something:

    I'm trying to get rid of my old car but nobody wants to buy it.
    The boss got rid of all unnecessary documents.

  4. To get to know someone– start to learn something, get acquainted – with a person, a city, etc.

    I really like to get to know your sister.
    I must start getting to know how to use this program.

  5. To get by- be able to survive in difficult conditions, for example, with a lack of resources or knowledge:
    I make just enough money to get by.
    My Spanish isn’t so good but I can get by.

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irregular verb

get - got - got

  1. get (purchase, earn)
  2. receive (acquire, acquire, buy)
  3. become
  4. hit
  5. get (get, get, get there)
  6. force (convince)
  7. understand (understand, comprehend)
  8. buy
  9. start off
  10. extract (produce)
  11. achieve (to achieve, to achieve, to achieve)
  12. get infected
  13. get out (get out)
  14. take (take, grab)
  15. get (get)
  16. stand up
  17. have (possess, possess)
  18. arrive
  19. bring (deliver)
  20. install
  21. calculate
  22. eat


  1. receiving
  2. offspring

Plural number: gets.

Verb forms


get a job
get a job

get furniture
buy furniture

get an answer
to receive an answer

get here
buy here

get the book
get a book

get grain
buy bread

get so
become so

get into trouble
get into trouble

get books
get books

get an appointment
get an appointment

get to America
get to America

get to places
get to the place

get the world
force the world

get the point
understand the idea

get coffee
buy coffee

get meat
get meat

get a conviction
get an indictment

get to China
reach China

get to sea
go to sea

get outside
get outside

get a car
take a car

get loans
take out loans

get the ticket
get a ticket

get up tomorrow
get up tomorrow

get money
receiving the money


It is too early to get up.
It's too early to get up.

I had to get it removed.
I had to remove it.

I saw her get hit by a car.
I saw her get hit by a car.

When he comes back, tell him I"m indisposed and shall get back at him tomorrow.
When he returns, tell him that I am not in the best mood and tomorrow I will repay him a hundredfold.

This room does not get much sun.
This room does not have enough sunlight.

She wanted to get a divorce.
She wanted a divorce.

It is time you should get up.
It's time for you to get up.

Don't get I'm wrong, Tom.
Tom, don't get me wrong.

What time do you usually get up?
What time do you usually wake up?

As long as it doesn't get cold, it's okay.
As long as it's not cold, I'm fine.

The way she talks gets on my nerves.
Her way of speaking makes me nervous.

Tom gets drunk almost every day.
Tom gets drunk almost every day.

I should wait until Tom gets here.
I have to wait for Tom's arrival.

This train gets to Chicago at 9 o"clock tonight.
This train arrives in Chicago at 9 pm.

Let's leave as soon as he gets back.
Let's leave as soon as he comes back.

My mother gets along with my aunt.
My mother gets along well with my aunt.

Tom gets drunk almost every evening.
Tom gets drunk almost every evening.

Tom gets on my nerves.
Tom gets on my nerves.

She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up.
She often confuses sugar and salt.

People gather around here when it gets dark.
People gather here when it gets dark.

I got soaked boating down river.
I got wet rafting down the river.

He got hurt in the game yesterday.
He hurt himself during yesterday's game.

Tom got on the airplane.
Tom got on the plane.

It wasn't until I got home that I missed my umbrella.
Only when I returned home did I miss my umbrella.

After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home.
After I boarded the train, I noticed that I had left my wallet at home.

We"ve got to conserve water.
We need to save water.

She got angry.
She got angry.

I haven't got books.
I don't have any books.

I"ve got little time for reading these days.
I have little time to read these days.

We got on the bus at Shinjuku.
We took the bus to Shinjuku.

In English, constructions with the verb get are extremely common. This is a phrasal word that, when used skillfully, can replace a huge number of other verbs. Constructions with to get can be a salvation in the communication process for people whose communication is still small.

Use of the verb get in English

Get is translated into Russian as “to receive, to become the owner.” But this verb is used in various passages, replacing other verbs without losing the overall meaning.

Synonyms of the verb get:

  • procure– become the cause, provide, get;
  • gain– extract, earn, acquire, achieve;
  • obtain- to take place, to exist, to be recognized;
  • pocket– assign;
  • bring– brings;
  • arrive- abide.

Get with preposition

When combined with prepositions, get becomes a phrasal verb that denotes a specific directed action. In sentences and phrases with similar constructions, the combination cannot be translated literally.

For example, get after does not translate “will become later”; in this case, get after indicates that the action is performed after something:

She's always getting after the neighbors for one thing or another. “She will always find something to scold her neighbors for.”

The same principle applies to other combinations of get + preposition:

Get with past participle

is a part of speech that simultaneously has the characteristics of an adjective, verb and. In English, as in Russian, a participle can act as a modifier or a nominal part of a predicate.

The participle has temporary forms and can be specified using adverbs. When combined with some adjectives, the verb get takes on the past participle form.

  • What should I do to get on in translation? – What do I need to do to succeed in translation?
  • The pupils must get their hair cut. – Students need to have their hair cut;
  • Then he got impatient. “Then he lost his patience;
  • He has got an invitation to the wedding. – She received an invitation to the wedding;
  • We must get the car repaired. – We need to repair the car;
  • They got divorced. - They got divorced.

As can be seen from the examples, when forming a past participle, a suffix is ​​added to the verb –ed, and the particle to of the phrasal verb is omitted. In Russian, constructions with the past participle are most often translated as gerunds.

The verb got has 3 translation options. In general, got is the past tense of the verb get, so to find out the translation, look in the dictionary for the article about the verb get.

How is GOT translated?

The most commonly used get values ​​are:

  • receive
  • accept
  • becomes

Respectively, GOT is translated into Russian as received, accepted, became.

Examples of sentences containing a verb got

I got a letter.
I received a letter.

She got angry.
She got angry (Literally: She became angry)

How is HAVE GOT translated?

In English, got is often used in combination with the verb have. Have got translated into Russian as have, possess.

Examples of sentences containing the phrase have got and their translation into Russian:

I have got a good job.
I have a good job. (Literally: I have a good job)

Have you got a car?
Do you have a car? (Verbatim: Do you have a car?

In general, in English they often use have got in cases where in Russian they would say the phrase “I have...”, “He has...”, “We have...”, etc. P. You can read more about the meanings of have got.

Set phrases with got.

There are many common expressions and phrases with got and get:

This is not a complete list. The meanings of the verb get are very diverse. It is even jokingly said that get can replace any English verb. Therefore, if you are translating a sentence containing got or get into Russian and the translation result turns out strange, do not be lazy and look into

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