How to develop imagination exercises in psychology. Games and exercises to develop creative imagination. Presentation: "Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through the use of gaming technologies"

Imagination is a gift of nature that allows a person to be himself. It is he who elevates people above other creatures of our planet. It would seem that having imagination is not so important, but in fact, without it it is impossible to imagine the existence of even the simplest things. If it weren’t for this gift, no one would have invented the wheel, let alone computers and space flights. All this was once only in dreams and was considered a fantasy that had no basis.

Imagination allows people not only to paint pictures or write poetry, but is also a powerful engine of science. This is our inner vision, with which we can see the future or recreate vivid images from the past. At the same time, it works in close connection with all five senses. When we think or plan something, look for a solution to a complex problem, or choose a gift for an anniversary, the brain “turns on” the imagination.

Thus, imagination is an integral part of human consciousness, but some people have this gift from birth, while others have to work hard for it. You need to think about how to develop a child’s imagination from a very early age. Such exercises are usually presented to children in a playful way.

An example is modeling from plasticine. And it doesn’t have to be a real object or character; give your child room for imagination. Then you can compose a fairy tale about the life of the sculpted creature and his friends. If it is an inanimate object, come up with what it can be used for or what planet it came to us from. It helps to develop imagination by choosing rhymes and composing small poems.

You can also come up with various stories about what will happen if suddenly... At the same time, it is important to separate reality and fiction in the child’s mind. It is necessary to direct his imagination in the right direction so that he does not live in his own imaginary world.

As for adults, they also have a lot to learn. There are entire books on how to develop your imagination. We will look at several simple but effective methods.

Reading works of fiction. At the same time, it is important to imagine every little thing, every detail described by the author: leaves on the trees, the meadow, the color of the mown grass, the smell of hay and the rustle of the wind. Drawing all this in your imagination, you need to feel like an eyewitness to the events. To do this you will have to use all your senses.

"Revival" of geographical maps. Looking at the map, imagine the landscape (plains and mountains), cities and towns. If the area is familiar to you, remember the places you have visited, the sights and your feelings. Try to make this as detailed as possible.

If the previous option seems boring, start visualizing your dreams. This could be a trip to the islands or a date with your loved one. If you enjoy imagining this, then the learning process will become more fun and effective. It may happen that some senses will be easier to use, and some more difficult. For example, you can clearly see the restaurant hall, but you cannot smell the gift of roses. Don't be alarmed, over time everything will go back to normal.

Creative activities. You can write a short story with an interesting plot or a poem about your feelings, do clay modeling or paint a picture. Perhaps this experience will not be very successful, but not everyone likes Malevich’s paintings.

Watch your favorite movies without sound. This will help to work out the relationship between imagination and hearing. Or, conversely, listen to them without seeing the pictures to improve the construction of visual images.

Short practical lessons. Enter the room, look around, remember the location of objects. Close your eyes or turn off the light, mentally rearrange any two objects. Did it work? Imagine a white canvas and start drawing shapes. These can be elementary triangles, ovals, squares, the main thing is that, having drawn the next one, the imagination does not lose the previous one. Then you can move on to simple sketches (houses, trees).

Real tasks. These are exercises from everyday life: solve everyday problems by coming up with several solutions, plan a trip to the store in advance, mentally pack your suitcase for a vacation, and the like.

All the proposed methods are extremely simple and should not cause difficulties. Now you know why and how to develop your imagination. By performing the exercises listed above, you can achieve significant success. And then, who knows, maybe you or your child are the next Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison or the first captain of an intergalactic cruise liner. By developing and mastering your gift of inner vision, you can achieve any heights.

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Elena Sergeeva
Games and exercises for developing imagination in preschoolers aged 5–7 years

Imagination- it's nothing else, as a mental process through which a person gets the opportunity to draw new images based on existing life experience. Imagination allows a preschool child age to find one’s place in the world, realize existing abilities, and also promotes understanding of the school curriculum, that is, prepares the child for school.

Didactic games have been used for quite a long time as one of the effective means by which one can develop imagination in a child in his senior year preschool age

Games and exercises for developing imagination in preschoolers 5 – 7 years old

1. Exercise"What are ours like? palms»

Target: development of imagination and attention.

Invite children to trace their own with paints or pencils. palm(or two) and invent, imagine "What could this be?" (tree, birds, butterfly, etc.). Offer to create a drawing based on the circled palms.

2. Game - exercise"Three colors".

Target: development artistic perception and imagination.

Invite the children to take three colors that, in their opinion, are most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them in any way. What does the drawing look like?

3. Exercise"Magic Blots".


Suggest that you drop any paint onto the middle of the sheet and fold the sheet in half. The result was various blots; children need to see in their blot what it looks like or who it resembles.

4. Exercise"Magic thread".

Target: development of creative imagination; learn to find similarities between images of unclear outlines and real images and objects.

In the presence of children, dip a thread 30-40 cm long in ink and place it on a sheet of paper, curling it randomly. Place another sheet on top of the thread and press it to the bottom one. Pull out the thread while holding the sheets. A trace of the thread will remain on the paper; children are asked to identify and name the resulting image.

5. Game – "Unfinished Drawing".

Target: development of creative imagination.

Children are given sheets with images of unfinished objects. You are invited to complete the drawing of the object and talk about your drawing.

6. Exercise"Wizards".

Target: development imagination.

Without a preliminary conversation, invite the children to use pencils to transform two completely identical figures depicted on the sheet into an evil and a good wizard. Next, ask them to come up with what they did wrong. "wicked" the wizard and how he was defeated "Kind".

7. Exercise"Dance".

Target: development emotionality and creativity imagination.

Invite children to come up with their own image and dance it to certain music. The rest of the children must guess what image is intended.

Options - the image is set, all children dance at the same time ( "blooming flower", "affectionate cat", "snowfall", "funny monkey" etc.).

Complication - to convey feelings in dance ( "joy", "fear", "astonishment" etc.)

8. Exercise“What did the music say?”.

Target: development of creative imagination.

Classical music is playing. Children are asked to close their eyes and imagine what the music is saying, and then draw their ideas and talk about them.

9. Game "What is this?"

Target: teach children, based on the perception of object substitutes, to create in new images in the imagination.

Circles of different colors and strips of different lengths are used. Children stand in a circle. The teacher shows one of the colored circles, puts it in the center and asks them to tell what it looks like. Answers should not repeat each other.

10. Game "Pebbles on the Shore".

Target: learn to create new images based on the perception of schematic images.

A large painting depicting a seashore is used. 7-10 pebbles of different shapes are drawn. Everyone should have a resemblance to some object, animal, person.

The teacher tells: “A wizard walked along this shore and turned everything that was in his way into pebbles. You have to guess what was on the shore, say about each pebble, who or what it looks like.” It is desirable that several pebbles have almost the same contour. Next, invite the children to come up with a story about their pebble: How did he end up on the shore? What happened to him? Etc.

11. Exercise"Magic Mosaic".

Target: teach children to create in imaginary objects, based on a schematic representation of the details of these items.

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard are used. (same for each child): several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes.

The teacher hands out the kits and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can put together a lot of interesting things. To do this, you need to attach different figures, as you wish, to each other so that you get some kind of image. Offer competition: who can put together more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some story about one or more objects.

12. Game "Let's help the artist".

Target: teach children imagine objects based on the scheme given to them.

Material: A large piece of paper pinned to a board with a sketch of a person drawn on it. Colored pencils or paints.

The teacher says that one artist did not have time to finish the picture and asked the children to help him finish the picture. Together with the teacher, the children discuss what and what color is best to draw. The most interesting proposals are embodied in the picture. Gradually, the diagram is completed, turning into a drawing.

Then invite the children to come up with a story about the drawn person.

13. Game "Magic Pictures".

Target: learn imagine objects and situations based on schematic images of individual parts of objects.

The children are given cards. Each card contains a schematic representation of some object details and geometric shapes. Each image is located on the card so that there is free space for finishing the picture. Children use colored pencils.

Children can turn each figure depicted on the card into the picture they want. To do this, you need to draw whatever you want to the figure. After finishing painting, children write stories based on their paintings.

14. Game "Wonderful transformations".

Target: teach children to create in imagination objects and situations based on visual models.

The teacher gives the children pictures with images of substitute objects, each with three stripes of different lengths and three circles of different colors. Children are invited to look at the pictures, come up with what they mean, and draw the corresponding picture on their sheet with colored pencils. (several possible). The teacher analyzes the completed drawings together with children: notes their correspondence to the depicted substitute objects (in shape, color, size, quantity, originality of content and composition.

15. Game "Wonderful Forest".

Target: learn to create in imagination situations based on their schematic representation.

Children are given identical sheets of paper, several trees are drawn on them, and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. The teacher suggests drawing a forest full of miracles with colored pencils and telling a fairy tale about it. Unfinished images can be turned into real or imaginary objects.

For the task, you can use material on other topics: "Wonderful Sea", "Wonderful Glade", "Wonderful Park" and others.

16. Game "Shifters".

Target: learn to create in imagination images of objects based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects.

Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, with abstract schematic images on the cards. Exercise children: Each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and draw whatever you want with colored pencils to create a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can turn the card and sheet of paper over as you want while drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game lasts until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings.

17. Game "Different Tales".

Target: teach children imagine different situations using a visual model as a plan.

The teacher builds any sequence of images on the demonstration board (two standing men, two running men, three trees, a house, a bear, a fox, a princess, etc.) Children are asked to come up with a fairy tale based on the pictures, observing their sequence.

You can use various options: the child independently composes the entire fairy tale; the next child should not repeat its plot. If this is difficult for children, you can compose a fairy tale for everyone simultaneously: The first one starts, the next one continues. Next, the images are swapped and a new fairy tale is composed.

18. Exercise“Come up with your own ending to the fairy tale”.

Target: development of creative imagination.

Invite children to change and create their own ending to familiar fairy tales.

“The bun didn’t sit on the fox’s tongue, but rolled on and met...”.

“The wolf didn’t manage to eat the kids because...” etc.

19. Game "Good-bad" or "Chain of Contradictions".

Target: development of creative imagination by searching for contradictions.

The teacher begins - "A" good because "B". The child continues - "B" bad because "IN". The next one says - "IN" good because "G" etc.

Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - it's bad because it's hot. Hot is good because it’s summer, etc.

20. Game “Fairytale Animal” (plant)».

Target: development of creative imagination.

Invite children to come up with and draw a fantastic animal or plant that is not like the real thing. After drawing a picture, each child talks about what he drew and comes up with a name for what he drew. Other children look for features of real animals in his drawing. (plants).

21. Exercise"Fairy tale - story".

Target: development of creative imagination, the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

After reading a fairy tale, children, with the help of a teacher, separate in it what can really happen from what is fantastic. It turns out two stories. One is completely fantastic, the other is completely real.

Similar games and exercises you can compose an infinite number, it all depends only on creativity adult imagination who have set themselves the goal of helping every child grow up creatively gifted, out-of-the-box, successful

One of the most mysterious mental phenomena of the human brain is imagination. This concept is understood as a special mental process through which new images are created based on previously perceived ones. It seems to reflect reality in a new unusual form. Without him, creative professions would not exist: poets, artists, writers, musicians. Naturally, the question arises - how to develop imagination?

Varieties of Imagination

There are many types of this mental process. Let's briefly consider the main ones.

  • Active. Thanks to him, we have the ability to consciously evoke the necessary image. In turn, it is divided into:
  1. Creative - helps to create new images, which are later embodied in a painting, architectural work, music, clothing, etc. Without at least a remote idea of ​​​​the future result of his work, a person will not start working. This type is also called productive, since the image created by our brain is later brought to life in the form of a painting, sculpture, song, clothing and much more.
  2. Recreating - allows you to again and again present a visual image of those things that we have already seen. This type is very important, since the information accumulated by it is the basis from which ideas for creativity are drawn.
  • Passive. It generates images and ideas that will not be brought to life by humans in the near future. May be conscious or unconscious.
  1. A dream is the ability of the human brain to generate images of the distant future, to plan things that, in general, can be accomplished, but not in the near future. Dreams manifest themselves consciously.
  2. Dreams. The main feature of this type of imagination is that the implementation of images created by the brain is impossible and unrealistic. They appear consciously.
  3. Hallucinations are the unconscious generation by the human brain of images that are unreal and non-existent. They appear in the event of a malfunction of the brain (for example, as a result of taking certain medications or mental illness). Their impact is so strong that a person has absolutely no doubt about their unreality.
  4. We see dreams at a time when our body is resting. They appear unconsciously.

Features of imagination development

The level of imagination development is individual for each person. It is also developed differently in adults and children.
This mainly depends on how much a person has developed his imagination. The people around you also play an important role in this. If parents do not allow their child to fantasize and condemn his innocent inventions, then, most likely, the child will give free rein to his fantasies less and less.
Some psychologists distinguish three stages of fantasy development:

  • childhood from 3 years;
  • adolescence;
  • youth.

During these periods, a person has the most intense imagination, when he believes in the most incredible miracles, wants to perform feats, and get involved in adventures. At the same time, at such stages rash, risky and dangerous actions are often committed.
Let us note that the degree of development of imagination is directly related to a person’s emotionality: the greater the ability to fantasize, the stronger the emotions.
Without a developed imagination, a person thinks in clichés, his inner world is meager and monotonous, his brain cannot produce new ideas, unique images.

It has been observed that imagination improves in those who freed from: limiting thinking patterns, complexes, negative states and other mental rubbish. For this purpose, use the Turbo-Suslik () system.

Exercises to develop imagination

There are a large number of exercises for developing imagination. They are suitable for both adults and children.

  • Visualization

This exercise is recommended as a starter exercise. It is designed to train the ability to reproduce and create visual images in detail. You will be able to develop imagination, memory and thinking.
Make a wish for an object. You can start with something simple, like a book. Imagine it down to the smallest detail. Then mentally open it, leaf through it, imagine reading or looking at the pictures. At first it will be a little difficult, although it seems very simple: the images may be unclear, and thoughts may slip away. When the visualization of simple objects begins to be easy, move on to more complex ones. In general, this exercise will teach you how to manage your thoughts.

  • New words

Invent and create new words. Name things differently. At first, you will have to work hard to come up with something interesting and successful. But the more you practice, the easier the words will come to mind.

  • Oral counting

By doing calculations you not only train your imagination, but also your mind. Additionally, you can imagine yourself writing down numbers on paper and doing calculations there.

  • Silent films

Watching movies without sound gives free rein to your imagination. You can not only voice individual phrases or dialogues of the characters, but also come up with a whole story. You can play this game with friends: everyone will choose a hero and speak for him.

  • Associations

This exercise is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. You can play in associations either independently or as a team. Come up with an association for a word: imagine an object or feeling associated with the hidden word. It is very important to explain what exactly connects these two words. This game develops creative thinking well.

  • Reading

When you read a book, try to imagine as clearly as possible everything that happens in the novel or story: characters, houses, rooms, outfits, nature.

  • Studying diagrams and maps

Turn the exercise into a fun, exciting game. Make up a story about a treasure hidden by pirates and try to find it. Or imagine a journey through unknown lands. You can simply follow the map to familiar cities and imagine places you have already visited before.

  • Make up stories

This game is good to play with a group. Come up with an exciting fairy tale and tell it to your friends. The most important thing is that you need to invent a story yourself, on the fly, without preparation.
Modeling situations or hypotheses.
Start the game with the phrase “What if...”. Try to come up with a more incredible hypothesis, and continue the thought in the same spirit. The situation should be as incredible as possible.

  • Hobby

Creative hobbies will help develop your imagination: drawing, knitting, sewing, weaving, beads and much more. Nowadays the choice is huge. Find a hobby that suits your taste, where you can let your imagination run wild. In addition, you will be able to spend time with pleasure, which will be a good vacation.

Those people who know how to develop their imagination have the opportunity not only to train their brains, but also to make their lives brighter. This will help not only in your work, but also in everyday life.

- This is the development of imagination. Because imagination is the key to the engine of comedy, which without an uncontrollable imagination simply cannot turn.

To write comically, you must think comically. Judge for yourself, because in these short video stories, comedians don’t really use any techniques or schemes for creating something funny, they just fantasize!

Are you sure? Without imagination, creating something funny is impossible. So let's give you a couple of exercises to develop your imagination. They are all effective, but try them all on and choose the one that suits you best personally.

Exercises: How to develop your imagination

Exercise No. 1. Rorschach test

You take any object and come up with what else it can be!

Maybe it's also a candlestick? No, too practical. Don't be practical with practicality, use your imagination and use exaggeration in your fantasy. Then the imagination will develop.

Perhaps this is a refuge for gobies? Tobacco cemetery? A waiter's device for calming rowdy customers from a distance. Come up with at least 10 of your own options. Strong development occurs after the 8th option, when the brain creaks.

Exercise No. 2What if?

Train your imagination by constantly asking the question: “What if?”

  1. What if mother's milk were declared lethal? Where would you put a warning sign?
  2. What if you saw fried McNuggets wings on a chicken running down the street?
  3. What if letters from pasta in soups constantly formed words?

Don't worry if your ideas seem stupid and unfunny. The exercise will get your imagination going. Fantasy will help you reconnect various elements into new, sometimes unexpected, connections that will pleasantly surprise the audience, and surprise generates laughter in people.

Exercise No. 3. Nwhat else does it look like?

This is my favorite exercise for developing imagination. Moreover, the author of this exercise, Jean Peret, who writes jokes for many American shows, considers it key in developing a sense of humor. And I probably agree with him.

How does it work? You take any picture and find a new, not obvious meaning in it.

  • Those who don’t believe in God will see Him now!
  • New in uniform for snipers...
  • A device for exorcising demons. Power - 100 demons per minute.
  • D Father Evlampius did not see any other way to take the place of the Pope

The idea, I think, is clear.

The first few options are easy, then there is a stupor. And here it is important to strain, because by the end of the seventh option it will seem that everything has been done. But here, on the eighth, what we need turns on and you will begin to notice what you did not notice before. You will have a second wind, so to speak, and the real development of your sense of humor and imagination will begin.

This is a great exercise! And the whole point is to start seeing what you didn't notice at the beginning. And if you stop at option 5-7, the effect will be weak.

This is, in fact, the main central exercise in developing imagination and a sense of humor, because here you learn to see the commonality in different phenomena. But most humor is created by comparing something familiar with something unexpected.

Exercise No. 4. Voice over video

This is similar to the previous exercise, but has a few more benefits. It is aimed not only at developing the imagination of an adult, but also, in general, at resourcefulness and the ability to think quickly and get involved in a situation.

The task is simple: you need to dub a TV or video on a computer.

The point of the exercise is that you watch something happen on video without sound and think, what else does this look like or are you just talking nonsense(and this will be correct).

There are many examples in this video:

Don't try! So that at the very first stage it would be similar to the best examples from KVN voice acting. After all, a team of professional authors worked on them for a long time and it’s unlikely that now, in real time, you could do something similar.

I turned on the video and immediately, in a moment, you post everything that comes to mind (even if you don’t like how it turns out or you think you’re talking nonsense). It is important to do the exercise to develop your imagination and sense of humor in your hearing.

Exercise No. 5. Worst in the world

For this exercise, take the professions of people who are related to service. That is, who in life should try to do their job as well as possible, satisfying the needs of clients. And think about the phrases that the worst of them could say.

For example, the worst hairdresser in the world. What phrases can he say?

The exercise is simple, but it can be difficult to do at first. It is important that these are not just phrases about this character. And this should be direct speech on behalf of this person.
That is, instead of “The worst hairdresser in the world uses only a lighter in his work,” it is better to say this:

Sit down comfortably, by the way, I want to warn you that we have self-service. Here's a lighter and burn cream for you. And continue like that.

We'll end here, because these exercises are more than enough for you to fire up your imagination and develop your skills! Come on, train and come to our training, where we can do wonders with your imagination.

As Einstein said, logic will take you from one point to another, but imagination can take you anywhere. People with a developed imagination are dreamers who know how to enjoy life, because even in the most difficult situations they can come up with an unexpected solution. This is why it is very important to develop imagination in adults and not suppress it in children. We all know how children love to imagine, but adults often, without realizing it, stifle this way of thinking in the buds of a little person. As a result, people who are incapable of creative thinking and mediocre individuals grow up. However, our goal is to prove that imagination can be developed at any age.

What is imagination?

Imagination is a type of creative thinking of a person, in which he independently creates new images, ideas, and opens up unprecedented horizons. Very often, it is dreamers who become discoverers in a wide variety of areas of life:

  • Sergei Pavlovich Korolev dreamed of conquering space and became the leading developer and designer of rockets in the USSR.
  • Pablo Picasso had an incredible imagination, you can see this by looking at his brilliant paintings, which, by the way, not everyone can understand.
  • Alexander Flemming dreamed that he would find a cure for infections. And so it happened, he discovered penicillin, which saved many people from terrible diseases.
  • The great experimenter Thomas Edison illuminated the whole world with his incandescent lamp. However, this was preceded not only by a developed imagination, but also by incredibly hard work.

We can continue endlessly; there are many people with a developed imagination among scientific and creative figures.

One of the varieties of imagination is reconstructive thinking, thanks to which a person “thinks out” something that he has not seen before or encountered in the past. Unlike memory, the reconstructive imagination is incredibly flexible and dynamic.

The difficulty of developing imagination is that it is difficult to formalize, control and subordinate it to any algorithm. However, the good news is that every person has imagination, therefore, it can be developed at any time.

Household tools and exercises for developing imagination

In order for the imagination to develop on its own, those parts of the brain that are responsible for life experience should be stimulated. It turns out that the more stimuli a person receives, the more developed his imagination is. So, household tools for developing imagination, available to every person:

  • You need to communicate with a lot of people.
  • Participate in a variety of community events.
  • Do more and more new things every day.
  • There is no need to follow the well-trodden road, you should choose unknown paths. This applies not only to walking or driving, but also to decision-making methods.

Let's look at 2 very productive methods that help develop imagination at any age.

Developing imagination by expanding the number of world models

The model of the world is perceived differently by different people, so it is difficult to talk about objectivity in the interpretation of reality. This formulation is well reflected by the saying “There are no comrades according to taste.” However, any model of the world can be expanded by trying to understand other people's point of view and their understanding of the world. In everyday communication, try to put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor and see the world through his eyes. Experiment - today you are a child, tomorrow you are an elderly neighbor, and the day after tomorrow you are a soldier returning from the army. All these mental transformations will have a positive impact on your creative thinking.

Reading - tell me what your favorite book is and I'll tell you who you are!

Books are an inexhaustible exercise machine for the imagination. As they say, “A book is a small window through which the whole world can be seen.” While reading fiction, images are visualized. To develop imagination, it is recommended to choose detective novels, adventures, and popular science fiction. Poetry also has a fairly effective effect on the human imagination. However, those who like to read day and night should know that books are not the only way to develop creative thinking and imagination. Over time, avid readers get used to receiving other people's thoughts, their minds do not work fully, so books must be alternated with other exercises. The optimal reading rhythm is different for everyone; as a rule, reading 1-5 books a month can be considered useful.

Exercises to develop imagination during a creative crisis

Lack of imagination often worries creative individuals who, by their vocation, are forced to constantly work with imagination. Here are a few exercises that will help you discover your writing talent or train your imagination:

  • Take a pen or pencil and colorfully describe the place where you like to relax.
  • Imagine that an unexpected guest came to you at 4 o'clock in the morning. What will you tell him? Write it down on paper.
  • Write a short story on a philosophical topic, for example, what is the meaning of life?
  • Create a message for your future self. Contact yourself in 10 years, ask or give advice, tell about yourself and try to guess what you will do in the future.
  • Find 250 things to do if you had an extra week.

Game exercises that develop imagination

  • Solving doodles. Doodles are simple doodle-like pictures that contain multiple interpretations. The person is asked to say what he sees in the image. Interestingly, there are no right or wrong answers. The process of finding the answer itself is training.
  • Word game. The standard game can be complicated by new rules. For example, you need to name only those words whose symbols fit into a five-liter barrel. Or name only those items that are in the house.
  • Description of images. A very effective method, especially for children. Show your child any illustration and ask him to tell you what he sees. You will be surprised by the limitless imagination of a little explorer.
  • Adults will really enjoy this game. While traveling on the subway or other public transport, try to come up with a biography for any passenger in your mind - first name, last name, year of birth, main moments of life. Guess his occupation and hobby. This game can be a great option for spending time with friends in the park or any other crowded place.

Computer exercises for developing imagination

It is impossible to describe all the techniques for training a person’s imagination. Nowadays, a variety of online simulators are very popular, allowing you to fantasize and develop your imagination anywhere - on a trip, during a break at work, at home.

Our Brain Apps service presents a series of wonderful games that help develop imagination and creativity. These are games from the “Thinking” section. We also recommend visiting the Problems section, where you will find interesting riddles with a trick.

Remember that imagination is a gift that should be used. If you don't use your imagination, you can very soon turn into an ordinary and boring person who is of no interest to anyone. Go for it!

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