How did the international holiday Student's Day (November 17) come about? International Students Day November 17 Student's Day

The students themselves are looking forward to Students' Day, and the adults are looking forward to it with fear. “Whatever they do!” is the general opinion of mothers, fathers and teachers who have completely forgotten how they themselves celebrated this joyful holiday.

International Students Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which took place in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946.

This holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, is associated with tragic events.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). Occupier units dispersed the demonstration, and a student was shot dead Faculty of Medicine Jan Braided.

Funeral young man November 15, 1939 again escalated into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, Gestapo and SS men surrounded student dormitories. More than 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in the dungeons of a prison in Prague's Ruzine district. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war.

November 17 International Student Day: congratulations in prose

Congratulations on International Day students and wish you to always be on a positive wave, constantly strive for new success, never miss your opportunity and never regret your choice. Good luck and easy sessions!


On International Students Day we would like to congratulate everyone who decided to receive higher education and master any profession important to society! Student life is a fun time when passing difficult tests, exams, sleepless nights are almost erased from memory, because stormy gatherings, celebrating a passed exam, a sea of ​​new acquaintances and friends almost completely replace them. We wish you, dear students, to get an education, master your favorite profession and realize your high goals and desires!

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead lies your whole life, success...

I wish you happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​essential knowledge
And good luck to everyone in the competitions!

Today is Happy Students' Day
Congratulations, friends,
Good luck with your studies
I wish everyone.

So that the sessions are passed
Easy and effortless
Received credits
And let the tears not flow.

Student fraternity,
Have fun today
Towards the coveted diploma
Aspire with a smile.


Students are like supermen:
They can only do so skillfully
In the semester, couples will skip,
Then successfully pass the entire session!

Student, I congratulate you on your day,
Have fun, don't think about anything
May your record book make you happy,
And your life will be cool and clear!

(International Students" Day) is celebrated on November 17. It was established in 1941 in London (Great Britain) at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism. The date was set in memory of Czech students - heroes of the Resistance.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia (at that time it was called the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now the Czech Republic), Prague students and their teachers went on a demonstration to celebrate the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state - October 28, 1918. Occupier units dispersed the demonstration and opened fire on its participants. One of the student leaders, Jan Opletal, was seriously injured and died soon after.

His funeral on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. In response, the Nazis closed all Czech institutions of higher education, and over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in the dungeons of a prison in Prague's Ruzine district on November 17. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher education institutions were closed until the end of the war.

The first International Students' Day was celebrated in 1941. Today, International Students Day is a symbolic unification of students from all faculties and all educational institutions. Carrying out International Day students are preceded by the International Student Week of Struggle for Peace and Friendship (November 10-17).

International Students' Day is especially celebrated in Greece. Here the student holiday is called Polytechneo. This day marks the anniversary of the student protest against the military junta in 1973. Fortified in Polytechnic University students announced a fight against the government and started broadcasting their own radio station. Tanks were deployed against the students. 24 people were killed, thousands were injured and arrested. The junta lasted less than a year, and the democratic government that came to power declared the victims of the uprising martyrs, establishing a public holiday.

In addition to International Students' Day, many countries have their own student holiday.

In the USA, one of the most fun and large-scale holidays is held at Harvard University every February. The Hasty Pudding pageant is named after the food that has traditionally been served at student club meetings since 1795. This holiday is held in the form of a carnival with a costume parade. Only men take part in it, playing both female and male roles. This custom dates back to the days when Harvard was an all-boys university.

Finland has its own student day - Vappu. It is celebrated on May 1, although the celebration begins even earlier - on April 30, with congratulations from the president of the country. Vappu has its own traditions. On this day, graduates of local lyceums receive a symbol of transition to adulthood - a white student cap. Students usually drink champagne or sparkling wine; the traditional May Day treat at picnics is brushwood.

The apotheosis of student festivities is the placing of a cap on the head of the statue of the Havis Amanda (sea nymph) fountain in Helsinki. Moreover, a special cap was even made for these purposes - with a diameter of 85 centimeters.

In Portugal, in Porto and Coimbra, a large student festival, Keima, takes place in May. It begins at midnight with loud student serenades at the monument to one of the Portuguese kings. Musical groups perform in the city park. The culmination of the holiday is a solemn procession of students through the entire city. University students dress in their uniforms and hold sticks with ribbons tied to them. A church service is held at the stadium, after which the ribbons of each university are ceremonially burned (another name for this holiday is “ribbon burning”).

In Russia, students celebrate their holiday on Tatyana's Day (January 25) - the day of the Great Martyr Tatyana, who is considered the patron saint of all students. On this day in 1755, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of the Moscow state university. Since 2006, Tatyana's Day, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, has become a national holiday - the Day of Russian Students.

On November 17 of every year, for more than 70 years, the student world celebrates its international holiday. Student's Day today is a joyful holiday that symbolically unites young men and women from many countries. The history of the origin of the international holiday, however, is by no means so joyful.

International Students Day is traditionally celebrated on November 17th. This date was approved in 1946 in Prague by decision of the World Congress of Students. Memorable date was not chosen by chance; it is dedicated to the Czech students who suffered on this day in 1939 at the hands of the Nazis. A peaceful demonstration in honor of the anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia turned into a massacre of the occupiers against those gathered, during which student Jan Opletal was killed. The student's funeral later escalated into a protest, leading to the arrest of more than 1,200 students, their imprisonment in a concentration camp, and the execution of nine activists. As a result, by decision of Hitler, all educational institutions in Czechoslovakia were closed until the end of the war. International Students Day is an occasion to unite all students, regardless of country, educational institution or faculty.

During the occupation of Prague by the Nazis, a youth resistance movement arose, whose members were Prague students. The young people went to a protest demonstration, at which they were captured and later executed. In honor of the fearless speech of students against violence and lawlessness, back in 1941, a student conference was held, at which they decided to establish a holiday of student unity and memory, and called it International Students' Day, and the date for its holding was chosen on November 17.

Student time is a special and unique time in the life of every person. Studying, living independently in dormitories and communicating with peers from other cities and countries help form the foundation for subsequent personal development, which is so necessary for the future, so student years are remembered forever, and not only by everyday tasks.

Students love and know how to celebrate! International Day is no exception; it is interesting and fun. Numerous concerts, competitions, KVN, sports competitions, hikes and excursions are traditional events of this day. Also popular literary readings, art song evenings, and, of course, discos. In honor of the International Students' Day, rallies and conferences are organized; young people have the opportunity to meet peers from other countries, make friends with them and get excellent language practice. This day already has its own traditions; many universities reward the best students, and also hold student balls and elect a queen and king.

If there are students among your loved ones, then do not forget to congratulate them on this day.

Congratulations to everyone who “gnaws the granite of science.” We wish you to acquire high-quality knowledge, gain life experience and master professional subtleties, not get sick and think positively and creatively. We wish students to find love and keep it for life!

Holiday traditions

There are some traditions that are associated with this day. Every year on November 17, memorial services for the victims are held without fail, in which representatives of various student and public organizations participate.

Ceremonies are also taking place at the cemetery in the small village of Nakla, where Jan’s grave is located. For example, in 1989, on the fiftieth anniversary of the guy’s death, at a memorial meeting held at the site of his burial, there were more than seventy-five thousand students from the most different countries peace.

In Russia, the tradition of celebrating “Student’s Day” has not yet fully developed. For the majority, this day is inconspicuous and not significant; for others, it is a reason to have fun; for only a small number of students, this is a symbolic day of unification, as well as increasing the importance of students in the political and public life countries.

There are several “Student Days” known in Russia. First- international ( November 17), A second coincides with Tatiana's day ( January 25). Or more precisely, happy day of the Great Martyr Tatiani, who is the patroness of all students. It turns out that one holiday is celebrated before the session, and another after its end.

In fact, not only students, but also working people, pensioners and so on need to know and remember about those young people who died from the fascist regime. We need to pray that peace and tranquility will remain throughout the entire Earth.

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A student is an amazing creature, ready to shed thirty sweats and learn eight hundred tricks just so as not to study. Happy International Student Day to the laziest, and therefore the most inventive, part of the population. Happy holiday, students!

You're sitting at a boring desk,
And in your dreams, you drink beer by the quart.
You are a student, a sufferer of sessions.
Founder of all professions.
Happy holiday to many nations,
Congratulations - a hundred ovation!
On World Student Day
Be like a face stone, -
Solid, strong and beautiful,
A playful ray from the sun!

Knowledge is our support,
Life is difficult without science!
Celebrating Student's Day
We are here today, friend!
We send open congratulations
To all our friends -
So that fortune smiles here and there,
To close the session,
And the test is easy,
And it helps with studying
Guiding Star!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Happy International Student Day.
Let all the sorrows and troubles
They will walk away from you.

May the school year be for you,
It will pass like a fleeting dream.
And let success follow.
Tell everyone boldly that I am a student.

My poem for you!
It lifted a lot of spirits.
Now you will be happy
And your dreams will come true.

A student celebrates his holiday
And he thinks about one thing:
My holiday will end soon,
There will be a session later.

He hung his head
And there’s no time for a holiday for him.
We'll ask: why aren't you happy?
Why aren't you walking?

And he will answer that the exam
After all, after the holiday to hand over,
And I don’t know him yet
Well, how am I going to answer?

Well what can I say?
You, students, why would you go out on a holiday?
Study subjects on time
And you won't have to suffer.

International Students Day
Have fun celebrating!
And then pass the exam for five,
To be an example to others.

Congratulations on Students' Day,
I wish you knowledge and joy.
There is a lot of happiness, a lot of money
And an easy Monday.

On this day let worries
They will fade into the background
And exams, tests
Let the dean himself storm.

Our job is to have fun
Party until the morning
And then let us dream
This is a glorious time!

Autumn, November seventeenth -
Students all over the world
On the calendar pages
It appears as a student's day.

Seventy years have already passed,
But no one will forget about it,
How they lay down just like that, for no reason
People into the ground, without any preludes...

Remember brother, you are a student too!
Say this word with pride
Make sure that pride is returned
It rained down on you again and again!

Student, there is so much in this sound.
And his life is probably not easy.
It’s uncomfortable to sleep in the lecture hall,
No one can cook delicious borscht.

I have to study and write at night,
Prepares for the exam the day before.
Catching freebies in the dorm windows,
We are frankly too lazy to wash the block according to schedule.

But the memory of those years will not fade.
Student life is a wonderful time.
Let's raise our drink glasses
And let's shout three cheers!

We wish you various miracles,
Great, sometimes just good.
Honorable teachers and good watchmen,
And of course, the right shoulder is nearby.

I hasten to congratulate you, dear friend,
Happy International Students' Day,
Our institute threw us a circle
And the childhood fairytale tape is forgotten.

Let them rush by at the speed of the year,
And the release will be very quickly,
And life flows on, like water,
You know, soon we will be economists!

The country rests on us, after all.
All our calculations will agree,
And the years of youth will merge with the soul,
And they will always burn in your memory!

Your student years will fly by quickly,
Our release is just around the corner,
It’s such a pity, my friend, to part with you,
Let's appreciate the moments now!

Being a student is fun, golden years!
On this holiday, my friend, smile.
Methods and functions, ancient peoples,
Lectures, tests, text translations,
Atlases, stories, natural wonders,
The night before the exam, codes and codes,
Logarithms, prefixes, rocks,
Summer, pine songs and hikes,
"Speckled" cards from a plump deck,
Planes, girls and snowboards from the mountains,
Whether it’s a session or practice, the main thing is to hang in there!
Troubles and adversities are equally divided,
This is our youth, this is our life.

International Students' Day, which is celebrated annually on November 17, should not be confused with the cheerful and joyful Tatyana's Day in January, a traditional holiday of Russian students. The history of International Students' Day, unfortunately, is connected with the tragic events of the Second World War. Most likely, this is not even a holiday, but a day of consolidation and solidarity of students from different countries of the world. The day when international students commemorate the victims of the fascist regime and express their strong protest against the outbreak of new bloody wars on earth.

The origin of International Students' Day is this. Back in 1939, on October 28, a demonstration took place in Prague in honor of the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state. Students from many Prague universities took part in it. By that time, Czechoslovakia was already occupied by German troops. During the dispersal of the demonstration, one of the students, Jan Opletal, was shot dead. Young Prague residents (including students and university teachers) turned the day of Jan’s funeral into a mass protest against this brutal murder. A few days later, in the early morning of November 17, hundreds of Protestants were arrested. Many were shot, many were sent to concentration camps. All educational institutions in Czechoslovakia, by order of Hitler, were immediately closed. They resumed work only after the end of the war. The exact number of victims of the bloody Prague events has not yet been established.

In 1942, the first international student anti-Nazi congress met in London, at which it was decided to make November 17 a day of remembrance for the fallen Czech students. Since then, November 17 is celebrated by all students, in all countries of the world, regardless of their nationality, skin color and religion.

Traditions of International Students' Day

On this day, memorial services are held, in which representatives of many international public and student organizations take part. Ceremonies also take place at the grave of Jan Opletal, which is located in the cemetery in the tiny Czech village of Nakla. For example, on the 50th anniversary of Jan’s death in 1989, more than 75 thousand students from almost all countries of the world attended a memorial rally that took place at his burial place.

It doesn’t matter at all how old you are, whether you are studying, working, or retired. Be sure to remember on November 17 all those people who fell from the bloody fascist regime and pray that peace and quiet will always reign on our Earth.

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