How to learn colors in English with fun games? Names of flowers in English for children English language learn English colors

Learning colors in English usually does not present any particular difficulties due to the clarity of the material being studied. In this article we will introduce you to what the primary colors are called in English with translation into Russian. Not all English language learners are familiar with English transcription, so we will teach you how to name colors in English with Russian pronunciation.

So, there are a huge number of colors and shades in the world. And not every one of them can be called in one word even in our native language, not to mention a foreign one. And in order not to have a shortage of words denoting colors in English, it is not necessary to study all possible color options. It will be enough to know a couple of dozen basic names that are most often used in speech.

Names of flowers in English

Here are the ten primary colors that children are first introduced to when learning English.

Yellow - yellow (Yelou) [ˈjeləʊ]

Green - green (green) [ɡriːn]

Blue - blue, blue (blue) [bluː]

Brown - brown [braʊn]

White - white (white) [waɪt]

Red - red (ed) [red]

Orange - orange (Orange) [ˈɒrɪndʒ ]

Pink - pink (pink) [pɪŋk]

Gray - gray (gray) [ɡreɪ]

Black - black (black) [blæk]

Pronouncing colors in English for children is usually not very difficult; most colors are denoted by monosyllabic words and are easy to remember.

After you have mastered the first ten colors in English, you can add ten more colors to your vocabulary that you can encounter quite often in different situations.

Beige - beige (beige) [beɪʒ]

Golden - golden, golden (Golden) [ˈɡəʊldən]

Emerald - emerald (Emerald) [ˈemərəld]

Coral - coral (koral) [ˈkɒrəl]

Copper - copper (kopa) [ˈkɒpə]

Olive - olive (Oliv) [ˈɒlɪv]

Purple - violet, purple (ash) [ˈpɜːpəl]

Silver - silver, silvery (silva) [ˈsɪlvə]

Lilac - lilac (lAilak) [ˈlaɪlək]

Khaki - khaki (kAki) [ˈkɑːki]

Thus, now you know the basic colors in English with transcription in Russian. There are twenty words in total, with which you can easily name the color of any item you need.

In addition to the name of the color, sometimes you need to name the shade. The names of shades can be indicated by adding certain adjectives to the main color. For example: bright, dark, light, etc. They will allow you to convey the color saturation of the described phenomenon or object. Here are words that will help you more accurately indicate the desired color.

Light- light (light) [laɪt]

Dark- dark (dak) [dɑːk]

Bright- bright (bright) [braɪt]

Dull- dim (dal) [dʌl]

Pale- pale (pale) [peɪl]

After you have learned the names of all colors in English, for better memorization and further training, you can try to name familiar objects in English, adding the name of the color to them. For example, a red sofa, a white refrigerator, light green walls, dark blue socks.

You also need to know how to correctly ask in English what color this or that object is. To do this, use the construction What color? (what colour). For example:

What is this?- What is this? (wat from zis?) [‘wɒt ɪz ðɪs]

This is a flower.- This is a flower. (zis from e flAua) [‘ðɪs ɪz ə ˈflaʊə]

What color is it?- What colour is he? (uot kala from it) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ɪt]

It is yellow.- He is yellow. (it from Yelou) [ɪtɪz ˈjeləʊ]

Learning colors in English in a playful way

If you are learning the names of colors in English with children, then you can come up with many fun game exercises. Starting from playing with pencils - asking what color the pencil you are holding is, and vice versa, so that the child asks the question.

One of the variants of such a game is “Guess”. One participant hides a pencil behind his back, and the second tries to guess what color the pencil is. This game uses the following structures:

- Is it...(color name)? - Is he...(color name)?

- Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)- Yes. (No)

For example:

The participant holds behind his back (a blue pencil)

Then asks the second player a question:

What color is the pencil?- What color is the pencil? (uot kala from ze pensil) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ðə ˈpensl]

The second player begins to guess:

Is it red?- He is red? (from it ed.) [ɪz ɪt red]

First participant:

No, it isn't.

Is it yellow?- He is yellow? (from it Yelou) [ɪz ɪt ˈjeləʊ]

No, it isn't.- No. (now, it iznt) [‘nəʊ ɪt ‘ɪznt]

Is it blue?- Is it blue? (from it blue) [ɪz ɪt bluː]

Yes, it is.- Yes. (es it from) [ˈjes it ‘iz]

Your questions on a walk or when putting away toys - “What color is this?” will also help children remember colors in English well. The more memory exercises you do, the faster and more lasting the effect will be.

So, as you can see, remembering the names of flowers in English will not be particularly difficult for either adults or children. Now you can go further in learning English. And most importantly, do not forget to return to the words you have learned from time to time and use them in combination with newly learned ones.

Color memorization exercise

To consolidate the result, right now, you can take the online exercise. We wish you success!

Complete the sentence with the missing word (color name)

Complete the sentences with the correct combinations of words

Make a proposal

    Colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like .

    Healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit.

If you are interested in learning English quickly and effectively, then register in our online training service Lim English and start exciting lessons!

Colors are the first thing a little person sees when he plunges into this wonderful, unknown world. Look into the child’s eyes: how much curiosity and delight there is in them. In childhood, the baby is surrounded by bright nature, colorful beautiful toys, and the love and care of the mother helps to understand all this colorful splendor. Using the examples of the objects around him, the child receives his first lessons in the color harmony of the world.

And no matter what language you teach your child, this rule remains the same - you need to start with learning colors. Today we will tell you how to teach children so that they can easily and quickly remember colors in English. So what should a parent or teacher know?

Colors in English There will be no complicated patterns here, because your child is still too small, which means you need to teach him extremely simply. We start with the names of the primary colors, having previously made available material in the form of colored cards. Cards can be replaced with figures of people, animals, fruits, and vegetables. It is very good if there is living material nearby in the form of a bouquet or dish with gifts from gardens and vegetable gardens. We teach not with a dull list, but with fun: for example, you can ask your child to pick out the most beautiful flower from a bouquet or eat the most delicious fruit and name its color in English. For example:

  • flower -is red
  • apple is yellow

Along the way, we learn simple phrases like:

  • What is the color?
  • This color is beautiful

By the way, children have an excellent perception of warm and cold colors. You can conduct a simple experiment by asking him to name a hot or cold color. He will almost certainly choose:

  • orange (yellow, red) is hot
  • white (blue) is cold - white (blue) cold

It’s just that the baby draws these sensations from nature. He already knows that the yellow sun warms, fire burns, and white (blue) snow is cold.

We also consolidate our knowledge through fun: we continuously play, watch cartoons and video lessons.

Turning a lesson into a game

The games we play are something like this:

  • reach the prize (toy) - you can play it as a board (floor) game, you can expand the game to the scale of the room, replacing, for example, playing fields on paper with real paths of colored traces
  • “repeat-confusing” - we repeat the colors and specifically name one incorrectly, the baby must correct this mistake himself, which will bring him a lot of joy
  • game for attention - we remove some color and ask the baby to say which one is missing
  • game “finish the verse” - we say the whole verse, and the ending must be said by the child

Here, for example, are the following poems:

  • we today ate what an apple... yellow!

Showing a tomato or a cherry, or a picture of fire: Flashcards for learning English

  • this color is the whole world warmed up and it's called... red!

Showing tree:

  • On the tree it's you look what kind of leaves does the tree have... green

Looking at the sky:

  • I look at the sky I love, because the sky is beautiful... blue
  • and in the sky there are horses swim by the clouds are beautiful, different,... white

Simple rhymes, but it really helps the baby remember the names in English.

We watch cartoons and study at the same time

Game video lessons in English Today, a lot of game video lessons in English on this topic have been released. Remember the wonderful cartoon about Shaun the Tank Engine; it is both a cartoon and a fascinating lesson. This video tells how the engine meets the robot and tells him about the full color palette using the example of the fruits and vegetables that he is carrying, and using the example of his and the robot's appearance. But for some reason the robot paints everything with its favorite white (apparently some kind of program glitch). The awakened engine grabs his head and offers to paint everything again.

By watching such videos, the child enjoys the cartoon and learns colors at the same time.

If trains and robots seem too iron-clad, then you can think of octopuses. I liked the fairy tale about the octopus Gonya, who really wanted to paint the underwater world and finally found jars of paint.

By the way, I remembered another good old video about octopuses:

If you think that the names of flowers in English are a purely feminine topic, we hasten to convince you.

Firstly, flowers and plants are British national symbols: rose(rose) - symbol of England, thistle(thistle) - symbol of Scotland, shamrock(shamrock) - symbol of Northern Ireland, daffodil(yellow daffodil) - symbol of Wales.

Secondly, many flower names are also used as female names: your new friend from Brighton or Edinburgh may be called Lily(like Harry Potter's mother) Iris(as the mother of U2 singer Bono), Rose(like the heroine of Titanic), Jasmine, Sage, Heather, , Poppy, Daisy or Myrtle.

Thirdly, many flowers give their names to shades that repeat their color:

  • - bright pink or red color
  • lavender- lavender, lavender, lilac color
  • periwinkle- pale blue with a lilac tint
  • primrose- pale yellow, lemon color
  • - violet, lilac color
  • fuchsia- fuchsia color, hot pink with a lilac tint

Do not forget that the names of colors are used to describe the pyramid of perfume aromas: the most popular notes remain peonyfreesia, jasmine, orange blossom,orchid, tuberose, gardenia.

Plus, a beautiful bouquet is still considered a nice gesture, and the names of the flowers will come in handy when ordering it at flowershop(flower shop). Watch the video in which teacher Dave explains how to order flowers for his girlfriend:

By the way, what is the difference between abouquet And abunchof flowers?

  • abouquetofflowers- a complex bouquet made from different types of flowers
  • abunchofflowers- a modest bouquet or armful of flowers of the same type
  • a pose- a small bouquet with shorter stems and simple design

So, our list of flowers in English with translation and transcription. Let's start with gardenflowers(garden flowers) and hothouseflowers(greenhouse flowers), which are often sold as cut flowers- cut flowers.
































lily of the valley

[͵lıl əv ðə ʹvælı]



























To remember the correct pronunciation of color names, turn on the video and repeat them after the announcer:

African violet

Saintpaulia, violet

Christmas cactus

[ˈkrɪsməs ˈkæktəs]

Schlumberger, Decembrist










How did some flower names appear in English? Let's dive into the etymology of beautiful flora!

  • (anemone)

Anemone is also known as anemone. The word, first recorded in English in the mid-1500s, may be derived from a Greek word literally meaning "daughter of the wind." It was believed that the brightly colored petals of this flower opened only when the wind blew.

  • (amaryllis)

In the poems of Theocritus, Ovid and Virgil, the name Amaryllis was often found, which was worn by beautiful village girls. Carl Linnaeus, the father of the modern system of classifying flora and fauna, used the name for a distinct family of flowers in the late 1700s. The name probably comes from a Greek verb meaning "to sparkle" or "to shine", an apt association for a flower whose long white petals flash with rich red stripes and veins.

  • (carnation)

There are two theories about the origin of the word, which came into English in the early 1500s. According to the first, - distorted coronation"coronation", perhaps because the flower's jagged petals resembled a crown, or because the garland of carnations was worn as a wreath. The second theory has to do with the connotation of the carnation flower: the word may come from a Middle French word “pink complexion”, which in turn is based on the Latin root caro“flesh” - it is found in not the most pleasant modern English words carnal"carnal" and carnage"massacre, slaughter."

  • (chrysanthemum)

In accordance with their etymology, chrysanthemum flowers are often bright yellow, almost golden in color. The word comes from Greek krysanthemon, meaning "golden flower". First component krysos"golden" is preserved in the English word chrysalis"pupa, cocoon." Second component anthos"flower" appears in the word anthology"anthology", literally - "collection of flowers". The colloquial name for chrysanthemums is mums- first appeared in the late 1800s.

  • DAISY(daisy)

Daisy can rightfully be considered the original English name of the flower. As attested in one of the earliest English-language written sources, the word daisy comes from the Old English combination dæ gesege“day eye”: the white petals of the flower close at sunset and open at dawn, like the “eye of day” that falls asleep and wakes up.

  • (forget-me-not)

Name forget- me- not- literal translation of Old French nemoubliez mye"do not forget me". Romantics of the Renaissance believed that if they wore these delicately colored flowers, their lovers would never forget them - so the humble flower became a symbol of fidelity and eternal love. Other languages ​​have also been translated nemoubliezmye literally: in German forget-me-not - Vergissmeinnicht, in Swedish - fö rgä tmigej, in Czech - nezabudka.

  • (lupine)

The elongated, tapering blue bunches of lupins in appearance hardly correspond to their etymology: comes from the Latin lupinus"wolfish" Where did such a ferocious name come from? Perhaps it was previously believed that flowers depleted the soil in which they grew, absorbing nutrients from it like wolves devouring prey. Most likely, this theory is still closer to folk etymology, because in fact, lupins enrich the soil and are valued for their nutritional properties seeds

  • PEONY(peony)

At the dawn of medicine, it was believed that peony was the name peony found already in Old English - had healing properties, so its name could be given in honor of Paean, the doctor who healed the gods and heroes in Greek mythology. A related word to modern peony is the word paean"song of praise" as Paean became identified with Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry.

  • TULIP(tulip)

Arriving in English via Dutch and German in the late 1500s, the word tulip actually comes from Turkish tü lbent, which developed from Persian dulband"turban". Obviously, to those who in the distant past endowed the tulip with this name, the flower was reminiscent of a men's headdress that was worn throughout the Middle East, India and the regions of northern and eastern Africa.

  • (violet)

Before the word came to mean the color purple in English (this happened in the late 1300s), the same word already meant a flower. comes from French or , and this French word comes from the Latin viola. This viola has no etymological connection with the name of a musical instrument viola"viola". Some linguists believe that in Latin this name came from the Greek name for a flower, ion. It is interesting to trace the connection between botany and chemistry: title iodine"iodine" comes from the Greek ioides"purple" because this chemical emits violet vapor.

Hello kids, their parents, nannies and teachers!

I have long noticed that together with numbers, children love to learn words for colors in English. Apparently therefore, according to the well-known law "The more interesting, the faster" They remember such words with lightning speed!

If you don't believe me, let's check it right now! Let's start with songs and videos, which, let me tell you, are simply abundant on the Internet. But I chose the coolest ones for you! And she provided a dictionary with translation for those without a single Russian word))

So, learning colors in English for children is our goal today! Go...

balloon - balloon
bye-bye - bye-bye
say “bye-bye” to all the beautiful balloons - say “bye-bye” to all the beautiful balloons!

Let "s learn the colors song together - Let's sing a song of flowers together
Apple is red - red apple
Leaves are green - leaves are green
Lemon is yellow - lemon yellow
Sky is blue - the sky is blue
Carrot is orange - orange carrots
Berries are purple - purple berries
Flowers are pink - pink flowers
Night and day for black and white - Night and day for black and white
Rainbows are always bright - rainbows are always bright

What colors do you like? — What colors do you like?
I like blue sky - I love the blue sky
I like green grass - I love green grass
I like purple butterflies - I love purple butterflies
I like yellow daisies - I love yellow daisies
Pink and orange sunsets
I like white - snowy white - I love white - snowy white
Black of the night - Black as night
I like the brown of the earth in the ground - I love brown like the earth
I like blueberry-pie - I love blueberry pie
Green cabbage and broccoli - green cabbage and broccoli
I like yellow corn - I love yellow grain
Orange carrots too - orange carrots too
White mashed potato - white puree
And a brown gravy stew
I like red strawberries - I love red strawberries
Purple grapes - purple grapes
I like pink grapefruit - I love pink grapefruit

There are also a lot of interesting things in Russian-language videos, but keep in mind that if the child is no more than 3 years old, it is better for him to be shown only English-language versions (those above). If he is older, it's up to you to decide. And if his age is approaching 8 years or older, then a video with Russian comments will be just right!

And here they are:

It's time to add to this riot of emotions voiced cards in the form of a table (under it you will find a printable file), which will help you repeat colors and come up with different games with them.

The following game came to my mind: The kid chooses any card from your hands at random. When he sees a color, you together or he himself must remember the word corresponding to the color, and then you go in search of an object of that color - at home, in the garden, on the street! When this stage is completed (several such lessons will be required), you can do the opposite - show the baby an object and ask him to find a card with the corresponding color and pronounce it. Or you offer him two verbal options, and he chooses.

You can make up games on the go - it's very easy and fun!

By the way, if you need some word with transcription, there is a service on the right sidebar that can provide it for you. Just enter a word and click “Transcribe”

And we continue:






File for downloading and printing cards with colors and words in English

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I will also be glad to receive your comments with your questions, wishes or thoughts on today's topic.

What is your favorite color called in English? Surely, it is very beautiful and melodic, like all the colors in English. Many of them represent the flower that gave them their name. And the shades and halftones actually sound like poetry. And the names of flowers in English greatly expand the vocabulary for and. Or bright Disney cartoons (a beautiful selection of cartoons in English for children and adults).

We usually teach colors in English in the first grade of school (if not earlier) or in early language courses. And these classes are easy and fun - the topic is pleasant. But we suggest you complicate the task a little and go further: start with primary colors, and then continue to study shades and midtones. A presentation with translation will make the task easier, and a transcription will help you work on pronunciation.

Basic colors in English with translation

We will repeat the basic, that is, the simplest, colors in order to use them to master more complex shades and learn how to use them in the text. Primary colors in English are the basis of the color wheel:

  • red - red
  • yellow [ˈjeləʊ] - yellow
  • cyan/blue [ˈsaɪ.ən]/ - blue

Mixing these colors forms additional (so-called “secondary”) colors:

  • orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ] - orange
  • green [ɡriːn] - green
  • violet/purple [ˈvaɪələt]/[ˈpɜːpl] - purple

But you can continue mixing and get even more complex shades:

  • light-green - light green
  • light-blue - blue
  • blue-green - sea wave color (blue-green)
  • dark-blue - blue
  • pink - pink
  • magenta - raspberry
  • brown - brown

Shades in English with translation

“Shade” in English is shade. Shade, like color, can be:

  • cool - cold
  • warm - warm
  • neutral - neutral
  • dull - dull
  • intense - saturated.

The formation of shades occurs not only in individual words, reflecting the result of mixing basic colors. That's why shades exist to lighten, darken and otherwise combine different colors. And for each action there is a special word:

  • light or pale - lighter
  • dark or deep - darker

You can simply say that the shade is something between two primary colors. In each case, the color name is written with a hyphen. For example:

  • red-orange – red-orange
  • blue-violet – blue-violet, ultramarine
  • pale-pink – pale pink
  • light-blue – light blue
  • dark-grey – dark gray
  • deep-red – burgundy, dark red.

But there is a nuance that is sometimes not taken into account in the American version of English (we wrote about the difference between American and British English in this article), but is important for the British one. The names of complex colors and shades are written with a hyphen if they come before a noun in a sentence, for example: a pale-pink dress (pale pink dress). If the name of the color does not appear before the noun, we write it without a hyphen: my favorite dress is pale pink (my favorite dress is pale pink).

Colors in English for children

Children easily remember colors in English, especially basic ones. Short words are quickly recorded in memory. And to remember more complex colors and shades, you can use a game with illustrations for children, in which the name of the color is associated with the name of a beautiful flower, juicy fruit or delicious dessert. Eg:

What is drawn

Color in English


Color in Russian

Lilac branch


[ˈvaɪə.lət ]











Lavender flowers




Olives (green)






For the educational game you need to make cards. Flowers and fruits will be drawn on the front side, and on the back - the names of objects, their colors in English, translation of flowers from English into Russian, transcription of flowers.

The game begins with a picture: show it to the kids and ask: “What is drawn in the picture?”
They need to answer in English.
After that, you ask: “What color is... (name of object)?”
The answer is the name of the color in English.

Colors in English for adults

You may be surprised and say: what nonsense?! Adults already know what colors are called in English! Don't rush to conclusions. There are so many complex shades and color nuances that it is almost impossible to know them all in English. And they are interesting and important to everyone who is interested in fashion and follows fashion blogs (by the way, an excellent additional source of information for deepening English). And the standard colors of the basic wardrobe of white (white), black (black), gray (grey - BrE / gray - AmE) and beige (beige) are definitely not enough for this.

Look what beautiful and deep colors there are in English:

turquoise - turquoise
maroon - dark burgundy, chestnut
carnation - hot pink
eggplant - eggplant
poppy red - scarlet, poppy
scarlet - crimson red
vermillion - cinnabar, matte red
cerise - light cherry
honeydew - honey
charcoal - dark gray, charcoal, graphite
taupe - gray-brown
teal - rich blue-green
copper - copper
tawny - dark yellow
chlorine - light green
azure - azure
candy apple red - red - apple in caramel
burgundy - burgundy, wine
mahogany - mahogany
champagne - champagne (pale fawn)
chamoisee - the color of the Alpine goat
ecru - unbleached flax (ecru)
khaki - khaki
ochre - ocher
old gold - old gold
ash gray - ash gray
glaucous - bluish, grayish
ghost white - ghostly white
cosmic latte - cosmic latte
baby blue - very light pure blue
denim - denim
salmon pink - salmon pink
Mountbatten pink - Mountbatten's pink (pink with a hint of purple and gray)
the color of Parisian mud - the color of Parisian mud (dirty brown with a bluish undertone)
Maiden's Blush - the color of the thigh of a frightened nymph (the color of a pale blush).

There are stylish shades for different looks and seasons. Therefore, we sincerely advise you to constantly learn colors in English, learn new beautiful combinations and, of course, apply this knowledge in practice.

PS.: We have also selected for you the best English learning courses for children For other cities, we recommend using a filter by city, or selecting one for yourself .

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