What is the main idea of ​​the singer's story? Turgenev "Singers": analysis. Means of artistic expression

independently formulate the main idea of ​​the story singers

  1. "Singers" by Turgenev, as far as I remember?

    In the story of the Singers, which tells about the Russian, truthful, hot soul of the peasant-otkhodnik Yashka the Turk, which sounded and breathed in him and grabbed his heart, grabbed right by his Russian strings, with the help of the song the national character of the hero is revealed. The writer makes the hero a kind of bearer of the folk element. Turgenev reproduces the life of the village, and describes the Prytynny tavern, one of the village taverns.
    Turgenev shows the talented soul of the Russian peasant. What kind of strength and power must a talent have so that it doesn’t get killed? serfdom! In the voice of Yashka the Turk one could hear “genuine deep passion, and youth, and strength, and sweetness, and some kind of fascinatingly carefree, sad sorrow. The Russian truthful, ardent human essence sounded and breathed in him, and just grabbed you by the heart, grabbed right by his Russian strings."
    Turgenev revealed to readers the moral heights of the peasant soul, showed how steadfastly, without losing courage and human dignity, these people endure hunger, poverty, and landowner tyranny.

    Well, if it’s very short, then:
    Even simple peasants can have great talent, regardless of their position in society.
    The Russian people are talented!

  2. The uniqueness of Russia.

    Its wealth lies in the talents of the people who inhabit it.

>Essays based on the work Singers

The main idea of ​​the work

The main character of the work, who is also the narrator, accidentally ended up in a small village called Kotlovka. There he learned from local residents that a song competition would be held in the Prytynny tavern, to which everyone was invited. There were two participants in the competition - a rower from Zhizdra and Yakov the Turk. The first one looked about thirty years old, thin, short, with a thin beard. His voice was pleasant and sweet. He tried his best to please others, so he was very worried.

Yashka was approximately twenty-three years old. He was born from a Russian officer and a captured Turkish woman. The people of Kotlovka knew that his voice was excellent. As soon as he began to sing some melodic song, at the same time full of sad sorrow, everyone froze. He looks slender, thin, with large gray eyes. At first he was timid and a little embarrassed, but then, as he began to sing his deep song, everyone present in “Prytynny” was delighted. Even the Wild Master shed a stingy tear.

The rower himself admitted defeat. After the competition, everyone began to celebrate Yashkina’s victory. The narrator quickly left, not wanting to spoil the impressions of what he saw and heard. In my opinion, the main idea that the author wanted to convey with this story is that ordinary peasants can have great talent, regardless of their position in society. The Russian people are talented in everything, and even more so in singing. If in the Russian outbacks they sing out a choir, it’s from the heart. The Russian, truthful essence is capable of touching any, even the strictest hearts.

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In the story “Singers,” the author talks about the impression singing makes on a Russian person, and at the same time gives an image of a talented singer from the people’s environment. In the tavern there is a singing competition between the rower from Zhizdra and Yashka the Turk.

The first one begins a cheerful song, full of all sorts of curlicues and clicks; general delight serves as his reward. The second one takes the stage; he begins the mournful song “There was more than one path in the field.” At first he sings timidly, but gradually he becomes inspired, takes control of himself, and his sad Russian song sounds wide, it “smells something familiar and unimaginably wide, as if the familiar steppe is spreading out before the listeners, going into an endless distance...”

This song has the most amazing effect on listeners: some stand as if numb, others sob; They were influenced by that sincerity, that deep feeling with which the song of the talented Yakov was imbued. In the tavern a kind of tournament is organized between the singers. Here is a rower singing a cheerful, dance song.

He begins to make such curlicues, clicked and drummed his tongue so frantically, played with his throat so furiously that when he let out his last, fading voice, the general united cry of the listeners answered him with a frantic explosion. But then Yakov appears on the stage. He leaned against the wall; his eyes barely flickered through his lowered eyelashes.

He took a deep breath and sang... gradually warming up and expanding, his mournful song poured out: “There was more than one path in the field...” “He sang, and everyone present felt sweet,” says Turgenev, “both sweet and eerie... His song grew, spread. Jacob, apparently, was overcome by rapture... he gave himself entirely to his happiness. The blood began to boil in my heart and tears rose to my eyes. Muffled, restrained sobs,” Turgenev continues, “struck me... I looked around - the kisser’s wife was crying, leaning her chest against the window...” Yakov finished. The listeners all stood as if speechless. The clerk quietly stood up and went to Yakov. “You... your... you won,” he said with difficulty and rushed out of the room. Yes. It is not prowess or a cheerful song that touches a Russian person, although there is a lot of room for it in him. Russian people need sincerity.”

In “The Singers,” Turgenev depicts the amazing effect of music and song on Russian people of the most diverse characters. In the unsightly surroundings of a tavern, a competition between two singers takes place, and the pure spirit of art purifies and enlightens everything around. The soldier from Zhizdra and Yashka the Turk compete, and the audience watches the outcome of the noble struggle with a sinking heart. Yakov turns out to be the winner.

This is how Turgenev describes his singing: “Little by little, warming up and expanding, a mournful song poured out. The listeners responded with all their hearts to the inspired singing: the author felt that “tears began to boil in his heart and rose to his eyes”; he saw that “the kisser’s wife was crying, leaning her chest against the window”; the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich looked down; the frivolous and incongruous Obolduy, an outsider and casual witness of the competition, and the stern “Wild Master” himself were touched.

Yakov's rival, the rower, was the first to admit defeat. Turgenev depicts the Russian soul in “Singers” as sensitive and tenderly responsive to the impressions of art, and the author subtly noticed the folk characteristics, the folk features of the broad and free Russian song.

Essay based on Turgenev’s story “The Singers”

How the rower sang and how Yashka sang

Based on the story “Singers” by I.S. Turgenev

The story “Singers” is about a competition between the best singers in the neighborhood: Yakov Turk and the rower.
The rower sang a cheerful, dance song. I think it was no coincidence that he chose such a song: the singer knew what kind of audience he would have to perform in front of. These were knowledgeable people who understood musical creativity. He tried to show all his skills. Used complex techniques. He sang at very high notes, then fell sharply down. The rower got his way, and the listeners sang along with him.
Yashka, on the contrary, sang a mournful song. I think this song had something to do with him, with his childhood. It was a simple Russian song. Yashka sang it from the heart, he did not try to prove anything to anyone. His voice was trembling, but at the same time sincere. The audience could think of nothing but his singing. When Yakov finished singing, even the rower himself stood up, agreed with his victory and left.
Yakov Turk's singing was soulful, and the rower's singing was professional. But the audience was more touched by Yashka’s song.

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