What kind of reasoning are there? Reasoning and its types. Typical text fragments


    Organizational moment

    Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson:


Be able to


3 . Teacher's word

Today, the poet and writer of our region, Alexander Egorov, is invisibly present during the entire lesson with us. Most of the texts that I will offer you are excerpts from his autobiographical novel “The Taiga Recluse.” I hope that you will carefully read and listen to these lines, and enjoy the beauty of nature that he glorifies.

4. Conversation.

What types of speech do you know?

What type of speech do you use when telling your friend about your vacation? About the painting you saw at the exhibition? Why did you act this way and not otherwise?

5..Work on texts from A. Egorov’s book “The Taiga Recluse.” Task: determine the type of text.

Explanation algorithm:

On the first clear day of our stay in Forks, the heat was felt even before noon... True, it was not dry, sweltering heat. The moisture softened the sun's rays, and the earth basked, rejoiced at the bright flood, rested...

The birches, caught by the first frosts of the approaching autumn, glowed with pure red gold; the rowan, bird cherry and aspen bushes glowed with crimson and a muted variegated purple; and against this light and bright glow of the withered forest, the black-green, sharp-toothed combs of fir trees stood out especially clearly...

6. Conversation:

What type of text do you use during an argument?

What is a dispute? ( According to the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, dispute is a verbal competition, a discussion of something in which everyone defends their opinion.

And when do you quarrel? (According to S. I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, a quarrel is a verbal altercation)

7. Working with texts. The scene is played out:

1) Listen. (Zakhar and Maxim). Tell me what the characters are arguing about. How many points of view are expressed? What evidence is provided?

Uncle Fedor says:

State cow. This means that the calf is also a state calf.

But the cat disagrees:

The cow is truly a state cow. But everything she gives is ours. Now, if we rent a refrigerator, whose is it?


Right. And whose is the frost it produces?

Our frost. We take it for frost.

It's the same here. Everything the cow gives belongs to us. That's why we took it.

But we took one cow. And now we have two. Since the cow is not ours, that means the calf is not ours.

Speech by student

2) Listen. (Kostya and Nikita) What is this: an argument or a quarrel? Justify.

A passing boy brushes his shoulder against another.

Don't cling!

Who's clinging?

You're clinging!

I'm not clinging! You're clinging to yourself!

Am I clinging?

Yes. You!

Yes, you know... Do you know who? - pushes him.

You yourself! – and also pushes.

3) Conclusion: how is a dispute different from a quarrel?

4) Formative assessment: students speak out.

8. Creative work.

Try to argue about something.

Students in pairs choose a subject of dispute and discuss it. Then some of them present the argument to the class. The others discuss the pros and cons of each argument.

9. Problem situation

How concepts are interconnecteddispute Andreasoning ?

(Each arguer argues.)

Arrange the elements of the argument in the right order: conclusion, thesis, arguments.

Explain each element.

9.Explanation of new material. Types of reasoning: R - explanation, R - proof, R - reflection,

Reasoning - a type of text (type of speech) that contains evidence, an explanation of a thought. The reasoning has a special structure and clear form. It uses not a plot, but a logical method of construction. The argumentative text is divided into three parts. The first part (thesis) contains any idea that is explained, confirmed or refuted in the second part (proof). A number of arguments, facts, and examples are given. Finally, a conclusion is drawn.

Thesis, Evidence, Conclusion. Thesis Thesis and conclusion proof

INreasoning - explanation is stated as an explanation of some phenomenon. This is the generally accepted explanation. For example, why is it dark at night and light during the day? The reasoning text talks about the causes of phenomena. These reasons cannot be seen, they can only be understood.

Reasoning - proof allows you to establish the truth of a phenomenon. Is a book friend or foe?.

Reasoning-reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is constructed, as a rule, in question-and-answer form. In such reasoning, questions may or may not be reflected in the text. Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc. A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other.

10.Creative work. For the stated topic, determine the type of reasoning:

Computer – friend or foe?.D Why do the leaves fall? O The word “running” is a noun? P Why was the pencil called that? P Is it good or bad to study well?

11.Work on texts from A. Egorov’s book “The Taiga Recluse.” Assignment: determine the type of text - reasoning.

Why didn't the Lady bark when the wolf approached the window? – the young beekeeper began to think. – Didn’t she see him? It can’t be...Did I see him or what? But I didn’t sleep... I got up, stood up, and then I saw him... And the teeth, these teeth... I won’t sleep now, I’ll sit all night...

They say: it is impossible to remember in a few seconds what happened to you for a long time. No, this is possible. It happens that your memory suddenly lights up and skips dozens of pictures in succession: the birch tree of your childhood, and farewell to the war. And the first losses of friends... And the strength will rise in you with new pressure, the thought will work at a frantic, accelerated pace... D

12. Summing up.

Questions and tasks for self-test:

1. What is reasoning?

2. What types of reasoning do you know?

3. What scheme is the reasoning-proof based on?

4. What is reasoning-reflection?

5. What is reasoning-explanation?

Scheme of text construction - reasoning.

Thesis Proof Conclusion. Thesis - this is the main idea of ​​the essay, the statement that will be proven.Thesis and conclusion may coincide with each other, and then only two parts are distinguished: thesis and explanation or explanation and conclusion. If the conclusion reached by the author of the argument repeats the thesis, then there is no need to repeat it. Sometimes there is no conclusion because it is obvious. INproof 3-4 arguments are used, rarely more. The bridges connecting the first two parts of the argument will be words - connectives:because, since, because, for. The next two parts of the argument will connect such words: therefore, therefore, thus, thus

INreasoning - explanation is stated as an explanation of some phenomenon. This is the generally accepted explanation. For example, why is it dark at night and light during the day? Why do the leaves fall? The reasoning text talks about the causes of phenomena. These reasons cannot be seen, they can only be understood.

Reasoning - proof allows you to establish the truth of a particular phenomenon. For example, is the Book outdated or still modern?. The peculiarity of this text is that it shows two different points of view on one phenomenon and proves the validity of one. Essays can be constructed both as reasoning - statements (the truth of the proposition put forward is proven) and as reasoning - refutation (falsity is proven). A certain point of view is proven or refuted with the help of arguments, comments, examples from life that reveal the topic, of which there should be at least three, and maybe more.

Reasoning-reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is constructed, as a rule, in question-and-answer form. In such reasoning, questions may or may not be reflected in the text. Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc. A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other: exposition (leading to a problematic issue) → system problematic issues and answers to them → conclusions.

1. On the first clear day of our stay in Razvilki, the heat was felt even before noon... True, it was not dry, sweltering heat. The moisture softened the sun's rays, and the earth basked, rejoiced at the bright flood, rested...

It is impossible to live without a homeland. She is always with us, in our entire being, in every hidden corner of our memory. We may not say high words about it, but always, in the coolest moments of life, when it becomes painful or difficult for us, it appears before our eyes in its piercing clarity and boundless power...

The stars, as if scattered across the black sky like handfuls of grain, shone in thick nests and rare uneven clusters, shining brightly and clearly, as if they had just been washed clean. And the edge of the eastern horizon of the sky, as if hidden, was already shimmering in the blue light: the moon would soon emerge from there...

Senka looked at the terrible fanged mouth of the bear, at his angry and sad eyes. I took aim. Looks like he took good aim. Under the ear. He smoothly pulled the trigger, and the powerful charge from the gun pushed Senka in the shoulder so hard that he almost fell back. The shot turned out to be fatal for the clubfoot. He went limp all at once and helplessly stuck his nose in the snow...

2.- Why didn’t the Lady bark when the wolf approached the window? – the young beekeeper began to think. – Didn’t she see him? It can’t be...Did I see him or what? But I didn’t sleep... I got up, stood up, and then I saw him... And the teeth, these teeth... I won’t sleep now, I’ll sit all night...

-(The prisoners hid under the window.) What to do now? Run? But where? And How? Nearby, the Lady, all bandaged, was fast asleep. She had to sleep for 24 hours for the wounds to heal. Should I really abandon the dog that saved me? Alone in the house? No no! To escape - so together, to perish - so together.r

War! God! God! So what will happen now? They will take all the men, and we and the children will work. And we will feed ourselves and our soldiers, otherwise how else, who will protect us? The damned war will bring so much grief, but we will survive everything! ABOUT

They say: it is impossible to remember in a few seconds what happened to you for a long time. No, this is possible. It happens that your memory suddenly lights up and skips dozens of pictures in succession: the birch tree of your childhood, and farewell to the war. And the first losses of friends... And the strength will rise in you with new pressure, the thought will work at a frantic, accelerated pace... D

Explanation algorithm:

1.Name the intended type of speech. (This is a text -...)

2. Prove your assumption. (Because it answers the question which? (Description) Or where? who? where? when? (narration) or why? (reasoning)

3. You can draw 1-2 illustrations for this text (Description), many illustrations (Narration), it is impossible to illustrate (reasoning)

4. Conclusion. (Hence.... So... this is the text....

Explanation algorithm:

1.Name the intended type of speech. (This is a text -...)

2. Prove your assumption. (Because it answers the question which? (Description) Or where? who? where? when? (narration) or why? (reasoning)

3. You can draw 1-2 illustrations for this text (Description), many illustrations (Narration), it is impossible to illustrate (reasoning)

4. Conclusion. (Hence.... So... this is the text....

Explanation algorithm:

1.Name the intended type of speech. (This is a text -...)

2. Prove your assumption. (Because it answers the question which? (Description) Or where? who? where? when? (narration) or why? (reasoning)

3. You can draw 1-2 illustrations for this text (Description), many illustrations (Narration), it is impossible to illustrate (reasoning)

4. Conclusion. (Hence.... So... this is the text....

Explanation algorithm:

1.Name the intended type of speech. (This is a text -...)

2. Prove your assumption. (Because it answers the question which? (Description) Or where? who? where? when? (narration) or why? (reasoning)

3. You can draw 1-2 illustrations for this text (Description), many illustrations (Narration), it is impossible to illustrate (reasoning)

4. Conclusion. (Hence.... So... this is the text....

Reasoning as a type monologue speech

Reasoning is a type of speech whose purpose is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought. From a logical point of view, reasoning is a chain of conclusions on any topic, presented in a sequential form.

Reasoning is a series of judgments related to any issue. In this case, judgments follow one after another in such a way that the second necessarily follows from the first judgment, and as a result we receive an answer to the question posed. One of the judgments contains a general rule (major premise), the other contains a special case (minor premise).

So, the reasoning is based on a conclusion, for example:

“All citizens of Kazakhstan have the right to education.

Akhmetov is a citizen of Kazakhstan. Therefore, Akhmetov has the right to education.” However, inference is rarely found in its pure form in speech. More often it appears in the form of reasoning.

Reasoning as a type of speech is widely found in scientific style, for example: “Term (lat. terminus– border, limit) is a word or phrase that is the name of a certain concept of some special field of science, technology, or art. The term has only one meaning." ( S.I. Ozhegov).

In fiction, the writer (often through the mouth of his characters) speaks about those eternal truths: love, hate, life, death. Here is one of the texts-reasonings belonging to the classic of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbayev:

“Does a person have anything more valuable than his heart? But among us Kazakhs, among all the qualities of the heart, only militancy or valor is recognized. We do not distinguish other properties of this noble organ. Meanwhile, compassion, kindness, and cordiality towards people, even strangers and strangers, and justice towards them, when you do not wish for them anything that you do not wish for yourself, all this is under the control of the heart. When the tongue obeys the heart, lies are trampled underfoot.”

By including reasoning in a literary text, the writer directly expresses his thoughts and views, trying not only artistically, but also philosophically to comprehend reality.

Types of reasoning

There are three types of reasoning: reasoning-explanation, reasoning-proof, reasoning-reflection.

Reasoning-proof is built according to the following scheme: exposition (summarizing the question) – question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

The proof of the truth of the thesis becomes the main part of the text-reasoning.

Explanatory reasoning assumes that the main statement of the text is true, so there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis. the main task of the text is to reveal the content of the thesis.

When constructing argumentative texts, you should rely on the following rules:

1. Proof and explanation are built according to the same scheme: exposition - question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

2. After the thesis in the proof, the natural question is Why?, after the thesis in the explanation question Why? seems artificial and out of place.

3. After the thesis, the explanation usually uses words and expressions like: it turned out..., the thing is..., that..., that's why..., that's..., for example..., this is evidenced by such facts as..., as it turned out...

4. The scheme of reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation in practice is quite often implemented in an abbreviated form: sometimes the question is omitted, often there are no conclusions, often there is no exposition. In all cases, the omission is explained by the fact that the reasoning is understandable without the missing components of the “ideal” reasoning, since all these missing components are easily conjectured or implied. Thus, the obligatory parts of the argument are the thesis and its proof. Exposition, problematic issue, conclusions can either be present in the text or absent.

Here is an example of a text-reasoning (reasoning-proof):

“A complex syntactic whole is a speech unit, a segment of speech consisting of several sentences united in meaning. This series of sentences also has another name - “supraphrasal unity.” Why superphrasal? Because this unity goes beyond one sentence. Most often it coincides with a paragraph. The paragraph is characterized by the unity of the topic. The transition to a new topic should be indicated in writing by a new paragraph. But it also doesn’t happen that way...”


Reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is constructed, as a rule, in question-and-answer form. In such reasoning, questions can be reflected in the text. Or they may not receive it.

Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other:

1) exposition (leading to a problematic issue);

2) system of problematic questions and answers to them;

3) conclusions.

If you need to construct a statement like a reflection, you need to start understanding the topic and selecting material for its disclosure from a system of questions. Naturally, not all questions that arise at the pre-text stage are then reflected in the text - moreover, they can be omitted altogether, they have fulfilled their role. But they can remain in the text, serving as bonds between the individual parts of the text-reflection (left in the text, they seem to reveal and demonstrate the train of thought). When creating reasoning and reflection, attention should be paid to solving problematic questions and answering them. Such a text is characterized by the same linguistic means as reasoning as a type of speech: Compare:

“Mother is the earth, why don’t the mountains fall, why don’t the lakes overflow when people like Suvankul and Kasym die? Both of them - father and son - were great grain growers. The world has always been supported by such people, they feed it, give it water, and in war they protect it, they are the first to become warriors. If not for the war, how many more things Suvankul and Kasym would have done, how many more people they would have given the fruits of their labor, how many more fields they would have sown, how much more grain they would have threshed. And having been rewarded a hundredfold by the labors of others, how many more joys of life would you see! Tell me, mother earth, tell me the truth: can people live without war? (Ch. Aitmatov).

Speech concepts:

Antithesis– a statement opposite to the thesis.

Argument- proof.

Argumentation– proof of the correctness of a certain thesis.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech whose purpose is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought.

Thesis– the main statement or several statements of the argumentative text.

Exposition– part of the text leading to the question (or introduction to the topic of discussion).

Control questions and tasks

Exercise 1.

Read the text. Define main idea text. Tell me whether the author proves it or explains it. Justify your answer. Name the linguistic means inherent in this type of reasoning.

Science is generally a very exciting activity. Who hasn’t dreamed or doesn’t dream of making some great discovery or inventing something that people need? So, science all consists of discoveries and inventions. Let these discoveries concern seemingly very insignificant things, for example, the history of one word or even one sound. Such discoveries will not necessarily make you famous, except for a small circle of scientists who study the same problems. But these are still discoveries. And how happy is a person who, one might say, makes discoveries every day throughout his life!

Task 2 .

Read the text. Make a question plan for it. Mark the boundaries of the compositional parts of the text (exposition (summary to the question) – question – answer – explanation – conclusions). Describe the linguistic means inherent in reasoning. Find in the text cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena in question.

During further investigation, it turned out that the investigator's reasoning was quite correct. He was able to correctly determine the course of the investigation only because he understood the essential features of each of the alleged facts. So:

1) loading such a large number of cigarettes would require at least three quarters of an hour. The warehouse is located on a crowded street. The crime was committed between 17:30 and 18:30. Therefore, there must be witnesses who at that time passed by the tobacco warehouse and should have noticed a car parked in front of the warehouse;

2) unknown criminals presented identification. Therefore, the certificate was issued to a specific person. It can be assumed that the criminal forged the identity card, or stole it, or someone lost it, and the criminal took advantage of it;

3) we are talking about a relatively large number of cigarettes. It is very difficult to kidnap him right away. It is difficult to sell such a large quantity of cigarettes. If the theft was carried out gradually, it means that the criminal hid it in sophisticated ways. The audit authorities had not previously identified any shortages in the warehouse. Therefore, there must be traces of this criminal activity in the accounting records.

Having made certain conclusions, the investigator began checking his versions, and soon the crime was solved.

Task 3.

Read the poem. Highlight the structural parts in the text that are characteristic of the argument. Learn the poem by heart. Write an essay-reasoning “Why I love my native land.”

“No, you didn’t think, - it’s a young thing, -

Until he left for war,

What a dear happiness this is -

Have your own side.

To have, love and remember a dear corner,

Where are the trees that my father planted?

Where there are, perhaps, great-grandfathers' graves,

Even if you never went to see them.

Although I wouldn’t be there very often,

But I felt more pain later,

What a bitter misfortune this is -

Suddenly lose that very region and home.

Wherever you are - in the fire of the front lines,

In the North or somewhere in Crimea,

In the Smolensk region or here in Ukraine, -

You are going to your home today.

You walk with people in invincible formation,

Everyone has their own side.

Everyone has their own home, their own garden, their own beloved brother,

And everyone has one homeland!” (A.T. Tvardovsky)

Task 4.

Read the text, formulate its topic and give a title.

Find words in the text that are new to you and find out the meaning of these words in the dictionary.

By what good efforts can human nature be corrected? What should be done so that humanity learns to live in peace? These questions have troubled the minds and consciences of the best people for centuries.

Nady ma? Onda old man bolis!

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Rakhmet retinde zharnamalardyn bireuin basuda suraimyn!

Reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is constructed, as a rule, in question-and-answer form. In such reasoning, questions can be reflected in the text. Or they may not receive it.

Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other:

3) conclusions.

If you need to construct a statement like a reflection, you need to start understanding the topic and selecting material for its disclosure from a system of questions. Naturally, not all questions that arise at the pre-text stage are then reflected in the text - moreover, they can be omitted altogether, they have fulfilled their role. But they can remain in the text, serving as bonds between the individual parts of the text-reflection (left in the text, they seem to reveal and demonstrate the train of thought). When creating reasoning and reflection, attention should be paid to solving problematic questions and answering them. Such a text is characterized by the same linguistic means as reasoning as a type of speech: Compare:

“Mother is the earth, why don’t the mountains fall, why don’t the lakes overflow when people like Suvankul and Kasym die? Both of them - father and son - were great grain growers. The world has always been supported by such people, they feed it, give it water, and in war they protect it, they are the first to become warriors. If not for the war, how many more things Suvankul and Kasym would have done, how many more people they would have given the fruits of their labor, how many more fields they would have sown, how much more grain they would have threshed. And having been rewarded a hundredfold by the labors of others, how many more joys of life would you see! Tell me, mother earth, tell me the truth: can people live without war? (Ch. Aitmatov).

Speech concepts:

Antithesis– a statement opposite to the thesis.

Argument- proof.

Argumentation– proof of the correctness of a certain thesis.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech whose purpose is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought.

Thesis– the main statement or several statements of the argumentative text.

Exposition– part of the text leading to the question (or introduction to the topic of discussion).

Test questions and assignments

Exercise 1.

Read the text. Determine the main idea of ​​the text. Tell me whether the author proves it or explains it. Justify your answer. Name the linguistic means inherent in this type of reasoning.

Science is generally a very exciting activity. Who hasn’t dreamed or doesn’t dream of making some great discovery or inventing something that people need? So, science all consists of discoveries and inventions. Let these discoveries concern seemingly very insignificant things, for example, the history of one word or even one sound. Such discoveries will not necessarily make you famous, except for a small circle of scientists who study the same problems. But these are still discoveries. And how happy is a person who, one might say, makes discoveries every day throughout his life!

Task 2.

Read the text. Make a question plan for it. Mark the boundaries of the compositional parts of the text (exposition (summary to the question) – question – answer – explanation – conclusions). Describe the linguistic means inherent in reasoning. Find in the text cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena in question.

During further investigation, it turned out that the investigator's reasoning was quite correct. He was able to correctly determine the course of the investigation only because he understood the essential features of each of the alleged facts. So:

1) loading such a large number of cigarettes would require at least three quarters of an hour. The warehouse is located on a crowded street. The crime was committed between 17:30 and 18:30. Therefore, there must be witnesses who at that time passed by the tobacco warehouse and should have noticed a car parked in front of the warehouse;

2) unknown criminals presented identification. Therefore, the certificate was issued to a specific person. It can be assumed that the criminal forged the identity card, or stole it, or someone lost it, and the criminal took advantage of it;

3) we are talking about a relatively large number of cigarettes. It is very difficult to kidnap him right away. It is difficult to sell such a large quantity of cigarettes. If the theft was carried out gradually, it means that the criminal hid it in sophisticated ways. The audit authorities had not previously identified any shortages in the warehouse. Therefore, there must be traces of this criminal activity in the accounting records.

Having made certain conclusions, the investigator began checking his versions, and soon the crime was solved.

Task 3.

Read the poem. Highlight the structural parts in the text that are characteristic of the argument. Learn the poem by heart. Write an essay-reasoning “Why I love my native land.”

“No, you didn’t think, - it’s a young thing, -

Until he left for war,

What a dear happiness this is -

Have your own side.

To have, love and remember a dear corner,

Where are the trees that my father planted?

Where there are, perhaps, great-grandfathers' graves,

Even if you never went to see them.

Although I wouldn’t be there very often,

But I felt more pain later,

What a bitter misfortune this is -

Suddenly lose that very region and home.

Wherever you are - in the fire of the front lines,

In the North or somewhere in Crimea,

In the Smolensk region or here in Ukraine, -

You are going to your home today.

You walk with people in invincible formation,

Everyone has their own side.

Everyone has their own home, their own garden, their own beloved brother,

And everyone has one homeland!” (A.T. Tvardovsky)

Task 4.

Read the text, formulate its topic and give a title.

Find words in the text that are new to you and find out the meaning of these words in the dictionary.

By what good efforts can human nature be corrected? What should be done so that humanity learns to live in peace? These questions have troubled the minds and consciences of the best people for centuries.

Many scientists have tried to change people's lives for the better. They have written many books and put forward a variety of ideas and thoughts.

Some of them argued that a person can become purer and more perfect by knowing the nature of the Creator of the universe and devoting himself to serving God. Others suggested that achieving harmony human society possible by abolishing the government. Others advocated for universal freedom, so that everyone could live according to their own understanding and desire. While some saw the salvation of humanity in universal enlightenment, others tried to equalize the rights of the rich and the poor, and still others believed that a person could be changed by education. There were also those who argued: since life on earth itself is a continuous, merciless struggle for existence, people must live following these laws.

I am convinced that none of these ideas can bring changes to human nature.

In my opinion, the basis for a person’s good life should be honest work, a conscientious mind, and a sincere heart. These are the three qualities that should rule over everything. Without them, you cannot find peace and harmony in life.

It is necessary to teach people to work, it is necessary to give them an education, but all this is not enough to eliminate moral ugliness in a person. In the process of educating a person, it is necessary to introduce the science of conscience. Scientists should take care of this. They should develop this theory as a discipline obligatory for everyone. From a young age, it is necessary to cultivate in people a sense of high decency and self-respect, which would help to overcome animal instincts in oneself and eradicate harmful lusts. Only then can one have hope for the correction of man and humanity.

(Shakarim Kudaiberdiev).

1) What structural parts of the argumentative text are there?

2) Think and answer the questions: 1. What does the text say? 2. Why does the text begin with questions? 3. Why do many people care about these problems? 4. What thoughts and ideas about improving the nature of people do the author mention? 5. Which point of view seems to the thinker the most reasonable? 3) What type of reasoning predominates in this text? 4) Make up questions of a problematic nature for the text. Answer them.

Task 6.

Write an essay-reasoning “My future profession" Start working by understanding the topic and selecting material for the main (key) questions: What is my future specialty? Which character traits should be inherent in a person who has such a profession? What time are we living in? Which of his contemporaries most clearly reflects the most characteristic features of a person of my profession? Draw appropriate conclusions. When creating text, adhere to the following scheme:

1) exposition (leading to a problematic issue);

2) a system of problematic questions and answers to them;

3) conclusions.

Use linguistic means characteristic of this type of speech (see table at the end of the paragraph).

Task 7.

Read the text. What type of monologue speech does it belong to? Title the text.

Happiness. How can I give them all happiness? How to make Helen happy? Is it really just the elements - who will be lucky in life? He meets some scoundrel - and his work is wasted, his hopes are dashed... No, it can’t be. We must teach her to be happy. You're kidding, brother. This cannot be taught. Can. You can’t completely save yourself from a scoundrel, but you can reduce the chances. And teach you how to persevere. What do you need?

Developing curiosity. Then he will be drawn to science and creativity. It is a great pleasure to search and suffer. Teach to work and achieve. Persistence. Then you won't miss your dream. There will be fatigue and joy of rest. More art. Books, theater, music... More communication. There are smart ones good people. Be able to find. Conversations with them are a pleasure. Don't be greedy for things.

And in fact, it turns out that it can be taught. (According to N. Amosov).

Task 8.

Compose a discussion on the topic “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

1) what is the reason that many people like to put things off (lack of a sense of duty, frivolity, hope that they can do something “in one sitting,” thirst for pleasure, reluctance to work, lack of will)?

2) what follows, what follows from the reasons that we indicate below (whoever puts off work doubles the burden of work; much that is not done on time is already irretrievably lost; deferred work is always done hastily, somehow; the mood is spoiled; lost trust of teachers, fellow students, superiors: do they reveal your weakness)?

There are two parts:

THESIS, that is, a statement that needs to be proven

Rationale and theses are usually linked by conjunctions because, since; the output is appended with words therefore, thus, therefore, therefore.




Why? What follows from this?

Texts (usually in scientific literature) in which EXPLAINED some phenomena REVEALING certain concepts.

Such texts answer the question what it is?

Typically this text starts with DEFINITIONS OF THE CONCEPT, which reveals its main features - one or two.

The remaining features, also essential, although not always mandatory, are communicated in the text that follows the logical definition. This part of the text in its structure is somewhat reminiscent of the description of the subject, BUT:

Description answers the question which subject?

Its goal is to recreate a visible, visually perceived image of a specific object.


A situation where you need to make a decision or answer questions WHAT TO BE? And WHAT TO DO?

Thinking through the answer, each of us seems to be talking to himself: he asks himself questions and answers them himself, goes through different options for answers - he accepts some, rejects others.

Actively used interrogative sentences. This can be a question-and-answer form of constructing a text, or a chain of questions of thought, or the so-called alternative questions, that is, questions with a dividing conjunction or, from which you need to choose only one.

Often there are words with the meaning of consequence, conclusion ( means, thus, therefore), as well as adversative conjunctions ( a, but, however), words Yes And No.

In all schools, as part of the program on Russian literature and language, students are asked to write an essay-argument. Examples that show what this work represents are numerous. Well, it's worth exploring this topic and talking about what principles you really should follow to write good

“Composition” of the essay

So, each essay has a three-part form. Everyone knows about this from early childhood. Introduction, main part, conclusion. In addition, each essay must have arguments, conclusions and statements.

And the first thing we should say is about the introduction, which should begin an essay-reasoning. Examples exist, there are many of them. But first, it’s worth giving a general description. The purpose of the introduction is to prepare the reader for the perception of further text. The first step is to note the relevance of this topic and ask a few questions. It might look like this: “Is the problem of fathers and children relevant now? You can definitely answer in the affirmative. Time passes, one generation replaces another. And that's the whole point. After all, the problem of fathers and children is a conflict of generations.” In principle, this introduction has everything - a question that sets the reader up for his own thoughts and search for an answer, an identified topic, and even a phrase similar to a quote. By the way, bright expressions can be used as a starting point. This is called an epigraph. By inserting a quote relevant to the topic at the beginning of the text, you can make your essay more interesting and original.

Types of reasoning

So, above it was shown how an essay-reasoning should begin. Examples could also be seen. And now - about what types of reasoning there are. The first is proof. And the purpose of an essay written in this spirit is to prove that the thesis expressed is the truth. It is important to use (thus, so, therefore, etc.), conjunctions (if, since, so that) and figures of speech (let's say, we can judge, suppose). By using the listed means you will be able to maintain the appropriate style.

Reasoning-explanation - here the task is to explain to the reader the essence and content of the text. There is no need to prove it. All you need to use in the writing process are organizing words and phrases that summarize the statement. “Therefore”, “thus”, “it turns out that”, “this is a consequence of the fact that...” - and in that spirit. In general, those words and expressions with the help of which conclusions are usually formed.

And finally, reasoning-reflection. It is built according to the scheme: explanation-proof. It provides various kinds of examples and indicates cause-and-effect relationships. You can write both in the first person and in a journalistic style - impersonally. The first option: “I think, I believe, in my opinion, I believe...”, etc. The second: “We can say with confidence, we should look into it, it is quite probable...”, etc.


What should be said further about the features of such work as an essay-reasoning? Examples of their different types were given above, but now - about the scheme for constructing sayings. Any reasoning is built on the following principle: a summary of the question - a statement (thesis) - its proof - a conclusion.

In reality, everything looks simpler. Leading to the question is the same introduction, topic. Thesis is a statement that the author makes throughout the text. He subsequently proves it. And the conclusion is at the end. Although it often appears in the text. Depends on how the author writes.


So, it was said above that the conclusion can be not only at the end of the text. What is meant? In order to understand this, you can give examples of essays-reasonings of the State Academic Academy 2014. So, here’s what it looks like: “Modern technologies are developing. This means our life becomes easier. All people now use technology and master various “new products”. But if adults are adapted to an ordinary life, not equipped with various new modern things, then children and adolescents are not. Why? They were born in the 21st century. Since childhood, they have been on the Internet, in phones, laptops, multicookers and microwaves. If the Internet suddenly goes out, and they need to do homework and look for definitions and solutions, then few people will think of looking in the house for an old Dictionary. And anyway, why do homework when any solution can be found on the Internet? In general, it would seem modern technologies They simplified life, but in reality this is not always beneficial.”

Here, in principle, is a clear example of how several evidence and conclusions can be found in a text.


This is something that no essay-reasoning can do without. Examples of GIA can be good proof of this. And this is understandable - after all, in any essay you need to make statements and statements. But the word is not an empty phrase, and it must be proven. With what? With arguments! Arguments, explanations, justifications - all this must be indicated as support for the text. In order for the argument to “fit” well into the text, it is recommended that each phrase in which it is planned to insert an explanation should begin like this: “The proof of this is.” Or you can use another phrase: “This proves that...”. In general, nothing complicated.


Above we talked about what an essay-reasoning is. How to write - there is also an example. Now the last thing remains. Talk about how to write an ending.

Many people have problems with this. In fact, the final part is what puts an end to all of the above. Accordingly, you need to complete your essay-reasoning as concisely and logically as possible. Unified State Exam examples are a clear recommendation. For example, an essay about one’s home can be completed like this: “A parent’s home is a place that will always greet us with special comfort and warmth. Everything here is familiar, everything here is native. It is in this place that each of us spends our carefree childhood years. And all the people who get back to their parents’ house have pleasant memories. At such moments, everyone can feel like a child again.”

Here, in principle, is how you can complete an argumentative essay. There is an example of how to write, but to come up with something on a different topic, you can simply be guided by the structure and pay attention to the style. It should be remembered: if there is no feeling of incompleteness of the text, then the conclusion is written correctly.

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