What types of syringes and needles are there? What are the types of syringes and injection needles? How are syringes made?

Injection (translated from Latin as “injection”) is the parenteral administration of drugs (the entry of drugs into the body, bypassing the digestive tract). To perform an injection, a syringe and an injection needle are required.

A syringe is an instrument in the form of a hollow graduated cylinder with a piston for pumping or suctioning liquids, introduced into the tissues and cavities of the body.

The injection needle is intended for administering drug solutions, drawing blood from a vein or artery, and blood transfusion. It is used together with a syringe, as well as with a system for transfusion of liquids or blood.

Single-use syringes and needles must be disposed of after a single use. Single use of an injection syringe and needle is regulated by written instructions and a special symbol International organization standardization (ISO), indicating non-reuse.

The volume (capacity) of syringes is determined by their purpose and ranges according to GOST from 1 to 50 ml. Syringes volume 0.3; 0.5 and 1.0 ml are used for precise administration of medications (tuberculin, insulin, standard allergen extracts) in small volumes - from 0.01 ml.

Components of a reusable syringe:

Cylinder (glass);

Needle cone (metal);

A piston that has a lock and a handle (made of metal).

Components of a single-use syringe:

Cylinder with finger rest;

Needle cone;

Piston with handle (all parts are made of polymer materials).

An injection needle is a narrow metal tube made of certain types of steel, one end of which is cut off and pointed - needle cut , and the other is tightly attached to the short coupling (cannula) for connection to a syringe or elastic tube. Reusable injection needles are made entirely of metal. Single-use injection needles have a plastic sleeve (cannula).

Basic parameters of the needle: length, diameter, sharpening angle. Needles come in various lengths (from 16 to 90 mm) and diameters (from 0.4 to 2 mm). The cutting angle of injection needles ranges from 15 to 45 degrees.

In the recent past, syringes were only reusable. They were subjected to mandatory sterilization. However, nowadays everything has changed. Manufacturers offer disposable syringes that have a wide range of applications, are reliable and convenient.

History of invention

Disposable syringes owe their origin to New Zealand veterinarian and pharmacist Colin Murdoch. During his life he received more than forty-five patents. However, Murdoch's most significant invention was the disposable medical syringe. As conceived by the veterinarian, the invention was intended to speed up and simplify the procedure for vaccinating animals. To do this, the medicine had to be sealed in the syringe in advance.

Somewhat later, he came up with the brilliant idea that by using disposable products in medical practice, the risk of infection transmission could be minimized. The production of disposable syringes on an industrial scale began in 1961.

Business idea

Currently, only disposable syringes are used for medical purposes. They are extremely necessary for diabetic patients. With their help, vaccinations are carried out, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intravenous injections are given.

However, seventy percent of this instrument, in demand in medical practice, is manufactured outside our country. Consequently, the cost of these products is much higher than that for which similar domestically produced products could be sold.

It is no secret that there is and will always be a demand for disposable syringes, because no one has yet replaced injections with anything. That is why the production of disposable syringes is a promising business idea. This business can generate good income.

Structure of syringes

In medical practice, injections, blood sampling, and suction of pathological contents from cavities are performed using a special instrument. It is a disposable syringe. In this case, according to their structure, two-component syringes are distinguished, consisting of a piston and a cylinder; three-piece tools, integral part of which (in addition to the piston and cylinder) is also a rubber tip lubricated with a special liquid, designed for smoother sliding along the cylinder.

Disposable syringes may differ in the location of the tip. For some medical instruments it is concentric or coaxial. This means it is located at the top center of the cylinder. Typically, this structure is typical for syringes with a volume of one to eleven milliliters. Injection instruments are produced with a lateral tip position (eccentric). Usually these are large-volume syringes (from twenty-two milliliters).

Disposable syringes may have different types of needle attachments. There is a distinction between luer, when the needle is simply put on top of the cylinder; luer-lock - the needle is screwed into the cylinder; and the permanent type, where the needle is integrated into the cylinder body.


Disposable syringes also differ in their volume. This allows them to be used for various purposes.

Disposable syringe sizes

Small volume - 0.3 and 0.5, as well as 1 milliliter. Such syringes are used in endocrinology (for insulin injections), in phthisiology (tuberculin syringes), as well as in neonatology (for taking intradermal allergy samples, as well as vaccination).

Standard volumes are 2, 3, 5 and 10, as well as 20 milliliters. As a rule, such syringes serve as a medical instrument when performing intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intravenous injections.

Large volume - 30, 50, 60 and 100 milliliters. Such syringes are necessary for carrying out procedures for suctioning liquids, as well as for washing cavities and introducing substances.

Choosing a direction of activity

The production of disposable syringes equipped with an injection needle will require the purchase of a large amount of expensive equipment. Let's assume that you are starting your business practically from scratch. With this scenario, it will take about a billion rubles to open a syringe production plant. This is an impressive amount.

Some syringe manufacturers have opened lines to create this medical instrument without a needle. This allowed us to reduce the amount of initial investment. Only after the business was established did they begin to produce the full set. Some entrepreneurs take a slightly different path. They purchase imported needles for a complete set.

What will you do? It all depends on financial capabilities. It is possible to organize the production of disposable syringes in eleven to twelve months. During this period, it will be necessary to purchase equipment, train personnel, etc.

Technological process

The production of disposable syringes will require a special facility. First of all, there must be a line dedicated to the production of the piston and cylinder. At the production site it is also necessary to fence off warehouses for receiving and storing raw materials.

To make pistons and cylinders you will need polypropylene or polyethylene. Parts of disposable syringes are produced by casting. To implement this process, you will need special machines equipped with molds.

The technology for making disposable syringes is simple. First of all, raw materials are poured into a special bunker. After this, the machine melts the mass and forms the required parts of the product. After cooling, using the silk-screen or offset printing method, a measuring scale is applied to the cylinders. At the next stage, tips are put on the pistons and connected to the cylinders. The syringe is ready. It is sterilized and packaged in blisters.

Necessary equipment

Syringe production lines must consist of a specific set of machines. Among them are the following.

Injection molding machine. This is a machine designed for casting, the cost of which is one hundred and fifty thousand (if purchasing previously used equipment), or one to two million rubles (new equipment).

Molds, the purchase of which will require from two hundred to five hundred thousand rubles.

A machine designed for cooling (50-250 thousand rubles).

Vacuum forming or pneumatic forming machine designed for packaging finished products (60-90 thousand rubles).

Offset printing machine (approximately three hundred thousand rubles).

A machine used to assemble disposable syringes, with a capacity of up to 24,000 units per hour (from one million rubles).

Sterilizer (about one million rubles).

Thus, equipment for the production of syringes will cost approximately four million rubles.

Purchase of raw materials

The production of disposable syringes will require the purchase of the following materials:

Polypropylene (from 30 to 75 rubles per kilogram). In order to produce three million syringes per month, six to seven tons of this raw material will be required. The costs will be about four hundred thousand rubles.

Silicone or rubber for piston cuffs (from two hundred and forty rubles per kilogram).

Printing inks (three to four tons per month).

Selection of premises and required staff

Production areas intended for the production of disposable syringes must be at least two to five thousand square meters. A certain ceiling height must be maintained. It must be at least six meters. The width of the spans will also need to be observed (at least 12 meters). The building must be equipped with a network of utilities and located no further than five hundred meters from residential buildings.

It is necessary to place two operators and three workers in the area where raw materials are prepared. The technological process of an automatic casting line must be monitored by two craftsmen. One or two operators will need to be taken to the area where the scale will be applied. One staff member should be located in the packaging, sterilization and quality control areas. A finished goods warehouse will require five to ten workers.

Required documents

The product you produce must be tested by Rospotrebnadzor, where a certificate of conformity will be issued for it. The necessary characteristics of syringes, as well as their test methods, are described in GOST R ISO 7886-4-2009.

Disposable syringes. Syringes were first invented in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. The syringe was invented by two people at the same time. Nowadays, not a single doctor or patient can do without a syringe. Using a syringe, you can collect blood, administer medications, and give various vaccinations. There are a large variety of disposable syringes. Two-piece syringes consist of a piston and a barrel. And three-component ones are distinguished by a soft piston. Three-component syringes are used more often in medicine. They are used by anesthesiologists, medical aid doctors, and therapists. They vary in size and connection to the needle.

Syringe sizes and their classifications:

From 0 to 1 ml. – used for precise administration of drugs in small volumes.

From 2 to 20 ml. – they are most often used for subcutaneous infections, also for intramuscular and intravenous.

From 30 to 100 ml. – connect them to catheter nozzles. They are very popular in medicine.

Syringes are also distinguished by connection type:

Luer, Luer Lock, Catheter, Integrated needle.

Luer connection - In this connection, the needle is placed on the syringe. Such compounds are used throughout medicine.

Luer Lock connection - with this connection the needle is simply screwed into the syringe. This connection is especially used when drugs are administered under the periosteum. Also when drawing blood. It is used by anesthesiologists, oncologists, and non-atologists. Also if you need to administer the medicine slowly, but over a long period of time.

Cathetor connection – these connections are very good. They are good for administering medications through catheters.

Integrated needle – this needle cannot be removed. It is inserted into the very center of the cylinder. When drugs are administered, their loss is minimal.

Insulin syringes – these syringes are intended for individual use. Medicines do not leak from such syringes.

Auto-disable syringes are invented for large injections. Injection needles are very sharp. They are reliable to use. Safe. The range of such needles is varied. Also, needles can be selected by age, gender, and body weight.

Insulin syringe. In such syringes the needles are fixed. They have a simply large assortment. Transparent cylinder. The scale is not erased. That is, you can always see the volume of blood or medication collected. The piston is rubber and thanks to this the medicine is administered smoothly. Without providing pain to the patient. The needle is the most important part in the syringe. These sharp needles have a triangular point. Thanks to this, the skin is pierced painlessly. The needles are made of high quality surgical steel. Their thickness is minimal, but they are very durable. There is a thin layer of silicone on top of the needle, this contributes to minimal friction between the tissue and the needle.

Several advantages of such syringes:

  • Thanks to the latex-free piston, no allergies are caused.
  • This syringe is specially designed for younger people.
  • It is good for pregnant women to use, because the thin needle will not cause harm.

Insulin plastic syringes can be used for approximately two days. In this case, the syringes should be covered with a cap. But after four or five injections, the needle becomes a little dull and you should no longer use them. Before administering the medicine, you must shake it so that no sediment remains.

If you have mixed the insulins correctly, then the dose you choose will have an even effect on glucose. First, the shortest-acting insulin is drawn into the syringe. Then mix it with intermediate-acting insulin. Afterwards you need to wait fifteen seconds. In order for insulin to accurately enter the skin. After this, you need to pull out the needle.

For the parenteral method of drug administration, syringes of the Record and Luer type (reusable and disposable) are used. The syringe consists of a hollow cylinder with a scale, a needle cone, a piston with a rod and a handle.

There are various types of reusable syringes(Fig.2):

· Fig. 2a - “Record” syringe. It has a glass cylinder, the output end of which is closed by a metal tip with a needle cone. At the other end of the cylinder there is the same metal rim made of stainless steel. The piston has the form of a short metal cylinder into which a metal rod with a flat handle is screwed.

· Rice. 2b - Luer syringe. All parts of this syringe are made of glass.

· Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d - tuberculin syringe and insulin syringe (combined). Available in 1.0 ml capacity.

· Fig.2d - combination syringe. This type of syringe is characterized by the presence of a tip with a cone made of metal; other parts of the syringe are made of glass.

· Fig. 2e - Janet syringe (syringe for rinsing cavities). Mainly used in urology and gynecology.

· syringe for single use in sealed packaging

a syringe tube filled with a medicinal substance

needleless injectors

The choice of syringe for injection depends on the type of injection and the amount of drug administered:

· for intravenous injections, syringes with a volume of 0.5-1.0 ml are used. (for example, tuberculin)

· for subcutaneous injections - 0.5-2.0 ml

· for IM injections - 2.0-10.0 ml

· for intravenous injections - 10.0-20.0 ml

Syringes are available in capacities/volumes of 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml, 2.0 ml, 5.0 ml, 10.0 ml, 20.0 ml.

rice. 2a Fig. 2b Fig. 2c Fig. 2d fig. 2d

Rice. 2. Types of syringes

injection needle- a hollow, narrow metal tube made of stainless steel. One end is obliquely cut and pointed for better penetration, and the other ends with a head (cannula) for connection to a syringe or elastic tube. Depending on the purpose, medical needles are divided into injection, puncture-biopsy and surgical. Injection needles are intended for administering drug solutions, drawing blood from a vein or artery, and blood transfusion. The outer diameter of the needle ranges from 0.4 to 2 mm, length - from 16 to 150 mm. The needle number corresponds to its size (for example, No. 0840 means that the needle diameter is 0.8 mm, length is 40 mm).

The following types of needles are distinguished: reusable:

Needle 15 mm long and 0.4 mm cross-section - for intravenous injections (0415)

Needle 20 mm long and 0.4-0.6 mm cross-section - for subcutaneous injections (0420)

Needle 40 mm long and 0.8 mm cross-section - for intravenous injections (0840)

Needle 40-60 mm long and 0.8-1 mm cross-section - for IM injections (1060)

The choice of needle diameter also depends on the consistency of the administered medicinal substance. For example, a Dufault needle is used for long-term transfusions of viscous liquids and blood, needles with a finger rest are intended for intradermal injections, and needles with a safety bead are used to limit the depth of insertion.

Currently mainly used disposable syringes and needles both Russian and foreign manufacturing companies. Their use dramatically reduces the risk of infectious complications, they are convenient and do not require prior sterilization.

Types of injection needles disposable

Type of injection Needle diameter (mm) Needle length(mm) Cannula color Manufacturer
Intradermal (i.c.) Subcutaneous (s.c.) 0.33-0.5 - (insulin - s/c, tuberculin - i/c); 0.4 - 0.66 -s/c 12.0; 16.0 (subcutaneous insulin, intradermal tuberculin) 25.0; Colorless, orange, blue (Russian); gray, brown, purple, blue (imported)
Intramuscular (i.m.) 0,7; 0,8; 0,9 0,6 - 0,7 1,1 - 1,5 38.0 - 40.0; 50.0; 60.0; 70.0 - with excess body weight 30.0 - 32.0 - in the thigh; 30.0 - 40.0 - for viscous solutions Greens (Russian); black, green, yellow (imported)
Intravenous (IV) 0,8 1,5 38.0 - 40.0 38.0 - 40.0 - for taking donor blood Green, red

Disposable syringes are divided into two large groups: two-component and three-component.

Three-component syringes Disposable needles

Two-component syringe consists of two parts: a cylinder and a piston, three-component syringe consists of three parts: a cylinder, a rubber piston and a plunger (piston pusher). Two-component disposable syringes are most often used in medical practice for subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections. These syringes have standard volumes - 2, 5, 10 and 20 ml. Three-component disposable syringes come in various sizes and with different types of connection to the needle:

- Small volume syringes (0.3, 0.5 and 1 ml) used for precise administration of drugs in small volumes. They are used in endocrinology (insulin syringes - for subcutaneous administration of insulin), phthisiology (tuberculin syringes - for intradermal administration of tuberculin), neonatology, as well as for conducting allergy intradermal tests.

- Standard volume syringes (2, 5, 10 and 20 ml) with Luer connection, Luer-Lock is used in all areas of medicine for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous and other injections (anesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medical services, disaster medicine). The Luer-Lock connection (a needle is screwed into a syringe) is especially valuable when introducing drugs into dense tissues (under the perichondrium, under the periosteum), when collecting biological material, as well as when administering drugs using infusion pumps (perfusers, infusion pumps). Such devices are used in anesthesiology, intensive care, oncology, neonatology, when slow dosed administration of drugs in small volumes over several hours or days is necessary.

- Large volume syringes (30, 50/60, 100 ml) with a Luer connection, Luer-Loki with a catheter end are very widely used in various fields of medicine: 50/60 and 100 ml syringes with a catheter type connection (Janet type) are convenient for feeding through a tube (in surgery, neurology, pediatrics) , as well as for administering medications and solutions through catheters (urinary catheter, pleural drainage, washing abscesses and cavities). Syringes with a volume of 30 and 50 ml with a Luer connection are convenient when intravenous administration of drugs in large dilutions is necessary.

- Light protection syringes are intended for the administration of drugs that are destroyed when exposed to light.

There are two main types of syringes and injection needles for them. A syringe is a simple pump designed for injection and suction. Historically, syringes of the “Record” type (assembled from metal parts and a glass cylinder) and syringes of the “Luer” type (previously made entirely of glass, now made of plastic) have been produced. Syringes, made of glass and metal, are designed for repeated use; they are sterilized. Plastic syringes are manufactured and sterilized in the factory, are used once and are not subject to repeated sterilization. Syringes of the "Record" type and the "Luer" type differ in the shape of the cannula - a sub-needle cone. The consequence of this is that the needle for the Record syringe does not fit the Luer-type syringe and vice versa. Disposable syringes are packaged in sterile packaging along with an injection needle.

Syringes are manufactured in various capacities - 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 ml. Twenty-milliliter syringes are intended for intravenous infusions. One-milliliter syringes are used to administer insulin or tuberculin and have special graduations. Injection needles are also available in various sizes, differing both in the length of the hollow metal tube, and in its diameter and the angle of the needle cut. Disposable plastic syringes are predominantly used.

Rice. 21. Needles for injections, infusions, transfusions: A- injection needle (1 - needle tube, 2 - needle head, 3 - mandrin, 4 - dagger sharpening, 5 - spear sharpening, b - needle cut angle); b- needle with stop for intradermal injections; V- needle with safety bead; G- a needle with side holes for air release;

d- attachment to an injection needle for connection to blood transfusion systems, etc.; e- transition cannula for injection needles; and- Dufault needle for blood transfusion; h- a needle for drawing blood.

· Needles for intradermal injections: 0410, 0415, No. 25-27 (0.9-1 cm) needle cut 5 0 .

· Needles for hypodermic injections: 0420, 0425, 0430, No. 25-27 (0.9-1.6 cm), 0620 – needle cut 3 0 .

· Needles for intramuscular injections: 0640, 0860, 0840, 1060, No. 23-25 ​​(1.6-2.5 cm - for small muscles), No. 18-25 for adults - 2.5-3.8 cm.

· Needles for intravenous injections: 0440, 0840, 0860, needle cut 45 0 .

· Needles for blood transfusion and blood testing: 0860, 0840.

· Needles for insulin injection: 0410, 0415, 0420, 0430, 0440 (depending on the method of administration).

The first two digits indicate the diameter of the internal lumen of the needle in mm, increased by 10 times, the next two digits indicate the length of the needle in mm.

Needles for single-use syringes have colored cannulas.

Rice. 22. Needles for single use

· Needles for hypodermic injection – blue;

· Needles for intramuscular injection – green;

· Needles for intravenous administration – pink;

· Needles for intradermal injection – beige.

Types of syringes

According to their purpose, the following types of syringes are distinguished:

I. Single and multiple use.

II. By volume: 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml.

III. By purpose:

· for administering insulin;

for the administration of heparin;


· for washing cavities, feeding - Janet syringe;

· injection.

Fig.23. Disposable syringe device

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